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The Forum > Article Comments > Closing Manus Island's detention centre: the search for alternative cruelties > Comments

Closing Manus Island's detention centre: the search for alternative cruelties : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 22/8/2016

The persistent, gruesome alibi in this awful mess has been the good Samaritan nonsense of preventing asylum seekers and refugees from drowning on route to Australia.

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The root of this cruelty is in signing the refugee-convention.
The solution to stop this cruelty is to withdraw from this cruel convention.

If you have compassion, then you don't need any convention to express it.
And as we can all see, if you don't have compassion, then you can circumvent the convention anyway!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 22 August 2016 9:09:13 AM
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Real cruelty would be to make the illegals learn English, then force them to read the garbage this bloke writes.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 22 August 2016 9:27:22 AM
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Yes. Close down all detention centres, but never allow anybody to reach Australia illegally. Turn the boats back, no matter what. We don't want these people, and we shouldn't be paying to house and feed them anywhere.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 22 August 2016 10:19:34 AM
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Here is another issue like gay marriage, which has allowed the debater to become one based almost entirely on the emotive.

On another thread I attemted, (and failed), to illustrate this point, by introducing into the argument, the stark difference in the character of the illegal arrivals.
I am totally in favour of Australia accepting in a humane way, genuine refugees who are fleeing for their lives, with whatever could be salvaged from their tortured past life.
That to me is genuine on both sides of the coin: And as an example of a genuine refugee, I offered the example of the Rohinga of Burma, stateless and persecuted.
Disenfranchised of citizenship in a country they have legally called home for well over a hundred years. The genuine!

What I do not accept is an economic (so called), freeloader, a cancerous group of villains. In this group of freeloaders, are homosexuals escaping what they describe as persecution of Islam, which prohibits such acts of debauchery, and correctly so. Australia needs less of this character type, not more!

So, as a result of conformity to my own definition of refugee, I believe the group which are secured in detention centres, are predominantly not refugees in the real sense.
I support wholeheartedly, Australia's decision to intern this group with no prospect of further travel towards Australian shores.

What happens next, should be based on holding this group firmly from our shores, and on this score I laud the LNP.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 22 August 2016 10:20:08 AM
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Binoy Kampmark: Colin Barnett, has broken ranks with the Fortress Australia mentality. With regards "families, as long as they don't present a security risk or safety risk, I do welcome them being in Australia."

Well, there’s the proviso, eh. “, as long as they don't present a security risk or safety risk,”

Just what is considered a Security or Safety Risk;

Being a muslem; Security &Safety Risk.
Mentally Ill; Security & Safety Risk, Double if the person is moslem.
Rapists; Anyone who has Raped or attempted to Rape a Man, Woman or Child whilst in Detention.
Violence; Anyone who has been involved in any disturbance whilst in Detention against any fellow Detainee or Prison Guard whilst in Detention.
Destruction of Property; Any Detainee who has been involved in the Destruction of any Property in, on or about the Detention Centre.
False Pretences; Lying or Falsely Reporting Incidences to gain entry to Australia by False Pretences.
Asylum; Has been offered Asylum in a Country other than Australia but refuses to take advantage of that offer.

Why doesn't the UNCHR intervene in Australia's Detention Centres?

The Australian Detention Camps are purely an Australian attempt to deal with Illegal Immigrants coming to Australia claiming to be Asylum Seekers.

The UNCHR should be responsible for the setting up, running & maintenance of these Camps. They refuse to do so because the UNCHR recognizes that once the person has left the Refugee Camp setup by the UNCHR they are no longer considered by the UNCHR to be Refugees as per the UNCHR Definition.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 22 August 2016 11:16:05 AM
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Its a pity Binoy was not concerned about the millions of displaced people wanting to come here legally but can't afford to cross many countries and pay people smugglers.
Posted by runner, Monday, 22 August 2016 11:34:10 AM
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