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Comment History for Yuyutsu

The Forum > User Index > Yuyutsu > Comment History

» 3/10/2024 3:29:05 PM It will be wiser for Israel not to attack Iran at this stage, but leave them in a long sus.....
» 3/10/2024 11:21:36 AM I agree with the article 100%. There will eventually come a time when even gold will be p.....
» 3/10/2024 8:35:55 AM Dear Paul, A king once went out to his garden and saw his jester running all over with a .....
» 2/10/2024 10:16:20 PM Dear Critic, My family was not planning on a holiday at this time, but I know others in I.....
» 2/10/2024 5:13:06 PM Dear Critic, «A lot of missiles got through.» There is no indication of "A lot".....
» 2/10/2024 12:00:22 AM The so-called "Palestinians" do not want national independence: that claim is me.....
» 1/10/2024 7:14:33 AM Dear Fester, «The Bill might even violate article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human.....
» 1/10/2024 12:50:45 AM I just read a bit of this bill. Government claims to have three aims for the proposed law.....
» 30/09/2024 11:14:39 PM Dear Critic, Yes, Nasrallah got a taste of how Netanyahu tricks the Israelis all the time.....
» 30/09/2024 3:08:17 PM I have no answer, Foxy, Will the fish let go of the bait? In 1967, Israel took that bait.....
» 30/09/2024 12:46:45 PM Dear Critic, «if you force people to live in subjugation well you end up getting what you.....
» 29/09/2024 12:50:21 PM Dear Ttbn, «No one should have expected anything else from a far Left government intent o.....
» 29/09/2024 12:05:25 PM Dear critic, «There's no reason why America can't take a seat at the table if it chooses,.....
» 28/09/2024 9:46:28 PM [...continued] I use these soft plastic bags to carry my music, not for shopping: For sho.....
» 28/09/2024 9:46:24 PM Dear John, Physical violence and coercion are only two forms of violence. There are also .....
» 27/09/2024 4:41:39 PM [...continued] If you can find me a way to govern large societies without disturbing othe.....
» 27/09/2024 4:41:35 PM Dear John, This morning around 5:30am, as commonly lately, I was violently woken by a nei.....
» 27/09/2024 2:08:04 PM Dear Critic, «I'll give it about a week tops before the whole country starts coming apart.....
» 26/09/2024 8:42:51 PM [...continued] What I asked you was, that if you choose a violent path (and I think that .....
» 26/09/2024 8:42:47 PM Dear John, Even after my long post explaining that I said nothing about adaptation (of la.....
» 25/09/2024 11:54:12 PM Islam is different things for different people. For some, it is even different things at d.....
» 25/09/2024 11:48:13 PM Anything that can change, is not ourselves! Anything that can be defined, can change!.....
» 25/09/2024 10:48:37 PM [...continued] «or ensuring social order» Within a society I never got to freely choose?.....
» 25/09/2024 10:48:32 PM Dear John, «Your insistence on dismissing governance as inherently violent» Non-violent .....
» 25/09/2024 2:23:43 PM [...continued] What I was trying [unsuccessfully] to convey to you was that if, as you sa.....
» 25/09/2024 2:23:40 PM Dear John, Your last posts showed me again what a poor communicator I am. When others do.....
» 24/09/2024 11:27:10 PM Dear Rhian, «Mostly, I agree with his concluding paragraph, especially “neither side will.....
» 24/09/2024 1:42:13 PM Dear Indyvidual, Yours is an excellent question, but I will refrain from descending into .....
» 24/09/2024 2:08:58 AM Dear Critic, «I thought some of the territory along the northern border with Lebanon was .....
» 24/09/2024 1:44:14 AM [...continued] «you enjoy the freedom to criticise governance, something that wouldn't ex.....
» 24/09/2024 1:44:11 AM Dear John, Thank you for your big effort: It was a nice try, mostly off the mark, yet it .....
» 23/09/2024 6:05:28 PM Dear John, Why look for practical governance when you already have it and held it firmly .....
» 23/09/2024 2:57:23 PM I am disappointed at this shallow article. Assuming only two homogenic parties to this co.....
» 23/09/2024 1:24:58 PM Dear Critic, I sadly have to agree with most of your analysis, except that: * Northern I.....
» 23/09/2024 10:14:39 AM Dear Ttbn, The whole concept of a census is pure evil, so much that even the Bible forbad.....
» 23/09/2024 1:03:17 AM [...continued] «but laws exist precisely to minimise suffering.» That may be the intenti.....
» 23/09/2024 1:00:37 AM [...continued] «but laws exist precisely to minimise suffering.» That may be the intenti.....
» 23/09/2024 1:00:34 AM Dear John, «It sounds like you’re dismissing rationality outright because of it's based o.....
» 22/09/2024 6:42:39 PM [...continued] That fear which governments instil in their subjects, is NOT IN MY NAME. I.....
» 22/09/2024 6:42:36 PM Dear John, «My point was that the world just isn’t that exciting.» A new topic then, OK,.....
» 22/09/2024 10:37:17 AM Dear John, «So, telling me that you are like everyone else in that regard is rather point.....
» 21/09/2024 10:39:35 PM Dear Critic, «What makes you think Putin and Netanyahu are mates right now?» I am not pr.....
» 21/09/2024 10:06:13 PM Dear John, «but the real world really isn’t as exciting as you might think.» I am indeed.....
» 20/09/2024 5:25:55 PM [...continued] «But then I got out into the real world and realised that it was far more .....
» 20/09/2024 5:25:46 PM Dear John, «“Protecting our safety” (that's a strange way to word it) is half a governmen.....
» 20/09/2024 1:56:14 PM Netanyahu got what he wanted - there will be no cease-fire, these hostages which give him .....
» 20/09/2024 1:15:55 PM The bottom line - government wants more tools which it could use to quash any rebellions. .....
» 17/09/2024 5:03:24 PM Dear Bezz, «Such a situation would be an absolute gift to government. That makes no diff.....
» 16/09/2024 4:28:46 PM Dear Foxy, «The Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland explained that "Misinfo.....
» 16/09/2024 2:52:59 PM Dear Foxy, Ignoring your quarrel with Ttbn, I come back to your first post and take most .....
» 16/09/2024 12:43:56 PM Well, predators do what predators do, we should not feel surprised. Whoever created such .....
» 13/09/2024 7:18:53 AM Dear Indyvidual, «the new type are Nation wreckers» I cannot tell whether that is correc.....
» 12/09/2024 3:09:31 PM Too many different issues bundled together: "yet still missing out on, access to aff.....
» 11/09/2024 7:01:54 AM Dear Critic, Yes it is a total mess. Frustrated Israelis may feel tempted to blow every .....
» 10/09/2024 6:41:22 PM Thank you Paul, «p/s I do enjoy our exchanges, but I don't wish anyone dead, not you, not.....
» 10/09/2024 6:23:16 PM Dear John, «The list is seemingly endless, but it always stops short of evidence» Politi.....
» 10/09/2024 6:01:26 PM Dear Critic, «laws should be passed to potentially prosecute Australian citizens like me......
» 10/09/2024 1:55:51 PM From the perspective of tangible curing results, the performance of both medical doctors a.....
» 10/09/2024 1:00:08 PM Dear John, I have a busy life and so I need more time to properly respond to your most in.....
» 10/09/2024 1:31:17 AM Dear Foxy, «Each of us follow what we choose to believe in.» These are only jokes - I do.....
» 9/09/2024 11:13:11 PM Dear Paul, «You posted; "If no cache is allowed" what is this cache? a collecti.....
» 9/09/2024 4:28:52 PM Dear Paul, Two posts before your previous post I wrote to Ttbn that if cash is prohibited.....
» 9/09/2024 2:29:51 PM «We both know this would be irrational» Of course, but one counter-example is sufficient .....
» 9/09/2024 11:17:43 AM Dear Foxy, It goes (for all three, the man, the Rabbi and God): "I sent my son to Is.....
» 9/09/2024 10:43:53 AM Dear Foxy, Exchanging humour with Jewish humour: As you probably know, during the Middle.....
» 9/09/2024 9:47:02 AM Dear Paul, Thank you for wishing me dead......
» 9/09/2024 9:40:21 AM Dear Critic, Just that you do not understand me wrongly, it is not that I support a royal.....
» 9/09/2024 12:23:18 AM [...continued] «No, global warming was still the consensus and was still backed by a weal.....
» 9/09/2024 12:23:15 AM Dear John, «Yes, they do. But they’re not rejecting it because its origins are morally re.....
» 8/09/2024 5:23:58 PM Dear Ttbn, «You will not die in a ditch: you will continue dying slowly as the screws are.....
» 8/09/2024 5:04:59 PM Dear Foxy, Yes, gender is a personal choice and I fully accept those people who say that .....
» 8/09/2024 2:03:10 PM Dear Foxy, «In the United States... This proposal would eliminate the very idea of a tran.....
» 8/09/2024 12:08:52 AM Dear Ttbn, A prohibition of cash will certainly bring us much faster completely under the.....
» 7/09/2024 11:49:29 PM Dear John, «we can’t reject knowledge or technology based purely on their origins if thos.....
» 7/09/2024 9:58:34 PM Dear Ttbn, «People might be OK with a "cashless society", but 95% of them want .....
» 7/09/2024 9:53:29 PM Dear Foxy, «That's why I said that we shall have to agree to disagree on this subject.» .....
» 6/09/2024 4:07:06 PM Dear John, «Global trade and religious and cultural tolerance can be traced back to the a.....
» 6/09/2024 3:27:25 PM Dear Foxy, «And, I do not wish to argue with your logic.» Nor are you required to argue,.....
» 6/09/2024 8:13:50 AM Dear John, «yet you do this on a device that we wouldn’t have if it weren’t for a company.....
» 6/09/2024 7:03:17 AM Dear Foxy, «We're going to have to agree to disagree on this issue.» This discussion is .....
» 5/09/2024 8:13:30 PM Dear John, «How about “naturally replenishing energy”?» Well the energy itself is not re.....
» 5/09/2024 6:07:50 PM Dear Foxy, «The topic being discussed is gender identity.» So I am right on the topic th.....
» 5/09/2024 3:52:12 PM Dear John, First, I am surprised that a scientist like yourself would use such unscientif.....
» 5/09/2024 2:32:56 PM Dear Foxy, In my previous response to you I was not speaking of sex and/or gender at all......
» 4/09/2024 10:26:58 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, A computer can be programmed to do everything it does without the need f.....
» 4/09/2024 10:15:07 PM Dear John, «What are these “scary” effects you speak of» Well the article already mentio.....
» 4/09/2024 5:38:43 PM It is unlikely that governments deliberately use "Net Zero" as a means to oppres.....
» 4/09/2024 5:28:41 PM Dear Foxy, «Every single person deserves to be treated equally regardless of their biolog.....
» 4/09/2024 3:05:54 PM Dear Foxy, Firstly, I have no problem with the idea that God also made Adam and Steve and.....
» 4/09/2024 1:59:58 PM Dear foxy, I have no issue with the difference between sex and gender which you mentioned.....
» 4/09/2024 12:12:27 PM [...continued] «Regarding gender identity?» Just drop the word "identity", the.....
» 4/09/2024 12:12:24 PM Dear Foxy, «Our identities are made up of many parts.» Things like our culture, sexualit.....
» 3/09/2024 5:45:45 PM Dear Critic, «If I was an Israeli hostage, the last thing I'd want is to be 'rescued' by .....
» 3/09/2024 5:40:08 PM Everyone, please refrain from referring to gender and/or sexuality as "identity".....
» 3/09/2024 7:05:09 AM Dear Paul, The 6 bodies were found with bullet wounds, all to the head and some to other .....
» 2/09/2024 10:44:56 PM Dear Critic, The 6 hostages were shot at by their captors a day or two before the IDF arr.....
» 2/09/2024 5:45:29 PM Dear Ispo Fatso, Indeed, I see no conflict between religion and natural variation. I am .....
» 2/09/2024 3:46:52 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, Great post and I agree - thank you! The problem is only when this natur.....
» 30/08/2024 4:10:37 PM Dear Foxy, One may have a gender, and one may even like it very much, but no one can have.....
» 30/08/2024 3:32:10 PM Dear Foxy, «Self-determined gender is a cornerstone of a person's identity.» I have no p.....
» 30/08/2024 1:15:39 PM Dear Foxy, «Legally recognizing their right to be who they really are is only fair.» But.....
» 28/08/2024 3:09:59 PM Dear Ttbn, «We have to accept that there are very few irrational people who feel that the.....
» 28/08/2024 8:42:08 AM Dear Bezz, Why of all the thousands of cruel impositions that the state and its laws plac.....
» 25/08/2024 5:27:08 PM Dear Paul, Your 4 question have more than one set of answers: I can assure you that these.....
» 24/08/2024 10:42:58 PM Dear Paul, «I do recall you wanting 97% of humans exterminated» Your recollection is ina.....
» 23/08/2024 7:00:53 AM Dear Paul, It is the responsibility of young and old the like, to stop this uncontrolled .....
» 23/08/2024 12:14:39 AM Dear Paul, «What is better, plant the seed and water it, watch it grow into a healthy tre.....
» 22/08/2024 7:43:38 PM Yea, pay to institutionalise children and make them used to incarceration from an earlier .....
» 22/08/2024 7:26:59 PM Dear Critic, «Colombia’s coal embargo on Israel is a model to follow» I see you would li.....
» 22/08/2024 11:58:33 AM Doesn't the author have any compassion for the Iranian people who are being hostages and s.....
» 19/08/2024 11:53:50 AM Dear Indyvidual, There is probably no better way to describe this war than a Jewish circu.....
» 17/08/2024 11:25:41 PM Dear Bazz, Please study your ancient history, because it would be embarrassing if I need .....
» 9/08/2024 11:05:56 AM Dear Critic, To claim that Netanyahu wants a regional war, gives him too much credit. De.....
» 8/08/2024 9:17:19 PM This time I have to disagree with the author which I otherwise appreciate: "The answ.....
» 7/08/2024 9:01:22 PM Dear Dan, «The problem for Israel is the lost memory of almost two thousand years since B.....
» 7/08/2024 6:51:48 PM Dear Critic, «A/ Bad things done by Israelis for which they will be punished in the next .....
» 6/08/2024 4:08:04 PM Dear Indivudual, «Look at the parallels with 1930's Germany.» What exactly did German Je.....
» 6/08/2024 3:28:33 PM Dear Critic, «It happened outside the Rotherham Hotel a few weeks back before the stabbin.....
» 5/08/2024 10:22:29 PM Dear Indyvidual, «The Jews probably start to understand why they were targeted almost a C.....
» 4/08/2024 9:55:59 AM Dear Paul, Yours is a practical approach, rather than academic. So long as it works for .....
» 1/08/2024 8:37:07 AM Dear Paul, «I'm not in favour of capital punishment,» And I am not in favour of any puni.....
» 1/08/2024 6:05:10 AM Dear Paul, «If we abolish non productive Aged Welfare and introduce a Seniors National Se.....
» 31/07/2024 11:03:44 PM Dear Critic, «I still don't know.» You don't even know your own criteria for what God mu.....
» 31/07/2024 10:54:56 PM Dear Critic, «1. Should we consider that Israels use of rape is standard in war» No. It .....
» 30/07/2024 1:47:36 PM Dear Dan, «his standard a rainbow flag» Yesterday, 9 Israeli soldiers who guarded a pris.....
» 29/07/2024 10:37:01 PM Dear Nathan, «Why can't I buy directly from the producer - why am I forced to go through .....
» 29/07/2024 1:31:02 AM Dear Critic, «I don't know.» But do you at least know what it is that you do not know? .....
» 27/07/2024 9:11:25 PM The existence of any "renewable energy" goes counter to the laws of thermodynami.....
» 27/07/2024 8:47:25 PM Dear Paul, Are you interested in a serious answer, or just popular ones? --- Dear Foxy,.....
» 25/07/2024 6:37:25 PM Dear John, I understand, because I was also born into that scientific elite, the infallib.....
» 25/07/2024 6:28:10 PM Dear Maverick, Interesting, so what should Israel do - nuke the West-Bank settlers, or nu.....
» 24/07/2024 11:04:11 PM Dear Dan, «and on the grounds of continuous settlement by Jews over four thousand years.......
» 24/07/2024 5:19:13 PM My concern about these internet-related companies, is not what if they fail and crash, but.....
» 24/07/2024 1:19:17 PM Better late than never. --- Just a couple of corrections: 1) Jerusalem has always been .....
» 23/07/2024 12:12:06 AM Dear Bezza, «That article is correct in that if you have a windows computer and do not us.....
» 22/07/2024 11:54:53 PM Dear Rhian, Yes, some species can be dangerous, so caution is reasonable. Self-defence is.....
» 22/07/2024 10:48:24 AM Our lives are shaped and dictated by the forces of the past, yet not the historical past t.....
» 22/07/2024 10:26:01 AM Dear Indyvidual, «Were there immigration officers with more commitment to their jobs,» I.....
» 21/07/2024 11:20:16 PM Dear David f, Please accept my sincere condolences for Marie. I am glad that you want to .....
» 21/07/2024 10:26:39 PM Dear Rhian, Granted - people who wish to join a society need to respect its culture and v.....
» 21/07/2024 10:20:08 AM Dear Indyvidual, «That's why we need immigration officers working for Australia instead o.....
» 21/07/2024 12:11:52 AM David f - Blessed be He who revives the dead! I have been missing you and hope your are w.....
» 20/07/2024 11:45:43 PM Dear Bezza, CroudStrike does not affect home personal computers - only the computers of l.....
» 20/07/2024 9:28:57 PM Dear Rhian, «Ps – I have forgotten how to insert web addresses as hyperlinks on OLO – can.....
» 20/07/2024 9:16:16 PM Dear Graham, «There is archeaological evidence of Hebrew occupation of Israel and Judea g.....
» 19/07/2024 4:34:35 PM Dear John, There is no conflict between us - you are speaking of how the practice of scie.....
» 19/07/2024 4:15:51 PM Dear Rhian, «but there is a skerrick of evidence of an alliance between Judah and the” Ho.....
» 19/07/2024 2:26:27 PM [...continued] One thing scientists commonly dislike are peer-reviewing other's proposed .....
» 19/07/2024 2:26:24 PM Dear John, Yes, science is driven by evidence, not incentives. Which raises the question,.....
» 18/07/2024 11:28:24 PM How to scientifically establish the existence of the Loch Ness Monster: 1) Offer scientis.....
» 18/07/2024 10:33:59 PM Dear Graham, «I didn't cite the Old Testament. I think it is an historical fact that ther.....
» 18/07/2024 5:53:06 PM "this is the first time they’ve organised to support candidates along entirely ethnic.....
» 16/07/2024 1:27:16 PM Dear Paul, Chocolate ice cream is made of cocoa, eggs, cream, sugar, water, etc. They in .....
» 14/07/2024 6:42:55 PM Dear Foxy, There are areas of life which I choose to be ignorant of, which I don't know a.....
» 14/07/2024 2:01:39 PM Dear Foxy, So far so good - your last post is the opinion of H. Ramsey Fowler. But earli.....
» 14/07/2024 9:17:36 AM Dear Paul, In order to be understood, I need to address each person according to their ow.....
» 13/07/2024 8:24:24 PM I agree with the author......
» 13/07/2024 8:07:32 PM Dear Foxy, «We're all entitled to informed opinions. Opinions based on facts. Evidence-ba.....
» 11/07/2024 12:48:49 AM Dear Foxy, I think that I once already told the Jewish story about the wise men of Chelm .....
» 11/07/2024 12:20:20 AM BEWARE - PHISHING ATTACK! "You told me once some time ago where they came from. Jog .....
» 10/07/2024 3:07:25 PM Dear John, It is rare that the effects of a social action cannot be easily foreseen with .....
» 10/07/2024 8:52:03 AM Arguing about the "benefits" or otherwise of social policies and practices, unde.....
» 10/07/2024 8:47:36 AM Dear Dan, There is no military coup in Israel - I wish there was, but there never was any.....
» 9/07/2024 5:02:53 PM Dear Foxy, You should surely teach your grand-children the eternal truths, doing your bes.....
» 9/07/2024 2:17:29 PM Dear Dan, I have value and concerns for Israel because my family lives there. I have no .....
» 9/07/2024 9:38:36 AM Dear David (VK3AUU), «but the Zionists want an aparthied state with the non-jews as secon.....
» 9/07/2024 8:59:50 AM Dear David (VK3AUU), «The Zionists have no conscience. Netinyahoo has shown that.» While.....
» 8/07/2024 11:58:08 PM May I suggest that nobody, neither conservatives nor reformers, acts on evidence: we all h.....
» 8/07/2024 6:08:32 PM Dear Mikk, Thank you for your response, but I still find it vague: «By progress I sort o.....
» 8/07/2024 5:53:12 PM Dear Foxy, «I do try to cut down on media influences. However, it's becoming increasingly.....
» 8/07/2024 11:36:23 AM Dear Foxy, It seems that you just answered your own question better than I could: Since .....
» 8/07/2024 8:56:11 AM Dear Mikk, Actually if I may add, could you please also delineate what exactly do you mea.....
» 8/07/2024 8:38:39 AM Thank you Mikk for introducing this interesting topic. Most of the issues you mentioned a.....
» 8/07/2024 12:06:34 AM Dear Foxy, Global peace is not possible at our age. It is simply unnatural, how more so w.....
» 7/07/2024 11:53:59 PM Dear Critic, «Well, if your family isn't doing anything wrong, doesn't support the govern.....
» 7/07/2024 7:10:42 PM Dear Critic, «I'm tired of the endless slaughter.» You would be tired of watching youtub.....
» 6/07/2024 11:23:25 PM Dear Critic, «For that reason it really is the one single place of land on the planet tha.....
» 5/07/2024 3:46:06 PM Dear Paul, «The watch analogy, is it still a watch if you remove the wrist-band, yes it i.....
» 4/07/2024 5:41:25 PM Dear Paul, You asked a great question - "What is Christianity". Well, I am afr.....
» 3/07/2024 11:11:48 PM Dear John, First, welcome to this forum! I agree in essence to what you wrote. Just one.....
» 3/07/2024 1:48:33 PM The Lord's Prayer introduces a measure of humility, attempting to remind the politicians t.....
» 3/07/2024 1:35:39 PM Thank you for the article, Alon: every word is true. It would not surprise me that Netany.....
» 2/07/2024 8:59:30 AM Dear Indyvidual, Genocide is a specific and well-defined crime that requires intention. .....
» 29/06/2024 8:51:20 PM Dear Smokehaze, «What is the ultimate intent of the publicly stated Israeli war aim of “t.....
» 26/06/2024 12:34:12 AM The author is technically correct. But is also one-sided. --- Dear David, «If what is h.....
» 26/06/2024 12:27:10 AM I am disgusted by this practice. It is also definitely unhealthy. Yet others may be just a.....
» 25/06/2024 5:58:25 PM Dear Foxy, «Let us pray for all the innocent victims - Israeli and Palestinian and especi.....
» 25/06/2024 3:21:44 PM Blessed be God who frees prisoners - thanks be unto Him alone! May He free all prisoners s.....
» 24/06/2024 12:14:05 PM ALL politicians are thugs! I personally have nothing for or against nuclear energy, but i.....
» 20/06/2024 3:16:26 PM Dear Bezza, This phenomena is well recognised, even weaponised:
» 18/06/2024 4:36:00 PM Blinken's main purpose is to try and prevent the war spilling over into a full-scaled war .....
» 18/06/2024 9:17:05 AM Dear Paul, Education against fraud and poisons is non-controversial: I think that it is s.....
» 18/06/2024 7:54:58 AM Dear Paul, Thank you for clarifying again - so in this particular case, these sharp incon.....
» 17/06/2024 10:32:36 PM Dear Ttbn, «there are people addicted to prescription drugs too» To tell you a secret, s.....
» 17/06/2024 10:10:11 PM Dear Paul, «As for abortion I am not in favour of abortion on demand. I see instances whe.....
» 17/06/2024 4:10:19 PM Dear Paul, «Then give a limited supply, who in your opinion wins out the need or the want.....
» 17/06/2024 12:52:39 PM Dear Foxy, «No one is entitled to be ignorant.» You are not very tolerant this morning, .....
» 16/06/2024 6:38:36 PM Dear Paul, Do the ACT Greens and/or the Greens in general, have a policy for the liberali.....
» 16/06/2024 5:32:37 PM Dear Mhaze, You wrote that you would like to see drug restrictions mirror those of alcoho.....
» 16/06/2024 7:50:52 AM Dear Paul, If I understood you correctly, you still believe that it is OK for states to t.....
» 15/06/2024 7:08:16 PM Well in principle I agree that it is none of the state's business to control people's heal.....
» 14/06/2024 5:12:04 PM Dear Dan, «I think it a fair question.» It is not......
» 14/06/2024 4:31:50 PM Dear Dan, «So now you claim there are good Palestinians.» I already said - There are NO .....
» 14/06/2024 2:03:28 PM Dear Maverick, «The only lasting solution is Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and in t.....
» 14/06/2024 1:39:51 PM Dear Foxy, Opinions may (or may not) be SUPPORTED by facts, but are otherwise also based .....
» 14/06/2024 12:00:27 PM Dear Foxy, «In this case I disagree with him. Israel is guilty of war crimes.» This is d.....
» 14/06/2024 11:16:33 AM Dear Foxy, «Therefore I prefer facts to opinions.» "We all deserve a better ending .....
» 14/06/2024 10:55:28 AM Dear Foxy, «Go on supporting Israel - after all they're only defending themselves against.....
» 14/06/2024 12:10:52 AM Dear Banjo, Having a sense of autonomy, big or small, does not imply that one has actual .....
» 13/06/2024 11:39:09 PM Dear Critic, Whatever the truth, it saddens me that Netanyahu gained a bit of reputation .....
» 13/06/2024 5:14:14 PM Dear Foxy, You are already aware of my views toward the present Israeli government - may .....
» 13/06/2024 4:55:53 PM Dear Mhaze, «Yes and Christians believe their messiah will return and rule the world. And.....
» 13/06/2024 12:12:12 AM Dear Bezza, «I like them !» I can understand that you like the leisure - most people do,.....
» 12/06/2024 10:25:50 PM Dar Indyvidual, «Cashless only if financial institutions & Govts guarantee total security.....
» 12/06/2024 10:15:46 PM «For 16 years, Israel's illegal blockade has made Gaza the world's biggest open-air-prison.....
» 12/06/2024 9:48:51 PM Dear Dan, Israel did not challenge these numbers, but simply explained that many of those.....
» 12/06/2024 9:30:13 PM Dear Paul, It was further revealed today that the hostages were, as punishment, wrapped i.....
» 12/06/2024 6:40:14 PM Dear Mhaze, «There's essentially no evidence other than the Bible that such a person exis.....
» 12/06/2024 5:29:38 PM Dear Paul, «Did anyone notice the 4 Israeli hostages rescued were in surprisingly good co.....
» 12/06/2024 4:32:28 PM Dear Dan, «Are you defending Palestinians again?» I am only stating things as they are. .....
» 12/06/2024 12:42:06 PM Great article, thank you Alon. Israel may be reckless but not genocidal. To be sure, ther.....
» 12/06/2024 10:02:59 AM Dear John, I never felt that I was doing anything wrong of even "naughty" when .....
» 12/06/2024 8:40:15 AM Dear Paul, «Its inevitable, with the advancement of technology a totally cashless society.....
» 11/06/2024 3:23:48 PM So much hassle - why don't we just get rid of electricity?!.....
» 11/06/2024 11:38:50 AM Dear Foxy, Yes, I am well aware of these facts and it is most realistic for Gantz to beco.....
» 10/06/2024 1:29:50 PM Dear foxy, «Now back to the topic:» My previous post was very much on topic: «I am not .....
» 10/06/2024 10:56:28 AM Dear Foxy, Please do not repeat the hollow propaganda regarding this stupid "nation&.....
» 10/06/2024 8:29:46 AM Public holidays are a nuisance - why can't people just take their holidays when THEY need .....
» 9/06/2024 4:58:02 PM Well said, Foxy!.....
» 6/06/2024 1:26:16 PM Just found a petition against the Digital ID: To sign that petition -
» 6/06/2024 8:38:01 AM Dear Blowy, I see that you are relatively new to this Online Opinion forum (shortly OLO):.....
» 5/06/2024 3:09:55 PM Netanyahu has no ideology - Messianic or otherwise. He does not care about Israel or abou.....
» 5/06/2024 6:55:51 AM Dear Indyvidual, This is not my experience - everyday people are generally good and just .....
» 4/06/2024 12:03:56 PM Dear Indyvidual, «And, so are those on the other side» Other side of what? I don't seem .....
» 2/06/2024 9:08:09 PM Dear JP, May God bless you, and keep safe......
» 2/06/2024 1:10:52 AM [...continued] Can a murderer truly believe in their heart of hearts that it is only God .....
» 2/06/2024 1:10:50 AM Dear JP, «You continually write as if you and I have free will but then you deny that we .....
» 31/05/2024 1:06:34 PM Dear Foxy, I just missed your post: «What happens in the United States affects us greatl.....
» 31/05/2024 1:01:23 PM Dear Paul, «What happened 28th June 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia resulted in 60,000 Australia.....
» 31/05/2024 12:04:13 PM Dear Foxy, «In the United States winter occurs during - December, January, February.» Ye.....
» 31/05/2024 11:04:34 AM {What happens next?} Winter - it starts tomorrow!.....
» 31/05/2024 7:50:08 AM That deportation law, just like any other law, is meant, and always was, to protect the po.....
» 30/05/2024 11:57:17 PM Dear Critic, «But she's smart enough kid to already know that school doesn't teach you ev.....
» 30/05/2024 11:13:21 PM Why should anyone be so foolish as to expect favours from politicians or the bureaucrats t.....
» 30/05/2024 10:54:06 PM Dear JP, «I am not going to jump off any cliff! Maybe if I thought you were correct I mig.....
» 30/05/2024 12:04:45 PM Dear JP, «If everything that happens is due entirely to God’s will and humans have no con.....
» 29/05/2024 10:47:33 PM Dear JP, I do not believe in material determinism - the kind of determinism I believe in,.....
» 29/05/2024 10:18:11 PM Dear Foxy, «If you support Israel and not it's current government then I take it that you.....
» 29/05/2024 2:33:50 PM Dear Foxy, «Israel and its supporters follow the Hitler line» Excuse me, I support Israe.....
» 29/05/2024 1:40:07 PM «The reality is that we all live with free will as a reality» The reality is that we all .....
» 28/05/2024 3:18:38 PM Dear Foxy, Be sure: Israel will stop this madness once the hostages are released. It doe.....
» 28/05/2024 9:54:55 AM Dear Mhaze, «Two thousand killed in mud slide in PNG. Buried alive in the middle of the n.....
» 28/05/2024 1:04:56 AM Dear Critic, «Every single student was FORCED, and I DO mean FORCED, to write “I’m sorry”.....
» 28/05/2024 12:25:40 AM Dear Foxy, «God told us to love others as ourselves. We have free will. So when we bully,.....
» 28/05/2024 12:17:22 AM Dear Paul, «Answer this for me; What sort of animal would use planes loaded with incendia.....
» 27/05/2024 11:51:13 PM Dear Critic, I appreciate your sincere contemplation about God and free will. To answer .....
» 27/05/2024 6:59:12 PM Dear Paul, «The Zionist corralled innocent women and children...« It looks like you beli.....
» 27/05/2024 5:40:56 PM Dear Critic, «Lets propose the Chinese were assisting the Tasmanian separatists with supp.....
» 27/05/2024 5:21:50 PM Dear Foxy, Yes, everything is by God's will: Will you happily accept God's decisions whe.....
» 27/05/2024 5:16:22 PM Dear Critic, «Kid was forced to participate in an 'I'm Sorry competition'.» Did she go t.....
» 27/05/2024 2:11:05 PM Dear Foxy, «The ICC may be the only hope.» The only hope for whom? Do you seriously bel.....
» 27/05/2024 2:07:00 PM Dear Critic, «Taiwan and Ukraine - is NOT about Taiwan or Ukraine.» And eating is not ab.....
» 27/05/2024 8:35:20 AM Dear Paul, So what you are saying is that the people of Taiwan (and Ukraine for that matt.....
» 26/05/2024 11:30:29 PM Dear Critic, «The good people of Taiwan.. well their leaders actually believe that they h.....
» 26/05/2024 11:14:01 PM Dear Ttbn, Indeed, life is gradually becoming unbearable. The number of things I can no .....
» 26/05/2024 11:07:05 PM Dear Critic, «Let's say Tasmania decided to break away from Australia.» And you may alre.....
» 26/05/2024 10:34:40 PM Dear Dan, «your position on Judicial Reform and your irrational hatred of Netanyahu, mimi.....
» 26/05/2024 10:08:21 PM Dear Paul, «Civilian deaths in Gaza will stop when the Zionist stop murdering innocent ci.....
» 26/05/2024 9:45:30 PM Dear Critic, «My question is why are you so determined to do something that goes against .....
» 26/05/2024 9:26:00 AM Dear Indyvidual, «Won't stopping the war not also mean prolonging Hamas ?» Yes, prolongi.....
» 26/05/2024 7:28:30 AM Dear Foxy, Nobody in Israel is listening to the ICC - and that means NOBODY, including th.....
» 25/05/2024 11:12:11 PM Dear Foxy, «No one in the world should be above international law.» OK, but no one shoul.....
» 25/05/2024 8:12:32 PM Dear Ttbn and David (VK3AUU), Good points - that is one example showing why the Australia.....
» 25/05/2024 7:49:55 PM Dear Dan, I find it difficult to understand why you address me about Some Americans and t.....
» 24/05/2024 5:21:23 PM Dear Random, «Didn't read passed that opening.» [The correct word is 'past': "passe.....
» 24/05/2024 10:45:46 AM A good article, except for one problem: The so-called "Palestinians" do not wan.....
» 24/05/2024 9:59:05 AM Dear Mhaze, «All they did was warn that the upheavals over the changes to the court syste.....
» 24/05/2024 8:20:26 AM Dear Mhaze, «Besides the Nazis are opposed to the Jews» Nazis are those who believe, in .....
» 23/05/2024 11:38:57 PM Dear Dan, «If the hostage families insist on taking the front stage on their personal iss.....
» 23/05/2024 8:47:29 PM Dear Foxy, «If we believe in the rule of international law» But why should we? I only b.....
» 23/05/2024 3:06:16 PM Dear Foxy, «While dozens of countries have recognized a Palestinian State none of the maj.....
» 23/05/2024 2:22:30 PM Dear Foxy, «Gallant, on October 9th, right at the beginning of the war said that a ".....
» 22/05/2024 11:13:37 PM Dear Dan, This is the venue for disposing of a particular Israeli criminal tyrant, one wh.....
» 22/05/2024 3:54:40 PM Dear Foxy, Regarding Netanyahu, we agree that he should be hanged, drawn and quartered. .....
» 22/05/2024 11:59:08 AM What I cannot understand, is why Yoav Gallant is included on this list: as defence ministe.....
» 20/05/2024 1:02:42 PM Dear Foxy, «please tell us where Japan is placed?» In the pacific ocean, unless you rece.....
» 19/05/2024 9:19:32 PM Dear Indyvidual, «So, it's God's will for people to be killed & worse, murdered by others.....
» 19/05/2024 5:26:09 PM Dear Ttbn, «Apparently company directors have had a form of digital ID for some time.» A.....
» 19/05/2024 4:19:07 PM Dear Indyvidual, Woke/Conservative really makes no difference - other people (including t.....
» 19/05/2024 2:14:00 PM Dear Ttbn, A standard computer (PC) is not a "smart device". See http://commun.....
» 19/05/2024 10:37:15 AM Dear Ttbn, You may be interested to learn that Israel had a "Retiree party", wh.....
» 19/05/2024 10:11:06 AM Dear Ttbn, I have my home phone, but I had to pay over $8K to connect my phone directly t.....
» 19/05/2024 9:47:50 AM Dear Indyvidual, «So, how do you write theses posts then ? Handwritten & posted to GY ?» .....
» 19/05/2024 9:36:14 AM Dear Indyvidual, «The problem with humans is that way too many are animals who lie & chea.....
» 19/05/2024 12:51:13 AM Dear Ttbn, Thank you for explaining your unique personal concerns, much appreciated. I s.....
» 18/05/2024 11:48:16 PM Dear Ttbn, «Why are not eligible» Because in order to get a Digital ID, one must have on.....
» 18/05/2024 9:28:03 PM Dear Ttbn, Government claims that a digital ID is not and never will become compulsory, b.....
» 18/05/2024 9:21:34 PM Dear Bezza, I agree with your analysis - "a long term plan but a successful one".....
» 18/05/2024 9:14:52 PM Dear Ttbn, Since you are concerned about the loss of Western civilisation, I can recommen.....
» 14/05/2024 3:39:32 PM Dear Rhian, The Golan Heights are indeed a sore issue. Israel will need to wait until Sy.....
» 14/05/2024 3:11:45 PM Dear David, «The way the Zionists took over the property of the indigent Palestinians» I.....
» 13/05/2024 11:39:06 PM Dear Rhian, You are correct that I strongly support Israel’s right to exist and defend it.....
» 13/05/2024 7:09:32 PM Dear Rhian, «The central plank of the two-state solution is mutual recognition» But that.....
» 12/05/2024 6:53:11 PM A definition of "terrorist"? I thought Foxy settled it long ago already: A ter.....
» 10/05/2024 9:54:47 AM Dear Indyvidual, «I take you then also believe in society's freedom from individuals ?» .....
» 10/05/2024 7:12:33 AM I was wondering whether I am a libertarian. I have no answer. I believe in the individual.....
» 9/05/2024 2:11:05 PM Dear Critic, «The settlers raise their kids with a mind to kill the Palestinians, don't f.....
» 8/05/2024 6:14:11 PM Dear Random, «I had no idea you had the drug tests on the assassins.» http://www.semafor.....
» 8/05/2024 7:47:45 AM Dear Random, «Yeah that's tragic. But at least they had the guts to do it personally» It.....
» 7/05/2024 10:56:26 PM Dear Random, Until the 6th of October 2023, Israel was on the brink of a civil war with p.....
» 7/05/2024 1:17:11 PM 70 years old dancer, Louis Har, is now back dancing after being taken hostage by Hamas and.....
» 1/05/2024 4:27:16 PM Dear Foxy, "it isn't fashionable to trust Palestinians, any Palestinians." So .....
» 1/05/2024 1:37:56 PM Dear Ttbn, «Slaughtered, raped and mutilated by cowardly hyenas just because of their rel.....
» 1/05/2024 7:52:16 AM Dear Mhaze, It is not possible to watch the clip you pointed at which demands to first &q.....
» 29/04/2024 6:20:17 PM The workforce has not changed - the workforce was newly created. Beforehand, people just .....
» 28/04/2024 7:41:12 PM Dear Critic, «Was I wrong to comply?» Going along with sensible and life-saving medical .....
» 28/04/2024 5:45:36 PM Dear Ttbn, «The Covid years saw Australians under the yoke of the most authoritarian rest.....
» 28/04/2024 5:22:46 PM Dear Foxy, «eSafety will not be threatening your freedom to communicate.» My personal fr.....
» 28/04/2024 1:14:30 PM Dear Critic, You Are right, I can only do what I can, I cannot get everyone to agree and .....
» 27/04/2024 7:56:23 PM Dear Foxy, I have no objection that those who prioritise online safety organise themselve.....
» 26/04/2024 5:39:54 PM Dear Bezza, «I do not think that just anyone can make their own cipher system, unless som.....
» 26/04/2024 3:59:45 PM Dear Ttbn, «The woman is actually threatening to MINIMISE WHAT WE CAN SEE.» She only obe.....
» 26/04/2024 10:04:16 AM Dear Ttbn, «Big Sister and Albanese are out to remove our basic rights» As long as you t.....
» 26/04/2024 6:58:11 AM Dear Critic, Yes, the Australian government is trying to silence Australians who tell the.....
» 26/04/2024 3:14:16 AM Dear Ttbn, It has been long since I stopped differentiating between political parties - a.....
» 25/04/2024 5:25:55 PM Dear Bezza, Those who want to encrypt their communications can and will always be able to.....
» 24/04/2024 8:30:07 PM Dear Ttbn, «'Safe' in Australia now means 'ignorant' of what the government is up to.» '.....
» 24/04/2024 1:27:38 PM Nobody owes anyone a permanent-residence: Permanent-residence is an entry form of acceptin.....
» 24/04/2024 1:13:56 PM All it is, is sending sequences of electric 0's and 1's down a wire. Governments should ne.....
» 23/04/2024 9:24:02 AM Dear Ttbn, «I take it that SMFS is a self managed super fund.» Yes, so here is another c.....
» 22/04/2024 2:06:06 PM Yes, it's all bad enough and I am glad that I won't have to remain in this terrible world .....
» 20/04/2024 7:02:43 PM Dear Critic, Your last comment is well balanced and I agree with everything you said ther.....
» 19/04/2024 4:05:10 PM Dear Critic, «Take note that I did NOT say 'Will wipe ISRAEL off the face of the earth'. .....
» 19/04/2024 12:43:40 PM Dear Critic, «You said the other day there was none, and I'd already seen the footage.» .....
» 19/04/2024 10:50:19 AM Thank you Alon for your words of wisdom. --- Dear Critic, «The correct word here is not.....
» 19/04/2024 10:12:35 AM Dear Critic, «To free up space, Ben-Gvir suggests executing Palestinian detainees» No su.....
» 19/04/2024 10:12:31 AM Dear Critic, «Israel is not going to stop with it's hubris until it gets smacked across t.....
» 18/04/2024 5:27:44 AM Dear Ipso Fatso, Yes, the next score by Israel is diplomatic: Israel is successfully conv.....
» 17/04/2024 9:06:20 AM Dear Paul, To begin with, I do not believe the "three Abrahamic religions" to a.....
» 16/04/2024 10:18:07 PM Dear Critic, «Do you think they were just going to take the degrading treatment of the Is.....
» 16/04/2024 9:27:28 PM Dear Paul, Indeed, Islam has no problem with Jews and indeed the whole Middle-East situat.....
» 16/04/2024 5:14:14 PM Social cohesion is a tool in the hands of the regime in its wish subdue us for eternity. .....
» 15/04/2024 5:34:48 PM Dear Paul, «That was all done without any official orders from Berlin.» Unlike the Wehrm.....
» 14/04/2024 9:55:28 PM Dear Paul, «What there is evidence for, and its undisputed fact, tens of thousands of Pal.....
» 14/04/2024 2:24:23 PM Dear Ttbn, «The U.S is involved in shooting them down.» And Britain too, but many thanks.....
» 14/04/2024 10:12:59 AM Dear Ttbn, No, the wars would not have ended without Netanyahu, but they would become muc.....
» 14/04/2024 9:20:00 AM As I write, these very minutes, Jordanian fighter jets are shooting down Iranian drones ta.....
» 12/04/2024 4:32:59 PM Dear Ttbn, «Who will be more successful than Netanyahu?» Practically anyone, even your h.....
» 12/04/2024 12:40:01 PM I agree with this article: Netanyahu is a monster and Israel's greatest enemy, possibly ev.....
» 10/04/2024 9:08:21 AM Yes Bezza, the wars in the Middle East will go on, militant Islam is not going to disappea.....
» 9/04/2024 1:04:47 PM Dear Paul, So long as you keep speaking of "Zionist death squads", nobody is go.....
» 9/04/2024 8:48:18 AM Dear Foxy, «I am beginning to be unable to watch the TV programs of the news. The images .....
» 8/04/2024 11:49:14 PM Dear Maverick, What I read is that Israel used overall more explosives than in World-War-.....
» 8/04/2024 7:27:53 PM It looks like AI did not help Israel. AI located the kind of targets it was programmed to.....
» 8/04/2024 9:25:44 AM Dear Critic, Whatever happened 76 years ago, while we could keep analysing it ad nauseam .....
» 7/04/2024 9:06:53 AM Dear Paul, «The "quick as you can" report by a couple of biased ex IDF people i.....
» 6/04/2024 10:17:45 PM Dear Paul, «I wouldn't want to be a member of any organisation, political, social or reli.....
» 6/04/2024 9:57:08 PM Dear Critic, I am in pains when Israel does wrong things. I am in great pains when consc.....
» 5/04/2024 5:34:34 PM Dear Ttbn, «If it were not for Netanyahu and the IDF, all Israelis would be "gutted&.....
» 5/04/2024 2:04:52 PM One more possibility, now circulating in Israel, is that information as if the convoy cons.....
» 5/04/2024 1:52:30 PM Dear Nathan, There is no way to understand and explain Israel's poor performance in this .....
» 5/04/2024 7:16:34 AM Dear Paul, «the facts are clear, this was a premeditated war crime» Possibly and if so, .....
» 5/04/2024 7:10:46 AM Dear Paul, «they considered themselves religious, and that's all that matters.» To you, .....
» 5/04/2024 4:51:48 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «He indicated that the vehicles had a clearly visible WCK logo on th.....
» 4/04/2024 9:51:25 PM Regardless of what happened or did not happen in Gaza, AI should be banned and overall the.....
» 4/04/2024 7:54:50 PM Dear Paul, «The evidence is growing that this was a premeditated Zionist attack on innoce.....
» 4/04/2024 7:25:58 PM Dear Josephus, Of course you are allowed to have your own opinions, this is OLO after all.....
» 4/04/2024 12:35:22 PM Dear Josephus, «Gender ideology is part of the issue that Christian Churches and religiou.....
» 4/04/2024 11:44:17 AM Dear Ttbn, «Israel is going to continue doing what it is until Israel, and only Israel, i.....
» 4/04/2024 9:50:13 AM So you are out only when convenient, Foxy? --- Dear Josephus, Foxy has been adding new .....
» 3/04/2024 1:13:17 PM I also was shocked to hear about this terrible event. The convoy was shot by an unmanned .....
» 3/04/2024 12:39:22 PM Dear Foxy, «For your information:» This is not for my information, this is in attempt to.....
» 2/04/2024 3:56:57 PM Dear Foxy, Earlier you asked us seemingly innocent "Should" questions - "S.....
» 2/04/2024 12:39:14 PM Dear Josephus, «we must accept rainbow beliefs in our churches ans schools otherwise we a.....
» 2/04/2024 8:13:03 AM Dear Ttbn, Elections in Israel are likely to be held in January 2025. The present war sho.....
» 2/04/2024 4:55:53 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, Thank you very much for the trouble you have taken to help me! Now .....
» 1/04/2024 4:51:56 PM Dear Foxy, Nobody is holding you responsible, not everyone is designed to be a teacher, n.....
» 1/04/2024 1:29:22 PM Dear Foxy, «If there are elections - and a weakened Haredim - then maybe change will happ.....
» 1/04/2024 1:21:05 PM Dear Foxy, «No. My posts are quite clear.» Your posts may be clear, but they do not addr.....
» 1/04/2024 11:45:23 AM Dear Foxy, «They're all inter-connected threads of the same tapestry. As the title tells .....
» 1/04/2024 11:35:20 AM Thank you Nathan for introducing this topic. I am having harsh discussions about it with .....
» 1/04/2024 11:09:31 AM Dear Foxy, This discussion started off about religious freedoms, with a particular stress.....
» 1/04/2024 10:40:06 AM Dear Ttbn, Underground just means underground. Buried from the prying eyes of enemies, bu.....
» 1/04/2024 10:00:52 AM Dear Josephus, It is not nice to make assumptions about people and try to guess their int.....
» 31/03/2024 9:58:47 PM Dear Paul, Firstly, Lucifer is not mentioned in the Bible. Isaiah 14 actually refers to a.....
» 31/03/2024 4:46:37 PM Dear Paul, Thank you for your good questions. With objects, indeed for two objects to co.....
» 31/03/2024 3:53:00 PM Dear Paul, Fine, I understand, but this still does not explain your specific claim that &.....
» 31/03/2024 3:03:43 PM Dear Paul, Fine, I understand, but why did you say that "when given the chance this .....
» 31/03/2024 10:06:07 AM Dear Foxy, «There is no such thing as unlimited freedom to do whatever you want.» By ris.....
» 31/03/2024 6:14:37 AM Dear Paul, «Possibly beginning with a false premise; the existence of a god or gods.» We.....
» 30/03/2024 11:18:08 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «the fastest-growing religion in Australia identified over the two l.....
» 30/03/2024 10:12:32 PM Dear Ttbn, «If this right to choose is lost, there will be no reason to keep Christian sc.....
» 30/03/2024 7:54:58 PM «All over the world people face inequality, discrimination, violence, injustice and cruelt.....
» 29/03/2024 6:02:05 PM Dear Indyvidual, I would rather hear from Paul himself - his claim is intriguing......
» 29/03/2024 4:52:18 PM Dear Foxy, Nice thoughts, but are you sure you posted them on the correct thread? What &.....
» 29/03/2024 10:24:33 AM Dear Foxy, «The overwhelming majority of non-government schools are faith- based and comm.....
» 29/03/2024 8:01:15 AM Dear Paul, «hard to be at liberty when given the chance this mob would most likely lock u.....
» 28/03/2024 2:40:22 PM It is so sad when politicians openly advise each other how to cut corners to gain quick tr.....
» 28/03/2024 7:34:14 AM Dear Mhaze, «But but'd just got through saying taxation was introduced when mon.....
» 27/03/2024 9:58:42 PM Nevertheless, it is wrong to assume that people prefer one party over another when they ma.....
» 27/03/2024 9:28:03 PM Dear Foxy, «I wish that all the schools in this country, in all their diversity, were sim.....
» 27/03/2024 2:18:18 PM «Yuyutsu, the money the government has is what it took from the citizenry. Its not their m.....
» 27/03/2024 1:32:23 PM Dear Mhaze, «I also live in hope that there'll come a time when people realise that just .....
» 27/03/2024 6:11:32 AM With visions like Banjo Paterson's, where the principle of secularity is made sacred, we m.....
» 26/03/2024 11:11:46 PM Dear Ttbn, «Christians and Jews have always been exposed to hatred and ignorance, and per.....
» 26/03/2024 5:53:30 PM Dear Foxy, I fully agree with your last post: Let us have no funding and no restrictions......
» 26/03/2024 11:57:31 AM Dear Paul, «A politician not only has to represent those who voted for them, but also tho.....
» 26/03/2024 11:39:29 AM Dear Foxy, «Discrimination is endemic in religious schools and organisations around Austr.....
» 26/03/2024 6:52:49 AM Dear Paul, If indeed some 80-90% of the population value stability, then stability will r.....
» 26/03/2024 5:33:55 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «It would be anti-constitutional to “build a community of faith by g.....
» 25/03/2024 1:20:01 PM [...continued] «As for 'the Right To Discriminate?'» Without discrimination we would not.....
» 25/03/2024 1:19:58 PM Dear Critic, You made lots of good questions, let's see: «Is the 'right to religion' rea.....
» 25/03/2024 7:53:09 AM Dear Ttbn, «We already have freedom of religion.» Well yes, we retain our freedom to pra.....
» 24/03/2024 9:27:49 PM Dear Foxy, In answer to your questions: «Should religious school have the right to discr.....
» 24/03/2024 9:14:42 AM Dear Ttbn, China is communist in name only. That does not detract from its totalitarian,.....
» 23/03/2024 10:39:21 PM Dear Ttbn, In the above countries, no TTR can even help - the transaction itself is forbi.....
» 23/03/2024 8:01:38 PM Dear Ttbn, Most European countries, and Israel.
» 23/03/2024 7:48:22 PM Dear Ttbn, Indeed, we are in great trouble. One thing that we can do, is to let our frie.....
» 23/03/2024 7:39:07 PM Dear Indyvidual, «Why have an Immigration Department at immense cost when...» I fully ag.....
» 22/03/2024 11:38:15 AM I agree with Ateday. I do support the reduction in and eventual elimination of the use of.....
» 22/03/2024 9:00:17 AM Good Morning Ttbn, «Public servants are just that - servants. I used to be one. Public se.....
» 21/03/2024 5:08:50 PM Dear Canem Malum, You presented a very interesting hypothesis - are you aware of the impl.....
» 21/03/2024 7:36:50 AM Not me!.....
» 20/03/2024 11:05:23 AM Dear Ttbn, «Not your personal take on morality.» Regarding morality, there are no three w.....
» 20/03/2024 8:10:44 AM Dear Ttbn, «Sovereign governments have the right to decide who enters their countries» T.....
» 20/03/2024 5:49:09 AM Dear Alan, A two-state solution? I doubt the "Palestinians" will ever accept i.....
» 20/03/2024 5:34:58 AM Dear Paul, «A past wrong, and given the context of the time it probably wasn't a wrong fo.....
» 19/03/2024 4:15:09 PM Dear Indyvidual, «I have no doubt that many of the settlers would have tried until the re.....
» 19/03/2024 4:03:38 PM I mostly agree with the article. However, some of the suggested measures are impractical:.....
» 19/03/2024 6:37:24 AM The author presents a revolutionary idea: "The challenge is to manage and facilitate.....
» 18/03/2024 10:14:52 PM Dear Indyvidual, «btw. which group has had the most positive impact in your opinion.» We.....
» 18/03/2024 1:03:32 PM Dear Indyvidual, Your last three posts as well as the responses they received, are comple.....
» 17/03/2024 12:42:33 PM Dear Ttbn, "Where one or both parents are Australian citizens or a permanent residen.....
» 17/03/2024 12:28:35 PM Dear Critic, I got 19/20 correct. The only question I missed were the colours of the Aus.....
» 17/03/2024 11:30:15 AM Dear Ttbn, «you are too clever for that. You can't apply for citizenship unless you immig.....
» 17/03/2024 9:03:44 AM Dear Ttbn, I thought the topic you introduced was the Australian citizenship test, rather.....
» 17/03/2024 4:45:45 AM Dear Critic, «Israel consistently ranks the highest in West Asia for documented cases of .....
» 16/03/2024 9:20:41 PM Well said, Armchair Critic! «'an understanding of what it means to be an Australian citiz.....
» 15/03/2024 5:57:17 PM Dear Alan, «Sorry, will need to see an independent validation before commenting on this o.....
» 15/03/2024 4:47:28 PM Dear Aries, For certain, Susan placed herself in great danger when she visited Gaza. But.....
» 15/03/2024 1:59:52 PM Dear Aries, «I have just read the most brutally honest assessment of the 'situation' in G.....
» 15/03/2024 1:47:30 PM Dear Foxy, «I can only be responsible for what I post.» That goes without saying. «Not .....
» 15/03/2024 3:25:51 AM Dear Foxy, In your introductory post, you mentioned "multiculturalism" as one o.....
» 14/03/2024 6:33:26 PM Dear Foxy, «You're the one who addressed me in this discussion.» I did, but it was not o.....
» 14/03/2024 2:08:50 PM Dear Foxy, I think I do understand your posts, they are clear enough, but sometimes I do .....
» 14/03/2024 1:41:31 PM Dear Foxy, «over 80% of Australians are fully committed to multiculturalism - the doctrin.....
» 14/03/2024 12:31:59 PM Good article, thank you Alon! I still reserve my judgement as to what portion of Israel's.....
» 14/03/2024 11:57:30 AM Dear Mhaze, «Yuyutsu tells us "First we need definitions"...and then proceeds t.....
» 14/03/2024 11:06:25 AM Dear Ttbn, Yes, we are certainly under siege. Lucky for us, we now do not have that long.....
» 13/03/2024 5:18:41 PM Dear Mhaze, «There is no evidence that multicultural societies are 'stronger', more resil.....
» 13/03/2024 3:58:15 PM Dear Foxy, «Modern Australia today is a multitude of cultures» What is modern about Aust.....
» 13/03/2024 3:06:16 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for sharing your lovely experiences and observations, even though I .....
» 13/03/2024 11:18:09 AM Dear Foxy, «Is Australia a melting pot, a salad bowl, or a mosaic?» Australia is a conti.....
» 12/03/2024 4:12:27 PM I want to be able to choose my own doctor so that he/she shares my own values. I want to .....
» 10/03/2024 11:58:04 AM Dear Alan, «Yuyutsu. Some of the nicest, most decent people and my best friends are Jews......
» 10/03/2024 9:36:44 AM Dear Critic, «After reading that, I have to ask myself:» After reading that, you have to.....
» 10/03/2024 9:10:16 AM Dear Canem Malum, «if the Palestinian's are pushed back by Israel then Australia will get.....
» 10/03/2024 3:53:47 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «The source of the 20000 is Hamas whose figures are fabricated.» Th.....
» 10/03/2024 3:45:22 AM Dear Alan, «David Singer is a flesh and blood» Why are you saying so? Is that because yo.....
» 9/03/2024 9:37:35 PM «Eftpos refers refers to debit cards only. I imagine it would be different for credit card.....
» 9/03/2024 8:42:20 PM Dear Shadow Minister, «Y are you spouting Hamas propaganda?» I very much hope that your .....
» 8/03/2024 1:56:36 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «Holding the hostages enables the Israelis to purge Gaza of Hamas.» .....
» 8/03/2024 11:05:02 AM Dear Maverick, «Might the author's many OLO articles over the years boosted Jew hatred?» .....
» 8/03/2024 10:48:30 AM Dear ShadowMinister, It is important not to underestimate your enemy. Sinwar is intellig.....
» 8/03/2024 8:19:31 AM Dear Ttbn, «It seems that you and I are the only ones here who care.» I also care very m.....
» 7/03/2024 3:45:43 PM On paper and for convenience I am considered a dual national. In reality I am nobody's na.....
» 7/03/2024 2:12:55 PM Dear ShadowMinister, From Sinwar's perspective, everything is good and going to plan. Th.....
» 6/03/2024 9:56:23 PM Well if Malaysians wish to remain Muslim, that would not be tolerated under Chinese occupa.....
» 6/03/2024 3:56:45 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «A word for the Arabs:» The Arabs did not start a war - Hamas did. .....
» 2/03/2024 11:27:59 PM Dear Ttbn, Just a quick notice that I am unsubscribing from this discussion, so if there .....
» 29/02/2024 8:47:35 PM Dear Ttbn, «They are the policies I think that the Coalition needs to push if they want t.....
» 29/02/2024 5:26:33 PM Dear Ttbn, «do the rest of you agree/disagree?» Did you mean to ask us whether we agree .....
» 29/02/2024 4:58:34 PM Dear Paul, «Despite what some think, educated people contribute far more to the bettermen.....
» 29/02/2024 11:37:33 AM Dear Bronwyn, «What an atrocious article!» Have you never heard of the atrocity called &.....
» 29/02/2024 11:21:45 AM Dear Foxy, «our youth is floundering and I support a National Service for school leavers......
» 29/02/2024 3:56:54 AM Dear Critic, «- I'd say that right now, there are quite a lot of IDF that require 'justic.....
» 28/02/2024 12:32:18 PM Dear Bezza, Arabs, Jews, Christians and other Middle-Eastern and North-African tribes, ha.....
» 28/02/2024 12:29:21 AM Dear Indyvidual, «To have the sense of duty to help defend the nation that harbours you i.....
» 27/02/2024 10:58:50 PM [...continued] When an organised body, such as a state (but it could also be a family, a .....
» 27/02/2024 10:58:44 PM Dear Indyvidual, «where everyone capable of defending the Nation they live in/off has a m.....
» 27/02/2024 2:23:58 PM Dear Foxy, I have no idea why you needed to bring in this fellow, Tisdall, whoever he may.....
» 27/02/2024 1:30:41 PM Dear Indyvidual, «people, Leftists in particular, do demand & expect others to respect th.....
» 27/02/2024 11:44:10 AM Dear Foxy, «Israel's deliberate industrial scale attacks on the Palestinian people under .....
» 27/02/2024 8:33:32 AM Dear Critic, «Every bomb Israel dropped, it knew innocent people would die.» The bombs n.....
» 27/02/2024 6:28:38 AM Dear Foxy, There are no grounds to believe that Israel deliberately murders "Palesti.....
» 26/02/2024 10:49:30 PM Dear Indyvidual, There is a fundamental difference between not making you happy and takin.....
» 26/02/2024 4:24:12 PM The USA has many problems, they are in deep trouble and are certainly not saints, but that.....
» 26/02/2024 2:14:05 PM Dear Foxy, Perhaps you are correct - I don't claim to see the future, I don't even have a.....
» 26/02/2024 1:25:19 PM Dear Indyvidual, --»a better future lies in education, and not in some pack-drill in a bo.....
» 26/02/2024 6:13:25 AM Dear Paul, «a better future lies in education, and not in some pack-drill in a boot camp!.....
» 25/02/2024 2:39:57 PM Dear Foxy, «If Israel thinks that» Israel does not and cannot think - only sentient bein.....
» 25/02/2024 8:11:05 AM Well done, Paul! «I refused to "volunteer" for in my 2nd year of high school, m.....
» 25/02/2024 5:28:39 AM Dear Canem Malum, We are so afraid and disgusted of China for the very reason that it for.....
» 24/02/2024 10:31:54 PM Dear Critic, «the continued taking of more land and building permanent settlements lends .....
» 24/02/2024 9:12:49 PM «What is the alternative to conscription with mindless demographic ?» Such as goats? - Yo.....
» 23/02/2024 2:52:56 PM Dear Critic, What Mhaze tells is correct: Between Rabin and Netanyahu there was an Israe.....
» 23/02/2024 9:56:00 AM Dear Critic, «Israel gets most of it's water from West Bank. They steal it then deprive t.....
» 23/02/2024 9:20:04 AM Dear Critic, «Well, that's what self-determination means, which was originally promised t.....
» 22/02/2024 10:57:16 PM Dear Bezza, «Land once conquered by moslams remains Islamic land forever.» That is one v.....
» 22/02/2024 7:22:27 PM Dear Critic, «If you don't want them here ttbn, then support a ceasefire, resolution to t.....
» 22/02/2024 5:29:51 PM There are no 2 states because the so-called "Palestinians" never wanted a state .....
» 22/02/2024 1:16:26 PM "Julian Assange is a journalist who uncovered..." Julian Assange is not a journ.....
» 21/02/2024 4:09:59 PM Dear Mhaze, «If a scammer in India steals from an 80 yr old in Australia, he has committe.....
» 21/02/2024 2:16:30 PM Dear Riley, «Those that live with the enemy are the enemy.» Are you referring to the Isr.....
» 21/02/2024 1:59:44 PM Dear Fester, «They said he was not being prosecuted for publication of the leaked materia.....
» 21/02/2024 5:16:49 AM Dear Critic, «Israel is not going to give the land it took back, and the Palestinians are.....
» 20/02/2024 11:22:09 PM Dear Critic, I cannot deny that there are some despicable people in Israel and its govern.....
» 20/02/2024 12:50:22 PM Dear Critic, «It's not statement of pride it's a statement of fact.» That and most of th.....
» 20/02/2024 9:03:09 AM Dear Foxy, «The crime rate for our youth is on the rise.» Possibly, from 1% to 2% - is t.....
» 20/02/2024 8:34:19 AM Dear Foxy, «I live in Australia not the Middle East» That was my exact point - neither d.....
» 20/02/2024 8:04:01 AM Here again: At a press meeting Goebbels tells an American journalist: "If Roosevelt .....
» 20/02/2024 6:08:16 AM Dear Foxy, «Has Assange been treated fairly?» Have you not been seen outdoors with a min.....
» 20/02/2024 12:16:15 AM Dear Critic, «ICJ opens historic hearings into Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territo.....
» 19/02/2024 11:30:48 PM Dear Critic, I see nothing wrong with your proposal, but I am confused when you mention &.....
» 19/02/2024 4:50:59 PM Dear Critic, «We are top of the food chain, humans have domain over the earth. We can tur.....
» 19/02/2024 3:00:19 PM Dear Critic, «- What in Ukraine / Russia?» Don't be silly - this particular thread is al.....
» 19/02/2024 2:43:37 PM Dear Critic, «before they decided they wanted the land that other people already lived on.....
» 19/02/2024 11:50:21 AM Dear Foxy, «As for offering young people the choice of serving?» Certainly, no problem s.....
» 19/02/2024 11:38:16 AM Dear Bezza, «The area occupied by Israel was captured by moslem Arabs in 637 AD so they c.....
» 19/02/2024 12:54:44 AM [...continued] «The second you are on our shores you will gain benefits from our society......
» 19/02/2024 12:54:41 AM Dear Critic, Since the Israel-Gaza wall fell on October 7th, over 5,000 hungry and neglec.....
» 18/02/2024 4:19:49 PM Dear Critic, This is not NATO or Turkey, only a private NGO. They cannot seriously hope .....
» 18/02/2024 4:07:03 PM Dear Indyvidual, «I don't see proponents, only insipid people who can't distinguish betwe.....
» 18/02/2024 2:53:28 PM Dear Foxy, You are correct: There are both proponents and opponents of tyranny in this fo.....
» 18/02/2024 2:02:06 PM Dear Indyvidual, «No, she won't be "forced' just as she is not "forced" to.....
» 18/02/2024 1:06:11 PM ¹ There was this professor who invented a machine to lower I.Q., so one genius once approa.....
» 18/02/2024 1:06:08 PM Dear Critic, Australian Jews have no control over the Israeli government (well even Israe.....
» 18/02/2024 9:18:23 AM Dear Ttbn, Thank you for your support. «Volunteering is very rare in modern society, any.....
» 18/02/2024 9:02:33 AM Dear Ttbn, Sorry, I have no idea about these surcharges because I just don't use these th.....
» 18/02/2024 2:05:05 AM Dear Critic, «I don't think any human being should be treated like an animal.» Neither d.....
» 17/02/2024 11:28:48 PM Thank you Ttbn. In addition, other forms of financial transactions depend on the stabilit.....
» 17/02/2024 11:13:33 PM [...continued] «If they need to be forced to defend themselves & those who provide for th.....
» 17/02/2024 11:13:27 PM Dear Indyvidual, Still going round and round: «Are you seriously expecting it possible t.....
» 17/02/2024 9:57:08 PM Dear Nathan, «but we can't keep taking people from generally financially well off countri.....
» 16/02/2024 6:28:01 PM Dear Indyvidual, Another irrelevant response, anything but looking us in the face and sta.....
» 16/02/2024 1:08:48 PM Dear Indyvidual, I see that you still go round and round to avoid a simple Yes/No questio.....
» 16/02/2024 5:30:17 AM Dear Critic, «- Maybe we should be happy for the innocent Israeli dead on October 7?» Ac.....
» 16/02/2024 5:12:38 AM Dear Indyvidual, You are going round and round, mainly speaking of motives rather than im.....
» 15/02/2024 7:09:28 PM Violent reactions and arrests are not going to help, as they would only create more martyr.....
» 15/02/2024 6:34:18 PM Dear Indyvidual, You are not speaking about conscription - you seem to be speaking of a p.....
» 15/02/2024 1:59:38 PM Dear Critic, «They were never offered a fair deal whitemouse...» What stopped them from .....
» 14/02/2024 10:28:13 PM Dear Mhaze, «Why? Why would Trump being president mean no Taiwan?» Isn't it common knowl.....
» 14/02/2024 5:15:05 PM Dear Mhaze, «China at the same time would be seeking to cut Taiwan off from its supply ch.....
» 14/02/2024 1:41:05 PM So much for human's feeble and stupid attempt to duplicate justice with their limited inte.....
» 14/02/2024 11:47:23 AM Dear Indyvidual, «Those who say getting rid of conscription was a good move, could they p.....
» 14/02/2024 5:14:05 AM Dear Critic, «That kind of resentment doesn't usually happen on it's own.» No, but it is.....
» 13/02/2024 10:30:13 PM "Can these two groups of people, of different faiths, of contrasting cultures, with d.....
» 13/02/2024 1:02:05 PM Dear Foxy, Should Trump be elected, Australia can forget about any American support, also.....
» 13/02/2024 12:48:33 PM Dear Paul, FYI, Israel's Knesset Speaker from Netanyahu's Right-wing Likud party, is open.....
» 13/02/2024 8:13:31 AM The Forum > General Discussion > Rape The Royal Commission into the depletion of Au.....
» 12/02/2024 2:27:44 PM Today is a very happy day - two Israeli hostages were freed, men aged 60 and 70 from Kibbu.....
» 12/02/2024 7:48:10 AM Dear Critic, «What could they do to stoop lower? - Rebomb the hospitals, ambulances and r.....
» 11/02/2024 10:41:26 PM Dear Bezza, I do not consider it to be worth risking the life of the living for mere corp.....
» 11/02/2024 10:12:29 PM Dear Ttbn, From years of interaction with Nathan, I believe that he opposes violence, thu.....
» 11/02/2024 5:24:35 PM Dear Alan, I can think of better ways to make tax fairer, but what has this to do with th.....
» 11/02/2024 4:08:23 PM Dear Ttbn, Replacing all politicians is a blessing in itself, but is hardly relevant to t.....
» 11/02/2024 1:30:28 PM Dear Nathan, No matter what 'cap's you set, unless you use guns to physically stop people.....
» 11/02/2024 1:13:58 PM Dear Ttbn, «I find it ridiculous to expect Israel, or any other country, to take care of .....
» 11/02/2024 8:19:23 AM Capitalism (that means true capitalism, referring to Ttbn's last remark, not the state-pro.....
» 11/02/2024 8:08:51 AM Dear Critic, «This is the type of humanitarian aid that Israel likes best.» The article .....
» 10/02/2024 11:09:56 PM Dear Nathan, «we must stabilise our population below 30 million to stop the growing impac.....
» 10/02/2024 10:59:41 PM Dear Bezza, «Israel to make the best agreement it can that will release all the hostages .....
» 9/02/2024 3:23:55 PM Dear Ttbn, American intelligence sources claim that Israel is still far from completely d.....
» 9/02/2024 11:38:43 AM Dear Critic, «IDF kicking in your door at 2am and shooting your kids.» You seem to be co.....
» 9/02/2024 9:40:49 AM Dear Paul, Well, Netanyahu not only agrees to a cease-fire, he just didn't agree to some .....
» 6/02/2024 11:53:16 AM Dear Ttbn, There is no "Mr. Singer", nor can robots be frustrated. As for the .....
» 6/02/2024 8:40:04 AM Dear Paul, «p/s I know you don't like the term Zionist, substitute any other word you cho.....
» 6/02/2024 6:17:25 AM Dear Paul, «The Israelis have declined» All 9 million of them?.....
» 5/02/2024 3:33:35 PM And some Jews still claim that Christians should not interfere with their own internal pol.....
» 5/02/2024 12:42:01 PM Dear Dan, «I can be more serious if you wish» I do not: you sound better when you lighte.....
» 5/02/2024 12:24:18 PM Dear Indyvidual, You certainly took my words well beyond their intended context. Neverth.....
» 5/02/2024 7:58:32 AM Dear Critic, «- Are they? maybe - but I hear Israel runs a fairly efficient organ harvest.....
» 4/02/2024 1:47:28 PM [...continued] «IDF soldiers voting in Gaza is not a good look.» It was initially consid.....
» 4/02/2024 1:47:25 PM Dear Ttbn, «I just find these demonstrations by some Israelis bizarre under the circumsta.....
» 4/02/2024 11:56:47 AM Dear Critic, «The Jewish religion is not a religion that treats all people fairly and equ.....
» 4/02/2024 10:52:24 AM Dear Ttbn, Israel was due to have municipal elections on October 31st, 2023. They were po.....
» 4/02/2024 9:23:35 AM Dear Dan, I support a strong and healthy Israel - and in order to heal, Israel must humbl.....
» 3/02/2024 10:21:58 PM Dear Critic, «Well I guess that depends on how we define what a religion is.» Religion i.....
» 2/02/2024 7:53:23 AM Dear Critic, «All religions are flawed, - And Jewish religious beliefs are certainly just.....
» 1/02/2024 7:31:21 AM The average politician is unaware of the scientific thermodynamic fact that renewable ener.....
» 30/01/2024 12:13:21 PM Trump claims that he cares only for America (in truth, Donald Trump cares only about Donal.....
» 30/01/2024 6:51:32 AM Dear Dan, I thought the topic was Israel, not my psychology......
» 30/01/2024 6:41:46 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «Australians now know any promise from this Prime Minister is worth .....
» 29/01/2024 10:48:27 PM Dear Dan, «The load on Israels back is made in America.» Indeed, most of the violent Jew.....
» 29/01/2024 5:52:12 PM Dear Dan, As I said earlier, once Israel leaves those cursed territories which it took in.....
» 28/01/2024 10:44:58 PM Dear Bezza, «Yuyutsu, Fatimas fate seems to get repeated over and over again.» The Bedou.....
» 28/01/2024 5:28:10 PM Lots of Taiwanese, Ukrainian... and American refugees. And lots of abortion-tourism too, .....
» 28/01/2024 4:10:29 PM Dear Bezza, «There is a way to cut down the number of wars significantly;» If you want t.....
» 28/01/2024 12:51:44 PM Dear Foxy, «But he'll support Israel.» I can realistically see Trump dispatching America.....
» 28/01/2024 10:31:45 AM Dear Dan, Everyone in Israel is equally paying the highest price on the battlefield - rig.....
» 28/01/2024 6:54:52 AM Dear Paul, Nobody should be forced to be held captive for 3 years - as I wrote, the defau.....
» 27/01/2024 10:19:08 PM What happens when a representative quits, should be part of a pre-existing contract betwee.....
» 27/01/2024 9:56:53 PM As I understand it, what the ICJ concluded is that: 1) No genocide is presently being carr.....
» 27/01/2024 9:05:43 PM Dear Foxy, It's not that Netanyahu will still be there for long, he will very soon be gon.....
» 26/01/2024 6:31:39 PM Dear Foxy, Negotiations may work when you have exactly two sides, each with a clear agend.....
» 26/01/2024 5:11:45 PM Dear Foxy, Yes, I am still here, in Australia - I have not travelled to visit my family i.....
» 26/01/2024 2:46:56 PM Dear Paul, Indeed, CIRCUMSTANCES CHANGE OVER TIME, and therefore the Bible tells us: &qu.....
» 26/01/2024 2:29:55 PM Dear Foxy, «We're told this is not genocide because Israel is conducting a military opera.....
» 26/01/2024 2:01:57 PM Dear Foxy, «Doing nothing or the same thing over and over again should not be an option.».....
» 25/01/2024 10:24:37 PM Dear Nathan, People elected their representative. If the way their representative "r.....
» 25/01/2024 10:10:03 PM Thank you, Ttbn - I agree with Nigel Biggar......
» 25/01/2024 10:03:00 PM Dear Foxy, You need to decide whether you prefer self determination OR two states: You c.....
» 25/01/2024 9:54:58 PM «so Zionism and the occupation of Gaza and the West bank needs to collapse in 2024» Zioni.....
» 25/01/2024 7:06:41 PM On a blank slate, the decision to modify the tax-changes was correct. But there was a pro.....
» 25/01/2024 6:46:06 PM Dear Mhaze, «Socialism is an economic system. Capitalism is an economic system. Fascism i.....
» 25/01/2024 5:29:08 AM Dear Canem Malum, «Ayn Rand died of lung cancer» Ayn Rand advocated smoking as an expres.....
» 24/01/2024 9:19:06 PM I oppose these stage-3 cuts, but promises need to be kept nevertheless. Otherwise you neve.....
» 24/01/2024 8:30:06 PM Dear Foxy, To simplify my response further for you: 1. A second ("Palestinian".....
» 24/01/2024 4:48:45 PM Dear Foxy, «I see peace talks as the only way forward.» Talk, Talk, Talk, but what's the.....
» 24/01/2024 1:28:47 PM Dear Foxy, «Are the Israelis really talking about the possibility of ending their occupat.....
» 24/01/2024 7:50:55 AM «The British legal system originated nearly a millennium ago» During which slavery and to.....
» 23/01/2024 11:47:54 PM Dear Paul, «All what you say is gleaned by you from Zionist propaganda» Zionism ended wh.....
» 23/01/2024 6:01:53 PM Dear Paul, «Seems you are comfortable for thousands more innocent women and children to d.....
» 23/01/2024 12:15:10 PM Julian Assange was neither ever an American citizen, nor been in America when committing h.....
» 22/01/2024 6:36:39 PM What is a two-state "solution" supposed to solve? Giving a state to people who .....
» 22/01/2024 3:28:13 PM Dear Ttbn, Yes, the Kibbutz system is not completely kaput, but been highly privatised, m.....
» 22/01/2024 8:43:36 AM Dear Ttbn, I am not an expert on economics, so perhaps you are correct that from a one-di.....
» 21/01/2024 10:51:51 PM Enough was said and many books written about the evils of a socialist system (including Ay.....
» 21/01/2024 10:14:49 PM Dear Critic and Ttbn, «I assume you weren't a fan of the Kibbutz system then?» There is .....
» 21/01/2024 6:53:00 PM Surely socialism brought much pain and its absence is a relief, but why attribute that rel.....
» 21/01/2024 12:01:53 PM Dear Foxy, «"What Israelis think of the war with Hamas?"» In terms of a war, t.....
» 21/01/2024 6:52:47 AM Dear Paul, Those despicable people which you describe exist, but are not Zionist, they on.....
» 20/01/2024 11:49:17 PM Dear Paul, «now you have a problem with the word GENOCIDE!» The word I have a problem wi.....
» 19/01/2024 5:29:18 PM Dear Foxy, «It is difficult to have any dignity when you're forced to live under an apart.....
» 19/01/2024 4:31:42 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for your detailed response! While I agree on the content of your re.....
» 19/01/2024 3:57:08 PM Dear Olivera, «There is no reason why correspondents who wish to comment should not be su.....
» 19/01/2024 1:14:31 PM Dear Critic, «you disgusting piece of human trash.» «David Singer fights from his air-con.....
» 19/01/2024 11:10:37 AM Dear Foxy, «Australia supports a 2 state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians can .....
» 19/01/2024 4:36:20 AM Dear Critic, «but there's plenty wrong with many of the people living in it and running i.....
» 17/01/2024 4:22:31 PM [...continued] «Where else can peace realistically begin? First both sides need to reconc.....
» 17/01/2024 4:22:29 PM Dear Critic, I was not following closely on the Al-Aqsa events at the time, because there.....
» 17/01/2024 3:19:04 PM Dear Critic, Thank you for keeping my family in your prayers, they are all OK, not happy .....
» 16/01/2024 8:46:21 PM "So how do we make a better world?" Seriously? There is nothing wrong with the.....
» 16/01/2024 3:49:49 PM Well said, Foxy!.....
» 16/01/2024 12:21:58 PM Dear Critic, Thank you for your kind post. «I agree, If Israel was to negotiate in good .....
» 15/01/2024 11:57:19 PM Dear Critic, «Your whole nation is SICK.» Australia? «What sort of a living nightmare d.....
» 15/01/2024 8:14:37 PM Dear Canem Malum, There is a vast difference between: 1. "Anglophobic bigots that w.....
» 15/01/2024 5:26:20 PM Dear Critic, «Somehow or other a lot of people have been programmed to think that when Is.....
» 15/01/2024 3:00:28 PM [...continued] There is no reason to believe that peaceful Ugandans would attack peaceful.....
» 15/01/2024 3:00:25 PM Dear Critic, «I mean, you are what your history says you are, right?» ABSOLUTELY WRONG! .....
» 15/01/2024 8:04:04 AM Dear Ttbn, I fully agree with you last post, well said. Now: "Imports of useless f.....
» 15/01/2024 5:14:33 AM Dear Canem Malum, «Seems to examine paradoxes of Hebrew/ Gentile relations and asks the i.....
» 14/01/2024 4:30:04 PM Dear Ttbn, «I was advised that the site wasn't “safe”. But I have noticed that little mes.....
» 14/01/2024 10:50:18 AM Dear Ttbn, «11 of 12 Hamas 'battalions' had been put out of action.» These are only of t.....
» 13/01/2024 11:46:36 PM [...continued] «If negotiations and compromise were possible» Compromise OK, but no poin.....
» 13/01/2024 11:46:32 PM Dear Critic, «If Israels ancient biblical stand towards issues is 'an eye for an eye'» I.....
» 13/01/2024 9:41:50 PM Dear Canem Malum, «Mammals and most animals are territorial. Let them have their ancestra.....
» 13/01/2024 9:30:13 PM Dear Foxy, «Sooner or later Israel is going to have to negotiate with Palestine and recog.....
» 12/01/2024 7:25:35 PM Dear Critic, Sorry I have no time to respond, I will later, but for now just one point: .....
» 12/01/2024 4:23:59 PM I usually agree almost totally with Alon Ben-Meir, but sadly not this time. "and mee.....
» 11/01/2024 3:23:37 AM Dear Canem Malum, «I suspect that Trump might be able to "do a deal"» He proba.....
» 11/01/2024 3:04:21 AM Dear Andras, I'm not clear whether your last post is in response to my post or otherwise......
» 10/01/2024 10:11:55 PM I am less concerned with the material or even the environmental aspects of the problem - t.....
» 10/01/2024 2:49:20 PM «Both the left and right in Israel support the genocide» That's because they are Jews of .....
» 9/01/2024 4:58:52 PM Dear Foxy, «The one who replaces your current one may also not be to your liking.» Corre.....
» 9/01/2024 3:16:06 PM Dear Foxy, «People choose their political parties for a variety of reasons.» In Australi.....
» 9/01/2024 12:28:10 PM Dear Foxy, «We need to seriously consider any legislation that's raised and also look at .....
» 8/01/2024 10:31:46 PM Dear Canem Malum, «Society has been degraded to such a state that the institution of stat.....
» 8/01/2024 8:43:31 PM Even the best of goodwill cannot produce a warship out of thin air. If not ships, then I .....
» 8/01/2024 6:51:42 PM I oppose Nazism and its symbols. I oppose Communism and its symbols. Anyone who forcibly, .....
» 8/01/2024 3:22:47 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «the most vicious Jew-hater that I have seen on OLO ever.» Yes, you.....
» 7/01/2024 3:46:38 PM «Maybe the Jewish people should've gone to Uganda instead» Are you referring to the Jewis.....
» 5/01/2024 6:31:47 PM Dear WhiteMouse, «According to archaeological records, writings (and the developing Hebre.....
» 5/01/2024 12:40:02 PM "I wonder what the attitude of the Israel/Jewish critics would be if Israel was not J.....
» 4/01/2024 4:09:17 PM Dear Josephus, «The World must outlaw the reading / teaching of the writings of Mohamed a.....
» 4/01/2024 1:59:41 PM Dear Foxy, Did your children ever come home crying with a thorn in their toe? In order t.....
» 3/01/2024 6:43:34 PM I wish this whole conversation about Jews and anti-Semitism in American universities, woul.....
» 3/01/2024 12:55:02 PM Dear Ttbn, «Within anyone weaker than Netanyahu,...» First find us someone like that, it.....
» 3/01/2024 10:08:14 AM Amen, Alon. "If Netanyahu has any ounce of dignity left in him, he should resign bef.....
» 2/01/2024 1:57:59 PM Dear Nathan, I join your prayers......
» 2/01/2024 1:34:40 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «Absolutely not. The continuing carving up of the West Bank,...» I was.....
» 1/01/2024 9:49:26 PM Dear Aries, «To date, the government of Israel has done nothing to convince me that the k.....
» 1/01/2024 7:34:28 PM Welcome back Ben Gershon and thank you for the contribution. Indeed, this HKOP thing is j.....
» 1/01/2024 2:03:16 PM [...continued] «Should we really try to do the same thing again and expect a different ou.....
» 1/01/2024 2:03:13 PM Dear Critic, True to your nickname, you only criticise but provide no alternative solutio.....
» 1/01/2024 1:01:32 PM [...continued] The way this sentence is constructed suggests an intentional direct connec.....
» 1/01/2024 1:01:29 PM Dear Foxy, «I don't agree that criticisizing Israel makes you a Jew-hater or that it's an.....
» 31/12/2023 4:15:03 PM Dear Foxy, We could sit down over a nice cup of tea to discuss Israel's colonial violence.....
» 31/12/2023 1:57:57 PM Dear Critic, Could we not agree that Israel HAS to do roughly what it does now in order t.....
» 31/12/2023 8:10:09 AM Dear Foxy, «Surely this can't be a healthy state of mind?» Spot on. Feeling a "vic.....
» 30/12/2023 10:11:32 PM Dear Bezza, «You misunderstand my peace implies good faith.» So are you modifying your d.....
» 28/12/2023 9:51:44 PM The sad truth is simple - there is no other way to finish off Hamas. Hamas operates from .....
» 28/12/2023 9:26:30 PM Dear Bezza, «At one end would be at a minimum an absence of war.» That is called a ".....
» 28/12/2023 2:33:40 PM Dear Bezza, Please define "peace"......
» 26/12/2023 12:52:19 PM Dear Critic, I think you may enjoy reading the classic story "The Sermon" by th.....
» 26/12/2023 11:23:53 AM Dear Foxy, «If they - would visit the Occupied Territories, cross over into East Jerusale.....
» 26/12/2023 10:12:46 AM Dear Alan, «Obliging Jordan to accept additional millions may work for an expansionist Is.....
» 25/12/2023 7:54:40 AM Dear ShadowMinister, Don't you find it nice that the world considers Israelis to be adult.....
» 25/12/2023 12:24:31 AM [...continued] «I'm not familiar with the event you mention» As well as many other event.....
» 25/12/2023 12:24:28 AM Dear Critic, «I'm not so sure about that, democracy assumes the voters can have free and .....
» 24/12/2023 5:07:03 PM Dear Mhaze, «When the Abraham Accords were close to fulfillment, there was a chance the P.....
» 24/12/2023 11:41:29 AM Dear Foxy, «however we should care about the present and what can be done. The land must .....
» 24/12/2023 9:31:46 AM [...continued] «They won't accept a 2 state solution, [etc., etc.]» This describes the p.....
» 24/12/2023 9:31:26 AM Dear Critic, «Israel will continue to do its utmost to destroy Iran regardless, even if I.....
» 24/12/2023 12:08:43 AM Well, the statement that "Only a hurt person will hurt another" is actually corr.....
» 23/12/2023 11:52:53 PM Dear Foxy, «Israel prefers the status quo.» You speak of Israel as if it were a person: .....
» 23/12/2023 11:41:39 PM Dear critic, «I think it's a reasonable possibility Israel may end up with 150,000 guided.....
» 22/12/2023 3:57:49 PM Dear Foxy, Correct: as long as there is occupation there will be resistance, but that doe.....
» 22/12/2023 11:29:46 AM Dear Foxy, «Israel can recognize Palestinian rights.» This concept of "rights".....
» 22/12/2023 5:16:40 AM Dear Foxy, "around the globe"? That article is 100% about the United States of .....
» 21/12/2023 10:49:10 PM Dear Bezza, The Jews were exiled by Nebuchadnezzar 1348 years before Baghdad was first bu.....
» 21/12/2023 4:53:56 PM Dear Critic, «And I think they calculated the cost was worth a shot at their peoples free.....
» 21/12/2023 4:32:48 PM Dear Critic, «"But it is OK to make statements about the above anyway?" - Not .....
» 20/12/2023 10:38:39 PM Dear Critic, «It's hard to for someone not familiar with everything to understand a diffe.....
» 20/12/2023 5:32:06 AM Dear Indyvidual, «Someone unbiased please enlighten us on this !» The reason Muslims fra.....
» 19/12/2023 11:16:38 PM Dear Critic, «I hope you don't begrudge me for my criticisms.» I have my own criticism o.....
» 18/12/2023 7:35:02 PM Funny creatures, humans: they really think that what they say matters........
» 18/12/2023 6:18:39 PM Dear Foxy, «We all wish that there could be Peace...» Yes, Israel should stop its occupa.....
» 17/12/2023 3:49:05 PM Dear Delivery, I have no obligation to relate to everything that happens to be in an arti.....
» 15/12/2023 1:39:46 PM A great article! I agree with every word. As for the promised next article that will arg.....
» 15/12/2023 12:35:19 PM Dear Delivery, So you changed the subject and now rather speak about Gaza. While I mainl.....
» 15/12/2023 12:14:58 PM Dear Foxy, «We can only hope that Netanyahu and his government will agree.» I would beli.....
» 14/12/2023 1:35:52 PM Dear Delivery, I did suggest that the more likely reason for your earlier strange post wa.....
» 14/12/2023 1:30:16 PM Dear Mhaze, Had someone else asked me to expand on my reasoning, then I would first need .....
» 14/12/2023 12:24:27 AM Dear Critic, The numbers reported to date on the official IDF website are 444 soldiers ki.....
» 12/12/2023 5:09:24 PM Dear Mhaze, «The HKOPS idea is as good a solution as any.» Solution for what? For the ex.....
» 12/12/2023 3:49:16 PM Dear Bezza, There are some whose position was already determined at their time of birth: .....
» 12/12/2023 3:25:45 PM Dear Delivery, «Are we now entering a supposition phase to justify an inexcusable?» So n.....
» 12/12/2023 12:09:03 PM Welcome, Syoksya, First, since you are new here, you should become aware that the "a.....
» 11/12/2023 7:34:08 AM Dear Alan, «Nonetheless, a two-state solution must be offered» But of course, it was off.....
» 10/12/2023 5:58:50 PM Dear Mhaze, Jordan IS an ally of Israel - a great ally, perhaps even more important than .....
» 10/12/2023 10:41:49 AM Dear Alan, «I do not believe that a two-state solution is not doable.» One just cannot f.....
» 10/12/2023 8:39:47 AM Dear Paul, I agree with Mhaze that "Veto or not, the war would have continued.".....
» 8/12/2023 4:52:43 PM The author speaks of "the Palestinians with their aspiration for statehood" - th.....
» 7/12/2023 10:47:37 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «Witnesses told of terrorists slicing off a Jewish woman’s breasts» .....
» 5/12/2023 10:59:04 PM Good news: Elma Avraham is still in ICU and very weak, but she can now talk slowly and rec.....
» 5/12/2023 10:19:20 PM Dear Bezza, Poor Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a Christian, he never claimed any relat.....
» 5/12/2023 4:39:38 PM Thank you Foxy for your lovely thoughts and prayers! --- Dear Mhaze, «And the Arabs los.....
» 5/12/2023 6:32:16 AM Dear Critic, «Found out some information earlier about Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israels far-right.....
» 4/12/2023 10:58:17 PM Dear Critic, Just prior to October 7th, there were serious conversations of splitting Isr.....
» 4/12/2023 4:16:05 PM Dear Foxy, What to do, I am optimistic, I believe that it can only get better. Most real.....
» 4/12/2023 3:53:01 PM Dear Josephus, «Those include what the group described as Israeli settlers’ desecration o.....
» 4/12/2023 2:43:30 PM Dear Foxy, «It does appear that Israel has not thought all this through. Destroying Hamas.....
» 4/12/2023 2:25:26 PM Dear Critic, «but I have seen many videos of hostages that seem friendly enough with thei.....
» 3/12/2023 5:27:32 PM [...continued] Of the surviving: 84 years old Ditsah Heiman reported increasing hunger. .....
» 3/12/2023 5:27:29 PM Dear Critic, I hope you are just being cynically kidding now. I constantly watch the sto.....
» 3/12/2023 1:09:37 PM Dear Foxy, Good on you for citing Haaretz - it is a good and balanced (though expensive) .....
» 3/12/2023 12:22:19 PM Dear Foxy, «Hamas has threatened to stop releasing hostages because Israel has not allowe.....
» 3/12/2023 9:16:37 AM Dear Foxy, « Having a temporary ceasefire - only to continue it once again - is inhumane......
» 3/12/2023 9:08:55 AM Dear Paul, «with indiscriminate shelling of Gaza by Zionist terrorist squads» There are .....
» 3/12/2023 12:47:04 AM Dear Nathan, Thank you for bringing up this issue. Religion is blamed because it is popu.....
» 2/12/2023 11:02:28 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «It is interesting to see them being referred to as "terrorists&qu.....
» 1/12/2023 6:53:05 PM Dear Paul, «I dislike Zionism and Hamas, as they are too extreme by nature.» Well, do yo.....
» 1/12/2023 4:20:28 PM Dear Foxy, The link you provided cannot open without subscription. During war-time, it i.....
» 1/12/2023 1:21:07 PM Dear Foxy, «Which is a very bold ambition in a society in which militarism, nationalism, .....
» 1/12/2023 11:38:13 AM Dear Mhaze, By you stopping to use the word 'Zionism' positively, nobody else here would .....
» 1/12/2023 10:34:35 AM I agree with the article, with just a couple of minor corrections: First: "The deat.....
» 1/12/2023 9:56:19 AM Dear Critic, Robots have no opinions, and robots never try to silence anyone - robots onl.....
» 1/12/2023 9:49:51 AM Dear Mhaze, Yes, the word 'Zionist' refers to the past and hardly applies to most Israeli.....
» 1/12/2023 8:10:21 AM Dear Paul, «A fair two state solution is the only viable possibility to achieve any kind .....
» 30/11/2023 5:05:02 PM One more person just died of their wounds. The first was Liran Tamari, a 24 year old woman.....
» 30/11/2023 4:39:57 PM Yes, there are some elements of Apartheid in Israel's behaviour, but there is one fundamen.....
» 29/11/2023 11:46:39 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «Netanyahu to members of his Likud party yesterday: "I am the only.....
» 29/11/2023 1:16:55 PM I have trust in those who serve the public as volunteers. As for the others, where does t.....
» 29/11/2023 11:43:11 AM Dear Paul, «p/s I don't think Hamas would have fattened up the hostages, but fed them no .....
» 29/11/2023 1:15:38 AM Dear Critic, Elma Avraham's condition slightly improved. She is still in ICU, but is now .....
» 29/11/2023 12:13:39 AM Dear Critic, Thank you for the information - I read Danielle's original letter in Hebrew,.....
» 28/11/2023 12:15:52 PM Dear Critic, «Should this be taken with the same spoon of salt that the claim of 40 behea.....
» 28/11/2023 8:31:53 AM Dear Paul, I saw this on Israeli news, in Hebrew, a day or two after......
» 28/11/2023 5:06:16 AM The written orders found on Hamas bodies on October 7th, instructed them to dismember thei.....
» 27/11/2023 4:42:25 PM [...continued] «The Israeli hostages from what I've seen are treated well, probably not s.....
» 27/11/2023 4:42:22 PM Dear Critic, Thank you for your concern. As you know, many families in Israel suffered gr.....
» 27/11/2023 2:34:47 PM Dear Foxy, «Sending weapons and military aid to Israel at this time only expands violence.....
» 27/11/2023 10:59:57 AM Dear Foxy, Yes, Israel is being held hostage by a Judeo-Nazi clan. One of them, the &quo.....
» 27/11/2023 8:38:58 AM Dear Mhaze, It is not helpful when you relate to Israeli hostages as "Jews": Ha.....
» 26/11/2023 11:41:34 PM Dear Critic, I don't know whether Israel is winning or not, all I know is that if Israel .....
» 24/11/2023 2:22:47 PM Dear Delivery, «If Hamas were to go, which I doubt will ever happen, another organization.....
» 24/11/2023 2:10:57 PM Dear Paul, Indeed things are not that simple and every individual is a world unto their o.....
» 24/11/2023 7:49:30 AM Once Hamas is gone, Gazan civilians will only be happier: a nurse and a local man welcome .....
» 23/11/2023 2:36:34 PM Thank you Foxy, I think we have an understanding here. --- Dear SteeleRedux, It is tra.....
» 23/11/2023 1:42:09 PM Anyone with a sufficient cognitive ability should have voted 'No' on referendums which sug.....
» 22/11/2023 9:09:28 PM Dear Foxy, Yes, I agree that a genuine discussion of the future should be liberated from .....
» 22/11/2023 1:29:09 PM Dear Foxy, but this is for everyone: You mentioned in passing that "Even Jewish teen.....
» 21/11/2023 10:45:51 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Thank you for the article, and the translation is quite good too. I co.....
» 21/11/2023 1:49:31 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «The number of vehicles attacked by Apache helicopters firing Hellfire .....
» 21/11/2023 8:37:03 AM Dear Critic, So long as you speak of just "One side [is the cause of conflict]".....
» 21/11/2023 12:25:29 AM Dear Critic, I am utterly horrified and disgusted by the actions of these Jewish extremis.....
» 20/11/2023 11:26:51 PM Dear Bezza, Hamas does not kill only infidels, they also kill observant Muslims. The Kor.....
» 20/11/2023 2:40:33 PM This author is the world's champion in bursting into open doors. "They will need to .....
» 20/11/2023 2:13:27 PM Dear Foxy, A survey from 3 days ago shows that if elections were held today in Israel, Ne.....
» 20/11/2023 9:15:50 AM [...continued] «and is now using that power to extract collective punishment on the Pales.....
» 20/11/2023 9:15:47 AM Dear Paul, It could have been nice, but in reality and in nature there is no such thing a.....
» 19/11/2023 10:36:14 PM [...continued] «Yuyutsu, there are many haters on both sides of the barbed wire, Zionists.....
» 19/11/2023 10:36:11 PM Dear Paul, «I thought you were a person who believed in the human rights of the individua.....
» 19/11/2023 6:47:42 PM Dear Foxy, «"Send Gaza back to the Middle Ages." (former Israeli Deputy PM).» .....
» 17/11/2023 5:12:26 PM Dear Fester, «I wish the IDF success and safety in showing the world how Hamas has been u.....
» 17/11/2023 4:47:16 PM Dear Foxy, Thanks for the jokes!! Just as you do not see yourself as a "Catholic Li.....
» 17/11/2023 2:34:24 PM [...continued] Now apart from the shame, the actions started by some American Jews also i.....
» 17/11/2023 2:34:22 PM Dear Foxy, You have an interesting concept of Holiness, so different from what is commonl.....
» 16/11/2023 5:59:13 PM Dear Foxy, «The Israeli army says that these facilities are being used for military purpo.....
» 16/11/2023 5:36:06 PM Dear Mox, The ethnic facts you mentioned are well-known. But how is that relevant? Zion.....
» 16/11/2023 4:20:19 PM Dear Josephus, In order to fabricate lies, one needs to have a motive. I am not interest.....
» 16/11/2023 2:45:28 PM Dear Foxy, With due respect, you have not answered my question. Israel (America too) bel.....
» 16/11/2023 2:39:02 PM Dear Foxy, «The water reservoir that was found in the hospital was confirmed by various i.....
» 16/11/2023 11:38:11 AM Dear Foxy, Why on earth would Israel want to destroy the health system in Gaza?.....
» 16/11/2023 7:31:35 AM Dear Ttbn, While I fully agree that compulsory voting is utterly wrong, I disagree that p.....
» 16/11/2023 1:07:40 AM Dear Foxy, «The hatch Israel claimed was a Hamas tunnel was only a water reservoir for th.....
» 15/11/2023 2:09:13 PM Dear Critic, «Jews probably own the UK, the City of London is a corporation full of banke.....
» 15/11/2023 6:37:01 AM Dear Critic, «Israel doesn't have the right to wage war under international laws: UN» Ye.....
» 15/11/2023 5:56:56 AM Dear Critic, Regarding Israeli civilians killed, Israel so far identified the bodies of 8.....
» 14/11/2023 4:11:34 PM Dear Bezza, «Does that infer that when the Roman Army expelled the Jews from Judea that t.....
» 14/11/2023 1:04:56 PM Dear Critic, «Isn't this the exact same thing that Putin has been charged with war crimes.....
» 14/11/2023 8:03:35 AM Dear Critic, «I found out a little bit more about what happened on Oct 7. Hamas broke out.....
» 14/11/2023 7:32:07 AM Dear Indyvidual, «it looks to me that Israel is now doing what Palestine as been working .....
» 13/11/2023 8:46:39 PM Dear Critic, 1. «but I'm not entirely sure the Arabs would be satisfied with it.» 2. «I'm.....
» 13/11/2023 6:28:49 PM Dear Critic, There may be others in this forum who could be interested in discussing with.....
» 13/11/2023 5:11:04 PM Dear Josephus, «Steele seems to have the answers to the situation» But I love his answer.....
» 13/11/2023 1:20:21 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «Just for the record the quote you seem to be arguing against came from.....
» 13/11/2023 12:24:10 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «Israel’s creation depended heavily on the actions of H.V. Evatt, the e.....
» 13/11/2023 11:52:34 AM Dear Alan, «The Russian solution was to pump sleeping gas into the building via the air d.....
» 13/11/2023 11:05:07 AM Dear Foxy, While you addressed Australia's official anthem, ceremoniously presenting Aust.....
» 13/11/2023 6:03:19 AM This is not yet the time for Israel to decide about the day after: this is the time to fin.....
» 13/11/2023 12:38:50 AM Dear Critic, A single Hamas commander held 1,000 "Palestinian" civilians hostag.....
» 13/11/2023 12:27:45 AM Dear Critic, «Which is it exactly? - are they trying to rescue the hostages, or just blow.....
» 12/11/2023 6:43:02 PM Dear Foxy, «Netanyahu has to go.» Not to worry - he will. He is now a certain goner, eve.....
» 12/11/2023 6:36:15 PM [...continued] «I do not see where I posted a lie.» Let's call it a "myth" rat.....
» 12/11/2023 6:36:12 PM Dear Bezza, «In the rein of Augustus the Romans had troubles with the Jews in Jerusalem a.....
» 12/11/2023 2:16:54 PM Dear Bezza, The foundations for Israel's existence and why it should remain are solid eno.....
» 10/11/2023 2:43:18 PM Dear Critic, On further investigation, Liel Weinstein was killed in the rave party rather.....
» 10/11/2023 1:22:19 PM Dear Critic, That rave party was the first location to be attacked on October 7th, in tot.....
» 10/11/2023 12:42:52 PM I pray to the sun - please send us a major magnetic storm that will burn all electronic ch.....
» 8/11/2023 9:41:36 PM Some of the policies are silly and indeed make no sense, like why not recognise Western Je.....
» 7/11/2023 10:35:16 PM Dear Critic, «You've just killed 5000 bloody kids in a matter of weeks, nearly 10 time th.....
» 7/11/2023 12:58:23 PM Dear Ttbn, «The Liberal Democrats, now the Libertarian Party, have not had any real impac.....
» 7/11/2023 8:23:24 AM Dear Critic, «If Israel wants to kill Muslim women and kids in the thousands while Al Jaz.....
» 6/11/2023 11:22:08 PM Dear Bezza, «They believe that it is their religious duty to get rid of the Jews, all of .....
» 6/11/2023 5:55:24 PM I only encountered this word here, on OLO. I will keep using it as the past tense of 'wak.....
» 6/11/2023 5:28:40 PM I actually agree with Foxy that Hamas are not anti-Semites: They don't particularly hate .....
» 6/11/2023 10:30:46 AM Dear Foxy, I only mentioned anti-Semitism in the context of the use of the name 'Palestin.....
» 6/11/2023 9:03:30 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «You claimed: "knees may have been lost, but under the cover and g.....
» 6/11/2023 8:32:15 AM Dear Critic, «It would have been better if they only targeted IDF, but maybe the intentio.....
» 6/11/2023 8:00:10 AM Dear Josephus, «Foxy they are not a race called Palestinians, they are Arabs, like the su.....
» 6/11/2023 7:40:56 AM Dear David, Zionism is not embodied by Netanyahu, a corrupt hedonist, a coward, a small b.....
» 6/11/2023 12:13:29 AM Dear Delivery, «and now the Israeli Jews are doing it to the Palestinians.» Yes, Israel .....
» 5/11/2023 4:10:47 PM Dear Bezza, There is nothing religious about this war - or do you really believe that God.....
» 5/11/2023 2:48:57 PM Dear Foxy, «Getting rid of one terrorist movement won't solve the conflict.» Sure, but w.....
» 5/11/2023 10:07:08 AM Dear Josephus, «1. Does Israel have a right to rescue their stolen family members? 2. Doe.....
» 5/11/2023 12:42:58 AM [...continued] At the bottom line, none of this matters, it's only hot air: My family wa.....
» 5/11/2023 12:42:55 AM Dear Critic, Regarding land ownership, the truth is somewhere in between and the land is .....
» 3/11/2023 5:27:10 PM Dear Josephus, «Israel has offered the people of Gaza their right to a separate state fiv.....
» 3/11/2023 5:03:58 PM Dear Chek, Israel has no delusions that once Hamas is gone there will be peace forever. I.....
» 3/11/2023 4:57:13 PM Dear SteeleRedux, The page you referred me to was not found. So without knowing the exact.....
» 3/11/2023 1:29:52 PM Dear Critic, «- I think it goes without saying that every person and every nation has a r.....
» 3/11/2023 8:21:03 AM Dear Critic, «Could this be true also Israel is an occupying power, and as such doesn't .....
» 2/11/2023 10:05:40 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Yes indeed, IF killing anything in Israel that moves was the only way f.....
» 2/11/2023 9:44:27 PM Dear Chek, «In my understanding, the reverse is the case.» The reverse of what? Is this .....
» 2/11/2023 3:52:38 PM Dear Critic, «Israel-Palestine war: Likud MP calls for Gaza to be 'erased from the face o.....
» 2/11/2023 2:50:06 PM Dear Chek, «How about a UN-brokered mandated two-state solution?» That would be wonderfu.....
» 2/11/2023 11:06:12 AM Dear Foxy, «Many Israeli Jews have made it clear that: "We need to work towards a s.....
» 2/11/2023 11:00:39 AM Dear Critic, «The Netanyahu government is just acting out like a drowning man, killing an.....
» 2/11/2023 10:09:31 AM Dear Josephus, Netanyahu is neither orthodox (or even a believer of any kind) nor relevan.....
» 1/11/2023 12:29:44 PM Dear Dan, First you claim (without explaining) that I am so naive, then the next moment y.....
» 1/11/2023 6:36:26 AM Dear ShadowMinister and Critic, «If the document was secret it would not have been publis.....
» 1/11/2023 1:22:50 AM Dear Bezza, What you quote is from the Hadith, considered to be the "oral teaching&q.....
» 1/11/2023 12:58:51 AM Dear Mhaze, Thank you for this beautiful clip, "Here Comes the Sun". That &quo.....
» 1/11/2023 12:22:56 AM An excellent analysis of the situation, as far as the present goes, but mixed with impossi.....
» 31/10/2023 3:59:43 PM Dear Critic, «these things effectively put an end to any 2 state agreement, is that corre.....
» 31/10/2023 12:41:21 PM Dear Foxy, «I don't understand what the aim is.» To kill each and every member and opera.....
» 31/10/2023 11:44:06 AM Dear Mhaze, «"and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make".....
» 31/10/2023 12:33:46 AM Dear Critic, «Netanyahu's government is actively involved in a simple land grab.» It WAS.....
» 30/10/2023 10:47:11 PM Dear Bezza, «The Arab Islamic armies invaded Mesopotamian towards the end of the 6th cent.....
» 30/10/2023 9:02:06 PM Dear Paul, «Nothing would surprise, will we see Zionist gas chambers constructed in Gaza .....
» 30/10/2023 1:38:36 PM Oh My, Mhaze - you took a great risk! I hope and pray you are OK: Did McCartney order you.....
» 29/10/2023 11:30:02 PM Dear Bezza, «From what I read the Arab armies, which were then sent on a mission to take .....
» 29/10/2023 9:28:27 PM This is correct, Foxy. Modern research shows that Judeans (now commonly called Jews) and .....
» 29/10/2023 4:10:54 PM Dear Critic, «I wouldn't be at all surprised if this thing turns into a huge war in the c.....
» 29/10/2023 9:00:13 AM Dear Bezza, «Could we be arrested for hate crimes ?» For hate crimes one has to hate. I .....
» 28/10/2023 9:41:40 PM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, what is your reasoning and justification for accepting "Collect.....
» 27/10/2023 6:34:09 PM Dear Josephus, Thank you for the support, but I don't believe that Hamas is truly motivat.....
» 27/10/2023 3:59:48 PM Dear Foxy, «I have no wish to either argue or interact with you.» Neither did my family .....
» 27/10/2023 3:33:14 PM Dear Foxy, «Middle East Studies experts at ANU and Sydney University tell us that this is.....
» 26/10/2023 11:13:48 PM Dear Critic, «It's funny how I have no real solid support for either the left or the righ.....
» 26/10/2023 11:10:00 PM Dear Critic, «(no offense intended, is 'believers' a better term?)» No. That term is one.....
» 26/10/2023 11:18:57 AM Dear Critic, «2 states with a tunnel in between» The offer was for just one state, conne.....
» 26/10/2023 11:00:35 AM Dear Critic, There has been so much confusion and misunderstanding about religion, that I.....
» 26/10/2023 10:15:19 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «one that completely ignores the fact that Fatah in the West Bank recog.....
» 25/10/2023 9:52:40 PM Dear Critic, I disagree that anything about their particular beliefs is religious. But t.....
» 25/10/2023 9:45:52 PM Dear Foxy, «The overwhelming majority of men, women, and children in Gaza have nothing to.....
» 25/10/2023 8:28:23 PM With friends like these, who needs enemies?*? They are Christian Evangelicals all right, .....
» 21/10/2023 11:50:45 PM Dear Critic, «I watched another video earlier today (From the Shiekh Yuyutsu didn't like).....
» 21/10/2023 10:56:05 PM Dear Bezza, The majority of nominal Muslims do not take the Koran as seriously as yoursel.....
» 21/10/2023 10:45:19 PM Dear Paul, «AND, if this God doesn't exist then what is the purpose of it all.» Depends .....
» 21/10/2023 9:57:07 PM Dear Indyvidual, Of course I am unhappy with that hassle of referendum - especially with .....
» 20/10/2023 5:39:08 PM Dear Critic, One possibility in a comprehensive solution is for Eastern Jerusalem (or at .....
» 20/10/2023 3:22:07 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «a two state solution would mean that Jews to agree would have to defy .....
» 20/10/2023 3:14:45 PM Dear Bezza, Two state solutions would necessarily be volatile. An ongoing war between th.....
» 20/10/2023 2:47:11 PM Dear Foxy, Religions are there to help their adherents to come closer to God, and one of .....
» 20/10/2023 1:41:08 PM Dear Foxy, I am very sorry for what happened to you in your childhood - that was disgusti.....
» 20/10/2023 8:02:25 AM Dear Indyvidual, Why did you address your last post also to me? I said nothing about pro.....
» 20/10/2023 7:29:00 AM Dear Paul, If a person overtly wears a Nazi uniform and is registered in the Nazi party, .....
» 20/10/2023 12:40:00 AM Dear Critic, «They have obviously been preparing for it for some time, and they most like.....
» 20/10/2023 12:13:05 AM Dear David F., «religious people never do anything bad» Even people who are mostly relig.....
» 19/10/2023 8:09:53 PM Dear Indyvidual, «Are you listening to yourself ? How could Dutton possibly stand by his .....
» 19/10/2023 5:24:59 PM Both people are irreparably divided between liberals and fundamentalists: neither a viable.....
» 19/10/2023 3:04:30 PM Dear Foxy, «So much harm has been done in the name of religion. And the most bigoted peop.....
» 19/10/2023 12:34:40 PM Dear Indyvidual, Levy Eshkol, Israel's 3rd prime-minister, was known for his saying: &quo.....
» 18/10/2023 9:22:47 PM The question being, should promises be kept? At elections time, Anthony promised to have .....
» 18/10/2023 2:37:33 PM "Hamas' unprecedent onslaught against Israeli civilians and soldiers put a significan.....
» 18/10/2023 1:14:04 PM Israel claims to have proof that the explosion in the hospital's carpark was caused by Isl.....
» 17/10/2023 3:48:06 PM Dear Critic, «As for the bible, you could probably take out the sweet part 'Do unto other.....
» 17/10/2023 8:20:43 AM Dear David F., «At present the Israelis are fighting a war with the Palestinians.» At pr.....
» 16/10/2023 11:04:52 PM [...continued] «Why would I support a future that forces me to become a product of a reli.....
» 16/10/2023 11:04:48 PM Dear Critic, «And it's not even important what I believe, what is important is what adher.....
» 16/10/2023 5:52:16 AM «Some Muslims follow Jesus War in Israel 2023 - My First Response» This fellow believes i.....
» 15/10/2023 10:24:06 PM Dear Fester, «Didn't strike me as a bad person or a liar.» What Netanyahu says in this i.....
» 15/10/2023 9:25:15 PM Dear Paul, «A simple question to those who believe Israel has the right to exterminate Pa.....
» 15/10/2023 9:47:42 AM Dear Ttbn, «These hate-filled lunatics want to wipe Israel off the map; they have said so.....
» 14/10/2023 10:20:00 PM Dear Critic, «What are the odds?» This depends whether Hezbollah will also get significa.....
» 13/10/2023 6:24:50 PM Dear SteeleRedux, I agree. «I do find it depressing that Israel squandered the opportuni.....
» 13/10/2023 5:01:48 PM Dear Foxy, «This has been caused as a result of Palestinian anger...» Yes, I understand .....
» 13/10/2023 3:08:36 PM Dear Foxy, «Miriam Margolyes writes: "When the Zionists reclaimed Israel, they didn.....
» 12/10/2023 7:44:46 PM I fully agree with this article. Hamas' Brutal Attack Could Have Been Avoided. In an int.....
» 11/10/2023 9:57:09 PM Dear Delivery, «take the whole of what I said and relate it to the situation and state of.....
» 11/10/2023 3:48:20 PM Dear Delivery, You mentioned so many things at once that I am afraid I could not get your.....
» 11/10/2023 12:41:28 PM Dear Bezza, «The whole mess can be laid at the feet of Mohammad. He sent his Arab Islamic.....
» 10/10/2023 11:23:30 PM Dear Ateday, «However I do not believe in an hypothetical imaginary entity who owns this .....
» 10/10/2023 3:06:25 PM Dear Ateday, Netanyahu indeed leaves much to be desired. «However why do they want to in.....
» 10/10/2023 1:37:22 PM Dead Ateday, «Meanwhile keep searching fruitlessly for the title deeds that your god buri.....
» 10/10/2023 1:29:46 PM Dear Foxy, «Two people, one land Three faiths, one root» You can never get anywhere unti.....
» 10/10/2023 11:40:00 AM Dear Critic, «A nation founded by terrorism, a political party founded by terrorists, to .....
» 9/10/2023 11:41:24 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Recent research shows the the Jews/Judeans and the Canaanites are one a.....
» 8/10/2023 11:04:31 PM Dear Critic, Thank you for getting back to me about the hit on Rutenberg power station. T.....
» 8/10/2023 11:02:07 PM Dear Foxy, «What I find unfair is that The Law of Return states that any Jew , born anywh.....
» 8/10/2023 1:57:52 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for the concern. A year ago, nobody could believe such a thing coul.....
» 6/10/2023 5:45:16 PM Dear Josephus, «We live in a free and equal society and people choose where they want to .....
» 6/10/2023 9:24:52 AM Dear Critic, I am anything but a military expert, thus I will leave such questions as to .....
» 6/10/2023 12:06:11 AM Dear Critic, «How many people here strongly believe the USA and allies can beat China, Ru.....
» 4/10/2023 5:51:31 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «and a war between China and Taiwan is presently a distant possibili.....
» 3/10/2023 11:58:18 PM Dear Ttbn, «Australia would actually have to assist in the defence of Taiwan» And it doe.....
» 29/09/2023 1:00:08 PM Dear Critic, «I however think that there's some merit in the idea of approving some and '.....
» 29/09/2023 10:42:06 AM Dear Ttbn, «These unwanted, useless people» I suppose we, spent force oldies, are very u.....
» 28/09/2023 7:52:31 PM Dear Ttbn, «If Russia does lose the war, what do you think will happen after they lose? W.....
» 28/09/2023 12:32:00 PM Dear Indyvidual, There are wars because people have a need for wars. In particular those.....
» 27/09/2023 3:23:12 PM Dear Ttbn, «If you saw this woman or subjected yourself to her rudeness, 'love' is the ve.....
» 27/09/2023 2:48:22 PM Dear Alan, I am disappointed with you: once again you promote that AI robot and unnecessa.....
» 27/09/2023 2:21:42 PM Citizens will be muzzled only if they obey that law......
» 27/09/2023 9:04:42 AM Thank you Ipso Fatso for taking compassion on the convicted person. Likewise this supermar.....
» 27/09/2023 6:30:43 AM Dear Paul, Well of course, serfdom and slavery were never abolished, they just have new n.....
» 26/09/2023 5:44:17 PM Dear Duffy, «Unfortunately for all of us the situation described by Peter is a manifestat.....
» 26/09/2023 7:59:39 AM Dear Paul, Thank you, this is correct......
» 25/09/2023 9:45:57 PM Dear Critic, «A bigger question here may surround the idea that ttbn has no right to hold.....
» 23/09/2023 8:31:30 PM Dear Special Delivery, You seem to be new to this weekly thread: the others know already,.....
» 23/09/2023 8:17:01 PM Dear Ttbn, Why "personal"? Are you in person the one who decides who may or may.....
» 22/09/2023 3:46:56 PM Saint Peter at the pearly gates of heaven? Who ever gave you an authority to conduct a se.....
» 22/09/2023 12:39:30 AM I agree with Ipso Fatso that biological ancestry should not be a basis for privilege. We .....
» 22/09/2023 12:12:14 AM Dear Ipso Fatso, To summarise your post in three words: Might Is Right. Just remember th.....
» 21/09/2023 2:36:37 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «As China isn't fighting,» But it IS fighting - only each war uses .....
» 21/09/2023 8:36:51 AM Dear Ttbn, And who are you expecting to give you that unnatural (and impossible) "ri.....
» 21/09/2023 6:12:31 AM Dear ShadowMinister, Please don't rejoice too early because the battle is still long: Chi.....
» 21/09/2023 5:17:50 AM Dear Ipso Fatso, «I feel compelled to make a few more comments on comments.» Thank you f.....
» 20/09/2023 5:17:46 PM "The NO camp pretends that the Voice could do something terribly dangerous and divisi.....
» 20/09/2023 4:29:33 PM Dear Ttbn, «Depression is a complicated disease. Just taking responsibility for yourselve.....
» 20/09/2023 1:17:17 AM Dear Ross, «Being able to get over adversity (mental or other) and not crying "help&.....
» 20/09/2023 12:06:05 AM Dear Ttbn, «could it be that conservatives take more responsibility for themselves, and d.....
» 19/09/2023 11:16:22 PM "Left leaning students reported the most depression. Why?" I think that people .....
» 19/09/2023 5:09:17 PM This article was from September 2019 - it must have been re-posted in error......
» 18/09/2023 9:33:27 AM Divide the country? Sounds good! "it is hardly about recognition; it is all about cl.....
» 17/09/2023 9:44:14 PM Dear Ttbn, «You'll have to explain that to me.» The website you referred us is named: [.....
» 17/09/2023 2:01:02 PM I wish there was some
» 14/09/2023 8:24:02 PM Dear Critic, You were born in Australia. Fortunate for you, but suppose, God forbid, Aus.....
» 14/09/2023 6:22:33 AM Dear Critic, «it's clear to me that the best system so far is a mixture of socialism and .....
» 13/09/2023 11:32:10 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, I see no reason why Australian citizens/residents/visitors should not be.....
» 13/09/2023 3:45:26 PM Beware of quasi-libertarianism which approves state rolls when convenient. Collecting tax.....
» 12/09/2023 1:32:30 PM Dear David F., «Ever the romantic. Hinduism is a complex system which you may appreciate,.....
» 11/09/2023 7:12:22 PM Dear David F., «We both responded to this robot.» Actually I didn't, I responded to you .....
» 11/09/2023 11:07:18 AM Dear David F., I am disappointed that you respond to this robot. Responding to it only en.....
» 8/09/2023 3:37:39 PM Dear Fester, Thank you for your insight and care. «You seem very annoyed with things.» .....
» 8/09/2023 12:52:08 PM Dear Fester, «My considerations of this question are its legality and appropriateness in .....
» 8/09/2023 9:05:15 AM Dear Fester, «The only other issues I could think of are the wording of the preamble &quo.....
» 8/09/2023 8:51:34 AM Dear Mhaze, How dare you? Challenging the ruling class? If they were not able to take a.....
» 5/09/2023 10:52:04 PM Dear Paul, «A fair question is to ask you to name those organised groups you consider to .....
» 5/09/2023 9:41:31 AM Dear David F., «In a previous post you claim that Christianity, Islam and Judaism are not.....
» 5/09/2023 8:25:07 AM Dear Nathan, David F. is correct in saying that "Yuyutsu and I don't agree on what c.....
» 4/09/2023 4:01:04 PM Dear Paul, A Christian act, past, present or future, need not necessarily be a religious .....
» 4/09/2023 7:48:28 AM Dear David F., I was not attempting in my previous post to refute your statement that &qu.....
» 3/09/2023 11:12:21 PM Dear David F., «If there is such a thing as a soul, why should a possum not have one?» I.....
» 3/09/2023 11:12:17 PM Late to this thread, when parliament/council recites the Lord's Prayer for 3 minutes, thes.....
» 1/09/2023 5:50:02 PM Dear WTF, «The number of dissidents over self-medicating and causing toxic reactions is s.....
» 1/09/2023 11:23:11 AM Dear WTF, «My discussion was around the changes and reasons for the lifting of restrictio.....
» 31/08/2023 7:57:14 PM «As for all your other questions you should approach whoever "they" are and ask .....
» 31/08/2023 5:02:46 PM As a layperson I happen to believe Ivermectin to be both harmful and ineffective in preven.....
» 29/08/2023 2:58:38 PM Dear Foxy, «Why on earth would any rational person not listen to medical professionals? M.....
» 29/08/2023 9:37:28 AM Exactly, Ttbn, This was an exercise in enforcing authority, health or no-health plays no .....
» 29/08/2023 12:03:22 AM Dear Critic, «Funny how you provided a link to when and where the conflict started, in 18.....
» 27/08/2023 2:08:28 PM Considering the sub-sonic vibrations, the noise that is always there even while one cannot.....
» 25/08/2023 8:46:10 AM "Finally, ending the occupation will restore Israel's moral foundation" Well ye.....
» 21/08/2023 10:40:22 PM Dear Critic, «What is 'true democracy'?» Why is this question important to you? Are you.....
» 17/08/2023 7:31:05 PM Dear Dan, «Why do you think Israel as a Democracy, is different in the mentality of its m.....
» 17/08/2023 1:59:14 AM Dear David F., A democracy is supposed to represent its population, not you, I or the aut.....
» 16/08/2023 4:32:48 PM Dear David F., «Israel has a population which is divided between a well-educated, technic.....
» 16/08/2023 2:28:11 PM I support the separating of state and religion (second point); ending the occupation (thir.....
» 16/08/2023 10:54:34 AM Dear Dan, «There is an end point to the fallacy of inclusion through the fake Democratic .....
» 14/08/2023 4:02:32 PM [...continued] «and has no legal impediment to the advance of Israeli settlements.» I on.....
» 14/08/2023 4:02:28 PM Dear Dan, «I think you misunderstand my interest in the new push for the Hashemite Kingdo.....
» 13/08/2023 6:52:26 PM Dear Foxy, «How would any of you have answered the man?» I agree with David F., it was n.....
» 13/08/2023 1:45:34 PM Dear Dan, This is not about international border lines or anything international at all, .....
» 13/08/2023 9:00:34 AM Dear Paul and David F., I did not refer, not on this thread anyway, to the "meaning .....
» 13/08/2023 7:48:17 AM Dear David F., (Ipso Fatso, you may also be interested) Man used to believe that the sun .....
» 13/08/2023 12:23:48 AM [...continued] An example: Drivers often identify themselves with their car. Whatever th.....
» 13/08/2023 12:23:42 AM Dear David F., Thank you for clarifying about your dear wife's last days. «I think you a.....
» 12/08/2023 7:42:21 PM Dear Indyvidual, «the multicultural people who have migrated from different parts of the .....
» 12/08/2023 7:38:11 PM Dear Dan, If the Ukrainians in Crimea no longer want to be part of Ukraine then I am most.....
» 11/08/2023 4:54:47 PM [...continued] «What illogical stories do I believe?» Could it be any of the following? .....
» 11/08/2023 4:54:45 PM Dear David F., Sorry to hear about your wife's illness. Voluntarily stopping eating and .....
» 10/08/2023 6:34:57 PM Nothing sacred about that secular activity - voting in referendums is a profane legal duty.....
» 10/08/2023 6:15:54 PM Dear David F., «The replacement of the atoms that make up our body is not death the way I.....
» 9/08/2023 11:15:36 PM Where are the Canaanites? Modern research indicates that the Canaanites and the Jews are .....
» 9/08/2023 1:45:20 PM Dear Diver Dan, «and especially on the subject of US interference in ME politics and its .....
» 9/08/2023 12:17:44 AM Dear David F., «I don't know of any meaning for the phrase, unborn Eternal.» I think you.....
» 8/08/2023 11:16:38 PM Dear Critic, «If NATO Goes Toe-To-Toe With The Russians NATO Will Lose» I am not a milit.....
» 8/08/2023 11:07:01 PM Dear Diver Dan, I am not an American, but by the way you write you seem to be one. Ameri.....
» 8/08/2023 4:04:46 PM Dear David F., Thank you for your good wishes. It is not that I am fond or approve of hu.....
» 8/08/2023 3:51:19 PM Dear Alan B., While I am disappointed with Diver Dan who started the comments, I thank yo.....
» 8/08/2023 2:51:24 PM Dear Foxy, «The question is simple and so is your answer - YES or NO.» My answer is clea.....
» 8/08/2023 2:33:46 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «There must be a distinct separation between church and state.» So far .....
» 8/08/2023 2:09:54 PM Dear Fester, «That population is an issue of personal liberty ultimately means that it is.....
» 8/08/2023 1:02:28 PM [...continued] «China wants peaceful reunification» So does the wolf wish to reunite wit.....
» 8/08/2023 1:02:24 PM Dear Critic, You seem to view everything through the prism of hating the United States of.....
» 8/08/2023 1:00:43 AM Dear Critic, Only blind Freddy can believe that Putin will stop at Kiev. Could this KGB o.....
» 6/08/2023 9:50:02 PM What is there to celebrate when slavery is still rampant? Some of my predecessors already.....
» 6/08/2023 12:18:17 AM Dear Fester, «I used to be concerned about population until I realised that it was an iss.....
» 4/08/2023 4:49:38 PM Dear Fester, «Do you see the contradiction there? In developed nations where women have m.....
» 4/08/2023 1:58:42 PM It is fine for a society to set rules for its members so that other members can enjoy livi.....
» 2/08/2023 2:32:08 PM I would like to present a relevant verse from a poem, "Bhaja Govindam" by Adi Sh.....
» 1/08/2023 4:27:43 PM Dear ShadowMinister, Israel's high-court judges, all 15 of them sitting together on this .....
» 1/08/2023 8:56:08 AM Dear David F., Reasonableness indeed cannot be defined objectively because behind each an.....
» 31/07/2023 8:06:27 PM Dear ShadowMinister, In reality there are no unreasonable laws (unless they contain obvio.....
» 31/07/2023 9:23:27 AM Dear ShadowMinister, The Israeli opposition agrees that a judicial reform is needed, the .....
» 30/07/2023 11:32:21 AM Dear Alan B., «l simply do not believe you on this one.» Then make this simple experimen.....
» 30/07/2023 7:13:18 AM Dear Paul, We got ourselves into a corner, so we need to turn back and no one is saying t.....
» 29/07/2023 10:35:24 PM Dear Fester, «I think of the social and scientific advances as tools.» Definitely, but t.....
» 28/07/2023 4:13:27 PM Dear Paul, It all depends on how you understand the term "Christian", is it: 1.....
» 28/07/2023 3:00:12 PM It is worth noting that Ayn Rand already criticised soy in her 1957 book, "Atlas Shru.....
» 28/07/2023 2:29:26 PM Dear Alan B., «Still flogging that dead horse.» This is what you are doing every time wh.....
» 28/07/2023 1:59:50 PM Dear Fester, «but ditch the wicked ways of sophisticated civilisation for the noble and e.....
» 28/07/2023 1:46:22 PM Dear David F., Indeed, I wouldn't think that you would like any people stoned for any rea.....
» 27/07/2023 11:22:22 PM Dear David F., «I disagree with the Biblical saying of Jesus: "let he without sin ca.....
» 27/07/2023 3:18:08 PM [...continued] "The occupation has been eroding Israel's democracy from day one".....
» 27/07/2023 3:18:05 PM First, I thank David F. for his excellent response! --- I am undoubtedly on the author's.....
» 27/07/2023 1:45:38 PM Let us look at who are the most sophisticated people: criminals (especially scammers), the.....
» 25/07/2023 12:34:39 AM Dear Pliny, Israeli leaders need this game of war no less - not for Israel's survival, bu.....
» 24/07/2023 9:29:07 AM Dear David F., If you were to follow your own belief system and apply the necessary logic.....
» 23/07/2023 10:41:30 PM Dear David F., «When religion gets benefits from the state» Can one jump naked into the .....
» 23/07/2023 1:14:55 PM The article is correct, but I will eagerly await the next one proclaiming the miracle of a.....
» 23/07/2023 12:45:50 AM Dear David F., Care to explain? One could claim, "if a state does not provide me wi.....
» 23/07/2023 12:13:13 AM [...continued] «I don't think any country can be a democracy if it represents only part o.....
» 23/07/2023 12:13:09 AM Dear David F., Well obviously democracy is a farce - no people in the world are allowed b.....
» 22/07/2023 6:54:09 PM Dear Cherful, «seeming to believe that it will all have a happy ending if they all just j.....
» 20/07/2023 6:07:22 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «The first duty of any culture/religion is to protect its people.» .....
» 19/07/2023 5:53:56 PM Dear David F., «There is no true context of scripture. There is only the context that peo.....
» 19/07/2023 9:08:08 AM Dear David F., Inasmuch as a book attempts to describe the physical universe and its hist.....
» 19/07/2023 12:05:10 AM A totalitarian state like China does not need money or any other viable currency - it can .....
» 18/07/2023 11:58:32 PM Dear Alan B., I encourage you to continue expressing your views and ideas about Israel in.....
» 18/07/2023 7:05:46 PM Dear David F., Yes, I am very aware of the contents of the Jewish Bible, it is a diverse .....
» 18/07/2023 5:16:28 PM 1. Revenge+Enmity: "No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the.....
» 17/07/2023 12:34:55 AM Dear David F., Yes, Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism and therefore its philosophy is p.....
» 16/07/2023 3:15:28 PM Dear Paul, «Albert Einstein is often quoted as having said: "I know not with what we.....
» 14/07/2023 2:16:52 PM Perhaps unfortunately, Mr. Compton, but your country is not being and is not going to be t.....
» 14/07/2023 1:53:23 PM Dear David F., «He told me he would see a psychiatrist. Dad had more sense than the Bible.....
» 14/07/2023 1:09:43 PM Dear Syed Atiq ul Hassan, May Allah bless you. Unlike in the olden days, very few people.....
» 14/07/2023 12:00:55 PM Well we are ALREADY in World-War-III and Ukraine has ALREADY been admitted as a de-facto N.....
» 13/07/2023 10:44:19 PM Dear Nathan, I also don't like the aggressiveness of vegan organisations. I don't like th.....
» 10/07/2023 5:46:04 PM Dear Rhian, I agree regarding COVID, but the way things were going at the time I was also.....
» 9/07/2023 6:47:42 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «What is being proposed is that all the teachers must either have or ad.....
» 8/07/2023 6:56:16 PM Dear Mhaze, Vegans do not eat dairy and eggs - vegetarians do. I have been vegetarian fo.....
» 6/07/2023 10:11:52 PM Competition between states is a good thing. What I find disappointing though is that both.....
» 6/07/2023 4:07:35 PM Dear David F., When nobody makes the first comment, the article isn't listed on this foru.....
» 6/07/2023 12:37:40 PM Dear David F., Did you really have to comment first on this article? This robot wouldn't .....
» 5/07/2023 7:29:31 PM Dear Rhian, «How would your voluntary society deal with a member who refused to conform w.....
» 4/07/2023 10:08:59 PM There are more dimensions to it than the way the article presents. The main one in my vie.....
» 3/07/2023 3:09:56 PM Dear David F., «However, you preserve and venerate the superstition prevalent in a past a.....
» 3/07/2023 2:51:59 PM Go tell the wolf to stop eating lambs and eat grass instead... How naive can the author b.....
» 3/07/2023 2:19:36 PM Dear David F., «Descending into superstition is cleansing the mind?» Obviously it cannot.....
» 3/07/2023 9:00:32 AM Dear David F., To answer MacCulloch, "I appreciate the solemnity of religious liturg.....
» 2/07/2023 10:51:19 PM Dear Paul, «Sunday July 2nd to Sunday July 9th, National NAIDOC Week celebrations» You t.....
» 2/07/2023 10:26:46 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «We are the output of a computer program.» Please speak for yourself - .....
» 2/07/2023 10:28:27 AM Dear David F., I am sorry to hear about the passing of your dear wife. My you always find.....
» 29/06/2023 10:12:44 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «We are a computer program.» If that is not a superstition then what el.....
» 29/06/2023 3:28:04 PM Thank you Peter for another wonderful article. In summary, this particular universe can b.....
» 27/06/2023 1:15:32 PM Suppose I accept at face value this statement that: "for every extra 50,000 universit.....
» 21/06/2023 4:24:18 PM It is extremely sad, but there is just no space left in this overcrowded world for good pr.....
» 19/06/2023 11:55:48 PM Dear Ttbn, People who wet their bed are incontinent, yet that was not the point of my pos.....
» 19/06/2023 5:14:56 PM Dear Ttbn, Just for reference, in my response to Armchair Critic I was referring to your .....
» 18/06/2023 9:38:23 PM Dear Aidan, I use metaphors myself, but a metaphor must show some resemblance. One board.....
» 18/06/2023 5:51:15 PM Dear Critic, «he's such a girl in the way he goes about things» «and gets around straddle.....
» 18/06/2023 4:15:09 PM Dear Aidan, «Stupid article! The ship's not sinking at all.» Stupid indeed: not only the.....
» 18/06/2023 4:03:36 PM Dear Mhaze, «Yet Yuyutsu seems to think we could have (and should have) hired some little.....
» 17/06/2023 8:41:19 PM Australia sits stably in the middle of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate, hence has no re.....
» 17/06/2023 7:28:37 PM Dear Mhaze, If you discussed your relative's wishes in advance and she told you that she .....
» 17/06/2023 7:10:30 PM Dear Ttbn, If I had anything to hide then I would encrypt my E-mails. I would be using m.....
» 16/06/2023 3:50:54 PM Dear Paul, «What would you expect him to do, let her die.» It is not for me to expect an.....
» 16/06/2023 3:50:50 PM Dear Mhaze, That your relative had some falls is a fact. That your relative was found wit.....
» 15/06/2023 10:29:25 PM Dear David F., You should feel proud of your oldest granddaughter!.....
» 15/06/2023 9:14:41 PM Dear Mhaze, What you did to your relative was indisputably legal - but not moral. So wha.....
» 15/06/2023 2:20:39 PM Productivity has to do with quantity, not quality. Productivity means that phone calls ar.....
» 15/06/2023 1:39:41 PM Dear Ttbn, «Hashemite or termite. Nobody here can do anything about these non-stop, borin.....
» 15/06/2023 1:27:05 PM Dear David F., «If a couple should decide to have a child I think they should be prepared.....
» 15/06/2023 8:34:46 AM Dear Nathan, «The problem I have here is that people should love a child unconditionally,.....
» 13/06/2023 11:59:37 PM Dear Mhaze, «Tell me again, why do we need net-zero emissions?» 1) Governments (both nat.....
» 13/06/2023 5:51:05 PM Dear Mhaze, I agree that those who go voluntarily to a nursing home should pay for it, in.....
» 13/06/2023 4:59:25 PM I enjoyed the previous two articles by this author, but I am disappointed by this one. So.....
» 12/06/2023 3:30:23 PM So both government and corporations created inflation (and as Alan just added, Putin too) .....
» 12/06/2023 1:35:18 PM Great article, thanks! As I commented at the previous article, governments have applied a.....
» 12/06/2023 8:29:07 AM Dear Mhaze, «if the aged want to go into care they should be forced to use a large portio.....
» 10/06/2023 9:21:13 PM Dear Canem Malum, «Maybe this might answer Yuyutsu's question» My question was about rel.....
» 9/06/2023 7:33:34 AM Dear Canem Malum, What makes you think that the US is religious? Yes, there are more nom.....
» 8/06/2023 1:49:58 PM Dear Dan, «34% in U.S., 18% (Pew poll), in Israel Believe it’s possible to believe Christ.....
» 8/06/2023 1:11:39 AM Dear David F., «My cousin emailed me today on a matter of family history. I tried to help.....
» 7/06/2023 3:59:13 PM A variant of UBI is called "negative income tax (NIT)", and yes, a few slight mo.....
» 7/06/2023 2:36:50 PM Dear David F., «My cousin was president of the Orthodox Union. He is friends w Netanyahu .....
» 7/06/2023 2:31:30 PM Oops, sorry everyone, the above was posted on the wrong article......
» 7/06/2023 2:29:57 PM Dear David F., «My cousin was president of the Orthodox Union. He is friends w Netanyahu .....
» 7/06/2023 8:30:36 AM Dear Aidan, Good comments, thanks. Just one remark: «Unfortunately Netanyahu's in the l.....
» 7/06/2023 12:34:08 AM [...continued] Apart from the ultra-orthodox, a unique (and non-Zionist) group on its own.....
» 7/06/2023 12:34:06 AM Dear Dan, It is my own analysis, based on following closely on Israeli news at the source.....
» 6/06/2023 2:34:49 PM Dear David F., «There still is the one state solution. Make Israel a real democracy with .....
» 6/06/2023 1:43:51 PM Yes, we have been divided and conquered by that one nasty Mafia called "state", .....
» 6/06/2023 7:31:32 AM Dear Aidan, Normally parents (and grandparents) love their children and wish them well - .....
» 5/06/2023 11:57:28 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «Education is necessary.» Absolutely so. 'Education' comes from 'educe.....
» 5/06/2023 12:55:09 PM Dear Alan B., I totally agree with the first section of your post, which is: «We need to.....
» 5/06/2023 11:29:42 AM "Everyone agrees that all children have an equal right to education." "even.....
» 4/06/2023 4:47:26 PM Dear Alan B., «as it suits their agenda, i.e., endless expansion of Israel. And Mr. Singe.....
» 3/06/2023 11:15:09 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «The conflict in that area has been going on for a LOOONG time. It has b.....
» 2/06/2023 12:47:40 PM Dear Alan B., «Dream on, David» Robots cannot dream! «if you think the views of half a .....
» 2/06/2023 8:42:06 AM Dear David F., Summanus must have done his job as a god, he served his purpose, then made.....
» 1/06/2023 11:26:01 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «Religion is a local man made idea, used to control the masses, and expl.....
» 1/06/2023 1:25:19 PM "The secular education system, was founded on a set of beliefs that, although not tra.....
» 31/05/2023 3:24:13 PM All the author predicts could have been so, except for one detail: THERE IS NO "ISRA.....
» 30/05/2023 3:34:45 PM Who in their right mind wants to share information publicly when we all know that governme.....
» 30/05/2023 12:44:57 PM Dear Paul, «Sadly Australia's foreign policy is based on the dictates, demands and strate.....
» 30/05/2023 9:14:32 AM Dear Ttbn, Indeed I would feel no obligation to relate to anyone - that would truly not b.....
» 30/05/2023 1:01:58 AM Yes, if I were to start a thread in the general-discussion area then I would feel obliged .....
» 29/05/2023 9:01:32 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «Our reality should be based on this view.» Reality is not based on any.....
» 29/05/2023 12:12:21 AM Dear David F., «Ipso Fatso, I think, deals with reality.» Don't we all? «All concepts a.....
» 28/05/2023 10:23:31 PM Dear Ttbn, «The things you mention from the past have no relevance to the topic of suppre.....
» 28/05/2023 10:06:07 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «The concept of a god is man made.» Yes, ALL concepts are man made. «T.....
» 28/05/2023 9:39:31 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «Those who call themselves 'first nations' are living in a false reality.....
» 28/05/2023 12:26:12 AM Dear Ttbn, «Your sarcasm is unbecoming. In my lifetime, governments did not censor Austra.....
» 26/05/2023 4:35:32 PM Dear Paul, Certainly there are people who use churches for both the social and religious .....
» 26/05/2023 3:10:28 PM Here are some ideas for new discussion topics: * The sun is hot! * The rain is wet! * The.....
» 26/05/2023 2:43:20 PM Dear David F., You cannot be serious when on the one hand agreeing that churches are esse.....
» 26/05/2023 9:33:35 AM Dear David F., When a Christian wants you to convert, that does not usually mean that the.....
» 25/05/2023 1:09:34 AM «the centrality of memory to identity drives countless 'amnesia' plots in films, with the .....
» 24/05/2023 2:14:33 PM Wisdom is when the intellect controls the mind, overcomes its lower tendencies and makes t.....
» 21/05/2023 6:56:18 PM Dear David F., «Humans are a social animal and organise in groups.» I do not deny this -.....
» 21/05/2023 1:34:21 AM Dear Special Delivery, «a mere three thousand years as claimed by the Jews in claiming th.....
» 19/05/2023 5:13:52 PM Dear David F., What you (or the American constitution) describe as "rights", I .....
» 19/05/2023 4:01:34 PM "how many Israelis completely distort the nature and the ultimate objective of the Is.....
» 18/05/2023 11:25:31 PM So this scheme of building flats is the regime's Stage 1 in disempowering people, making t.....
» 18/05/2023 4:22:31 PM Dear David F., After years of trying to fight this column, I have arrived at the conclusi.....
» 16/05/2023 3:19:51 PM [...continued] «Yuyutsu, you say it is an internal Israeli problem. Then why do the ".....
» 16/05/2023 3:19:49 PM Dear Bezza, «You say they are Jews, well that might have been so 1400 years ago but it is.....
» 16/05/2023 1:05:26 AM Dear Bezza, «Under Islam you either accept Islam as your religion or you pay the Jizya an.....
» 12/05/2023 4:48:27 PM Dear Maverick, No, I don't think that "david singer" is made in Dimona, I think.....
» 12/05/2023 11:33:31 AM Dear Maverick, This "columnist" is not writing from anywhere, it is a robot, an.....
» 12/05/2023 11:16:05 AM Introspection is a grand virtue. Keep it up, Everald, don't jump to quick conclusions......
» 10/05/2023 9:42:52 PM Israel's democracy and Israel's health can only be restored when its 1967 occupation is en.....
» 10/05/2023 6:48:07 PM Dear Paul, «Typical of American justice!» Why do we need to discuss America? They are cr.....
» 9/05/2023 11:59:10 PM Sadly all the author seems to care about is journalism. What if Assange did not happen to.....
» 9/05/2023 2:39:36 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «If they have genuine difficulty adjusting to modern society, then that .....
» 5/05/2023 4:01:43 PM The article comes short of addressing the root problem, which is that states belligerently.....
» 5/05/2023 2:57:30 PM Adding insult to injury, it has become fashionable to refer to aboriginal people as ".....
» 5/05/2023 10:08:04 AM Dear David F., Yes, I fully agree on these points, both with you and with Maimonides. Ex.....
» 5/05/2023 1:18:33 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, Yes, most ordinary Hindus never studied their scriptures in depth. I.....
» 4/05/2023 12:42:49 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «the vision of its early proponents seems to have been somewhat anth.....
» 4/05/2023 12:22:38 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, 1. «I presume you’re referring to your beliefs, Yuyutsu,» Well of c.....
» 2/05/2023 3:18:55 PM "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they .....
» 2/05/2023 12:02:42 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «if we consider that time is simply the sequence of events and the c.....
» 30/04/2023 4:36:04 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «I, personally, am not inclined to see time as reality any more than.....
» 30/04/2023 3:42:31 PM No law whatsoever about religion can be made, neither for nor against, for the simple that.....
» 29/04/2023 8:49:26 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, I watched the clip you referred me to. What I saw there was panic a.....
» 28/04/2023 4:56:31 PM Dear Paul, «Citizenship gives one a senses of belonging and acceptance» I can't see how .....
» 28/04/2023 11:01:16 AM Dear Paul, This is good and I don't think this move is controversial. The question is, w.....
» 28/04/2023 10:32:39 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «nothing in the universe remains static. Everything is in constant e.....
» 28/04/2023 12:14:29 AM "It is time to look in the mirror and ask yourself: Where do I go from here?" B.....
» 27/04/2023 7:04:37 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, 1) Suppose two people make the same statement, but for one of them t.....
» 26/04/2023 5:51:58 PM Dear Alan, «I agree with Ismail.» You seem to agree with a fictional character. That &q.....
» 26/04/2023 2:42:24 PM Dear Ttbn, «Are people really interested in this stuff?» Yes. This article is part of a.....
» 26/04/2023 2:28:39 PM [...continued] «I don’t know if you consider “absolute truth” to be a divine attribute of.....
» 26/04/2023 1:36:58 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «Whereas, in my view, truth has nothing to do with the degree to whi.....
» 26/04/2023 1:11:33 AM Dear David F., «An approximation and a relative truth are not the same thing.» I agree: .....
» 25/04/2023 11:07:44 PM Dear David F., Interesting to see that Western philosophers also came up with the concept.....
» 25/04/2023 2:08:01 PM Dear Banjo, The truth you speak about is fine, but is not only relative to the people who.....
» 25/04/2023 12:43:54 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, By definition, if one observer expresses one truth and another obser.....
» 24/04/2023 11:57:03 PM Dear David F., «Now you are telling me I shouldn't be making sweeping generalizations» I.....
» 24/04/2023 4:40:59 PM Dear David F., God cannot be a human invention, or anyone else's invention for that matte.....
» 24/04/2023 1:28:41 PM Well said, Dan: «Whoops….Democracy raises its ugly head.» If MPs are not supposed to cros.....
» 24/04/2023 1:08:15 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «For what it is worth, my definition of truth is the sincere express.....
» 23/04/2023 6:55:58 PM A dog has faith that the food its master brings is good and not poisoned. If a stranger b.....
» 19/04/2023 3:19:35 PM The article has profound things to tell about Christianity, which I generally agree with, .....
» 18/04/2023 3:05:47 PM Dear Dan, It is becoming sadly more and more difficult in our failing world to distinguis.....
» 18/04/2023 12:50:00 PM It is just terrible, Israel is being destroyed from within by Netanyahu and his other crim.....
» 17/04/2023 10:30:02 PM Dear Dan, «Sadly, any approach to the Jewish question immediately descends into hostile r.....
» 17/04/2023 10:01:14 PM The regional super-power in the Middle East is Israel, not China. These developments are .....
» 17/04/2023 9:43:27 PM Well you see, friends, I cannot even call the "author" stupid because it is quit.....
» 17/04/2023 1:37:47 PM Dear Alan, It's not about content - post what you like, but why here under this particula.....
» 17/04/2023 10:02:01 AM Dear Critic, What you wrote happens to be true, but 1) it is not relevant to this discuss.....
» 13/04/2023 10:55:21 PM If anyone still needed evidence for the limitations of AI, just look at the above post to .....
» 13/04/2023 5:44:57 PM Dear ShadowMinister, Indeed, facts trump propaganda, the question being how can I tell th.....
» 13/04/2023 4:57:53 PM Indeed guys, we have been duped into talking with a robot, not a human! I have explained .....
» 13/04/2023 3:43:45 PM Dear David, I explained all this that you are asking many times over and even provided yo.....
» 13/04/2023 12:13:26 PM Dear Critic, I am in no position to decide whose information is correct, yours or Shadowm.....
» 13/04/2023 12:03:55 AM Dear David, Your reply screams out how you never bothered to read my comments about the o.....
» 12/04/2023 9:16:23 AM Dear David, «The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution - if successfully implemented - .....
» 10/04/2023 3:00:39 PM Dear Nathan, You are on the right path, others are behind and some are ahead too. We shal.....
» 10/04/2023 8:28:46 AM Dear Nathan, Wanting to modify one's body is a phase within the process of self-discovery.....
» 9/04/2023 10:56:34 AM Making babies is a Ponzi scheme. We stuffed it in the past, now we look for a temporary f.....
» 8/04/2023 11:13:19 PM Dear Dan, As I said, I have no interest in things American - I have no family there! As .....
» 6/04/2023 12:46:10 PM Dear Dan, I could list hundreds of other issues that I have no interest in or views on. T.....
» 5/04/2023 6:29:20 PM Dear Dan, I have no views about American issues, nor care about them. What I know is abou.....
» 4/04/2023 3:55:19 PM Dear Dan, "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For w.....
» 4/04/2023 1:42:38 PM Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat......
» 2/04/2023 4:37:21 PM Dear Critic, Thank you very much for clarifying and I hope we never have to meet again on.....
» 1/04/2023 9:51:55 PM Dear Critic, «For David Singer it's all about idiot Borrell's opinions... "How dare .....
» 31/03/2023 6:17:31 PM Dear Alan, I am very disappointed that you posted here again. By replying to these anti-.....
» 30/03/2023 11:32:32 AM Seems like Whyjens are also poor at math: "We have triple the suicide rate of the ge.....
» 29/03/2023 7:33:02 PM Meanwhile Netanyahu agreed to pause his "judiciary reform" till July due to heav.....
» 25/03/2023 10:12:11 PM Dear Alan, This article may be worth consideration, but why the other one (http://forum.o.....
» 19/03/2023 3:54:09 AM Dear Alan, I appreciate your restraint in not disturbing our patient. Thank you! Israel .....
» 13/03/2023 11:47:57 PM Alan, you disappoint me again and prolong this menace. Why can't or won't you go somewhere.....
» 12/03/2023 5:17:28 AM «I have wondered what the Lord's prayer does in real terms.» It reminds people of God, so.....
» 7/03/2023 10:33:13 PM The way to combat the climate cult and its madness, is to wind down operations. Substitut.....
» 6/03/2023 1:23:05 PM Dear Paul, Yet another government program? Yes the people of this fortunate continent ou.....
» 6/03/2023 1:13:12 PM Dear Ateday, We should not disturb our patient. I responded to you here:
» 6/03/2023 1:11:32 PM Dear Ateday, «in the sandy wastes of the Middle East» Australia has a larger proportion .....
» 5/03/2023 11:57:27 PM Dear Alan, I did warn you - our "Hashemite" madman is a lawyer and he likes to .....
» 5/03/2023 4:29:50 AM Dear Alan, If there is anything you like to say about Israel, please do so here or on sim.....
» 4/03/2023 8:36:07 PM Dear Alan, Shhhhhhhhhh......
» 3/03/2023 1:09:48 PM Dear Ateday and Maverick, There is nothing you or I can do about Palestinians, the holoca.....
» 3/03/2023 11:28:24 AM Dear Alan, I am very disappointed with you. You disturbed our patient again and were the .....
» 2/03/2023 1:44:06 PM Dear Aidan, Obviously we want different things: You seem to prioritise survival and comf.....
» 2/03/2023 12:34:05 PM "The question is whether they want to live in peace, and grow and prosper together, o.....
» 1/03/2023 5:37:29 PM Dear Aidan, It is not about the population still growing because human population is alre.....
» 28/02/2023 2:23:04 PM Dear Ttbn, «Ukraine is being destroyed - for what?» For you and me. Had "that fail.....
» 23/02/2023 1:08:58 PM Dear Dan and Alan, I am disappointed to see you disturbing the patient again, he needs re.....
» 22/02/2023 10:07:24 AM Dear Alan, «True they wanted to drive Israel into the sea.» And they have! Not physical.....
» 21/02/2023 5:56:09 PM «Yuyutsu, In that case you need to change the we to I» Well personally I have no plans to.....
» 21/02/2023 5:10:30 PM Dear Ttbn, «Be thankful that she will no longer be responding to you: it is a blessing.» .....
» 21/02/2023 4:06:03 PM Thank you Alon for this excellent and balanced article. These "Palestinians" al.....
» 21/02/2023 1:50:27 PM Dear Foxy, «But unfortunately by you, my discussions aren't enhanced!» Your discussions .....
» 20/02/2023 4:36:32 PM Dear Foxy, «A politician is a government leader» How politicians relate to each other am.....
» 20/02/2023 2:40:59 PM «Our country's political leaders often...» STOP RIGHT THERE. «Our country's political le.....
» 19/02/2023 3:16:49 AM Dear Alan, I am sorry to hear about your health and financial situation. I am not a nucl.....
» 17/02/2023 2:20:10 PM Why wait for solar storms? We should indeed wean ourselves of electricity and electronics.....
» 17/02/2023 11:45:01 AM Dear Dan, Iron Dome was developed in Israel among other advanced air-defense systems that.....
» 16/02/2023 10:49:59 PM Dear Dan, Israel is not run by this stupid US, Israel is run by its own internal forces a.....
» 16/02/2023 6:43:46 PM Dear Critic, I was under the impression that your concern that the banks might abuse the .....
» 16/02/2023 4:13:01 PM Dear Bazz, «Then in the 700s ad the Moslems invaded Mesopotamia and drove the Jews and Ch.....
» 16/02/2023 3:58:57 PM Dear Dan, «It’s already obvious, the Hashemite Kingdom, although a far superior solution,.....
» 15/02/2023 10:53:21 PM Dear Critic, «I can see a problem here with your line of thinking. I think banks would bu.....
» 15/02/2023 3:40:23 PM Dear Paul, What you suggest can be classified as gambling. It may succeed - but it may c.....
» 15/02/2023 3:10:07 PM Dear David F., «I still don't see any difference in worshiping the Greek, Roman and Norse.....
» 15/02/2023 1:31:29 PM Dear Ttbn, Attention seeking in itself is not a crime. What bothers me here, is that the.....
» 15/02/2023 1:31:26 PM Dear David F., «You were forced to say nothing. You chose to defend your obsession.» I s.....
» 15/02/2023 8:05:46 AM Dear David F., Regarding religion, we have been through this many times and I know you ha.....
» 14/02/2023 9:57:22 PM Dear Foxy, «The fact remains - you have defended those words regardless of who says them .....
» 14/02/2023 4:52:32 PM Dear Foxy, «and to me your statements of "I hate Jews and want to kill them all,&quo.....
» 14/02/2023 1:25:57 PM Dear Foxy, «In common language hate speech refers to offensive discourse that targets a g.....
» 14/02/2023 11:23:09 AM Dear Foxy, What do you mean by the expression "hate speech"? If this means any.....
» 14/02/2023 6:40:59 AM Dear Foxy, People talking about their own psychology and feelings is not an expression of.....
» 13/02/2023 10:16:15 PM If people decide to sail the high seas in unseaworthy boats and drown as a result, then th.....
» 13/02/2023 6:19:20 PM Dear Foxy, Everyone owns their feelings. One can even choose to be upset over being told.....
» 13/02/2023 3:18:43 PM Yes, Israel lost its way. It lost its way in 1967 when it swallowed the bait and held on .....
» 13/02/2023 3:12:11 PM Dear Critic, «I'm still thinking about how I can lay these thoughts and questions out in .....
» 13/02/2023 2:50:01 PM Dear Critic, «I think a person can identify as whatever they want.» Yes, anyone can and .....
» 12/02/2023 9:21:32 PM Dear Maverick, Yes, that can work, but better still if you open a new discussion then we .....
» 12/02/2023 6:51:05 PM Dear Critic, «I think you have to be able to prove aboriginal descent.» Even while I dis.....
» 12/02/2023 6:08:05 PM Dear Critic, «none the old laws are going to apply and there will be no more free will........
» 12/02/2023 5:15:05 PM My question still hangs up in the air, in case anyone else likes to take it, but I wouldn'.....
» 12/02/2023 12:52:02 PM Dear Foxy, «I have made it quite clear that there are 3 criteria» This describes the pre.....
» 12/02/2023 7:35:08 AM Dear Foxy, One does not need attorney generals to tell what the present law is: Suppose .....
» 11/02/2023 10:23:30 PM Dear Foxy, I have read your reply on the other thread: «You told us that you wanted to l.....
» 11/02/2023 9:15:35 PM Dear Alan, While I would be happy to relate to your last post, we should do so elsewhere .....
» 10/02/2023 7:16:31 PM Dear Foxy, By no means have I claimed that life in the outback without clothes and only p.....
» 10/02/2023 2:33:01 PM Dear Foxy, What you described in your last two posts is the existing situation. I don't .....
» 10/02/2023 1:32:50 PM Dear Foxy, I asked you for your personal opinion rather than about the current legal situ.....
» 10/02/2023 12:57:08 PM Dear Foxy, «The following link is worth a read about communism and the Bible:» That link.....
» 10/02/2023 12:24:48 PM Dear Alan, «the proposed Hashemite Kingdom/ an expanded Israel!» This "Hashemite&qu.....
» 10/02/2023 7:59:33 AM Dear Maverick, «One wonders how this little read, one narrow issue author, continues to m.....
» 9/02/2023 8:16:49 PM Dear Critic, «If this is true, then please accept my humble apology.» Apology accepted. .....
» 9/02/2023 7:27:55 PM Dear Critic, Your criticism is well placed, but is not a criticism of the Hindu religion,.....
» 9/02/2023 12:39:24 PM Dear Critic, «Hidus have caste system which is like organised slavery toilet cleaners are.....
» 8/02/2023 6:56:22 PM I wish I could be as optimistic as the author. I think we are heading for a bloody war, l.....
» 7/02/2023 4:17:32 PM Dear David F., «You have assumed falsely that I only know about Judaism and Christianity......
» 7/02/2023 2:00:32 PM A modern nuclear war would not be a doomsday end of humanity scenario. Yes, millions would.....
» 7/02/2023 1:16:37 PM Dear David F., I am not representing Christianity nor have I any inside information why J.....
» 7/02/2023 10:48:30 AM Dear David F., «I don't see God as essentially different from the Greek, Roman and Norse .....
» 7/02/2023 7:59:53 AM Dear David F., «We agree that God cannot exist.» I don't know whether we do: Whereas I .....
» 7/02/2023 12:15:19 AM Dear David, «Why do you think there is a God or god?» I am happy to respond, though this.....
» 6/02/2023 4:42:11 PM Dear Paul, «Would you buy a used car under those conditions?» At the end of the day, if .....
» 6/02/2023 3:39:06 PM Dear Paul, «What is it in organised religions or within people that makes some adherents .....
» 6/02/2023 3:07:21 PM Why pay a tax when you can simply reduce operations by 4.9% a year? Let the Carbonites ra.....
» 6/02/2023 2:48:49 PM What's the fuss? The whole animal kingdom operates this way!.....
» 5/02/2023 10:18:18 PM Dear David F., These terrible tribal practices that you describe and I mourn too, are not.....
» 5/02/2023 4:57:08 PM Dear David F., «The above is not a contradiction. The two patients are different people w.....
» 5/02/2023 12:58:37 PM Dear Paul, «but never the less they [KKK] are just as Christian as any other.» I haven't.....
» 5/02/2023 10:10:06 AM Dear Paul, The KKK did not claim to seek God. They were a racist organisation, not a reli.....
» 5/02/2023 8:15:27 AM Dear Paul, «are organised religions tolerant?» This is almost like asking, "are org.....
» 5/02/2023 6:19:25 AM Dear David F., Sorry, I know that you do not enjoy corresponding with me, but so long as .....
» 2/02/2023 5:59:44 PM Dear Mhaze, «Ultimately our society entrusts the raising of kids to their parents.» Read.....
» 1/02/2023 11:13:30 PM Dear Josephus and David F., You are both right. Chastity is a virtue when one conserves .....
» 30/01/2023 12:08:44 AM The more we assign importance to this division by gender, the more we talk about it, the m.....
» 29/01/2023 11:38:12 PM Dear Critic, «I think that a negotiated resolution of the conflict is becoming less likel.....
» 29/01/2023 4:06:19 PM Dear Critic, «Countdown to WW3 has begun.» What do you mean by "countdown"? W.....
» 29/01/2023 5:24:32 AM Dear Paul, «Is PELL in HELL?» No. Whether the one who was once identified as the human c.....
» 28/01/2023 11:56:06 PM «CRC maintains the earth was created in six literal days and is around 6,000 years old.» .....
» 26/01/2023 6:55:10 PM Dear Maverick, «Yes you are correct in concurring «Israel prefers the US to arbitrate or .....
» 26/01/2023 6:04:07 AM Dear Maverick, «Is this relevant enough for you Yuyutsu?» Technically your account touch.....
» 24/01/2023 10:35:53 PM Dear Foxy, «so that their perpetrators cannot continue to commit their crimes on new vict.....
» 24/01/2023 7:22:54 PM Dear Foxy, «Now be a good chap and say a prayer for all the victims who will never see ju.....
» 23/01/2023 7:56:05 PM Isn't it dreadful that everyone has to be boxed into some industry, category, subdivision .....
» 23/01/2023 1:43:08 PM "Do you support an alteration to the constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and .....
» 20/01/2023 4:59:53 PM Dear David F., Thank you so much for all the feedback. Too bad you cannot speak for the m.....
» 19/01/2023 11:38:46 PM «Your obsession with pre-Thatcher data is an absurdity.» I am not obsessed, I could live .....
» 19/01/2023 10:49:03 PM Dear Dan, I am not clear why you addressed me here on the topic of wars, but since you as.....
» 19/01/2023 1:03:36 PM Dear Ttbn, Not a proxy war - a war of example for the West, and a lukewarm test-case for .....
» 19/01/2023 11:50:25 AM "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:.......
» 19/01/2023 11:21:17 AM Dear Indyvidual, Thanks, these could have been my own words but you were first of course!.....
» 19/01/2023 10:49:28 AM Dear Ttbn, «Instead of giving aid and equipment that we can't afford to give, we should b.....
» 19/01/2023 7:39:56 AM Dear Paul, «Very few victims of these predatory monsters seek revenge,» I would have hop.....
» 18/01/2023 9:13:05 PM «You are the only one asking this question.» Yes I am asking, because I think that inform.....
» 18/01/2023 8:18:59 PM Dear David, I will not bother you this time with opinions you disagree with, but I may us.....
» 18/01/2023 7:33:03 PM Dear Paul, Only humans can think, but let me say just one thing - that Ridsdale and his i.....
» 18/01/2023 6:34:40 PM «Show us your eveidence that the documents were forged.» I did not claim that they were n.....
» 18/01/2023 6:13:59 PM Dear Paul, You present a secular worldview. The secular worldview considers the world to.....
» 18/01/2023 4:33:22 PM Dear Paul, I did not expect you to understand, which is why my post was addressed to Nath.....
» 18/01/2023 1:19:29 PM Dear Nathan, There are pedophiles and rapists who cannot control their sexual urges and t.....
» 17/01/2023 7:39:01 AM Dear SteeleRedux, Care to explain the connection, if any, between your damning report of .....
» 17/01/2023 7:27:35 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «during which Pell never uttered a single word, remaining silent thr.....
» 17/01/2023 12:30:02 AM Dear David F., «Another possible solution is for most people to abandon religion as a rel.....
» 16/01/2023 11:56:36 PM Dear David, «even if you find Version 2 of the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution be.....
» 16/01/2023 10:22:31 PM Dear Diver Dan, Yes, I always like to go back to basics. «Wasn’t the intention of a Jewi.....
» 16/01/2023 8:17:59 PM Not change - cancel!.....
» 16/01/2023 8:14:32 PM Dear David, Shihabi may be an important person internally in his country, but as far as o.....
» 16/01/2023 6:50:40 PM Dear Ateday, «Well stated Yuyutsu. The dangerous power of religion.» Care to explain thi.....
» 16/01/2023 2:03:20 PM This article made me want to cry - but I have no more tears. While Israel's founders are .....
» 15/01/2023 5:33:31 PM "In 2015, investigative journalists uncovered internal company documents showing that.....
» 15/01/2023 4:28:53 PM Dear David, «1. A plan emanating from Saudi Arabia overruling Saudi foreign policy for th.....
» 15/01/2023 3:29:00 PM The percentage of sex crimes that are punished? - 100% Regardless of what human police a.....
» 15/01/2023 2:49:41 PM «The Exxon scientists and those that study climate change do not use Elloit Wave Theory in.....
» 15/01/2023 12:38:02 PM Dear David, The existence of Version 1 was never contested. That almost no one ever ackn.....
» 15/01/2023 8:00:48 AM The Elliot Wave Theory. Accordingly t.....
» 15/01/2023 12:31:52 AM Dear David, «trying to muddy the waters - as did your mate #Maverick» Maverick is not my.....
» 14/01/2023 11:18:07 PM Dear Foxy, «Accordingly Pell continued to protect pedophile clergy.» So? This just mean.....
» 14/01/2023 10:42:44 PM Dear Dan S de Merengue, We seem to be talking about two different things. You are discus.....
» 13/01/2023 7:13:01 PM I don't believe that anything actually happened between Cardinal Pell and these two naught.....
» 13/01/2023 6:13:24 PM Looks like the sequel to "Arabian War Games" by the fiction author, Ali Shihabi,.....
» 13/01/2023 1:20:48 PM Dear Foxy, «Two Australian state governments will not offer taxpayer-funded public funera.....
» 13/01/2023 12:59:51 PM Dear Diver Dan, I never dodged any tax because there is nothing immoral in paying taxes -.....
» 13/01/2023 12:48:14 AM Dear Diver Dan, «In view of your dislike of State control over its citizens, inclusive of.....
» 12/01/2023 5:49:17 PM [...continued] «It is safe to say, all terrorist groups consider themselves justified to .....
» 12/01/2023 5:49:15 PM Dear Diver Dan, «Q. Do you consider the State to be worthy of the description of terroris.....
» 11/01/2023 8:36:39 PM (sorry about the last post - wrong thread).....
» 11/01/2023 8:35:38 PM Dear Foxy, «... after which the Australian Cardinal's body will be brought to Sydney for .....
» 11/01/2023 8:34:41 PM Dear Foxy, «... after which the Australian Cardinal's body will be brought to Sydney for .....
» 11/01/2023 1:57:55 PM Dear Foxy, «Should he be given a state funeral?» Definitely not - why would you want his.....
» 11/01/2023 12:26:05 AM Dear Diver Dan, «Well, you are radical with that view,» I have my view - you may judge i.....
» 10/01/2023 3:16:58 PM Dear Dan, I looked up your reference to the "Sovereign citizen movement" - this.....
» 10/01/2023 12:28:20 PM Adding one more layer of government? Adding more complexity to the terrible complex we alr.....
» 10/01/2023 12:05:11 PM Dear Dan, I was not lauding the state. I have stated time and again that states AS THEY .....
» 9/01/2023 9:52:37 PM Dear Andras Smith, Indeed, what a waste: rather than aiming at the monster's head and rep.....
» 9/01/2023 5:33:54 PM Why does the Australian freedom movement always take such unprincipled approaches, at the .....
» 6/01/2023 12:54:40 PM Do you really want to know what they have been saying? Netanyahu and his Saudi counterpar.....
» 6/01/2023 8:57:23 AM Dear Dan, The story was not a parable, but something that actually happened in the 18th c.....
» 5/01/2023 4:50:14 PM Most men (and women) never face the court system and court orders, even if they separate. .....
» 5/01/2023 7:36:35 AM Dear Paul, YES. In broad terms, you got it right! While I could dissect your descriptio.....
» 4/01/2023 9:58:29 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, As I already wrote in my first post here, I disagree with Karl Barth.....
» 3/01/2023 12:17:32 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «Would you please explain how “… the world is … an essential part of.....
» 3/01/2023 6:18:24 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, There is no need to guess and try to read the author's mind instead .....
» 1/01/2023 6:57:31 PM Dear David F., «There are only worldly things.» That is a definition, yes. "Things.....
» 1/01/2023 2:07:47 PM Dear Josephus, It is not nice, not fair and not true to claim that David F. has no faith......
» 1/01/2023 11:50:07 AM Dear Ttbn, «Ukraine is not our problem.» Ukraine is our front line where we stop China. .....
» 1/01/2023 8:23:29 AM Dear Josephus, Indeed, Christian (or any other) faith is not based in natural sciences, b.....
» 30/12/2022 5:54:09 PM Dear Critic, «Russia hasn't embarked on 'Red terror' across Europe.» Not yet across - th.....
» 30/12/2022 1:56:37 PM Well I wouldn't be surprised if the UN "security council" adopts any scheme to d.....
» 29/12/2022 10:37:16 PM Dear Critic, You keep blindly blaming "The West", "The West" and &quo.....
» 29/12/2022 3:01:50 PM «If the major political parties wish to remain relevant during the coming decades,» Remai.....
» 28/12/2022 11:19:16 PM Dear Critic, «- But I think the only chance Ukraine has left now is to capitulate to Russ.....
» 28/12/2022 8:51:08 PM Dear Critic, Russia can never exhaust the Ukrainian forces because they are only the fron.....
» 28/12/2022 8:42:13 PM Dear Nathan, «You're not happy about that as you don't agree with throwing holy books in .....
» 28/12/2022 5:04:43 PM Dear Critic, I always believed that the common Russian people are victims of their regime.....
» 28/12/2022 1:29:27 PM Dear Critic, The Russian people are known as strong and tough, but I cannot tell what it .....
» 28/12/2022 10:46:59 AM Dear Josephus, There are many crimes which are not listed on the state's criminal code. S.....
» 27/12/2022 7:44:46 PM Dear Critic, «Everything you read is lies, but you're pro-Jew so would automatically be o.....
» 27/12/2022 11:11:43 AM Suppose China invaded and took parts of Australia, so that many Australians were forced to.....
» 26/12/2022 2:28:48 PM Dear David F., «As far as giving God a bad reputation God has been called the most unplea.....
» 26/12/2022 10:03:08 AM Dear Foxy, «I feel that your concerns about Australia's religious institutions on the who.....
» 25/12/2022 2:00:30 PM Dear David F., First, thank you for the beautiful poem! It is logically erroneous to con.....
» 25/12/2022 12:08:45 PM Dear Foxy, «Religious institutions continue to play a large role in Australian society. F.....
» 23/12/2022 6:50:00 PM Dear David, I oppose any form of external constraints on what one may or may not investig.....
» 23/12/2022 6:05:16 PM Oh Paul, «Is it right to leave a pile of hundred dollar bills at your front door?» By so.....
» 23/12/2022 5:45:45 PM Dear David, «The desire for knowledge does not always conflict with a religious attitude......
» 23/12/2022 4:57:30 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, When it comes to physical objects placed on your property, this is no lo.....
» 23/12/2022 3:19:59 PM Dear David F., «It is an item of faith for the religious view of the origins of the unive.....
» 23/12/2022 12:54:11 PM If the aim of creation was history, then how come the memory of history is so short-lived,.....
» 23/12/2022 10:58:05 AM "There are hundreds of Hindu gods, male and female" gods, not God, not just hun.....
» 23/12/2022 8:21:16 AM Dear Dan, There is no "Hindu God", nor my or your "personal God". We .....
» 23/12/2022 8:05:06 AM Hear, Hear! Gift yourself with contentment this and every other Christmas, your friends w.....
» 23/12/2022 7:10:52 AM Dear Paul, Yes, some of my suggestions are radical and would require more time and pain b.....
» 23/12/2022 7:00:08 AM Dear Dan, I am not a lawyer, I don't think any of us here is. If Nathan wanted to ask a l.....
» 22/12/2022 9:53:13 PM Dear Paul, «The elderly will be an ever increasing percentage of the population» Not &qu.....
» 22/12/2022 8:46:17 PM Dear Dan, If by "right" you mean "legal", then it's a legal question .....
» 22/12/2022 5:31:03 PM Dear Dan, I remember these stickers: "Driver, don't be right - be wise". I thin.....
» 22/12/2022 4:44:11 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for your contribution. Indeed it is wonderful when older people are.....
» 22/12/2022 1:34:06 PM Dear Aidan, «Being late entering the workforce, it makes sense that I also be late leavin.....
» 21/12/2022 11:24:05 AM Yet another attempt to "square the circle". As long as there are too many peopl.....
» 21/12/2022 8:41:07 AM Dear Dan, You assert that distributing Bibles is necessarily a charitable action solely o.....
» 20/12/2022 11:35:19 PM Dear David F., «To me Christmas is a day of mourning.» Are you aware that Jesus could no.....
» 20/12/2022 9:46:16 PM Dear Dan, «leaving a Bible at a front door crosses no line of illegally under most circum.....
» 20/12/2022 3:49:04 PM Well it looks like churches in general no longer represent religion or God. That is not a .....
» 20/12/2022 2:27:42 PM Dear Dan, «The latter part of the question (I would conclude) , with a yes.» If "ri.....
» 20/12/2022 6:43:59 AM Dear Paul, «there is no evidence that a Christian is any more morally correct that say a .....
» 20/12/2022 4:54:55 AM Dear David F., Godless people BEHAVE as if there is no God even while some of them may me.....
» 19/12/2022 9:36:57 AM Dear Dan, But I was not speaking of "legal" - states and their laws are created.....
» 18/12/2022 9:50:41 PM Dear Dan, A saint of any religion would not be insulted by anything. Period. Being less .....
» 18/12/2022 5:38:24 PM Dear Dan, «Ok, interesting. But what if you open the bedside draw in your room at a hotel.....
» 18/12/2022 11:14:12 AM Dear Dan, The question is not whether it is legal or otherwise to enter a private propert.....
» 18/12/2022 9:29:01 AM It is wrong to place ANYTHING in someone else's property, in fact even entering it without.....
» 16/12/2022 7:09:57 AM Dear Paul, It makes no sense to speak of "conservative" or "progressive&qu.....
» 15/12/2022 1:51:38 PM What to do - I do not count myself as a traditional conservative and no political party re.....
» 14/12/2022 2:11:52 PM Dear Dan, «Why are you opposed to Hashemite solution?» Because I care and wish well for .....
» 13/12/2022 9:16:51 PM Dear Daffy, «Meanwhile why not read the new essay by Chris Hedges titled Israel and the R.....
» 13/12/2022 1:31:32 PM Wrong: Israel is not going to press its self-destruct button - perhaps the author should!.....
» 10/12/2022 10:23:15 PM I agree with David F. The state (including its government) should never compel people eit.....
» 10/12/2022 10:14:05 PM So long as people like to reproduce like rabbits in order to keep their genetic line going.....
» 9/12/2022 10:46:05 AM Dear Paul, Why are you so concerned about violence from the fringe of the fringe when the.....
» 6/12/2022 9:52:02 PM Age is no indication of wisdom and maturity. The right to vote ought to be determined by .....
» 6/12/2022 12:52:52 PM Indeed, this plan is neither new nor newsworthy. Not new because the author has already b.....
» 2/12/2022 9:06:05 AM Since Australia is not a sentient being, it is nonsensical to speak of it having any ".....
» 1/12/2022 12:24:06 PM Dear David, «Not interested in any further correspondence with you.» Thank you so much, .....
» 1/12/2022 12:24:49 AM [...continued] Israel is so fortunate to have friendly Jordan as a territorial buffer whi.....
» 1/12/2022 12:24:45 AM Dear David, OK, so beyond the ordinary criminal and local agricultural feuds and thefts t.....
» 29/11/2022 11:34:01 PM First a correction: "The 1947 UN solution creating one Jewish State and one Arab sta.....
» 28/11/2022 5:25:03 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, So you are telling me that I am an idea in my mind. Thus that I am a.....
» 27/11/2022 12:54:10 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «I am, indeed, an idea in your mind and you are an idea in mine.» P.....
» 26/11/2022 10:49:15 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «there obviously is no God at all. There is only the idea of God (or.....
» 25/11/2022 12:45:38 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, You spoke of "my" God, but God is not mine (or anybody els.....
» 24/11/2022 4:43:32 PM Dear Dan, «calling oneself God is blasphemy» Yes, calling oneself God while still thinki.....
» 24/11/2022 10:52:07 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «Based on your indications and explanations, it appears that there i.....
» 23/11/2022 11:51:38 PM Dear Dan, «Even Christ doubted his God on the cross; My God, why hast though foresaken me.....
» 23/11/2022 3:21:08 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «I interpret this to mean that the object of the exercise is to beco.....
» 23/11/2022 2:18:46 PM I agree with Ttbn, Dan and Alan. --- Dear Mhaze, «The Saudi proposal doesn't match thes.....
» 22/11/2022 11:39:14 PM Dear David F., «As you don't violate the law of the land you live in you are free to prom.....
» 22/11/2022 12:24:42 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, You speak of so many "religions" with practically nothing .....
» 22/11/2022 7:25:14 AM Dear Paul, «maybe some of our 'Old Fart' deniers can come up with some alternatives, but .....
» 21/11/2022 11:20:35 PM Dear David F., I don't think you liked it when Nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as viruses .....
» 21/11/2022 2:39:30 PM Dear Dan, «I form the view that mans need for religion and it’s rituals, is as old as man.....
» 18/11/2022 5:24:45 PM Dear David F., Following your last comment I looked up Daffy's article; and whether we ag.....
» 18/11/2022 12:58:12 PM Thank you David F. and Alan B. for your thoughtful contributions. While God is not an ent.....
» 18/11/2022 12:13:14 PM Thank you Peter for this very thoughtful article. I do wonder how many of the readers cou.....
» 17/11/2022 2:19:44 PM There is no moral justification whatsoever for anyone to rule over others against their wi.....
» 17/11/2022 1:28:00 PM As for me, I would rather be free even if that meant a 10%-12% annual death rate and 10.5%.....
» 17/11/2022 6:21:28 AM Why has the sun risen today? Well of course, it was quick out to greet me! Why has the moo.....
» 16/11/2022 2:21:29 PM Dear Critic, «What if you're a Wall St banker and your religion is money and greed? What .....
» 16/11/2022 12:47:44 PM Dear Critic, You seem to jump into conclusions too quickly: «There's actually 3 categori.....
» 14/11/2022 10:34:40 PM Dear Paul, «This was in the opening post from me;» But the words were of Bobby Azarian, .....
» 14/11/2022 5:19:09 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Will you kindly tell us how these shaming reports like the one above, w.....
» 14/11/2022 2:59:27 PM Dear Foxy, "there's not much more to discuss" in the context of this thread, me.....
» 14/11/2022 2:28:09 PM Dear Megatherium, I cannot speak for the other two. One reason I decry that idea is that.....
» 14/11/2022 9:55:47 AM Dear Foxy, «Read the link I gave. It may help this discussion. It is on topic. Here it i.....
» 14/11/2022 7:50:07 AM Dear Paul, I understand your urgency to return to the trunk of the discussion which you s.....
» 13/11/2022 10:58:57 PM Dear Nathan, First just a small concern about your use of language: I find calling abori.....
» 13/11/2022 10:25:46 PM Dear Foxy, Since we live in a world of opposites, every single thing is a danger to somet.....
» 13/11/2022 2:11:04 PM Dear Foxy, «We surely don't want people running the country who... X Y Z» Just as you do.....
» 13/11/2022 7:04:36 AM Dear Paul, So long as you speak of Christian fundamentalism rather than misrepresent it a.....
» 13/11/2022 5:20:00 AM Dear Paul, «We are all aware of the dangers presented to the world by religious fundament.....
» 9/11/2022 2:12:14 PM Dear "Indyvidual", Xi Jinping announced that Hong Kong will be ruled by patriot.....
» 9/11/2022 12:27:10 AM I could be wrong, but I do sincerely believe that even the most corrupt hardened criminal,.....
» 9/11/2022 12:13:45 AM Dear Indyvidual, In this particular case, I rather follow the original Australian spirit:.....
» 8/11/2022 3:54:53 PM The whole idea behind defending ourselves against China is to protect our freedom. Should.....
» 5/11/2022 10:22:58 PM Dear Dan, Yes, there is a room for radicalism, but not when it causes suffering for other.....
» 5/11/2022 9:29:29 PM Dear Dan, «The broader aim is to divide the West along the line of conservative V liberal.....
» 4/11/2022 1:56:27 PM Dear David F., On the side, this "identity" thing is total rubbish. Looking at .....
» 4/11/2022 8:50:38 AM Now, I expect the usual suspects to use this platform to condemn Israel. Yes, Israel's de.....
» 4/11/2022 8:40:11 AM There cannot be a "two-state solution" because there cannot be any solution. Th.....
» 3/11/2022 5:22:23 PM Dear Banjo, The distinction must be made that your last post only relates to Hatha Yoga r.....
» 3/11/2022 12:14:22 PM When I grew up I had a children's book telling about Gypsies who might come at any time in.....
» 2/11/2022 8:52:55 PM Dear Maverick, Similar to Iran under the Ayatollahs rule, following the last elections an.....
» 2/11/2022 4:13:34 PM Yes, Maverick, I will be busy on the phone line tonight and in the coming days, trying to.....
» 1/11/2022 12:04:48 PM Dear Dan, I can't see why you keep speaking about that stupid US - America is a spent for.....
» 31/10/2022 10:42:24 PM Dear Dan, Indeed, I am not familiar with the American plans, but frankly, nobody listens .....
» 31/10/2022 2:54:56 PM We can learn nothing from the fact the Netanyahu opened his mouth - his own friend and all.....
» 30/10/2022 9:57:42 AM [...continued] What has belief to do with this? Why has it been so stressed in some dicti.....
» 30/10/2022 9:57:38 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, Thank you for looking at the 7th edition of the OED. Though still a .....
» 29/10/2022 10:22:02 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «The Oxford University Press began writing and releasing the Oxford .....
» 29/10/2022 8:10:35 PM Dear Bazz, Well, Muslims tend to ignore the Koran anyway when convenient... «Abbas was o.....
» 27/10/2022 12:58:20 PM Dear Indyvidual, It happened to George Pell, it can happen to anyone, it can also happen .....
» 26/10/2022 4:51:29 PM Dear Ttbn, He who pays the piper calls the tune! Doctor-patient relationship is interfer.....
» 26/10/2022 2:22:28 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «True atheism and religion are both personal belief systems.» Only the .....
» 26/10/2022 1:17:45 PM All right, all right, but what did you expect, Kara? For decades, you, doctors, flirted w.....
» 26/10/2022 8:16:15 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «There have been negotiated settlements that gave the Palestinians 9.....
» 26/10/2022 12:34:29 AM Dear David F., «I am an atheist. At this time that is an aberrant view.» I am really sur.....
» 25/10/2022 4:19:24 PM Dear Dan, I thank you too for this discussion......
» 24/10/2022 11:02:50 PM Dear Dan, Surprise, Surprise, but I do not support the rainbow flag. Actually, I do not s.....
» 24/10/2022 5:57:53 PM Dear Dan, «And what is the problem with a Theocratic Israel?» Theocratic Israel (or Theo.....
» 24/10/2022 1:58:04 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «How were these so called terrorists when they were largely targeting o.....
» 24/10/2022 9:37:53 AM Dear Dan, Ben Gvir is not motivated by security and defense, but by the desire to enforce.....
» 23/10/2022 10:14:25 PM Dear Is Mise, «Put simply, religion is away of life that has followers and rules, thus Pr.....
» 23/10/2022 9:46:32 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, A team has common goals. A team is in agreement of what constitutes succ.....
» 23/10/2022 2:00:27 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, Albert Einstein was once asked by a blind person to explain them what 'w.....
» 23/10/2022 12:56:15 PM Dear Paul, «offending against state law was severely punished, as was offending against r.....
» 22/10/2022 11:02:38 PM Dear Dan, Thank you for the clip. Israelis are very good with satire, they say it all in.....
» 22/10/2022 10:39:26 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, I second David F. «We have laws.» No - THEY have laws, they who call t.....
» 22/10/2022 10:28:20 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «I am sometimes surprised to find that those with a religious bent can b.....
» 21/10/2022 4:40:29 PM The situation is depressing, but the article is excellent - thank you Dara! What name cou.....
» 21/10/2022 3:42:00 PM Dear Foxy, «It explains things much better than I can.» Is your estimate of your own kno.....
» 21/10/2022 1:24:38 PM Dear Foxy, «The problem of how to reach a mutually acceptable compromise between these tw.....
» 20/10/2022 11:45:20 PM Dear Bazz, «The Koran states that land once occupied by moslems can never revert» Possib.....
» 20/10/2022 3:08:59 PM «Israel wants all of Jerusalem as its capital.» Half of Israel. The other half wants onl.....
» 20/10/2022 1:48:35 PM Dear Ttbn, «As long as Israel itself wants it that way, so it should be.» Israel as such.....
» 19/10/2022 5:00:38 PM Dear Banjo Paterson, «Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receiv.....
» 19/10/2022 12:38:40 PM What is now Western Jerusalem has been a rural area in Biblical (and Roman) times - it is .....
» 19/10/2022 12:26:42 AM I can't see why Israel should be bothered about it. What is a "capital" anyway?.....
» 18/10/2022 11:53:37 PM [...continued] «Our end is final.» That is a tautology, but there is no evidence whatsoe.....
» 18/10/2022 11:53:34 PM Dear David F., «Being executed does not guarantee a person a fresh start.» I didn't make.....
» 18/10/2022 2:42:46 PM Dear Paul, I feel divided on this issue. On the one hand, I do not approve of the concep.....
» 18/10/2022 12:20:36 PM Putin could not have devised a better 3-stage plan than the author's "solution":.....
» 18/10/2022 5:23:34 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, Firstly, the number of Australians who selected "no religion&qu.....
» 18/10/2022 5:11:59 AM Dear Bazz, Bigpond might consider OLO messages as spam. Have you tried registering a diff.....
» 17/10/2022 11:37:17 PM Dear David, Whatever you happen to think of God, this discussion is about religion, not a.....
» 17/10/2022 11:09:42 PM Has there actually been a power outage? Or have you been hoaxed? I know someone who was a.....
» 17/10/2022 10:53:41 PM Dear David F., I am sorry if my last post seems insulting: it was not my intention to ins.....
» 17/10/2022 3:06:56 PM Dear David F., «Since we have different definitions of religion we are not talking about .....
» 17/10/2022 9:19:45 AM Dear David F., You seem to think of religion as a belief, but belief is only one possible.....
» 17/10/2022 12:20:17 AM Dear David F., I excluded the first 4 commandments simply because they were not relevant .....
» 16/10/2022 9:27:36 PM Dear David F., «I don't see how one can give religion a good reputation.» Okay, Okay, bu.....
» 16/10/2022 4:54:22 PM «Some religious groups...» To be accurate, some groups who claim to constitute a religion.....
» 15/10/2022 9:26:09 PM Dear David F., «We have the New Testament to tell us what Jesus taught.» No, we have the.....
» 15/10/2022 9:26:02 PM Dear Critic, «Christians can't place an ad or make an offer for employment and say 'Gays .....
» 14/10/2022 5:57:50 PM Dear Aidan, You are right, but I was using Indyvidual's terminology in my response to him.....
» 14/10/2022 4:00:43 PM Dear Indyvidual, Economy is not my specialty, so I am in no position to tell whether or n.....
» 14/10/2022 1:30:39 PM Dear Everald Compton, You claim that higher taxes stimulate the economy. If I am to beli.....
» 14/10/2022 12:55:02 PM Dear Foxy, «We are a secular nation with...» Please speak for yourself - I am not a nati.....
» 13/10/2022 8:55:28 PM Dear David F., I fully agree......
» 13/10/2022 8:02:08 PM Dear Critic, You should always perform your duty. The question being, what is your duty .....
» 13/10/2022 7:05:58 PM Well well, one (but not the only) reason they could not influence me to take drugs was bec.....
» 13/10/2022 6:52:06 PM Dear Critic, «Surely the churchies have some lawyers in their ranks.» You know, one day .....
» 13/10/2022 1:26:08 PM Dear Foxy, So the club added a new condition of employment, just one day after employing .....
» 13/10/2022 12:05:14 PM Dear Foxy, My logic was in the most general sense, that a club which is prejudiced, intol.....
» 12/10/2022 9:08:03 PM I don't care what they smoked themselves, but does anyone here know by chance, or at least.....
» 12/10/2022 9:03:12 PM Dear Foxy, You wrote me on the twin thread to this ("The compelling need for a Feder.....
» 12/10/2022 8:47:31 PM Dear Indyvidual, «The only one to prevent this from becoming a global catastrophe i.i. en.....
» 12/10/2022 5:37:33 PM Dear Foxy, «I don't understand your logic.» Which part exactly? That the organisation i.....
» 12/10/2022 1:18:38 PM Dear Indyvidual, «Europe has nothing to fear from Russia !» Yes, as far as conventional .....
» 12/10/2022 1:06:46 PM Dear David F., Thank you for correcting me. Still, in the context of this article, men a.....
» 12/10/2022 12:49:24 PM Dear David F., «but you still did not explain how one can become closer to a non-existent.....
» 12/10/2022 12:56:46 AM Dear David F., Please let me attempt my most simplistic brief reply, because a full respo.....
» 11/10/2022 11:39:28 PM Shall men be thankful that they were not born as ant/bee drones? Only one male is needed t.....
» 11/10/2022 11:15:37 PM Sad but mostly¹ true. It all starts and ends with Netanyahu, but Netanyahu is not immorta.....
» 11/10/2022 6:03:07 PM Dear Foxy, I disagree: one can wear one hat on the one job and another hat on the second......
» 11/10/2022 3:37:49 PM Dear David, «I tried to keep kosher by avoiding eating meat since it had not been slaught.....
» 11/10/2022 9:59:45 AM Dear David F., With all respect, I did not know your father and all I can relate to are y.....
» 10/10/2022 11:33:29 PM Dear Rhian, «I think the answer to all three of your questions is "yes".» That.....
» 10/10/2022 4:44:45 PM Dear Rhian, Aren't we all sinners? Can't a Christian, a sinner themselves, hold the view.....
» 10/10/2022 9:18:49 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «According to you, there should be no restrictions on any employer f.....
» 10/10/2022 7:58:18 AM Dear Foxy, «It would be interesting to see how this case would play out in a court of law.....
» 9/10/2022 5:34:47 PM Dear Foxy, Regarding your link: I wouldn't like to work for an employer who meddles with.....
» 9/10/2022 8:58:50 AM Dear David, «Religion often preserves concepts that are not applicable to the current wor.....
» 8/10/2022 11:47:39 PM "But Christians need to prepare for the worst." This is only a test, a rite of .....
» 8/10/2022 11:13:55 PM Dear David F., «Since the sabbath in Exodus was on Saturday this would make all people wh.....
» 6/10/2022 10:14:36 PM Dear Maverick, But I did obviously enjoy the music! Had I understood the words and how m.....
» 6/10/2022 4:44:47 PM I was able to love the Beatles only because my English was so poor at the time that I didn.....
» 6/10/2022 1:21:07 PM Dear Daffy, «How come he was not charged with and (quite rightly) jailed for such proven .....
» 6/10/2022 12:51:59 PM Safetyism as it stands is immoral, yet the article's rejection of it is too extreme. I wou.....
» 6/10/2022 11:51:34 AM 1) The club did the wrong thing in rejecting Andrew. 2) The law should never forcibly prev.....
» 5/10/2022 8:34:03 PM 49 years ago (October 1973) on this most sacred and solemn day of the Jewish calendar, Egy.....
» 2/10/2022 1:14:35 PM Dear Foxy, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the "Palestinians" to enjoy better,.....
» 1/10/2022 10:05:08 PM Dear Foxy, $38 billion is over 10 years - 3.8 billion per year. Israel's GDP for 2022 is .....
» 30/09/2022 5:27:48 PM Dear Foxy, With Israel's GDP of 520 Billion US dollars, 3.8 billions are a drop in the oc.....
» 30/09/2022 4:27:59 PM Dear Foxy, The days when Israel depended on the United States are long gone. At present,.....
» 30/09/2022 3:32:16 PM Dear Foxy, «and force Hamas to chose between its rockets and re-construction.» Well they.....
» 30/09/2022 9:19:35 AM Welcome MedIT, Israel, whether you like it or not, is not anybody's "child", le.....
» 29/09/2022 6:53:06 PM Dear David, As you all speak of a "solution", I can reasonably believe that you.....
» 29/09/2022 12:50:05 PM Dear Foxy, No chance Snowden will be sent to Ukraine: 1) Snowden has no former military .....
» 29/09/2022 12:44:23 PM How can we ever speak of a "solution" where the (so far) four of us here speak o.....
» 29/09/2022 8:40:00 AM That's right: nobody other than the author and some Saudis is keen on the destruction of J.....
» 28/09/2022 11:42:05 PM Dear David F., Thank you for introducing this topic. But before we can start discussing .....
» 28/09/2022 6:22:10 PM Well anyone who believes in "Climate-Change" should oppose the burning of flags .....
» 28/09/2022 2:58:13 PM Dear Ttbn, «Nothing we can do about it. As the West gets weaker, the barbarians in places.....
» 28/09/2022 1:18:37 PM Dear Critic, «I want a multipolar world not a unipolar one.» Well I don't want any poles.....
» 27/09/2022 1:26:27 PM Good article. I agree. However, why start at the far end of obviously harmful drugs where.....
» 27/09/2022 12:12:52 PM How is it that the properties of ordinary people can be invaded (with government backing) .....
» 27/09/2022 12:01:01 PM "What really holds it together is the belief in people's right to make as much money .....
» 25/09/2022 11:05:05 AM Dear Ttbn, «I will stick to the facts: there are two sexes; their plumbing is different; .....
» 23/09/2022 9:03:38 AM The Bible, at least its first part, the "Old Testament", is the national book of.....
» 22/09/2022 12:18:51 PM The author has got one thing right, in his concluding sentence: "Doing so could chan.....
» 20/09/2022 12:40:21 PM Congratulations to the author on what is probably the shortest OLO article - only 433 word.....
» 15/09/2022 10:59:39 PM The Washington Post just published that in 2018, Donald Trump offered the West Bank (which.....
» 15/09/2022 3:59:38 PM So what's new? "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then ma.....
» 14/09/2022 10:05:08 PM Good to learn from the author that King Charles is a decent bloke. An Australian ruler mi.....
» 14/09/2022 4:57:42 PM Dear Shadow Minister, We must thank God for this good news......
» 14/09/2022 4:40:39 PM "The struggle for liberty is always a work in progress against the behemoth." I.....
» 14/09/2022 3:57:23 PM Dear David F., Thank you for replying. You don't need to respond to me, but would you as.....
» 14/09/2022 2:48:04 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «I don't understand why some want to treat atheism and organised religio.....
» 14/09/2022 2:05:03 PM Dear JP, «Yuyutsu – you make a lot of assertions but provide little, if anything, to back.....
» 13/09/2022 12:25:50 PM Dear JP, As in your own words: «It is only if we actually do have free will that we can g.....
» 13/09/2022 9:44:28 AM Dear JP, «Thanks for your attempts to explain your position Yuyutsu. However, to be compl.....
» 12/09/2022 3:24:09 PM While governments can give us hell, no government can fail you - unless you have any expec.....
» 12/09/2022 3:16:01 PM Dear JP, «It never ceases to amaze me that, from my experience, most people don’t seem to.....
» 12/09/2022 3:15:56 PM Allow me to step back a few days into the discussion about free will. I think we can all .....
» 10/09/2022 8:20:06 PM Dear JP, «Yuyutsu – the best I can make of what you are saying is that you believe that G.....
» 9/09/2022 3:37:00 PM Dear JP, «Yuyutsu – I don’t believe it is possible for all religions to be going in the s.....
» 9/09/2022 9:34:37 AM Dear Davif F., When one looks at the world, one can either see it as the crap it seems to.....
» 9/09/2022 12:35:27 AM "These challenges are 'existential' in that they both materially and physically threa.....
» 9/09/2022 12:27:02 AM "The Australian Government recognises the Government of the People's Republic of Chin.....
» 8/09/2022 11:14:43 PM Dear David F., Have I ever claimed that God existed? We corresponded about this issue fo.....
» 8/09/2022 6:38:48 PM Dear Dan, As I see it, it is the continued occupation of 1967 which sadly drowns Israel i.....
» 8/09/2022 6:29:34 PM Dear David F., JP and Ipso Fatso, I am yet to contribute on this great and vast topic and.....
» 8/09/2022 2:41:35 PM As usual in this weekly hatred-sermons, the author claims that all 120 members of Israel's.....
» 8/09/2022 2:14:58 PM It was politicians first, starting from Margaret Thatcher, who decided that CO2 affects cl.....
» 8/09/2022 1:36:32 PM Dear Foxy, Most of your last post continues to discuss the events of 1947-1949, as if you.....
» 8/09/2022 12:15:05 AM Dear Critic, I am so sorry, I did not mean that members of your family were stupid, only .....
» 7/09/2022 10:59:02 PM Dear Foxy, You ask me to read about 1948. By then, it is clearly agreed that no Arabs wer.....
» 7/09/2022 7:48:06 PM Dear Foxy, "The Zionist project that established Israel in 1948 had at its core the .....
» 7/09/2022 6:54:56 PM [...continued] «Then there is the question of laws, and the need for ordered society, wha.....
» 7/09/2022 6:54:54 PM Dear Paul, «However, saying that I cannot divorce government from the people, or governme.....
» 7/09/2022 3:14:56 PM Dear Dan, «The Kurukshetra War will be left in the shade of the cataclysmic war over Taiw.....
» 7/09/2022 2:37:17 PM There is a Jewish story about the Wise Men of Chelm: Background: the people of Chelm are .....
» 7/09/2022 1:14:20 AM Dear Critic, «I suggest Australia worry about Australia and let China worry about China.».....
» 7/09/2022 12:38:32 AM Dear David, I notice that you moderated your words: Until now you persistently spoke of .....
» 7/09/2022 12:05:23 AM Dear Paul, «What I have presented is good people wanting to do good, there can be nothing.....
» 6/09/2022 11:51:28 PM Dear Dan, Of all OLO members, you should know best who the earth belongs to: God alone! .....
» 6/09/2022 7:03:57 PM [...continued] «So recriminations should cease, and new 'boundaries' should be accepted?».....
» 6/09/2022 7:03:54 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «I think we need to think about what it means to 'own' property.» I lik.....
» 6/09/2022 9:59:44 AM Thank you Jack for this interesting information. However, there is no need to depend on h.....
» 4/09/2022 3:40:29 PM Dear Paul, «there is more to national wealth than simple population numbers. ttbn do you .....
» 4/09/2022 12:32:27 AM Dear Paul, «many Australians are now aware and involved in grass roots private community .....
» 2/09/2022 1:59:23 PM Dear Alan, «WTF has Saudi got to do with any of it? De Gaulle or de Goose?» Simple - the.....
» 2/09/2022 9:57:44 AM "Gantz told Kan Reshet Bet: Those who, in a clear left-wing position, consider 'two.....
» 30/08/2022 10:39:03 AM Dear Critic, «I'm not sure I know who the greater or lesser evil is anymore.» If we had .....
» 30/08/2022 7:08:57 AM Dear Critic, I understand how you passionately describe American and Australian hypocrisy.....
» 28/08/2022 10:54:11 AM Dear Indyvidual, «I don't know anything about this book other than it upset Muslims. Coul.....
» 26/08/2022 5:34:46 PM Long ago I started reading the "Satanic Verses" to see what the sensation was ab.....
» 26/08/2022 3:46:05 PM How lovely, aren't you beautiful? Regardless how many articles you post here, Israel shal.....
» 26/08/2022 3:27:31 PM How interesting, David - so you consider the fact that most Jews love and care for Israel .....
» 26/08/2022 11:35:20 AM Why, most Jews do love and care for Israel, most Jews wouldn't like to see Israel being de.....
» 24/08/2022 2:21:34 PM Dear Paul, I contest this title of "Village Idiot": I don't care, and why shou.....
» 22/08/2022 10:37:51 PM Just learned about this fungi that take over insects' minds and turns them into zombies at.....
» 18/08/2022 5:54:22 PM There are only two types of creatures in the internet, all identical, so which of them is .....
» 18/08/2022 5:31:22 PM Here is a member of the establishment who tries to drown out the last voices of protest, w.....
» 18/08/2022 6:38:20 AM Dear Paul, «In earlier times many believed The Plague was caused by sin» Please understa.....
» 18/08/2022 5:20:03 AM Dear ShadowMinister, Without prejudice on the original subject matter, you wrote: «Disea.....
» 17/08/2022 2:59:08 PM In the Jewish tradition, it is forbidden to pray or study scripture in a filthy place or w.....
» 16/08/2022 9:57:56 AM Another week - another incitement by our resident Syrian (or perhaps Iranian or Russian?) .....
» 16/08/2022 9:43:15 AM Dear David, Your country seems to be a total waste of space - how about dividing Syria be.....
» 13/08/2022 9:06:47 PM Correction: in my rage about this conspiracy to kill my family, I inadvertently omitted th.....
» 13/08/2022 9:01:56 PM Dear David, I have read the message and understand it very well: serves the interests of .....
» 11/08/2022 10:33:56 PM Dear David, Did you mean this nonsense?
» 11/08/2022 8:19:41 PM Dear David, For once - try to stop blowing your own trumpet! Any part of the West Bank o.....
» 9/08/2022 2:29:18 PM Here comes the regular weekly attack on Israel and Jordan... "His Majesty King Abdul.....
» 5/08/2022 4:50:54 PM Dear Paul, «There are many genuine people who enter politics for the right reasons.» Ind.....
» 5/08/2022 4:38:07 PM Dear David, May I remind you that I still did not receive a reply to my question, which I.....
» 5/08/2022 3:20:26 PM Well all politicians are the same and are at their best when going on holiday where they d.....
» 4/08/2022 12:19:07 PM Dear David, I have fallen into your verbal trap once before, so I am now more vigilant. .....
» 4/08/2022 7:17:41 AM Dear Banjo, Hinduism recognises that life has four purposes: 1) Artha - building up secur.....
» 4/08/2022 12:19:41 AM Dear Banjo, «Religion historically regards homosexual sex acts as sinful» Not quite, not.....
» 3/08/2022 9:32:50 PM Dear Voice of Reason, «I literally did not say that, can you read?» Page 16: «"You .....
» 3/08/2022 9:20:59 PM While there are good reasons to lower the rainbow flag, monkeypox is not one of them: how .....
» 3/08/2022 8:52:37 PM Dear David, Some Yiddishkeit for you: According to the Mishna, people who fly pigeons ar.....
» 3/08/2022 7:20:08 PM Dear Critic, OK, so NATO didn't keep their word not to expand eastward. Tsk Tsk. I unders.....
» 3/08/2022 10:59:48 AM Dear Voice of Reason, Previously you claimed that socialism is about "to give people.....
» 3/08/2022 12:16:06 AM Dear Voice of Reason, «Why is it, boomer? What are gay people mad at?» That is totally b.....
» 2/08/2022 2:21:50 PM Dear Voice of Reason, «You think that pride is about anger?» No: pride is pride, I just .....
» 2/08/2022 12:22:07 PM I don't have a visual artistic talent, my drawings would probably look like those of an 8 .....
» 2/08/2022 11:38:08 AM Dear Critic, «It seems clear the west planned for Ukraine to join NATO, just as they are .....
» 2/08/2022 11:19:12 AM Dear Voice of Reason, ...or this is how you call yourself here, yet your manner of speech.....
» 1/08/2022 6:02:52 PM Dear Voice of Reason, I assume, but please correct me if I was wrong, that since you quot.....
» 29/07/2022 2:07:21 PM Oh dear voice of reason, «I hate scum who want to harm strangers for things they can't co.....
» 29/07/2022 1:50:15 PM Everyone, I think we can all learn honesty from the personal example shown by person with.....
» 27/07/2022 6:32:18 PM Dear Foxy, "Human beings desire attachment, belonging, and connections" Yes th.....
» 27/07/2022 6:17:41 PM Dear Ttbn, I don't think that anyone can suspect me of supporting the Greens and their po.....
» 27/07/2022 6:02:45 PM This should draw our attention as to why, just in order to play a sport, players are force.....
» 27/07/2022 3:21:48 PM "Slavery is no longer an issue in Australia." OK, so slavery is no longer being.....
» 23/07/2022 9:46:21 PM Taking the cash is shameful regardless of taking/keeping oaths. Since candidates serve the.....
» 22/07/2022 12:20:51 AM Dear Critic, By your very name it is your role to criticise, but why write "the West.....
» 21/07/2022 7:12:05 PM If the question is of survival and proper feeding, then technology allows human population.....
» 21/07/2022 8:19:58 AM Dear Critic, Thank you so much for clarifying - I am proud of you........
» 21/07/2022 7:10:04 AM Well said, LEGO! Dear Critic, Yes, the possibility that this could lead to a nuclear war.....
» 20/07/2022 10:28:56 PM Dear Ttbn, «You are always so proud to proclaim your lack of knowledge and disinterest,» .....
» 20/07/2022 9:15:25 PM Dear Critic, «if I was to become an MP it wouldn't be to serve the Queen, but to serve ou.....
» 20/07/2022 5:36:03 PM Dear Ttbn, «The question is, CAN she or anyone else be removed for lying, breaking an oat.....
» 19/07/2022 3:07:08 PM The so-called "Palestinians" will never forget their historical true allegiance .....
» 19/07/2022 2:34:53 PM Only $100 million? Well Aidan was ahead with what I wanted to say - I second him!.....
» 15/07/2022 4:38:38 PM Some drunkard climbed the roof of the council building naked, threw down beer bottles and .....
» 15/07/2022 2:36:27 PM Dear Paul, «What do you define as being "religious"?» In the most general term.....
» 14/07/2022 8:39:18 PM Dear David F., «I am most interested in religion» Is that so? You do seem to be focused.....
» 14/07/2022 3:06:28 PM Dear David F., «In my opinion the best remark concerning religion was made by the Roman, .....
» 13/07/2022 11:16:25 PM No matter what Israel does, there will never be peace between it and the West-Bank's local.....
» 13/07/2022 12:11:17 AM Dear Foxy, If your family loves and respects your grandchildren, then they should not sen.....
» 12/07/2022 11:58:51 PM Dear David F., «Are the Chinese doing worse than was done in the mission stations in Aust.....
» 12/07/2022 7:31:35 PM Dear Paul, An excellent observation! «Is it not the end result that counts?» The end re.....
» 12/07/2022 12:59:39 PM He who seeks shall find. I am not that familiar with classical culture, but from this art.....
» 12/07/2022 9:29:19 AM Dear Dan, «It’s a mean and ruthless world in which the wealthy are not forced by the stat.....
» 12/07/2022 12:02:21 AM Dear Rhian, «I’m not sure that government does directly subsidise religious organisations.....
» 11/07/2022 2:08:42 PM Thank you Rhian for your prompt comment: I am a Hindu and do not consider my beliefs to be.....
» 11/07/2022 10:52:48 AM Historically, churches were a meeting place for all sorts of people, whether or not they w.....
» 10/07/2022 12:59:11 AM «the Bible commands: "you shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). The question now bec.....
» 10/07/2022 12:28:03 AM This just demonstrates that constitutions never represent the people upon which they are f.....
» 8/07/2022 1:45:04 PM Dear David F., «I looked the reference you included in your post and saw nothing about th.....
» 8/07/2022 9:11:42 AM Dear David, Thank you. The question of Roman "good-heartedness" was already di.....
» 7/07/2022 9:56:22 AM Dear David F and Maverick, The Philistines are mentioned many times in the Bible as Judea.....
» 6/07/2022 5:45:24 PM Dear Spencer, Sorry I have been wrong: The thread opened with this question of presumabl.....
» 6/07/2022 5:34:37 PM Dear Dan, «I’m astounded to read of your conclusion that children without a future should.....
» 6/07/2022 12:41:46 PM Dear Maverick, I agree, but please don't blame Israel for this bizarre idea, which was is.....
» 6/07/2022 11:09:45 AM So, every time some fool says something stupid, everyone else (including UN, EU, Jordan & .....
» 6/07/2022 10:57:28 AM Dear Dan, «Should we abort all Lebanese from here on.» What a leap of thought... like wh.....
» 6/07/2022 9:20:18 AM Dear Dan, Not to worry, I estimate about 90% of abortions today to be of selfish motive -.....
» 6/07/2022 8:30:33 AM Dear Spencer, Indeed, so I presume this is why you won't disclose your Christianity in th.....
» 5/07/2022 10:39:27 PM There is a famous story in the Mahabharata about Ganga who married King Shantanu, then dro.....
» 5/07/2022 6:06:03 PM Dear Ttbn, «The religion question was the only non-compulsory question in the census. And.....
» 5/07/2022 2:23:35 PM Dear David, 1. There's no conflict between Arabs as such and Jews as such (even to the sm.....
» 2/07/2022 11:57:17 PM Dear David, «Would all those who have commented so far care to abandon their usual practi.....
» 30/06/2022 11:26:30 PM «Australia has no vital interests in Ukraine and should not get embroiled in a messy forei.....
» 30/06/2022 8:45:41 AM Dear SteeleRedux, Yes, the so-called "Palestinians" are not welcome in Israel, .....
» 29/06/2022 2:01:15 PM Well Shihabi cannot be blamed for promoting what is good for his country, Saudi Arabia. Y.....
» 27/06/2022 11:34:28 PM Dear Ttbn, I thank you for your honest response which comes from the heart. I find Austr.....
» 27/06/2022 5:21:06 PM Dear Hasbeen, «Presently it looks like instead of a prime minister we got a prime tourist.....
» 27/06/2022 5:09:05 PM Dear Paul, My simple answer to you is that I do not believe in flags. You ask: "Is .....
» 27/06/2022 3:29:43 PM Dear Paul, With due respect, you have not addressed the specific issues I raised. You se.....
» 27/06/2022 2:02:59 PM Dear Ttbn, I have no time or interest to go researching about individual politicians, thu.....
» 27/06/2022 10:56:30 AM Dear Ttbn, I must admit that I haven't been following this discussion, mainly because of .....
» 26/06/2022 11:57:28 AM Dear David F., «I see no point in repeating our past arguments.» I respect your choice t.....
» 25/06/2022 11:44:16 PM Dear David, «That's exactly what they DID between 1950 and 1967» What else could they do.....
» 24/06/2022 1:21:02 AM Dear David F., «The identity of a people is often in the reality or feeling of being oppr.....
» 24/06/2022 12:18:25 AM «Palestine Arabs desire unity between Transjordan and Arab Palestine and therefore make kn.....
» 22/06/2022 1:07:16 PM «Note that all the Greens MsP swear or affirm allegiance to Australia and at that swearing.....
» 21/06/2022 9:24:29 AM Dear Ttbn, «how about the wackjob, Adam Bandt, refusing to stand in front of the Australi.....
» 21/06/2022 9:10:48 AM Dear David F., Have you read the article or only its title? The author could have done b.....
» 21/06/2022 6:18:39 AM Dear Critic, Please don't dilute and divert this conversation into a discussion about the.....
» 21/06/2022 5:56:52 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «Who would think giving a family of illegal immigrants a free pass» .....
» 21/06/2022 12:22:12 AM Both sides are violent and disgusting......
» 21/06/2022 12:03:12 AM I thank O Sung Wu for reminding us of Australian and other women who are locked up in the .....
» 20/06/2022 11:38:45 PM Dear Dan, «I don’t vote. I will not support State sanctioned criminal enterprise. It’s ti.....
» 20/06/2022 2:38:16 PM "I was reading Isaiah's scriptural book when I came to the place where the prophet sa.....
» 20/06/2022 11:08:00 AM Dear Ttbn, Well of course elections were vacuous, as always - what did you expect?.....
» 20/06/2022 10:20:40 AM Dear Canem Malum, «Most people seem to only get to halfway of JSM's Liberty because he ra.....
» 19/06/2022 9:10:51 PM Dear Canem Malum, The differentiation between "Left" and "Right", tod.....
» 19/06/2022 2:16:52 PM Dear Fester, «If Jules goes to the US, he will face a trial in an impartial court and...».....
» 19/06/2022 7:02:35 AM Dear Canem Malum, «My understanding of Libertarianism is that it essentially means ".....
» 19/06/2022 12:20:51 AM "Australia's new ALP Government has gigantic green energy plans to be funded by elect.....
» 18/06/2022 11:49:37 PM Dear Ttbn, I was as upset about George Pell being jailed as now about Julian. Just as I .....
» 18/06/2022 10:25:52 PM Dear Fester, Clearly if someone posted a bomb from Australia, then either it would alread.....
» 18/06/2022 9:03:12 PM «How does anyone break US law when they are not US citizens and are not in US jurisdiction.....
» 18/06/2022 8:30:48 PM Dear Canem Malum, «Ayn Rand's Model of Libertarianism is based on some assumptions that a.....
» 17/06/2022 1:33:22 PM Dear Canem Malum, «I suspect that Yuyutsu's comment was more due to mental shorthand.» O.....
» 17/06/2022 11:35:25 AM Dear Paul, «With too much self-interest and too little integrity the Coalition Government.....
» 16/06/2022 7:03:37 PM Dear Paul, Well obviously, if you want to ensure seeing results immediately, in our own l.....
» 16/06/2022 12:35:29 AM Dear Paul, According to
» 15/06/2022 2:57:15 PM Dear Paul, «even at that number a huge reduction would be required, how would it be achie.....
» 14/06/2022 6:59:34 PM Dear Paul, If the world population decreases evenly from 8 billion to 200 million people,.....
» 13/06/2022 11:33:21 PM Dear Canem Malum, Having a living, breathing, human body is important, but is only a mean.....
» 13/06/2022 2:36:06 PM Dear ShadowMinister, Death is not a problem but a most common and natural occurrence - pe.....
» 12/06/2022 2:42:13 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «It is the uncaring and bigoted pedogreens and Labor left whingers t.....
» 10/06/2022 5:10:51 PM Dear Critic, «People don't share a common destiny, it's a fantasy.» They do share, only .....
» 10/06/2022 5:07:11 PM Dear Foxy, «Including the thousands still in detention in this country.» Amen!.....
» 10/06/2022 4:53:15 PM Yes, we are all happy today. «It took a caring government less than two weeks.» Yet we m.....
» 10/06/2022 9:27:48 AM Dear Foxy, «we have a long way to go in our society in terms of tolerance.» There will a.....
» 10/06/2022 9:12:33 AM Dear Aidan, «Paul's too old for me to regard him as a future thinker. I'm not sure about .....
» 9/06/2022 5:40:57 PM So young guys would be divided into three, more or less equal, groups: Those who can affo.....
» 6/06/2022 4:04:51 PM Dear Indyvidual, «there is simply no alternative to such a service.» Castration! Even c.....
» 6/06/2022 9:03:38 AM Dear David, «Humans are creative animals. We created God.» Can you be serious? Puny hum.....
» 5/06/2022 10:27:22 PM Dear Pogi, As you wrote nothing of essence, I am gratefully relieved of any further time-.....
» 4/06/2022 9:17:41 PM Dear Pogi, «I wrote nothing AGAINST christianity and nor did I of buddhism.» You wrote: .....
» 3/06/2022 10:34:48 AM Dear Pogi, No, I was not referring to heaven. «In my previous post to you I described se.....
» 2/06/2022 1:29:41 PM «Albanese will continue to pursue the UN's anti-Israel agenda» Why should this be conside.....
» 1/06/2022 9:01:14 AM All true, but what can we do? The others are even worse!.....
» 31/05/2022 9:57:05 AM One of the strangest concepts I ever encountered - "identity needs". Why should.....
» 31/05/2022 9:19:27 AM Dear Paul, «since Satan told Adam and Eve they had nothing to worry about eating God's ap.....
» 31/05/2022 12:48:29 AM Dear Pogi, My statement which you quoted does not speak about either Buddhism or Christia.....
» 30/05/2022 10:56:42 AM The people of Biloela wanted to live with their friends and the cruel Canberra regime, 140.....
» 29/05/2022 2:19:50 PM Thanks be to God and thank you Paul for bringing us this good news!.....
» 29/05/2022 10:49:55 AM Dear Canem Malum, Harsh as it may sound, it is not for me or you to pick and choose how G.....
» 26/05/2022 4:52:00 PM Great article - thank you Peter! Are the books that you read in your Church truly Scriptu.....
» 17/05/2022 5:19:12 PM I begin to wonder whether this is what Putin wanted all along - to destroy his own army be.....
» 16/05/2022 10:20:42 AM Dear Paul, «Not sure how your snakes and goats biblical quote comes into it.» Several Bi.....
» 15/05/2022 10:00:33 PM Dear Paul, «The problem Yuyutsu is you assume 'A' and 'B' are negotiating on a level play.....
» 15/05/2022 2:39:10 PM Dear Paul, «Does this guy Morrison really care about ordinary Australian's? Me thinks not.....
» 15/05/2022 1:50:52 PM Dear Paul, Poverty is poverty, period. If you consider poverty to be a problem, then deal.....
» 13/05/2022 3:03:46 PM Dear Foxy, «anyone can win at this stage.» Please don't rub salt into our wounds - we kn.....
» 12/05/2022 1:30:22 PM My sympathies, Ttbn, There is a solution for those debates: next time hide some small kni.....
» 11/05/2022 7:02:21 PM Jonah prayed from the belly of the whale and God answered his prayer. Is there anywhere w.....
» 9/05/2022 10:53:06 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Well done all.» Yes, we have been great, the people of Australia did .....
» 9/05/2022 12:32:42 AM Dear Critic, «I was really only wondering what your opinion was on the first few links, i.....
» 8/05/2022 1:12:25 AM Dear Critic, What do you want from me with all these links you bombard me with, all that .....
» 7/05/2022 10:41:42 PM Dear Critic, How about also giving China some tactical advice, over which bridges they sh.....
» 3/05/2022 11:47:54 AM Amen, Shadowminister!.....
» 3/05/2022 11:44:58 AM How depressing! --- Dear ShadowMinister and Ttbn, Time would tell, but while I hope oth.....
» 29/04/2022 9:41:04 AM To curb the lust for power, one needs to overcome weakness. A man is naturally weak, his(.....
» 29/04/2022 8:49:27 AM Dear Dan, I have no problem discussing the Russia-Ukraine war and its motives, which inde.....
» 28/04/2022 6:18:56 PM Well as Mhaze explained, it wouldn't be proper to compare Ukraine with Syria, but perhaps .....
» 28/04/2022 4:02:17 PM Dear Dan, The only one who needs to know what goes inside Putin's sick mind, is his psych.....
» 28/04/2022 1:02:17 PM These drunkard clowns sat in the gambling capital of San Remo and idly chatted their minds.....
» 26/04/2022 12:51:14 PM Dear Alan, «Agree with one condition. That we return to the practice and belief of the or.....
» 24/04/2022 4:58:08 AM Dear David F., «Your limited definition of religion does not include non-theistic and pol.....
» 24/04/2022 4:13:25 AM Dear David F., You say that Buddhism is a religion: It is a religion for some Buddhists b.....
» 23/04/2022 11:00:15 PM Dear David, "By their fruits shall ye know them" refers to people, especially p.....
» 23/04/2022 8:55:06 PM Dear David F., Clearly you do not understand what religion is because the people you just.....
» 22/04/2022 1:16:55 PM Dear David F., Thank you for clarifying that you do not support the use of force. You kn.....
» 22/04/2022 2:14:29 AM Dear David F., Well you know that we disagree over some issues on God and religion, but t.....
» 21/04/2022 6:40:50 PM Dear David F., «With civil marriage, an integrated school system and separation of religi.....
» 21/04/2022 6:22:42 PM Dear Ttbn, «Please try to be realistic.» I agree that this specific example/scenario is .....
» 21/04/2022 2:28:57 PM Dear Ttbn, «No, Yuyutsu. We do not all have trouble with the law. I certainly do not.» A.....
» 21/04/2022 1:05:49 PM That's the problem with lawyers - they think that writing documents is equivalent to solvi.....
» 21/04/2022 8:32:41 AM God Bless you, Dan: «when we can find a way to vote with a bullet, then and only then wil.....
» 21/04/2022 5:56:39 AM Dear Ttbn, «You seem to have a lot of trouble with the law.» Don't we all? How we handl.....
» 20/04/2022 10:27:20 PM Dear Paul, «ttbn made a claim in his opening post attributing something to Greens Senator.....
» 20/04/2022 8:47:12 AM Dear Paul, Yes, I understand that the world (as seen from human eyes) is less than ideal......
» 19/04/2022 9:47:26 PM Dear Ttbn, «We DO know that the Greens are a danger to the economy, freedom of speech and.....
» 19/04/2022 9:26:40 PM Dear Paul, «The Greens membership like in other parties, Labor, Liberal etc, are not a ho.....
» 19/04/2022 12:26:15 PM Dear Foxy, What do you mean by "integrity"? Suppose someone promises you to cu.....
» 18/04/2022 11:57:05 PM Dear Paul, Thank you very much for your response. «Firstly, unsubstantiated claims by tt.....
» 18/04/2022 7:10:56 PM I would really like to understand this phenomenon and the best way is to hear an explanati.....
» 18/04/2022 2:13:53 PM Dear Foxy, «We don't have any other option and doing nothing is certainly not an option. .....
» 17/04/2022 1:53:19 PM The zoo-keeper was very disappointed - all his animals failed their test! He placed nice .....
» 16/04/2022 10:31:07 PM Dear Canem Malum, «Rand believed that societies infrastructure and life itself is created.....
» 12/04/2022 5:02:03 AM Indeed not a good look, but Israel (with the exception of Netanyahu) is known for its acti.....
» 11/04/2022 9:02:31 AM Dear Dan, I have faith that evil will eventually be stopped. The question is just the nu.....
» 9/04/2022 11:08:53 PM Dear Canem Malum, Other than in Hollywood cartoons, I never saw animals marching in prote.....
» 9/04/2022 11:03:59 PM Dear Canem Malum, Yes, it was quite a few decades ago when I read Atlas Shrugged (and two.....
» 9/04/2022 10:51:27 PM Dear Fester, SLAVA UKRAINI!.....
» 9/04/2022 10:48:34 PM Dear Dan, «All boys feel the same pain when shot. It ain’t nice!» Not at all. No two boy.....
» 8/04/2022 6:04:32 PM I have no further need to discuss anything with sadists......
» 8/04/2022 5:00:56 PM Dear Is Mise, «Your officers were your fellow citizens.» In the army, "citizen".....
» 8/04/2022 1:33:35 PM Dear Dan, «All boys, Hitler included if you will, begin life from their Mothers womb.» T.....
» 8/04/2022 1:30:41 AM [...continued] «The idea of National service is to capture natural youthful aggression an.....
» 8/04/2022 1:30:35 AM Dear Dan, «But you did reference Putin’s childhood into your passivisic (my conjugation),.....
» 7/04/2022 11:42:06 PM Dear Is Mise, «And yet you contemplated murdering your Senior Officers» No, I didn't thi.....
» 7/04/2022 11:16:53 PM Why "mostly", David? The whole world is my fiction, this book included......
» 7/04/2022 8:42:35 PM "Allah requires that land once occupied by moslems remains moslem forever." O B.....
» 7/04/2022 8:11:40 PM Dear Foxy, You believe what you believe and I respect that. I also believe in what I beli.....
» 7/04/2022 5:33:49 PM Dear Foxy, «That's why we have laws to keep everyone safe, comfortable, and have a better.....
» 7/04/2022 1:52:30 PM Dear Ttbn, Refusing to answer a question does not amount to not knowing the answer. What .....
» 7/04/2022 1:27:11 PM Dear Foxy, «People are entitled to protest - but they need to do it lawfully or they face.....
» 7/04/2022 1:17:51 PM Dear Is Mise, There is no glory and no merit, on earth or in heaven, for doing anything, .....
» 7/04/2022 7:27:51 AM Dear Canem Malum, This is a lot of information, quite overwhelming as I did not expect su.....
» 6/04/2022 10:19:31 PM Dear Alan, «The only solution in the Middle East, is...» For there to be a solution ther.....
» 6/04/2022 4:07:48 PM Indeed, why block roads against innocent ordinary people when instead you can serve them b.....
» 6/04/2022 4:01:18 PM Dear Alan, Jordan and Israel are not at war and there are no hostilities between them. -.....
» 6/04/2022 1:03:19 PM Dear Paul and Is Mise, «If you were a young bloke in the Russian Army today, Pr Issyski 3.....
» 5/04/2022 10:53:39 PM Dear Canem Malum, Yes the underlying problem is population numbers: no amount of tinkerin.....
» 5/04/2022 10:36:03 PM Dear Dan, «You’ve gotta stop this.» Sorry, but that was not clear enough: What is ".....
» 5/04/2022 8:05:00 PM Opportunity + Self-effort = Outcome We all initially had the exact same opportunity, but .....
» 5/04/2022 4:21:17 PM What's the point in challenging? When the wolf accused the lamb: "you pollute my wat.....
» 5/04/2022 4:07:56 PM Why is this philosophy of equality limited to humans? Is that fair that it does not extend.....
» 5/04/2022 1:36:04 PM Only someone who had an empty or a miserable life, who had nothing and no one dear, doesn'.....
» 4/04/2022 10:44:13 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Perhaps you are being a little overly semantic.» Well, I think that t.....
» 4/04/2022 6:24:09 AM Dear OzSpen, «What was the original language of Psalm 19?» Hebrew, certainly and the fir.....
» 3/04/2022 3:08:28 PM «Any petals who think they are too good to get their hands dirty are certainly not worth w.....
» 3/04/2022 2:49:10 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «Who says they are faith based? They themselves.» Indeed, but you chan.....
» 3/04/2022 10:22:39 AM The sadism expressed by some members on this thread knows no bounds. Who ever imagined tha.....
» 3/04/2022 9:52:04 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «You are essentially calling for religious based schools, hospitals and.....
» 3/04/2022 12:42:39 AM Dear Paul, Clearly your intentions are good. You don't want to allow people to abuse reli.....
» 1/04/2022 5:57:31 PM Dear Divergence, Thank you for your considered response. It makes no sense to me how dis.....
» 1/04/2022 12:18:23 AM Just as Israel survived and prevailed over the invasion attempt by the armies of six Arab .....
» 31/03/2022 6:02:11 AM Dear Paul, Thank you for your response that you are not opposed to religious freedom. Yo.....
» 30/03/2022 7:29:47 PM Dear Paul, There is a line of thought that the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.o.h) passed to his f.....
» 30/03/2022 12:37:44 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «Let's talk about heterosexuals and homosexuals. Everyone else seems to .....
» 28/03/2022 3:35:28 PM Dear Mox, I noticed that you don't like or trust the Americans: well neither do I, but an.....
» 28/03/2022 2:28:50 PM While man sees the external actions and hears the spoken words, only God sees to the heart.....
» 28/03/2022 8:37:12 AM "Freedom of religion is a universal human right to be protected for the benefit of al.....
» 27/03/2022 9:21:23 AM Should Ukraine fall, God forbid, then Xi is not going to say as Mox might be hoping: ".....
» 25/03/2022 6:13:14 PM Suppose Ukraine falls, is completely destroyed and all Ukrainian people killed - America w.....
» 25/03/2022 4:21:16 AM What then about India? Like Ukraine and Israel, India too was invaded many times, and too.....
» 22/03/2022 2:44:57 PM Yawn, that stupid organisation still exists? The only purpose of this expensive geriatric.....
» 22/03/2022 6:44:05 AM Dear Imajulianutter, «Answer: Arabs and Jews ... without suppressive military occupation......
» 20/03/2022 11:56:56 PM It was a stupid mistake to block men of ages 18-60 from leaving Ukraine. Keeping people in.....
» 20/03/2022 10:44:50 PM It follows from this discussion that America is more of a hindrance than support, that the.....
» 16/03/2022 7:58:01 PM Glory to Ukraine! I am currently studying to pronounce correctly the words of the Ukraini.....
» 16/03/2022 7:37:29 PM First, Ttbn has already stated the obvious: that no-good organisation never had any releva.....
» 15/03/2022 4:12:22 PM Self-esteem is important, but the problem is that people tend to esteem their extended-bel.....
» 14/03/2022 12:42:09 AM Sanctions do work. Even if (suppose the author's claims are accurate) they fail to convinc.....
» 8/03/2022 2:30:25 PM It would be reasonable for Ukraine to agree to give up its territories where the majority .....
» 4/03/2022 4:49:19 PM It never was......
» 4/03/2022 4:41:24 PM The author may be correct in claiming that the Ukraine outcome will have no impact on paci.....
» 3/03/2022 5:58:57 PM What is there to negotiate? Nothing, negotiations can only work when the other side has s.....
» 3/03/2022 5:35:28 PM Dear Individual, I respect your personal disdain of freedom, but I hope you only treat yo.....
» 3/03/2022 1:32:09 PM Look how humble the author is: That was his own plan all along which he preached to us ov.....
» 2/03/2022 8:04:34 PM Dear Individual, I understand - so your view is that the Israelites should have never lef.....
» 2/03/2022 12:50:34 PM Dear Individual, «How many times has it been alluded to that the West has been underminin.....
» 2/03/2022 8:21:59 AM Dear Individual, I have no mood or patience for your riddles - if you have a question the.....
» 1/03/2022 10:13:46 PM Dear Critic, I also support self-determination of any group of people so they can be inde.....
» 1/03/2022 6:09:25 PM Dear Individual, I did not understand your question......
» 28/02/2022 11:53:15 PM Dear David, «However, Putin is not a mad man. He is sane and has gambled that he can get .....
» 23/02/2022 11:56:18 PM Russia, especially under Putin, is not a place I would like to live in. Given a choice bet.....
» 23/02/2022 6:28:18 PM Dear JBowyer, Indeed, I stay in a way figuratively "under my bed" these days un.....
» 22/02/2022 11:33:03 PM Dear JBowyer, I never denied my fear of government, any government. This whole concept as.....
» 22/02/2022 5:33:59 PM Dear JBowyer, They cannot frighten me, even if they try because I make my own independent.....
» 22/02/2022 12:22:16 PM AT ATTENTION - Trump, Guterres, Netanyahu, Abdullah, Abbas: this is the plan for you to fo.....
» 21/02/2022 9:54:15 AM Dear Banjo, I could easily respond to the issues you raised, but since you prefer to call.....
» 21/02/2022 6:18:11 AM Dear Banjo, «I have great respect for the kaleidoscope of human culture around the world,.....
» 20/02/2022 9:02:21 PM Dear JBowyer, Someone very dear to me died of COVID, she was active, healthy and only 60 .....
» 20/02/2022 5:58:02 AM Dear Banjo, «I understand we human beings branched off from our common ancestor...» If y.....
» 19/02/2022 9:50:39 PM Dear Banjo, So long as you comment about the Church, that is not my place to intervene an.....
» 18/02/2022 11:46:58 AM Dear JBowyer, I am neither obedient nor compliant, I just don't want this virus, neither .....
» 18/02/2022 4:48:41 AM Dear David, «It is worse. It means one supports even though one does not agree.» Yes, th.....
» 17/02/2022 6:36:16 PM Dear David, «My cousin was head of the Orthodox Union and stated his 'unconditional suppo.....
» 17/02/2022 5:01:43 PM "Semitic" was commonly used specifically for anything Jewish - see this Hebrew t.....
» 17/02/2022 1:11:38 PM Why flog a dead man? Isn't he the one that for long months denied us the ability to obtain.....
» 17/02/2022 5:15:03 AM "This Report fails to acknowledge that there has been an ongoing unresolved conflict .....
» 16/02/2022 9:56:26 PM «No response will be given to this latest comment.» Nor was any sought. It is understand.....
» 16/02/2022 1:54:22 PM The author would not respond because then he would need to admit to his false accusation a.....
» 16/02/2022 6:46:37 AM Dear David, "government should not be involved with education to begin with, because.....
» 16/02/2022 6:39:56 AM Dear Paul, I will not even endeavour to tell who is a true Christian - that is not my pla.....
» 16/02/2022 12:35:02 AM Like it or not, humans are historically and genetically related to apes. Most people are n.....
» 15/02/2022 10:42:11 PM Dear Dan, «Private schools are doing service for Government; education.» Shouldn't a pat.....
» 15/02/2022 10:40:13 PM Dear David, «When a child is expelled from a school not only is the child expelled but al.....
» 15/02/2022 5:57:50 PM I think it unwise, probably also unethical, to expel children from one's school based on t.....
» 15/02/2022 5:27:40 PM Dear David, I never read the English translation, only the original Hebrew. "Matai v.....
» 15/02/2022 2:56:12 PM Dear David, The relevant paragraph in my original post in answering your question (".....
» 15/02/2022 9:54:53 AM Dear Paul, Interesting account - I was not previously aware of Phibionite Christians. Wh.....
» 15/02/2022 12:00:23 AM [...continued] but this process could not have in any case bring about a decisive change.....
» 15/02/2022 12:00:19 AM Dear David, Google translate isn't going to be of much help since I have the book in phys.....
» 13/02/2022 9:34:36 PM Dear David, «your sources please» Well there is a difficulty here because my sources are.....
» 13/02/2022 1:17:21 AM Dear Is Mise, I would assume that the word of God, should one truly believe that a given .....
» 12/02/2022 9:59:40 PM No law can define "religion" anyway. Nobody in their private capacity should be.....
» 12/02/2022 8:53:23 PM Dear Ttbn, «Should a person who publicly denies that there is god be in a religious organ.....
» 11/02/2022 8:47:23 AM Seriously, would any religious person here want to be served by someone who despises their.....
» 10/02/2022 3:23:25 PM The idea behind this bill is both wrong and ridiculous. Wrong - because private people an.....
» 10/02/2022 12:45:50 AM Dear David, I am not telling these people how to see themselves - why should I even care?.....
» 9/02/2022 7:23:09 PM Dear David, «Are you really serious in claiming that "most of today's so-called &quo.....
» 8/02/2022 11:07:50 PM Dear Canem Malum, Technically, Hebrews are the descendants of Abraham the Hebrew (meaning.....
» 8/02/2022 1:34:40 PM Dear Ttbn, «Around 1030 BC, Israel became a sovereign Jewish kingdom.» 1047 BC to be exa.....
» 8/02/2022 1:21:40 PM Dear Dan, I have great appreciation for the Mossad. Had people like "Dave" bee.....
» 7/02/2022 8:53:36 PM Dear Foxy, «And Israel's policies and practices have not changed since its inception as t.....
» 6/02/2022 12:43:26 PM Dear Josephus, «When Abraham left Mesopotamia, he was looking for a place to practise his.....
» 5/02/2022 10:52:12 PM Dear Critic, «If Australia stopped our athletes from competing in the winter olympics bec.....
» 5/02/2022 10:46:06 PM Dear Critic, Thank you for your sympathy! My nightmares of being forcibly returned to th.....
» 4/02/2022 9:00:52 AM Dear Foxy, Did you bring this topic in order to push it down our throats? Many of us rep.....
» 2/02/2022 8:12:34 PM Dear David, «Our preferences are not set in stone.» Indeed. But this does not imply that.....
» 1/02/2022 4:46:04 PM Dear David, «I think it more worthwhile, more conducive to peace and more interesting to .....
» 1/02/2022 8:03:25 AM Ttbn nailed down the situation: "A republic would not change the fact that Government.....
» 31/01/2022 7:48:12 PM Dear David, «I would like to see Wednesday as the Sabbath.» Great, then you should be ab.....
» 31/01/2022 5:35:23 PM [...continued] Since the majority of Israelis are Jews and since the core of Judaism is t.....
» 31/01/2022 5:35:20 PM Dear David, «Israel does not have a state school system.» That would be nice because I d.....
» 31/01/2022 2:25:19 PM There is this very disturbed, angry and violent orphan in town, let's call him 'Pali', alw.....
» 30/01/2022 11:13:07 PM Dear God, Should my sins be so heavy that I deserve to come back again to this world as a.....
» 30/01/2022 12:56:31 PM No comparison indeed. When one is raped, it is of course very humiliating and painful, bu.....
» 30/01/2022 8:54:42 AM If I am ever forced to shoot anyone then I would turn my gun back at Is Mise and his ilk!.....
» 30/01/2022 12:41:46 AM Excuse me for bowing out: I don't really want to be drawn into revisiting my painful exper.....
» 28/01/2022 6:31:03 PM Dear Is Mise, No, I have no concept, I don't need any because I have the actual experienc.....
» 28/01/2022 4:09:14 PM Dear Foxy, «I think that Australia will eventually become a Republic. It may not happen i.....
» 26/01/2022 8:45:58 PM Dear Is Mise, «They may well have been very unhappy but what’s that got to do with fighti.....
» 26/01/2022 8:35:00 PM Dear Bazz, «Well how would you like it if someone came along said get out of your house a.....
» 26/01/2022 2:52:27 PM Dear Bazz, «how do you get around the belief that the land occupied by Israel does not be.....
» 26/01/2022 9:06:58 AM Dear Shadowminister, That the Arabs should have been stopped is not contested. But once .....
» 25/01/2022 3:43:31 PM Dear Shadowminister, «Why is the 1967 line any less valid than the 1949 line? as only Egy.....
» 25/01/2022 1:16:47 PM Conscription is one of the worst forms of slavery. There can be no justification for it, .....
» 25/01/2022 11:53:05 AM I would use this article as a superb material for teaching year-9 students about the meani.....
» 25/01/2022 11:20:51 AM Dear Is Mise, «Allegiance is to Australia, yes» Yes, for those holding (or who held in t.....
» 25/01/2022 9:49:00 AM Yes, no one should willingly step into enemy territory other than military forces and secr.....
» 25/01/2022 8:16:01 AM Dear Bazz, «Don't be silly, of course I do not believe it.» Neither do them - most of th.....
» 25/01/2022 1:06:08 AM Dear Is Mise, «We all owe allegiance to our country, it’s part of what being a citizen is.....
» 24/01/2022 8:45:01 PM Dear Is Mise, «Fair enough, but I think that citizens, old and new, owe their allegiance .....
» 24/01/2022 9:47:06 AM Dear Bazz, «The Angel Gabriel dictated the Koran to Mohammad including the verse that lan.....
» 24/01/2022 7:42:00 AM Dear Bazz, «So who do you think are the occupiers ? Jews or Arabs ?» Arabs?? What have t.....
» 23/01/2022 10:05:06 PM Welcome, Gazza91 You are very correct. Names and boundaries are not the reality, they ar.....
» 21/01/2022 11:32:56 AM Dear David, «I would like to see Australia become a democracy. To me a democracy means se.....
» 20/01/2022 7:15:34 AM Dear Banjo, While the world (not limited to planet Earth) has a purpose, it is not a goal.....
» 19/01/2022 9:19:34 PM Dear Foxy, I must be so thick-headed - can you please help me find in the text how things.....
» 19/01/2022 6:14:04 PM Dear Foxy, Let's have some reality-check: What do you perceive as my fears which the lin.....
» 19/01/2022 3:25:43 PM That proposal is horrible for Israel and horrible for Jordan, but why would the author car.....
» 19/01/2022 3:10:54 PM Dear Foxy, «They may re-assure your concerns.» No: according to this proposal, there wou.....
» 19/01/2022 11:06:43 AM Dear Foxy, «Still the model that has been presented by the Australian Republic Movement i.....
» 19/01/2022 7:56:03 AM Dear Banjo, «Well said, Yuyutsu. I agree : life apparently has no purpose – nor does natu.....
» 18/01/2022 11:46:51 AM In summary, the author wishes for the state to impose the Bible even over the unbiblical. .....
» 18/01/2022 10:52:22 AM «That is because natural immunity remains superior to vaccine-induced immunity. This makes.....
» 18/01/2022 10:25:30 AM Dear Banjo, «Bertrand Russell was simply expressing the opinion that most of our problems.....
» 17/01/2022 8:45:49 PM Thank you Michi for this interesting account! Now the RAA is obviously a good step, but i.....
» 17/01/2022 8:23:56 PM Dear Is Mise, «Remaining passive in the face of negative anarchy either means thar you gr.....
» 17/01/2022 6:34:19 PM Dear Individual, Foxy, Ttbn, Shadowminister, Mhaze and Josephus, English already has the .....
» 17/01/2022 6:14:29 PM Dear Banjo, «No, Yuyutsu, Bertrand Russell would never have blamed “the Creator for doing.....
» 16/01/2022 9:46:15 PM Dear Individual, Oh dear, Oh dear, this sounds so awful. Fortunately I never met anyone .....
» 16/01/2022 9:26:23 PM Dear Foxy, Margaret Thatcher was correct (on these two accounts). Those of us whose hear.....
» 16/01/2022 5:09:58 PM Dear Individual, I cannot properly respond to your reply because I have no idea what you .....
» 16/01/2022 4:30:08 PM Well, nobody wished for COVID, nobody wants it, but one good thing seems to have come out .....
» 16/01/2022 4:21:14 PM Dear David, «I hope for the day when we will be able achieve the second version of anarch.....
» 14/01/2022 3:36:02 PM Thank you so much, David - much appreciated......
» 14/01/2022 11:02:47 AM Dear Foxy, I cannot blame your naivety - your intentions are good. «David was the 2nd Ki.....
» 14/01/2022 9:33:57 AM Dear David, And the following verse says: 1:4 And the damsel was very fair, and cherishe.....
» 13/01/2022 6:31:58 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you so much - I think it has been years since we last agreed on somethin.....
» 13/01/2022 2:21:23 PM Dear Foxy, «Yuyutsu and Bazz, Here's nine things you should know about a potential republ.....
» 13/01/2022 1:47:54 PM I hate guns. Nevertheless, I realise that if we are to accept anybody's authority to deny.....
» 13/01/2022 12:51:18 PM Dear Foxy, «There can be no doubt that our head of state is a British woman» Heaven forb.....
» 13/01/2022 10:41:49 AM Dear Banjo, There are things I agree with you and others that I don't, but since you deci.....
» 13/01/2022 10:33:36 AM A 10-lettered word......
» 12/01/2022 9:04:05 PM There ought to be no state, thus no head of state, but... If there is to remain a "he.....
» 12/01/2022 8:53:11 PM [...continued] 4. «judging from our exchanges on this forum, there is little doubt in my .....
» 12/01/2022 8:53:08 PM Dear Banjo, So we seem to be converging, with differences being mostly linguistic: Perhap.....
» 12/01/2022 3:09:30 PM Dear David, «Wow - so now you are an advocate for two Jewish States in former Palestine!!.....
» 11/01/2022 3:07:22 PM "Abbas walked away with a bag of goodies - but Gantz got nothing in return." Bu.....
» 11/01/2022 10:54:25 AM [...continued] Whether you take to the Buddhist idea, the Hindu idea, some other idea tha.....
» 11/01/2022 10:54:22 AM Dear Banjo, 1. Back to high-school physics: Any physical object is affected by many force.....
» 10/01/2022 2:39:33 PM Dear Banjo, 1. The law of gravity produces forces of gravity. The effects of these forces.....
» 10/01/2022 1:08:48 PM Dear David, «1. Israel is the Jewish National Home reconstituted under the League of Nati.....
» 9/01/2022 11:09:52 PM Dear Banjo, 1. What was neutralized by Apollo's rockets was the force that was generated .....
» 7/01/2022 10:59:54 AM «I categorize people who hold that view as Jew-haters.» The Romans hated the Jews for reb.....
» 6/01/2022 10:58:58 PM Dear Banjo, 1. «To make a law ineffective is to violate, break or contravene that law.» .....
» 6/01/2022 10:08:34 PM [...continued] «Jews from around the world are free to return and resettle in their homel.....
» 6/01/2022 10:08:32 PM Dear David, «You statement clearly indicates that you do not agree that Israel is the Jew.....
» 5/01/2022 4:04:17 PM Dear Dan, «...philosophy contested between the materialist and the spiritualist...» A sp.....
» 5/01/2022 2:57:18 PM Dear David, «Go and join your fellow anonymous Jew-haters» I can understand why this wou.....
» 5/01/2022 9:00:26 AM Dear Banjo, I am dumbfounded by your suggestion that by flying to the moon people broke t.....
» 4/01/2022 10:19:50 PM [...continued] In that light, expecting a poor, single working-class woman not to abort i.....
» 4/01/2022 10:19:46 PM Dear Dan, Thank you for raising this interesting topic of pragmatic morality. Morality i.....
» 4/01/2022 4:48:11 PM So half the Israelis are "Jew-haters":
» 4/01/2022 3:41:20 PM Dear Banjo, 1. «and the latter are of a philosophic nature: a system of right or justice .....
» 3/01/2022 6:42:18 AM Dear Banjo, Let me respond in brief now, then by God's grace I will have the time to answ.....
» 2/01/2022 10:20:04 AM Dear Banjo, First I must clarify that in my previous post when I wrote "there is no .....
» 1/01/2022 10:09:57 PM Dear Banjo, «You note that I “speak of autonomy and free will”. Yes, I do speak of autono.....
» 31/12/2021 1:49:45 PM Dear Banjo, In your previous post you praised objective reality over the subjective, but .....
» 31/12/2021 8:20:10 AM Dear Paul, God does not change just because human perception/understanding (or mispercept.....
» 31/12/2021 8:08:24 AM Dear Banjo, "one cannot conceive of..." is just an expression. For example, whe.....
» 31/12/2021 12:38:15 AM Dear Banjo, Life has no beginning simply because one cannot conceive of a time when life .....
» 30/12/2021 5:56:40 PM Only God never changes......
» 30/12/2021 5:46:39 PM Life has no beginning and no end. The questions raised by the author stem from the artifi.....
» 30/12/2021 5:10:35 PM Dear Delivery, What relevance, if any, has your question with the topic at hand? But sin.....
» 30/12/2021 1:46:58 PM «These venerable clergymen should surely be also focusing on threats to Christians and Chr.....
» 28/12/2021 8:50:58 PM The author's assumption is that vaccinated people are almost as infectious as unvaccinated.....
» 28/12/2021 2:30:16 PM It is all about Scomo's terrible [non-]handling of the COVID pandemic, particularly around.....
» 24/12/2021 1:42:42 PM Let us look at the following scenario: An Australian lady, while strip-dancing in a Thai .....
» 24/12/2021 9:50:06 AM Dear Ttbn, Thank you for your last comment. It is indeed frustrating that, having once o.....
» 22/12/2021 7:39:50 PM Dear Rhian, Thank you for the insight!.....
» 22/12/2021 5:05:07 AM Congratulations, Josephus, «Faith is like asking if you are the cells of your body - in a.....
» 21/12/2021 8:33:02 PM Nice for Christians that they can adapt - not so for other religions. Physical pilgrimage.....
» 21/12/2021 7:25:17 PM Dear Nathan, «God though is another question, something Atheists and others have not been.....
» 21/12/2021 12:56:37 AM Dear Nathan, It is normal for people to not be ready for God. The majority of people are .....
» 19/12/2021 9:29:13 PM I thought that we were discussing the aboriginal culture, not the aboriginal people - I se.....
» 19/12/2021 6:07:11 PM Dear Foxy, «"Living with the virus" is risky possibly because an increase in ho.....
» 19/12/2021 9:52:38 AM Dear Ttbn, «he has overseen the worst loss of freedom and abuse ever to occur in Australi.....
» 18/12/2021 10:27:07 PM Dear Paul, I completely agree with your first post. In your second post you ask: «In the.....
» 18/12/2021 9:36:33 PM Dear Paul, «This thread is not about "luvvies wanting Australia to adopt bits and pi.....
» 17/12/2021 6:47:16 PM Dear Mhaze, «I can offer a few plausible reasons why their societies never increased much.....
» 17/12/2021 1:45:36 PM Dear Nathan, 'Education' comes from 'Educe' and by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ".....
» 17/12/2021 11:22:11 AM Yes, all this great effort could have been worthwhile, it should have been worthwhile, but.....
» 17/12/2021 9:21:52 AM Dear David, «Seneca said, "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the.....
» 16/12/2021 5:00:33 PM [...continued] So for aboriginals who live in nature, it is quite possible that certain a.....
» 16/12/2021 5:00:30 PM There is nothing but God. Thinking that God might have rivals, any competing entities, an.....
» 15/12/2021 6:21:57 PM Dear Josephus, There is much merit in your suggestion, but I rather take the best from bo.....
» 15/12/2021 6:01:13 PM Dear Is Mise, Unfortunately, anyone who chooses to accept benefits of money taken from ot.....
» 15/12/2021 11:00:41 AM Dear Is Mise, «Why do you live in Australia?» Well I had to park my body somewhere and o.....
» 15/12/2021 8:07:55 AM Dear Individual, «People have worked & contributed for over half a century towards their .....
» 15/12/2021 2:10:37 AM Dear Bazz, So why rely on something you don't know? The prophet Saint Muhammad (peace be.....
» 14/12/2021 7:25:04 PM Dear Is Mise, Resistance to the Nazis and disagreeing with their political outlook were a.....
» 14/12/2021 5:09:20 PM Dear Is Mise and Ttbn, The differences are: * In Nazi Germany, wearing the Star of David .....
» 14/12/2021 1:19:50 PM The only change I would make to the age pension, is to require anyone who receives it, in .....
» 14/12/2021 1:11:31 PM Dear Hasbeen, I have no problem with free medical treatments for anyone who asks for it. .....
» 14/12/2021 10:48:45 AM Dear Paul, «I'm also refering to government and institutions, business and organisations .....
» 14/12/2021 10:35:39 AM Thank you Thinkabit, I agree with your posts. --- Dear Bronwyn, Why must stopping the v.....
» 14/12/2021 9:42:49 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «In 3rd world countries, they have a simple solution. Each voter get.....
» 13/12/2021 10:24:07 PM This mess could be avoided had states not involved themselves in sports to begin with. Sp.....
» 13/12/2021 9:48:27 PM Dear Nathan, No words can describe you. Any attempt to do so is degrading. Any teacher wh.....
» 13/12/2021 9:09:10 PM Dear Individual, You should at least give Paul the benefit of the doubt before blaming hi.....
» 13/12/2021 5:08:06 PM Dear Paul, Your question, "Is Australia A compassionate Nation?" makes no sense.....
» 13/12/2021 4:52:48 PM Dear JP, I like your first post. Thanks. Your questions are of course hypothetical in na.....
» 13/12/2021 4:36:50 PM Taking vaccines for COVID-19 is a good and proper thing to do and only few, I believe, wou.....
» 13/12/2021 2:54:48 PM Dear Ttbn, «It could make a big difference where the vote is close.» Difference? Of what.....
» 13/12/2021 7:44:37 AM Dear Ttbn, «The three major areas of fraud are: multiple voting, voting for someone else .....
» 9/12/2021 2:05:08 PM "Without a clear view of what humans are for, governments have no view of the future,.....
» 7/12/2021 4:06:42 PM So much for the author's claim that the land of Israel belongs to this group he calls &quo.....
» 7/12/2021 4:06:40 PM A little red hen lived on a farm with a cat, a dog and a duck. One day, she found a few gr.....
» 6/12/2021 5:18:32 PM Dear Atheist, «If for some reason I did face life in gaol I would prefer to end it all wi.....
» 6/12/2021 5:15:51 PM «As children, we are introduced to the idea of linear progress,» Thus child-abuse began. .....
» 30/11/2021 3:45:49 PM Dear ShadowMinister, «Seriously, you are trying to boil the ocean.» Yes, this is how it .....
» 30/11/2021 11:59:08 AM Dear ShadowMinister and LEGO, My last post cannot be understood in the context of this ar.....
» 29/11/2021 6:55:23 PM Wow, have we broken a record? The article mentions the phrase "Jewish People" 5.....
» 29/11/2021 4:42:57 PM Jacqui used some poor examples and false general statements, but was overall correct in st.....
» 24/11/2021 11:58:54 PM Dear Graham, I just need a clarification: How come this "google" can flag a pag.....
» 18/11/2021 3:52:52 PM Dear Paul, «Hi Yuyutsu, not sure what you are saying, millions of Victorian have not been.....
» 18/11/2021 7:43:09 AM Dear Paul, «With 86% of Victorians now double vaxxed it looks like the people are voting .....
» 18/11/2021 5:28:26 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Settler violence against Palestinians serves as a major informal tool .....
» 17/11/2021 6:58:41 PM It is an insult to the good people of this land to claim as if: «Almost everyone identifie.....
» 15/11/2021 12:28:08 AM Indeed, the territories in question should not be labeled "occupied Palestinian terri.....
» 3/11/2021 11:27:05 AM Dear Nathan, Just to let you know that I am quitting this useless discussion: in case you.....
» 30/10/2021 9:45:54 PM Dear Nathan, Thank you for your perfect words of wisdom: «For those who know themselves .....
» 28/10/2021 4:44:48 PM Dear Nathan, «I think it's important to realise that any inclinations you have are simply.....
» 28/10/2021 3:12:54 PM Dear Nathan, Certainly, your sexual inclination is quite an unimportant detail and nobody.....
» 27/10/2021 11:37:42 PM Dear Critic, «It doesn't make any difference anymore.» Indeed, not on the macro level, b.....
» 26/10/2021 3:40:04 PM Great article - thank you! Surely no one could object to the article's title, thinking th.....
» 26/10/2021 10:47:50 AM Blessings to the European Union and Germany for this endeavour. Their reasoning and this .....
» 25/10/2021 3:07:03 PM Dear SteeleRedux, So we agree that one way or the other, Andrews "managed" to a.....
» 25/10/2021 1:09:52 PM Dear Paul, «What the vaccines offer is lower infection rates with less sever symptoms and.....
» 24/10/2021 9:54:34 AM Dear Hasbeen, I agree with what you said: The people of Victoria are now so fed up with .....
» 24/10/2021 9:08:58 AM Dear Individual, «Forcing is vastly different to reminding people to do their duty of coo.....
» 20/10/2021 12:37:24 PM Dear Paul, I do not consider mandatory voting in terms of which party could win or lose a.....
» 18/10/2021 1:14:44 PM Dear Critic, You claim to be honest in your criticism of religions, and I believe you are.....
» 18/10/2021 12:13:55 PM I agree with Ttbn - Australia is rooted, but not just Australia, the whole world is. The .....
» 18/10/2021 9:42:41 AM Dear Mhaze, «There are no official figures about where informal votes appeared to be for......
» 18/10/2021 1:16:28 AM Dear Critic, «if you care about Israel so much GO BACK THERE» David Singer does not belo.....
» 16/10/2021 11:49:56 PM Dear Hasbeen, «Yuyutsu you are much more likely to get it wrong voting for an individual,.....
» 16/10/2021 10:46:24 PM Dear David, «all of you - the Jew-hating choir singing its poisonous Jew-hating chorus on.....
» 15/10/2021 1:03:00 PM Dear Hasbeen, To summarise what you just wrote: "taking control over my life is just.....
» 15/10/2021 12:05:36 PM How could we possibly "abandon" political parties when we never supported them i.....
» 14/10/2021 2:26:21 PM I agree with the author on one point: Other occupiers who conquered adjoining lands by mil.....
» 14/10/2021 1:43:48 PM Dear Paul, «if paying for vaccination is the overriding consideration that determines you.....
» 13/10/2021 11:48:19 PM Dear Paul, I feel like you, the existing electoral-system is very wrong, but one ought to.....
» 13/10/2021 12:25:30 AM Since the refugees are no longer behind fences, what stops New Zealand from just sending a.....
» 11/10/2021 9:37:10 AM I don't care what powers the engine so long as the car has no computers onboard and I rema.....
» 10/10/2021 10:46:24 PM Dear Ttbn, «It's called a Federation. That's what Australia is: a Federation.» Yes, but .....
» 10/10/2021 1:50:34 PM The COVID pandemic demonstrated that when real trouble strikes, each state is on its own, .....
» 10/10/2021 9:56:01 AM This is still a legitimate topic: you need to recognise and respect that other people's th.....
» 9/10/2021 8:07:31 PM Dear Jayyes, «There is nothing noble being moral when immoral Anti-Semites try to kill yo.....
» 8/10/2021 11:16:19 AM Dear Jayyess, The Hebrew word 'betselem' means "in the image" and refers to the.....
» 8/10/2021 7:26:33 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, I am saddened to see you too speaking like a robot, regurgitating th.....
» 7/10/2021 12:58:00 PM Dear Nathan, «I know of people who have taken in refugees for short term periods in their.....
» 7/10/2021 12:33:09 PM Dear David, «To claim that there is "no 100-years old Jewish-Arab conflict" is .....
» 7/10/2021 11:28:35 AM Dear Banjo Paterson, «It provides us with vaccines that were miraculously produced and ap.....
» 7/10/2021 7:31:42 AM Dear Mhaze, «But now we see that we are just like them. Vast numbers of us encourage the .....
» 6/10/2021 11:37:45 PM Dear Critic, «Full of crap. "Any peaceful resolution of the 100-years old Jewish-Ar.....
» 6/10/2021 10:05:45 PM First, I thank the author for acknowledging that there is no atrocity worse than conscript.....
» 6/10/2021 4:04:15 PM Dear Mox, «Sometimes decent Jews would be in the best positions to help bring badly behav.....
» 6/10/2021 3:19:09 PM Dear Nathan, My heart is already open for the people of Afghanistan. As for my home, to t.....
» 3/10/2021 4:23:02 AM How does Andrews get everyone vaccinated when there is a shortage of vaccines? - make ever.....
» 3/10/2021 12:42:35 AM Pity we have no tabulation on OLO, so just think of the following as a table: First colum.....
» 2/10/2021 11:34:20 PM Dear Foxy, «These past months have been hard on us all. We have missed our loved ones as .....
» 1/10/2021 3:09:42 PM So long as people arrive only into infected areas where people and governments gave up on .....
» 30/09/2021 7:26:46 PM Dear David, Well of course, nobody could ever provide a physical evidence for that which .....
» 30/09/2021 4:17:45 PM Dear Foxy, «The numbers would go back down again if the rules were more strictly followed.....
» 30/09/2021 3:52:20 PM Dear David, «Why do you think there will be a next time around?» This is the most likely.....
» 30/09/2021 2:10:13 PM Dear David, «One cannot learn a fatal lesson. Somebody else may learn a lesson from the f.....
» 29/09/2021 11:18:44 PM Dear Atheist, «Imagine the number of people killed in the name of one religion or the oth.....
» 29/09/2021 4:17:23 PM Dear Foxy, «This means some restrictions are easing just as the Premier has promised. The.....
» 29/09/2021 2:30:02 PM Well the author has taken a text completely out of context - the purpose of the Bible is t.....
» 28/09/2021 8:21:11 AM Dear Andras, First, regarding your last paragraph, I have no idea why you brought the sub.....
» 27/09/2021 11:08:29 PM If epidemiological science finds that unvaccinated people should not attend certain places.....
» 27/09/2021 2:22:52 PM Stay at home and become a martyr - with the Victorian holocaust costing 6 million lives, A.....
» 24/09/2021 12:09:47 PM Dear Foxy, «I wonder if these protesters have families and kids and whether their kids ha.....
» 23/09/2021 5:25:50 PM Dear Canem Malum, «Overall there is an interesting interaction between Communist, Capital.....
» 23/09/2021 5:03:54 PM The protest is being described as "anti-vaccine", but is it? Do we know for a f.....
» 22/09/2021 11:43:17 PM Alas, Gaia favours tyrant regimes over dissenters - See what happened to those who disagre.....
» 22/09/2021 11:25:16 PM Very well, besides the terrible moral implications, the occupation also endangers Israel's.....
» 21/09/2021 10:45:14 AM Dear Andras, I understand and accept the epidemiological need to have different rules for.....
» 20/09/2021 6:13:56 PM In theory, a parliamentarian is supposed to represent his/her/its voters, thus should owe .....
» 20/09/2021 6:03:30 PM Dear David, Well, I suppose it is about the nuances of the English language: I never even.....
» 20/09/2021 1:46:03 PM Dear Paul, I will not argue for or against the actual practice of assisted dying, but why.....
» 20/09/2021 1:25:56 PM Funerals are optional and so should burials be. As far as I am concerned, once my body sto.....
» 16/09/2021 7:57:04 PM Dear Nathan, «I agree nationalism is a posion I don't want to ever take or give to somebo.....
» 15/09/2021 4:47:47 PM "the inescapable need to find a peaceful solution to the conflict" Why inescapa.....
» 15/09/2021 2:09:45 PM I support the public-health FUNCTIONALITY of vaccine passports, but not the passports them.....
» 15/09/2021 8:15:46 AM Dear Canem Malum, I am also internationally displaced and there is nothing wrong about it.....
» 14/09/2021 6:25:01 PM Dear Aidan, «Nuclear weapons may have been valuable in the 20th century, but they're not .....
» 14/09/2021 2:01:16 PM Dear Macedonian, «The world needs to get rid of all nuclear weapons which can destroy lif.....
» 13/09/2021 3:05:23 PM If you add 'F' (6) and 'L' (12), you get an 'R' (18). Nay, Australia (or any other place .....
» 13/09/2021 2:53:23 PM Most of those who die from COVID are killed by a cytokine-storm, where their own immune sy.....
» 10/09/2021 4:48:51 PM Good on them: let alone why would anyone want to be ruled by others, but why would anyone .....
» 9/09/2021 11:58:23 PM Hindu philosophy speaks of four levels of truth: 1. Asatyam - complete untruth (e.g. the .....
» 6/09/2021 5:56:07 PM Dear Individual, «These mutts will never be at peace as long as both lots are around !» .....
» 6/09/2021 4:42:11 PM Just the usual - the author thinks that he controls Israel and may order them and their Pr.....
» 6/09/2021 4:31:23 PM Dear Dan, «All societies are governed by rules. The necessity of those rules are obvious......
» 6/09/2021 10:23:30 AM Well, whenever the word "nation" or its grammatical derivatives is mentioned, on.....
» 6/09/2021 8:38:12 AM Dear Dan, «I think the question should read; Is there evidence that all of society must c.....
» 5/09/2021 11:00:42 PM We can only do what we can to stop China, which is probably not a lot. But we must do all.....
» 2/09/2021 1:36:20 PM Dear David, Fortunately your fringe Jewish cult who wants to take over and control Israel.....
» 1/09/2021 6:27:10 PM Dear David, The more you rant the way you are doing - the more you expose yourself as hat.....
» 1/09/2021 4:46:59 PM Dear Ttbn, I wish there was no state and no government. Regardless, with or without a go.....
» 1/09/2021 11:02:40 AM Dear David, Well, how childish this is getting: "If you don't give me your doll this.....
» 31/08/2021 11:24:33 AM Well that being the case, perhaps the best strategy is to get vaccinated, with 3 shots to .....
» 31/08/2021 10:50:15 AM Dear David, You have just confirmed your disagreement that Israel is an independent count.....
» 27/08/2021 5:12:11 PM Dear Bronwyn, «religion has a lot to answer for, including the Christian religion!» Ther.....
» 27/08/2021 4:02:11 PM Dear Mhaze, «The Pfizer vaccine needs to be kept at roughly zero degrees centigrade durin.....
» 27/08/2021 1:56:11 PM Dear Paul, «"Why can't the over 50s get pfizer?" Because Australia doesn't have.....
» 26/08/2021 7:26:52 PM Dear John Perkins, Your ignorance of religion has nothing to do with the existence or non.....
» 24/08/2021 3:17:45 PM This article rests in whole on the false assumption as if the practices and political move.....
» 24/08/2021 2:23:00 PM Regarding COVID prevention measures, the author is mostly correct, but then he produces ex.....
» 22/08/2021 11:17:00 PM Should Covid Vaccination Be Made Compulsory? Of course not, it's a no-brainer and nobody .....
» 16/08/2021 9:52:35 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Again I implore you: what has that to do with the topic, about poor Jor.....
» 16/08/2021 5:03:03 PM Dear David, I see that you refuse to recognise Israel as an independent country that stan.....
» 16/08/2021 3:29:32 PM Dear Foxy, Fortunately I have no idea what you and Is Mise are talking about. I never ha.....
» 16/08/2021 1:40:17 PM Put yourself in American shoes - why sacrifice your own lives to help little Australia out.....
» 16/08/2021 1:22:47 PM Dear Foxy, «what's going to be done (if anything) about it?» The solution is very simple.....
» 16/08/2021 1:16:08 AM Neither am I bound by merits nor sins, neither by worldly joys nor by sorrows, Neither am .....
» 16/08/2021 1:16:05 AM Dear Nathan, You may be interested to know that the Bible forbids censuses and consider t.....
» 15/08/2021 6:35:49 PM Thank you Foxy, much appreciated!.....
» 15/08/2021 10:58:17 AM Dear Foxy, «What keeps dragging me back to this discussion is the misinformation that you.....
» 15/08/2021 3:26:17 AM Dear Foxy, «We need more knowledgeable moderate voices like his (and Alon Ben-Meir's) fro.....
» 14/08/2021 9:09:39 PM Well Armchair Critic has made some good points. No, I disagree with what he said about va.....
» 14/08/2021 8:53:34 PM Dear David, Are you referring to the problems that Israel has with some of these so-calle.....
» 13/08/2021 9:25:27 AM Dear Anthony, «In the next 12-months, each of you will be exposed to covid as we go from .....
» 12/08/2021 11:02:47 PM Dear Ttbn, «And who knows what China is capable of doing to force people to cooperate wit.....
» 12/08/2021 7:27:15 PM Dear Foxy, I understand that you do not wish to discuss this any further. Just to clarif.....
» 12/08/2021 7:20:30 PM Dear David, «There are a lot of concerned people trying to resolve this conflict - the UN.....
» 12/08/2021 4:01:43 PM Dear Foxy, It seems that the author of the article you quoted (an Arab name, BTW) was als.....
» 12/08/2021 1:10:39 PM I just wonder, would Bronwyn still present this criticism against mRNA vaccines had China .....
» 12/08/2021 12:45:41 PM Thank you Peter - amazing depth, may the Holy Spirit be with you! I wonder how many of the.....
» 12/08/2021 12:07:15 PM Certainly a good idea, but we need even more countries in this, especially India!.....
» 12/08/2021 9:38:36 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Oh and by the way, anything to say about the recent death of yet anoth.....
» 12/08/2021 9:32:15 AM The author pointed out medical reasons against vaccine hesitancy, yet the issue is politic.....
» 12/08/2021 9:12:24 AM Dear Paul, «You might like this, some months back I received a letter from the ABS ".....
» 12/08/2021 8:07:50 AM Dear Mhaze, Indeed, the so-called "Palestinians" do not deserve concessions. I.....
» 12/08/2021 7:55:31 AM Dear Foxy, Whether or not Israel is a democracy (I respect your wish to not continue disc.....
» 12/08/2021 7:36:37 AM Dear Dan, «I’m a bit perplexed, but otherwise very interested to know how you got there.».....
» 11/08/2021 7:07:43 PM The census is a gross trampling on our privacy and personal life. There should not be more.....
» 11/08/2021 4:57:25 PM Dear Foxy, Israel's occupation of the West Bank and other territories is indeed very bad,.....
» 11/08/2021 2:37:48 PM Why bother with "legal concerns", picking out issues with this or that particula.....
» 11/08/2021 1:55:15 PM Dear Foxy, Whatever you wrote, what has it to do with democracy? Are you saying that dem.....
» 10/08/2021 7:13:14 PM A common misunderstanding is that Israel is a Jewish state: No, Israel is a Hebrew state. .....
» 10/08/2021 1:05:11 PM Dear David, «Why not have one state with equal rights for all, civil marriage, an integra.....
» 6/08/2021 5:41:42 PM Dear David, So you want Jordan to care more for the league of nations than for themselves.....
» 6/08/2021 1:18:25 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «This heinous killing of an 11-year-old boy demonstrates, yet again, ho.....
» 5/08/2021 2:07:39 PM In other words, the author expects Jordan to be punished and sacrifice itself in order to .....
» 3/08/2021 2:36:56 PM Thank you Aidan. Based on your description, I don't think that I ever met a neocon. Do yo.....
» 2/08/2021 11:26:30 PM Thank you Dan, I think you got age-old Hinduism mixed up with the 20th-century populist N.....
» 2/08/2021 5:13:08 PM Dear Dan, «people appear to me to choose a working model religion for themselves to perfo.....
» 2/08/2021 3:46:13 PM Dear Individual, «What do you say to necessary violence ? For example when the need arise.....
» 1/08/2021 10:53:49 PM Dear Dan, So sorry, but I am unable to divulge such private information on a public forum.....
» 1/08/2021 10:40:23 PM [...continued] I understand that you feel insecure, so let me clarify: it is legitimate f.....
» 1/08/2021 10:40:20 PM Dear Foxy, «We don't always like the laws or rules» Now this is all about our philosophi.....
» 1/08/2021 1:23:23 PM Dear Foxy, «Frankly I don't understand what you are talking about. You'll have to be more.....
» 1/08/2021 11:14:20 AM Dear Dan, May God bless you. I am a student of and try to follow the teachings of the Ved.....
» 1/08/2021 10:59:13 AM Dear Foxy, Do you consider the concept/belief that "some people or groups of people .....
» 31/07/2021 10:17:11 PM Dear Foxy, Don't we all like to prevent violence? But why focus particularly on violent .....
» 31/07/2021 10:07:31 PM Thank you Yuri. Indeed, isn't this whole world God's waiting room? "As a person she.....
» 31/07/2021 9:37:39 PM Dear Nathan, Yes, boofheads seems to be the case unless I fail to understand their motive.....
» 28/07/2021 12:55:35 PM Dear Aidan, Sorry, I could not understand your last comment, presumably in reply to my po.....
» 27/07/2021 10:08:01 PM Boofheads perhaps, but selfish? A selfish person cares only to maximise their personal ga.....
» 27/07/2021 8:07:48 PM Well well well, comparing a political movement with religion is just absolutely so silly!.....
» 27/07/2021 1:15:14 PM Given a situation where the required action is: If X, do A. If Y, do A. There is no need .....
» 22/07/2021 2:12:45 PM Dear Dan, «If you (or I for that matter) would like to open a thread on the subject, it w.....
» 21/07/2021 1:41:26 PM [...continued] «As a mortal, he had the same necessity for daily survival as do we all. A.....
» 21/07/2021 1:41:21 PM Dear Dan, Yes, I do believe that there is much more to Christ's teachings that we are no .....
» 21/07/2021 8:52:01 AM Dear Individual, «You are paying !» No, I am not. I pay tax but as it stands I do not ge.....
» 21/07/2021 5:26:25 AM Dear Dan, Why would anyone want to define 'religion' for taxation purposes? How more fool.....
» 20/07/2021 10:05:17 PM Dear Individual, Vial production? What are you speaking about? The vials are already her.....
» 20/07/2021 6:59:27 PM Dear Individual, «Our Govt has the same problem» Huh? All they need is to tell me the pr.....
» 20/07/2021 5:54:28 PM Dear Snake, «I, together with everyone I know who as undertaken the Covid jab, has had ab.....
» 20/07/2021 4:49:55 PM Dear Individual, «Unless they actually pay for a jab they should just be glad to get one .....
» 20/07/2021 10:21:21 AM Dear Dan, You essentially got it right: Christ was never too concerned with the state of .....
» 20/07/2021 7:14:01 AM Dear Paul, Mud is dirty, it can also cause health problems if you put it in your mouth, b.....
» 20/07/2021 6:44:10 AM Dear LEGO, «My natural selfishness is moderated by my understanding that our society woul.....
» 19/07/2021 8:56:11 PM Dear Hasbeen, As much as I think that Hydroxychloroquine is useless or even harmful, I wi.....
» 19/07/2021 6:44:15 PM Dear Ttbn, «The covid vaccine will in time become the same as the influenza vaccine; it w.....
» 19/07/2021 2:26:03 PM Wait! So long as we are not allowed to obtain/import our own vaccines, only to lick the g.....
» 19/07/2021 1:43:44 PM DEFINITION: That which produces a rugged curved shadow, is a tree. That which produces a .....
» 17/07/2021 8:37:51 PM Dear Nathan, Indeed, one needs to find the correct balance and this can be difficult. Li.....
» 15/07/2021 7:40:23 PM Dear Daffy, It is not right to put all "Zionists" in the same basket - there is.....
» 15/07/2021 6:25:25 PM "Abdullah will continue to hide behind the two-state solution in his meeting with Bid.....
» 12/07/2021 10:55:22 PM Dear Foxy and Ttbn, «Not everyone has the expertise necessary to form an opinion that is .....
» 10/07/2021 11:27:14 PM "Are we really entitled to our opinions?" This depends what one means by ".....
» 9/07/2021 1:04:25 PM Dear Jayb, However interesting these stories about deities, their wives and the like are,.....
» 8/07/2021 7:23:04 PM Dear SteeleRedux, I do not claim to know the exact reason(s) for Israel's disengagement f.....
» 7/07/2021 2:57:28 PM Dear Banjo, «Instead of choosing one box or two boxes, I'm sorry to have to say I walked .....
» 7/07/2021 2:55:40 PM Dear Paul, Very thoughtful, thanks. I believe the Dalai Lama to be a sage. Sages are dis.....
» 7/07/2021 2:06:27 PM Dear Mhaze, Why is everyone here talking of COVID just in terms of death? Death is the l.....
» 6/07/2021 4:11:24 PM [...continued] «I was unable to open the link» Strange, it opens in my browser. I find .....
» 6/07/2021 4:11:21 PM Dear Banjo, «They probably receive worse criticisms from every Tom, Dick, and Harry than .....
» 6/07/2021 10:37:51 AM Dear Rhys Jones, If I may add to Foxy's previous post, you wrote: «it is the Palestinian.....
» 6/07/2021 1:30:07 AM The author is chasing a ghost. There once used to be an Arab-Israeli conflict. The sides .....
» 5/07/2021 10:51:40 AM Dear Paul, Well of course it is dangerous, like always when someone pretends to follow th.....
» 4/07/2021 10:46:30 PM Jeannette Young was right in saying that taking AstraZenica for purely medical reasons mak.....
» 4/07/2021 6:57:34 PM Dear Paul, The case of this Mr. Schlydner does not sound like a religious matter, but rat.....
» 4/07/2021 4:43:50 PM [...continued] The Bhagavad-Gita speaks of people who have made spiritual efforts in prev.....
» 4/07/2021 4:43:46 PM Dear Banjo, I do not find it wise or healthy to expose identifying information on the int.....
» 4/07/2021 4:43:39 PM Dear Foxy, «I hope that your life has not be a fight as the name suggests. And that your .....
» 2/07/2021 1:33:16 PM Dear David, «The Christian religion would be more plausible if it got rid of its beliefs .....
» 2/07/2021 12:22:14 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for your kind comment. One thing is that, I simply cannot remember .....
» 2/07/2021 9:39:29 AM Dear David, «The "cursed territory" of which you speak was occupied by Jordan b.....
» 2/07/2021 9:15:40 AM Dear Banjo, «but you did not reply to my question at the end of my previous post on page .....
» 1/07/2021 1:04:56 PM Sadly the author only considered the risk of death (which indeed is relatively less of a p.....
» 1/07/2021 12:39:35 PM Apparently there is some 100-years-old Jewish-Arab conflict going on, which the author wis.....
» 1/07/2021 11:50:00 AM Dear Banjo, Thank you for telling us about your glorious life journey. Apparently you gr.....
» 30/06/2021 4:31:00 PM Dear Banjo, «If there are no experts, then they have no alternative but to use their own .....
» 29/06/2021 11:40:56 PM Dear Josephus, I applaud your observations. What you wrote is beautiful and I would not .....
» 29/06/2021 5:01:15 PM Dear Cody, «And how many millions did die of starvation under Mao?» The Uyghurs envy the.....
» 29/06/2021 12:12:07 PM Well we have heard this before: Good enough .....
» 29/06/2021 11:41:58 AM Dear Banjo, «Democratic courts of justice cannot possibly be experts on everything. They .....
» 29/06/2021 9:49:50 AM Dear Paul, Thank you for bringing the excellent example of Buddhism. The fact is that wh.....
» 28/06/2021 10:50:05 PM Dear Banjo, «Democratic courts of justice settle disputes.» Unfortunately they can only .....
» 27/06/2021 3:55:46 PM Dear Banjo, 1.«The prescription for freedom of action is as large as possible – provided .....
» 27/06/2021 3:10:32 PM Dear Paul, You have every right to criticise the Church Of the Holy Orgy and so would I (.....
» 27/06/2021 12:12:05 AM [...continued] Please allow me to present an analogous example where believing in somethi.....
» 27/06/2021 12:11:57 AM Dear Banjo, How easy it is and seemingly noble to protect thoughts and beliefs, but this .....
» 24/06/2021 7:01:25 PM Dear imacentristmoderate, «Enlightenment leaders who "wrote the book" on modern.....
» 23/06/2021 9:12:04 AM Dear imacentristmoderate, «Democracy is guaranteed to fail if 100% of all families in a s.....
» 22/06/2021 3:18:28 PM Dear Graham, Why just peck around the edges? This whole sick idea of the state interveni.....
» 22/06/2021 9:58:11 AM Dear Individual, «The issue in Victoria is its ill-disciplined Demographic ! Full stop !».....
» 22/06/2021 12:24:04 AM From today's news:
» 21/06/2021 2:36:37 PM Dear Critic, «Christians are taught to forgive the rapist and the murderer.» And how man.....
» 19/06/2021 9:45:36 PM Dear Individual, I am not on a planet, though my body rests on planet Earth. I have in t.....
» 19/06/2021 9:32:03 PM Referring to Frederic Bastiat's letter, I like it how people in 1845 looked at and based t.....
» 19/06/2021 8:53:44 PM Dear Critic, I would never say that you are wrong. It can happen that we entertain a tho.....
» 19/06/2021 8:33:23 PM Dear Individual, «I ask again, would the people of Biloela be prepared to take in many mo.....
» 18/06/2021 12:12:23 PM Dear Foxy, It is indeed wrong to criticise others. I am not saying that it should be bann.....
» 18/06/2021 9:41:36 AM Dear Individual, You completely evade the topic. It has nothing to do with refugees. The.....
» 18/06/2021 3:37:27 AM Dear Critic, «I see two opposing arguments here. The first is the Christian bakery being.....
» 18/06/2021 2:38:43 AM Dear Aries, «You are now saying that none of this is supposed to be taken literally.» I .....
» 18/06/2021 1:43:37 AM Dear Ttbn, «Two illegals - revealed not to be genuine refugees» I would be surprised if .....
» 18/06/2021 1:31:02 AM Dear Peter, As for the social issues in America, I am ignorant, I never studied them and .....
» 18/06/2021 1:20:20 AM Dear SteeleRedux, You know, there was a tradition whereby the French princes (all those L.....
» 17/06/2021 6:54:01 PM Dear Peter, «why a very religious country has such inadequate social practices» Why do y.....
» 17/06/2021 2:59:36 PM Look, I am not a Christian and I do not care either way for the so-called Christian views .....
» 17/06/2021 1:15:25 PM Dear Aries, Let me keep my answers short and simple, but do let me know if you require an.....
» 17/06/2021 8:53:45 AM Dear Individual, «Why not settle all illegal arrivals in Biloela ? They'd get so much sup.....
» 16/06/2021 9:26:41 PM Dear Critic, Just hypothetically, suppose God had nothing better to do than to ordain cer.....
» 16/06/2021 8:37:55 PM Dear Ttbn, In Israel, rockets and fire-starting balloons from Gaza are just part of the w.....
» 16/06/2021 3:44:32 PM The issue is of utmost importance, but there is a problem: To secure religious freedom, on.....
» 16/06/2021 1:28:23 PM Dear Ttbn, «The cease fire has ended. Following Hamas's launching of a fire-starting ball.....
» 16/06/2021 12:47:41 AM [...continued] Note also that unlike previous Israeli governments, this new coalition als.....
» 16/06/2021 12:47:38 AM Dear Foxy, «Nothing has changed.» All changes begin in the mind before they manifest in .....
» 15/06/2021 4:38:26 PM Thank you Paul, I fully support: «What for me transcends the law, overrides all other con.....
» 15/06/2021 4:27:38 PM Dear Ttbn, «There is certainly nothing in his history or past statements to indicate that.....
» 15/06/2021 4:04:41 PM Dear Foxy, A separate Palestinian state would be the nightmare of ordinary Palestinians w.....
» 14/06/2021 5:50:42 PM Dear Paul, Yes, but it is unhelpful to call people "rednecks": people's hearts .....
» 14/06/2021 11:18:33 AM At last, Israel has a prime-minister with a heart. While I disagree with many of his view.....
» 14/06/2021 10:26:16 AM Dear ShadowMinister, «Labor and the greens in their infinite kindness managed to kill 120.....
» 11/06/2021 12:21:33 PM Is there a definition of a cult which does not at least include some agreement over some i.....
» 10/06/2021 6:56:58 PM Dear Imacentristmoderate, Your last post is so confused that I don't even know where to b.....
» 10/06/2021 2:39:15 PM Dear Foxy, «The family arrived without visas.» Same for Captain Cook!.....
» 10/06/2021 12:22:10 AM "An absolute disgrace on Australia's part, we should hang our heads in shame. Where i.....
» 9/06/2021 11:44:33 PM Dear Critic, «Menachem Begin was head of the Irgun at that time (Kind David Hotel Bombing.....
» 9/06/2021 11:01:03 PM Dear Imacentristmoderate, First, thank you for clarifying how your posts relate to this t.....
» 9/06/2021 3:35:57 PM Dear Imacentristmoderate, Plantagenet is correct in stating that this discussion is going.....
» 9/06/2021 1:10:20 PM Dear Imacentristmoderate, I am puzzled why you included my name in your address (Wednesda.....
» 8/06/2021 1:27:03 PM Dear Critic, «And the people responsible for this act of terrorism, formed the Likud Part.....
» 7/06/2021 11:54:49 PM Dear LEGO, «I can do racist jokes because I am a racist, OK?» No: all one needs in order.....
» 7/06/2021 2:13:17 PM Dear LEGO, «the Jews are the smartest race on Earth» Correct, but it is only half the tr.....
» 4/06/2021 3:44:01 PM Dear Hasbeen, I checked on your information: "$500 payments announced for Victorians.....
» 3/06/2021 7:32:26 PM Dear LEGO, «Benjamin Netanyahu, who's brother was a genuine Israeli war hero who was kill.....
» 3/06/2021 1:55:50 PM Such naivety! What happened recently in Israel/Palestine had nothing to do with Jews, Pal.....
» 27/05/2021 9:09:58 AM Dear Ttbn, Your accusations of government are superstitious because the capabilities, int.....
» 26/05/2021 3:43:25 PM It's the old story about the boy-scout who was so eager to do his daily good-deed that he .....
» 26/05/2021 1:10:07 AM Dear Pogi, I am not here to convince you of anything. The author wrote his view in the ar.....
» 23/05/2021 4:03:30 PM Dear LEGO, Indeed, your description of the Yom Kippur war is glorious, thank you! But al.....
» 23/05/2021 8:09:42 AM Dear Pogi, As for my post dated Monday, 10 May 2021 2:04:52 AM, it was not addressed for .....
» 23/05/2021 12:08:26 AM Dear Bazz, «It is a waste of time arguing about a two nation settlement.» Indeed, like a.....
» 22/05/2021 11:46:30 PM Dear Pogi, You are still abusive and ignorant, but I am glad that you learned to spell my.....
» 22/05/2021 11:43:13 PM Dear Foxy, «Different groups have different senses of national identity. It means differe.....
» 19/05/2021 11:07:15 PM Why is this NOT a Faustian bargain? - Because Faust's devil is intelligent! No sane pers.....
» 16/05/2021 5:56:09 PM Everyone, This whole discussion is based on a fundamental error: Identities cannot be cre.....
» 14/05/2021 5:13:36 PM "There will be no Israeli-Palestinian peace unless..." But this is the author's.....
» 13/05/2021 1:01:01 PM Dear David, «However it all falls apart when his apparent son, who may well have actually.....
» 13/05/2021 12:40:52 PM A whole new industry of paper-shuffling parasites: they neither farm nor produce anything .....
» 13/05/2021 12:07:05 PM Dear Foxy, «What is being discussed here is our national identity, not our individual one.....
» 12/05/2021 6:03:32 PM Blessed be the author for advocating a simpler lifestyle in the country and for quoting th.....
» 12/05/2021 5:34:11 PM Dear Foxy, «Would I change Australian identity?» It is not possible to change one's iden.....
» 11/05/2021 12:25:30 PM Dear Jack, "I am exploring preferences for Australian identity." "Identit.....
» 10/05/2021 2:04:52 AM It was the author, not me, who wrote: "Time is understood as being linear and directe.....
» 4/05/2021 1:37:01 PM "Christianity, and Judaism before it has always been about the future. Time is unders.....
» 2/05/2021 11:59:05 PM Dear Foxy, «it broadens this discussion and adds to our knowledge of the roles that relig.....
» 30/04/2021 5:40:26 PM People ought to serve God and do His work alone, whatever be their social roles. But this.....
» 19/04/2021 6:37:47 AM Dear Foxy, We could not be more fortunate as things stand today, having a benevolent mona.....
» 16/04/2021 5:30:12 PM Dear SteeleRedux, What is the difference? 1. The "Palestinians" are not in a w.....
» 16/04/2021 12:51:41 PM Dear Mhaze, «The people now claiming to be Palestinian didn't arrive for another 1200 yea.....
» 16/04/2021 10:34:02 AM Dear SteeleRedux, I am not trying to defend Israel, only to be objective about the facts,.....
» 16/04/2021 1:11:21 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Why would documents which had been hidden in the archives have been wr.....
» 15/04/2021 10:18:36 PM Dear Foxy and SteeleRedux, What you say demonstrates that the operation in Deir Yassin wa.....
» 15/04/2021 4:58:13 PM We should remember in tears and revolt all holocausts, past and present, including the pre.....
» 14/04/2021 3:05:41 PM What a strange way to divide people up: "Tough-minded people like 'facts', and they .....
» 11/04/2021 10:18:38 PM Dear Banjo, «Love does not change reality.» True, but it changes everything: http://www......
» 9/04/2021 9:10:10 AM Reading this article makes me so grateful to God that I was not born a Christian......
» 4/04/2021 8:10:23 AM Dear Paul, Due to the unreliable nature of the authors, nothing about the life of Jesus i.....
» 4/04/2021 1:31:20 AM Had I been a Christian, I would probably feel insulted when others used this important rel.....
» 31/03/2021 12:16:41 AM Dear Bazz, «However any man here that has seen an attractive girl/woman and never had tho.....
» 30/03/2021 2:26:34 PM Of course this is cruel, very cruel and unjust. No problem if the state does not wish to .....
» 30/03/2021 2:11:19 PM He could have been a murderer, he could deserve to be hanged, but what gives anyone a righ.....
» 2/03/2021 10:47:57 PM Israel is an extremely divided country, made of a mosaic of very different people who ofte.....
» 26/02/2021 12:14:10 PM Dear Individual, «What's the point of pointing at big-time producers but not at consumers.....
» 26/02/2021 9:13:47 AM Thank you, Ttbn - nobody could have said it better!.....
» 23/02/2021 12:44:18 PM [...continued] How do these general principles apply in the specific case of this article.....
» 23/02/2021 12:44:15 PM Well, COVID took us by surprise so there was no time to apply the democratic process. Emer.....
» 23/02/2021 8:16:06 AM Sad for us. We lost a great wise and balanced commentator. As for Joe himself, he was ble.....
» 22/02/2021 3:37:31 PM It is a documented fact that humans had wars way before 6000 years ago. Still, the author.....
» 19/02/2021 12:04:37 AM Dear Nathan, «Do you find the use of such letters to describe you, including hetrosexual .....
» 15/02/2021 7:13:42 AM Dear Paul, May I understand from your cryptic response that you have no objection to slav.....
» 14/02/2021 11:28:15 PM Dear Paul, What right have you to categorise people, telling them: "you are an emplo.....
» 12/02/2021 4:39:50 PM Dear Mhaze, First they came for the...., indeed but is there anything we can do? As it s.....
» 11/02/2021 1:20:35 AM Dear Mhaze, I am shocked! Not that I particularly care or side with any sexual/gender &q.....
» 10/02/2021 8:14:42 AM Dear Mhaze, Where did you get this information about Andrews? To the best of my knowledg.....
» 9/02/2021 11:54:56 PM Dear Ttbn, In the old dispute between socialism and communism, communism believed that th.....
» 8/02/2021 11:21:50 PM What a storm in a teacup! Who cares? One can marry a broom if they like, even three broom.....
» 8/02/2021 2:22:23 PM Not much we can do on our own: we can try to offer PNG a better deal, otherwise we need to.....
» 7/02/2021 8:09:13 AM Dear David, I was definitely referring to the signposts BEFORE 1967. I have seen them mys.....
» 5/02/2021 1:38:16 PM The usual dribble from this hater of both Israel and Jordan, seeking to harm them both. I.....
» 5/02/2021 10:58:31 AM Dear SteeleRedux, There is of course no such thing as God, for God is not a thing, nor is.....
» 4/02/2021 2:04:58 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, Speak for yourself if you like - I am not an operating system. My brain .....
» 3/02/2021 8:51:40 PM Dear Daffy, I understand what you wrote, but without some preparation and explanation of .....
» 3/02/2021 6:03:23 PM Dear David, Thank you for correcting me. I made this mistake of accepting the article's w.....
» 3/02/2021 1:20:28 PM Dear Peter, The American constitution supports the freedom to pursue happiness (and so ha.....
» 2/02/2021 10:23:30 AM Dear Hasbeen, Obviously those who arrive from overseas that were already fully vaccinated.....
» 2/02/2021 10:00:49 AM Dear Ttbn, Indeed, how sad that the fight against China's was sidelined by attitudes towa.....
» 2/02/2021 9:52:34 AM I agree with LEGO to a point: «To have a democracy you need a population which is smart e.....
» 2/02/2021 9:05:18 AM Suppose the author is correct and the border closures are indeed unconstitutional - so wha.....
» 1/02/2021 11:01:21 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, «Dare I say: 'nothing stays the same forever?'» Almost. In order to ob.....
» 1/02/2021 2:12:26 PM Dear Hasbeen, Clearly, quarantine facilities should be run only by those who already reco.....
» 1/02/2021 1:59:19 PM Dear Aidan, Most of my teachers in primary school did not have formal qualifications. Ins.....
» 1/02/2021 1:08:33 PM If indeed the use of a search engine has become an essential service, then it needs to be .....
» 31/01/2021 10:53:55 PM Dear Ipso Fatso, I wonder, is it by great wisdom or by mere chance that you have hit the .....
» 31/01/2021 10:29:46 PM Dear Aidan, When I was studying in university, some professors would refer to this phenom.....
» 31/01/2021 6:15:52 PM Dear Aidan, There are indeed people, a minority, who are genuinely thirsty for knowledge,.....
» 31/01/2021 1:59:11 PM Dear Aidan, «War with China would threaten millions of innocent lives, but would accompli.....
» 30/01/2021 10:32:37 PM "Government's purpose is to protect God-given freedoms: first of all life, and then l.....
» 30/01/2021 9:46:42 PM Dear Alan, I clearly do not support Israel's occupation, I actually grieve for Israel's l.....
» 30/01/2021 9:38:27 PM O'connor spoke the truth - here are his words: "If [Australia] were to follow us and.....
» 29/01/2021 7:32:49 PM Yes, Israel behaves immorally in this case because its described actions are not for its o.....
» 29/01/2021 5:28:05 PM Dear Joe, There is no point staying outside when the bombs fall, he has just two left tod.....
» 29/01/2021 1:25:14 PM Congratulations to the author: 607 words without mentioning "Israel" even once -.....
» 29/01/2021 1:24:20 PM 5 more - put on your PPE and take cover!.....
» 29/01/2021 12:51:41 PM Dear Hasbeen and SteeleRedux, Well it is 6 more of them bombs that we need to endure in t.....
» 28/01/2021 8:33:29 PM Dear SteeleRedux, His aim is to demoralise, terrorise and bring us to despair: psychotic .....
» 26/01/2021 3:13:07 PM Well there is not much Australia can help Taiwan militarily with and we badly need our for.....
» 24/01/2021 4:22:26 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «China is putting itself in the firing line in the hope that Taiwan wil.....
» 24/01/2021 4:15:13 PM The chances of China TRYING to invade Australia are slim, no more than 1%. They are evil, .....
» 21/01/2021 2:37:04 PM Dear Ttbn, Neo Feudalism is the inevitable result of over-population and has nothing to d.....
» 20/01/2021 7:48:27 PM Dear Critic, «Well in principle I believe in fairness to all, so that means 'What you do .....
» 20/01/2021 4:08:51 PM Dear Is Mise, Definitely, if you lived your life well, which I believe you have, then you.....
» 19/01/2021 8:07:17 PM Dear Paul, My father used to say: "God may forgive our sins, but for the sin which w.....
» 19/01/2021 5:42:26 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, I used "English" merely as an example to demonstrate your fla.....
» 19/01/2021 2:45:08 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, I agree with you that that's what you meant. But how shallow! Just li.....
» 19/01/2021 2:14:23 PM Dear Nathan, A licence is permission to do something - but marriage requires no permissio.....
» 19/01/2021 11:06:48 AM Dear Joe, Thank you, I agree with everything you said......
» 19/01/2021 10:57:27 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, Singapore? You must be joking! Singapore is a police-state and practic.....
» 19/01/2021 12:13:48 AM I commend the article. With one exception: spineless Keating was wrong from the start. A.....
» 18/01/2021 7:27:41 PM Dear Ttbn, All the objective evidence that we share about death has to do with our bodies.....
» 18/01/2021 3:03:17 PM Oh dear, Oh dear, Sudhanshu: why have you mentioned only China and Islam, omitting my bad .....
» 18/01/2021 2:11:41 PM Dear Ttbn, «OK. Somebody who thinks they know, tell me.» That which dies is only the bod.....
» 18/01/2021 7:03:00 AM Dear Paul, «Splitting hairs between a Marriage Licence and Marriage Certificate.» Yes, e.....
» 17/01/2021 9:27:59 PM Dear Thinkabit, A celebrant is not strictly required for a marriage. Nevertheless, there .....
» 16/01/2021 10:14:41 PM Dear Josephus, Very well, I believe that we agree on never giving up to the Chinese commu.....
» 16/01/2021 9:29:50 PM Dear Nathan, «So why is getting a marriage license so much easier?» Because it means not.....
» 15/01/2021 6:31:43 PM Dear Nathan, The difference between marriage and driving is that the latter is enforceabl.....
» 15/01/2021 5:51:52 PM Dear Paul, Every idea is welcome. If regional aid works then it is a good tactic to adopt.....
» 15/01/2021 10:15:36 AM Dear David and Joe, It would be terrible to treat Australians of Chinese origin different.....
» 15/01/2021 6:41:19 AM Dear Paul, An insurance policy costs. It can be painful to pay the premiums, but not anyw.....
» 15/01/2021 6:19:08 AM Dear David, Yes of course, but my question to you was about Chinese Australians: to what .....
» 15/01/2021 12:41:30 AM Dear David, Very true! But what do you suggest we do? We have so many innocent healthy p.....
» 13/01/2021 6:38:24 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, Wrong guess: I will never be working in a re-education camp because I w.....
» 13/01/2021 5:45:05 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «One day I will visit the US and go to see great tourist sights like Di.....
» 13/01/2021 3:22:55 PM Hitler built Germany's great autostradas that are still in use even today (http://en.wikip.....
» 13/01/2021 3:07:01 PM Dear JP, There is no contradiction between what we say - we just speak of different layer.....
» 12/01/2021 10:07:35 PM Dear Joe, Thank you, no one could have presented this better. We and our friends will fi.....
» 12/01/2021 3:25:06 PM No! We rather die! And we must prepare accordingly so if China invades and we are unable .....
» 12/01/2021 12:46:38 PM Dear JP, Since there can only be one God, it is not possible for us to worship two differ.....
» 10/01/2021 2:18:38 PM [...continued] Similarly, our free will in particular and our mental experiences in gener.....
» 10/01/2021 2:18:34 PM Dear JP, I have read and commented on your article from 2015 and while I still generally .....
» 9/01/2021 11:46:42 PM Dear Truth Seeker, «I agree with you It is God who authors all life but the act of aborti.....
» 8/01/2021 6:02:20 PM Dear Truth Seeker, I understand how the concept of rights is so entrenched in Western soc.....
» 8/01/2021 6:02:17 PM Dear JP, If you feel the calling of God to prevent a rape or to advocate to preserve a ba.....
» 8/01/2021 4:43:58 PM Dear Bronwyn, «Any wonder our relationship with China is in trouble when we have ignorant.....
» 8/01/2021 11:11:10 AM Dear Truth Seeker, The theological matters touched on by the subject of abortion are pret.....
» 7/01/2021 11:09:10 PM Dear JP, «How is that any better than someone who says: "Owning slaves is not someth.....
» 7/01/2021 6:26:14 PM Dear Plantegenet, «2. continue strongly in the Quadrilateral AND Do an Israel ie. buildin.....
» 6/01/2021 6:05:21 PM Dear Canem Malum, «"I think the Chinese will be able to swing Indonesia to its side......
» 5/01/2021 9:38:16 PM Dear Aidan, Excellent observation, if only you could provide a practical path to separate.....
» 5/01/2021 12:11:55 AM Dear Aidan, That China is our enemy is not my choice, but a matter of fact, well unless w.....
» 4/01/2021 3:20:11 PM Dear Foxy, Australia is not dependent on China - it's only money and it's about time that.....
» 1/01/2021 6:32:19 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, I am well aware that the conflict between Taiwan and China BEGAN as a c.....
» 31/12/2020 4:13:39 PM Dear Ttbn, Most of us are going to have a wonderful year in 2021, the year of the vaccine.....
» 31/12/2020 10:55:03 AM Demoralising is a classic weapon of war, but we stand strong and it will come to naught. M.....
» 31/12/2020 12:16:40 AM Dear Atheist, Indeed, God does not exist. Existence is within God, not God within existe.....
» 30/12/2020 12:30:44 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «I'm convinced that Australia will be amongst the first to fall to Chin.....
» 29/12/2020 10:59:20 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, Imagine if the people of ancient Troy had X-rays, ultrasound, MRI and C.....
» 29/12/2020 10:48:42 AM What a life: having no possessions, every movement monitored, eating only what is supplied.....
» 29/12/2020 10:26:36 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, «If I had my way I would cancel the visas of all non-Australian Chinese.....
» 29/12/2020 9:55:57 AM May I remind the author that states are not sentient beings! I applaud individuals who sa.....
» 28/12/2020 8:33:43 AM Dear Canem Malum, I am disappointed to see you joining Mr. Opinion in raising the white f.....
» 23/12/2020 1:52:05 PM There is a saying: "Hate the sin, love the sinner". Indeed hate China, but love.....
» 23/12/2020 1:29:45 PM Dear Individual, You are unlikely to understand my answer, but I will respond anyway for .....
» 22/12/2020 8:45:37 PM Dear Individual, The only "courtesy" I benefit from people living 1000's of km .....
» 22/12/2020 7:23:25 PM Dear Canem Malum, The Chinese situation is for us a test, not a ground to despair. Most .....
» 22/12/2020 2:26:26 PM Dear Alan, You are probably correct about those $70+Billions, but quality of life, in my .....
» 21/12/2020 11:00:41 PM Good article. Just one comment, Arthur: South Australia did not "learn" from Vi.....
» 21/12/2020 10:32:43 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, You have been constantly demoralising the readers of this forum, sowing.....
» 21/12/2020 10:21:10 PM Dear Ttbn, What about death? What kind of death do you have in mind? As humans we face .....
» 21/12/2020 6:08:54 PM Nothing will happen of course, but still we need to tick that box because it will appear i.....
» 16/12/2020 9:51:32 AM The threat is clear. The question is what can we now do. The author provided no answer. .....
» 15/12/2020 5:35:59 PM Dear Ttbn, I would break the law for a good reason, for a just reason, but not for a whim.....
» 15/12/2020 12:31:07 PM It is a delicate issue: the virus is real, serious and must be dealt with, but digital tec.....
» 4/12/2020 11:09:19 AM Dear Dan, «it has everything to do with why the enemy ethnic groups are and should be int.....
» 2/12/2020 6:08:25 AM Dear Individual, Thank you for clarifying - I would otherwise have no clue what you mean......
» 1/12/2020 10:26:57 PM Dear Dan, I honestly have no idea what Individual means in his "subliminal" com.....
» 1/12/2020 9:34:15 PM Dear Individual, Care to explain?.....
» 1/12/2020 4:47:20 PM Well said, LEGO! Australia-China relationship chills? How come it is not yet completely f.....
» 30/11/2020 4:27:03 PM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, in the long run it will be a government decision» Yes, this is alwa.....
» 30/11/2020 12:29:04 AM I don't think that there is any deliberate ill-intent by anyone, yet the result is unwhole.....
» 29/11/2020 11:37:21 PM There is no such thing as "soft totalitarianism", only totalitarianism. Remembe.....
» 29/11/2020 11:22:42 PM In my experience, we can be spiritually inspired by religious music anywhere, be it a chur.....
» 29/11/2020 11:10:43 PM I agree with Hasbeen: we must be prepared to support ourselves in terms of energy and food.....
» 29/11/2020 10:49:21 PM Isn't it obvious that an airline may place any conditions of entry they like on their plan.....
» 29/11/2020 10:26:06 PM Dear Ttbn, «You and I are well past our use by dates.» This would depend on what use is .....
» 13/11/2020 1:35:31 PM I am not sure about the legal technicality, but the right for a secret ballot is there for.....
» 10/11/2020 11:52:53 PM Dear David, Yes, I agree on both counts - thank you! --- BTW, I had a funny thought: Se.....
» 10/11/2020 6:43:42 PM It would be better if ministers were relaxed and engrossed with their private affairs, rat.....
» 10/11/2020 6:07:12 PM Dear David, I completely agree: democracy in Australia and the USA is broken. Which brin.....
» 10/11/2020 11:22:03 AM In Australia one does not need to be a woman, a slave or a descendant of a foreigner for t.....
» 10/11/2020 8:17:58 AM What few remember, is that the original founders of Israel did not mean to make it a Jewis.....
» 4/11/2020 11:19:10 PM [...continued] «people can (and do) judge for themselves whether the benefits are worth t.....
» 4/11/2020 11:19:06 PM Dear Aidan, «No, that's battery! But they often go together.» Interesting! I was not awa.....
» 4/11/2020 1:57:26 PM [...continued] Also, fulfilling desires has its costs. Some of these costs are: * the ti.....
» 4/11/2020 1:57:24 PM Dear Hasbeen, When you look in magazines, it is true that you may find what you want or n.....
» 4/11/2020 8:15:06 AM Dear Aidan, «If a business makes a product that can improve our lives, why shouldn't it b.....
» 3/11/2020 11:10:42 PM Advertising is immoral, regardless whether it is overt or covert. Polluting minds with su.....
» 29/10/2020 8:09:32 PM The biblical book of Kings opens by recounting King David's last days: as David became old.....
» 29/10/2020 5:53:19 PM Race - no problem. Culture - no problem. Values - no problem so long as they respect every.....
» 26/10/2020 9:48:54 PM No one (including government) gave us our freedom, nor can anyone take our freedom away. .....
» 26/10/2020 2:22:54 PM Musical Chairs! Too many participants and too few chairs to begin with, but so long as th.....
» 17/10/2020 11:53:49 PM Forcing people to vote is reprehensible at any time!.....
» 16/10/2020 4:07:55 PM Clearly China is our enemy. Clearly there are so many parallels with Hitler and the proces.....
» 13/10/2020 5:27:23 PM [...continued] Now for the disease: death is my last concern, for the dead suffer no more.....
» 13/10/2020 5:27:21 PM Dear Rhys, Of course I have no wish to lock you: if you can come up with creative, ingeni.....
» 12/10/2020 7:32:35 PM While the author should have his freedom to live with the virus, he should not interfere w.....
» 12/10/2020 4:46:10 PM Dear Individual, You have raised this topic time and again. - and I told you time and ag.....
» 5/10/2020 1:51:39 PM I am not a Catholic, nor a supporter of Catholic elitism, but I fear that if parents are p.....
» 4/10/2020 10:01:18 PM The following could be relevant:
» 26/09/2020 8:13:19 PM Dear Spencer, «So, the 'God' you have faith in does not exist?» Yes. I sufficiently love.....
» 25/09/2020 1:35:42 PM Dear Spencer, «So is the ultimate truth God or are you an atheist in regard to God's exis.....
» 25/09/2020 11:38:43 AM Dear David, «I agreed to abide by Australian law when I became a citizen of Australia.» .....
» 25/09/2020 1:48:21 AM Dear David, The purpose of glorifying God is to purify one's mind and heart, this has not.....
» 24/09/2020 9:08:19 PM Indeed: "There is only one answer to the question of personal and national purpose, .....
» 21/09/2020 9:57:08 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, No, I was not aware of the meaning of "Shariah", so thank you.....
» 21/09/2020 2:47:39 PM In the old SciFi book, "The Green Hills of Earth", the poles of Venus (which wer.....
» 21/09/2020 9:51:34 AM Dear David, You are correct about the communists and Islamists being less than half of th.....
» 21/09/2020 12:15:41 AM Dear David, There will certainly be many more Jewish voters for the "United Arab Lis.....
» 20/09/2020 5:38:53 PM Dear David, Israel does not claim or pretend to be a "western democracy", only .....
» 18/09/2020 2:16:10 PM If I had such a virus, then I would not be deliberately releasing it unless I had somethin.....
» 18/09/2020 1:51:50 PM If the death penalty + torture is to be re-introduced, then it is advertisers and their fa.....
» 14/09/2020 3:57:47 PM [...continued] This is the "original sin" - the identification with a [human] b.....
» 14/09/2020 3:57:44 PM Dear Dan, «I cant imagine a situation where the event you describe above, IE choosing to .....
» 13/09/2020 11:26:45 PM Dear Dan, Yes, no human is free, not even a hermit. Even when State-power is small, there.....
» 12/09/2020 11:45:46 PM [...continued] «You are not pretending to deny your view of freedom as totally devoid of .....
» 12/09/2020 11:45:42 PM Dear Dan, I am aware that I seem to have drifted from the topic, but this is because life.....
» 11/09/2020 5:16:59 PM Dear Dan, Perhaps no man is an island - I won't argue that since my point is that we are .....
» 11/09/2020 12:27:54 PM Dear Dan, An excellent question! So long as we [mis-]conceive ourselves as a physical bo.....
» 10/09/2020 7:29:35 PM Dear Dan, Please have patience, I have not forgotten you, but I can be busy elsewhere and.....
» 9/09/2020 5:02:20 PM Dear Dan, Struggling to understand something is normal among adults as well, but assuming.....
» 9/09/2020 1:32:33 PM Dear Daniel, Yes, we seem to have a language problem. You see, English is only my second.....
» 9/09/2020 2:12:43 AM [Judges 9:8-15] 8 One day the trees went out to anoint a king for themselves. They said t.....
» 9/09/2020 2:12:38 AM At first, everyone has freedom, total freedom. Then some of us compromised: we wanted to .....
» 8/09/2020 5:39:52 PM Thank you, Alon, I totally agree. -- Dear Alan, «That explains how much I value the Isr.....
» 4/09/2020 3:12:54 PM Dear Ttbn, «Those who who lead a simple life, lived what they earned and were generally t.....
» 4/09/2020 2:54:32 PM We do have sound COVID policies at the moment to protect those of us who do not want to ge.....
» 26/08/2020 12:25:56 AM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, as I understand it, the foetal cells are used in the development sta.....
» 25/08/2020 1:51:43 PM First, I think that some crucial information is missing: 1. Are the foetal cell-lines sti.....
» 22/08/2020 8:20:10 PM Dear David, I accept your apology. Sometimes I enjoy discussing on this forum while at o.....
» 21/08/2020 3:54:18 PM Dear David, The Nazis only won after getting reinforcements and tanks, and sending Ukrain.....
» 21/08/2020 12:53:57 AM Dear David, I share with you the desire to separate state and church, albeit for differen.....
» 20/08/2020 7:45:48 PM Dear David, Though not a Christian myself, I like Peter Sellick's articles and his fresh .....
» 20/08/2020 2:37:58 PM Congratulations for Israel and the UAE on ending their conflict and opening a new glorious.....
» 19/08/2020 10:23:10 PM [...continued] «In the not too distant future I will enter oblivion.» You will not enter.....
» 19/08/2020 10:22:58 PM Dear David, «Faith is the enemy of reason.» Only by way of competing over one's time and.....
» 19/08/2020 1:15:40 AM "It is a truism that the human heart needs somewhere to rest and that hope is an esse.....
» 18/08/2020 11:46:54 PM Dear Joe, Before proceeding, let me clarify that this is not a personal matter and I am n.....
» 18/08/2020 5:57:56 PM Dear Saltpetre, «Some people do 'go bush' and live off the land» This is one example, bu.....
» 18/08/2020 1:05:30 PM Dear Foxy, This is not about me or my presumed silliness - it is a serious question which.....
» 17/08/2020 4:37:19 PM Dear Foxy, «If you're a resident in Australia you must abide by Australian law.» ANY res.....
» 17/08/2020 3:37:08 PM "Sovereign Citizen" is a contraction in terms. Everyone should be able to enjoy.....
» 16/08/2020 10:30:19 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Nobody knows the future. All I can do is pray. But I am optimistic, be.....
» 14/08/2020 10:52:52 AM This is the most happy day: Since 1967, Israel's government declared that the occupied te.....
» 7/08/2020 5:33:53 PM Dear Runner, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things ha.....
» 6/08/2020 7:40:23 PM Dear Runner, «Our identities are largely tied to who we belong to.» They say that when o.....
» 6/08/2020 1:43:23 PM Dear Foxy, «Anyone of us could describe ourselves with a multitude of different identitie.....
» 5/08/2020 3:40:04 PM Dear Altrav, I appreciate your honesty. First, you seem to take my example too far. I po.....
» 5/08/2020 12:46:51 AM Dear Alan, «Is that your best effort at identifying what discrimination is?» No. I coul.....
» 4/08/2020 11:51:54 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «Tells me you don't actually know what multiculturalism is.» Fine with.....
» 4/08/2020 8:57:51 AM Dear Paul, «How about you? How do you define multiculturalism?» My response is in the se.....
» 4/08/2020 6:11:20 AM Dear LEGO, The idea that it is wrong to discriminate between people is not Kant's, but th.....
» 3/08/2020 6:42:53 PM One thing is clear - they will not be there for us. When China attacks, we will be on our.....
» 3/08/2020 2:42:51 PM Dear Alan, Even a rabbit discriminates between a carrot and a piece of chalk!.....
» 3/08/2020 2:35:08 PM Dear Bazz, «I had read how Orthodox Jews cannot use electricity on the sabbath but I neve.....
» 3/08/2020 10:59:17 AM I am impressed by the depth of Kant's thought, it definitely warrants further reading. Ye.....
» 3/08/2020 10:58:14 AM Oops, wrong thread........
» 3/08/2020 10:40:13 AM I am impressed by the depth of Kant's thought, it definitely warrants further reading. Ye.....
» 3/08/2020 12:58:30 AM Dear Foxy, Yes, freedom and tolerance are non-negotiable. However, my original comment a.....
» 3/08/2020 12:47:07 AM Dear Thinkabit, The problem with nukes, is that Australia will never have enough of them .....
» 3/08/2020 12:06:10 AM Dear Paul, «You would kill billions without as must a beg your pardon.» On the contrary:.....
» 2/08/2020 6:48:27 PM Dear Saltpetre, I was mid-replying to your previous post when you took my words away by s.....
» 2/08/2020 2:53:59 PM Dear Saltpetre, What business of yours is it whether or not people who come here to escap.....
» 2/08/2020 2:26:09 PM Dear Ttbn, «While Victorians are now banned from SA, people from India are now arriving i.....
» 2/08/2020 2:04:25 PM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, these fanatics are far more dangerous to world health than any unsub.....
» 2/08/2020 8:47:22 AM Dear Saltpetre, Unlike the flu, this virus has an anti-mutation mechanism. It still mutat.....
» 2/08/2020 8:30:18 AM Hopefully we will soon go back to manufacturing in Australia, to be self-sufficient again .....
» 1/08/2020 11:40:15 PM Well, everyone seems to be right... What is missing so far in this discussion, is the saf.....
» 31/07/2020 5:14:42 PM Dear Banjo, «Krishna is quoted as having said “the ancient way of action is for liberatio.....
» 31/07/2020 4:46:32 PM Dear SteeleRedux, This is a very sad story. What are your trying to tell us by that? Do .....
» 30/07/2020 8:25:46 PM Dear David, «A person is known by the company he keeps.» I do not keep company with any .....
» 30/07/2020 8:10:11 PM Dear Altrav, ORGANISED religion is currently on the decline as people no longer consider .....
» 30/07/2020 8:02:36 PM Dear Saltpetre, «Maybe Hindus consider hope a sign of weakness because hope has failed so.....
» 30/07/2020 7:41:55 PM Dear Foxy, I completely agree with your last post (Thursday, 30 July 2020 6:16:49 PM). G.....
» 30/07/2020 1:05:41 AM Dear David, How tedious, you like wasting my time... Just because some idiots which I don.....
» 30/07/2020 1:04:12 AM Dear David, «The "paperwork of the gentiles" recognized the historical connecti.....
» 29/07/2020 11:39:19 PM Dear Foxy, «Being a sociologist of course he looked at religion in a systematic way - not.....
» 29/07/2020 8:53:59 PM Dear Foxy, «Durkheim believed that the origins of religion were social, not supernatural......
» 29/07/2020 7:11:35 AM Dear Altrav, Fair enough, such groups that promote murder are not religions and may be ca.....
» 29/07/2020 12:34:01 AM Dear Altrav, Let us not get bogged down by the dual meaning of the word "religion&qu.....
» 28/07/2020 4:00:12 PM Dear Altrav, «Anyway, I have found that it is much more appropriate to remove the word RE.....
» 28/07/2020 2:52:40 PM Dear Foxy, While I was relating to what you wrote earlier: «BTW: There's more than just o.....
» 28/07/2020 12:28:15 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, I am a dual citizen migrant and I have no loyalty or respect for ANY na.....
» 27/07/2020 11:52:42 PM Dear ALTRAV, «What lies beyond THIS universe?» Awakening! Suppose, in your dream you ar.....
» 27/07/2020 11:31:22 PM Dear Foxy, «BTW: There's more than just one God.» Can you get the absurdity of this stat.....
» 27/07/2020 12:47:01 PM Dear Hasbeen, The corona-virus is mutating, but not anywhere as much as the flu (which se.....
» 27/07/2020 10:26:05 AM Definitely, Elimination! Then extend quarantine time for overseas arrivals to 3 weeks. Al.....
» 26/07/2020 11:14:15 PM Dear Ttbn, «I would like to believe in God, but I don't have that sort of faith.» Perhap.....
» 26/07/2020 11:14:09 PM Dear David, I thank you for this topic. --- First Definition: This can be good or bad, .....
» 26/07/2020 6:50:57 PM A worthwhile discussion, but the author's question is faulty: "Are we humans good or .....
» 26/07/2020 4:41:53 PM Good article, Peter - thanks! A good balance was indeed reached in Australia as to how to.....
» 26/07/2020 12:44:39 AM Oy Vey, the British PM sided with the Jews who want Israel to stay out of the West-Bank an.....
» 25/07/2020 9:48:05 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Further, the Anadolu agency claims that their information comes from th.....
» 25/07/2020 8:22:41 PM Dear David, So you stick with that off-topic distraction, trying to find anecdotal simila.....
» 24/07/2020 4:18:30 PM [...continued] Unlike your arbitrary group, there was a clearly-distinct group of people .....
» 24/07/2020 4:18:27 PM Dear David, I have no idea why you still connect me to those silly, so-called, "Pale.....
» 24/07/2020 3:15:44 AM Dear David, «I am reading his "Critique of Pure Reason" and will try to live a .....
» 23/07/2020 10:46:04 PM Dear David, «That sounds precisely like the attitude of the fanatics who flew the airplan.....
» 23/07/2020 9:41:13 PM Dear Individual, «Generally, here on Earth, people work for a living for themselves» Ind.....
» 23/07/2020 9:11:30 PM Dear David, «Faith is a matter of opinion.» I disagree: faith is an attitude, not an opi.....
» 23/07/2020 6:10:20 PM Dear David, «Belief in God is a matter of personal opinion and part of a person’s culture.....
» 23/07/2020 12:00:08 AM Dear Saltpetre, «I'm afraid this does not compute:» We usually speak of evolution as a p.....
» 22/07/2020 9:15:17 AM Dear Individual, I agree with Paul, thus I assume that your question can also be directed.....
» 22/07/2020 12:01:07 AM Dear Foxy, «hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of years have passed already while mankin.....
» 21/07/2020 7:21:41 PM Dear Foxy, «It is important that we recognize the aim of having a cohesive society centre.....
» 21/07/2020 5:23:02 PM "Multiculturalism" is simply the recognition that culture is not the state's bus.....
» 20/07/2020 6:07:27 PM Dear David, «I group you with the PLO and Hamas - because you - like they - are not prepa.....
» 20/07/2020 10:43:10 AM Dear David, Paper and ink are cheap - the Israelis have paid for their country with real .....
» 20/07/2020 12:36:46 AM Dear Paddo_ron, Alright, you selected the Rabbinical definition. According to this legen.....
» 19/07/2020 10:37:38 PM Dear Altrav, «what evidence or material facts do we have to make absolute decisions that .....
» 19/07/2020 9:36:03 PM Dear Foxy, «And as for our mentality being different - that suggestion is probably correc.....
» 19/07/2020 4:52:00 PM Dear Joe, «So if I run off a cliff and refuse to believe in gravity, I won't fall.» Diff.....
» 19/07/2020 1:56:24 PM Dear Joe, The difference between Victoria and Florida, is that one is inhabited by Austra.....
» 19/07/2020 12:38:22 PM Dear Paddo_ron, For any meaningful conversation, you need to define who are these JEWS, t.....
» 19/07/2020 12:01:04 PM Dear Individual, «punitive unempathetic attitude» «It's the only attitude morons could po.....
» 19/07/2020 8:47:16 AM Dear Individual, Yes, The Victorian premier was on TV everyday since March and his face-e.....
» 19/07/2020 2:03:11 AM The situation in Victoria is very bad indeed. That is because the Victorian premier is a s.....
» 19/07/2020 1:52:22 AM Dear Plantagenet, «The State of Israel is the main, legal and most effective representati.....
» 17/07/2020 1:08:53 PM Dear Chris, «David, I like your summary» I second that......
» 16/07/2020 1:02:15 PM Dear Chris, «the overwhelming majority of Chinese Australians embrace Austalia for what i.....
» 15/07/2020 10:46:17 PM Dear ALTRAV, Have you costed prisons, I wonder, and courts too are not cheap. I think th.....
» 15/07/2020 9:41:55 PM Dear Saltpetre, «Hence, I posed two possibilities - 'band' with China in a genuine attemp.....
» 15/07/2020 7:03:07 PM Dear Individual, Call it "employer" if you prefer modern language - an employer.....
» 14/07/2020 9:04:55 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, I have no need for movies because this, unfortunately, is not the first.....
» 14/07/2020 8:03:25 PM Dear Foxy, «I think it is in Australia's national interest that we continue to discuss Ch.....
» 14/07/2020 7:34:48 PM Libertarians often tell us that "guns don't kill people", only the people who ho.....
» 14/07/2020 1:02:43 PM All that matters regarding Australians of Chinese origins, is to make sure that they do no.....
» 13/07/2020 6:07:50 PM We need to weigh carefully the cost of the virus versus the cost of lockdown, both in term.....
» 13/07/2020 5:05:58 PM Dear Popnperish, «though, as one who did control my reproduction, I would prefer to be cl.....
» 13/07/2020 3:41:39 PM Dear Plantagenet, Following some successful pork-barrelling, this controversial "bas.....
» 13/07/2020 1:58:28 PM Dear Plantagenet, Is anyone denying the right of Jews to own land? Not that I am aware o.....
» 12/07/2020 11:01:12 PM When population grows, a price is always exacted. That price can be in food, but it can a.....
» 12/07/2020 4:28:29 PM Dear Jimmy, While we cannot hope to influence internal Chinese politics, we should at lea.....
» 12/07/2020 3:30:36 PM Dear Jimmy, «its not 1941» No, it's more like 1938 now. Do we need to wait until the nu.....
» 12/07/2020 9:06:08 AM I reject the claim that our relationship with China was always based on greed: there was a.....
» 12/07/2020 2:30:56 AM Dear Saltpetre, This world is not meant to evolve and become a peaceful place, this is no.....
» 12/07/2020 12:27:22 AM Dear David, Your argument in favour of appeasement is reasonable and certainly not hereti.....
» 11/07/2020 10:03:13 PM Dear David, Nice thoughts, but Neville Chamberlain already tried this. World War III is a.....
» 11/07/2020 9:27:18 PM Dear Foxy, «Our PM has increased our defence budget.» He did, this is very good, but sti.....
» 11/07/2020 8:29:00 PM Dear Foxy, «China agreed to "One Country - two systems" regarding Hong Kong.» .....
» 10/07/2020 12:12:33 PM Dear Joe, Well said! One important thing we must urgently do, is to increase fuel storag.....
» 10/07/2020 10:53:22 AM Dear David, It seems that you know more than me about China. But would this change in an.....
» 9/07/2020 10:24:01 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «Giving sanctuary to Chinese fleeing China has not only angered the CCP.....
» 9/07/2020 3:10:25 PM Yes, Hong Kong refugees can pose a danger, but so are returning Australians. What we do is.....
» 8/07/2020 10:44:46 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «Too late to be worrying about it now.» Fortunately PM Scott Morrison .....
» 8/07/2020 9:22:47 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, If, God forbid, China succeeds in invading Australia, then there are ju.....
» 8/07/2020 7:23:57 PM Dear Chris, «The only solution with the CCP is a Cold War.» Too late, it is more likely .....
» 7/07/2020 8:55:48 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, I can only join Chris and Foxy in wondering where your defeatism comes .....
» 7/07/2020 3:18:47 PM The author is deluded again because nobody is presently proposing to provide sovereignty t.....
» 5/07/2020 11:31:19 PM Dear Foxy, While I absolutely condemn any anti-Asian sentiments, China is at present, jus.....
» 5/07/2020 12:12:26 AM Dear Individual, «The Unions will again put a stop any such effort !» What nonsense! At.....
» 3/07/2020 12:52:51 PM Dear Individual, Please do not despair: whatever was done in the past can be changed. It .....
» 2/07/2020 9:59:02 PM I don't know what it is that the author wants to "conserve", but with China at o.....
» 25/06/2020 9:33:19 PM Thank you, Spencer, may God bless you!.....
» 23/06/2020 8:14:00 PM Dear Ttbn, «Everyone, and particularly government, is subject to the law.» Wow, such nai.....
» 23/06/2020 12:20:01 AM Dear Nathan, Peace without can only come from peace within. If you can maintain your inn.....
» 22/06/2020 8:21:27 AM Dear Ttbn, Why do you call this "apathy"? I rather use the terms of the Serenit.....
» 21/06/2020 9:49:42 PM Dear Ttbn, «Some people are still insisting that the government had no power to order peo.....
» 21/06/2020 1:03:16 AM Demonstrations never work and at this time of COVID-19 are a sure cause for further infect.....
» 20/06/2020 7:16:19 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, Most of the Chinese people here are good, most of them hate the communi.....
» 19/06/2020 4:23:57 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «I think it's time to give them their marching orders and send them bac.....
» 19/06/2020 2:13:35 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «Does that include Andrew Forrest, Gladys Liu, Sam Dastyari, etc?» I w.....
» 18/06/2020 10:58:49 PM I agree with Joe: we need every possible friend in the region. China is our enemy - Pakist.....
» 18/06/2020 10:16:47 PM I wouldn't trust America, they are useless decaying goners already: while they like talkin.....
» 18/06/2020 9:01:06 PM Nice try, but peace on earth will not be possible for another 426,879 years - just get use.....
» 16/06/2020 1:49:17 AM According to this article, the problem with government is just its poor performance becaus.....
» 9/06/2020 10:42:13 PM Dear David, You provided nice examples of two outstanding individuals who went against th.....
» 9/06/2020 6:36:57 PM Dear David, The colonial Europeans did not know any better. They had no better examples t.....
» 8/06/2020 2:00:38 PM Long live our gracious Queen! If I am to be ruled over by anyone, then best that would be.....
» 8/06/2020 1:29:46 PM Dear David, «Huh?» They call it, "a race to the bottom", the Arabs won that ra.....
» 7/06/2020 11:37:47 PM Dear Critic, «Do you guys think that the company can require employees to wear PPE? Yes,.....
» 7/06/2020 6:54:45 PM Dear Paul, You made a very good point, but the situation in a pandemic is somewhat more i.....
» 7/06/2020 6:24:13 PM Dear Bazz, «Those views are unacceptable. That is it no room for compromise. Either the J.....
» 7/06/2020 12:18:26 AM It is not possible to end something which never started, never existed. The illusion of &.....
» 7/06/2020 12:09:29 AM A large portion of human consumption is only for the purpose of mitigating the effects of .....
» 6/06/2020 11:52:53 PM How dare anyone to declare that their "freedom" to make money trumps everyone el.....
» 6/06/2020 10:14:58 PM Dear David, «In a civilized democratic society people with different identities learn to .....
» 6/06/2020 9:30:40 PM I have paid the robotic "debt" of a relative who had no money themselves to pay .....
» 6/06/2020 8:45:19 PM Dear SAINTS, «My response - so why are students going to University in the first place.» .....
» 5/06/2020 4:50:56 PM Dear David, «All parties involved hold their religion dear.» I wish that was true. In re.....
» 5/06/2020 12:32:59 PM Dear Is Mise, Thanks, so what is the difference then between a "private company".....
» 5/06/2020 1:16:15 AM "Covid 19 has hit the economy hard" The economy is not a sentient being, so hit.....
» 5/06/2020 12:23:17 AM Dear Tristan, Thank you for clarifying your position. I am neither progressive nor Zioni.....
» 5/06/2020 12:11:54 AM Dear Alan, «I sorry but can't is spelled, can't! Not can!» Only time will tell, but try .....
» 4/06/2020 11:47:58 PM Dear Albert, «Should privately owned companies inform workers of dangerous conditions and.....
» 1/06/2020 12:55:14 PM Dear Tristan, Israel does not owe the "Palestinians" anything. They attacked, s.....
» 27/05/2020 11:39:55 PM Firstly, charity is not particularly Christian: all religions encourage it. Now we do hav.....
» 25/05/2020 2:26:36 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Sometimes your perspective shocks me. You're views on suicide and the.....
» 23/05/2020 11:59:40 PM Alon's articles can make us cry - but what else can we do? --- Dear David, «Israel can .....
» 22/05/2020 12:19:24 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Would you care to comment on your thoughts on what makes life worth l.....
» 20/05/2020 9:35:03 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «We however, to a greater degree than any other species, have a true se.....
» 19/05/2020 10:31:35 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Thank you for your profound questions. I keep appreciating your spirit.....
» 17/05/2020 2:56:51 PM Dear Paul, «You didn't elaborate, "illegal" that includes a lot of crimes, murd.....
» 16/05/2020 10:28:44 PM Not the MOST noticeable, especially not from outside, but it is still quite a noticeable a.....
» 6/05/2020 9:27:07 PM Dear Banjo, Regarding the precise choice of words, truth can be approached from so many d.....
» 6/05/2020 9:06:28 PM Dear Banjo, «I suspect that contemporary proponents of the Advaita spiritual philosophy h.....
» 6/05/2020 8:15:34 PM Dear Joe, One could wonder whether it was luck or providence, but the people of SA found .....
» 6/05/2020 6:53:12 PM Dear Joe, Just a small correction: SA still has two cases isolating in their homes, not i.....
» 6/05/2020 1:28:37 AM «Like them or not, is it possible that China could soon be part of Australia's (and NZ's) .....
» 5/05/2020 2:44:25 PM Dear Paul, Thank you for the information that the pension/superannuation is not automatic.....
» 5/05/2020 8:52:29 AM Dear Chris, «personally, i like the kiwi system where all get pension, but pensions are a.....
» 5/05/2020 2:35:48 AM Dear Banjo, «You have my definition of “truth”, Yuyutsu. It has everything to do with inf.....
» 4/05/2020 10:00:58 PM Dear Is Mise, I already explained why, like yourself, I strongly oppose this idea, but: .....
» 4/05/2020 8:52:19 PM Dear Paul, «What do others on the forum think of a cashless card system, where the pensio.....
» 4/05/2020 12:50:55 PM Dear Joe, «do you mean that, because everything IS God, and nothing exists outside of him.....
» 4/05/2020 10:45:11 AM Dear Spencer, «You stated you do not believe in absolute truth. However, here you have cr.....
» 4/05/2020 2:04:25 AM Oops, sorry, Banjo - most of my last post was for you, only the last part was for Joe (Lou.....
» 4/05/2020 2:01:03 AM Dear Joe, «Here is my definition of truth:» Oh, how could I miss that fascinating discus.....
» 4/05/2020 12:51:08 AM «The news from the ABS that 75% of those over 65, aged pensioners mostly, who had received.....
» 3/05/2020 2:12:39 PM Dear Is Mise, «so if a bloke hits his wife a few times to make her do what he wants but h.....
» 3/05/2020 1:44:02 PM [...Continued] They will also be Loving everyone, even without the need to rationalise wh.....
» 3/05/2020 1:43:26 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain... to receive power and riches.....
» 1/05/2020 5:21:31 PM Dear Is Mise, «Believe me, when I use sufficient force it is violence.» I do believe you.....
» 1/05/2020 4:02:16 PM Dear Critic, «But if the government is going to carry on about climate change, give incen.....
» 1/05/2020 12:18:19 PM Dear Is Mise, «If my wife is unlawfully attacked and I see that she can't handle the atta.....
» 1/05/2020 9:31:50 AM «we're run by idiots» And I thought that every one is responsible for their own life... .....
» 1/05/2020 12:14:31 AM Why does the good God allow COVID-19? Then ask why He allowed you to come out of the womb .....
» 30/04/2020 10:38:50 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Thank you for the beautiful article. It is worth reading a few times b.....
» 29/04/2020 1:28:21 AM God bless you all. Dear Peter, If you are looking for some God out there, separate from .....
» 24/04/2020 3:02:18 PM Dear Is Mise, While violence is indeed part of the reality of our everyday life, fortunat.....
» 23/04/2020 7:57:22 AM Dear Pogi, Castration may or may not be useful in the case you described, in order to pre.....
» 22/04/2020 12:04:55 AM Mobile phones are immoral and evil, I never had one and rather die before I ever touch tha.....
» 15/04/2020 11:15:55 PM Coming late, I enjoyed reading all the thoughtful comments. I agree with the author that .....
» 14/04/2020 1:31:29 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Given, there was systematic abuse in St Alipius Primary School over yea.....
» 14/04/2020 12:13:50 PM "The deceased choir boy’s father’s lawyer has confirmed that his client’s claim in th.....
» 12/04/2020 11:33:40 PM Dear Is Mise, Self defense is excusable. It is short of ideal, but then how many of us li.....
» 12/04/2020 12:09:01 AM Dear Individual, «How would you like to deal with people who stole nearly everything you .....
» 10/04/2020 2:03:29 PM Dear Individual, «Does that mean you'd support a call for Top Bureaucrats/PublicServants .....
» 10/04/2020 12:49:17 PM Dear Individual, I have never been a public servant, because that would commonly require .....
» 10/04/2020 12:44:38 PM Dear Hasbeen, I can see where you are coming from: It is typical of those who have no fa.....
» 10/04/2020 8:13:39 AM Dear Individual, Why compare one pain with another - no pain is to be ignored, but one pa.....
» 9/04/2020 10:36:21 PM My prayers and those of many others have been answered. Let there be humble thanks to God .....
» 9/04/2020 10:16:35 PM I welcome any initiative to reduce the number of people in prison - rain or shine, Corona .....
» 5/04/2020 12:57:16 PM Dear Plantagenet, «Doesn't the Jewish desire to hang onto the land of Israel stem from 1,.....
» 5/04/2020 12:55:31 AM Dear Plantagent, It is painful to see how Israeli society breaks down under the stress of.....
» 2/04/2020 9:56:34 PM Dear SteeleRedux, «It did however give me pause to contemplate that if they knew where th.....
» 1/04/2020 6:57:04 PM Hurray for the Swedes! It is best to give people the opportunity to make sacrifices out o.....
» 30/03/2020 9:34:49 PM Dear Ttbn, «Sales of alcohol have risen by 37%. It seems that...» Calm down: I do not dr.....
» 30/03/2020 4:07:04 PM Apologies, my previous post belonged to a different topic. --- Dear Individual, «I'd hav.....
» 30/03/2020 3:50:26 PM Dear Peter Bowden (the author): The question you pose, "Is there a God", is log.....
» 30/03/2020 3:48:54 PM Dear Peter Bowden (the author), The question you pose, "Is there a God", is log.....
» 26/03/2020 3:00:30 PM Dear Josephus, The tone of your last post, and I will only comment about this tone rather.....
» 21/03/2020 9:02:19 PM Dear Ttbn, «we must decouple from China. There would be some short term pain, but the ret.....
» 19/03/2020 11:40:43 AM Dear Individual, «Being a selfish whimpy little grub is not really a role model !» For t.....
» 18/03/2020 5:09:08 PM Dear Dan, Nathan was speaking of "civil liberties", so I explained to him that .....
» 18/03/2020 12:26:46 AM Thank you Nathan for this very important question, which demands a serious moral analysis......
» 13/03/2020 4:35:46 PM I can't quite see how this cash is going to end up supporting the building industry, but t.....
» 13/03/2020 3:41:08 PM Dear Hasbeen, «Only 26% of people aged 18-24 understand that nuclear power is a low carbo.....
» 13/03/2020 3:22:01 PM Dear SteeleRedux, In regards to Covid-19, indeed this is not a matter for politicians, bu.....
» 13/03/2020 11:12:42 AM Dear Ttbn, «it could deliver almost everything the climate alarmists have been asking for.....
» 9/03/2020 5:55:00 PM Dear Paul, Have you considered the possibility that some of these "Gerry Attric".....
» 9/03/2020 1:41:44 PM In a democracy, a person who believes that "public good" exists and is worthwhil.....
» 5/03/2020 11:22:43 PM [...continued] Now when Uridinka was six years old, she went out carefree to bath and fro.....
» 5/03/2020 11:22:39 PM Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Riccotania, the beautiful princess Uridinka reached th.....
» 4/03/2020 10:38:22 PM Dear Critic, «I feel like you're trying to stretch my brain, but that's ok. - It's just t.....
» 4/03/2020 9:41:43 PM The author is missing the Roman Empire - which terrorized the world. All that can be said.....
» 4/03/2020 8:23:33 PM Dear Critic, Congratulations on completely changing the topic, it was a good response to .....
» 3/03/2020 11:00:04 PM Dear Dan, «they could take instruction from the scriptures re James 5:16. A clear directi.....
» 3/03/2020 5:30:30 PM Dear Joe, OK, I will just take this as one of the illogical peculiarities of the English .....
» 3/03/2020 5:08:09 PM Dear ALTRAV, «We (the so called deniers)» Perhaps you enjoy this role, but it only encou.....
» 3/03/2020 12:09:27 PM Dear SteeleRedux, Anyone can represent God. It is not up to the confessor or their organi.....
» 2/03/2020 7:23:53 PM I did not bother reading the first post, only the title - and yes, the author is right: th.....
» 2/03/2020 4:05:04 PM Well everyone seems to only refer to the confession of the criminal, but this is only one .....
» 1/03/2020 2:12:29 PM Dear Individual, «If we can't trust bakers with the Dough, then who can we trust ?» But .....
» 1/03/2020 7:39:46 AM Dear Aidan, «Can someone who supports this law change please tell me:» I do not, but ple.....
» 29/02/2020 10:46:45 PM If money was taken from the public without their consent and handed over to bakers, then i.....
» 29/02/2020 10:31:46 PM If computers could conspire, then the prohibition on cash would be an important step in th.....
» 29/02/2020 9:50:33 PM "mandatory reporting laws passed on 11 September require anyone with knowledge of chi.....
» 21/02/2020 5:01:14 PM Dear Mhaze, Yes, the Palestinians lost - but what has this to do with the issue? Israel .....
» 21/02/2020 3:33:23 PM Dear Critic, And don't forget Jared Kushner - a modern orthodox Jew. But it was nice of .....
» 21/02/2020 3:18:14 PM Then? When?.....
» 21/02/2020 12:20:31 PM Dear ALTRAV, «basically in disbelief that Jews would turn on each other or attack other J.....
» 21/02/2020 8:10:06 AM Dear Critic, If you are interested in the views of MAINSTREAM Judaism, rather than in the.....
» 20/02/2020 10:06:44 PM Dear Hasbeen, «This [that the planet is controlled by forces way beyond our control, & pr.....
» 20/02/2020 9:46:16 PM Amidst all the nonsense, the author did identify four true problems: 1) "runaway tech.....
» 20/02/2020 2:56:24 PM Well, this is good: I wouldn't like to live under the rule of the Roman Empire!.....
» 19/02/2020 5:37:32 PM Based on purely moral and philosophical principles, the author is correct: people ought to.....
» 18/02/2020 12:54:52 PM Dear Individual, God never changes. Anything that can change, is subject to time, thus is.....
» 18/02/2020 12:31:21 PM Dear Altrav, You are accusing the Jews in general for the idiocy of just a few of them. T.....
» 18/02/2020 6:57:19 AM Dear Altrav, «If only people read the Tora, the Old Testament and the Talmud. You will be.....
» 17/02/2020 9:55:35 AM Yes, what a shame! How many more wars and bitter defeats, how many widows and orphans wil.....
» 17/02/2020 7:45:34 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, «You are saying that because you have a religious view of the world.» .....
» 17/02/2020 6:58:16 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, Modesty is a virtue. To be driven by a scientific view of the world is .....
» 16/02/2020 10:32:48 PM Dear Hasbeen, «I am one of the least religious people on earth» Why do you have such a l.....
» 16/02/2020 5:41:44 PM It's always the stick - why not a carrot? How about, if you have 0 alcohol, you may drive.....
» 15/02/2020 10:46:41 PM Dear Critic, This legend of the Jewish Messiah is, as you say, crap. However, it is not .....
» 15/02/2020 9:20:37 PM Dear Galen, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply.....
» 13/02/2020 9:01:01 PM Dear Spencer, Thank you, I will raise the issue when I next get a chance to meet my local.....
» 13/02/2020 8:10:43 AM Dear Critic, I am in pain seeing the exploitation of religion in Israel and by Netanyahu .....
» 12/02/2020 7:21:27 PM Dear Individual, In your terms, millions of people are then pleading "Please exploit.....
» 12/02/2020 4:59:59 PM Dear Chris, «as for having an opinion, I still cannot see how you have one if you do not .....
» 12/02/2020 3:45:32 PM Dear Chris, «How does anyone form an opinion if they are not aware of the strengths and w.....
» 12/02/2020 9:28:13 AM Dear Individual, No one would accompany a carer - they come on their own and will have no.....
» 11/02/2020 11:12:11 PM All over third-world countries, people are eagerly queuing to come to a first-world countr.....
» 11/02/2020 10:50:27 PM Dear Cossomby, Sorry for causing this misunderstanding: my response was not directed at y.....
» 11/02/2020 11:18:48 AM Dear Cossomby, «For example, should people who think the earth is flat be able to influen.....
» 11/02/2020 9:55:30 AM "policy possibilities"? Why some people never miss an occasion to try and play .....
» 10/02/2020 8:26:12 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, «Seems like there is something about that part of the world where virus.....
» 9/02/2020 3:10:06 PM For shame! This powerful mafia of conventional Western medical practitioners as represent.....
» 7/02/2020 12:28:41 PM A very sad day for Israel! --- Dear Critic, «the US funds terrorists to promote Israels.....
» 6/02/2020 10:13:51 PM Dear Individual, «Perhaps refuse dumps could be designed to become heating facilities ? O.....
» 6/02/2020 2:03:36 PM "we don’t want our leaders as stand-in father figures, we want them to present themse.....
» 5/02/2020 5:50:43 PM Dear Individual, «Working for the common good...» I thought that you identify with the &.....
» 5/02/2020 1:12:42 PM Dear Paul, I think that some young politicians do care about the people initially when fi.....
» 5/02/2020 1:04:19 PM [...continued] Let me give you an example: Politicians are currently attempting to abolis.....
» 5/02/2020 1:04:16 PM Dear Individual, «the bulk of legislation has been & is at this moment, Leftist. So, are .....
» 4/02/2020 2:25:03 PM Dear Individual, I have nothing against public bodies employing young and willing unemplo.....
» 4/02/2020 9:00:46 AM Dear Individual, «No, National Service is for young unemployed people who are interested .....
» 4/02/2020 12:43:01 AM A very interesting discussion, but it seems that we all have different definitions of &quo.....
» 3/02/2020 9:21:57 AM Dear Individual, Why one ought to be good to others, is clear with solid religious, philo.....
» 2/02/2020 12:13:35 PM Dear Individual, But why, pray, ought anyone to be patriotic?.....
» 28/01/2020 10:28:16 AM Dear Bazz, «If so why haven't they thrown off their European cloths thrown out their meta.....
» 28/01/2020 9:02:04 AM Dear Bazz, «Aborigines need to understand that the moment they got in a car, got on a bus.....
» 27/01/2020 12:02:15 PM Dear Shadow Minister, Poverty simply means that people fail to have what is important to .....
» 27/01/2020 11:09:01 AM Just another day......
» 27/01/2020 8:55:45 AM Dear Shadow Minister, «Only a moron with zero idea of economics would consider paying eve.....
» 25/01/2020 9:50:17 PM Democracy, socialism and fascism are essentially one and the same, so which is better and .....
» 23/01/2020 12:34:22 PM Dear AyameTan, «If god existed, he wouldn't need hundreds of...» Well He doesn't. Some .....
» 23/01/2020 4:36:16 AM Dear Mhaze, «Assange is in prison because he jumped bail. Pure and simple.» While any re.....
» 23/01/2020 4:18:47 AM Dear AyameTan, Nothing was written here with the intent of confusing English professors. .....
» 23/01/2020 12:09:00 AM Dear AyameTan, «You've never shown a logical link between the existence of people and the.....
» 22/01/2020 10:30:15 PM Dear AyameTan, I understand that you have no further questions......
» 22/01/2020 11:08:43 AM Dear AyameTan, It is not possible to define God in a positive manner, but we can still sa.....
» 21/01/2020 11:27:16 PM Dear AyameTan, «I am interested in debating almost anything» Good, but this is probably .....
» 21/01/2020 10:40:35 PM Dear AyameTan, I really fail to understand what you are trying to get at and how is that .....
» 21/01/2020 7:25:45 PM Dear AyameTan, «Yuyutsu: you assume there is only ONE god. And that god is peaceful.» As.....
» 21/01/2020 7:36:42 AM The only legitimate building codes are where building can adversely affect the neighbours......
» 21/01/2020 3:04:07 AM Dear AyameTan, «Yuyutsu, how can ISIS be anything except religious? They quote from the K.....
» 20/01/2020 9:49:31 PM Dear AyameTan, I explained this many times already in this forum, but perhaps you were no.....
» 20/01/2020 8:01:32 PM The word "education" is derived from EDUCE = "bring out or develop (somethi.....
» 19/01/2020 11:47:32 PM Dear Individual, No wonder I had no clue about "the Whitlam effect", nor could .....
» 19/01/2020 2:11:36 AM Dear AyameTan, «Yuyutsu, how can you compare sweatshops to schools?» Both produce slaves.....
» 19/01/2020 12:59:57 AM Dear AyameTan, «Yuyutsu - until you can provide something better than capitalism, I'm 100.....
» 19/01/2020 12:47:39 AM Dear AyameTan, Excellent questions: «Ever seen six-year-olds working in a sweatshop inst.....
» 18/01/2020 11:04:04 PM Dear Individual, I have no clue what the "Whitlam effect" is. I stand by my st.....
» 17/01/2020 8:08:11 AM Dear Paul, «Societies norms change over time, what was not acceptable in the past when in.....
» 17/01/2020 12:25:36 AM Dear AyameTan, I was not writing about sex, but about marriage: may I remind you that sex.....
» 16/01/2020 11:31:18 PM Dear Paul, «in fact we attended one couples wedding in NZ before it was legal in Australi.....
» 15/01/2020 3:22:45 PM From the children's perspective, they were entertained by two people wearing strange/funny.....
» 15/01/2020 2:51:56 PM Sticks and stones can break my bones, but what other people waste their time watching on t.....
» 6/01/2020 9:04:57 PM Dear Individual, There are seeds of democracy in Australia, an inheritance from mother En.....
» 6/01/2020 7:33:32 AM Dear Individual, You are wrong to believe that this way you can get away with your anti-d.....
» 3/01/2020 1:28:04 PM [...continued] There are indeed some orders of monks and nuns who live a communal life, a.....
» 3/01/2020 1:28:01 PM Dear Individual and Paul, Individual mentioned my "religious circle". But is t.....
» 2/01/2020 11:43:17 AM Dear Individual, I accept that you do not consider yourself as a member of the Sheeple, y.....
» 2/01/2020 8:02:30 AM Dear Individual, You are entitled to your views even if they are anti-democratic. Accord.....
» 1/01/2020 10:03:25 PM Dear Individual, We cannot stop people from having and swearing an allegiance to all sort.....
» 31/12/2019 1:00:26 AM Dear Is Mise, «They [the Greens] appear to be in favour of declaring a republic» I wonde.....
» 30/12/2019 7:25:47 PM Dear Paul, «Do you agree that swearing an oath to an old woman in England is archaic, and.....
» 30/12/2019 7:32:37 AM Dear Paul, «Some people here are all worked up expecting politicians to swear meaningless.....
» 29/12/2019 2:14:45 PM Thank you Aidan, First thing when I saw this thread was to check the date, making sure it.....
» 29/12/2019 11:14:17 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, «How about we get politicians to swear an oath to be honest?» The ques.....
» 27/12/2019 1:45:24 PM Dear Is Mise, «Turnbull openly advocated an Australian Republic before he was elected, th.....
» 27/12/2019 12:46:16 PM Dear Is Mise, I was not aware that the wording of the oath was in the Australian constitu.....
» 27/12/2019 10:37:07 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Mate, this is torturous.» Yes it is. The legislators of yore created .....
» 26/12/2019 10:11:02 PM Dear Paul, «Politicians can swear allegiance to AUSTRALIA, and not to some old tart in EN.....
» 26/12/2019 11:53:51 AM Dear Is Mise, «As they are such willing perjurers how can we trust them to do anything ho.....
» 26/12/2019 8:35:13 AM «Yet it is an interesting take from you given your philosophical/political stance on natio.....
» 26/12/2019 7:29:40 AM Dear Paul, For your information, King Abdullah II of Jordan, like his late father King Hu.....
» 25/12/2019 5:32:59 PM Dear Is Mise, «Refusal is the only honourable course of action.» You have a point here! .....
» 25/12/2019 1:34:51 PM Dear Is Mise, «When you were conscripted, I presume in Australia, all that you needed to .....
» 25/12/2019 11:14:30 AM Dear Is Mise, When I was conscripted, I was forced to make an oath of allegiance, which w.....
» 25/12/2019 7:47:23 AM Dear Belly, Faith is often an important tool of religion. But faith can also exist outsi.....
» 25/12/2019 7:22:36 AM The only oath ought to be, to truly represent, as best they can, the people of their elect.....
» 24/12/2019 9:48:33 PM Dear Paul, «I simply point out that the potential for extremism from some sections of rel.....
» 24/12/2019 1:56:14 PM Dear Josephus, «Western society is a civil society where diversity of ideas and debate is.....
» 24/12/2019 12:29:19 AM Dear Belly, «But gee unless I got you wrong I think you said the nastiness here is betwee.....
» 23/12/2019 4:57:13 PM Dear Individual, «Haven't you noticed that it's the minority groups throwing spanners int.....
» 23/12/2019 4:50:21 PM Dear Ttbn, Opinions are only opinions when held by the weak. When held by the strong, the.....
» 23/12/2019 12:10:08 PM Seeing all the hatred and intolerance in this thread, between those who consider themselve.....
» 18/12/2019 6:08:10 AM Dear Graham, «and they have a right to exercise those in community» But there lies the p.....
» 17/12/2019 3:08:14 PM Dear Bren, «This takes us to a more fundamental question. What is a nation?» Excellent q.....
» 15/12/2019 11:09:08 PM Dear Aidan, I appreciate your effort to correct your inadvertent typing errors. This resp.....
» 14/12/2019 10:43:32 PM Dear Aidan, «Renewable energy has a specific meaning in our language.» I am well aware t.....
» 13/12/2019 11:58:09 AM Dear Aidan, «It's renewed by nature (mostly the sun, though for some geothermal energy th.....
» 11/12/2019 10:39:51 PM What is it for government whether I live or die? Oh please don't try to tell us that you .....
» 11/12/2019 10:27:07 PM There is no such thing as "renewable" energy - such hocus-pocus would go against.....
» 11/12/2019 6:14:24 PM Dear Belly, «This new bill, will it give me the right to not believe any God ever existed.....
» 11/12/2019 11:18:02 AM Dear Individual, The religious had all the time since writing began to document what work.....
» 10/12/2019 9:52:20 PM Dear Individual, «Nothing would surprise me with those types ! Deceit is in their DNA.» .....
» 10/12/2019 9:23:28 PM Dear Individual, «Religion interferes with the daily life» I see, you may complain that .....
» 10/12/2019 8:57:37 AM «We give our children loving care» Your very first statement is wrong, mister author. By .....
» 9/12/2019 7:41:23 AM Dear Individual, Being normal in this day and age is not something to be proud of, nor is.....
» 6/12/2019 7:26:26 PM Just seeing where the discussion is going, or might be going, I need to clarify that I do .....
» 6/12/2019 8:05:05 AM Dear Aidan, «Terrorists are criminals of the worst kind» A criminal is someone who knows.....
» 5/12/2019 10:37:23 PM All because of this ridiculous notion of "End of Sentence". Terrorists are not .....
» 4/12/2019 11:23:04 PM Dear Runner, «If God wanted to drive out the pagan nations» While I am aware that the bi.....
» 4/12/2019 5:54:05 PM Dear Bazz, Nobody has an "ultimate right" to a land, any land: we have not crea.....
» 4/12/2019 2:37:31 PM Dear Paul, «In a cohesively mutual society you do» Thank God we are not in China! «take.....
» 4/12/2019 11:10:51 AM Dear Individual, Please do not worry - there is hardly a chance for you to receive this g.....
» 3/12/2019 2:50:56 AM As evil and cruel as Arabs/Muslims might be, this ought to be discussed on different threa.....
» 3/12/2019 2:12:25 AM Dear Paul, Discrimination (Viveka in Sanskrit) is a very important faculty as it distingu.....
» 2/12/2019 3:18:52 PM Dear Faustino, «The 1967 war, the one where Israel's neighbours and other opponents sough.....
» 2/12/2019 2:27:56 PM The whole concept of "anti-discrimination" is fundamentally wrong. I definitely .....
» 2/12/2019 9:19:46 AM "but what could possibly explain this pattern of behaviour – or these types of laws –.....
» 1/12/2019 6:52:25 AM Dear Individual, Celibacy is an advanced method, it is not meant for everyone and is extr.....
» 30/11/2019 9:35:09 PM Dear Individual, «Do me a favour & put that argument to the religious people who don't be.....
» 28/11/2019 7:23:33 PM How about this hypothesis: Crime is crime, just the same, but those of the dominant cultu.....
» 28/11/2019 5:29:27 PM I commend the article. Overpopulation is our greatest disease. So long as it is not dealt.....
» 28/11/2019 12:00:18 PM Dear Joe, «So far, there is no such thing as 'too much population', it depends on technol.....
» 27/11/2019 5:29:08 PM Dear Joe, «Australian homes are bigger than ever.» This trend is changing. More people a.....
» 27/11/2019 3:11:08 PM Dear Waverley, «It's up to the parents to work out how to limit the family to what they c.....
» 27/11/2019 2:22:45 PM Dear Dan, «Access to the internet should be restricted to those older than twenty one.» .....
» 26/11/2019 2:02:05 PM Dear Individual, «So, why do you think God or Buddha don't stop the attrocities ?» How l.....
» 25/11/2019 9:48:01 AM Netanyahu can still be saved, here is the address: 28 HaArbaa Street, 11th floor, Tel Aviv.....
» 25/11/2019 9:29:17 AM Dear Banjo, «the actors of those “atrocities and terrible injustices”, all of which [exce.....
» 24/11/2019 4:06:42 PM Dear Banjo, Yes, what we truly are is God, but so long as our minds are impure, so will t.....
» 23/11/2019 8:57:15 PM Dear Banjo, «None of these atrocities and terrible injustices were committed by atheists......
» 22/11/2019 5:49:20 PM Dear Individual, «I have neighbours who literally never worked yet they receive $300 more.....
» 21/11/2019 11:53:11 PM Dear Hasbeen, I understand your sentiment, but we need to be very precise when dealing wi.....
» 21/11/2019 6:07:24 PM "It is simply immoral for taxpayers who don't even own a house to be funding the pens.....
» 21/11/2019 12:57:27 AM Dear Belly, «Why so many Gods» How possibly could there be many Gods? It is a logical im.....
» 19/11/2019 12:20:48 PM Dear Runner, «Can't speak for all religions but Scriptures declare that the Light come in.....
» 19/11/2019 9:30:15 AM It's not religion which is the problem - it's that which is mistakenly (or deceitfully) co.....
» 15/11/2019 11:28:33 AM The author, being a mathematician, believes religion to be a process of addition, whereas .....
» 8/11/2019 2:22:41 PM [...continued] If you really care about pollution then you must advocate for less humans!.....
» 8/11/2019 2:22:38 PM Dear Aidan, «There is, unfortunately, more decline in SA than the eastern states.» As I .....
» 8/11/2019 8:26:16 AM Dear Spencer, «a Christian needs to do his politics 'all for the glory of God'. His job a.....
» 7/11/2019 10:37:09 PM Dear Joe, «I won't be around but I'll bet that by 2100, the retirement (pension) age will.....
» 7/11/2019 10:18:36 PM Dear Critic, Government is there to serve itself and a political party, not its constitue.....
» 7/11/2019 9:48:04 PM [...continued] «the low tech goods that can be made just as easily by people people overs.....
» 7/11/2019 9:48:01 PM Dear Aidan, «SA doesn't want decline! We want to succeed» Nobody wants decline, but the .....
» 6/11/2019 8:12:37 PM Dear Paul, «These guys have been fooled into believing climate change is the brain child .....
» 6/11/2019 7:42:05 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Since I am not a Christian, it is not my place to try and answer your .....
» 6/11/2019 11:09:02 AM Deep within, the author is jealous! As noted by the author, the people of South Australia.....
» 5/11/2019 5:16:08 PM It is terrible, the state sticks its dirty claws everywhere and won't let us live in peace.....
» 31/10/2019 9:27:24 PM Dear Alan, Anything short of either direct democracy or proportional representation, is u.....
» 30/10/2019 5:56:05 PM The term "Individual freedom" remains ambiguous so long as the individual remain.....
» 29/10/2019 11:55:15 PM As someone who aspires to be religious and is extremely concerned about freedom of religio.....
» 28/10/2019 11:20:13 AM Dear Belly, Thank you for this thread. Overpopulation is our biggest problem, throughout.....
» 28/10/2019 11:02:17 AM Dear Ttbn, «We are currently being bombarded with 'free press' messages on TV.» Please d.....
» 28/10/2019 10:52:04 AM This is shocking and depressing: such companies that aid the Chinese regime, ought to be c.....
» 28/10/2019 8:03:30 AM Dear Belly, «pay those who have only the required number of kids» Which is 0! But if th.....
» 27/10/2019 6:34:25 PM Dear Joe, «Yuyutsu, so who would you propose should be killed off» Nobody, not involunta.....
» 27/10/2019 9:57:12 AM Dear Joe, One could have claimed that the problem is caused by old-age if the problem was.....
» 26/10/2019 10:55:32 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Being open to a fleeing population to come and live with you is an ac.....
» 25/10/2019 8:33:27 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, First, "Love thy neighbour" (Hebrew: "Ve-ahavta Le-re-A.....
» 25/10/2019 7:40:58 AM Dear Individual, «NATIONAL SERVICE !» Such cruelty - aren't you ashamed?! Even mass eut.....
» 24/10/2019 11:40:28 PM Dear Individual, «That advise falls into the category of bad things happening when good p.....
» 24/10/2019 10:08:25 PM Dear Individual, What exactly do you mean by "our society" and "our young&.....
» 24/10/2019 12:50:48 PM If one believes in land-ownership, then the place is theirs, the Anangu, and nothing else .....
» 24/10/2019 7:28:07 AM Dear Critic, «"I don't want to make your stupid rainbow cake! Go find another bakery.....
» 23/10/2019 10:00:39 PM Dear Individual, «I wasn't talking about monetary cost !» Then what about? «People rave.....
» 23/10/2019 3:20:57 PM I absolutely agree with Not_Now.Soon, thank you! Some additional points: The author spea.....
» 22/10/2019 1:37:15 PM Dear Mhaze, «My definition is that socialism is communism-lite. Whereas communism require.....
» 21/10/2019 9:44:46 AM Dear Individual, My point was that a true warrior for nature must be consistent: one cann.....
» 20/10/2019 10:21:41 PM Dear Ttbn and Individual, «Dragging children into their unnatural lives is unforgivable.».....
» 18/10/2019 5:59:52 PM Dear Ttbn, «Something that was not legal, but now is legal» But it WAS legal all along: .....
» 18/10/2019 5:50:27 PM Dear Runner, When one understands the reality of reincarnation, surely they cannot ration.....
» 18/10/2019 3:48:06 PM Dear Runner, «Hinduism has the untouchables» That used to be a feature of Indian culture.....
» 18/10/2019 3:28:48 PM «my question sort to find if people held the same views on SSM as they did prior to and at.....
» 15/10/2019 12:38:55 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, Australia does not have a Chinese future, but a Chinese threat which ca.....
» 14/10/2019 3:21:57 PM The author is mistaken in believing that the issue is specific to Trump: America has betra.....
» 11/10/2019 11:10:18 AM Dear Alan, I agree with your observations, except with "only those that do not pose .....
» 10/10/2019 1:21:55 AM Israel is so much more democratic than Australia, but it seems that the author prefers Bri.....
» 10/10/2019 12:50:07 AM Dear Individual, «I'm open to any plausible answer.» I hope so. «Gods are being portray.....
» 8/10/2019 8:19:59 AM Dear Belly, Never mind about heaven, wherever it is - it is not worthwhile, it is only tr.....
» 7/10/2019 11:40:22 PM Dear Individual, «Gods are being portrayed as beings/powers that need constant praise. Wh.....
» 7/10/2019 4:57:23 PM Dear Belly, «Rather think my stay in heaven would not be long see I fear a life in servit.....
» 6/10/2019 11:15:30 PM Dear Belly, «My God was going to reward me with eternal life, apparently on my knees in c.....
» 6/10/2019 11:14:20 PM Dear Individual, «if I were God none of that crap would happen, that much I'd guarantee !.....
» 6/10/2019 1:30:51 PM Dear Belly, «Thanks indy hope Yuyutsu answers his views are always interesting» The ques.....
» 6/10/2019 12:55:07 AM Dear Belly, It is both sad and hard to believe - that the Spanish Inquisition, already go.....
» 4/10/2019 5:38:59 PM Dear Belly, If you worship Christ, then you do so for yourself, not for any organisation,.....
» 4/10/2019 3:00:02 PM Dear Belly, «May I ? God, what one? the world worships about two thousand» What the worl.....
» 3/10/2019 9:22:30 PM Dear Runner, 'The world has enough for everyone's need - but not enough for everyone's gr.....
» 3/10/2019 8:25:25 PM Dear Ttbn, As much as politicians are the enemies of us, ordinary people, I believe that .....
» 2/10/2019 3:21:15 AM Dear Paul, «Hi Yuyutsu "we" and "our" are terms for the collective na.....
» 1/10/2019 2:24:49 PM Dear Paul, «Hi Yuyutsu, why do we have to assume China is our enemy, what wrong have the .....
» 30/09/2019 7:44:43 PM The comments here are very alarming and disturbing. Clearly China is an enemy. But what i.....
» 27/09/2019 3:48:32 PM Dear Hasbeen, I agree with you that "The world could feed a much larger population i.....
» 27/09/2019 12:43:16 PM It is not only "parts" of the world that are overpopulated, but this whole plane.....
» 27/09/2019 12:09:56 PM Religions can all get along well. People - not always. And people that do not get along .....
» 27/09/2019 10:15:01 AM The root error of this article is the mistaken thought as if there exists such an animal c.....
» 18/09/2019 11:53:22 AM Dear Spencer, I write about facts, how things are: whether Christianity agrees with it or.....
» 17/09/2019 2:39:47 PM Dear Spencer, A. Grace is the opposite of karma. B. Karma is a form of grace. What do yo.....
» 17/09/2019 8:56:56 AM Dear Spencer, God's Grace is always welcome. Grace comes in many forms, it is all about .....
» 11/09/2019 12:54:04 PM Dear Paul, Quite the opposite: the age-pension age ought to be reduced to 18 and be uncon.....
» 10/09/2019 7:52:27 AM Dear Banjo, I don't know why I was included in your list in being asked about aboriginal .....
» 9/09/2019 11:00:46 AM Dear Banjo, Regarding your latest post (I hope to soon find the time to respond to you fo.....
» 7/09/2019 11:28:09 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Correct me if I'm wrong but based on what you've said, the four purpo.....
» 7/09/2019 10:42:23 PM So what do the pigs say about this? As they are more involved in the matter than any of u.....
» 7/09/2019 10:34:41 PM Dear Banjo, «According to Michael Naughton of the University of Bristol, under the advers.....
» 6/09/2019 9:47:00 AM Dear Banjo, «For the adversarial system of justice to operate fairly when it comes down t.....
» 6/09/2019 1:45:22 AM A PhD is a very useful thing to have: you can receive medicines from overseas by mail, add.....
» 5/09/2019 1:49:32 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Good observations! «In my opinion the propose of life is on the indiv.....
» 4/09/2019 11:38:24 PM Since the author did not ask what life is for, but only "What is human life for".....
» 4/09/2019 9:10:38 PM Dear Jayb, They could arrive on a big ship, perhaps a tanker or a cruise-ship. It was Fox.....
» 4/09/2019 7:13:58 PM Dear Ttbn, «Notorious Left-activist judge, Mordecai Bromberg (Andrew Bolt's persecutor) h.....
» 4/09/2019 5:47:56 PM The issue is not whether this Scott Morrison is a saint or a sinner, but how come the fate.....
» 4/09/2019 8:00:17 AM Dear Individual, Obviously the Philippinos need to be contacted first and negotiated with.....
» 4/09/2019 12:33:30 AM Dear Mr. Opinon, «There are a lot of people in the third world wanting to migrate to Aust.....
» 4/09/2019 12:15:45 AM In the war that has to come, the last thing we need is millions of hostages in a remote po.....
» 3/09/2019 3:16:16 PM Dear Hasbeen, «Just a question, why would the Chinese bother buying all the land they are.....
» 3/09/2019 11:50:36 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, It is not the Chinese that we should fear, but rather their totalitaria.....
» 3/09/2019 11:49:08 AM Dear Hasbeen, «You obviously don't understand democracy Yuyutsu» Democracy is a particul.....
» 3/09/2019 9:50:20 AM All true and terrible, but can we be confident that this is not the same here? Suppose th.....
» 2/09/2019 10:59:14 PM Dear Spencer, I was not following your conversation closely, but I am glad that you suppo.....
» 2/09/2019 5:34:19 PM "but we do know that if the royal family leaves and the Palestinian majority takes ov.....
» 2/09/2019 2:49:24 PM Dear Jayb, «That would give every Greenie/Left/socialist/Marxist Nut Case to start scream.....
» 2/09/2019 2:22:46 PM Dear Joe, «She might leave out mosquitoes the second time around though.» She already el.....
» 2/09/2019 10:01:51 AM Dear Banjo, I am sure that you know the law better than myself. That said, I was referri.....
» 1/09/2019 12:43:10 PM Dear ALTRAV, Yes, I believe that we all prefer and appreciate a private toilet space and .....
» 1/09/2019 2:21:44 AM Dear Banjo, The conclusion, «He deserves to lose his right to life», could be correct if .....
» 31/08/2019 10:49:48 PM Dear Foxy, So let us assume that indeed they are not refugees - is this the right way to .....
» 31/08/2019 10:37:07 PM Dear Runner, «now matter how much those lying liberal artist tell you» Believe me, other.....
» 31/08/2019 9:45:05 PM Dear Runner, «Men sharing bathrooms and showers with women they don't know is an open inv.....
» 31/08/2019 9:30:42 PM As a second thought, if 200,000 Australians chipped only $25 each, then this miserable fam.....
» 31/08/2019 9:24:23 PM This cruelty is beyond imagination. --- Dear Foxy, «Should Mr Dutton make an exception .....
» 31/08/2019 8:52:01 PM It is about time to stop segregating people and their toilets based on the gender of their.....
» 30/08/2019 5:29:22 PM What I find strange, is that most participants here, when asked about punishments (death o.....
» 30/08/2019 9:40:43 AM Dear Individual, Sorry for failing to address you in my previous post. «You simply don't.....
» 30/08/2019 9:06:22 AM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, maybe you would support a choice for criminals given life or a very .....
» 30/08/2019 2:52:25 AM Death could only be the ultimate punishment if we were actually able to die. But we canno.....
» 29/08/2019 8:59:26 PM The people of Hong Kong need to realise that this is no longer the place for them, that th.....
» 28/08/2019 7:27:55 PM Dear Spencer, Thank you for all the information. Were the organisations you worked for a.....
» 28/08/2019 1:28:52 AM Dear Spencer, Don't you have confessions in your church? I just wonder: the Roman Cathol.....
» 27/08/2019 4:58:22 PM Dear Runner, «Pell is paying the penalty for the sins of the Catholic church.» Pell is p.....
» 27/08/2019 10:46:58 AM Church attendance has fallen firstly because it is no longer socially expected. Formerly,.....
» 26/08/2019 2:33:11 PM Dear Mhaze, I don't think that Pell's conviction, as much as they now rejoice, was a deli.....
» 26/08/2019 1:56:34 PM It is legitimate for a society to determine the standards of behaviour within it, and this.....
» 25/08/2019 10:58:55 PM Dear Is Mise, «that principle is one of the reasons that the death penalty was abolished......
» 23/08/2019 2:02:26 PM Dear Is Mise, Confession to a living person has a great spiritual and therapeutic value, .....
» 23/08/2019 1:37:11 PM Dear Foxy, «What I would like to see happen is that a law is passed to make it mandatory .....
» 23/08/2019 9:01:09 AM All true, Chris, but there is too much emphasis on political rights: the people of China a.....
» 22/08/2019 7:27:33 PM If indeed what is alleged happened and if indeed it was Cardinal Pell who abused those two.....
» 21/08/2019 7:36:30 PM Dear Foxy, «The courts have done their job.» And their job is? Judges are public servan.....
» 21/08/2019 11:44:22 AM «So this will now go to the High Court ?» If I were the Queen, then I would stop this cir.....
» 21/08/2019 11:24:27 AM I am very sad. This means that it can happen to any of us......
» 20/08/2019 1:22:58 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, On page 1 I pointed out to Not_Now.Soon that life and biology are two q.....
» 19/08/2019 11:51:00 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, «Life on Earth started when a certain type of molecule developed the ca.....
» 19/08/2019 2:59:54 PM Dear Individual, Are you confusing spiritual with spiritualistic? The latter is a terribl.....
» 19/08/2019 11:27:18 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Regarding your quote of the beautiful verse, Jeremiah 1:5, "Befor.....
» 18/08/2019 6:08:07 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, The second word of the bible, the verb 'bara' that is usually translat.....
» 18/08/2019 12:46:05 AM Dear Individual, I could be wrong, or it could have been so in pre-historical times, befo.....
» 18/08/2019 12:39:01 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «whether God created man or man created the world.» I am wary of the .....
» 17/08/2019 11:36:10 PM Dear Foxy, «Should people have a choice in the right to end their lives?» While people h.....
» 16/08/2019 4:07:06 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Life did not begin on earth - biology did (at least we so think). Oute.....
» 16/08/2019 8:45:31 AM Dear Individual, Tibet was not under Western yoke when it was ghastly conquered and ensla.....
» 15/08/2019 8:11:12 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Hinduism has a salvation part of it's faith?» At the centre of its f.....
» 15/08/2019 2:57:47 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, Religion is doing the things and making the choices that bring one clos.....
» 15/08/2019 2:49:14 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, Unlike yourself I have not raised the white flag, nor the red. If we d.....
» 14/08/2019 7:36:31 PM Dear Hasbeen, «I don't think China is a military threat to Oz, unless the whole world str.....
» 14/08/2019 6:52:05 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Jesus came to save us, and not much is asked except to recognize what.....
» 14/08/2019 1:11:09 AM Whether one ought to ever worry at all is a broad and deep question, but if one is to worr.....
» 13/08/2019 5:50:20 PM Dear Paul, «While some moved outside the cave with courage and determination, making huge.....
» 13/08/2019 1:12:04 PM Dear Individual, «Why can't people just be decent?» Because they have not yet learned it.....
» 12/08/2019 11:19:20 AM Dear Paul, Institutions for the teaching and support of religion are loosely called ".....
» 12/08/2019 7:44:53 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Thank you for your words of wisdom!.....
» 12/08/2019 12:40:35 AM Dear Paul, Rather than about religion, you speak about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: .....
» 11/08/2019 4:44:29 PM Dear Foxy, «Please explain.» Religion is about coming closer to God. «By their very nat.....
» 11/08/2019 12:02:42 PM Dear Foxy, Sorry, I do not know where to begin, because you just have no clue what religi.....
» 9/08/2019 9:01:12 AM Dear LEGO, I have not read the article yet, only your comment - and I must protest, «anti.....
» 8/08/2019 1:46:40 AM Dear Nick, It is not funny to laugh at other people's pain......
» 7/08/2019 5:55:51 PM Sadly it is only a question of WHEN, not of WILL. The Hong Kong people, Britain and the w.....
» 7/08/2019 2:33:21 PM There again the author managed to deceive and lure me by the article's topic - what a wast.....
» 5/08/2019 5:35:33 PM Dear Alan, Unfortunately it is not the person of Netanyahu: there are much worse people i.....
» 5/08/2019 9:56:30 AM Will there ever be peace between Israel's secular centre-left and the ultra-orthodox? His.....
» 4/08/2019 4:33:46 PM Dear Individual, «Advising them to stand up & take action for themselves is a much more v.....
» 4/08/2019 2:17:38 PM Dear Brian, So what do you suggest? We all know already how evil the Chinese regime is, .....
» 4/08/2019 10:18:24 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Why do you say that my view is that all beliefs lead to God? I do bel.....
» 4/08/2019 3:21:00 AM [...Continued] A story: A letter was unearthed, addressed from Sage Zarathustra to a dev.....
» 4/08/2019 3:20:56 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, OK, so you are using "what is from God and what isn't" as a .....
» 2/08/2019 5:30:35 PM Dear Critic, «Hero» "Who is a hero? He who controls his passions.” [Pirkei Avot 4:1.....
» 1/08/2019 8:12:01 PM So true, the article, but why target immigration when the majority of population-growth co.....
» 1/08/2019 7:04:21 PM When Joseph Goebbels died he arrived in heaven. There he saw, everyone was reading scriptu.....
» 1/08/2019 12:58:27 AM [...continued] Regarding rebellion, murder and war, "To every thing there is a seaso.....
» 1/08/2019 12:58:23 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Actually the book of Daniel is an exception, the only book in the OT n.....
» 31/07/2019 3:47:46 PM Dear Foxy, «Also, will Australia do anything for an Australian citizen? Can they do anyth.....
» 30/07/2019 8:17:43 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, We have discussed the authenticity of the bible several times before, .....
» 29/07/2019 11:19:33 PM Throwing yoghurt is more serious and offensive than throwing eggs because most yoghurts in.....
» 28/07/2019 7:47:17 AM I have duplicated keys a few times over the lifetime of my car, I think it costed $5 or $7.....
» 25/07/2019 3:32:26 PM [...continued] Now suppose we are less than saintly and fall short of trusting God at all.....
» 25/07/2019 3:32:23 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Without the laws and the court, who is there for the person who was m.....
» 24/07/2019 10:56:41 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «What that means is vigilantism» At present the worst vigilant is the.....
» 24/07/2019 10:19:58 AM [...continued] You see the difference: in self-defence, the focus is on YOU, not on justi.....
» 24/07/2019 10:19:54 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, We are all ruled by God - those who know it and those who do not. We a.....
» 24/07/2019 10:14:02 AM Only the perfect may have a perfect childhood. Victimhood involves the superstition as if.....
» 23/07/2019 4:59:12 PM Dear Belly, Deep beneath this mask (Greek "persona") of a human, we all are equ.....
» 23/07/2019 2:10:05 PM Dear Altrav, The majority by far of children that overcrowd the world are still born to &.....
» 23/07/2019 9:21:55 AM [...continued] one way to go about it is to have prophets that can tell the difference, t.....
» 23/07/2019 9:21:53 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Same treatment regardless if you are rich or poor is fair, it is also.....
» 22/07/2019 6:54:57 PM Dear Joe, «Evil embryos ! How dare they develop into foetuses and then babies» Embryos a.....
» 22/07/2019 2:19:38 PM Anyone who brings more children into this already-overcrowded world is a villain, regardle.....
» 22/07/2019 1:57:26 PM Dear Belly, «The last 30 or so posts often denigrated faiths» This includes four of my l.....
» 18/07/2019 5:51:58 PM There is no connection between a "religious discrimination act" and religious fr.....
» 18/07/2019 1:07:57 PM Dear Is Mise, «The Sikhs that I know have no problems flying they pack their religious sy.....
» 18/07/2019 12:58:26 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Sorry I missed addressing you: my last double-post was addressed to yo.....
» 17/07/2019 5:50:01 PM [...continued] «To be fair to a Sikhish person is a much more difficult issue. The safety.....
» 17/07/2019 5:49:58 PM «You asked what does it mean to treat all religions equally. What it means is that the law.....
» 16/07/2019 4:26:47 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «all religions need to be treated fairly and equally.» Definitely fai.....
» 15/07/2019 2:30:01 PM Dear Belly, You would be privileged indeed if you had even a clue what Morrison plans for.....
» 15/07/2019 10:02:16 AM Dear Belly, «BUT ignore at your peril some have hijacked God,claiming he/she is a support.....
» 14/07/2019 10:39:19 PM Dear Mr. Opinion I would also be interested in any references you may be able to present .....
» 14/07/2019 6:02:34 PM Dear Belly, «Believe it, I watched the fall of religion as it started» It was not the fa.....
» 14/07/2019 3:16:26 PM Dear Individual, Apparently trolls too......
» 13/07/2019 8:10:32 PM Dear Mr. Opinion, I see no problem with Chinese people, only with the Chinese communist r.....
» 13/07/2019 7:59:39 PM Dear Belly, «Yes when penalty rates first came about many many more followers of God» I .....
» 12/07/2019 5:22:24 PM It is rather the employee's religion which matters, not the employer's. Penalty rates act.....
» 12/07/2019 2:50:43 PM Dear Belly, I have gone over your posts here and ascertained that you never supported the.....
» 12/07/2019 2:43:41 PM The danger of China is real, but there is no need to join the USA in economic sanctions: j.....
» 12/07/2019 7:53:28 AM Dear Individual, I wouldn't advise Not_Now.Soon, or anyone else for that matter, to stick.....
» 11/07/2019 7:25:08 PM Dear Belly, Let me assure you that my posts here are not related to Ttbn in any way......
» 11/07/2019 9:18:25 AM Dear Belly, No, I don't think that this thread is a fraud, but it is misplaced: this ques.....
» 10/07/2019 1:57:22 PM Dear Shadow Minister, Thank you for this creative suggestion: It is a good start, a good.....
» 10/07/2019 11:27:33 AM This is appalling to attack people with unsolicited commercial mail: those who do so shoul.....
» 10/07/2019 5:25:21 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «I don't know if you can stop the graphic nature of news.» I don't kn.....
» 9/07/2019 7:00:05 PM Ordinary people have no need to know about crimes, certainly not to see their gruesome eff.....
» 9/07/2019 2:46:18 PM Dear Ttbn, «I'm not sure what you mean by religious in name only. If it's in the Bible, t.....
» 9/07/2019 11:30:03 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «I've heard stories of Scientology, and how it is harmful to those who.....
» 8/07/2019 11:51:45 PM Dear Individual, «aren't religious people looking forward to meet their maker ?» Sure, b.....
» 8/07/2019 11:10:49 PM Dear Spencer, «ALTRAV, In, Posted by OzSpen, Sunday, 7 July 2019 8:01:17 AM, I provided .....
» 8/07/2019 3:37:34 PM Dear Individual, Being decent is a pre-requisite for religion, it is step one without whi.....
» 8/07/2019 3:10:18 PM Well good luck indeed: God knows that we badly need our freedom to follow our religion, w.....
» 8/07/2019 2:41:24 PM Dear Altrav, You mainly commented about Christianity rather than about religion, which ex.....
» 7/07/2019 4:54:31 PM Dear Spencer, Thank you for correcting me on the topic of this thread. In any case, it s.....
» 7/07/2019 3:35:53 AM [...continued] «If someone can give me ANY tangible, objective, evidence of these spiritu.....
» 7/07/2019 3:35:50 AM Dear Altrav, «it does not mean a man can achieve it by simply thinking 'real hard' and it.....
» 7/07/2019 3:35:39 AM Dear Altrav, This particular discussion is about [public] free speech and whether or not .....
» 5/07/2019 3:51:19 PM Dear Altrav, The accusations against Folau are that the content of what he types hurt cer.....
» 4/07/2019 9:21:44 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Thank you for your beautiful post about kindness and tolerance. I full.....
» 28/06/2019 11:40:44 AM Dear Mr. Opinion, «What evidence would you need to have presented to you for you to be co.....
» 27/06/2019 8:43:48 PM While the Magna Carta is now 800 years old, it was about 200 years earlier when the rule w.....
» 21/06/2019 4:58:29 PM Dear Tristan, «'One State' with equal citizenship in all areas except over the apparatus .....
» 21/06/2019 3:28:06 PM Dear Tristan, There could be a war over there, because this is what the people there want.....
» 21/06/2019 1:04:20 PM Dear Tristan, «The best solution is...» A solution calls for a problem: whose problem ar.....
» 19/06/2019 2:20:12 PM Dear Hasbeen, First, I hope you are well now. «Perhaps next year I'll try a little exper.....
» 19/06/2019 1:35:53 PM Dear Shadow Minister, «Between traffic accidents and industrial accidents about 500 peopl.....
» 18/06/2019 3:56:19 PM Dear Shadow, «So if you let children play near a croc infested river you bear no responsi.....
» 18/06/2019 2:00:37 PM Dear Belly, «Asking for a better way for westerners to be governed while we ignore the ab.....
» 18/06/2019 1:39:39 PM Dear Shadow Minister, «Under labor more than 1200 died as the flimsy boats sank. Is that .....
» 18/06/2019 12:47:28 PM Dear Ttbn, Yes, the ALP lost because of their policies, but which exact policies contribu.....
» 18/06/2019 11:19:20 AM Dear Shadow Minister, The English word "better" has a dual meaning - one means .....
» 17/06/2019 11:26:52 PM Dear Individual, «In Labor's case it is a threat !» But not just - in any party's case, .....
» 17/06/2019 7:23:28 PM Dear Paul and Joe, Sorry for the mix-up: I wrongly misread the first post as if the 70%-9.....
» 17/06/2019 3:11:33 PM Dear Alan, «have started that project with a new interstellar luna restaurant?» What? a .....
» 17/06/2019 11:10:29 AM Something ought to be done about the cruel occupation of Hawaii by the United States of Am.....
» 17/06/2019 10:39:39 AM Dear Belly, «yuyutsu we must live with what we have, not what we want» Yes, and what we .....
» 17/06/2019 7:31:28 AM Dear Paul, If there are 68.5 million people in the world who could be classed as refugees.....
» 16/06/2019 2:02:27 PM Dear Belly, The Senate need not be obstructionist per se, rather, its members who are sup.....
» 16/06/2019 8:35:17 AM Dear Belly, «you both tell me minority parties,stopping elected government from governing.....
» 15/06/2019 6:52:32 PM Dear Belly, «My whole and only reason for calling for, the removal of the Senate Or the m.....
» 12/06/2019 1:08:55 PM Dear Belly, The state's impositions on the lives of ordinary people are too serious and p.....
» 11/06/2019 5:22:46 PM Dear Belly, Whatever the Senate is SAID to be (i.e. "States house"), there is t.....
» 11/06/2019 2:13:57 PM Suppose indeed that the majority of Australian citizens oppose the proposed tax cuts, then.....
» 10/06/2019 8:49:12 AM Dear LEGO, Yes, you are correct, but we ought to see the larger picture: If you pull a p.....
» 7/06/2019 8:18:28 AM Well what could we do? The Australian electoral system entrenches the absolute rule of a .....
» 5/06/2019 7:18:53 PM This issue of freedom-of-religion is too serious to be used as a football between differen.....
» 31/05/2019 4:08:50 PM Dear Belly, «Business man pointed out just on prices American made may cost three hundred.....
» 31/05/2019 3:23:31 PM Dear Belly, Both China and America are bad influences - we better learn to live without b.....
» 31/05/2019 2:51:23 PM Why we should care about Julian Assange? - Because next time it could be any of us. Ever.....
» 30/05/2019 9:58:40 PM Dear Belly, High inflation is probably "good" for sophisticated/informed invest.....
» 30/05/2019 3:57:04 PM Two good words for David Singer: 1) Neither Israel nor "The Jews" were mentione.....
» 30/05/2019 3:40:19 PM Why have a war on Queensland when instead we can all separate amicably? The Commonwealth .....
» 30/05/2019 3:18:05 PM Dear Hasbeen, «Low interest rates are pretty bad for retirees» This is short-sighted: lo.....
» 29/05/2019 6:30:59 PM Anything but the obvious: Everyone knows that when Labor wins, Australian shares and curr.....
» 28/05/2019 11:12:18 AM This phenomenon has nothing to do with Christianity, but is rather similar to supporting a.....
» 28/05/2019 8:33:18 AM Dear Belly, I don't know about America, but in Australia government dictates to the RBA t.....
» 27/05/2019 11:01:52 PM This is good. The RBA, at instructions from government, creates inflation which is effect.....
» 27/05/2019 6:37:58 PM Dear Joe, «Possibly because American interests were impacted negatively by that illegal p.....
» 27/05/2019 4:40:49 PM Assange does not seem to be a good person, but that does not mean that he deserves to be t.....
» 23/05/2019 8:06:36 PM Dear Alan, «but never ever again misrepresent my words or cast a different meaning on the.....
» 23/05/2019 7:49:31 PM Not only robots could never become intentional, but neither can humans: humans too are jus.....
» 22/05/2019 10:01:37 PM Dear Foxy, The correct question should be, why is there a parliament in Canberra in the f.....
» 22/05/2019 4:00:55 PM Leaving aside those two rogue organisations, the UN and the PLO, there are three different.....
» 22/05/2019 12:22:57 AM Dear Bazz, «Yuyutsu, the reason that the detainees were not sent to NZ was because NZ wou.....
» 21/05/2019 1:12:58 AM "Socialism lost. Identity politics lost. Political Correctness lost." All true,.....
» 20/05/2019 7:21:46 PM Dear Individual, Nothing I contribute or give up would help fighting GW: even if I give t.....
» 20/05/2019 4:54:45 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «so again I don't understand how going full term would be less healthy.....
» 20/05/2019 2:14:17 PM Dear Individual, They are not alone, but they FEEL alone. They call on governments becau.....
» 20/05/2019 10:05:22 AM Dear OzSpen, «I find it irrational that you don't distinguish between a human being and a.....
» 19/05/2019 11:57:35 PM [...continued] Another criticism I have about the videos (and remember again, this is not.....
» 19/05/2019 11:57:31 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, You asked me to watch certain videos then give you feedback. I watched.....
» 19/05/2019 6:38:50 PM Dear Individual, Those who want something done about climate change mean that they want o.....
» 18/05/2019 11:14:23 PM Dear Hasbeen, Thank you for this contribution, I definitely agree. One way to stop such .....
» 18/05/2019 11:08:58 PM Indeed, Runner, and quite unexpected: So far it looks like neither of the flanks of the A.....
» 18/05/2019 8:05:17 PM Dear Alan, «In the future, I'll thank you not to mischievously reinterpret my words, mean.....
» 17/05/2019 5:23:17 PM Dear Paul, «I didn't known my test question would be» Should be "know", not &q.....
» 17/05/2019 4:50:00 PM Dear Alan, «How can religious freedom include the right to discriminate based on stone ag.....
» 17/05/2019 2:44:39 PM Dear OzSpen, «warned about the censorship (my word) of a religious ethos if the ALP is el.....
» 17/05/2019 12:32:46 PM Dear David, «Abstinence for teenagers brimming with hormones? Ha!» Hormones play some ro.....
» 17/05/2019 11:16:05 AM How can anyone expect religious or any other freedom while accepting tax-payer money throu.....
» 17/05/2019 9:30:00 AM Dear Paul, Please do not leave us in suspension - who was that other bear? (perhaps this.....
» 17/05/2019 3:09:51 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, First, I would like to acknowledge the correctness of your interpretat.....
» 16/05/2019 6:56:10 PM Dear Belly, «And are you sure many who vote now, at any age, understand who and why they .....
» 16/05/2019 1:47:09 PM Dear Aidan, OK, so what alternative(s) do you suggest? Not reliance on America, I hope? .....
» 16/05/2019 1:24:13 PM Dear Hasbeen, To the best of my knowledge there is no such law which forces you to receiv.....
» 16/05/2019 11:51:00 AM Dear OzSpen, In relation to baptism, allow me to tell you a story: It occurred during th.....
» 16/05/2019 11:18:25 AM Dear Paul, I wholeheartedly agree, but the name "Newstart" ought to be changed:.....
» 16/05/2019 10:49:57 AM Dear Belly, «But gee you lost me here, mate are you telling me only one side of politics .....
» 16/05/2019 9:59:50 AM Interesting question - who is a Christian? To put in my 2 cents, a Christian is one who, .....
» 16/05/2019 9:32:37 AM Dear Individual, Thank you for the information, I was not aware of it. As I understand, .....
» 16/05/2019 1:07:25 AM Dear Individual, «?? What's that got to do with PNG visitors to Torres Strait islands ??».....
» 15/05/2019 7:18:34 PM Dear Individual, It seems that I need more clues: Please tell me which party(s) have a p.....
» 15/05/2019 4:46:48 PM Dear Belly, Suppose indeed that YOUTH support more of the policies that you and your part.....
» 15/05/2019 3:57:56 PM Dear Individual, «Traditional PNG visitors are now being asked to cut the stays short bec.....
» 15/05/2019 3:51:06 PM Dear Belly, Mass shootings would increase anti-gun sentiments, thus tilt the votes toward.....
» 14/05/2019 10:17:26 AM Dear Belly, «Do not agree? ask yourself it it is YOUR SIDE being stalled would your answe.....
» 12/05/2019 1:24:32 PM [...continued] (so Ttbn, David was not the first!) Was Job sinful in feeling and talking.....
» 12/05/2019 1:24:28 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Any "solution" calls for a problem and the notion of "p.....
» 12/05/2019 1:16:32 AM Dear David, I am sad to hear your story. Just one correction: your parents were never ac.....
» 11/05/2019 9:46:03 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «The solution given for the sake of the unborn baby is an unthinkable .....
» 10/05/2019 5:36:22 PM The question regarding the morality or otherwise of abortion is extremely complex, so comp.....
» 10/05/2019 12:43:56 PM So how else is the author proposing to end the suffering of the Iranian people at the hand.....
» 9/05/2019 1:27:44 PM Dear Individual, Politician=lack of integrity, doesn't get any clearer than that !.....
» 9/05/2019 1:23:47 PM There is no need to wait, so why waste any more time and energy on these elections: everyo.....
» 9/05/2019 11:35:53 AM Dear Critic, «I've heard you speak about your beliefs before but I'm not sure what religi.....
» 9/05/2019 10:10:19 AM Pacific Islanders were once conquered and oppressed by the white man and his [misunderstan.....
» 9/05/2019 1:13:47 AM If his arguments are so convincing, then why need the author lie about numbers and facts? .....
» 8/05/2019 12:36:51 AM I am very sensitive and concerned about religious persecution - this is a very serious mat.....
» 7/05/2019 12:25:44 AM Neither the asking for covert donations nor the covert "policing" by media are e.....
» 6/05/2019 11:43:31 PM On the one hand, people ought to be able to do whatever they like so long as they do not h.....
» 6/05/2019 4:13:50 PM There may well be secular ethics, but what is missing is a serious incentive to follow the.....
» 6/05/2019 10:28:10 AM Dear Ttbn, What makes you think that anyone cares or even knows about the mud, or that po.....
» 6/05/2019 12:08:01 AM Dear Foxy, «Mr Scott Morrison has promised to crack down on social media trolling and inc.....
» 5/05/2019 6:24:05 PM Dear Foxy, Take courage: «You've got to admire people who have the courage of their conv.....
» 2/05/2019 11:41:34 AM Dear Belly, You mentioned "both sides" 4 times in your last post. We need to k.....
» 2/05/2019 8:22:43 AM Dear Belly, The more people use the expression "both sides" and buy into that i.....
» 2/05/2019 7:50:57 AM Even Stalin loosened the strings on religion when the Nazi Germans invaded as he was despe.....
» 1/05/2019 7:21:32 PM Dear Hasbeen, «We should be able to exhaust our vote after just 2 or 3 preferences, or no.....
» 1/05/2019 7:09:04 PM May I bring a different angle to this discussion on dividend imputation: So far the discu.....
» 1/05/2019 12:05:49 PM Dear Ttbn, «better still, preferential voting itself should be banned.» Why? I agree tha.....
» 30/04/2019 4:25:17 PM Dear Foxy, «It's an absolute turn-off. My husband and I are planning to vote early - (at .....
» 30/04/2019 12:55:27 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «In Christianity there's a philosophy to be in the world but not of it.....
» 29/04/2019 2:55:56 PM The Kingdom of God is eternal, whereas social effects are temporal, thus it is a mistake t.....
» 28/04/2019 11:26:21 AM If "free speech" is indeed dead, then Good Riddance! It is immoral to hit your .....
» 27/04/2019 9:21:11 PM [...continued] «one must not worship only venerate Mary and the other Saints.» It seems .....
» 27/04/2019 9:21:06 PM Dear George, «OK, so I should have written instead that I accept that you do not believe .....
» 26/04/2019 4:37:22 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I am sorry if this is the impression I give you. I have good Christia.....
» 26/04/2019 3:38:51 PM Dear Spencer, «Please don't confuse the Trinity with tri-theism.» The Trinity explains h.....
» 26/04/2019 1:00:08 PM Dear Spencer, Regarding the Trinity, I was not claiming that your view is either true or .....
» 26/04/2019 4:48:04 AM Dear Spencer, «That can't be because you worship <<saints, seers and an image of Je.....
» 25/04/2019 12:35:24 PM Dear Dan, «Maybe this is an appropriate moment to open up debate on spaying female childr.....
» 25/04/2019 12:25:56 PM Dear Spencer, «How can that be when monotheism means worshipping one God while here you r.....
» 25/04/2019 11:23:29 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «In order to count Jesus's message as worth while and worth following,.....
» 25/04/2019 3:21:19 AM Dear George, According to John 19:33-34, the Roman soldiers pierced Jesus' side, not his .....
» 25/04/2019 3:21:15 AM Dear Spencer, Had Jesus been a fictional figure such as Harry Potter, then it would make .....
» 24/04/2019 4:31:59 PM Perhaps it is time for Israel's Left and Centre to start looking at the ultra-orthodox (ch.....
» 24/04/2019 1:17:34 PM [...continued] So to make it fair and compassionate, government should announce: anyone b.....
» 24/04/2019 1:17:30 PM Dear Belly, Yes, I understand your views. I may not always agree, but I do understand the.....
» 24/04/2019 12:11:17 AM Dear George, Obviously it is not the crucifixion that is cause to Jesus' Samadhi - Jesus .....
» 23/04/2019 11:15:05 PM "A religion is a cultural system of designated practices, morals, prophecies, or orga.....
» 23/04/2019 9:25:23 PM Dear Belly, What a bombardment of questions... As I said, I believe those questions to b.....
» 23/04/2019 8:57:57 PM Aren't we all in the same boat? The belief or presumption as if we can discern and know t.....
» 23/04/2019 6:58:22 PM Dear Spencer, «To this point, you've given your beliefs/opinions and not dealt with the N.....
» 23/04/2019 2:14:39 PM It is common for saints and Yogis to enter the state of Samadhi, or total absorption in Go.....
» 23/04/2019 1:16:35 PM Dear Canum Malum, «Any country that can not feed and house its population is over populat.....
» 22/04/2019 7:01:08 PM Dear Belly, Almost there, I follow the Hindu religion. And yes, extremists can be found e.....
» 22/04/2019 2:39:11 PM I am happy to see that nearly all of us agree: the root problem is overpopulation, whereas.....
» 22/04/2019 10:12:03 AM Dear David, «It was all based on Biblical bullsh1t anyway.» That would have been nice, b.....
» 22/04/2019 9:57:47 AM Dear Dan, «For the theist, his deeds are answerable to a greater power, His God. It's th.....
» 22/04/2019 8:57:44 AM Well I tend to agree with Foxy: agreements need to be kept. One weak point in Foxy's argu.....
» 22/04/2019 12:59:40 AM I agree with Garry: the legitimacy of any grouping of people is gained by their moral cond.....
» 15/04/2019 7:56:07 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «If our spirituality can only survive in the best of conditions then i.....
» 14/04/2019 9:52:04 PM Dear Belly, «Well yuyutsu what do you recomend? How do we achieve it?» Wisely, calmly, g.....
» 14/04/2019 2:45:44 PM You do not need to stop globalisation or world trade: all you need is to stay yourself out.....
» 13/04/2019 9:33:59 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Firstly, your response was better than mine: "Seek God in whateve.....
» 12/04/2019 9:41:24 AM «Assange has been arrested because he failed to appear in a British Court» No, he was arr.....
» 12/04/2019 1:45:56 AM Dear Critic, No foreign men are jailed in Israel because they got a divorce; what you pro.....
» 11/04/2019 5:22:12 PM Dear Joe, «Yes, vegans have the right to be vegans. Homosexuals have the right to be homo.....
» 11/04/2019 12:24:06 PM It is obvious: If you want a better world, decrease the number of people. Stop procreating.....
» 10/04/2019 5:21:34 PM This article started well, but then it descended as "morality" was bent in order.....
» 10/04/2019 4:09:13 PM Dear Critic, «Do you people they will stop believing what they believe because you decide.....
» 10/04/2019 4:00:13 PM Dear Foxy, I hope your surgery went very well. Ahimsa is indeed a principle tenet of Hin.....
» 8/04/2019 11:21:59 PM Dear Foxy, You know this prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I.....
» 8/04/2019 6:56:20 PM Dear Belly, «Those kids in my view deserved a longer happier life, here on earth» Possib.....
» 8/04/2019 5:50:10 PM Dear Foxy, «Every religious tradition teaches the deep sacredness of life.» Actually not.....
» 8/04/2019 3:53:02 PM Dear Belly, I cannot change you anyway, but I can challenge your ideas, which is what we .....
» 8/04/2019 2:59:04 PM Dear Foxy, We all, myself included, were raised with the prevailing beliefs of our tribe......
» 8/04/2019 10:53:03 AM Dear Foxy, «This is a heartbreaking tragedy.» For whom? For you it may seem so, but whi.....
» 6/04/2019 10:33:08 PM Dear Ttbn, Indeed, Israel cannot afford to return the Golan Heights to Syria. On the othe.....
» 5/04/2019 5:57:57 PM "regarding territorial claims by the Jewish people in Judea and Samaria (West Bank).&.....
» 5/04/2019 9:22:33 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, The rest of your posts I mostly agree with, but there is more depth to.....
» 5/04/2019 9:22:30 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, It is my true belief that for those who have eyes to see and ears to h.....
» 5/04/2019 8:14:54 AM Dear Dan, «Many people actually kill themselves. They finally conclude, life is a total n.....
» 5/04/2019 12:51:10 AM Dear Bozec, Obviously we do not agree about the source(s) of morality: with different ide.....
» 4/04/2019 4:08:48 PM Dear Individual, You ought to have every right to prepare yourself in the way you want, b.....
» 4/04/2019 12:52:23 PM Dear Individual, Switzerland is such a beautiful country, but what you described makes it.....
» 4/04/2019 2:10:38 AM Dear Bozec, Once you have a society wherein everyone involved freely agrees to belong to .....
» 3/04/2019 2:15:59 PM Dear Dan, «Guard your children well. Society in the West has declared the death of God.» .....
» 3/04/2019 12:46:44 PM [...continued] So what to do? The spiritual journey consists of both leaps of faith and p.....
» 3/04/2019 12:46:41 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «if you don't understand it fully, but apply what you do understand, t.....
» 2/04/2019 10:33:07 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, You touched on some fundamental and difficult questions, particularly .....
» 1/04/2019 8:51:25 AM Dear Pogi, I am glad that we agree that science is silent about metaphysics. Morality is.....
» 31/03/2019 11:54:56 AM Dear Pogi, «How would you identify the thing you and 1.5 bn other humans worship then?» .....
» 29/03/2019 12:28:52 PM Dear Nathan, «$25.00 per loaf, milk at $15.00 per litre and fruit and vegetables starting.....
» 29/03/2019 11:39:49 AM Perfect score, Peter. Well done! --- Dear Pogi, «I wish christians would lose their per.....
» 27/03/2019 6:49:20 PM It is a cause for grief that an old and harmless man was thrown in jail, even more so that.....
» 24/03/2019 5:26:31 PM Hate speech should be shunned and frowned upon, but not legally banned. Otherwise you can .....
» 22/03/2019 12:20:02 PM Welfare is neither gift nor privilege, but a form of compensation. Wealthy people benefit.....
» 20/03/2019 6:53:12 PM Dear Individual, My point was linguistic: «it is possible to murder "by mistake&quo.....
» 20/03/2019 5:34:31 PM Dear Bazz, «The author is Allah» And you believe this?? I don't. I firmly believe that .....
» 20/03/2019 5:26:39 PM Dear Individual, «I think it was "thou shall not murder."» More or less correc.....
» 20/03/2019 1:23:34 PM Dear Josephus, I know it's a bit off-topic, but did you seriously mean: «...our Western .....
» 20/03/2019 12:57:48 PM Over to your last paragraph: I fully believe you that you did not bugger choirboys in you.....
» 20/03/2019 12:57:45 PM Dear Paul, I disagree with this whole concept as if anyone has a right to punish others. .....
» 18/03/2019 10:30:39 PM Dear Foxy, «Wait and see what the Appeal produces. Then comment on weather it was fair or.....
» 18/03/2019 10:06:42 PM Dear Banjo, 1. I referred to one's actual sainthood rather than to institutional titles: .....
» 17/03/2019 2:37:58 PM Dear Foxy, «during my entire time on this forum I have always been against any form of vi.....
» 17/03/2019 11:49:31 AM Dear Banjo, Only a saint is completely devoid of narcissism. The rest of us have it in on.....
» 17/03/2019 8:33:48 AM With China in front, America behind, Islam on the right, the unions on the left and the re.....
» 17/03/2019 1:11:47 AM [...continued] «The foundation from God is like that. Reliable and true.» Absolutely. «.....
» 17/03/2019 1:11:40 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «1). My prayers were not answered because of my understanding and know.....
» 17/03/2019 12:26:31 AM Dear Hasbeen, «Yuyutsu, god is a construct of weak minded humans & has no effect on any p.....
» 16/03/2019 11:52:32 PM Dear Philip, Without God one cannot speak of neither good nor evil. Without God there is .....
» 16/03/2019 11:21:34 PM Dear Aidan, To begin with, I do not believe at all in humans punishing each other. I do b.....
» 16/03/2019 10:30:33 PM Dear Ttbn, I am not confident that Pell could have remained in the Vatican indefinitely. .....
» 16/03/2019 8:53:14 PM The question whether or not Pell's trial was fair is irrelevant, because it is simply wron.....
» 16/03/2019 8:23:49 PM Dear Philip, «What happened in NZ should not have happened.» But it did. Could anything.....
» 15/03/2019 2:47:41 PM Dear OzSpen, I am aware of this Rabbinical dispute regarding the book of Job. Whether fi.....
» 15/03/2019 2:47:36 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Yes, thank you, I am aware that there are many philosophies within Chr.....
» 15/03/2019 9:27:33 AM Dear Ttbn, Your above statement regarding minorities is dangerous: please note that I am .....
» 14/03/2019 11:29:14 PM «They had their identities and rights demonised during the postal survey.» Perhaps rights.....
» 14/03/2019 10:31:39 PM Dear OzSpen, Regarding the Jewish view that Job did not exist, but was written by Moses a.....
» 14/03/2019 3:36:11 PM Dear OzSpen, I never claimed that my worldview was biblical. (actually, I believe that t.....
» 13/03/2019 11:56:01 PM Perhaps because the helpless-victimhood-mentality is a modern/progressive fashion, which c.....
» 12/03/2019 11:16:27 AM Dear OzSpen, I tried to keep my response to Not_Now.Soon succinct and only respond to his.....
» 12/03/2019 9:09:41 AM [...Continued] «You seem to want to denigrate the OT and NT as the Book of Scripture.» I.....
» 12/03/2019 9:09:38 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, This discussion over the accuracy and sanctity or otherwise of the old.....
» 8/03/2019 3:46:18 PM Dear OzSpen, "All Scripture is God-breathed" Indeed, this is almost by definit.....
» 8/03/2019 11:57:11 AM Dear Waverley, «The author left out the realms of spirituality: who are we? why are we he.....
» 8/03/2019 11:09:32 AM Dear SteeleRedux, You mentioned the Jewish state of affairs where Orthodox leaders distor.....
» 8/03/2019 10:20:54 AM Dear Paul, «You can forget all that karma and god nonsense, unless you have been living u.....
» 8/03/2019 9:18:04 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «If there was going to be changes in the bible, they would have remove.....
» 8/03/2019 8:13:38 AM Dear ALTRAV, Thank you for your support, but when it comes to politics I really am not in.....
» 7/03/2019 11:58:40 PM Dear Foxy, «But courts have been frustrated by the lack of successful prosecutions agains.....
» 7/03/2019 12:39:41 AM So I had a sole proprietary company and thought I will use its profit to save for old age......
» 6/03/2019 4:29:39 PM Dear Foxy, I am quite aware, nor is it news for me, that none of us has any control over .....
» 6/03/2019 3:58:13 PM Dear Paul, «I think it is incumbent on the judge to apply a custodial sentence, if for no.....
» 5/03/2019 10:45:17 PM When the same act brings two very different results, we must look at the contributing fact.....
» 5/03/2019 2:25:24 PM "He will go down in history as a convicted paedophile." Being a paedophile (or .....
» 4/03/2019 3:04:07 PM Dear Ttbn, «the system of justice based on English Common Law» Is justice a system? Is j.....
» 3/03/2019 6:07:32 PM Dear OzSpen, I am not a mind-reader! I just hope for a strong individual+religious freed.....
» 3/03/2019 5:28:27 PM Amen, David. How about a royal commission into how the two dinosaurs, Labor and Liberals,.....
» 3/03/2019 2:54:17 PM It is frightening indeed that none of the big parties cares for individual freedom. They b.....
» 1/03/2019 1:03:11 PM Dear Foxy, «if the appeal wins it will send an incredibly damaging message to survivors w.....
» 1/03/2019 9:39:07 AM Dear Is Mise, Thank you for your explanation about sacramental wine. I stand corrected......
» 28/02/2019 11:01:24 PM Dear Is Mise, «How could anyone get to the consecrated wine other than the Priest and the.....
» 28/02/2019 9:57:01 PM Dear Henry, Thank you for your comments. Well said! This case instils horror in me and m.....
» 28/02/2019 8:50:41 PM We live in a violent culture where revenge is considered a virtue. It is not! Convincing.....
» 28/02/2019 8:48:54 PM Oops, I mistakenly posted the above in the wrong thread. I don't think that discussing Pe.....
» 28/02/2019 8:44:10 PM We live in a violent culture where revenge is considered a virtue. It is not! Convincing.....
» 25/02/2019 5:00:24 PM Dear Banjo, «the majority of the Old Testament texts were composed long before Jesus was .....
» 23/02/2019 10:56:38 PM Dear Banjo, As you know I am not a Christian, nor an expert on the history of the Christi.....
» 22/02/2019 5:06:46 PM This is just to show that Jordanians are neither idiots nor fools. Having succeeded decad.....
» 22/02/2019 3:33:52 PM Thank you Peter for this great article. I wish half the readers will actually understand .....
» 21/02/2019 12:21:08 PM «WC can be defined succinctly as the belief that all humans have a right to attain their f.....
» 20/02/2019 12:19:49 PM [...continued] «Just because someone fears how others will react is no reason to not try .....
» 20/02/2019 12:19:44 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Regarding adjusting to one's audience: «Any audience can benifit from.....
» 17/02/2019 12:27:41 PM Dear Belly, «But are you saying the parent has rights but not the child» On what grounds.....
» 17/02/2019 12:03:32 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Subtracting a finite quantity from infinity does not leave a dent in t.....
» 17/02/2019 12:47:48 AM The very thought that anyone could be permitted to interfere with another's body and the b.....
» 16/02/2019 11:02:00 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Seeking God is good for everyone. There is no audience that isn't ben.....
» 15/02/2019 12:55:25 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Your attempt to compare Buddhism with Christianity is commendable. «T.....
» 15/02/2019 12:55:14 PM Dear Paul, «An atheists can be a Buddhist, but can't be a religious with a non belief in .....
» 14/02/2019 11:46:55 PM Monotheism is a useful concept that helps to direct many of us towards God, but is God one.....
» 12/02/2019 1:42:14 PM I agree with Peter Sellick that truth need not correspond with the facts of the material w.....
» 6/02/2019 8:07:32 AM Dear OzSpen, I am not trying to persuade you, I merely am answering your questions. Rega.....
» 5/02/2019 12:21:33 PM Dear OzSpen, That you pray to God in your sufferings is excellent, but completely avoids .....
» 4/02/2019 8:36:53 AM Dear OzSpen, «I have mentioned sufferings but not complained about them.» Yes, you know .....
» 4/02/2019 1:09:40 AM Dear OzSpen, «You assume you know the nature of my relationship with God. How can that be.....
» 31/01/2019 8:33:12 PM Dear OzSpen, First, your conclusion: «In this life, there is a purpose in trials and suff.....
» 30/01/2019 2:25:37 PM Dear Toni, «It is exactly of the same nature as the Hindu's view, that the world rested u.....
» 30/01/2019 9:17:56 AM «Why would God give you touch, taste, sight, smell and hear, as well as a brain; And then .....
» 27/01/2019 12:56:15 PM Dear OzSpen, «To the contrary! We are discussing Jesus and what he did from 2 radically d.....
» 26/01/2019 11:40:27 PM Dear OzSpen, We are just discussing the same, only from two different perspectives, using.....
» 25/01/2019 6:46:03 PM Dear OzSpen, «Would you please supply New Testament evidence where Jesus stated he was a .....
» 24/01/2019 6:34:04 PM Dear OzSpen, «First Corinthians 15 does NOT teach that a physical body lasts forever beca.....
» 22/01/2019 6:49:32 PM Dear OzSpen, Thank you for the good quote, famous through Handel's Messiah! I disagree t.....
» 21/01/2019 3:54:15 PM This storm in a teacup within Christianity is due to the faith in the permanency of matter.....
» 16/01/2019 10:24:02 AM If you repeat a given statement a sufficient number of times, then eventually it will beco.....
» 10/01/2019 11:49:30 PM Dear Individual, We would be really lucky if we had imbeciles in government - at least th.....
» 10/01/2019 9:05:48 PM Dear Sara, One cannot perform arithmetic operations on "a heap of salt", only o.....
» 10/01/2019 6:38:34 PM "1+1=2" Also: 1+1=11 (side by side) 1+1=4 (rotate one '1' counter-clockwise) .....
» 10/01/2019 2:26:16 PM Dear Alan, «ensuring an equal start that just doesn't leave our best and brightest, left .....
» 10/01/2019 1:06:03 PM WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? So long as we operate through a limited human mind we have no way to.....
» 10/01/2019 12:54:41 PM Dear Sara, «1 is a finite number it stops» 1 is a finite number, but that has nothing to.....
» 10/01/2019 7:55:35 AM Dear Critic, Saving lives is not a duty but a noble virtuous act. When government turns .....
» 9/01/2019 7:41:17 PM Yes Ttbn, the cost of pill-testing should not fall on the taxpayer. It should probably be.....
» 7/01/2019 10:48:35 PM Dear Critic, «I don't believe anyone's responsible for things that happened before they w.....
» 7/01/2019 2:13:34 PM «Should there ever be any right to privacy in a public space?» This in principle is optio.....
» 7/01/2019 2:00:48 PM Dear Sara, "1" is only a representation, not a number. It can be designated to.....
» 6/01/2019 11:12:31 PM Dear Thinkabit, In my first year of university, many years ago, we studied Dedekind cuts .....
» 6/01/2019 5:41:53 PM A real number is defined as a non-empty set, S, of rational numbers, such that if: 1) x a.....
» 30/12/2018 1:45:13 PM Dear Peter and Banjo, «people like me, educated in the sciences, do not believe in miracl.....
» 28/12/2018 7:24:59 PM Dear George, Why, I agree with you that God is not reducible to humanity, or to anything .....
» 21/12/2018 7:24:33 PM «Dear George, «methodological atheism: there is no need for God to explain the working of.....
» 14/12/2018 7:31:00 PM Dear George, Thank you! Sometimes I describe myself over these pages as "technicall.....
» 13/12/2018 1:33:59 AM Dear George, «I thought the distinction between Atman and Brahman indicates that Brahman/.....
» 12/12/2018 12:52:20 PM Dear Foxy, By your silence I should assume that you agree with what I wrote so far. «Giv.....
» 12/12/2018 12:27:38 AM Dear George, You summed it up perfectly: «It depends on how you look at this evolution. .....
» 11/12/2018 11:27:44 PM Dear Foxy, «Yes, religious schools have a lot to answer.» Can ghosts be answerable? As .....
» 10/12/2018 2:56:37 PM Dear Foxy, «This is not an attack on religion as you infer.» There you go - just read Pe.....
» 10/12/2018 2:53:34 PM Dear ALTRAV, «I'm on your side» I am on the side of religion and God as my perspective i.....
» 10/12/2018 1:04:46 PM Dear Foxy, «All Australians are free to follow any religion they choose» «All Australians.....
» 10/12/2018 9:43:34 AM Dear Foxy, «I get the impression that all this fuss about religion is a storm in a teacup.....
» 7/12/2018 12:09:08 PM «Redefining the boundary between two countries sharing a signed peace treaty is infinitely.....
» 7/12/2018 2:26:25 AM Sexual orientation is a non-issue - the whole thing is about those who hate religion tryin.....
» 4/12/2018 12:30:17 PM Dear Joe, «Yes, one day, if we all simultaneously link arms and say "Om", all w.....
» 4/12/2018 11:09:15 AM So the solution for the problem that states are too big is... an even bigger state. The so.....
» 4/12/2018 12:00:15 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Yes, overall I agree and I think that this discussion has been exhaust.....
» 3/12/2018 10:35:50 AM «we need weapons to reduce the crime and terrorism» As for terror, rationally, a bomb or .....
» 2/12/2018 5:48:05 PM Dear Philip, Belly doesn't care because he knows that he wouldn't be around for long, unt.....
» 1/12/2018 9:17:09 PM Dear Individual, «When God is your father wouldn't anyone be always happy ?» Yes, if you.....
» 30/11/2018 7:23:57 PM Dear Philip, I suppose that banks indeed COULD stop a lot of illegal things if they wants.....
» 30/11/2018 2:30:53 PM Dear Aidan, «The rule of law is not a cult; it's the best way we have of preventing viole.....
» 30/11/2018 1:33:52 PM Notwithstanding the atrocities of some Muslim sects that force themselves on everyone arou.....
» 30/11/2018 1:23:20 PM Dear Toni, «Bollocks, most of the gay people I have met don't go in for any of that carry.....
» 30/11/2018 10:32:25 AM Dear Toni, First, I agree with what you said: «Seems to me that if Christians don't want.....
» 30/11/2018 6:14:17 AM Those who consider the article to be about politics and social welfare miss its central po.....
» 29/11/2018 10:56:41 PM Dear Galen, It is not that straight-forward because there are diverse types of zionism (h.....
» 29/11/2018 9:58:32 PM Dear Dan, «I'm not all that interested in your religious views.» My philosophy and relig.....
» 29/11/2018 9:58:07 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Was Robin Hood a criminal? «If a parent or an organization wants to t.....
» 28/11/2018 11:48:40 PM Just to clarify, ALTRAV speaks for himself/herself, not for me. Just because I mentioned t.....
» 28/11/2018 10:05:51 PM Dear Philip, I don't know enough in order to agree or not whether anti-laundering measure.....
» 28/11/2018 6:50:35 PM Dear Bazz, «The main problem is that the muslims have been quite emphatic that there is n.....
» 28/11/2018 6:05:48 PM Dear Philip, I did not understand your suggestion about how money could be used to stop t.....
» 28/11/2018 5:43:11 PM Dear Bazz, Only amateurs would send just a single file by E-mail and only amateurs would .....
» 28/11/2018 2:31:20 PM Dear Plantagenet, Indeed, "People should be hired for the job if they're the best fo.....
» 27/11/2018 11:28:43 PM Dear Bazz, For information within a sound recording to be found, first one needs to suspe.....
» 27/11/2018 9:00:35 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, It is a legitimate form of self-defence to try to stop terrorism or cr.....
» 27/11/2018 3:06:49 PM One could never expect a parliament or some other secular body to determine what is or isn.....
» 27/11/2018 2:29:46 PM When choice is a problem, there's a solution: marry, then let your spouse make the choices.....
» 27/11/2018 10:30:09 AM Further, if you want to hide something real secret, hide it in a pornographic image, then .....
» 26/11/2018 11:04:15 PM The best way to encrypt a message is when nobody recognises that a message even exists. An.....
» 26/11/2018 10:29:06 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Hasn't this already been discussed?» I think not. If the article is .....
» 26/11/2018 5:44:43 PM "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands .....
» 22/11/2018 9:26:26 PM What utter rubbish - there are no leaders and we are not anyone's followers: the evil peop.....
» 22/11/2018 4:36:56 PM Point #1: "Purpose". While the authors stated THEIR purpose ("a prosperous.....
» 22/11/2018 4:22:41 PM Dear OzSpen, «Please state who they are and in which books of the Bible they are located».....
» 20/11/2018 10:30:59 AM Dear Nick, Please allow us to stay on the topic and not to dilute this discussion with em.....
» 20/11/2018 10:19:33 AM Dear OzSpen, «You contradict the Judeo-Christian Scriptures» Regarding the Christian Scr.....
» 20/11/2018 8:37:40 AM Dear OzSpen, To spend either eternal life or eternal damnation, you must at least be eter.....
» 20/11/2018 6:56:26 AM Dear Nick, I was not thinking of embassies - I care for the good Jordanians and Israelis,.....
» 19/11/2018 9:57:02 PM Family ties or otherwise - Jordan could not survive without establishing an apartheid agai.....
» 19/11/2018 9:39:03 PM Dear OzSpen, «Nowhere do the Christian Scriptures state that people "ONLY SEEM to be.....
» 19/11/2018 6:47:50 AM Dear Nick, Well Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel, what's the big deal? It only includes.....
» 18/11/2018 9:38:19 PM Dear Nick, «The business of east Jerusalem Arabs is that Israel is expelling them.» This.....
» 18/11/2018 9:32:16 PM Dear OzSpen, Thank you for the quotes and the assessment: I agree. Yes, we are born and .....
» 18/11/2018 4:42:51 PM Dear Nick, «Can you connect approval of embassies moving there with approval of ruling ag.....
» 18/11/2018 2:45:34 PM Dear Nick, As I wrote earlier, I lament the fact that the Arabs in Eastern Jerusalem are .....
» 18/11/2018 2:32:45 PM [...continued] 1. Knowledge: including study of scripture, but also constant self-inspect.....
» 18/11/2018 2:32:40 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, You have no need to access [what-seems-to-be] others' thoughts. There.....
» 18/11/2018 12:42:34 PM Dear Nick, «A large part of Israelis chose to join the new state by immigrating, knowing .....
» 17/11/2018 10:30:09 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Scripture confirms that our common experience is of being a human, lim.....
» 17/11/2018 8:51:31 PM Dear Nick, «You are against moving there and nations would do well to move there. Which i.....
» 16/11/2018 7:07:39 PM Dear OzSpen, There is no contradiction: What You and I and everyone else truly are, is Go.....
» 16/11/2018 7:02:38 PM Dear Nick, I don't give Israel a right of conquest, in fact I lament its 1967 occupation......
» 16/11/2018 4:14:49 PM Dear Nick, As you may have noticed, I also am not in favour of making that choice of movi.....
» 16/11/2018 4:01:58 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, We may differ in our theology, but not in the practical religious conc.....
» 16/11/2018 3:31:36 PM Dear Foxy, Tel Aviv was never Israel's capital, only its main commercial hub. Western Je.....
» 16/11/2018 7:42:17 AM Dear Nick, They can say whatever they like, but the hill itself (Givat Ram), perhaps in d.....
» 15/11/2018 10:45:54 PM Dear Nick, Givat Ram in general and the Knesset in particular are incontestably well with.....
» 15/11/2018 10:22:03 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «The issue here is that if the second option is true, then we live in .....
» 15/11/2018 7:24:43 PM This concept (probably from Persian origins) as if God has rivals, like evil angels who wa.....
» 14/11/2018 11:22:06 AM Dear Dan, No doubt the stories of Enoch ('Chanoch' in the original text), probably from P.....
» 14/11/2018 10:50:00 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, In everyday life it is forgivable to use simplified language: say you .....
» 13/11/2018 3:08:40 PM Dear Dan, I cannot comment on this speculation of fallen angels which is based on the boo.....
» 13/11/2018 12:35:56 PM Dear Dan, Good questions indeed: «if good and evil were already in existence, but man wa.....
» 13/11/2018 12:13:57 PM Dear OzSpen, «Which God/god are you writing about?» God. Is there more than one?.....
» 13/11/2018 6:21:07 AM Kul Kalb Biji Yomo! (Every dog shall have his day,
» 13/11/2018 5:44:28 AM We should celebrate those 628,000 who managed to escape the system. Obviously if they wan.....
» 13/11/2018 5:40:51 AM Dear Hasbeen, «In every industry in Australia, a business person is entitled to deduct th.....
» 13/11/2018 5:03:10 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Did you type up that last message to Banjo and me?» I am asking that.....
» 13/11/2018 3:44:13 AM Dear Banjo, «the only logical conclusion that one can draw from the fact that you also de.....
» 13/11/2018 1:14:59 AM Dear Thinkabit, «Thus if my body was to murder someone than I'm in no way responsible. » .....
» 12/11/2018 9:32:23 AM Dear OzSpen, Yes, if you wish to go into subtleties, then a person also includes a mind w.....
» 11/11/2018 9:08:36 PM Dear OzSpen, We CAN pursue an understanding of God and it is an excellent practice which .....
» 11/11/2018 5:17:44 AM Dear Banjo, « The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action » A person i.....
» 9/11/2018 5:55:48 PM Dear Thinkabit, «at what point of their development does a human gain free will» Never. .....
» 9/11/2018 9:38:03 AM Dear Banjo, «I suspect that all forms of life have some degree of free will – even plants.....
» 7/11/2018 8:17:20 PM Dear Individual, «Can you confirm there is a God ?» It depends on what exactly you mean .....
» 7/11/2018 12:04:23 PM Dear Belly, You are correct, but why do you consider existence to be a good thing? Only o.....
» 7/11/2018 10:22:00 AM Dear OzSpen, «Or is your definition of 'God' different to my understanding?» You underst.....
» 6/11/2018 11:21:59 PM Dear OzSpen, I did not understand your question: "How can the 'objective world' of '.....
» 6/11/2018 2:35:18 PM Dear JP, Nothing in the objective world, INCLUDING INTELLIGENCE, can disprove determinism.....
» 5/11/2018 11:52:57 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Reading, Writing and Math are extremely important and nobody suggested.....
» 5/11/2018 10:42:24 PM I bow down and offer my salutations to Shri Hanuman, the divine, wise and invincible ape w.....
» 5/11/2018 9:34:36 PM This article demonstrates the kind of absurd conclusions reached by those who glorify the .....
» 3/11/2018 9:37:52 PM Dear Pogi, Perhaps you are right in saying that this custom of reading the Lord's Prayer .....
» 1/11/2018 1:53:47 PM Dear Toni, «I don't know if you were attempting to argue against your own initial positio.....
» 1/11/2018 7:12:45 AM Dear Paul, «The nonsense put forward by the non producing parasites from that money grabb.....
» 31/10/2018 9:05:49 AM Dear Paul, Horse Trading is probably the best outcome in democracy because it mitigates t.....
» 29/10/2018 11:02:28 PM This is horrific, hell on earth. All we can do is pray for the Chinese people and for thos.....
» 29/10/2018 5:39:09 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Schools should teach so to prepare the students for the world.» This.....
» 29/10/2018 3:50:36 PM Dear Foxy, «Of course my intention was to discuss the rights of religious schools in our .....
» 29/10/2018 2:34:11 PM Dear Foxy, Your reply still leaves me confused: sorry for not having asked it on the firs.....
» 29/10/2018 2:08:56 PM Dear Foxy, «what this discussion is about - is what decisions the government will make re.....
» 29/10/2018 1:01:40 PM Dear Foxy, «Religion as we know exists all around us.» I am so glad to hear this from yo.....
» 28/10/2018 10:43:10 AM To look at the broader picture, a Universal Basic Income (or Negative Income Tax) is the w.....
» 28/10/2018 7:51:16 AM Thank you, David. I think that you should campaign in parliament against the misuse of th.....
» 28/10/2018 7:20:11 AM «a. a permanent population;» That's clear enough - no population is permanent hence no st.....
» 27/10/2018 8:48:26 PM Dear Foxy, «People in this country are free to follow whatever religion they want as long.....
» 26/10/2018 6:35:47 PM It is not feasible to make legal exemptions for religion because ordinary humans are not a.....
» 24/10/2018 11:14:19 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «It's something that students are going to have to face into their liv.....
» 24/10/2018 12:51:25 AM Dear Dan, Using the toilet is not a sexual activity. We seem to be mixing two completely.....
» 23/10/2018 6:16:18 PM Well, like him or not, Sheikh Hilali is correct in saying that schools are supposed to pro.....
» 21/10/2018 7:05:02 PM Dear Foxy, Yes I share some views with ALTRAV, but not all. I also share some views with .....
» 21/10/2018 8:07:54 AM Dear Foxy, Thank you for correcting your statement from "we" to "Australia.....
» 20/10/2018 10:25:36 PM Dear ALTRAV, Certainly, religion WILL prevail. But patience is a virtue. There is much .....
» 20/10/2018 10:16:30 PM Dear Foxy, I congratulate Kerryn Phelps for her victory: any MP who is not affiliated wit.....
» 19/10/2018 6:35:43 PM Dear Foxy, Did you mean generations upon generations of sweepers? For granddad to be a s.....
» 19/10/2018 5:59:00 PM Dear SteeleRedux, If the real issue was "discrimination", then religious school.....
» 19/10/2018 11:32:17 AM I also support the end of the Israeli occupation and the restoration of Israel's moral fou.....
» 19/10/2018 12:16:39 AM [...continued] I have already made my position known: 1) Religion and mundane power are .....
» 19/10/2018 12:16:34 AM Dear Paul, «At the core of this argument is to what extent should those that exercise pow.....
» 18/10/2018 2:10:34 PM Dear Foxy, I understand that we all are waiting eagerly for the verdict. For some perhaps.....
» 18/10/2018 12:46:05 PM Dear Foxy, «All Australians are free to follow any religion they choose, so long as...» .....
» 17/10/2018 11:41:14 PM Dear Foxy, «I am not aware of any school that does not get some form of government fundin.....
» 17/10/2018 5:14:30 PM Dear Foxy, Well kindly tell me what is your position regarding the ability of such religi.....
» 17/10/2018 4:22:48 PM Dear Foxy, «You stated to me on page 5: "Sexuality is an affliction, a disturbance .....
» 17/10/2018 3:51:19 PM Dear Foxy, Regarding the connection to this topic, while replying to Is Mise, Paul initia.....
» 17/10/2018 12:07:46 PM [...continued] «Many simply believe money is what determines all, but its not always down.....
» 17/10/2018 12:07:42 PM Dear Foxy and Paul, You cite the current citizenship-oath and indeed, today I wouldn't ha.....
» 17/10/2018 11:01:33 AM Dear Foxy, «gay men and women don't view their sexual orientations as afflictions.» Neit.....
» 16/10/2018 11:54:57 PM Dear Foxy, The abuse of the nice English word "gay" was pushed for political re.....
» 16/10/2018 11:32:00 PM Dear Foxy, «What was being discussed was this country's democratic legislature that gover.....
» 16/10/2018 5:27:14 PM Dear Foxy, If a person does not fuss or make a provocative big deal about their sexuality.....
» 16/10/2018 2:51:20 PM Dear Foxy, According to your last post: You are a member and supporter of a rogue gang w.....
» 16/10/2018 2:01:06 PM Dear Rusty, Thank you, this is a fair comparison. I wouldn't use the word "subdivis.....
» 16/10/2018 9:18:15 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Same goes for if the school neglects to teach the students fundamenta.....
» 16/10/2018 8:35:21 AM Dear Ttbn, I think that you have taken my words a step too far: There are homosexuals an.....
» 15/10/2018 11:27:34 PM Dear Foxy, Being "gay" is a socio-political orientation, not a sexual one. «I .....
» 15/10/2018 10:59:27 PM Dear Foxy, «I don't want to go over this topic again with you. I was not imposing anythin.....
» 15/10/2018 6:24:16 PM Dear Foxy, «I am merely trying to broaden this discussion. It is a topic worth discussin.....
» 15/10/2018 5:51:18 PM Dear Foxy, «It's just occurred to me that the Religious Review that will be presented to .....
» 15/10/2018 3:30:51 PM Dear Belly, Why have you addressed this story about the Liberal party and the coming by-e.....
» 15/10/2018 11:52:09 AM Dear Belly, What makes you think that I like bigots? --- Regarding the SSM vote, sorry,.....
» 15/10/2018 11:17:05 AM I couldn't agree more with this article - thank you Andrew!.....
» 15/10/2018 10:58:14 AM «In summary, religious institutions, or businesses, should not be allowed to refuse their .....
» 15/10/2018 10:30:19 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «However the 'freedom' you want is already there.» I have no need for .....
» 15/10/2018 8:03:24 AM Dear Belly, «This mornings Sydney press has a poll, just over 20 percent support schools .....
» 15/10/2018 12:38:10 AM Dear Foxy, Ideally, the way it should be: The word "school" should not appear .....
» 13/10/2018 9:35:56 PM Dear Banjo, I can explain in plain words how all I wrote fits nicely together, but I resp.....
» 13/10/2018 8:53:48 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I was about to recommend you this reference:
» 13/10/2018 8:20:26 PM Dear George, Yes, some methods of worship require exclusivity - Hinduism has no problem w.....
» 12/10/2018 4:51:36 PM Dear Banjo, Your understanding of God seems to be based on literal reading and common int.....
» 12/10/2018 2:06:12 PM Dear Dan, «Where are you on this one YUYUTSU...I'm hanging out for my dose of reality.........
» 11/10/2018 11:24:37 AM Dear Banjo, It looks like we stumbled upon this fascinating topic of dignity, but before .....
» 10/10/2018 11:15:07 PM China is an enemy that wants to take over the world, including Australia, and destroy our .....
» 10/10/2018 9:26:24 PM We cannot address the issue without first looking at the motivation to have sex, in this c.....
» 10/10/2018 9:09:31 PM Dear Banjo, I think we can agree on the value of freedom, which we both cherish. «I have.....
» 9/10/2018 12:25:29 PM I sometimes wonder why the author holds such a grudge against the good Jordanians that he .....
» 9/10/2018 10:30:22 AM Dear Banjo, This small-dog/large-dog example did not occur to me, perhaps because this is.....
» 8/10/2018 8:11:50 PM Dear Nathan, Yes, your observation is correct. But not only humans: everyone and everyth.....
» 8/10/2018 7:53:38 PM Dear Pogi, How do your claims contribute to this discussion? Suppose indeed I made a foo.....
» 8/10/2018 2:40:34 PM [...continued] «There are many different theories about how the universe came about. Some.....
» 8/10/2018 2:40:29 PM Dear Banjo, When you love someone, you don't expect them to be perfect or a deity, but ad.....
» 7/10/2018 10:28:43 AM Dear Banjo, «love is wise; worship is foolish.» Worship is an expression of love, consis.....
» 7/10/2018 12:14:45 AM Dear Banjo, «In my opinion, any “God” who expects anybody to worship him is not a God.» .....
» 5/10/2018 1:24:35 PM Dear Banjo, The way you reworded it now makes sense: "{Some people consider that hyp.....
» 4/10/2018 1:51:52 PM Dear Banjo, «I consider that there is no God until “proven” otherwise – which I don’t rul.....
» 3/10/2018 4:35:40 PM Dear George, I am impressed with your reply to Banjo. The subtlest matter mentioned in t.....
» 3/10/2018 4:35:36 PM Dear Banjo, While I aspire to be worthy of the description "religious", accordi.....
» 2/10/2018 4:28:29 PM Dear Banjo, According to the OED, 'Hypothesis'="A supposition or proposed explanatio.....
» 1/10/2018 10:39:07 PM Dear Julian, «the fiction that it is "the Jewish homeland" when it contains onl.....
» 1/10/2018 2:07:35 AM Dear Banjo, Re “hypothetical God”, clearly, God is not an hypotheses, for I do not know o.....
» 27/09/2018 3:33:47 PM Dear Fred, «All fathers should be required to take their sons to a sex worker on their 16.....
» 27/09/2018 2:16:09 PM Dear Nick, Well you know how this was discovered? It's that man who ordered a fish in a .....
» 27/09/2018 12:18:30 PM Dear Banjo, I don't quite see how this lesson in cosmology which you wrote to me, fascina.....
» 24/09/2018 1:13:00 PM Why should the poor Jordanian people need to suffer those stupid and violent "Palesti.....
» 24/09/2018 9:56:22 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Please keep away from ghosts and the like: this is a pathological cond.....
» 23/09/2018 3:35:18 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «From what I know of the world we are still a barbaric creature.» In .....
» 22/09/2018 9:09:38 PM Dear Banjo, «I am curious to know from what (according to your religious belief) God made.....
» 18/09/2018 4:34:21 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, We may have differences of terminology. The heaven I was speaking abo.....
» 17/09/2018 3:26:08 PM Dear Dan, Correct overall, but just a few fine tunings: «abject failures in the light of.....
» 17/09/2018 2:14:49 PM Dear Fred, So you really believe that a change of location can bring about change of fort.....
» 16/09/2018 11:36:33 PM Dear Not_now.Soon, «the hopes from being a Christian are that you can be close to God in .....
» 15/09/2018 11:09:48 PM Dear Dan, Well you can call me an anti-reincarnationist... Reincarnation occurs, but it .....
» 14/09/2018 12:11:42 PM Dear Is Mise, Never be disappointed? First disappointment comes when your head is forcef.....
» 14/09/2018 2:09:34 AM Life is not a quiz! Faith has nothing to do with whatever beliefs one happens to hold: yo.....
» 10/09/2018 3:51:24 PM Welcome Boxy, First your title-question is a bit strange: "are we a democracy?".....
» 9/09/2018 3:25:16 PM Dear David, Yes, the mind does some very strange things and people truly believe what the.....
» 9/09/2018 12:45:33 AM Dear Banjo, It is not only me and Peter - you too are God, and David too, and everyone an.....
» 7/09/2018 12:13:11 PM Dear Banjo, If Socrates encouraged us to know ourselves, then the referred article fails .....
» 6/09/2018 8:13:57 AM Dear Banjo, I do not believe that Moses wrote the bible either (nor do I think does Peter.....
» 5/09/2018 1:09:45 AM Dear Banjo, The Hebrew word for rib, "Tselå" can also mean "side", bu.....
» 4/09/2018 4:39:20 PM Dear Altrav, Suffice that I don't know any person who is not selfish - should it mean tha.....
» 4/09/2018 12:42:18 PM Dear Individual, Only the human concepts about God differ across cultures, but the actual.....
» 3/09/2018 2:23:55 AM Dear Banjo, I also was at times disappointed by Peter's lack of engagement, but I underst.....
» 2/09/2018 1:16:58 PM Dear Banjo, Hebrew has no distinction between "woman" and "wife", so .....
» 31/08/2018 12:23:56 PM Dear Ezhill, On the one hand you say: «crime, injustice etc are committed in the name of.....
» 31/08/2018 12:03:56 AM The whole thing is sick: government, through the RBA, deliberately creates inflation in or.....
» 28/08/2018 5:45:26 PM Dear Belly, Preference swaps will continue, the only difference is that they will now be .....
» 28/08/2018 4:00:31 PM Anyone who signed the Paris agreement, is either a liar or ignorant of the laws of thermod.....
» 28/08/2018 3:49:11 PM Dear Belly, Previously in senate elections, parties were able to elect default preference.....
» 28/08/2018 12:38:39 PM Dear Belly, «it is said man invented near 4.000 of them» Man only invented that many REP.....
» 28/08/2018 10:28:55 AM What's this nonsense about "the unity of all Australians"? Just because people'.....
» 28/08/2018 10:10:08 AM The objective world as we perceive it, is not the Reality and yes, it is bitter for nothin.....
» 28/08/2018 9:51:38 AM Why should only Muslims be immune from Australian law? We all should, unless we opt in!.....
» 28/08/2018 9:02:23 AM Dear Belly, «Anthony Green highlighted all the crossbenchers will need to be reelected in.....
» 25/08/2018 9:39:14 PM Perhaps the bishop does not believe that someone with eight children and medieval views ca.....
» 25/08/2018 9:12:33 PM «Two peoples – the Arabs and the Jews - need two states – not three - in former Palestine......
» 25/08/2018 8:45:08 PM There is not much to add after the good contributions by Ttbn, Joe (Loudmouth), Sockadelic.....
» 22/08/2018 2:15:14 PM Dear Joe, You made two lists of necessary providers of goods and services versus the para.....
» 21/08/2018 2:22:35 PM Dear Calwest, To summarise, you believe that ordinary people are stupid and should not ha.....
» 20/08/2018 11:41:18 PM Dear Michael, «So they are also going to by-pass the Palestinian people?» The "Pale.....
» 20/08/2018 5:42:02 PM Well said, Alon: I agree with this article 99%, that is except for the mention towards th.....
» 20/08/2018 10:42:35 AM The senate is needed because the lower house is undemocratic, where ordinary people are no.....
» 20/08/2018 12:47:10 AM Life without money is healthier and happier, it is how things should ideally be. Where ca.....
» 19/08/2018 3:27:19 AM Dear Is Mise, But so long as taxes are not voluntary (as I wish them to be), one is denie.....
» 19/08/2018 12:30:23 AM Dear Is Mise, «all of the charitable work that they now do should be funded by the State,.....
» 18/08/2018 9:02:10 PM "... where sovereignty still remains undetermined between Arabs and Jews." No, .....
» 18/08/2018 8:43:10 PM Dear Belly, «what was the thought behind no tax for them in the first place?» The though.....
» 15/08/2018 12:02:52 PM Well perhaps from an economic point of view it is possible to squeeze many more people ont.....
» 13/08/2018 10:12:53 AM Dear David, Shri Krishna was not born of a virgin - he was born in jail as the eighth son.....
» 10/08/2018 1:03:58 PM Dear Josephus, «Schools are supposed to teach and equip us for the present world.» Herei.....
» 10/08/2018 12:50:02 PM Dear SM, Jews should still be able to live in Eastern Jerusalem even once Israel no longe.....
» 8/08/2018 12:48:20 PM Dear Dan, I played all three movements, but not from memory and only on the piano, using .....
» 7/08/2018 11:55:41 PM Dear Dan, Moonlight Sonata... Thank you for reminding me about it - I haven't played it .....
» 7/08/2018 6:38:24 PM Dear CHERFUL, «Violence and religion are not contradictory terms. The Muslim Koran(religi.....
» 7/08/2018 5:00:04 PM Mandatory schooling and the indoctrination that goes therein, especially towards state-ens.....
» 6/08/2018 6:20:50 PM Dear CHERFUL, «Maybe the Bill should read, “the right to believe in a non violent religio.....
» 6/08/2018 2:15:38 PM There were times when procreation was important. At those times, having convex or concave .....
» 6/08/2018 1:50:08 PM I don't know whether Trump loves Israel, I don't even know whether he loves anyone but him.....
» 6/08/2018 1:39:45 PM Yes! Identifying religion with denying others the freedom to die, is harmful to religion......
» 6/08/2018 1:18:40 PM Religion is the ultimate force in the universe, so nothing is more paramount than the free.....
» 5/08/2018 5:01:34 PM Dear Foxy, «the values of the Liberal Party - like individual dignity, self-reliance, nat.....
» 1/08/2018 4:56:11 PM I cannot comment on your body's physical health, so see the experts for that. All I can s.....
» 29/07/2018 10:45:08 PM Dear Banjo, We were discussing a moral issue: we must clearly distinguish between right a.....
» 29/07/2018 9:18:43 PM Dear Foxy, «Pure democracy would mean that every citizen would have the right to particip.....
» 29/07/2018 5:32:44 PM Dear Foxy, «In a democracy the citizen is supposed to be in charge, not the bureaucrat.» .....
» 29/07/2018 3:48:00 PM Dear Foxy, «I would like to hear your views on what the party can and should do prior to .....
» 29/07/2018 3:35:05 PM Dear Belly, «We could ask if small party voters understand they in fact vote for one of t.....
» 28/07/2018 9:39:42 PM I agree with Runner: Do you really think that you or your doctors can do a better job tha.....
» 28/07/2018 9:23:48 PM Dear Ttbn, Thank you for this discussion. «It's not particularly about immigration; ther.....
» 28/07/2018 9:00:20 PM Dear Banjo, Most people live where they are because they were born there: what's being bo.....
» 27/07/2018 12:41:20 PM Well I have created my record myself some years ago, but only because I am not and never w.....
» 27/07/2018 12:21:08 PM Dear Banjo, Democracy, including democratic legislation, is one possible way for a group .....
» 26/07/2018 1:57:56 PM Thank you, Banjo, it was a nice discussion with you. As for "morally acceptable legi.....
» 25/07/2018 5:43:53 PM The only reason I will not opt out, is that my health-record will always remain almost emp.....
» 25/07/2018 10:23:52 AM I wonder where this idea as if babies are innocent came from - not from religion anyway, p.....
» 25/07/2018 1:39:28 AM Dear David, Since you asked, I do care for pregnant women and for their freedom to choose.....
» 24/07/2018 3:11:41 PM Dear Banjo, «if a soul is someone, does that someone also have a soul who is someone and .....
» 24/07/2018 1:52:38 AM Dear Banjo, «The OED definition of soul is...» Sloppy. Humans/animals are pure matter a.....
» 23/07/2018 4:08:34 PM Dear Joe, Agreed: no physical, chemical or biological evidence for a soul. So? As I bel.....
» 23/07/2018 2:28:11 PM Dear Joe, In this context, I never mentioned heaven or hell, god or religion, so please t.....
» 23/07/2018 10:39:51 AM Dear Banjo, Assuming there is no soul, then the concept of morality is stupid and those p.....
» 23/07/2018 1:24:20 AM Dear Banjo, «There is “falsifiable evidence” of the existence of a foetus, but not of a s.....
» 23/07/2018 1:04:13 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, You have every reason to be upset with David. So long as he only crit.....
» 21/07/2018 10:48:39 PM Dear Belly, «and knowing small parties remain small because they can not win the support .....
» 21/07/2018 10:29:25 PM Dear Banjo, «In the US, research labs pay upward of $850 for an organism such as a fœtus».....
» 20/07/2018 5:20:02 PM Dear Joe, «A non-independently-viable sub-organism ?» No organism is viable - they all d.....
» 20/07/2018 3:30:40 PM Dear Ttbn, «There is no reason why Westerners would want to appropriate any culture obvio.....
» 20/07/2018 3:07:54 PM Dear Banjo, «I think it would help if we all agree on what exactly a foetus is» An organ.....
» 19/07/2018 10:40:39 PM Dear Philip, «Yuyutsu Quote "No doctor can enter your medical information unless you.....
» 19/07/2018 12:47:46 PM No doctor can enter your medical information unless you give them your medicare number. (a.....
» 18/07/2018 1:20:23 AM Dear David, I can understand why you wouldn't want to discuss any further and respond to .....
» 17/07/2018 6:56:43 PM Dear David, «People may send their children to religious schools, but they or their relig.....
» 17/07/2018 9:00:07 AM Dear Individual, One day it could be you or one of your family, possibly for a crime you/.....
» 15/07/2018 11:59:24 PM Dear O Sung Wu, Yes I have read Orwell's "1984", I don't remember exactly when,.....
» 15/07/2018 11:12:59 PM Dear Ttbn, «I still think marriage between a man and a women is a good thing.» And I cer.....
» 15/07/2018 10:48:09 PM God bless you, Foxy! --- Dear HereNow, As OzSpen refused to answer your questions, plea.....
» 15/07/2018 8:55:34 PM Dear Aidan, We cannot reach God by our own efforts, but we can turn towards Him and remov.....
» 15/07/2018 7:15:39 AM Dear Aidan, Well if you just think of white-collar employers, then indeed CBDs are a gold.....
» 15/07/2018 1:22:56 AM Hopefully we shall see the percentage of legal-marriages for heterosexual couples drop sim.....
» 14/07/2018 11:21:30 PM CBDs are an anachronistic white elephant and an obstruction to traffic. Understandably, r.....
» 14/07/2018 10:36:32 PM Dear Aidan, The context of this discussion is the church. While others may have differen.....
» 14/07/2018 9:59:44 PM Dear Banjo, Thank you for the good poem! Allow me to throw into the ring two Jewish answ.....
» 14/07/2018 8:36:33 PM Dear Foxy, «as far as I know there seems to be no theological or doctrinal reason why the.....
» 14/07/2018 8:22:12 PM Dear O Sung Wu, But who is to say which is an error, which is a minor error and which is .....
» 13/07/2018 5:12:50 PM Dear O Sung Wu, Thanks to your reply I am really distraught and unlikely to be able to sl.....
» 13/07/2018 1:14:22 AM Dear OzSpen, You seem to confuse between rights and inherent power: "Rights" a.....
» 12/07/2018 11:11:54 PM Dear O Sung Wu, «Unfortunately not all people are like you. For this reason, we need to d.....
» 12/07/2018 1:19:48 AM God has no rights - who possibly could grant Him rights? who possibly would tell Him what .....
» 11/07/2018 2:47:40 PM Both David Singer and Emperor Julian are guilty of objectifying and reducing the Israeli p.....
» 10/07/2018 11:52:34 PM Dear O Sung Wu, «What happens if the original crime was perpetrated in the offenders home.....
» 10/07/2018 1:10:48 PM NO. Imprisonment is such a cruel, idiotic and inhumane thing that it should not be furthe.....
» 10/07/2018 9:51:12 AM Being a Christian is a tremendous claim: a Christian is willing, if necessary, to die on t.....
» 6/07/2018 5:22:30 PM Dear Is Mise, It would not be right to kill people against their will, but why not ask th.....
» 6/07/2018 5:05:59 PM Dear Belly, The whole point of Genesis 1 are the first 3 verses of Genesis 2: This whole .....
» 6/07/2018 4:00:26 PM Dear Belly, The deities which you mentioned are just gods with a small-'g'. Most were pro.....
» 6/07/2018 12:45:25 AM Bless you, Toni ("I don't have a credit card"), neither have I, ever. All that .....
» 6/07/2018 12:35:47 AM Welcome, 2far4u2! «Religion and beliefs over time corrupt their own fundamental principle.....
» 6/07/2018 12:23:30 AM Dear Belly, «why God did you let so many other Gods exist?» Which ones for example? Sup.....
» 5/07/2018 11:57:29 PM Dear Toni, «But I am not opposed to appropriate corporal punishment. Castrate the bastard.....
» 5/07/2018 4:51:51 PM [...continued] Again, it matters not that the person they confide in is a priest, except .....
» 5/07/2018 4:51:48 PM Dear Banjo, I am glad to stand corrected that you do not wish for religion to disappear a.....
» 4/07/2018 12:43:27 PM Dear Banjo, I understand that you would have liked, if you could, to have religion disapp.....
» 3/07/2018 3:46:34 PM I believe each and every TV ad that I see - all 00000000000000000000000000000000000 of the.....
» 3/07/2018 3:34:42 PM If what the author describes is correct, then the question of welfare or no-welfare dwarfs.....
» 2/07/2018 10:17:39 PM What's the point of identifying with genetic differences, why make a big deal of it? would.....
» 2/07/2018 8:21:47 PM Outlawing guns was just phase 1. Outlawing pepper sprays and the like was phase 2. All th.....
» 30/06/2018 11:05:42 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Isn't it wonderful when you have a prophet to tell you in advance whet.....
» 30/06/2018 10:32:40 PM Dear Foxy, «Murder, rape, threatening or endangering life are considered major indictable.....
» 29/06/2018 3:54:38 PM Dear Foxy, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. You have mentioned her many times ove.....
» 29/06/2018 1:52:56 PM Dear Ttbn, «there are non-Christians who play about with idols. Human beings - no.» In H.....
» 29/06/2018 1:30:04 PM Dear Is Mise, «What is going on at the moment is political posturing of the "See, we.....
» 29/06/2018 1:01:28 PM Dear Foxy, I, for one, live in this country and do not belong to your "we", jus.....
» 28/06/2018 10:35:20 PM Dear Rehctub, Regarding the off-topic bit, according to the bible, humans were created ea.....
» 28/06/2018 9:00:04 PM Dear Foxy, Why do your words sound so familiar? I have already responded to them in the p.....
» 28/06/2018 3:15:08 PM Dear Hasbeen, When a piece of information is important enough, I confirm it with internat.....
» 28/06/2018 3:04:55 PM Dear Foxy, «You understand full well what laws we are all subject to living in this count.....
» 28/06/2018 2:45:59 PM Dear Ttbn, While the concept of subscription is good in principle, this wouldn't technica.....
» 28/06/2018 1:23:43 PM Dear Ttbn, So how do you like my suggestion: the ABC to remain public, but those who do n.....
» 28/06/2018 12:39:30 PM The ABC should not be privatised. Having a source of news and music that is not contamina.....
» 28/06/2018 9:11:18 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, We will probably never know all that Jesus really told his disciples: .....
» 28/06/2018 1:33:30 AM Dear Foxy, Yes, I have read this paragraph several times before. It mentions 'our' (or 'o.....
» 28/06/2018 12:47:15 AM Dear Individual, «what's your view on why God tolerates the suffering of innocent childre.....
» 27/06/2018 5:14:38 PM Dear Forward, 1) I am not Catholic, not even Christian. 2) No priest will break the seal.....
» 27/06/2018 4:48:22 PM As Foxy mentioned, such worship needs to be understood in its cultural context. Bussa Kri.....
» 27/06/2018 1:00:21 PM Dear Foxy, «there are laws that you are required to obey» Required by whom? A bunch of b.....
» 27/06/2018 9:32:34 AM A good excuse to isolate China! And the following is recommended:
» 26/06/2018 6:18:07 PM Dear JBSH, Priests do not absolve sins - God does. (and priests who believe that it is t.....
» 26/06/2018 3:02:17 PM Bring on the blues - we know this already, we always knew what China is all about - the qu.....
» 26/06/2018 1:51:57 PM Dear Foxy, I support your second option wholeheartedly: "cut off their funding and t.....
» 26/06/2018 12:23:13 PM Dear Engineer, «Those of contrary opinion must first demonstrate how their opinion overri.....
» 26/06/2018 11:39:48 AM «Both Archbishops Hart and Fisher are out of step with Australian moral values.» There is.....
» 26/06/2018 10:29:17 AM Dear Dan, «You should stop thinking Yuyutsu» Thank you, I am trying, but it is not easy .....
» 26/06/2018 12:13:33 AM Taking harmful drugs such as marijuana does not make sense - whether legal or otherwise. .....
» 25/06/2018 9:35:45 PM Dear Cossomby, Nazi officers were just one example. Obviously there were others who recen.....
» 24/06/2018 4:56:27 PM Dear Belly, First give such a young country boy some basic income, so they don't fall pre.....
» 24/06/2018 4:34:19 PM Dear Belly, «if you sit around and make no effort? is that why thousands die of starvatio.....
» 24/06/2018 4:07:58 PM Dear Belly, «but is it [(base income for every one)] the best or only way to fix the grow.....
» 24/06/2018 3:55:53 PM Dear Dan, «So let's tick off the Jews who were gassed and melted down for valuables, dese.....
» 24/06/2018 11:26:22 AM Dear Rehctub, «Surely we deserve better.» It appears that we do not! Nobody ever gets a.....
» 22/06/2018 5:15:47 PM Having a job, particularly a formal money-earning job, ought to be a lifestyle choice, not.....
» 20/06/2018 1:39:25 AM Dear Altrav, It is said that in the Soviet Union there was a Jewish scientist who made a .....
» 19/06/2018 3:45:41 PM Dear Banjo, «A number of fervent religious zealots have come up with some fairly fantasti.....
» 19/06/2018 2:48:18 PM Dear Altrav, «just as I have had to 'suck it up' for the 67 years of my life in this mise.....
» 19/06/2018 12:15:43 AM Dear Altrav, «NO, a society may not do anything, if in doing so contravenes any laws, or .....
» 18/06/2018 3:23:30 PM Dear Rache, Thank you for the information. Let me clarify that the issue is not about th.....
» 18/06/2018 2:56:04 PM Dear Altrav, So going a full circle we seem to be in agreement that a society MAY, if so .....
» 18/06/2018 2:15:16 PM Dear Toni, «Being forced, against your will, to gain an education.» What's school to do .....
» 18/06/2018 11:00:04 AM Dear Banjo, Many indeed do refer to God as Love. They are one and the same, the only diff.....
» 17/06/2018 11:21:24 PM Dear Belly, Thank you for your great questions: «what are we a country? community? hopefu.....
» 17/06/2018 10:32:17 AM Dear Dan, The lesson is to use one's will to overcome passivity, darkness, sloth and othe.....
» 16/06/2018 10:52:43 PM Dear Altrav, You describe very well how those two charity-seekers should have behaved. I .....
» 16/06/2018 8:50:50 PM Dear Altrav, Thank you, I understand your position and identification with Scrooge. So y.....
» 16/06/2018 8:21:18 PM Dear Nathan, «History: "A chronological record of significant events"» Now who.....
» 16/06/2018 8:01:47 PM Thank you Peter, I loved this article. --- Dear Dan, «The poor of this land, live at de.....
» 16/06/2018 7:15:24 PM Dear Foxy, «Julia Gillard's NBN roll-out differed greatly from that of what the Coalition.....
» 15/06/2018 5:17:54 PM Dear Foxy, Julia is the person responsible for forcing the NBN down our throats which is .....
» 13/06/2018 2:33:17 PM Absolutely true. Thank you, Nicola. The vast majority of people agree with the principle .....
» 13/06/2018 2:12:30 PM Dear Altrav, You come out here as quite an unrefined person: rough, insensitive and incon.....
» 13/06/2018 12:07:35 PM Dear Altrav, The example you provided of a car blocking your driveway is complex and intr.....
» 13/06/2018 2:53:50 AM Dear Altrav, Could you answer just this: Most would agree that one's right not to be pun.....
» 13/06/2018 1:02:17 AM Dear Canem Malum, «Socrates the giant of Western Philosophy was also a big fan.» So what.....
» 13/06/2018 12:44:10 AM Dear Foxy, «Free speech is not a legal right people hold in Australia.» Correct, but wha.....
» 13/06/2018 12:05:50 AM Dear Runner, «there would be far less hunger in India if people ate cows instead of belie.....
» 12/06/2018 4:34:41 PM Dear Foxy, «Freedom of speech is not freedom to abuse.» But freedom of speech includes t.....
» 12/06/2018 1:39:44 PM Trust depends on choice - if you have the option to use a service or not, then you wouldn'.....
» 11/06/2018 10:53:29 PM Dear Dan, Are you sure that your last post was intended for me? If so, then it is you wh.....
» 11/06/2018 5:13:20 PM The article provides a good argument why electing citizens at random is a better system th.....
» 11/06/2018 4:46:39 PM Dear Rache, Anyone who desires world-domination cannot be religious because religion libe.....
» 11/06/2018 12:28:01 AM Dear Bazz, You are bursting into an open door: «There seems to suddenly be a lot of peop.....
» 11/06/2018 12:09:45 AM Dear Altrav, Thank you for considering what I said, even if you disagree. As I see it, r.....
» 10/06/2018 10:25:07 PM Dear Critic, Has anyone here suggested killing anyone else? I think not. Not only that, .....
» 10/06/2018 10:06:00 PM Dear Altrav, Truth-telling is extremely important and indeed should be the only language .....
» 10/06/2018 3:17:55 PM Dear Foxy, I am with you on this topic. Does it surprise you? You know that I always ad.....
» 10/06/2018 2:56:08 PM It is too late for child-support, not even for one or two. Rather, parents ought to be be .....
» 10/06/2018 2:19:20 PM Dear Ttbn, «That's a hell of a lot of Jews.» And a hell of a lot of Muslims/Christians/D.....
» 9/06/2018 10:40:18 PM Dear Runner, "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted .....
» 9/06/2018 9:47:07 PM Dear Mhaze, When it comes to the Middle-East, one thing that may help to calm things down.....
» 9/06/2018 8:37:55 PM Dear Belly, The symptom of over-population is regimentation. Technically we could squeez.....
» 9/06/2018 8:13:26 PM Dear Belly, «minority's have got things by blackmailing government in to letting them inf.....
» 9/06/2018 7:23:11 PM Dear Foxy, «The issues are more complex than what you're suggesting» Even more? What I s.....
» 8/06/2018 5:12:12 PM The main culprit is not unfair dismissal laws (though they add a bit), not even the second.....
» 8/06/2018 4:28:49 PM Dear Foxy, «What they have to decide in the US Courts is whether a person's religious con.....
» 8/06/2018 4:02:01 PM Dear Belly, Where from this strange idea as if small groups wish to rule over the majorit.....
» 8/06/2018 2:46:48 PM Dear Ttbn, The author is himself an Israeli, who like many other Israelis that remember t.....
» 8/06/2018 12:25:25 PM Dear Alon, You certainly have an idea that needs to be listened to, but if you want other.....
» 8/06/2018 10:25:41 AM Dear Rache, «Davis was a government employee who refused to carry out her legal duty and .....
» 8/06/2018 1:14:50 AM Dear Belly, I very much doubt that radicalised Muslims in Australia have the numbers to f.....
» 7/06/2018 5:01:06 PM Dear SM, «A member of federal parliament is expected to serve the interests of Australia .....
» 7/06/2018 4:53:29 PM Dear Josephus, Life does not come from human orifices, only bodies do - life comes from G.....
» 7/06/2018 1:58:19 PM Dear Mhaze, There is a difference between DNS servers and IP-level routers. DNS servers .....
» 7/06/2018 1:10:28 PM Dear Foxy and Joe, At home, you should be able to say whatever you want. As a guest at ot.....
» 7/06/2018 12:58:40 PM Dear Is Mise, In the discussion that led us here, Hasbeen wrote: «I'm afraid that you wi.....
» 7/06/2018 8:22:35 AM Dear Belly, «America remains the country that had its CIA murder the people of Chile» Le.....
» 7/06/2018 5:41:22 AM Do terrorists view us as human? I hope not, but if they do then it explains their behavio.....
» 7/06/2018 12:16:29 AM Dear Is Mise, Thank you for correcting me. In light of the better information, do you co.....
» 6/06/2018 10:08:14 PM Dear Hasbeen, «you can't serve 2 masters» MP's are not supposed to serve any of those ma.....
» 6/06/2018 7:16:55 PM Dear Belly, «for me at least America no longer is a country we should follow mimic or rel.....
» 6/06/2018 6:42:07 PM As a horse can be elected as a Roman Consul, why can't the people elect a dual-citizen, or.....
» 6/06/2018 1:11:57 PM Dear Paul, «I fail to see the religious connection between baking cakes and Jesus Christ!.....
» 6/06/2018 8:35:29 AM Dear Belly, What you described can (and does) occur in the lower house as well and within.....
» 6/06/2018 12:02:23 AM Dear Foxy, No court CAN address the question of "religious exemptions" because .....
» 5/06/2018 7:04:11 PM The issue was sidelined and not addressed: A baker refused to bake a cake. Period, so wha.....
» 5/06/2018 4:30:45 PM Dear Foxy, I fully agree. However, when you say: "where everything is becoming incr.....
» 5/06/2018 3:03:01 PM Dear Josephus, It would have been terrible indeed if we needed a right in order to expres.....
» 5/06/2018 12:23:41 PM «a once in a lifetime opportunity to make huge changes in the way Australia is governed.» .....
» 5/06/2018 12:11:51 PM Dear Is Mise, This refers to all claims over islands, big or small, that in essence answe.....
» 5/06/2018 11:55:08 AM Dear Agronomist, «The reality is that the more you earn, the more likely you are to take .....
» 5/06/2018 10:58:37 AM Dear Hasbeen, I fully agree and tick all your boxes. No acceptance of rules - no benefits.....
» 5/06/2018 8:49:35 AM Dear Paul, «The balance between the right to express ones thoughts/beliefs through free s.....
» 4/06/2018 11:29:22 PM «When you look at nations that slash government red tape, protect private property rights .....
» 4/06/2018 7:14:56 PM I don't usually agree with professors, but I agree with this one. Free speech must never .....
» 4/06/2018 5:23:19 PM Oops, my mistake: these were the Greeks of course, not the Romans - and this policy result.....
» 4/06/2018 4:55:32 PM Dear Critic, I didn't find this article worth of comment, but since you mentioned mental .....
» 4/06/2018 4:38:00 PM Dear SM, «The government is only in for 3 years, if their policies are crap, then the vot.....
» 4/06/2018 1:52:00 PM Dear Belly, The consent for a party to rule can be seen as a mitigating factor, but canno.....
» 4/06/2018 11:02:34 AM Dear Belly, I have no objection that the majority's point of view should lead, but to be .....
» 3/06/2018 7:28:02 PM Dear Joe, It may be technically correct to call me an "anarchist", but I don't .....
» 3/06/2018 1:50:28 PM Dear Belly, Minorities can never rule in a democracy, they simply don't have the numbers......
» 3/06/2018 10:30:51 AM Dear Belly, You are right that democracy is not the best system. The major flaw of democr.....
» 2/06/2018 10:40:37 PM Dear Belly, Child molesters are filthy, but are not pure filth - they do what they do bec.....
» 1/06/2018 4:35:10 PM Dear HereNow, Speaking of evil, while not belittling the evils you listed against innocen.....
» 1/06/2018 4:27:58 PM Dear Paul, According to the law of karma, no one can escape punishment, religious or othe.....
» 1/06/2018 3:25:56 PM Dear Belly, I do not believe in either dictatorship or democracy, but if you want democra.....
» 1/06/2018 10:51:58 AM Dear Josephus, I wonder where you got these interpretations - my source of information wa.....
» 1/06/2018 8:49:29 AM On becoming an Australian citizen I gave my allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, Her heirs.....
» 1/06/2018 7:27:24 AM Dear Paul, Yes, I have been thinking of voluntary taxation for a long time. But it would.....
» 1/06/2018 7:06:46 AM Dear Paul, Saying "nonsense" without explanation is not an answer. If an offen.....
» 31/05/2018 11:34:23 PM Preferably get rid of both houses, but if only one house is to be eliminated, then better .....
» 31/05/2018 8:15:40 PM Just some minor corrections: Orthodox Jews do believe in angels:
» 31/05/2018 7:49:32 PM The reality is that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman cannot get rid of clerical control al.....
» 31/05/2018 5:27:03 PM Dear Belly, Religious institutions are intended to guide our spirit, not to control the w.....
» 31/05/2018 9:11:11 AM Dear Belly, I agree with your observation. Religious believers recognise that the worst .....
» 30/05/2018 6:01:07 PM Dear Josephus, «All persons working with children, the aged and disabled in our Church at.....
» 30/05/2018 2:12:26 PM Dear Alan, Please read my previous post more carefully: I am not against taxes, only agai.....
» 30/05/2018 11:32:53 AM Great topic, yet the answer is simple: Taking things from others without their consent, i.....
» 29/05/2018 6:51:56 PM Dear Paul, Have you read my first post from Thursday, 24 May 2018 11:42:18 PM? If you di.....
» 29/05/2018 10:51:27 AM Dear Joe, I do not mourn the aboriginal people for the life that most of them had, but ra.....
» 29/05/2018 6:45:59 AM Dear Paul, «runner and Josephus, as two of the forums "religious" you act as ap.....
» 29/05/2018 6:24:18 AM Dear Dan, I agree with Duffy: «Do you believe history to be written as a form of propaga.....
» 28/05/2018 11:51:40 PM Dear Nana, Yes, what you mention is true: life for aboriginal people was indeed uncomfort.....
» 28/05/2018 11:38:37 PM Dear Joe, "Sadly", because they become trapped in the Western lifestyle, whereb.....
» 28/05/2018 6:47:03 PM Dear Joe, «according to federal Education Department figures, more than 120,000 (one hund.....
» 28/05/2018 6:30:54 PM Dear Julian, How about relocating you and your family first, some 1000 miles south? You .....
» 26/05/2018 10:23:15 PM Why, O why, do only aboriginals deserve to be left alone?.....
» 25/05/2018 4:52:44 PM Dear Foxy, None of us, no matter how strong, has total control of our land. Look in your.....
» 25/05/2018 3:59:25 PM Dear Aidan, God is not for or against anything. There are however, actions that lead us t.....
» 25/05/2018 2:55:32 PM Dear Graham, Companies have privileges that ordinary people have not, such as paying less.....
» 25/05/2018 2:22:53 PM Dear Banjo, «The Arabs have tried this many times and have failed each time as the Israel.....
» 25/05/2018 10:09:35 AM Dear Josephus, «Does this case mean persons who suspect or know of a paedophile could fac.....
» 25/05/2018 9:55:34 AM Dear Paul, I am so sorry for forgetting to address you in my above post......
» 25/05/2018 9:10:01 AM «Yuyutsu //An innocent man convicted and possibly jailed for conscientious non-action.// R.....
» 25/05/2018 12:42:49 AM One thing is clear: Had the bible been written today, it would have included the explicit.....
» 25/05/2018 12:22:01 AM The British position is the most balanced: Yes, Western Jerusalem is the capital of Israe.....
» 24/05/2018 11:56:15 PM Dear Peter, «On Line Opinion should insist on real names from commentators» So that poli.....
» 24/05/2018 11:42:18 PM This is terrible. An innocent man convicted and possibly jailed for conscientious non-act.....
» 24/05/2018 5:19:18 PM Well it is wrong to prevent individuals from using their money to try to change the regime.....
» 23/05/2018 12:15:50 PM Dear Ttbn, The connection between Iran and Hamas is opportunistic: Iran is Shiite and Ham.....
» 23/05/2018 11:10:05 AM One nuclear bomb will not destroy Israel. It will kill 10,000's, but Israel will recover a.....
» 22/05/2018 11:59:02 AM Who the hell wants a politician to lead the country? What we need is a like in Hawaii, a .....
» 22/05/2018 1:04:37 AM Dear Rache, A religion requires none of the elements you mentioned: So long as a path lea.....
» 21/05/2018 6:55:59 AM Dear SteeleRedux, Great paraphrase - so assuming both statements are true, what can we do.....
» 21/05/2018 12:41:52 AM Dear SteeleRedux, «Would you deem it acceptable that these farmers stab the illegal settl.....
» 20/05/2018 10:46:00 PM Dear Opinionated, I will not respond to your post until you correct your abusive style of.....
» 20/05/2018 9:44:45 PM Thank you Ttbn: you said all that needed to be said in the first post!.....
» 20/05/2018 9:23:11 PM Honestly, what would you personally do? Assume you are living in a village where you were.....
» 19/05/2018 11:17:23 PM I condemn Moutia's support of terrorism in the strongest possible terms. I despise her one.....
» 19/05/2018 10:53:15 PM Dear Graham, «Hiduism may have a doctrine of freewill, but it doesn't accept that each in.....
» 18/05/2018 1:47:29 PM Protection? Who ever asked for any protection? All the baker asks is for the freedom to be.....
» 18/05/2018 9:37:31 AM Dear Ttbn, I don't know any (in fact I don't know anyone in person who is currently on un.....
» 18/05/2018 9:28:56 AM Dear Josephus, I agree and regarding my personal life, who cares anyway. However keeping .....
» 17/05/2018 11:42:03 PM Dear Opinionated, Sadly your style has not changed. Regarding castes: Like it or not, c.....
» 17/05/2018 10:29:37 PM [...continued] «Would you like me to discuss some of the crazy things in Hinduism for you.....
» 17/05/2018 10:29:31 PM Dear Opinionated, «Yuyutsu I realise you aren't a Christian but life after death is one o.....
» 17/05/2018 9:46:11 PM Nice to care for young unemployed people - but why should innocent animals pay for it with.....
» 17/05/2018 9:35:24 PM Dear Graham, «For what it's worth I think the writer is correct. Christianity is more com.....
» 17/05/2018 3:30:44 PM Thank you Alon - nice observations. One correction though: Despite all hiccups, Israel i.....
» 15/05/2018 4:05:03 PM Why, Netanyahu and Putin are genuinely good mates with common interests and their conversa.....
» 15/05/2018 3:20:32 PM Dear Opinionated, «Oh it looks like the religious amongst us have left the thread due to .....
» 12/05/2018 11:56:39 PM So it goes that three guys had an argument in a bar: 1) Jesus was just like me: Strong, b.....
» 11/05/2018 6:44:15 AM Dear Foxy, «It looks like there's not much interest in this topic» This is not true, I w.....
» 11/05/2018 6:38:07 AM Dear Aidan, «few nowadays choose to have big families, even though that's what would fit .....
» 9/05/2018 7:21:41 PM Dear Rehctub, How true, thanks for this insight about "child-care". «Like it o.....
» 9/05/2018 7:12:52 PM Dear Paul, «Would it not be better if for every new born hatched, two old farts were disp.....
» 7/05/2018 4:41:40 PM Dear Bunny, «Religion is tribal, and what ever you believe, you are cast in a tribal imag.....
» 7/05/2018 4:02:50 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Yes, those who have kids are anxious about the welfare of the next gen.....
» 7/05/2018 9:50:24 AM Dear Aidan, «Just because you're anti-state doesn't mean you should pretend it's impossib.....
» 6/05/2018 5:07:30 PM Dear Ttbn, «non-Westerners and the poor who take but do not contribute.» Kindly look at .....
» 6/05/2018 5:01:53 PM Dear Is Mise, A human birth is very rare: as Foxy said, there are many other realms of ex.....
» 6/05/2018 1:31:07 PM Dear Paul, Yes, it is harsh, but the only way to eliminate child poverty is to stop havin.....
» 3/05/2018 9:43:14 PM Dear Foxy, «Do they import the old traditions with them? For example Indians living in Au.....
» 1/05/2018 11:56:17 AM "So, who can we trust?" Trust in God! "We used to be able to look to chur.....
» 29/04/2018 9:44:35 PM The problem is our tendency to identify with a gender: Who cares what gender it is or whe.....
» 28/04/2018 8:22:36 PM It is time to throw out the commonwealth, rather than the states. While the very concept .....
» 26/04/2018 8:12:44 PM Dear Is Mise, «When I'm in India I get classified automatically, I'm considered Kshatrya,.....
» 24/04/2018 1:06:12 AM Dear Ttbn, «Australia does not have all the resources it needs to sustain itself indefini.....
» 23/04/2018 9:27:26 AM Australia has all the resources it needs to sustain itself indefinitely. American Indian .....
» 22/04/2018 12:30:24 AM "The Chinese ambassador to Australia has threatened..." China is a bully which .....
» 20/04/2018 4:06:10 PM «Abbas's Ramallah statement has presented Jordan with a stark choice - negotiate with Isra.....
» 18/04/2018 1:57:57 PM Dear Josephus, Even the most devout Christian should have no trouble with Opinionated2's .....
» 18/04/2018 1:44:24 PM Dear Dan, «It appears you are 110% behind suppression of (free) speech in public since, i.....
» 17/04/2018 10:11:52 AM There is too much emphasis on free speech: Freedom is about the ability to actually live .....
» 17/04/2018 1:45:51 AM Dear Bunny, «They were capable of abstract thought or thinking. Spiritual matters are dif.....
» 16/04/2018 4:24:21 PM Dear Bunny, «From about at least 250,000 years ago people have had some what you could ca.....
» 16/04/2018 12:45:55 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Just one further thought: I get the impression that you are quite inte.....
» 16/04/2018 1:26:27 AM Dear Benk, Though there is no such thing as "global warming", I still support y.....
» 15/04/2018 11:55:32 PM Dear Foxy, I didn't find the time to be active on this thread, which turned insane, but I.....
» 15/04/2018 5:31:27 PM What's this nonsense: there is no such thing as "renewable energy" - that would .....
» 12/04/2018 2:37:07 PM Why, dump everything on Jordan: who cares about this poor country and those kind people? t.....
» 12/04/2018 2:20:11 PM Peace can only reside deep in one's heart and is quite rare, so how can anyone hope to bri.....
» 12/04/2018 2:02:58 PM So the author believes that if one contemplates and looks within intuitively to try and ca.....
» 1/04/2018 9:19:04 PM Dear Tony, «Yes.» Seems likely and intuitive, but can you tell us how you know it? Any e.....
» 1/04/2018 9:10:00 PM Dear SAINTS, You rightly complain about the rape of children - yet forcing them to attend.....
» 1/04/2018 8:43:50 PM Dear Paul, I am glad that someone is finally at least back on the topic! Now the one who.....
» 30/03/2018 3:19:12 PM Dear Hasbeen, «If you don't like our laws Yuyutsu, move to somewhere where the laws suit .....
» 30/03/2018 12:42:38 PM Dear Jayb, «Hell, why don't we make it that everyone gets tried under the Laws of the Cou.....
» 29/03/2018 8:37:35 PM Even Saudi Arabia started to move away from this stupid "One law for all" - http.....
» 28/03/2018 1:58:08 PM Dear Alan, «Well a long as Israel contends that Palestine and Palestinians have only exis.....
» 28/03/2018 1:16:36 PM Dear Ttbn, 'Neither a borrower not lender be'. How true, but it's not consumerism (bad a.....
» 28/03/2018 12:32:32 PM Amen, Peter, though the road ahead is still long. I am so happy to read such a topic wher.....
» 28/03/2018 7:00:39 AM «If you don't like it here, go home, is a favourite line among exclusivists» Then the onl.....
» 26/03/2018 9:17:16 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Sorry for the delay. «I would like to hear the experiences from devot.....
» 26/03/2018 7:33:57 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «However by your own article I can gather one thing those precepts lac.....
» 26/03/2018 2:53:39 AM Still, the whole concept is unjust: The problem is that some people assert power over oth.....
» 26/03/2018 2:33:46 AM Oh yes, buy that book to make Stephen Bell and Michael Keating $59.99 richer, yourself $59.....
» 18/03/2018 7:16:26 AM Just to confirm the good relationship between Russia and Israel,
» 18/03/2018 1:57:35 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Being a bit busy it will take me some time to respond, but regarding t.....
» 17/03/2018 10:33:05 PM Dear Mox, The only possible military challenge for Israel is Russia - but Russia and Isra.....
» 16/03/2018 2:35:06 PM Dear Nathan, Death is only of your body - You never die. Life, either without a body or .....
» 16/03/2018 12:28:31 AM Dear Ponder, «The purpose of my original article was to put forward my opinions on the fa.....
» 16/03/2018 12:08:14 AM [...continued] «If you were ok with any commitment to the religions you say you accept, t.....
» 16/03/2018 12:08:11 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I could expand at length the philosophical point regarding why it woul.....
» 15/03/2018 9:37:31 PM Sorry, but I just don't understand this article: The author's religion, Buddhism, does no.....
» 14/03/2018 11:08:59 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, The only truth is God. Whenever we perceive anything as other-than-Go.....
» 14/03/2018 3:17:31 PM This lady was totally reckless. She is lucky to come out alive after walking unguarded wit.....
» 14/03/2018 3:00:53 PM Government everywhere, sigh......
» 13/03/2018 8:41:11 AM Would you also sue doctors and psychologists for advising people to kill themselves slowly.....
» 13/03/2018 8:12:06 AM "Attention deficit" is the healthy response when the object of attention is unwh.....
» 12/03/2018 4:32:17 PM [...continued] First point: It is the nature of the mind to be restlessly jumping betwee.....
» 12/03/2018 4:32:12 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Religion serves many good purposes» Incidentally it can, but this is.....
» 9/03/2018 3:45:23 PM Dear Hasbeen, You will be surprised... What you seem to have overlooked, is that if, God.....
» 9/03/2018 2:47:42 PM Dear Waverley, «Imagine how much tolerance there will be for gays, lesbians, women rights.....
» 9/03/2018 1:21:53 PM FREE TIBET!.....
» 9/03/2018 1:07:45 PM What would they do once they achieve a global government? Perhaps hand this planet to the .....
» 9/03/2018 6:03:44 AM Dear David, Air India has just announced that it will begin regular flights directly from.....
» 8/03/2018 4:31:57 PM Dear Ttbn, «You are wrong about me. I have no tolerance of 'diversity' at all.» Neverthe.....
» 8/03/2018 11:00:03 AM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, how do you score yourself, a big fat zero? You lost me when you want.....
» 8/03/2018 8:27:25 AM I am not a fan of Hanson, but if her true motive is as stated, then I applaud her. «The i.....
» 8/03/2018 7:23:47 AM I pity your generation, Alice. It is not democracy that you don't care about - it is life.....
» 8/03/2018 5:56:09 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Please calm down: of course there is good and evil, right and wrong, b.....
» 6/03/2018 2:48:50 PM Dear Foxy, «All developed countries have laws that people are required to obey.» Just to.....
» 6/03/2018 1:31:59 PM Dear David, «#Yuyutsu: Do you agree with all of the above 5 Facts?» YES. However, I do .....
» 6/03/2018 12:47:15 PM [...continued] «Look at it this way. If Christianity is right, then so is Jewish faith ba.....
» 6/03/2018 12:47:08 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «if He sent us a message and it became a religion, how could that mess.....
» 5/03/2018 2:44:14 PM Dear Foxy, «But we could not do that without the framework which guarantees the freedom t.....
» 4/03/2018 11:35:52 PM Dear Not_now.Soon, «then we can approach the idea of there being a choice of which is rig.....
» 4/03/2018 10:25:59 PM Dear Foxy, «We have a robust tolerance of difference in our society. But to maintain this.....
» 4/03/2018 9:59:54 PM Dear Prompete, «I enjoy and learn from your accurate and legal essays here David, but fin.....
» 4/03/2018 7:20:09 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Which ones have it right? That should be the next question.» The que.....
» 1/03/2018 1:40:46 PM Good for this insentient creature called "Australia" and bad for its victims - o.....
» 27/02/2018 10:51:17 PM It is a fact of life that a significant portion of society hates religion with a vengeance.....
» 26/02/2018 4:27:38 PM I was present at an Anglican ordination ceremony and I remember (though not the exact word.....
» 26/02/2018 1:46:46 AM Dear David, «I feel no need for any religious belief and can see no point in it, but I am.....
» 23/02/2018 5:05:50 PM Dear Nathan, It would be great to live without money as we waste such a large chunk of ou.....
» 22/02/2018 11:55:14 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «because we can't know how everything pans out» But we do! We do kno.....
» 21/02/2018 2:40:32 PM Dear Daffy, «Meanwhile of course the good senator does not mention the government subsidi.....
» 21/02/2018 12:30:45 PM «It is not up to Australia to provide somewhere 'nice to live' for foreigners.» Correct, .....
» 21/02/2018 8:57:16 AM The main effect of this is moral rather than financial - to turn millions of Australians i.....
» 20/02/2018 10:45:56 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Sometimes we need hope, but how much better when we do not need it! C.....
» 19/02/2018 10:59:44 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «I do hope on God. I wish I could say that God is my only hope. He is .....
» 19/02/2018 1:37:09 PM When you see those two puppets ever fighting and abusing each other childishly, you know t.....
» 18/02/2018 7:25:32 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «But lacking knowledge does not mean we should lack hope. I think the .....
» 18/02/2018 7:16:21 PM When public transport is an ideological goal unto itself, when the idea is to force differ.....
» 18/02/2018 7:07:29 PM Dear Hasbeen, «The real things cost a kings ransom.» Of course, one gets what one pays f.....
» 18/02/2018 4:15:20 PM Dear Hasbeen, I am not proposing a return to the 1920's/1930's, but only to the 1960's/19.....
» 18/02/2018 10:34:19 AM Sadly, the author's long and unrelated socialist shopping-list dilutes the argument. I op.....
» 16/02/2018 5:00:06 PM Sorry, my last post belong elsewhere. Please ignore it......
» 16/02/2018 4:55:09 PM (...continued) «I would invite you to seek God too.» I have been doing so all my life - .....
» 16/02/2018 4:34:28 PM (...continued) «I would invite you to seek God too.» I've been doing so all my life - an.....
» 16/02/2018 4:34:22 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, You asked me: "What do you offer? Any way is good as long as it i.....
» 15/02/2018 11:58:27 AM The author seems to exaggerate America's contribution and influence over Israel. The fact .....
» 15/02/2018 11:43:08 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Having information ABOUT God does not amount to knowing God. «Second .....
» 14/02/2018 1:45:53 PM Thanks, Banjo!.....
» 13/02/2018 3:18:21 PM There is nothing mystifying about working in science and being spiritual at the same time .....
» 13/02/2018 3:03:24 PM Few people actually believe that white people are superior, but the totalitarian behaviour.....
» 13/02/2018 10:15:31 AM Blessings, Banjo, on this holy day of Shivaratri. Today I am not in an intellectual/theol.....
» 12/02/2018 3:02:32 PM Discussing the views of Christianity regarding body versus soul in terms of either materia.....
» 11/02/2018 8:56:15 PM Dear Toni, «They keep coming up with artifacts and remains and stuff that they claim to b.....
» 11/02/2018 8:33:00 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Indeed, hatred will not disappear in a puff of smoke if you become les.....
» 11/02/2018 1:22:38 PM Dear Banjo, «And, even those who profess some particular religion rarely practise it in a.....
» 11/02/2018 2:04:45 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I am sorry, but due to evangelical attitudes like yours, other people .....
» 10/02/2018 8:52:29 PM Dear Banjo, The most common parody on religion is how some churches and clergymen behave......
» 9/02/2018 6:26:43 PM Dear David, Just because some idiot pretends to be a "Christian", does it mean .....
» 9/02/2018 12:28:01 PM Dear Banjo, «Do you honestly think that tables and chairs, knives and forks, etc. practis.....
» 8/02/2018 8:52:05 PM Actions speak louder than ideas. Given that you want to uphold family values while your l.....
» 8/02/2018 7:05:28 PM Dear Mhaze, Re creator: whether or not it is worthwhile to meet him, is a matter of perso.....
» 8/02/2018 11:46:36 AM Now that Susan's mother said what she said, it became a "reasonable step" for Su.....
» 8/02/2018 11:31:30 AM Why would you want to do this? You may be able to cheat OzLotto and receive the money (an.....
» 8/02/2018 6:11:35 AM Dear Nathan, «People have been told by government this is all good, it is part of a growi.....
» 8/02/2018 5:34:13 AM While true, one should not need a doctor in the first place in order to get medication (at.....
» 7/02/2018 10:20:39 PM Dear Banjo, Regarding time (past-present-future), I was drawn into it because you mention.....
» 7/02/2018 9:30:54 PM Dear HereNow, You say that there is no sin, then are we all united with God already? 'Si.....
» 7/02/2018 9:11:59 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Do you recognize God in a simular way Yuyutsu recogizes God? Unknowab.....
» 6/02/2018 2:48:12 PM Dear Banjo, The issue of time (past-present-future) is complex and would require a full d.....
» 5/02/2018 1:24:05 PM Isn't Turkey a republic? Oh, also China, Russia and North Korea........
» 5/02/2018 1:07:05 PM Dear Banjo, Hopes, wishes and expectations belong in the future, but I am (and you are) w.....
» 4/02/2018 9:33:46 PM Dear HereNow, Why blame religion itself for the actions of some fanatic Christians? Kill.....
» 4/02/2018 12:59:50 PM Dear Banjo, «What, then, is your definition of God ?» God cannot be defined directly in .....
» 3/02/2018 10:27:54 PM Dear Banjo, • Sect, church or guru - all share a common function: that of spiritual guide.....
» 2/02/2018 6:07:27 PM Dear Banjo, My understanding is that at the time Christianity was a Jewish sect, it was n.....
» 1/02/2018 11:45:20 AM Dear Tony, I stand corrected regarding the origins of the bodies which we currently use. .....
» 1/02/2018 11:39:36 AM The author himself, a Christian deacon, admits that the Church never represented a religio.....
» 31/01/2018 9:39:11 PM «Does anyone believe that we evolved from monkeys?» Of course not, but our bodies have......
» 30/01/2018 6:30:24 PM I agree, Nathan, I am also vegetarian and this is disgusting and shameful. Pity they were.....
» 29/01/2018 7:35:22 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I am sorry to hear that I rob you of fully holding your faith. This is.....
» 29/01/2018 1:18:58 PM Dear Cherful, «Id prefer to live under Chinese rule than muslim rule.» This reminds me o.....
» 28/01/2018 3:18:29 PM Dear Nana, «The belief in the existence of a god is no less credible than the belief that.....
» 28/01/2018 10:58:49 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Why do you need more miracles when the fact of your own consciousness .....
» 28/01/2018 6:16:53 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Christianity and Judaism do not own God - all religious people worship.....
» 26/01/2018 4:04:57 PM 24 kilometres to school? that's crazy! For pre-school, at the age of 5, someone usually u.....
» 26/01/2018 11:17:11 AM Social division and tribalism based on religion - sounds good, pretty much the opposite of.....
» 26/01/2018 10:50:13 AM Dear Cossomby, The question of existence, of anything, is a material question - not a spi.....
» 25/01/2018 10:51:10 PM Sadly these discussions tend to be hijacked by this silly question, whether or not God exi.....
» 25/01/2018 1:19:06 PM Dear Ttbn, The connection of Western culture with this topic, is that you regret that the.....
» 24/01/2018 6:03:18 PM Dear David, Certainly we wouldn't want to see a repeat of those cruel murders which you m.....
» 24/01/2018 4:31:27 PM Sending a child to a public school is irresponsible. The bus company should actually be t.....
» 24/01/2018 4:24:09 PM Dear Ttbn, I don't know Linda, much less what goes on in her mind. It is quite possible .....
» 24/01/2018 4:16:49 PM Dear Ttbn, You seem very keen on Western culture: If you wish to promote it, then perhaps.....
» 24/01/2018 3:42:13 PM Dear David, «Can you really believe human females can become impregnated and give birth w.....
» 24/01/2018 11:52:26 AM Yes, God loves you - but what does it mean? Does He love your body? Then why does He let .....
» 23/01/2018 2:11:24 PM The problem with the article is its attempt to justify moral concerns using economic argum.....
» 21/01/2018 11:40:42 PM Dear Ashbo, Our ordinary day to day perceptions serve our human needs quite well, though .....
» 20/01/2018 10:08:38 PM But what else can we do? The current Israeli government and its ideology has won the demo.....
» 20/01/2018 9:09:30 PM Dear Eric, Most people would not swap the difficulties which they already got used to wit.....
» 19/01/2018 6:53:05 PM «There is no doubt that the human race has improved in its understanding of science and te.....
» 19/01/2018 5:55:08 PM Dear Paul, How crazy people can be: forcing themselves to get up tired in the morning, en.....
» 18/01/2018 3:59:18 PM Dear Ashbo, Our intellect can mitigate some distortions in perception. However, it cannot.....
» 17/01/2018 1:20:24 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, So long and to the extent that you consider yourself as a man, then of.....
» 17/01/2018 3:42:16 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, You seem to have changed the subject. This is expected when the going.....
» 16/01/2018 5:05:31 PM Why is there an "Australia Day" to begin with? Just cancel it - and all other p.....
» 15/01/2018 2:28:57 PM Dear Dan, Yes, I wish language could be more precise, with a clear one-to-one mapping bet.....
» 15/01/2018 12:53:44 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I am glad that you disagree with me: this way you can have your own ge.....
» 14/01/2018 9:19:57 PM Dear Dan, While I know my Hebrew too well, whatever thou sayest about Greek, I can only n.....
» 14/01/2018 7:34:23 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Thank you very much for your response. Attempting to answer these ques.....
» 14/01/2018 1:30:49 PM Dear Dan, I had no intention to join this discussion about Christianity and Judaism and h.....
» 14/01/2018 1:30:18 AM Dear Banjo, Satisfaction, no doubt, can motivate for actions that look like love; and it .....
» 13/01/2018 10:45:32 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Let aside the question of "What God is" and "Who God is.....
» 12/01/2018 4:12:29 AM Aspartame is a horrible substance. Sugar on the other hand is quite benign - better have .....
» 12/01/2018 3:04:44 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «If there is a difference between your body and your soul,ma person mi.....
» 12/01/2018 2:22:56 AM Dear Banjo, I am truly impressed by your excellent definition: «I see truth as informati.....
» 12/01/2018 12:16:39 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «Yet these are opposites beliefs concerning death and dying. Can they .....
» 7/01/2018 8:37:57 AM Dear Taylor, Man IS this shell, this body - which will surely die. Yet You, who at prese.....
» 6/01/2018 9:50:15 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, One can doubt one's qualities, but one cannot honestly doubt oneself. .....
» 2/01/2018 9:47:55 AM The ultimate solution: Trump should enthrone David Singer as the King of (undemocratic) J.....
» 30/12/2017 9:31:34 PM Same-sex couples have been married in prison for decades if not for centuries. The latest .....
» 29/12/2017 4:21:56 PM Dear Aidan, «What I find far worse is that Turnbull is willing to dismantle the NBN for h.....
» 29/12/2017 1:26:13 PM Yes, this is the case - but what else could a voter do for whom policy is more important t.....
» 28/12/2017 2:34:33 PM Let people have their drugs and damage themselves if so they wish - the scandal is that it.....
» 28/12/2017 2:12:05 PM When you were a boy, Russell, fearful of crazed commie fanatics in black pyjamas, did you .....
» 24/12/2017 2:29:28 PM The word "sin" is derived from archery where it means "missing the mark&quo.....
» 23/12/2017 9:49:21 PM In most cases it is. But then, almost everything we do is sinful: "Enter through th.....
» 22/12/2017 7:19:54 PM Dear David, «enjoy the wonders of the world we live in» I would like to believe that you.....
» 19/12/2017 11:05:19 AM A Laborite?! - Cancel the NBN, then I'll vote for you......
» 19/12/2017 9:15:54 AM There seems to be a hatred-competition going on here. I am not in your league, guys. I f.....
» 17/12/2017 11:38:17 AM Dear Nick, «Bad logic. Is being a shark the same as being a pedophile? If smallpox virus .....
» 17/12/2017 8:47:32 AM Dear Paul, One may not sympathise with the Catholic Church, certainly not with its abuses.....
» 17/12/2017 2:11:34 AM Two abusive gangs are facing each other - "Australia" and "China". Th.....
» 17/12/2017 2:01:40 AM Dear Foxy, «Those people have gotten away with this for far too long.» Those people, tha.....
» 16/12/2017 10:25:55 PM Dear Josephus, «Now that SSM is legal,» It always was. «the next inequality to be fough.....
» 15/12/2017 7:04:07 PM «People are free agents and this provides evidence that they are made up of two substances.....
» 13/12/2017 8:38:51 PM Dear Foxy, «Before I leave this discussion I'd like to wish everyone» So you are leaving.....
» 11/12/2017 10:31:45 PM Dear Foxy, The link you provided says: "To be legally married in Australia, a perso.....
» 11/12/2017 4:02:02 PM Dear Foxy, I respected your wish when you earlier wrote: «Either way - I don't have the .....
» 11/12/2017 2:59:04 PM Dear Leoj, What does it matter how many voted when the question itself was illogical nons.....
» 10/12/2017 3:57:03 PM Dear Foxy, «Nobody is going to force anyone who doesn't want to get married to get marrie.....
» 10/12/2017 3:47:50 PM Dear Foxy, Yes, we have covered this ground many times before, yet you still persist. Au.....
» 10/12/2017 2:35:47 PM Dear Ttbn, What I mean is, that YOU as an individual ought to be sovereign over your own .....
» 10/12/2017 1:42:11 PM I must agree with you, Ttbn. Turnbull has uncharacteristically done a good thing, for whic.....
» 10/12/2017 1:31:41 PM Dear Foxy, «Same sex marriage was not legally allowed under the laws of the land in Austr.....
» 10/12/2017 12:43:30 PM Dear Altrav, «Yuyutsu, the weak do not have the strength to reject the notion of religion.....
» 10/12/2017 1:25:53 AM Dear Foxy, The state's recognition of SSM came at no surprise at all. Yet, I am disappoi.....
» 10/12/2017 12:38:56 AM It is false to assume as if one's faith in the bible has to depend on the bible's accuracy.....
» 8/12/2017 12:48:45 PM Australia should: 1) Recognise Western-Jerusalem as Israel's capital. 2) Keep its embassy.....
» 8/12/2017 12:24:56 PM Why should these two dinosaurs be relevant at all?.....
» 8/12/2017 12:16:42 PM Dearest Foxy, Thank you for your excellent contribution, bravo! It was sad that the SSM .....
» 7/12/2017 5:22:28 PM Jerusalem, that is Western Jerusalem, has always been the capital of Israel. That said, t.....
» 7/12/2017 11:34:09 AM Dear David, «12.5 million Australians had no trouble answering "YES" or "N.....
» 5/12/2017 2:22:09 PM Dear Julian, «Lawful marriage of a couple involves the state in that it confers on the co.....
» 5/12/2017 8:25:37 AM FREE TIBET!.....
» 5/12/2017 12:56:30 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, My claim that "atheists do not believe in themselves", was s.....
» 4/12/2017 11:38:32 PM Dear Julian, Clerics can perform weddings without being marriage-celebrants on behalf of .....
» 4/12/2017 11:32:08 PM Dear Julian, The 1967 occupation is the worst thing that ever happened to Israel. The arr.....
» 4/12/2017 5:08:00 PM Dear Critic, The Americans could have added some fat to Israel, but their "favours&q.....
» 4/12/2017 4:30:54 PM «A person who does not wish to participate in a same-sex wedding is doing so because they .....
» 4/12/2017 1:33:40 PM Israel was created and is sustained by the toil and blood of its people - not by some friv.....
» 30/11/2017 1:50:38 PM "Dastardly remains in the Parliament, why?" - Because nobody dares to poke the .....
» 30/11/2017 1:35:33 PM First, I completely agree with the author. In the past I have warned the Christian-based .....
» 29/11/2017 3:33:18 PM Dear SM, «as only 0.6% of the population does not identify as the sex they were born with.....
» 29/11/2017 2:24:02 PM Dear Paul, When at school, I already suffered my above-average share of bullying. Now ar.....
» 29/11/2017 1:43:15 PM Dear Cherful, It is not just about Muslims versus Christians: government only cares for t.....
» 29/11/2017 10:27:43 AM "Public" (government-sponsored) schools were never a safe place for children. On.....
» 29/11/2017 10:02:25 AM [...continued] «I would say that indeed everything is dependent on God, but God is not ev.....
» 29/11/2017 10:02:19 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «There's a difference between acknowledging God, and understanding Him.....
» 28/11/2017 10:22:34 PM Dear Mikk, «Any exceptions for magic fairy believers are surely going to be closely follo.....
» 28/11/2017 11:51:40 AM Dear David, Which particular argument of mine are you referring to? That God cannot exist.....
» 28/11/2017 9:13:22 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, We are up against the limitations of the human mind. How can we speak .....
» 28/11/2017 8:33:52 AM Dear Nick, It makes an interesting discussion whether what we perceive to be the Jewish r.....
» 28/11/2017 12:15:34 AM Dear Nick, «Israel means Jewish state and they mean it.» No they don't. It's true that I.....
» 27/11/2017 11:43:39 PM Dear Nathan, It is neither right nor compassionate to impose your values on others, who m.....
» 27/11/2017 11:25:33 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «The conclusion that God doesn't exist is wrong.» Well the conclusion.....
» 27/11/2017 6:25:09 PM While driving today I turned on the radio and heard someone speaking in parliament against.....
» 27/11/2017 3:45:35 PM Excellent article - and excellent response too, Peter. I find myself in agreement with you.....
» 27/11/2017 2:50:27 PM Dear Nick, Of course Israel is far from perfect (and who is?), of course I lament its occ.....
» 27/11/2017 1:05:30 AM Dear Nick, Keep tickling that lawyer! However, Israel does not own "Palestine".....
» 24/11/2017 7:35:10 AM It's not specifically about 44(i): this whole section 44 must go because it limits the abi.....
» 22/11/2017 8:48:32 PM Dear Paul, Excellent questions! «Do you want no laws enforced for the protection of soci.....
» 22/11/2017 4:13:36 PM I TOLD THEM! But they wouldn't listen. They needed this defeat to realise that the wheel .....
» 22/11/2017 3:57:27 PM Dear Philip, «Voting so far 1 (Iftikhar)FOR 7 against, I call that a resounding NO to Muh.....
» 22/11/2017 3:18:16 PM Dear Rusty, We seem to agree that misleading is wrong. We could discuss ad-nauseam the fi.....
» 22/11/2017 2:37:47 PM Dear David, «You have now been admitted into the Jew-hating company of #Toni, #Emperor, #.....
» 22/11/2017 1:55:10 PM Dear Paul, «Yuyutsu, he currently supports violent means. I do? Don't think so.» So you .....
» 22/11/2017 10:39:23 AM Dear Joe, Paul has a good heart. He just fails to realise that in the pursuit of his wor.....
» 22/11/2017 10:33:29 AM Ideally there would be no such bodies like the state which violently control our lives. Gi.....
» 22/11/2017 10:10:47 AM Dear Paul, I am not a Christian/Catholic and do not share their dogma, but thank you for .....
» 22/11/2017 9:55:32 AM Dear Hasbeen, Even if artificial intelligence was more advanced, still Indians would not .....
» 22/11/2017 9:51:16 AM What's bad about not being on the map? Does it mean that you are not actually where you a.....
» 22/11/2017 9:03:28 AM Dear Nana, I would like to avoid turning this painful issue which I raised into a politic.....
» 20/11/2017 11:45:55 PM Dear Hasbeen, It took me a bit of practice, but after 6-7 tries I got it right: the right.....
» 20/11/2017 11:30:36 PM Excellent response, Foxy, Thanks!.....
» 20/11/2017 11:22:55 PM Before I comment on the article, allow me to applaud Progressive Pat: Television has butc.....
» 20/11/2017 3:56:40 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you, I already looked at this link and learned from it what the current .....
» 20/11/2017 12:15:40 PM Dear Foxy, I like your good sense!.....
» 20/11/2017 12:07:03 PM Dear Toni, «Refusing to bake a gluten-free cake for somebody who was actually gluten into.....
» 19/11/2017 11:46:32 PM Exactly, Is Mise - Indians will not go like lambs to the slaughter!.....
» 19/11/2017 11:25:16 PM Dear Is Mise, «Would a Muslim baker be expected to bake a cake with an anti-Muslim messag.....
» 19/11/2017 8:47:10 PM Not_Now.Soon, «Medicine and the utilities are services that should be equally given. If y.....
» 19/11/2017 10:28:03 AM Dear Toni, Yes, no coffee and no strychnine: so then all is fine? --- Dear Nick, I wis.....
» 18/11/2017 10:36:24 PM Thank you everyone, your answers are much appreciated! Now as Foxy said, if someone hated.....
» 17/11/2017 3:45:21 PM Dear Critic, These questions should be addressed to Christians, not to me since I don't q.....
» 17/11/2017 1:00:26 PM Dear SM, What is: A. Green. B. Hangs on the wall; and C. Whistles. No idea? Still no i.....
» 16/11/2017 11:10:41 PM How does everyone here feel about eating a cake despite knowing that its baker hates you a.....
» 16/11/2017 2:57:39 PM Dear Paul, «For the Churchies, It wont be long now until the newly weds Martin and Luther.....
» 16/11/2017 2:27:17 PM Dear SM, Suppose 'A' and 'B' agree to eat 'C'. They consider it moral to fill their stom.....
» 16/11/2017 2:11:44 PM Dear David, «the following reference shows just how misconstrued religion can get» Obvio.....
» 16/11/2017 10:00:21 AM Why the assumption that Australia does not have nuclear weapons already? Do you think tha.....
» 16/11/2017 9:34:46 AM Dear David, «Most of us have been brought up within the rather narrow confines of one of .....
» 16/11/2017 9:16:17 AM Dear SM, A. Laws are based on agreement. B. Some agreements are moral. Does this imply: .....
» 16/11/2017 9:07:08 AM Dear Josephus, Exactly: "legal marriage" and marriage are two completely differ.....
» 16/11/2017 1:03:28 AM Dear Foxy, When the bankers and lawyers enter the picture, it's already too late. Let's .....
» 15/11/2017 5:57:24 PM Dear Foxy, The bakers will not consult with their churches because they will hang themsel.....
» 15/11/2017 5:36:16 PM Stop all discrimination: No longer discriminate between green and red lights at intersect.....
» 15/11/2017 5:03:03 PM Dear Josephus, I do not oppose homosexual marriage as such - I only oppose any "marr.....
» 15/11/2017 4:27:35 PM Dear SM, «All laws are based on agreements» So person 'A' and person 'B' AGREE to eat pe.....
» 15/11/2017 4:22:58 PM Dear Foxy, «Today people are celebrating, tomorrow the Parliament will legislate» And th.....
» 15/11/2017 12:05:04 AM Dear Peter, Thank you, I was relieved by your response: While some might technically con.....
» 14/11/2017 3:32:24 PM Dear Pilot, «you arrive undocumented with no visa on a unapproved illegal country to coun.....
» 14/11/2017 3:22:53 PM Dear SM, The "international law of the sea" is, as the name suggests, an agreem.....
» 14/11/2017 2:21:49 PM I think that I failed to understand this article. Is the article's main point that some (.....
» 14/11/2017 3:57:40 AM Dear Leo, While we could discuss the validity of the concept of "Australian waters&q.....
» 13/11/2017 10:28:33 PM Dear Leo, I wonder whether the boats were rented out or sold to the seafarers or whether .....
» 13/11/2017 10:14:54 PM Dear Foxy, «I've lost count of the number of door-knockers that we've had prior to the cl.....
» 13/11/2017 8:04:37 PM Dear Rehctub, «Y, they are not refugees, they are illegal arrivals.» The only reason the.....
» 13/11/2017 7:54:26 PM Give them their boats back! As it stands, Australia is a shameful pirate gang which hijac.....
» 13/11/2017 7:43:50 PM Nobody should have a right to marry and all existing marriages should no longer be legally.....
» 13/11/2017 7:37:05 PM First I protest the title: politicians are not "Leaders", but scum-bag parasites.....
» 13/11/2017 8:46:02 AM Economy should never come before personal freedoms. It should never be allowed for commer.....
» 11/11/2017 11:08:40 PM Dear Rehctub, «My point is, had she been an illegal, I will bet she would have got one on.....
» 11/11/2017 10:31:08 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for producing the list of outstanding hiccups in equal treatment of .....
» 9/11/2017 4:11:42 PM Dear David, We can only do our best. So try to have the mechanisms to support your const.....
» 9/11/2017 1:05:21 PM Dear David, If you design a good constitution which takes into account the needs, wishes .....
» 8/11/2017 10:01:02 PM Dear David, Each enclave should have some constitution (or equivalent) which is initially.....
» 8/11/2017 9:16:53 PM What's wrong with drowning? If refugees drown, then it's by the hands of God, nature and .....
» 8/11/2017 8:59:11 PM If Jesus was a terrorist, then he was a good terrorist! Somehow the word "Jesus".....
» 8/11/2017 12:10:41 AM It looks like some people here are having a party, vicariously enjoying the explicit, but .....
» 7/11/2017 6:02:17 PM Dear Foxy, «I'm trying to find at least one positive thing that the current government co.....
» 6/11/2017 11:03:06 PM Dear Alan, I appreciate your fear. Should we kill innocent others so that we don't get k.....
» 6/11/2017 9:31:03 PM Dear Opinionated2, It seems like you have nothing more to say on the subject-matter of th.....
» 6/11/2017 2:13:47 PM Dear Opionated2, «Hinduism has the caste system» Let's address your ignorance of Hinduis.....
» 6/11/2017 11:11:27 AM The constitution ought to be scrapped, not replaced. In any case, no constitution can be .....
» 6/11/2017 10:56:07 AM I agree with this article, but I go further: Everyone ought to be free not to be ruled by.....
» 5/11/2017 11:56:57 PM Dear Opinionated2, I see that you started a big discussion about the bible: surely I have.....
» 5/11/2017 10:50:30 PM Dear Hasbeen, Regrettably indeed we no longer live in villages, yet the Australian electo.....
» 5/11/2017 10:12:58 PM I just can't understand: assuming they are (at least those who were determined to be refug.....
» 5/11/2017 10:06:16 PM Both sides of this discussion are guilty of the same: identification with gender/sex. Whe.....
» 5/11/2017 9:19:59 PM [...continued] But was Jesus speaking of the "old testament" as such? The old t.....
» 5/11/2017 9:19:53 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «I can't give the same kind of acceptance because of the first issue» .....
» 3/11/2017 5:46:47 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, That differences exist is not surprising, but I consider them superfic.....
» 2/11/2017 4:17:05 PM If it were possible (it isn't) to prove that God exists, then worship of God would be chea.....
» 2/11/2017 12:19:52 PM Yes, extremely sad. I don't think though that any politician ever expected to make a prof.....
» 2/11/2017 11:50:59 AM Dear Opinionated2, «I was stating that as the nationals state that their party believes i.....
» 1/11/2017 6:34:27 PM And yet they continue to make more children :-( Will this ever stop?.....
» 1/11/2017 6:23:28 PM Dear Ttbn, Sorry, but the Conservative party started on the left foot. A true conservati.....
» 1/11/2017 5:30:28 PM (...continued) Now if you shift the discussion from law to morality, then anyone who ever.....
» 1/11/2017 5:30:24 PM Dear Opinionated2, You are asking me to show you laws that are not laws?!? The nature of.....
» 1/11/2017 10:26:56 AM Dear Foxy, «What we were discussing was the law of the land as applied to same sex marria.....
» 1/11/2017 12:04:39 AM Dear Referundemdrivensocienty, Why, do you deny the rights and intelligence of the voters.....
» 31/10/2017 11:58:44 PM Dear Foxy, Yes, common sense should prevail. The other day I was saying exactly this to .....
» 31/10/2017 11:22:25 PM Dear Rehctub, It is my understanding that people in the bush do get something from the NB.....
» 31/10/2017 5:36:05 PM I don't have anything against homosexual marriage, but I don't want it to be conducted or .....
» 31/10/2017 2:57:13 PM Dear Rehctub, I have no problems with the bush. If the whole idea was to give them acces.....
» 31/10/2017 8:37:27 AM (... continued) Hinduism offers a variety of deities to suit the varied circumstances and.....
» 31/10/2017 8:37:22 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, To attempt to speak of God using human words and terms, is more presum.....
» 30/10/2017 2:00:49 PM Dear Aidan, «And it's likely to prove itself totally inadequate for future needs.» So yo.....
» 29/10/2017 11:32:17 PM Dear Foxy, Perhaps some people have prejudices against homosexuals - that's not me, I'm n.....
» 29/10/2017 6:54:33 PM If this was a democracy, then citizens should have been able to elect whomever they want. .....
» 29/10/2017 6:39:41 PM Dear Foxy, What you wrote would be true if the couples in question married only in church.....
» 29/10/2017 7:17:08 AM Why, the state did not lose a dollar because had this or that clown not been elected, anot.....
» 28/10/2017 11:23:59 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, «So my question is do you know (from your experience or those of peopl.....
» 28/10/2017 10:20:40 PM Dear Foxy, «There will be no "new" definition of marriage. What there will be w.....
» 27/10/2017 6:43:52 PM Dear Foxy, I just saw your last post: Some married couples might not feel convenient to .....
» 27/10/2017 6:30:04 PM Dear Foxy, Thank you for your answers. My questions may not be directly related to the p.....
» 27/10/2017 1:19:03 PM Dear Foxy, As you claim that all other arguments are irrelevant, could you please clarify.....
» 27/10/2017 12:38:48 PM Could someone please first enlighten us regarding the facts? Is any institution currently.....
» 27/10/2017 11:21:58 AM One question for Dad: Do you support Cory Bernardi's SPAM campaign when his robots intrud.....
» 27/10/2017 8:46:48 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, Only objects exist. Often we hear women complaining: "Stop treat.....
» 27/10/2017 8:07:01 AM One virtue of this article, is that it is short: I exhort the other authors to follow this.....
» 26/10/2017 12:00:09 PM Dear Ttbn, «How do you feel about having to pay $2,000 for something that you already hav.....
» 25/10/2017 10:56:48 PM Dear Ttbn, You already described the real problem - it's not about bandwidth (those who w.....
» 25/10/2017 10:30:39 PM Dear Nick, «But..but..the topic is about the Biblical God» Actually, the topic at hand i.....
» 25/10/2017 3:32:16 PM Dear Nick, I was referring to God, rather than to the biblical god. The biblical god is .....
» 25/10/2017 2:43:47 PM Definitely! No one should ever be subjected to anti-discrimination laws so long as they r.....
» 25/10/2017 12:55:12 PM Dear Toni and Nick, Yes, this and similar paradoxes eliminate the possibility of God's ex.....
» 25/10/2017 10:53:21 AM Thank you, Ttbn, I completely agree with your befitting first comment. Yet, coal producti.....
» 25/10/2017 10:27:34 AM Dear Banjo, Whatever is beyond my power is beyond my power and I'm not responsible for it.....
» 25/10/2017 1:05:23 AM All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with mi.....
» 24/10/2017 7:44:30 AM Dear Banjo, «I guess that what you really mean, Yuyutsu, is “assisted killing of oneself”.....
» 23/10/2017 6:08:17 PM Dear Banjo, «A yogi is a person who has spent many years practising the philosophy of yog.....
» 22/10/2017 10:36:17 AM Dear Banjo, «In my experience, there are some “pains” that are so excruciating that they .....
» 22/10/2017 6:43:52 AM How could anyone expect a public recognition of their morality when they register their &q.....
» 20/10/2017 11:43:12 AM Dear Banjo, «I fully subscribe to Yuyutsu’s words of wisdom:» I feel flattered, yet your.....
» 19/10/2017 2:30:57 PM If you are there to fill your pockets by wasting away the lives of others, with no remorse.....
» 19/10/2017 10:22:13 AM Dear Daffy, It is good to learn that the author supports good causes, such as freedom of .....
» 19/10/2017 8:45:26 AM Stop this ugly monopoly of medical doctors over life and death! Also, while people ought .....
» 19/10/2017 7:55:12 AM Well Abbott signed the Paris agreement under duress, in the same way that scientists are m.....
» 19/10/2017 7:08:09 AM Why not hire the police to investigate for you? Or if you cannot afford it, why not get a.....
» 18/10/2017 12:33:16 PM The elephant in the room is the entertainment industry. Why do we need it? Life is short.....
» 18/10/2017 12:17:16 PM Energy is always clean - the only dirt is in the minds of politicians......
» 16/10/2017 8:25:19 PM Dear Nick, Your reference to the cook is disturbing, but my experience is very different......
» 16/10/2017 7:57:54 PM The article exquisitely describes the role of the Son: Thank you! The article also sharpl.....
» 16/10/2017 6:46:08 PM Dear Ilmessaggio, Well not everyone wants a family and among those who do, there is a var.....
» 16/10/2017 1:26:04 PM Dear Killarney, «I've gone off on a huge tangent to your post.» But I can see the connec.....
» 15/10/2017 8:52:28 AM Dear Aidan, Since I am guilty of being the first to mention socialism ("Socialism fa.....
» 13/10/2017 3:51:18 PM Yes, of course we remember the Labor party: isn't this the party that enthroned Juliar ove.....
» 13/10/2017 12:45:13 PM Dear Nick, Since 1948 there is no such thing as "Palestine" - it's located in t.....
» 13/10/2017 12:42:07 PM Dear Hasbeen, You are right, because nobody would work for free for others who do not eve.....
» 13/10/2017 10:23:51 AM Dear SM, «The only way these systems would work universally would be to use draconian law.....
» 13/10/2017 7:38:48 AM Dear Banjo, «“God” may never have existed but the concept of deity lives on into the 21st.....
» 12/10/2017 10:27:03 PM Dear Nathan, «I am also at the point of considering getting rid of my television set and .....
» 12/10/2017 1:57:33 AM Dear Banjo, «but remember that in many animist religions, God may be lightning or thunder.....
» 11/10/2017 5:40:00 PM Dear Banjo, I think we discussed this already: While no positive description of God is p.....
» 10/10/2017 9:47:51 AM Dear Banjo, «Am I right in interpreting this to mean that “god is simply a figment of the.....
» 9/10/2017 11:51:10 PM As I am not a medical expert I will not comment on the medical safety or otherwise. Howev.....
» 9/10/2017 11:59:09 AM Actually, the word 'Ruach' (spirit/wind) is on a list of 20 exceptional Hebrew nouns that .....
» 9/10/2017 3:59:58 AM Dear Banjo, God Himself/Herself has no shape or form or gender and cannot be described at.....
» 8/10/2017 7:31:44 PM The court will soon decide whether Nick Xenophon is a triple citizen, but he certainly is .....
» 6/10/2017 6:16:38 PM Dear Nick, 'Maya' is derived from 'ma' (= negation) + 'yat' (= which is). So it means &q.....
» 6/10/2017 2:12:13 PM Dear Jay, «Seems to be a lot of people on "Magic Mushrooms" at the moment.» Ye.....
» 6/10/2017 1:43:37 PM Unlike the author, I wish there was a moral way to regulate such internet fashions to deat.....
» 5/10/2017 1:46:38 PM Thank you Peter, this is the best article of yours which I read, may God bless you......
» 5/10/2017 7:59:27 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I definitely did not mean to claim as if aims were not worth pursuing......
» 4/10/2017 7:55:36 PM Aims are never rational: Whenever an aim is derived by rational conclusion, it must be de.....
» 4/10/2017 5:58:49 AM "and I reckon it will take at least twenty before I can get it anywhere near being ac.....
» 2/10/2017 8:45:37 PM Dear Josephus, Only God knows who is truly married and who is not. The state does not rep.....
» 2/10/2017 7:14:45 PM Dear Josephus, «Are we to define their relationship as a human union of marriage?» What .....
» 2/10/2017 11:58:31 AM Dictatorship is a balancing act. A dictator must always be on guard that no other body is.....
» 30/09/2017 11:52:48 PM Dear Toni, «And what about the religious people that voted 'yes' in accordance with their.....
» 30/09/2017 10:25:17 PM Dear Not_Now.Soon, For me this survey was never about homosexuality. For one, homosexual.....
» 30/09/2017 9:54:32 PM Dear Philip, «only a fool would waste any of the limited number of long range missiles an.....
» 29/09/2017 4:49:45 PM Perhaps applying those sound-devices that were used around diplomat's homes in Cuba would .....
» 29/09/2017 3:40:36 PM We don't need old ladies with firearms and certainly not EVERY household: For one, I would.....
» 29/09/2017 3:24:17 PM Dear Paul, «I could not understand your logic for voting in the first place, given your s.....
» 29/09/2017 9:29:57 AM Dear Not_Now.Soon, I believe that all citizens can unite in rejecting the interference in.....
» 29/09/2017 1:54:35 AM I would like to make a short announcement: Following the abusive threat of Senator Bernar.....
» 29/09/2017 1:43:20 AM I have a short announcement to make: Following the abusive threat of Senator Bernardi to .....
» 29/09/2017 1:23:04 AM I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND! Following Senator Bernardi's threat to