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The Forum > General Discussion > The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement

The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement

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Does a man become a woman if his genitalia is removed and he wears a dress? True of False?

Should academic institutions ban people from speaking on the subject of transgender-ism?
Posted by Roscop, Wednesday, 28 October 2015 8:36:18 PM
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Q1. Does a man become a woman if his genitalia is removed and he wears a dress? True of False?

A1. Meaningless question. If one were a man, then they could become a woman, but no one is a man to begin with. "Man/Woman", just like "old/young", is merely a sloppy and imprecise lingual construct that attempts to describe our bodies, not ourselves.

Q2. Should academic institutions ban people from speaking on the subject of transgender-ism?

A2. Assuming it's not during class when the noise can make it difficult for other students to hear and concentrate on the lesson, the answer is No - not so long as they don't ban people from speaking about sports. There should be no rules against time-wasting (though it could cause students to fail their subjects).
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 30 October 2015 2:11:52 PM
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"Should academic institutions ban people from speaking on the subject of transgender-ism?"

No body should be banned from saying anything, obviously. As for your first question, you should put it to an appropriate surgeon if you are thinking of have the operation.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 30 October 2015 3:57:10 PM
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Depends on the DNA. If the DNA is changed then maybe so!
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 30 October 2015 5:19:07 PM
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What Greer pronouncement?

I stopped listening or reading anything of Greer's 20 years, or more, ago.

Not interested!
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 30 October 2015 5:32:00 PM
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Why would you worry about such a thing Roscop? If some bloke wants to have his genitals removed and call himself a woman, why would that have anything to do with you? I couldn't care less.

As for University lectures, I guess it would depend on the course subject about whether transgender would be spoken about.
Maybe you think that if the dreaded word 'transgender' is mentioned it will send the impressionable students rushing to become transgender people?
Is that it?
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 30 October 2015 6:18:25 PM
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