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The Forum > Article Comments > 'Never again' what? > Comments

'Never again' what? : Comments

By David Pellowe, published 28/1/2021

'Good people' created Nazi Germany, and that is not irony, it is an insight into the evil that can be characterised as good.

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How many people would be remembering the Holocaust today, let alone pondering on 'never again' anything? Very few. And, because they don't remember or care, history keeps repeating itself or, more correctly, people keep doing the same things. There's an automatic, 'how awful; we mustn't do that again' initially, then nothing.

We are hearing, right now, things like 'its just like the 1930s', 'Xi is the new Hitler' and so on; but it's all talk. There are not enough people left - certainly not enough capable of doing anything or with power - to do anything about anything at all
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 28 January 2021 7:42:51 AM
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Unsure if this author is pondering a bizarre moral equivalence between:

- Hitler's Nazis

- with much more moderate Social Media, the Left and Central Government!

Biodata at


For Israel "Never Again" has deep significance - that there will Never Again be a Holocaust.

This is because Israel now has the strong conventional military and (even more so) Nuclear Weapons to prevent Israelis/Jews again being slaughtered by enemies.


Australia should also be contemplating nuclear weapons against the 1930s Japan-style growing China threat.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 28 January 2021 10:30:23 AM
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'Good people' never created Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany was the result of historical developments that allowed fascists to rise to power and led the German nation to give political legitimacy to the Nazi Party.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 28 January 2021 11:48:23 AM
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Xi: the new Hitler.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 28 January 2021 12:12:16 PM
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We should know about the past, and learn from it.
But people are very human, and forget details easily.
Newer generations don't have the first hand experience of living through 'wars or famine'.
So, the lessons of the past are forgotten, and present day events are front and centre.
Such is the way it is to be human.
So the query, 'never again what' can be very relevant.
But even so, an ethical 'controlling body' (government) should remain aware of past mistakes, and make every effort to avoid repeats?

Thought leads me to believe that it would help to get rid of the 'black and white' image some hold of other humans.
It seems to be their notion that people are either 'bad' or 'good'.
And that being of the 'good' ilk entitles a person to condemn, or be harsh towards, those seen as 'bad'.
The truth is that all humans are motivated by their instinctive behaviour, which is (hopefully) modified by wise thought.
We all 'run on instinct', but we use sound reasoning to control or direct it?
In that way, we manage to 'improve our lot', and make life more certain and more comfortable.

Some have wiser thought processes than others, but rather than belittle those who don't manage life well, we should look after them instead?
Of course, when their instinctive behaviour is so aberrant that it is harmful to those around, steps must be taken to prevent more damage.
But far too often, those who 'offend' are seen as 'game': they are used as an excuse to exercise man's strong instinct to chase, catch, and devour.

So, we must stop seeing others as irksome creatures, and try to help those who were born with a 'less enabled' ability to reason?
We could even introduce an extra 'R' in to schooling: we could have Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic, and Reason?
But, any help given needs positive outcomes, so our 'government' should act from a position of (ethical) strength.
Then society can be progressive, comfortable, and a measure of 'luxury' can prevail.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 28 January 2021 12:19:06 PM
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Good people did not create Nazi Germany! The evil personified tyranny in their midst did! And because they believed the lies and Hitler knew how to read a room//work a mob/appeal to inherent prejudice! And told less so big, that none believed lies could be so big, therefore, believed monstrous lies.

The Jews were easy targets and therefore, by reason of elimination? Believed the lies/propaganda! Complied with the orders that saw six million of their number, disarmed, murdered!

Moreover, every country has some resident neo-Nazis! Who as always, want to control the world! [There's a reason why we are the only "democracy" that still doesn't have a bill of irrevocable rights!]

When we allowed WW11 displaced people to migrate here we imported a lot of it and the homophobic rage and xenophobia that is their brainwashed from birth, belief system! And where the science disproves that belief? Ditch the science!

They want the lies to be true! Even lies invented over 2,000 years ago that are a good fit with their beliefs!

I was chilled to the bone by the attack on capital hill and democracy! And by the clear intention of some of the rioters to gas their elected representatives inside escape tunnels It was the intention to gas that did it and the antisemitism that simply has not gone away!

These folk will be with us for generations and we allow their leaders virtual carte blanche instead of treating them as the right-wing terrorists/treacherous traitors they really are! If you would kill a snake? You need to cut off its head! With that done the followers need to be, reeducated!
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 28 January 2021 12:31:59 PM
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