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The Forum > Article Comments > Why did Australia refuse to send a single ship to the Red Sea? > Comments

Why did Australia refuse to send a single ship to the Red Sea? : Comments

By Graham Young, published 8/1/2024

President Joe Biden’s surrogates asked for just one ship—not an unprecedented request. Why did we refuse?

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I think that Albanese is too insensitive to be embarrassed. But the rest of us should be extremely embarrassed that the galah has spat in the eye of our main ally and our only hope of protection from Communist China should it be needed. No wonder the Left doesn't want Trump as US president, given his look-after-yourself-a-bit-more to Europe, NATO and the UN when he was president. It could mean goodbye AUKUS, goodbye submarines: send 11 blokes to arm wrestle with China.

Albanese's kowtowing to Muslims and Greens - government's own vote was less than 30% - has to be seen as one important reason why the US request was denied.

See what multiculturalism does!

Albanese also sucks up too much to the Communist dictator, Xi. Think what might go on in those ‘private’ talks that Australians are not allowed to know about. And, China is on the side of the thugs causing trouble in the Red Sea.

And, of course our military is hopeless, which really emphasises what an idiot (or worse) Albanese is for refusing to support our ally in a sea via which a good part of our imports come.

Again: have secret arrangements with Communist China been part of these ‘private’ talks?

And, to make things worse, we have a non-performing Opposition.

Australia is in deep trouble.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 January 2024 8:28:46 AM
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Well, I think you explained all the possible reasons very succinctly, Graham. The one you didn't include is lack of ticker and genuine leadership!

Labor is good at the blah, blah, feigned outrage and spending taxpayers' money on shoring re-election prospects. But little if at all, backed by logic's rites.

Their lick spittle, brown nosed energy policy, case in point, that has welded us to coal and ultra expensive renewables. When every boy and his dog knows we should be transitioning to nuclear, i.e., MSR thorium or MSR nuclear burners, burning largely unspent fuel, (nuclear waste) we are paid to take!

But for this monumental and wasteful spending all over the shop, we may have been able to refit a ship for the task and honoured the Anzus treaty!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 8 January 2024 10:51:46 AM
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Australia sending a warship to the Red Sea would just be a case of it lending support to what has for a long time effectively been criminal actions on behalf of the US "Deep State". In this case, the strong Zionist lobby there backing what amounts to the Criminal Apartheid Zionist Settler State in Occupied Palestine. Which many decent Jews are strongly opposed to some aspects of. The Oct 7th attack by Hamas was a long festering sore erupting after largely immigrant Jews have for 75 years been trampling on the rights of indigenous Palestinians who have long connection with the land. Important to note that both historical and DNA evidence indicates ancestors of these Jews are largely NOT from Palestinians of Biblical times. More like from the rogue state of Khazaria over a thousand kilometres to the north. Its sordid history needs widely publicising. Now look at atrocities the Israeli government has been committing. Including large scale bombing etc of civilians causing many times the casualties Israel has suffered. The only reason there has not been much stronger action by rest of the world against this is the US has been backing it with military resources. Anyway, the Houthis in Yemen have been doing much more than any other Arab country to damage Israel and cost the US more resources supporting it. ie Attacking any ships going past that have some association with Israel. Has resulted in largely stopping any visiting Israel via the Red Sea. Then seems Houthi attacks are often costly to defend against. Have seen reports of sometimes a $2 million missile from warship used to shoot down a $2,000 drone. Unfortunately there are innocent victims of this blockade. Especially those down the line suffering from shipping delays and increased costs due to many shops that would normally travel through the Suez Canal being diverted around Africa.
Posted by mox, Monday, 8 January 2024 11:59:45 AM
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Tom Lewis OAM, ex naval officer and security analyst, names Australia as an "unreliable" ally; a "disloyal" ally; a "foolish" ally.

Britain, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Holland and Norway have answered the call. Even The Seychelles, with a tiny patrol boat fleet is contributing.

Shame Australia! Shame! Shame Albanese! Shame!
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 January 2024 12:27:23 PM
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Thank you, Mox.

Is there any chance that a Trump win might result in a UN-administered two-State solution that endures?

And meanwhile is there a chance for a regime change in Israel, a long-established American practice, this time to make Biden look good for his re-election?
Posted by Chek, Monday, 8 January 2024 12:37:20 PM
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The latest news (ABC World Today) at lunch - enlisting foreign nationals do our fighting for us. Shades of Beau Geste and the French Foreign Legion.

Back to the craven, stupid failure to stand by the US: Beijing was pleased to hear about it, as would be the other bad actors who praised Albanese-Australia for voting for an Israeli ceasefire, which thankfully Israel has ignored. What a stark difference between Israel and Australia. I wonder how long Australia would last in Israel's situation.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 January 2024 1:38:18 PM
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