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Discrimination against LGBTI people : Comments
By Peter Bowden, published 15/10/2018Is freedom to practice one's religion an overriding belief? Are people ever allowed to discriminate against others because of their religious beliefs?
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When it comes to discrimination, the Reds win hands down. They hate Christianity but love perversion, and that's what why they went for SSM, which is about as anti-Christian as it gets. We are left to wonder how they will reconcile their perversions with their Muslim allies' attitude to homosexuality, as those barbarians get more say in Australian society.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 October 2018 6:46:13 AM
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The author's methodology is flawed in his reliance on (dead European) philosophical and (Christian only) religious justifications.
He should be looking at Australia's secular legal system and our changeable politics. The last meaning the temporary reign of ScoMo may permit schools to discriminate, but when Labor wins (by 18 May [1] next year) Labor will tend to reverse the laws to ban freedom to discriminate. [1] Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 15 October 2018 8:00:22 AM
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This is an outrageously stupid article. It's insulting to sense and sensibility.
Conflating facts comparing a religious belief system, to a gay rights radical political organisation, is an insult to intelligence. It's straight out of university. This bloke hasn't grown up, and has obviously never had need to. His existence is confined to a cushy world of yes men. He exhibits the sickness of the whole political system, described by electors as a two party duopoly. Duplicitous: described by the commoners as useless and gutless. Yes men all! Stand up to the relentless march of the radical gay rights movement, you gutless wonder! Posted by diver dan, Monday, 15 October 2018 8:02:54 AM
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Let me clarify my last sentence.
The temporary reign of ScoMo may permit schools to discriminate. But when Labor wins (by 18 May [1] next year) Labor will tend to reverse the laws. Through the political-legislative process Labor will ban freedom of schools to discriminate. [1] Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 15 October 2018 8:05:59 AM
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*...We are left to wonder how they will reconcile their perversions with their Muslim allies' attitude to homosexuality, as those barbarians get more say in Australian society...* Your wrong. Islam is not the problem; it's a big part of the solution! There is a whole "other side" debate to be had on this subject. Posted by diver dan, Monday, 15 October 2018 8:15:44 AM
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People will discriminate, based on their indoctrinated belief system regardless of any contrary overwhelming irrevocable evidence. And will choose not to change even when confronted by overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Usually when there's also limited intelligence? And this is never ever going to change. One is reminded of a story Sir Richard Bramston tells, where he invited, a highly placed flat earth society official, on one of his low orbit space flights. When they landed, Sir Richard asked, well what do you think? To which and here I paraphrase, the official replied, the graphics were extremely realistic as were the special effects. So apart from driving homophobia underground? What are the other options? Well, the first cab off the rank is no income-earning organisation that practises this medieval theocracy, ought to receive even as much as one centavo of government funding, or any tax relief whatsoever, for being an alleged religious organisation! End of story! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 15 October 2018 10:19:43 AM