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Media imbalance incites Jew-hatred : Comments

By David Singer, published 10/9/2014

Israel attracts attention for so-called genocide, while the worst offenders escape unscathed.

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As a nation that "claims" to be both democratic and fair minded; we expect much higher standards and a better code of conduct from Israel, than those inmates in charge of the asylum, who want to annihilate her.
And with each new illegal settlement/over the top reprisal; that perception of democratic fair play/inherent decency, is further eroded.
And with it the sympathy Israel used to receive from the holocaust.
Now they are seen little better than Nazi SS, trying to put down rebellion/resistance in illegally annexed/spoils of war territory.
The Palestinians are portrayed as downtrodden, because they are.
And by the most powerful, richest nation in the area!
That's the problem rather than skewed reporting!
Who can blame the media, when all we see are, might is right, bombed out ruins, and brokenhearted homeless mothers holding innocent dead babies. Well done, you really nailed that one, didn't you!?
Ever thought of flooding "those tunnels" with Co2?
A more intelligently lead people, wouldn't have fallen for the endless sucker punches and have ended this conflict, a very long time ago; with a two state solution!
But no, that would have prevented more ILLEGAL settlements on more annexed land, wouldn't it!? Well? Yawol?
And given the havoc being currently wrought by Isil, never a better time/perspicacious perspicuous opportunity, to settle this "self created" harm for once and for all!
And having done that, offer some help to end the threat of Isil.
And with that offer, get the media, moderate Muslims and much of the Middle East, back on side again!?
What is needed is the wisdom of Solomon, (my enemy's enemies are also my friends) rather than the Nazi like acquisition of patently purloined territory; and at the behest of a so called leader, (click, seig hiel mine Fuhrer) who seems to be doing anything else, including endless blame shifting, than sue for peace/settle this matter.
And given the archaeological evidence found by Jewish scholars, is patently destroying the Moses's myth, and the all claims founded on that myth!
Not before time!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:23:56 AM
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Yes, Falk's reply is idiotic, but Israel is a special case because its own leaders actually requested it to be treated as a special case!

When Ben Gurion and Aba Eban were asked "what right have you over this land?", they waved the bible in reply. Well that book also tells that the Jews are supposed to be an example and a "light unto the nations", also that their right over the land is not automatic, but depends on their preserving of morality, hence the extra scrutiny.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 11:56:14 AM
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Relatively little interest in Israel at present compared to Iraq and Ukraine.

However the following factors increase interest in Israel:

- the large Jewish diaspora in the West including those who constantly write about Israel

- that the US (King of the mainstream media) is interested in Israel

- Israeli spokesmen usually speak good English

- English is easily reported

- there are a large band of reporters in Jerusalen and Tel Aviv

- Israel's always good copy for photos and videos

- Israel intentionally generates "News" to justify constant coverage.
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 2:19:23 PM
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Israel and her woes get a lot of media coverage simply because of the media's love of bodies and destruction and they can get that safely and easily there.
Good hotels, transport, and communications, and a nice little war just down the road to keep the editors happy, then back to the poolside for a quiet drink, who wouldn't prefer that to the personal danger and hardship required in any other currently active field of dispute or terror?
Both sides of the conflict have dedicated and professional media teams who have decades of experience, and they're playing to (with?) an all too willing audience of largely untrained "journalists" with little concept of media integrity or ethics, let alone relevant skills.
What they produce then goes into the mill of editorial influence and vested interests and out comes the rubbish we all see now.
Great media system, hey?
Posted by G'dayBruce, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 3:41:53 PM
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We have witnessed yet another "slaughter of the innocents" in Gaza and the best defense from Singer is to say "Look at all those other nasty bullies - why not criticise them?"

It is a great pity that Israel is giving Jews a bad name because the majority of diaspora Jews are totally opposed to Israel's ruthless despicable behaviour.

Read Chomsky's article ( for a clear explanation of Israeli duplicity.
Posted by Stan1, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 5:19:48 PM
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Dear Rhorsty,


And to think you were posting this kind of diatribe just a month ago.

“When Hamas continue to cower like craven cowards, hiding behind women and children! Israel just can't win! If they don't react! Then an emboldened Hamas, will up the ante! And take the current war outside Gaza's borders! Personally, I would continue the campaign, until Hamas hollers uncle, and sues for a lasting peace! This off and on again risible rubbish, just allows them to rearm and redeploy, and can only continue, until ordinary Palestinians stand up to them; saying, if we are going to be killed anyway, then it should be at a time and place of our own choosing; and against the very madmen, who are patently prosecuting/perpetuating this war!”

I'm interested in the shift mate, if indeed there has been one. What has prompted it?

Dear Stan1,


I read Chomsky's piece on Huffington Post. What a brilliant summation. Forgive me but I thought it is such an important article that I would give it a direct link.

Dear Singer,

You wrote;

“Organisations such as HonestReporting and CAMERA expose inaccurate reports appearing daily in the most widely read and supposedly reputable international newspapers, television stations, radio networks and on-line publications.”

Duplicitous rot. These are lobbying groups for Israel and there is nothing independent about them.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 September 2014 5:34:10 PM
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