The Forum > Article Comments > beyondblue and its heart-felt support for same-sex unions > Comments
beyondblue and its heart-felt support for same-sex unions : Comments
By John de Meyrick, published 4/9/2015If love defines marriage then we should have to register polygamous unions; polyandrous unions; endogamous (hippy commune) unions; arranged unions; bigamous unions; even incestuous unions, and others.
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I would agree, but only if you admit that marriages between oldies (like yourself) and young people (who would be classified as tradiational marriages) are also different.
I would propose calling your marriage "gross-sex unions" or perhaps unfortunately for you "no-sex unions". We could make the laws to establish these unions at the same time as new names for mixed race unions, fatty unions 2nd-5th unions, bound-to-fail unions, probably-knocked up unions etc. These are obviously different to each other too, right?
On the other hand, people like you (lawyers) and the government could stop trying to make laws to regulate our personal relationships.