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Israel should be given the South African treatment : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein and Moammar Mashni, published 1/3/2011

Initiatives by Sydney city councils to run a BDS campaign against Israel should be supported.

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Comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa is like comparing Australia to National/Socialist Germany.

This author should know better. He should not bend facts and history to suit his self-flagellating worldviews. Israel is not occupying anyone's land. Show the readers you want to dupe into believing this fabrication of occupation and apartheid, show them any map with internationally recognised borders or any historical reference to what you call the state or nation of Palestine. Neither a country nor a nation nor a people of Palestine existed - before the grandfather of terrorism, comrade Yaser Arafat, invented this concoction in 1985. Show them how many Arab/Muslims live freely in Israel and sit in parliament and in the media and everywhere else side-by-side with Israelis and Christians and Agnostics of all colours. No matter whether they are straight or gay. And then, dear Mr Hypocrite, go in your "State of Palestine" - or any other Islamic paradise for that matter, and point out to your readers all the gay Jews and Christians and Agnostics in THEIR parliament and media and administration and schools. Go! Show them! Let facts speak louder than false propaganda and vile fabrications.

Palestine is nothing but the name of a region, like the Riverina or the Hunter Valley in our language. A name given by the occupying Romans to the lands of Judea and Samaria. Look at the 1922 maps of the league of Nations and the 1948 UN resolutions which form the basis of Israel and the 2-state solution for the region of Palestine. Then everyone can see who is really the occupier. And then perhaps tell your readers about the A, B and C zones in the West Bank. And tell them about who really rules in Gaza after Israel gave it to the PA as a gesture of good will. And then tell them about the thousands of civilians blown to bloody pieces in their busses and cafes and schools, before this wall and the checkpoints have been put up as a last resort. C'mon, show facts, not vile fabrications. Your readers deserve so much.
Posted by Raoul, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 9:13:56 AM
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While it is pleasing to see an article such as this written by a Palestinian and a Jew, the concern by the writers for anything appearing in the Australian Jewish News that Australia is the ‘laughing stock of the world’, referring to the BDS actions by Marrickville, should be totally disregarded, totally.

This is a captive mouthpiece for the parasitic Australian Zionists, which number among their ranks Frank Lowy of Westfield fame, a very active Golani commando from the murderous days of Israeli terror against the Palestinians and the Prime Minister, who owes her position to the Melbourne Zionists, the breeding ground of hatred. Through this cell with 'sayanims' working through the night against BDS and opinions by Australians against the evil that is Israel, often in these columns, special taxation deals to support their real home in the middle east and hacking the internet to stop people reading the real truth such as found in the Murdoch / Fox News pap, served up daily. Well organised, well funded from Israel and with smart political connections. It is an anti-Australian fifth column.

As for Gerard Henderson, he is not regarded seriously as are others from Fairfax.

For the BDS, the danger rests with the power hungry nature of the current PM, hopefully a short term appointment for this proven liar. Her ability to secure patronage from Israel for their “Leadership Conferences” in Israel for which she has been an active participant and promoter, has made her ability to act on foreign policy in this country, totally and utterly compromised. She does not now and never has represented the people’s voice and has been in the clutches of cunning manipulators who, it must be said, have done a good job for her by removing Kevin Rudd, and she has now gathered around her a cabal of like-minded sycophants.

So a Jewish headline in a Jewish propaganda medium pales when compared to political influence being successfully waged daily per courtesy of the submissive tool of the Melbourne Zionists.

Voting for Gillard is voting against Palestine, justice and the BDS, clearly.
Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 9:52:31 AM
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The irony is that as racist as the apartheid system was in South Africa, racism now under the current Government is much worse. Obviously it does not count now because the whites and semi coloured are often at the receiving end. Corruption and crime has increased dramaticlly but don't let that stop the people more interested in dogma than the welfare of people from gloating.

Look at what the Israelites have done with the land since once again ( a fact always conveniently ignored) taking possession of the promised land. The odds against Israel always brings out the best in them. Simple fact is that people and nations that are favourable towards God's chosen people will be blessed. Those who despise God's people (usually disguised in some political dogma) will be cursed. Imagine how quickly the land of Israel would be turned to wasteland again should others take over their territory. Most members of the Greens despise Israel simply becasue of the God of Israel.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 10:50:01 AM
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Local Councils are not paid by their ratepayers to make foreign policy declarations - otherwise they run the risk of being considered student politicians.

It should be noted that the State of Israel hasn't sought to amend Marrickville Council's core business, such as the water and sewerage budget.

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 12:17:57 PM
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It's great to have an article on OLO by a Jewish person that counters the hysteria and disinformation frequently peddled by the Singer.

BDS should have been applied to Israel decades ago and America should have been pushed out of its false, duplicitous role as 'honest broker' as well.

In fact, the BDS treatment should have also been applied to the U.S. because it was supporting and arming the brutal Israeli Regime and encouraging their cruelty and oppression of the Palestinians.

Then hypocrisy never worries the U.S.
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 12:20:44 PM
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Thanks Antony and Moammar, it's always refreshing to read the facts surrounding the issue of Israeli apartheid.

For those who still doubt that Israel does in fact practise apartheid, please consider the following sources:

<a href="">Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC) study</a> : Israel is practicing both colonialism and apartheid in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).
<a href="">Israel/Palestine and the Apartheid Analogy: Critics, Apologists and Strategic lessons (Part 1) by Ran Greenstein</a>
<a href="">Israel/Palestine and the Apartheid Analogy: Critics, Apologists and Strategic Lessons (Part 2) by Ran Greenstein</a>

South African Na'eem Jeena amongst others considers the apartheid practised by Israel as worse than that practised by South Africe.
Posted by Fringe, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 12:31:20 PM
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