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The Forum > Article Comments > Convoy of no confidence in the federal government > Comments

Convoy of no confidence in the federal government : Comments

By Ruth Bonnett, published 4/8/2011

Is this the start of Australia's own (billy) tea movement? The street protest moves mainstream and mobile.

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So you support euthanasia, gay marage, better access to abortions? these are things that are well supported by the population.

Or is you don't feel your views are not being enacted in Government rather than the people’s views, yes I thought so.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 4 August 2011 11:50:19 AM
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You are fudging.

I don't agree with all those things you raise either and some I might even be persuaded to agree with. I might just be in a minority, and if so then I'd feel I was imposing my will upon the majority. What I'd like to see in such a case is for politicians to declare their positions prior to an election and have us all abide by the decision of the majority.

Clearly that isn't what has occurred with the carbon tax, refugees, cost of living, petrol prices, economic conservatism with financial waste and industrial relations policy.

That's what people are mostly concerned about... including me.

People while they are concerned about'euthanasia, gay marage(sic), better access to abortion's' they are of much lessor priority ... including to me.

Are 'euthanasia, gay marage(sic), better access to abortion's' your priority ahead of the situation that has arisen in regard to what has occurred with the lie about carbon tax, the disasterous and unconsiousable refugee policy, soaring cost of living including petrol price gouging, fake economic conservatism with attendant massive financial waste and sly backward leaps in 'progressive' industrial relations policy'.

Oh and don't forget the Gillard and Combet acclaimed 'settled science' on global warming which is now being seriously questioned after evidence and peer reviewed literature supporting decelerating rises in sea levels(Peer reviewed) evidence rising CO2 levels occur after warming(Peer reviewed) and the acknowledged fact, by warmists experts and recorded statistics, that global average surface temperatures are not increasing or are now falling.

ie all the basic tenents supporting global warming are reversing.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 4 August 2011 1:15:13 PM
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Ruth Bonnett you do write a load of claptrap! 14000 faceless voters now run our country? By this sweeping observation you are no doubt refering to the Green vote? It is agreed that your fellow Queenslander Joe Ludwig perhaps acted hastily in his quite speedy banning forthwith, all live animals exports to Indonesia without distinction, however in his favour is the indisputable fact that he had support from some 200,000 other voters(members of the general public) who were understandably very much upset and concerned at the complete lack of humane handling of these same live animals exported to Indonesia. This huge support must have consisted of all the Australian political spectrum. Not just the Greens.
Bring on your convoy of no confidence, an exercise in futility!!
Posted by Jack from Bicton, Thursday, 4 August 2011 3:21:55 PM
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Yes , this article is a manifestation of Tea Party style protest . The proposed participants in this convoy will spend a enormous sum on petrol taking part , cause traffic chaos and then bleat about how tough life is for them having to support their high carbon lifestyle . Presumably , the author will , Sarah Palin style , lead the convoy , either riding or sitting pillion on a motorcycle .

For the type of people who will take part in the convoy , motor vehicles are not a means of transport but a means of feeling powerful for which , however , they are not prepared to pay the cost of damage to the environment . The shock jocks will encourage the event and it will assist another redhead conservative politician in pursuing a career , without doing anything to solve national problems .
Posted by jaylex, Thursday, 4 August 2011 3:26:26 PM
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Oh please!
Australians took the GST bending over, we'll take the Carbon Tax bending over too.

The worst we will do is express our dislike in the opinion polls, but ultimately grudgingly accept whatever the government decides, or rejoice when it caves in on its weak knees all by itself.

I would reckon the only reason the American Tea Party movement started up (aside from political/cultural differences) is the simple fact that for America to introduce its healthcare reform is a gigantic shift in direction for the country and its principles regarding taxation and ownership;

For Australians, a Carbon tax is nothing more than a rubbish tax that will join the already massive pile of rubbish taxes Australians had already gotten used to.
Posted by King Hazza, Thursday, 4 August 2011 5:45:01 PM
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Dear King Hazza,
Well said 'King', when we look back to the introduction of Decimal currency, shortly after which came the introduction of decimal measurement, then countless other changes when fuel and cigarettes rose to an "unaffordable" $1 per packet of fags and fuel, we got over all of it, including the GST, we will get over the Carbon Tax despite Tony Abbotts' scare campaign, go with the flow everybody, there are worse things in our lives to deal with, if that doesn't sate your ire, then think of the poor buggers in other parts of the World, Aussies are doing it well, we don't have too much to gripe about, if too many people have overspent, that is their problem, not the governments, we are still the Lucky country.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Thursday, 4 August 2011 5:58:08 PM
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