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Renewable energy or reliable energy, but not both : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 17/6/2022

Europeans can pretend to run a modern society with intermittent energy from windmills and sunbeams because they have life-lines.

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We are wasting our time Viv, no one is listening.
Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 17 June 2022 8:32:59 AM
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Let's not forget the Coalition’s stupidity over the past 9 years: things would have been the same had they been returned. The LNP was only 'an inch to the right' of Labor on this climate scam. Sure, the idiot Albanese is grinning about his increase to a 43% by 2030 reduction in a minor essential gas, but that’s just a feel good figure, which is not going to happen anyway. Whatever bunch of bozos we have to endure, Australia now has an unreliable, third world electricity system. We could be plunged into darkness, unable to work, at any time. Buying solar panels and batteries from the wealthy hustlers who started this crap will make no difference. Short of getting back to coal - which hypocrites like Green Keane are now calling on to save us - Australia is well and truly rooted.

The expectation that people who can't really afford to, are going to cover their roofs in solar panels - provide power for themselves that has always been provided for them, is insane. Our political class is insane.

Since the Howard era, Australia has been mishandled by idiots. The Morrison brand of idiots must now be thankful that they lost the election: electricity shortages; rising electricity prices; rising petrol prices; empty supermarket shelves because of those things; inflation that has only just started.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 17 June 2022 9:00:08 AM
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Australians have to accept that we have no friends in Canberra when it come to climate nonsense and reliable energy.

Liberal senator, Sarah Henderson, says, "Of course we support the switch to renewables", and brags about Liberal "record investment in renewables".
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 17 June 2022 9:45:32 AM
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Agree with most of this< Viv. And before continuing let me add that I have earned a living as a chemical engineer, an assayer, a lab tec, and a science assistant for a power Authority. And have spent the best part of 15 years researching nuclear energy.

But not conventional nuclear energy but unconventional MSR thorium nuclear energy. Thorium is the most energy dense material on the planet and just 8 grams of the mineral would power your house and car for a century without refueling. At a cost of around 1 dollar a year given mining and refining costs for that fraction.

Further the super conductor, graphene which is 200 times stronger than steel could be installed as a cling wrap thin layer under roadways and byways to transmit all our reticulated energy to anywhere, making those same roads maintenance free for decades.

Given they then would be reinforced with a product 200 times stronger than steel! And given it is also a superconductor, eliminate most of the current transmission and distribution losses that in total are up around 75%.

Aside from all that the only renewable worthy of consideration in the mix is solar thermal. And on a huge broad scale.

Because it can be so configured to retain useful heat for up to a week and can be sited on virtual wasteland outback not suited to any form of sustainable agribusiness. And compares well with coal in the construction phase and the endless fuel is free and cannot be gamed, particularly if rolled out as a publicly owned and controlled amenity. TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 17 June 2022 11:19:57 AM
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Given we progressively roll out under roadway cling wrap thin graphene, we could fit electric vehicles with an underbody magnetic interface battery charging disc that would then allow the magnetic field generated by the transmission of electrical current in the graphene to charge your electric vehicle on the go and make a journey from Melbourne to Darwin and return without refueling, feasible.

An outback solar thermal plant would need economies of scale and the automated production of the polished steel mirrors to compete with the construction of new coal-fired power plants. And given proper routine maintenance could still be powering Australia for a century or two? And a great boost for local green steel production.

Solar voltaic comes with the dumping of vast amounts of toxic waste into the environment and mercury the nastiest of them, given it winds up in wild fish stocks and then in the brains of fish eaters, lowering their average IQs by significant margins as the first known deleterious result.

Also needs pumped hydro and quite expensive battery backup and triple costs to be halfway reliable. And needs replacing every 25 years to maintain viability. Who knows what that'll cost us 25 years from now? TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 17 June 2022 11:45:42 AM
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Hydrogen will probably be a fuel of the future and needs cheaper than coal, safer than coal and more reliable than coal, nuclear MSR thorium as the power source, to compete with fossil fuels. Flame free nuclear power alone will allow the production of alternative fuels, plastics and fertilizer from abundant seawater, using known science.

Hydrogen production via electrolysis can be doubled using a catalyst. However, the cheapest form of hydrogen production has to be via the cracking of the water molecule in a closed system using flameless nuclear energy, i.e., MSR thorium.

Sadly it seems, not a single Aussie Pollie (pollie want a cracker and given outcomes, probably has a similar sized brain as a shared facility) knows any of the above and as a class, are, I believe, a science free zone! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 17 June 2022 12:06:14 PM
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