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It was 60 years ago today
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Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 5 October 2022 3:09:23 PM
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Hi mhaze,
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! My father bought me the entire c/d collection of the Beatles and I ended up giving it to my son. Their songs were great - from "Hey Jude," to "All you need is Love," to "Penny Lane," "She Loves You," "Can't buy me love," and the beat goes on. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 October 2022 9:51:25 AM
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Do you have a favourite Beatles song? Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 October 2022 11:00:45 AM
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I remember when Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band came out, man we just about wore the needle through the vinyl.
When I was young the Beatles were putting out top hits all the time. I just assumed it was part of the eternal fabric of the universe, but later it turned out to be just a historical phase that passed. Posted by Cumberland, Thursday, 6 October 2022 11:38:04 AM
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Hi mhaze
A good post. I too love the Beatles. Though re: "For example, the song 'For the One' features musical techniques unheard since Bach." Don't you mean "For No One" where a Bach like French Horn kicks in about 49 seconds in, see Not to mention pop-Classical masterpiece "Eleanor Rigby" ++++++++++++++ Foxy, Cumberland The songs of "Sergeant Peppers..." are also my favourite collection. Also, mainly Lennon's "Imagine" Mavs Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 6 October 2022 12:09:37 PM
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Not a favourite, but a few favourites:
"The one after 909"... (Lennon wrote that when he was 17!!) "For no one" .... A Day in the Life"... "Rocky Racoon".... (its not a great song but it is the first song my daughter was ever passionate about. She remains a Beatles fanatic and we still play it when we are together and music is the subject). But if I had to pick one... "Please please Me".... (incidentally, my favourite Australia singer is Russel Morris and he does a homage version.... . I met Russel Morris backstage at one of his concerts and he effused over how the McCartney 'One on One' concert was the best he'd ever seen.) Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 October 2022 12:33:21 PM
The Beatles went on to become the most successful entertainers of the 20th century. This first recording (Love Me Do) reached number 20 in the UK charts but was more successful in Australia when it was released later in the year. A month later, they recorded 'Please, Please Me' which reached number one and popular music was changed forever.
Although they had no classical training (really no training at all) they became the most accomplished musicians of their day introducing classical instrumentations and instrumentation to a new audience. For example, the song 'For the One' features musical techniques unheard since Bach.
Thousands of books, articles and treatise have been written about the group so 350 words won't do. Suffice to say that this day in 1962 is as consequential as any in the 20th century.
A couple of years ago I managed to see McCartney in his "One on One" tour. It was a religious experience, with 10000 people united in their love of the songs the Beatles had created.
A world without them doesn't bear thinking.....