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Is the idea of God 'perfectly logical'? : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 2/11/2017

The atheists that Sheridan then goes on to abuse would be laughing because he gives them such an easy target.

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Is there a God or not? We are left with just two choices, a creative force or magic!

As for Christianity existing without a God?

How would that play? Everything the Church claims is founded on principles handed to it they say, by the living hand of the son of God!

As for other religions? Some act as if we are all co creators or tiny sparks of massively divided divine?

And would then allow us, if acting as a single mind, for a single purpose!?

To effect real change/create miraculous outcomes? And requires temporary abandonment of the personal ego!

And perhaps what your Lord mean't when he allegedly said, when two or more gather in my name, I am also there?

The limit of personal perception starts and ends with the individual and or whether or not they're prepared to quite deliberately shut down the monkey chatter that is the human condition!

Learn instead to meditate and just listen with a completely open mind? Always providing you're prepared for higher wisdom insights, generated from within. Sometimes in complete conflict with what you may well have been "conditioned" to believe!

God is absolute pure logic! Otherwise nothing that was created would have been created!

If all the universe was once compressed into a pinhead of massively condensed matter? And exploded into being as the universe in the theoretical big bang?

Where in heavens name did that first pinhead come from and what caused it to "explode?" And why, if there's so much of a single scaric of truth in that theory?

Why isn't an expanding universe, slowing down as opposed to accelerating

Magic and abracadabra? Or an intellect too large to comprehend by tiny humans, coupled to truly awesome power?

Which given we. Probably makes us all, as children of the universe, of some importance in the divine scheme of things?

My advice, don't worry about anything you don't have absolute control over!

And that is limited solely to your own thought processes alone. Along with the attitudes they then create, along with love or hate!
Choose wisely.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 2 November 2017 10:42:26 AM
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What Paul Kelly does, in effect, is present atheism with a God of invention, as a justification for non belief.

If you Peter, are to preach to atheists on OLO, your only approach is to preach good v evil.
It's then the need for the Christians “ Christ” makes sense. Christ = forgiveness for evil first and foremost. You alluded to it here, in your mention of carnal desires of the flesh. This is the sin.
The God of the Christian, demands a perfect world. God is a perfectionist. A belief in the power of Christ to perform that miracle, is Gods offering of perfection, enabling an eternity in heaven to the believer.
Narrow is the road of the perfectionist, and broad is the road to destruction.

The first book of the Bible, Genesis leads the message of the fall of man. It's a moral collapse caused by interbreeding with the fallen angels from heaven. This event indicates all was not necessarily happy in heaven either. Then the great flood to exterminate evil from the face of the earth. The Genesis six experiment.

But the invasion of the Archon was not halted by the flood, as we know. This is the basis of the Christian message. Not arguing with pompous idiots in Murdocks Australian.
Save yourself a grand a year, don't buy it. Best advice!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 2 November 2017 11:13:59 AM
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God or Gods are the construct of man, primarily in the main conceived to lay blame by the likes of infallible man and in the second to seek hope and forgiveness for infallible man whom has done wrong in their own eyes.

God in this construct is by its human invention a false notion, a sign of weakness for those who believe or follow this 'God'.

Get over it and move on. God is about as relevant today as a broken twin tub washing machine, useful in its day but no use in a contemporary society where any rational being can see its use by date and irrelevance.

Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 2 November 2017 12:40:52 PM
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Let the dead bury the dead. I like that!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 2 November 2017 1:11:47 PM
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the psalmist had it worked out long ago. Only a fool says to himself there is no God. Never a truer word recorded.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 2 November 2017 1:22:54 PM
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I think I'll start a religion and God will be my centre piece
In this religion all is possible with a money back guarantee.
All previous denominations are eligible and can be incorporated in your new spiritual path
You want to take your dog, cat, bird whatever pet to heaven with you?...done!
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The more money you send the happier you'll be in knowing that God is pleased with you and your devotion to his presence.
Now ...don't you feel better already?....knowing that your path to heavenly joy has been carved in stone for you?

Don't forget to send your donation
Sorry we don't take bitcoin
Posted by ilmessaggio, Thursday, 2 November 2017 3:51:19 PM
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