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The Forum > Article Comments > Praying for peace in Jerusalem > Comments

Praying for peace in Jerusalem : Comments

By Andrew Williams, published 23/9/2013

Palestinian Christians identify as the ‘living stones’ that are seeking to cry out to the rest of the world about the ongoing effects of the occupation of their lands.

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While I am very sympathetic to your cause, it is futile expecting relief anytime soon. As there is in fact, no God out there to help you, praying is a useless exercise. Even if there were, the right wing Christians and the Jews would have Him on their side.

The state of Israel has the world financial system by the short and curlies, so you won't get any support from any of the major players.

Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 23 September 2013 11:04:37 AM
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Preying is something the Israelis excel at! Much like the Americans really!

When is Preying going to be banned? When are the Predators going to get sent packing, made to pay for their war crimes and the damage they cause.

Preying should be stopped immediately. It is uncivilized.

It will lead to a nuclear holocaust soon.
Posted by David G, Monday, 23 September 2013 11:18:30 AM
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If I had a penny for 1% of all unheard prayers, I would be richer than the oracle from Omaha.
If even just 1% of all our combined prayers actually worked, our world would be a peaceful paradise, where the was no want or war!
Some of the older wiser Palestinians have given up on the 2 state solution, and are simply asking their Jewish masters, for an equal vote in the so-called democracy of Israel.
If they achieve just that much, and what possible excuse could the democracy loving Jews put, for ever denying them what other Israeli Palestinians already have as a basic right!
With an equal vote, a completely passive Palestine only need bide their time for a very few years, before they effectively outnumber the voting Jewish population of Israel.
At which time they can elect Leaders, who will be much more conducive to the sort of outcomes the Palestinian population want?
Perhaps with the legally enforced repatriation of stolen land being first legislated cab off of the rank.
Yes, that outcome may take say around a decade.
But hey, it has a far better chance of succeeding or redressing old wrongs, than an endless blood sacrifice, that may well see the Jewish population maintain its numerical superiority, or give them just the excuses they need to deny their Palestinian population an equal vote!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 23 September 2013 12:01:10 PM
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When will you become tired of trotting out the same old ill-informed mis-information? You would use your time better if you bothered to look at the facts rather play to the hate-mongers.
Posted by jet, Monday, 23 September 2013 3:16:20 PM
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another church leader that twist history and ignores Scripture. We are all occupying until we meet our Maker which just happens to be the Holy One of Israel. Israel is actually the only nation whose land was promised by God. People or nations fighting against God's chosen all come out second best in the long run. Could you imagine how miserable the lives of the Palestinians living in Israel would be if they were governed by their own people. Miserable I suggest.
Posted by runner, Monday, 23 September 2013 4:35:09 PM
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I am surprised that the Synod General Secretary for the Uniting Church in Australia would write an article that is so political and so factually inaccurate. Just a couple of what could be many corrections:

Jerusalem became the city of history as part of the Jewish kingdom of David.It was a Jewish city in which Jesus walked; remember the Romans called him "King of the Jews". Jews have lived in Jerusalem continuously despite the Roman expulsion and subsequent history. The claim that "Palestinians have always lived in Jerusalem and for whom the city has has been a regional capital for millennia" is a recent attempt to rewrite history which has no factual basis and is straight out of the Fatah education syllabus.

The UN proposed a partition plan for the British Mandated area of Palestine. There has never been a Palestinian state. The partition plan provided that Jerusalem was to be an international zone. The Jewish leadership accepted the plan but it was rejected by the Arabs. At the end of the British mandate, Israel declared its independence over the land allocated to it and was immediately invaded by the armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. At the end of that war,Israel controlled the area known as west Jerusalem. It was the Arab armies invasion that was a "flagrant violation" of the partition plan.

Given these fundamental historical errors, and the language used by the author in expressing them, there can be little faith in the accuracy of anything else in the article as well.
Posted by Malcolmpb, Monday, 23 September 2013 5:05:20 PM
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