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The Forum > General Discussion > The country didn't vote for Malcom or Julie to be our PM

The country didn't vote for Malcom or Julie to be our PM

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It is not funny anymore when i read of all these talks that our PM will be booted from his position by his comrades

is he THAT BAD?

other than his silly captain's picks and very rude wagging fingers, i think he is as good as any other PM ... definitely not one of our greater PMs

is the nation going to be subject to another round of circus which kevin-julia clowns put us through?

no wonder our neighbours laugh at us

followers of poirotism will say... see how democratic and responsive our political system is

i would have preferred 2 full terms for LNP to do what they promised to do and then have a reformed ALP coming in to offer us a better alternative in 5-6 years time
Posted by platypus1900, Friday, 27 February 2015 11:05:40 PM
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Australians do not directly vote for the leader of any political party.
The prime minister is appointed from within his or her own party.

In the recent QLD election the voters in the seat of Ashgrove did not want representation from then premier Newman.

He could not have been premier even if the LNP had retained government.
Posted by WTF?, Saturday, 28 February 2015 11:36:34 AM
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Even if I use a magnifying glass I can't see any talent on either side of the political fence..........Shorton, give me a break.

Abbott is in demand by from circuses who consider his backflips of world class.

I have many issues with the liar Abbott, but his backflips on clamping down on multinational companies who shift profits to avoid paying taxes in Australia while taking from the poorest in our community is number one.

Another one that grates and vividly displays the future Abbott has for Australia is the scrapping of payments to apprentices under Support for Adult Australian Apprenticeships program and his cuts in funding for the National Trade Cadetships programme.

Abbott and Hockey lost the electorate with their first "punish the most vulnerable" budget. Even with the residual vile after taste of Labor still in their mouths, Abbnott has lost them....deeservedly so.

Turnbull or the Richrd Clapton song goes "looking for leaders on our hands and knees".....we got no one in the whole one.
Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 28 February 2015 11:51:54 AM
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This is weird "I would have preferred 2 full terms for LNP to do what they promised to do and then have a reformed ALP coming in to offer us a better alternative in 5-6 years time." I don't think that's too smart.

Better alternative?

In other words let the Coalition Government fix up the economy, possibly rebuild a budget surplus, resolve the illegal boat people issue, and then hand it over to Labor to blow the money and throw open the doors to all comers. We've been there, done that, and now live with the consequences.
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Saturday, 28 February 2015 11:55:37 AM
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Maybe the discontent from Abbott’s team are telling you something that you can’t see. Abbott is a goose, simple as that. You can’t explain away his shortsightedness, or lie telling, it’s in his DNA.

Keating new what Abbott was like years ago. But no lib was ever going to take the opinion of a Labor PM. Howard had serious thoughts about Abbott’s ability to be PM. Still no message got through.

Abbott is now destroying the reasonableness of the liberal brand. It’s all in Labor’s favor Abbott being there, but labor can’t support the damage being done to this nation and Abbott must go. He can quietly resign, or he can cause one gigantic mess, by sticking to his untruths and not sparing a thought for his political party.

He was elected on a bucket full of lies and deception, it makes you wonder of the integrity of the governor general’s office. We would like to think the GG was equal to both sides of politics, but I am not so sure.
When there is a nation to be run, it is in the country’s interest that the respect of the community is with the PM. From day one respect for our PM fell away, to greater depths and for such a period of time, recovery of respect is not ever going to happen.

The first budget was so far away from realism, it was never going to happen. All because of a radical politician hijacking parliament for his own secret agenda.

We can only hope this fiasco of a parliamentary 16 months comes to an end sooner rather than later.
Vote 1 Turnbull
Posted by 579, Saturday, 28 February 2015 12:14:38 PM
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It is the 24hour news cycle that does that. The twits of the Twitterati and other social media tragics feed off it and probably believe it is all real.

An example could be the recent jealous trashing of John Travolta for an alleged unwanted, 'creepy' kiss to congratulate. Even the recipient coming forth to say that they kiss was welcome and criticism was unwarranted, that the photo had obviously been selected to convey a negative, has not routed the pack.

A well known example is the monstrous, cruel treatment of Lindy Chamberlain by the Australian media pack. I will not add more, the case is well known.

What is concerning is the number of politicians who go along with it. If the Parliament was a company delivering services to Australia no self-respecting CEO would countenance continuing the employment of the gutless, egocentric dolts who occupy the seats in both houses.

As some would be aware from my previous postings, I reckon that the rise in number of career politicians is the much of the problem. Most of them are not worth feeding, but they will all be living off us in retirement even if they do squat for their time in Canberra.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 28 February 2015 2:04:23 PM
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