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The Forum > Article Comments > Christianity as mother of western liberalism > Comments

Christianity as mother of western liberalism : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 6/10/2015

Siedentop gives us an accessible journey through the transformations of the self from the preclassical Western family, through ancient Greece and Rome and the rise of the church in Europe to the sixteenth century.

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Christianity is the basis for Western culture and civilization. Even non-Christians know this; and this fact is why the Left wrecking gangs deride Christianity and desire to destroy it. While I am only a nominal Christian, I have asked myself if there is a better basis for living? The answer is, no!
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:13:19 AM
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".. considering that our kingdom is called ... the kingdom of the Franks [free men], and wishing that the fact should be truly accordant with the name ... have ordered and order that ... such servitudes be brought back to freedom ...”
The kingdom of God seems subservient to France. The British Stuarts had problems with Church and personal liberalism.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:57:16 AM
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ttbn you understand that the Labour party has a very strong Catholic base? Not withstanding ttbn insanity.

Peter the challenge for this world view of Christianity is that in fails the onion test every time.

While no one would disagree that Christianity had a profound effect on the western world, I think the western world got one with it because Christianity failed were other religions hadn't. they become separated form political power. through in fighting.Once the Catholics power was dissipated with the rise of other Christian sects then that allowed for non Christian Ideas to carried forward.

When you look at history, where ever Christians where in power they behaved pretty much like every other major religion. Ie sort to control and stiffly all others.

It's only when Christianity looses it's grip that we made advances in personnel and social freedom. freeing salves, equality for Women and what not was done despite the protestations of Christian power base. We see parallels with Homosexual marriage now.

You always have to ask yourself, if treating women equally was such a fundamental aspect of Christianity why did it take so long to do it?
Why is it when we uncover pockets of Christian fundamentalism we actual find the opposite they step away form the very values you are saying are Christian.

And for those of you playing at home, can you name a Christian value detailed in the bible that doesn't have a parallel in the Koran?
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:21:51 AM
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Opposition to Idolatry is common to both. and Mohamed have swords but Jesus' is in his mouth..
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:32:47 AM
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Cobber your knowledge of Christianity is next to nil so I doubt whether you have any understanding of Islam. You might have noticed that no one has ever wanted to imnigrate to Islamic nations. JUst maybe that might make you think a little.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:49:31 AM
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I do not possess the historical resources to even attempt passing judgement as to who or what is responsible for the empty, cruel and stressful Western culture along with its materialistic wilfulness and junk consumerism, yet the author (and Siedentop) seems to suggest that Christianity is to blame rather than the Romans, surprisingly denouncing his own faith!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 12:44:35 PM
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