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Law of diminishing marginal utility : Comments

By Greg Bondar, published 28/10/2020

So, how much of COVID-19 can we take before it loses its ‘fear’ impact? In other words, have we reached, or reaching, a COVID-19 immunity worldview due to pandemic fatigue and pandemic anger?

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Does fed up to the back teeth of hearing about the China virus qualify? Daily scores. Daily gloom. Daily political stupidity.

I had had enough of it months ago. The concern caused by constant ear bashing and fear mongering was very soon replaced by boredom, irritation and increased contempt for politicians.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 28 October 2020 7:59:38 AM
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If you want to find out how right-wing churches really operate why not check out the self appointed American outfit The Council For National Policy - an outfit which features all of the benighted "religious" ghouls.
It is very much part of the phenomenon described in a new book by Anne Nelson titled Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right
Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 28 October 2020 8:41:10 AM
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My first thoughts after reading this article was how do we individually define the properties of God?

Church goers take the vicarious route of imitation. They tend to take a view of God through the eyes of fear.
That fear of course is a timid fear of their own death. A timid view of life can lead down some pretty rocky side roads.

I’ve analysed this phenomena in my own life, which often has moments of threat to life which pop up out of the blue, but are not unexpected, just the moment when they arrive gives a stark reminder of the fragility of life: these moment invariable include close encounters with sharks.
But yet...that is the world we have created. Is it any wonder God appears to frown on it from above?
Who knows if individually as an event, this is the big one; the end of your personal existence on earth.

There once was a time, particularly in that past history, when every human on earth lived this precarious existence. It was normal.
In those times, all sorts of stupid touch stone innovations were called upon to extinguish the wrath of God. Generally those inventions included pain and suffering inflicted upon some distant individual or group of individuals to be sacrificed.
Burning witches at the stake was a high point in the stupid.

Now to swing my collection of homilies into focus; how to best deal with our own short lives that really matter SFA to the greater collection of the fearful called society.
Those fearful are the collection of idiots who value toilet paper above all else.
Why would anybody in a position of power, bother to save fools from themselves, that is the real question here.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 28 October 2020 8:43:06 AM
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Patience, patience, patience ! Wait a couple of more months when the next Flu season is due & if we don't have a vaccine by then you'll all be writing more of the same. Unless of course, people come to their senses & come to accept that old age & its natural associated lack of immunity is the killer !
Now, who can we blame for old age ? The Progressives, the Conservatives , who ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 28 October 2020 9:33:50 AM
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You need to tell covid-19 about this, L.A.W., law and punish it for non-compliance! Fact is, immunity after infection seems to be rather short-lived.

And reinfection is certainly possible in a relatively short period of time for those who fail to observe the other rules, about social distancing, proper hand hygiene and the obligatory wearing of masks.

If that's too hard? Go tell covid-19!

Getting the economy reopened, require a level of discretionary spending on the part of folk, who know that the contagious will be rooted out, marked and sent back home for an obligatory two week period of mandatory self-isolation! And it requires a healthy non-infectious workforce!

Only doable in that context if we roll out the tested and found reliable to 95%, of the 3-minute breath test!

If all those we find to be contagious in the above-prescribed method, self-isolate for two weeks, at which time they should be no longer contagious. this virus will run out of host carriers/super spreaders.

And a paradigm of public health policy that must endure until we have vaccinated, 95% of the public, and isolated those too young, too old and too sick, to risk!

If you don't like that? Sue me! Lawyers must be good at something? Clearly, on the available evidence as presented here, they know SFA about medicine and contagions! Or economic realities?
Without bias, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 28 October 2020 9:40:48 AM
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Sorry to piss on the parade of some of you 'immune' psychotics, but the virus is killing people. 226,000 in the US. Record daily numbers of cases.
That means nothing ? It's pretty much got out of control in Psycho-Heartland, the US, and you half-wits get LESS worried ?

After the election it will, by default, be Biden's problem of course, and Trumpf will wash his presidential hands of it all after he loses next week, even though he's still 100 % President until January 20, when Biden is inaugurated and takes on those responsibilities.

Thanks to the co-ordination of the response to the virus by Morrison, with strong and courageous policies of all of the state premiers, particularly Andrews in the face of continual dumb-arse outbreaks, Australia has pretty much no new cases or deaths each day. In the land of the free, the smug and the infantile, nearly a thousand deaths each day. And you idiots crow about it.

No, you personally haven't died from this virus and when you do, it may be a bit late to ask if you have any regrets about belittling its possible impacts on you and your nearest and dearest. Don't worry, someone will ask your widow or kids once you've gone.

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 28 October 2020 10:11:46 AM
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