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Religious dress codes

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People in streets and in public we see
in different attires and typical looks.
Hindus are seen sporting cross-threads across their chest.
Christian are found to flaunt cross around the neck.
Sikhs wear colourful turbans over their heads as a mark of religiosity.
Muslim women are dictated to wear burqa when they venture out and Muslim men sport long beards and caps.These
Religious dress codes are followed as a mark of identity. In the process people get segregated on religious lines and this leads to immediate alienation. Therefore we see that people, instead of moving around as human beings, are found to walk in the streets as Christians , Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs etc by wearing peculiar dresses of their respective religion. The right way to distinguish is by following the religious tenets faithfully. Peculiar dress culture will lead only to an immediate alienation from one another, which may and can promote undesirable frictions.
Why not we roam around in public
simply as humans sans alienating dress code?
Posted by Ezhil, Tuesday, 21 January 2025 12:15:51 AM
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I agree, although in many cases it might be people waiting for the clothes they came in to wear out, and they are just thrifty. Where I live, I see old people waddling about in exotic attire, in the company of their young families who are in Western dress. Much of it is not so much 'religious' as it is what everyone wears we they came from. Sikh turbans are really the only overt sigh of a religion; but, if you are going to import all sorts of people, you can't expect them to deny their religion in a country that is committed to freedom of religion.

Just another of the "joys" of multiculturalism that we never voted for I'm afraid.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 21 January 2025 7:51:05 AM
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I forgot the most annoying religious symbol, head scarves on Muslim women, although not all Muslim women wear them in the West where they don’t risk being stoned or executed for it.

But, again, our useless political class - the people who forced all this nonsense on us - have bent over backwards to keep people different and at odds with one another. The just love to create differences and strife to keep us on edge and feeling vulnerable so that they can control us.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 21 January 2025 7:58:52 AM
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I know what you mean. I went to Brisbane last year to watch the Swans play the Lions and there were all these people walking around wearing Lions guernseys and similar paraphernalia such as scarves and hats. It was very triggering and intimidating.

I think these type of religious outfits ought to be banned since they enhance tribalism.

Of course, I and Mrs mhaze were wearing Swans paraphernalia - but that's different.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 21 January 2025 9:00:09 AM
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I was shocked when out shopping at our local supermarket I happened upon a group of 4 white women with head coverings, dressed from head to toe in brown with ropes around their waist. It was only latter that I learnt they were catholic Carmelite nuns. How dare they flaunt their religious affiliations.
Posted by Aries54, Tuesday, 21 January 2025 10:17:01 AM
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Hi Ezhil,

I feel that the real beauty of this country lies not
in its fauna and flora, or its spectacular scenery - but
in the greatest resource any country can have: its people.

The story of Australia is the story of its people. The
Australian people define Australia, create it, and represent it.

Without people, Australia would not be Australia.

Clothing has changed in this country. When the first Fleeters
arrived they considered themselves British. And the fact
that they were on the other side of the world did not stop
them from feeling that way or from wearing totally inappropriate
clothing for the climate.

I still remember what men and women wore during the hot summer
months - in play, and to work, in the sweltering heat. When women
wore hats amd gloves to go to the city.
When summer school uniforms were not available
at all schools and winter uniforms were enforced.
Those horrible black stockings and
tunics, and heavy blazers, and felt hats.

People today are far more flexible, Yes we see differences in
what people today wear - be it according to religion, sport,
culture, or what they feel comfortable in. The choices appear
to be wide and varied and of course there are some choices
that we're not used to and find intimidating and confronting
because they are alien to us. While others are - immodest
to the point of cringing. Apparently some people don't have

But that's life. And the only objection that I have - is -
in the case of modesty. Bare bums and other appendages should
be restricted to set areas, like beaches, and not in our streets
or shopping malls or out in public. What is work at private
functions is a different matter. As in clubs, and drag shows.

We're always going to find things to complain about.
I just wish that I still had my young body today - and the
choices available to young people today.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 21 January 2025 10:35:11 AM
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