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Rethinking the two-state solution : Comments

By Neve Gordon, published 4/10/2013

An Israeli-Palestinian power-sharing model could guarantee democracy and a certain kind of Zionism.

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Indeed. And we can only hope that Zionists worldwide will find the "foresight and audacity" to allow the emergence of a "parity of esteem". That's a light-on-the-hill concept, parity of esteem. How much better a world would we all share if it were to become THE leading light in international affairs!
But to Israel and the near if not immediate future: The example of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission adapted from South Africa might also need to be considered along with this notion of "consociationalism" from North Ireland. Such a commission might prevent a blood-letting of recrimination such as it did in South Africa.
"Facts on the ground" have already rolled over the dream-turned-nightmare of a two-state solution. As a single Israel/Palestine emerges, Zionists will have to get used to the idea of sharing, of not getting it all their own way. And of Jews being in the minority.
Posted by halduell, Friday, 4 October 2013 7:51:13 AM
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Yep, for years I've pushed the idea on OLO of a single-state, secular, democratic nation rather than a semi-racist two-state solution which neither side actually wanted. All sides seem to want access to all of the state, so why not ?

Of course, the dilemma of demography will have to be dealt with, but it will probably mean that supporters of democracy will have to work very, very hard, constantly, to spread their message of equal rights, the rule of law and the values of the Enlightenment for all. No, I don't think it will be easy, but a two-state 'solution' will never satisfy anyone, so what else might there be as an option ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 4 October 2013 9:04:40 AM
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Dear Joe,

<<All sides seem to want access to all of the state, so why not?>>

There are more than two sides to the conflict. Yes, both Israeli and Palestinian extremists want to have it all, but it would be against the interests of the moderate ordinary people. As for access to the other area, just get your passport stamped and cross, but then you will be under a different jurisdiction.

The two-state solution is not dead, but it can no longer be reached through negotiation. Instead, there should be a unanimous security-council resolution for Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders and for the Arabs to cease all demands, hostilities and attempts to gain access to Israel proper. If Israel fails to withdraw as told, then the marines and other international forces should step in and kick the settlers back into Israel.

The only one stopping such a security-council resolution is America - and here is where J street can help.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 October 2013 9:23:01 AM
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Two state solution? What two state solution?
As things stand, it's only a matter of time, (around a decade) before Israel becomes a Palestinian state!
All the Palestinians need do in the interim; become law abiding model citizens, (yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir) who do absolutely nothing to rock the boat, or give the Israelis, any sort of half-baked excuse, for changing the current status quo!
If they do try to change the current electoral status quo?
Palestinians have the choice to react with peaceful, organized commercial boycotts, which to date, have been far more powerful, with far greater effect, than anything else they have done thus far!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 4 October 2013 11:15:50 AM
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Dear Rhrosty,

When trying to give Palestinians a good advice, you must be assuming that they are Jews, so let me tell you a story:

Due to some computer-bug, a Jewish sinner was mistakenly sent to the gentile's hell.

There he saw all the gentile sinners sitting across both sides of a very long table, watching it laden with the best food in the world, their eyes were popping out, yet they were all hungry because their hands were tied to their sides and they held forks and knives that were far too long to reach their mouths.

So the Jew asked: "you must be hungry, why don't you eat?"
So the gentiles answered: "see for yourself, our hands are tied and the utensils are too long"
So the Jew told them: "Why, let each of you feed the person in front across the table!"

So the gentiles were excited, they ate and were very happy.

Soon the angels heard the commotion and said: "Oh, there must have been a Jew in here", so they found the Jew, picked him up and threw him in the Jewish hell.

There he saw all the Jewish sinners sitting across a very long table in exactly the same manner, so he asked them: "Dear Jews, why don't you eat? you know you can..."

So they all answered: "What?!? You mean that I should feed HIM? No way!"

So, Dear Rhrosty, when Israeli election time comes, there would be no need to change the electoral status quo because by then the Palestinians would forget that complex advice of yours and wonder how they got in the ballot-place and what they are supposed to be doing there. Just take the example of Israeli Arabs/Palestinians, already Israeli citizens, but only half of them bother to vote.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 October 2013 12:18:30 PM
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@ Yuyutsu
And what percentage of the rights enjoyed by Jewish Israelis would Palestinian Israelis enjoy?
For some reason I have no doubt that you are better than the arguments you tout. In my heart I am sure of it.
Posted by halduell, Friday, 4 October 2013 12:28:59 PM
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