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The Forum > Article Comments > Zionism and Terra Nullius: a haunting parallel between Israel and Australia > Comments

Zionism and Terra Nullius: a haunting parallel between Israel and Australia : Comments

By Ron Witton, published 8/5/2019

Palestinians have never had a Mabo moment whereby their historical occupancy of the land of Israel has been recognised by Israel and its courts.

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While one might agree in principle with the article and its Author? One finds no role for Australia in this area, save we agree with a two-state solution and a peaceful resolution to this area of endless bloodletting conflict.

Neither of which has altered the current outcomes in Israel! That said there is an unquestionable role for the wider Jewish diaspora the world over and their involvement in a peaceful resolution and a two-state solution the only outcome that has a snowflakes chance in hell of flying!

Currently, it is only that diaspora that is providing the funding for the conflict on the side of Israel.

Should this funding be withdrawn or withheld pending a believable and ratified two-state solution? The two-state solution would I believe, materialise almost overnight!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 May 2019 11:47:57 AM
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Over Netanyahu's dead body.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 8 May 2019 12:15:14 PM
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If his arguments are so convincing, then why need the author lie about numbers and facts?

"although their populations are approximately the same, about 5 million each."

No. The "Palestinian" population is about 4.5 millions whereas the population of Israel is about 7.5 million citizens, including 1.8 million Arab "Palestinians", with full rights and representation.
(I would even argue that these Arab citizens of Israel have more rights than their Jewish counterparts because they are exempt from conscription)

So when the author seeks "the creation of a united or federated land of Israel/Palestine where all people have equal rights.", this wish of his is ALREADY fulfilled!

So what about the other "Palestinians" who live outside Israel?

I do support their freedom, if so they chose, to become part of Israel as long as they are willing to accept the existing state of Israel and its culture rather than undermine it. However, since 1929 and so far until now, their leadership and educational program are fiercely hostile to Israel's existence. They are violent and simply put, these people are NOT NICE, they certainly are not of the same breed as Nelson Mandela.

Australia would have never accepted such hostile population that only seeks to undermine it and throw its citizens to the ocean. Why should Israel?

Fortunately, the aboriginal population of Australia ARE nice and cooperative, they want (and deserve) to have a good life rather than to ruin the lives of others - thus the difference between Australia and Israel, thus Mabo.

I have no objection to “A land without good people for good people without a land”. Sadly the Israelis, who used to be overall good people until 1967, were poisoned and corrupted by this sting of being occupiers. For their own good alone, they should leave those cursed occupied territories ASAP, with or without a deal.


Dear Alan,

I also support the two-state solution, but the funding of Israel by the Jewish diaspora is only symbolic/emotional, a drop in the ocean: less than a billion out of a GDP of 390 billion (USD).
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 9 May 2019 1:13:47 AM
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