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Philosophical arguments about religion at Christmas : Comments

By Tristan Ewins, published 22/12/2017

In the light of the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse some people are claiming a general redundancy of Christianity, or even religion in general.

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If “some people” are  claiming “a general redundancy of Christianity, or even religion in general”, do these same people have the same attitude to non-religious organisations, carers, atheism in general, state schools – all areas where child abuse occurs and will continue to occur.

Or, is this just more anti-Christian bigotry from an ALP Socialist Left blogger? My money is on the Christianophobic attitude of his political spectrum.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 December 2017 10:19:50 AM
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ttbn ; PLS Read the WHOLE article through and you will see that the article is 'pro-Christianity' ; though exploring this from a broader philosophical perspectives which considers other religions also.
Posted by Tristan Ewins, Friday, 22 December 2017 10:26:38 AM
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Christianity? A Religion founded exclusively on the teachings of a reformist Jewish Rabbi? Allegedly.

Even so, where did he say or write that all those who spoke for him/interpreted his gospel, needed to be, both men and celibate?

Esoteric Christians never built edifices to glorify God, but met in followers homes to break bread in remembrance.

Where in the Master's sermons did he give authority for priests to hear confession or forgive sin.

I say they have no such authority, given it was never ever given, implied or even inferred? NEVER!

Confession may be good for the soul? But surely, it's something between man and his (everywhere present, all powerful) maker! Minus the self imposed intermediary?

Where do we go when we die?

Well we certainly go somewhere. And I say that as someone who thus far has opened the door on no less than three occasions and returned.

My own sainted mother came back to visit as a disembodied spirit 3 days after we buried her mortal remains. And given my state at the time just 27 days after I buried my father, a great reassuring comfort!

I do know this much, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

Those with much, have much responsibility to the least amongst us, those with the most, the most responsibility.

Understand, wealth and privilege is just a tool to make our world a better place for all of us! Rather than mere self aggrandisement or to fulfil an ambition to become the richest man in the graveyard!

Even if you are the biggest, most illustrious, puffed up popinjay, standing tall on the highest tower, in the entire world!?

One day, not too far ahead in time, they will bury you beneath it!

Hell is not a pleasant place, but as dark and desolate as the dark side of the moon, where all you see is the occasional glow of red, unimaginable predatory nightmares, a night that lasts forever and filled with ever mounting terror!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 December 2017 11:33:25 AM
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Considering its obvious limitations it was quite a good essay. Much better than the usual nonsense that Sells writes.

But where does the Teaching and the Living Demonstration of Truth come from?
It certainly does not come from the usual dreadfully sane believer either conservative or progressive convicted as they are of being a sinner - that is completely Godless.

This essay gives a unique Understanding of the radical non-Christian teaching of Saint Jesus of Galilee, and of esoteric Spiritual Religion too.

And of course the fundamental motive or unconscious drive at the root of everyone's philosophy whether secular or what is usually promoted as "religious" is the (understandable) avoidance of the confrontation with death, and what it requires of us.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:24:27 PM
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Alan, you first couple of sentences I will have to agree with, but after that, all I can say is, "It is all in your mind". You don't need to be a schizonphrenic to have visions, but at times of emotional stress, the mind can do all sorts of unexplainable things.

The Christian church teaches the very young that we are all born sinners and if you keep sinning, you will end up in Hell. If you believe that, then they have you in their grip for the rest of your life. Better to forget all that crap and accept the fact that at the end of your life, you die, and that is the end of the matter. You will be a much happier person.

Finally, don't believe that the birth of Jesus is going to bring "Peace on Earth". It hasn't happened yet and with people like Trump in the White House, is just isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:34:15 PM
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How can one take seriously a religion that claims virgins can become pregnant and corpses can come back to life? How can one take seriously a religion with an unparalleled record of suppression of dissent and violence - Inquisition, Crusades, Wars of the Reformation, Dark Ages, execution of scientists, Hypatia, Servetus, Bruno, Holocaust, slavery & massacre of indigenous people, murder of heretics & non-Christians. It cannot be taken seriously if reason applies. It can be taken seriously as a plague on humanity.
Posted by david f, Friday, 22 December 2017 12:36:31 PM
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