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The Forum > Article Comments > How the idea of liberty became Liberalism > Comments

How the idea of liberty became Liberalism : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 23/7/2020

The mechanisms of the free market were thought to be woven into the fabric of reality ie were part of God's plan for the universe.

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Readers, including runner, please note:

As there is no god, or even the tooth fairy, this essay is wasted.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 23 July 2020 11:38:18 AM
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As with the majority of his.
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 23 July 2020 12:48:08 PM
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Looks like this article is, in fact, 2 essays.

I agree with the non-god second essay. In particular Sells' final paragraph:

"Australia has done well with a Liberal federal government acting quickly and effectively to co-ordinate with the states. Unlike in the US, we have overcome politics and geography so that we can act together to produce a better outcome. We have done so, mainly because the Labor Party has gradually inaugurated what may be called "soft" socialization. We have universal healthcare, many forms of welfare support, but unemployment benefits that ensure a life of stress and poverty for those who cannot find work, as the prime minister strangely added "through no fault of their own." The lessons learnt from our experience of the pandemic is that societies who have entertained some form of social democracy, whose governments maintain strong institutions and public trust do better than those who rely on the market and private enterprise. The sins of Thatcher and Reagan have come home to roost."
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 23 July 2020 1:36:33 PM
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An image is not the thing but a reflection seen as reflected light. And in may all mean in as a part thereof. When I see and image of a glass of water, I am not seeing either glass or water but a reflected refractured image of both. And I see the water in the glass. In being the operative word. That is, in the image of the glass.

The universe and all therein is composed entirely of energy as atoms all with huge atomic space inside them and vibrating at just below the speed of light.

Futher, immutable law tells us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, just transmuted.

We carbon forms are part of that transmuted energy. And given energy cannot be created or destroyed had to exist as another for of energy before the birth of the unified field of energy that is the universe.

And as incomprehensible as that is in size or volume it is but a small part of all the energy there is and dwafed by dark matter and its gravity field.

It beggars belief that some rational folk seriouslybelieve, form nothing you get something. I started with nothing and have lots of it left.

Levity aside, some now believe that the universe was created by the extrusion of altred/transmuted dark matter. And fits the immutable law of energy!

Can the universe think dream empathise, love or remote? Well you and I can and we ar an integral part of it.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 23 July 2020 1:55:27 PM
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Correction, another for of energy was originally written as another form of energy. and remote ( a nonsense) was autocorrected emote.

This is allegedly advanced autocorrection from Grammarly. I mean, would you buy that?

I had word, mine for life, allegedly. and now with a free version of Grammarly, my bought and paid for word is gone/unavailable/sabotaged? What an indearing and compelling marketing strategy?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 23 July 2020 2:08:59 PM
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'Readers, including runner, please note:

As there is no god, or even the tooth fairy, this essay is wasted.'

obvious plantagenet why you are rarely able to make a rational statement. Goes hand in hand with god deniers.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 July 2020 3:20:18 PM
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