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The Forum > Article Comments > Labor and LNP avoided big issues in campaign > Comments

Labor and LNP avoided big issues in campaign : Comments

By Graham Young, published 8/12/2017

The weakness in the public perception of Tim Nicholls meant that while Adani should have wedged both him and Labor, it only seemed to wedge him.

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I'm not sure if your take is completely accurate here Graham?

I think Tim came across as someone promising not to do what he intended to do? His whole campaign relied far too heavily on the negative, as did Labor, winning by the skin of their teeth.

He should have come out completely against Adani and coal!

And as a conservative, was hurt by association by the no case SSM campaign!?

His deputy got my vote!

Energy was the killer here and his wholehearted support for a very suspect Adani didn't help!

It's time we had a conversation about nuclear power and the looming threat to us by a nuclear powered North Korea, which now has IBM's that could reach us, with miniaturised nuclear warheads, carried as payload.

President Trump has allowed most if not all Asia to believe? He's unwilling to get the US involved in conflicts that do not involve a direct threat to the US?

May even precipitate WW111, with his moribund activities in the the Middle East?

Anyway, we need to act with alacrity to just build the required capacity. And using proven safe clean cheap molten salt technology and locally invented pulsed laser light enrichment.

We could set it up initially as thorium reactors, as the official cover story?

The $0.1.98 median power prices would just re-power the state economy beyond any expectation!

As would reopening the Townsville refinery as a state facilitated co-op rejigged to refine cobalt! The only way to recover the money we're already in the hole for!?

[Palmer could stop almost anything except government resumption/debt recovery?]

This would win the hearts and minds of the blue collar element and isolate the unions/Labor!

And needed by the pragmatists, if we are to limit Labor to just this term!

Cheap energy, cheap desalinated water and the nickel refinery reopened and refining cobalt! Is just not too hard, just rejected on idiotic ideological ground alone?

Now that I've again raised the topic of thorium, expect the lunatic fringe, tag team anti nuclear brigade to come out stalking again!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 8 December 2017 10:43:41 AM
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Why should these two dinosaurs be relevant at all?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 8 December 2017 12:24:56 PM
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Just need a better salesman, a Barnaby of the north. Are the words that sill ring in my ears. From a truly hopeless spokesman for the LNP on this morning's radio. And tantamount to a used car dealer going broke because his rust bucket death traps are not commanding the volume sales of yesteryear?

A better salesman is not going to fix the products being proffered!

A better plan would be to send that lot to the wreckers then restock with a better product! Without question that better product is going to be, clean, cheap, safe, carbon free energy!

And no not wind or solar voltaic!

One only need bring back some video of the mountains of toxic waste building up in the Chinese environment to rule the latter out!

Or the inordinate number of years turbines need to turn to offset the carbon created in their manufacture!

And that's before you factor in the increased charges a 50% renewable simply has to bring with it!

A better plan would be carbon free energy with a median of $0.1.98 KPH. (Professor Hargreaves) And only possible with, walk away safe, molten salt thorium!

After that, we need that northern refinery now rigged to refine cobalt reopened as a worker's co-op!

Very reliable power at $0.1.98 would also suddenly make a new steel mill very viable and indeed brand new aluminium/copper/light metal smelters to our north!

The final piece of the jigsaw is affordable water And available as destination dialysis desalination. That could even be injected as significant volume, into the Great Artesian Basin?

You just don't need a better motor mouth salesman! Just massively better 21st century products/change we can all believe in! And those two dinosaurs! Optimism and hope!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 9 December 2017 9:11:53 AM
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