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The Forum > Article Comments > Rewrite the entire Constitution > Comments

Rewrite the entire Constitution : Comments

By Klaas Woldring, published 6/11/2017

A black letter reading of the Constitution suggests that the powerful General Cosgrove could appoint a progressive committee of experts, excluding serving politicians, to draft a new Constitution for Australia.

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The last thing Australia needs is 'Progressives' (actually regressives) rewriting the constitution. If any rewriting isneeded it should be very carefully, and minimally, done by Conservatives, not Regressives (who are intent on taking the developed world back to their pre- Enlightenment times - beliefs and dogma).

The most important section to fix (actually repeal) is Section 18c.
Posted by Peter Lang, Monday, 6 November 2017 7:45:23 AM
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What a ridiculous idea. No sensible person would countenance such absurdity. Politicians, known to be idiots, don't understand their Constitutional obligations or they are so arrogant as to believe they can ignore rules a child would understand, and the screechers and bedwetters come out of their trees demanding an entire re-write of the Constitution.

As if people like that could trusted to do what this character thinks should happen; they don't respect what we have now! Given the absolute distrust of, and contempt for, Australian politicians, you really have to be off the planet to come up with such nonsense.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 6 November 2017 8:05:46 AM
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Talk about letting the foxes design the hen house!
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 6 November 2017 8:10:22 AM
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As far as I can remember our Constitution has served
us rather well thus far, except now for the dual-citizenship
fiasco which is disrupting our government's ability to
govern. I'm not an expert on our Constitution nor am I a
lawyer so I can't really comment much on what aspects of it
may need to be upgraded to reflect Modern Australia, or if
it's even necessary for an upgrade. Section 44i of the
Constitution is the Section that appears to be causing all the
problems currently - and that certainly could do with a
re-examination. As for re-writing the entire Constitution?
We need to be very careful with what it's going to be replaced.
But it is worth discussing.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 November 2017 8:49:38 AM
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Fair comment mate! And more than timely!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 6 November 2017 9:34:49 AM
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I'd disagree that section 44 is even a real problem. When you apply to run for parliament, the AEC makes it very clear that it is your responsibility to make sure you don't have dual citizenship. A bunch of (mostly) lawyers should be able to work that out and take responsibility for that themselves. The Constitution isn't a problem; the lack of personal responsibility of parliamentarians is.
Posted by SilverInCanberra, Monday, 6 November 2017 9:52:56 AM
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