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The Middle East: Interesting times : Comments

By David Singer, published 5/12/2011

Palestine and Jordan juggles and jockeys.

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What do you think the idiot Iranisn's response will be to the current attacks by the idiot Israelis?
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 5 December 2011 5:39:06 PM
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Abbas is the winner, he doesn't need to negotiate, he doesn't need to use terror either, all he needs is to sit and wait, watching Israel being corroded from within by its toxic occupation. You are well aware, David, that the reason he would not negotiate is that he doesn't really want a Palestinian state (an idea that was merely invented as a propaganda trick), that what he wants, and Hamas too, is to see Israel destroyed.

Israel will not pressure King Abdullah because it has too many fronts already - with Iran, Hezbullah and Gaza, so it cannot afford another front with the settlers, a bitter enemy from within, which will never accept being kicked out without waging an all out civil war.

Israel is stuck between a rock and a hard place and has no room for maneuvers, while Abbas is laughing all the way to the bank. The best thing that could ever happen to Israel is a UN security-council resolution to send an international force to control the occupied territories. Without such a miracle Israel is doomed. The Israeli government will of course need to play it kicking and screaming for the camera, but only an international force can overcome the settlers and get Israel out of the swamp it got itself into.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 9:45:35 PM
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To Yuyutsu

Don't agree with your analysis but recognise your right to put it forward.

Since the territory in question(6% of former Palestine) is presently "no man's land" ownership still remains undetermined. Once the two state solution is consigned to the garbage bin and Oslo is finally history - then the only parties left standing to determine ownership are Israel and Jordan - the two successor states to the Palestine Mandate who presently have ownership over the other 94% of the Mandate territory.

This should have happened 40 years ago. If it had the Middle East would be a different place today.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 6:03:33 AM
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Your error is in treating the territory in question as an asset, whereas in fact it is a liability - to Israel, to Jordan, to the Palestinians, in fact to anyone. One must be a fool to want to own this cursed land: King Hussein threw it away like hot coals the moment he could, and Abbas (and Arafat before him) plays the game walking on the edge as if he wants it, but makes sure that "somehow" it never happens.

There is actually one group of fools who truly want that garbage - these are the settlers. Perhaps it will do good if Israel leaves that cursed land to them, with all the troubles that come with it, and rid itself of both those territories and the settlers in one go!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 7 December 2011 6:42:39 AM
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I wonder how the idiot Israeli's are feeling this morning knowing that the latest US technology, probably used in assisting their current idiot attacks, is now in idiot Iranian hands?

I bet the US are mightly p...... and afraid.
Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 9 December 2011 7:40:56 AM
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"I wonder how the idiot Israeli's are feeling this morning...?"

Pretty much like how you would feel if the doctor told you that you probably have just a year or two to live.

You must be so happy and dancing with joy now, imajulianutter - I wonder how you would feel when the doctor says that about YOUR family.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 9 December 2011 8:50:52 AM
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