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The Forum > Article Comments > Alice in the Wonderland of the UN > Comments

Alice in the Wonderland of the UN : Comments

By Babette Francis, published 7/4/2014

CSW debated a resolution recognising seven genders. This was unlikely to be adopted by the Australian Parliament, but it gave the impetus for the Australian Human Rights Commission to acknowledge 23 genders and Facebook is up to 50.

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A good article. It's always good to be updated on what the latest crazy schemes and ideas are in feminism.
Posted by Aristocrat, Monday, 7 April 2014 11:37:31 AM
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I agree that a good deal of foolishness goes on at the UN, but what's wrong with advanced countries like Norway using bribery to change the medieval practices entrenched in some third world nations? This is how civilisation progresses, after all. And Norway has the money to do this because of the prosperity that comes with an open secular society governed by the rule of law, and a national attitude of tolerance and respect -- why shouldn't they encourage the spread of these attitudes?

As for 'pro-homosexual "rights"' -- why the scare quotes? Do you not believe that homosexuals have rights, or should have rights? If not, why not?

But if all this foolishness encourages church groups to withdraw from UN participation, I can only say that will have made it all worthwhile.
Posted by Jon J, Monday, 7 April 2014 12:10:07 PM
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Careful, Ms Francis.

If you complain too loudly, they will stop your invitation, and you won't get any more free trips to New York.

But many thanks for taking the trouble to write this article. It exposes just a little more the sheer waste of money and resources that such events represent. The "Economic & Social Council of the UN", their annual (good grief!) "session of the Commission on the Status of Women", plus your own organization, Endeavour Forum Inc. and presumably dozens (hundreds?) of others of the same ilk - how much does all this hot air cost, I wonder.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 7 April 2014 1:26:56 PM
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Seventeen is way too old to ask young people not to have sex - by then you may as well give them condoms.

Speaking of cruelty in China, they used to cripple girls by breaking and binding their feet so they grew in a twisted but socially-desired manner. Similarly, education in the West cripples the minds of children by emphasising the value of sexuality and teaching them that sex is the prime achievement in life. Asking a 17-year-old in the West to abstain from sex is like asking one of those Chinese girls to walk normally, whose feet were broken at the age of 4.

It is however, difficult to avoid attributing such importance to sexuality where higher spiritual values are so out of fashion.

Had sexuality not been considered a big deal, had it been treated naturally like the common cold, then the need to differentiate between genders and sexual-orientations wouldn't arise in the first place.

People don't normally identify themselves with other afflictions, people don't normally brag about the number of flu's they got last winter or the number of finger-cuts they had in the kitchen, so why is sexuality different?

I suspect that the reason for encouraging sexuality and sexual-identity is that Western governments find it a convenient outlet to produce a compliant population, too busily indulgent to criticise and topple them.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 7 April 2014 2:28:10 PM
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It's True ! Its True !
It is not just the Labour Party that has gone stark raving MAD !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 7 April 2014 3:13:05 PM
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I believe that readily available socially responsible condoms is in everybody's ultimate interests.
Almost everyone knows, that kids as young as thirteen are already sexually active!
And, joining the queues of family planning clinics!
To argue against teenage sex, and or the practice of abstinence, is entirely unrealistic Alice in wonderland expectations!
Given in all too many cases, a death sentence cannot enforce this option!
Personally, I would prefer, that thirteen and twelve year old kids had unfettered access to condom vending machines, placed in school toilets?
And, weren't turning up at abortion clinics, or worse, turning to backyard butchers, to somehow preserve their anonymity, or protect their often still unrealistic virginal reputations!
At least in the eyes of parents, who have clearly forgotten what it was like to be a teenager, almost completely at the mercy of a torrent of raging hormones, and entirely new, almost impossible to resist, attractions?
Made worse, by a far more liberal attitude, by many parents, to alcohol, or indeed, the party/date rape drugs, they remain blissfully ignorant about?
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 7 April 2014 5:11:40 PM
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