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Religion do we need it?

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Most understand I believe in no God.
Most too know I once believed in Christ.
Maybe it is my upbringing or my lost faith, but I live still by the great words of wisdom in the Bible.
Followers seem to be less each year or am I just letting the empty or closed Churches influence me?
Can we do with out religion.
Some most certainly can not . many could.
I have no grudge against the followers of any God,but increasingly am concerned at actions that interfere with my life.
PC in relation to belief can be restrictive to the point of criminal.
No discussion can take place about this subject without referring to the Elephant in the room.
Muslim religion, its very DNA is opposed to every thing my upbringing told me, Women are treated badly child brides everything my upbringing told me, is against this religion.
Yet as a nonbeliever I am asked to allow all this and more in the name of PC to change my country and me.
Would one single religion for every one be the answer? uniting us all, will that religion ,as those of my youth fade be the Muslim one?
Are the rights of non believers the same as those who believe?
I doubt man is ready to have no God, but fear until he is, more harm than good comes from some.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 November 2012 5:03:32 PM
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I don't think we need religion in this modern age when most intelligent people can think for themselves, and don't need 'holy' people or ancient books to tell them how to think or act.

However, I don't understand how Muslim people affect anyone else's daily lives here in Australia Belly? There are so few Muslims in Australia, compared to other cultures, that I fail to see any impact by them at all really...
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 17 November 2012 1:20:37 AM
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Suseonline let me first tell you of my positives , in my view from having no religion.
I know if I answer your question the thread will take off, many posts but be a failure.
Maybe if you know my views, and the thought no creed is as restrictive, to others, as the one you mention.
Why in a world that teaches us evolution do we give tax free status to beliefs not shared by all.
Find me something Churches did not form and control our views in.Sex marriage law politics allow rules to belief as much as deep thought.
Why must I respect and stay within walls built around any religion, even in some be described as inferior, but not have the same right to disrespect them.
A world without religion, within decades, would be united as one humanity.
Suseonline show me another religion with as much power, that has a concept like Sharia law, even in other country,s and other cultures, even if against that country,s laws.
And, if we agree there are no Gods, tell me why it happens?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 17 November 2012 4:45:34 AM
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Religion do we need it?

Definitely not ! I much prefer education.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 17 November 2012 5:30:32 AM
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Religion, like most others thing nowadays, has been commercialized to a large extent.

Gone are the days of passing the plate around to collect a few 'tax free' coins, as many of the religious groups here and abroad are now multi million dollar 'tax free' havens.

As far as us needing religion, I say we do, for those who believe, but we equally need protection for those who don't.

I say any followers should be entitialed to follow, BUT, non followers should not be solicitored by those wanting to introduce us to what they see as a better way.

As for their tax free heavens, these should be abolished immediately.


As for religions like Islam, i will answer your question, however I won't be drawn into any anti Muslim debate, however, I think they simply don't belong here as we are a peace loving nation.

As for your comment about not having many Muslims, I would simply say to you, just one person who believes in beheading is one too many for my liking.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 17 November 2012 6:26:57 AM
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Suppose, in a single stroke, you were able to abolish and eradicate every organized religion in the world today, what do you think you would accomplish?

Since the dawn of time, mankind has believed, if not worshipped, all manner of things. As understanding and application of science has evolved, so many religions have ‘died out’, only to be replaced with others. Many of the religions reigning supreme today might be considered archaic and patriarchal, and I have no doubt they too will eventually succumb to modern pressures, but you will never rid humankind of its need to believe.

It might be argued that we have come full circle and that our concern for the environment is simply a new-age interpretation of the ancient worship of the Mother Goddess. For others, money is the only god; or power; or material possessions. I find the concept of atheism amusing because while a professed atheist might claim not to believe in ‘God’ (at least, according to the general accepted definition) I doubt they believe in nothing at all. They may not think their belief manifests as an ‘organised’ or formal religion, but any ideology can easily be classified as a religion.

In essence, this answers your question: yes, we do need religion. Not necessarily the religion we know or have grown up with. But we most definitely need to believe. Many of mankind’s greatest achievements in the arts have been inspired by religion. Just as many great achievements in science have stemmed from a need to disprove religion. Take it away, and we are left with nothing.
Posted by scribbler, Saturday, 17 November 2012 7:00:26 AM
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