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The Forum > Article Comments > White Australia’s foreign affairs policy > Comments

White Australia’s foreign affairs policy : Comments

By Ali Kazak, published 26/9/2016

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull asked 'Is the Labor party’s foreign policy for sale?' yet consecutive Liberal and Labor governments have been selling Australia’s foreign policy to Israel for decades with cash and free trips.

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I'm just another mushroom when it comes to politics and the endless competition of "antiquated", irrelevant, backward looking ideas!

And with it, the prospering of some to the endless detriment of the (kept in the dark and fed lots of horse manure) mushrooms!

If our pollies excell in anything it has to be timidity and an over reliance on seriously questionable alliances and even more questionable trade pacts?

There's a lot of pot calling the kettle black in modern self serving tail wagging the dog politics or the manifest cronyism and rank hypocrisy that seems to further contaminate it?

What we need is forthright folk able to call a spade a shovel! Even if that upsets Sara Netanyahu?

We need to become a litte more inward looking and in complete control here at home; and create self sufficient independence that progressively incorporates complete self reliance!

That's where our future lies, particularly if the smoldering embers in the middle east become a conflagration that could usher in armageddon?

That means charting our own course, as opposed to one marked out (bought and paid for) for us by our so called (manipulating) allies or the fossil fuel industry/energy corporations! [Tobacco, asbestos, big pharma, coal corporations, power companies, along with an assorted assembly, whose primary commercial interests would be harmed if we ever put the true national interest first and protected it with bipartisan policy paradigms we could all believe as a single nation united behind common nation building purpose!

None of which is really served by sucking up to this or that counterproductive vested interest! be it Israel, Russia, North Korea, or any other trouble spot needing only the winds of change, or injustice, to fan smoldering embers into flame?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 26 September 2016 12:46:01 PM
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The muslim and Arab countries are hardly a shining light for rule of law, tolerance and human rights, whereas Israel is the only functioning democracy with human rights and tolerance.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 26 September 2016 12:51:40 PM
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Kazak shouldn't be yet another Muslim whinger who criticises Australia, the country that gives him sanctuary. If he claims there is a White Australia he can nick back to his beloved homeland in the Middle East.

Certainly most Australians have more solidarity with other Australians that happen to be Jewish. Israel like Australia fears Islamic terrorism.

Now seems Kazak is doing well for himself. He's put out his shingle as a businessman in Australia, as Managing Director of Southern Link International, a business, investment consultancy, and public relations company.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 26 September 2016 3:04:03 PM
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Well at least there is no foreseeable danger of Australia being invaded by Israel - something we cannot say about China!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 26 September 2016 3:42:08 PM
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Obama is not white and his policy is against Chinese islands and a little bit upset about Israel's housing booms. Syria is strongly against all housing with each way bets on the US for IS and illegal IED against rebel voters. If Syria, rebels and IS bomb Israel then we know where we stand .
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 26 September 2016 3:48:27 PM
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Sponsored free trips to political leaders, public servants, university students and journalists...

Is Ali Kazak offended that he was not invited?
Posted by Avw, Monday, 26 September 2016 4:12:08 PM
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