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User Details : Yuyutsu
The Forum > User Index > Yuyutsu Most Recent 10 Posts
» 27/03/2025 5:15:24 PM Dear Indyvidual, «Aren't they the cause of much of the violence because they're totally n.....
» 27/03/2025 3:34:55 PM Dear Rhian, Language can be ambiguous: "Right" can mean both the opposite of &q.....
» 27/03/2025 10:59:45 AM Self defence is an acceptable human behaviour. It is not to be condemned, it is not somet.....
» 25/03/2025 10:07:05 PM Dear Paul, «your vote will end up in the pile for one of the 'Big Two' parties. Unfortuna.....
» 25/03/2025 12:14:15 PM Dear Paul, Yes, China's intimidation worked, but only because we can no longer rely on Am.....
» 24/03/2025 10:34:26 AM Dear Ttbn, It is said that when a pigeon sees a cat, it closes its eyes. Eyes open or cl.....
» 22/03/2025 8:18:20 PM Dear Critic, «It was my understanding that through the Yeshiva schools Orthodox Jews part.....
» 22/03/2025 7:54:59 PM Dear Indyvidual, «My experience of democracy is...» Wow, have you actually ever experien.....
» 21/03/2025 1:21:15 PM Dear Critic, «...has ties to and donates to Orthodox Jewish causes which are involved in .....
» 21/03/2025 3:50:41 AM Dear Critic, You should have stated at the onset that your [deleted] post was specificall.....
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