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The Forum > General Discussion > Do Libertarians Still Exist?

Do Libertarians Still Exist?

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A libitariarian is someone driving down the road claiming to be an individual, while cursing the 'Gubberment' for not fixing the potholes.

They wanted all the services while contributing nothing, because 'the gubberment' is the enemy.

But I haven't heard so much about these crazies lately.

Do the still exist?
Posted by Random, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 5:19:47 PM
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Does this include the 'Civil libertarians' of Qld's Terry O'Gorman ? He once told me couldn't help me re legal aid after a robbery by so-called indigenous as "Sorry can't help you, we're batting for the other team" !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 8:01:38 PM
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You haven’t thought this one out.

Libertarians are currently on display in huge numbers presenting as pro Hamas cheer squads on University Campuses throughout the West, including Australia.

They also present themselves as the Chameleons they are, as Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong for example. At heart they are anarchistic, and deplore the Western society values they are elected to uphold. Traitors.

Rethink it!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 8:27:51 PM
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Random completely misunderstands Libertarianism and then proclaims that his fantasy libertarian doesn't exist. Well, that's true because the 'libertarian' he describes never existed.

Libertarianism is the philosophy that individual freedom is the paramount political value and that coercion is the antithesis of that freedom. Libertarians don't consider the government to be the enemy, just big, ever expanding government. We aren't opposed to taxation, just opposed to taxation in excess of that required for the government to perform its primary functions ie national defence, protecting civil liberties and property rights, protecting and projecting freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Libertarians drive down government provided roads because they're there. But we recognise that they would still be there if the government got outta the way and left it to individuals to do. Roads were provided and existed long before government decided it was their function and established a coercive monopoly of their provision.

Yes, we libertarians still exist. We have always existed and will always exist. Even when Winston Smith was required to believe 2 + 2 =5 , he knew in his heart that it was a falsehood even as we know that the claims that government needs to insert itself into every human issue is a falsehood.

OTOH, it is also true that there is a class of people who feel much more comfortable outsourcing their thinking and decision-making. For them, liberty is the freedom to do as their told.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 7:24:44 AM
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Random is the bloke who thinks that everyone who doesn't think the way he does hasn't been to university and is 'blue collar'. They are also 'white men', of course, and he isn't aware that the ALP spells Labor without the "u".

He has also described OLO as a "crap" site.

I suspect that he is a non-white foreigner who has never been to Australia, and carries a massive chip on his shoulder.

As he has already been told, he wouldn't know a libertarian from a hole in the ground; nor his arse from his elbow.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 May 2024 7:36:40 AM
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I think the most stable description of Libertarianism centres around the theme of anarchism.

Especially since the description covers left and right think; but usually falling into the extremes of ideology at the fringes.

So to be a Libertarian is really not an accurate description to be placed on any Political standbtaken by the individual or his preferred group.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 9 May 2024 7:56:12 AM
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