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The Forum > Article Comments > It’s ‘groundhog day’ - religious discrimination bill under threat again! > Comments

It’s ‘groundhog day’ - religious discrimination bill under threat again! : Comments

By Greg Bondar, published 28/4/2023

As a devotee of political strategy, could it be that the Religious Discrimination Bill under Albanese will suffer the same fate as it did under Morrison?

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Religious schools should have no more right to discriminate than any other schools. That seems to be the right that the author wants.
Posted by david f, Friday, 28 April 2023 8:20:17 AM
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All we can expect from post-Christian Australia is discrimination AGAINST Christianity. All other religions will be left alone.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 28 April 2023 10:19:59 AM
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Religion has become increasingly isolated from mainstream secularism; that retrograde moment in history where the stampede back to the days of the Roman Empire, has brought with it such debauched horrors as rainbow ideology in all its inglorious blossoming.

Being religious in the age of the State sponsored rainbow cult, has subjected, particularly if Christian, those that cling stubbornly to its tenants, a taste of the inglorious end of Orson Wells Citizen Kane, in his end days: Lonely, abandoned and rejected.

Don’t vote, you only support the furtherance of the cult!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 28 April 2023 10:30:46 AM
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There's a handful of fundamental fanatics, head buriers and religious nut jobs who believe they have a right to discriminate against folk who were born different.

God created mankind in his own image, which includes the LGBT transgender and gay community.

Seriously, a fervent belief in a flat earth never made it flat and the only way one could discriminate against the aforementioned is by religiously avoiding looking at the mounting evidence that gay people are born gay!

Get over it, it doesn't affect or harm you or yours and it's not contagious!

Labor should never ever revisit this garbage/religious BS!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 28 April 2023 12:34:34 PM
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Alan B

I completely agree with you that “God created mankind in his own image, which includes the LGBT transgender and gay community.”

But many religious folk sincerely don’t, and believe that their religions declare homosexuality to be sinful. The Hebrew Scriptures, New Testament and Koran all contain texts that condemn homosexuality. And unfortunately, it is not just “a handful of fundamental fanatics” who hold this position. Many of the largest Christian, Islamic and Jewish religious institutions officially condemn homosexual acts.

The question is whether religious schools and institutions should be free to teach this, and expect their students and staff to act in accordance with what they believe is their faith’s moral teaching.

I am torn by this issue as I think freedom of religion is a very important principle, but so is the right of LGBTQI+ folk to be respected and accepted for who they are and not discriminated against. Gay kids at religious schools need particularly sensitive treatment.

My view is that religious schools should be free to teach what they believe their religions advocate, and people like me who are practicing Christians (and Jews and Muslims) who disagree with that interpretation should take up the argument within our institutions.

It is one think to permit religious freedom, however, and another thing to expect society to pay for advocacy of positions which are at odds with mainstream community values. One measure that might help to focus the minds of these organisations would be to remove government funding and subsidies from schools and other institutions that refuse to uphold basic principles of non-discrimination. I suspect we’d see some rapid progress if this occurred.
Posted by Rhian, Friday, 28 April 2023 2:15:57 PM
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Christianity is one religion among many, and it should be treated as one religion among many.
Posted by david f, Friday, 28 April 2023 3:05:45 PM
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