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Vaccination: objections to your conscientious objection : Comments

By Martin Bouckaert, published 9/5/2012

What happens when the doctor refuses to sign the conscientious objector’s form?

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Great article! The anti vaccination movement lost most of its credibility, when the principle proponent turned out to be a complete fraud, with forged credentials, rather than the venerable German professor she claimed to be.
If anyone has any doubts about the efficacy of vaccinations, go to a large public hospital during a whooping cough epidemic; and watch very small babies under six months, die a murderously horrible death!
They are to young to vaccinate! And generally too sick to feed, and simply die of extreme exhaustion as much as congested lungs, given they simply can't stop endless coughing!
Watch a couple of these tiny infants die and understand if you can, that those who refuse to vaccinate have done this quite deliberately and knowingly; given, in their refusal to vaccinate, they have turned themselves; and or, their surviving children into carriers of an illness; that all too often has, fatal repercussions for the very young?
And through their extreme ignorance, I believe, have conferred on themselves a right to kill!
All doctors ought to refuse to sign these alluded to documents.
The only doctors on trial here, in the public arena, I believe, have to be the very tiny few, for whatever reason or personal bias/bigotry/personal prejudice/incompetent foreign training, who refuse to vaccinate or treat some TERMINALLY ill patients, with particular or suspected illnesses? Rhrosty.
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 9 May 2012 8:43:31 AM
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Quite right.

I was astonished and horrified by one colleague who, after laughing over my disagreement with experts over climate change, when the theory has no track record of any kind, then stating she disagreed with the experts over vaccination, although that procedure has a impressive, provable track record in all but eliminating diseases that once use to kill millions.

Children use to die like flies before the widespread use of vaccination, but a sliver of doubt and suddenly soem people the risks of vaccinating their child is far too great..
Posted by Curmudgeon, Wednesday, 9 May 2012 11:39:10 AM
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I agree that doctors should have the right to refuse to sign against their conscience.

However, why should anyone have to see a doctor in the first place to prevent being assaulted with a needle and harmful substances? What gives anyone in the first place a right to attack other people's bodies (or their children's) against their will?

The government are simply a violent bunch of bullies and as they physically attack people or their children, surely those people under attack have every right for self defense!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 9 May 2012 1:17:44 PM
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But is it illegial to refuse vaccination at the moment? If not it should be. Those who refuse vaccinations are increasing the risk for everyone for no reason other than they are into conspiracy theories.

However, I think you'll find its not illegial..
Posted by Curmudgeon, Wednesday, 9 May 2012 1:27:58 PM
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It is not illegal to refuse vaccination. No one is forcing anyone to get vaccinated. There is a legislative requirement for parents of unvaccinated children to provide a legitimate medical reason and/or acknowledgement that they understand the dangers in order to receive certain benefits, or special exemptions (such as for child care) for their children. This is what the forms are for. They are not for subverting the legislation, nor are they for defrauding the system.
Posted by Martin Bouckaert, Wednesday, 9 May 2012 1:45:52 PM
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The question of a non-vaccination form is to my non legalistic mind nonsense. If a mother does not want her child vaccinated or wants to exempt herself from vaccination sobeit. This is a country that values individual freedom (or used to).
Since when was a doctor required to certify stupidity!
Posted by anti-green, Wednesday, 9 May 2012 2:52:12 PM
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