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The Forum > Article Comments > On the rational dimension of Christian faith > Comments

On the rational dimension of Christian faith : Comments

By George Virsik, published 15/11/2019

Christian beliefs: from naïve acceptance through doubts and confusion to critical acceptance.

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George makes a sound proposition in his post when he discusses the important differences between a mathematician's critical reasoning of acceptance, compared with the blindly naïve acceptance of ultimate reality by religions which revolve around the faith-based existence of some divinity or supreme being.

The question is to whom is ethical, behavioural and moral responsibility owed?
The answer is -to one's own self.

The outcome of thoughts, speech, and actions are strictly the result of one's actions, and are not the responsibility of anyone other than the individual.
It can be argued that individual attitudes will vary widely and bring into question the correctness or wrongness of personal behaviour, but there can be no denying that truth is not variable.

The blind trust and faith of religion counters the factual consideration of the adoption of a particular form of behaviour.
This seems indictive of George's reference to acceptance of beliefs due to doubt and confusion.

Lifestyle should not depend upon religious belief.
Posted by Ponder, Friday, 15 November 2019 9:49:19 AM
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yep and surely for mathematical laws and all other laws their is a Lawmaker. Only the irrational claim that order came from chaos.
Posted by runner, Friday, 15 November 2019 10:23:45 AM
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Rational!? Like you mean once viciously believed and adhered to, beliefs like a flat earth? Or a 6,000 old earth at the centre of the entire universe that revolved around it

Or that all of humanity sprang from just two humans and the incestuous relations between brothers and sisters, the only possible way for humanity to continue if there was any truth to the Adam and Eve (they took to themselves, wives) fable!

Christianity of today has nothing in common from the philosophy that gave it birth!

It became a fear-based cult once Constantine decided to take it over and appoint his own lackeys as the spiritual heads. Some 350 years after the event.

It became a monster when sword welding bishops and popes headed up blood-soaked armies, determined to slaughter the unbelieving barbarians and gave themselves divine authority for this cannot er,r endeavour.

Moreover, the alleged sacrament of the confessional and the almost absolute control it conferred has only existed for around 700 years. And marriage as a church conducted holy sacrament, a little over 300

. But paedophilia has existed and has been rampant in this allegedly holy and devout institution for far longer than either! Even as the rivers of gold flowed into holy coffers!

I cannot but believe in a creator!

But not in any organised religion! Or their organising entities, some of who would seem to be servants of Satan ( a jealous God) and with that, fear!?

When did Jesus require those who followed to be celibate!? When!?
Where is it written or espoused? Maybe like a sacrifice at an altar, it was imposed by Constatine or his lackeys?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 15 November 2019 11:17:51 AM
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The author, being a mathematician, believes religion to be a process of addition, whereas in fact it is a process of subtraction.

Subtract the selfish untruth from your mind, the selfish hurtfulness from your character and the selfish ugliness from your expression, refine those faculties and what you are left with is Truth, Goodness and Beauty, in other words, God.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 15 November 2019 11:28:33 AM
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The first place to start would obviously be a comprehensive Illuminated Understanding of the life and teaching of Saint Jesus of Galilee who of course was never ever in any sense a Christian.

The various essays featured on this reference provide such a comprehensive Understanding.

As do the various essays featured on these two sites:

There is a lot of overlap on these sites.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 15 November 2019 11:37:34 AM
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How far away from the truth of Christianity is this clown.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 15 November 2019 8:40:33 PM
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