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The Forum > Article Comments > Child poverty in America is indefensible > Comments

Child poverty in America is indefensible : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 1/11/2017

According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development rankings of child income poverty rates, the United States disgracefully falls in between Mexico and Lithuania.

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All pain of others is ignored…the selfish society!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 1 November 2017 9:42:17 AM
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Unfettered capitalism and trickle down theory at it's very finest!

Want to change it, wherever we find it?

Then as simple as building a few, walk away safe thorium reactors! The using the world's cleanest, safest, cheapest carbon free energy. Power new space age desalination!

And because it's relatively simple! Able to be progressively funded out of existing aid budgets!? Which will eventually be able to be partially unchained from that simple task. To do other more important things!

Deliver reliable affordable potable water then enough food and fibre forever! As drought proofed agriculture!

Which will reverse the current drought created exodus and with that, improve the standard of living both north and south of any border!

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish even allegorically and you feed him and his family forever.

The only danger and forever lurking waiting for yet another chance at delivering a killer blow? Is the pernicious, parasitical paradigm, privatise the profits and socialise the losses. And mostly responsible for all this social injustice and starving millions!

By all means lets give the entrepreneurs free reign! Just not the kitchen sink, the refrigerator and stove, (energy and capital) as part of a bargain for beggars!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 1 November 2017 2:25:43 PM
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And yet they continue to make more children :-(

Will this ever stop?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 1 November 2017 6:34:27 PM
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If corrupt US politicians care more about their stock portfolios in the health and insurance sectors what exactly do you want me to do about it?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 November 2017 7:16:49 PM
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When the most powerful "leader" in the west, owns three companies he hasn't contributed a red cent of his own money too, but rather, owns them courtesy of the taxpayer?

And where the richest man in America, the Oracle from Omaha, only pays half the personal tax, as a percentage of his income, than his Secretary? One begins to understand where the problem lies?

Or when the basic wage is still only seven dollars an hour? And maybe less for many migrant farm workers, while the taxpayer pours annual billions into the farm bill! You start to understand the nature of the problem!

But particularly when you contrast it with the unprecedented period of post war prosperity, brought about by Keynesian economics and massive forced stimulus spending, still peculating up through the real economy!

And not likely to improve anytime soon, with the current economic paradigm in play. Even as we face quite massive technological change and massive job losses accruing to Automation!

So when all the jobs have been automated genius? And virtually all the "labour market" living on charity or their wits? Who is going to pay the tax bill to fund the services and the infrastructure repairs/restoration/renovation/roll out? Father Christmas?

Or should we just wait until the light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be the headlight of the thundering steaming express, destination permanent economic ruin!? As we speed ever faster in ever tightening downward spiral makes us all disappear down some cosmic fundamental?

We was going round the bend doing a million miles an hour, when the chain on my bicycle broke. I was scrapped all over, by the rocks and the gravel and ruptured to death by a spoke.

What a wonderful party! More tea? Hallelujah and pass the biscuits. Ah said biscuits son, not dried cow pats!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 2 November 2017 8:39:07 AM
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Hey Alan,
I'm still convinced that my 'Socialist Base Level Jobs' idea I came up with a year or so back is the only idea that can change the path of western society.
It might be a big call, but I don't see any other answers.
If we have Capitalist Education (Private Schools) with a Socialist Base Level (Public Schools) and;
If we have Capitalist Healthcare (Private Hospitals) with a Socialist Base Level (Public Hospitals)
Then it stands to reason we need Capitalist Jobs (What we have now) with a Socialist Base Level (Socialst Level Jobs).

My idea is 'Double Dole Payment' for anyone who wants to work full time - essentially doing things that save the government money, or be more efficient.
And so we create hundreds of thousands of jobs, all across the country on national infrastructure and incorporating low cost training.
And we remove the 'I can't get a job' excuse, and 'create a culture of employment within the ranks of the unemployed'.

With jobs, the aim is to 'make use of the 5% pool of unemployed workers that capitalism requires to prevent wage growth'.
We administer these jobs in a modern way - through the use of a 'myGov' App - 'Log-In, Select a shift, Confirm, Go to Work'.
The existing system has 'Working Credits'.
I want to include 'Training Credits', where you earn rewards points which can be spent towards training for new skills.

And I want to update the normal standard resume, to a 'digital resume', where the 'App' you log into knows your skills; and offers you different 'job shifts' based on these skills.
With so many jobs, there will be plenty of opportunities to save on the cost of training, which can also be streamlined through 'Apps'.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 November 2017 9:36:35 AM
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