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Has consumer capitalism displaced faith? : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 17/8/2020

When we turned away from the enchantment of Christianity, we did not discover a disenchanted world, but we looked for new forms of enchantment.

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Jesus Christ. Another religious person trying to find a reason why their religion is decaying and hopefully, disappearing. The history of every religion was written in blood.

The reason why all religions are dying, Peter Sellick, is because of education and science. Religions can no longer claim that their particular God created the universe, when anyone with any basic knowledge of evolution and astronomy knows it is just crap. Nor can priests, prelates, mullahs, or imams claim that the earth is only 5000 years old. Anyone who went to high school and studied geography knows that is crap too.

Every time science advances, religions that are based upon superstitious nonsense just get pushed backwards. One youtube site even claim that in a secret poll in Saudi Arabia, 60% of the Saudi respondents claimed that they did not believe in any God.

As for consumer goods, people everywhere like consumer goods. Always have and always will. Trying to blame "consumerism" on people's disinterest in religion is as useful as shouting down a well. In the western world, you would be better off blaming higher intelligence levels through universal education. Although with the current fashion of importing ever more low intelligence and superstitious people from third world societies into the west, that will probably reverse.

Which is why all the religions of the world, including if I remember correctly, your own good self, support third world immigration into the west.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 17 August 2020 9:10:34 AM
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I'm not sure that religious faith has been replaced by anything. You can't replace something that was not there in the first place, certainly not with "consumer capitalism", which is indulged in by religious and non-religious alike. We are in a post-Christian era. End of story.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2020 9:26:11 AM
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It is interesting to see the certainty with which LEGO approaches his demolition of the article. My own view is that any conventional religion is likely to be far from reality. However that may be, all humans are limited in their ability to understand their surroundings. Accordingly, a little humility seems in order.

The following paragraph written by Tolstoy more than 150 years ago is just as true now as it was then:

If a bee, settling upon a flower, stings a child, the child becomes afraid of all bees, and declares that their purpose is to sting people. The poet, however, loves to see the bee drinking from the chalices of the flowers, and says that the purpose of bees is to gather nectar for themselves. The bee-keeper, on the other hand, remarking how the bee not only gathers pollen, but also carries it away to its hive, declares that the purpose of bees is to make honey, while one of his craft who had studied the life of the swarm more closely says that bees collect pollen in order to feed their young and produce queens, i.e., to continue their species. Finally, the botanist, noticing that the fact of a pollen-laden bee settling upon the pistil of a flower fertilises the plant, concludes that that is the ultimate purpose of the insect. Nevertheless the ultimate purpose of bees is not exhausted by any such purposes as the human mind may conceive of it. The higher the human intellect soars in its con¬ception of possible purposes, the more does it realise that such purposes lie beyond its comprehension.
Posted by Dayton, Monday, 17 August 2020 10:15:44 AM
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'The history of every religion was written in blood.' Only to be surpassed by god deniers who have an atrocious record. Mind you with no moral base to draw from its not surprising even though it does not fit Lego's irrational narrative. No one would dare do the figures by the murderous group planned parenthood let alone Mao, the current dictator in China, Stalin, socialist Hitler. Yep those 'peace loving' god deniers!
Posted by runner, Monday, 17 August 2020 11:06:10 AM
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The God of Christianity was erased with the influence of Emporer Constantine, along with the imposition of his selected stooges as the Bishops of Rome/Constantinople. The almost complete, post 350 AD, rewrite of Christian theology by the aforementioned lackeys, their servants.

As for Mannon replacing God in Christian worship? I believe one need look no further than our Hillsong for evidence of that outcome?

When Jesus took to the money changers in the Temple, alive today/similarly armed?

Wall street may cop a whipping as would a few pussy groping billionaires, who clearly have made money/its acquisition? Much more important than people.

Money is just a tool to acomplish outcomes for everyone, not just priviliged horders!

Where used as a tool to acommplish social equity outcomes! Will create sustainable universial prosperity for all.

We can hardly get into a worse finacial pickle than the one already created by the pandemic! Money has never ever been cheaper!

So, its debt that should be used now to create several seriously massive nation-building projects/infrastructure we should invest in NOW TODAY, are (VLT) rapid rail, allow the new rezoned real estate along the resumed corridor to pay the bill.

We also need reliable, dispatchable energy, manufacturing can afford, given we also build that, fund that build, NOW, TODAY, with the annual bilions we'd earn as the premier repository for the world's stockpile of nuclear waste, which in reality is mostly unspent fuel. Unspent fuel we could spend in MSR technology! Creating virtually free power in complete, walk away, safety as we do so!

Add in real reformed taxation as a single unavoidable, 15% flat tax, everyone above a very generous threshold, pays. And our manufacuring sector could build anything and beat the pants of the emerging economies without really trying.

Incorporate cooperative capitalism as the template! And that's how you do a maximised rapid ( knock your socks off) recovery!

But only if we have a return to sanity and sound judgement at the helm as opposed to endless blame shifting and serial incompetence/fiscal timidity?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 17 August 2020 11:47:12 AM
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The only form of capitalism that incorporates the philosophy of Chrisianty as advanced by it's founders, is cooperative capitalism.

Cooperative capitalism does not need slavery, pockets of poverty and disadvantaged in order to survive and or posper!

Does not need a pool of homeless and or unaffordable housing to prosper the entire nation, or as now, privileged sectors who are the drones, leaners, predatory parasites who predate on the enterprise and endeavour of others in order to earn a quid/amass personal fortunes!

Cooperative capitalism does not need to leave behind those who are disabled or too old to work!

Does not abandon or disadvantage unwanted children, but cares for and educates them, so they as adults contribute/become the pillars of society others can depend on for universial goodwill!

The Pandemic has given us a God-given opportunity to remake our society and business models, so they reflect our best, the template of early esoteric Cristianity and standing united behind the golden code/do unto others philosophy!

And needs to start at the top, which needs to lead with selfless example!

When Menzies left politics, he didn't own his own home! Parliament passed the hat around and both sides dipped in and bought him a house!

Would any of our carreer politicians/marketing professioals dip as deeply into much slimer pocket books, today?

I think not! Nor do I think that there is a genuine concern for the welfare of others or a desire to make a difference, save one to their own bank balances, commecial holdings? And if the cap fits?

If it doesn't? Take it off and stand up for things that matter, for once in your life! Even if that means you have to cross the floor daily!?

If you can't? Well, why are you there? If you can't take a principled stand and champion our issues, all of them, pack it in and go home!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 17 August 2020 12:34:30 PM
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