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The Forum > Article Comments > The beginning and end of human life: the view from Australia > Comments

The beginning and end of human life: the view from Australia : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 29/12/2021

The arguments around VAD are like those around abortion. Both end a life, and both are justified by the assertion of human rights.

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There is no point in getting involved in the abortion argument. Just be aware that abortion is just one of things that is removing the 'civilisation' from Western civilisation.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 29 December 2021 1:24:47 PM
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Thank you Peter.
Life begins at Conception
Personhood begins with Life
Posted by LesP, Wednesday, 29 December 2021 3:24:38 PM
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Is it fair for a child to suffer a life of consequences due to it's parents' indisciplined drug & alcohol fuelled behaviour such as we see daily by the tattooed & body-pierced Bogans of 'proud British heritage'?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 29 December 2021 7:15:14 PM
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There is little room left in our neatly structured world, for the inconvenience of the life of others.

Don’t fall under the bus, there is no mercy!

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 29 December 2021 8:16:24 PM
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Life begins at Conception
For many yes, for even more it's a miserable existence that could be avoided by abortion !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 30 December 2021 5:06:26 AM
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<<Life begins at Conception
For many yes, for even more it's a miserable existence that could be avoided by abortion !>>

The medical profession disagrees:

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]

"The development of a human being begins with fertilization, a process by which two highly specialized cells, the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female, unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."
[Langman, Jan. Medical Embryology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1975, p. 3]
Posted by OzSpen, Thursday, 30 December 2021 7:30:18 AM
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