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The Forum > General Discussion > TIME FOR THE BAD GUYS ?


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We are about to witness a historic moment when, for the first time in history a convicted criminal, Donald John Trump, is to be sworn in as president of the United States. Right now, he’s busy choosing the people he wants to govern with, prioritizing loyalty over qualifications and all other considerations. They have to be confirmed by the Senate and, as we have seen during the ongoing “beauty parade”, there are quite a number of “bad guys” like Trump among them.

But Trump is not the only national leader to be elected following a criminal conviction. Our Australian prime minister during the Second World War, John Curtin, was convicted to three months imprisonment, and jailed for three days in 1916 for failing to enlist for conscription, and elected prime minister in 1941. He declared war on the Japanese the day after they attacked Pearl Harbour and died in 1945, just three months after Roosevelt died.

Though Curtin was the first prime minister of Australia to be convicted of an offence he is nevertheless considered to have been one of our best prime ministers.

So, could it be that whenever there is a major world crisis brewing and the going gets tough, maybe it’s time to bring in the bad guys to sort it out ?

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 16 January 2025 9:55:36 AM
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All politicians are criminals anyway: they are there to interfere with and control the lives of innocent ordinary people who never consented in the first place to have anything to do with their criminal organisation - the state.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 16 January 2025 2:08:35 PM
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Dear Banjo,

Trump is unpredictable and unstable.

He just may add to world conflict and uncertainty.
And hand his rivals victories.

A few things are a worry. A possible "deal" with Putin.
Giving Israel a blank cheque. And so much more. Does he really
mean what he says?

History is full of individuals who were charged but not all
served sentences in prison.

I would like to see Trump simply removed from office.

But I doubt that will happen any time soon.

Just as I doubt Netanyahu will ever be convicted. Not as long
as Trump is US President.

We really don't need or want a leader like
Trump having his hand on the
nuclear button.

Scary thought.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 16 January 2025 3:15:38 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,

"All politicians are criminals" rather cynical, obviously you don't know many politicians, from all shades of politics. Sat in an MP's office for an hour today, didn't find her to be a "criminal" as you put, rather helpful actually. BTW the record shows your religious clergy are far more likely to be criminals than are polys. Jesus Christ was also a convicted criminal.

Hi Banjo,

There is a slight difference between standing up for a cause, and have your convictions sending you to jail (Curtain), compared to paying a prostitute hush money to keep her legs open and her trap shut (Trump).

BTW; There was no conscription in Australia during WWI. From memory there were 2 referendums held, and conscription was defeated both times. Curtain went to jail for failing to report to an army camp for compulsory military training, which had been introduced in 1911, something the Hughes government tried as a way around not being able to conscript young men. BTW 'Pig Iron' Bob Menzies although a supporter of the war, like 'Little Johnny' Howard (Vietnam War) years later failed to enlist. These old conservatives believe in fighting wars, but not them, others can do that.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 16 January 2025 7:54:04 PM
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Foxy said- "We really don't need or want a leader like Trump having his hand on the nuclear button."

A- If Foxy said good morning I'd check outside first. We need someone like Trump on the button when CCP Xi is in charge of aggressive expansionist China, and taking pot shots at Australian military assets.

I suppose Foxy likes Xi and the whole standup bunch of Maoist's. Apparently Mao murdered sixty million people and had a virgin every night.

Someone said "when you kill in the name of the king, don't think of who you killed, but what you allowed to live".

I suppose Foxy wants to kill Trump, so that Mao and his principles, of murder and rape of young girls, can live.

Does Foxy support the UK Southport 'actor' and Pedo-Rape Factories too?

If Foxy supports China taking pot shots at the Australian military should we really allow her to remain in Australia?
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 16 January 2025 9:05:43 PM
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Dear Paul,

«"All politicians are criminals" rather cynical, obviously you don't know many politicians, from all shades of politics.»

True. I also don't personally know many robbers, rapists, arsonists or murderers. Coming to think about it, not even one!

«Sat in an MP's office for an hour today, didn't find her to be a "criminal" as you put, rather helpful actually.»

Even criminals have a code of conduct among themselves.

Criminals they are, if nothing else then for the simple fact that they run an organisation that forces itself on everyone, whether or not they agreed to have anything to do with them. Now among those who willingly accept their organisation, things can indeed get quite cosy.

«BTW the record shows your religious clergy are far more likely to be criminals than are polys.»

1) I am not a Christian.
2) Christianity is not a religion and clergy are not necessarily religious.
3) The probability of a politician to be a criminal is 100%. Can the probability of clergy being criminals be any higher?

«Jesus Christ was also a convicted criminal.»

I didn't know him personally to be able to tell - did you?

Now if the Biblical account is correct, then Jesus was convicted of something he did not do (allegedly claiming to be the king of the Jews), only because he refused to defend himself in the court of a criminal organisation (in his specific case, the Roman empire).
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 16 January 2025 9:22:02 PM
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