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Can we end disadvantage? : Comments

By David Hale, published 2/6/2020

The Paul Ramsay Foundation has pledged to tackle disadvantage. The biggest foundation in Australia has already allocated 84 million dollars so far in 2020.

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The poorest end up with the most dependents. It's a self perpetuating horror story.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 2 June 2020 9:28:39 AM
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On what criteria are these 3 million people living in poverty? Previous surveys on poverty have been revealed to have had outlandish ideas of what poverty really is. People have very different ideas on the definition of poverty.

Second question: what does "off ramp" mean? Making claims that there are 3 million poverty-stricken people in Australia - without proof - and using terms never heard of, is no way to engage people's interest or belief.

Before asking "Can we end disadvantage" you need to identify and actually prove the disadvantage. You also have to identify the causes of the disadvantage and whether or not the disadvantaged can be shown how to pull themselves out of their situation, by themselves, before we start handing them other people's money, which they might go through like a dose of salts and remain disadvantaged.

Much disadvantage is self-inflicted, and there will always be people who simply cannot be helped, despite the Ramsay Foundation and naive bleeding hearts
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 2 June 2020 10:05:15 AM
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In Australia we could end disadvantage by reducing the excessive benefits to those whose performance makes the benefits excessive !
Start with the top bureaucrats right down to the top welfare cheats ! The drug abusers need to be handled more sanely also !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 2 June 2020 10:34:46 AM
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No, we can't! Our recipe is all wrong! 84 million is as you say, just $30.00 a head for the most disadvantaged. And giving handouts however well-intentioned, just entrenches a handout mentality among the recipients!

There are many thing we can and should do, but are politically unpalatable for those somehow served by huge pockets of poverty!

With the bottom 40% sharing a miserable 3% of our collective wealth!.

The myopically focused hasbeens, will rave on about how much tax they already pay and so on!

The Great Depression was caused by too much of our finite wealth concentrating in fewer and fewer hands.

We came out of it and into a period of widespread universal and unprecedented prosperity via Keynesian economics. Or as those on the right would say, pump priming.

And then all we'd gained progressively dismantled by those on the right who were grievously offended by cooperative capitalism on ideological grounds and set about dismantling all they could, by invoking heir god of individualism and greed is good, philosophy

We can pump prime until the cows come home, increase the debt level until it flattens any possible recovery, any time soon and then get busy, busy, pointing the finger of blame!

As if any of that C.R.A.P. has ever solved anything. And tantamount to conducting a full-blown inquiry aboard the Titanic to find out who we could blame for the sinking and still blathering on as it disappears below the waves! And a most appropriate analogy! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 2 June 2020 12:04:37 PM
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A flat Tax is the ONLY way to attain social harmony ! No loopholes, no negative gearing, no special company Tax no nothing, just the same rate for all !
The only reason we don't have that is because it'd work & the people in power & those who hang around their backsides would need to become more responsible ! It's as simple as that !
That's why they constantly invent new jargon to fend off anyone who can prove their dreadful tactics !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 2 June 2020 12:45:41 PM
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How we could if we wanted to, end endemic generational disadvantage and postcode poverty?

Every western-style economy rests solely on just two support pillars, energy and capital, the latter never cheaper, the former never dearer!

And forced so much of our manufacturing offshore when the energy bill became higher than the wages bill.

I mean some entertainment venues cannot reopen until there is virtually no social distancing given their electricity bill is a $1,000.00 a day! And would e four times that if we start to geosequester the carbon produced by coal-fired power! And as high as a $1.00 PKWH for joe public if this insanity ever gets the official nod!

Understand that it doesn't end there but at the checkout or with an invoice where this amenity cascades up through the supply/service chain to amplify all the way to those who cannot pass anything on, i.e., the aforementioned disadvantaged!

The untold and heavily censored truth is, that just 8 grams of thorium has enough available energy, to power your house and car for 100 years.

That the cost of mining and refining that 8 grams of thorium, costs around $100.00 and that is, just $1.00 a year. Moreover, is the world's safest, cleanest, cheapest power! And is also carbon-free.

Should we wait until mired in another deeper larger great depression and the world starts imposing carbon tariffs before we allow the truth to be told. And the what find ourselves ina economic straight jacket and unable to change anything of any note? Gotta spend big now just to save the economy!

Why not spend a fraction of it transitioning away fro all fossil fuels and onto an energy source that will grow the economic pie and turbocharge it and jobs, jobs jobs.

But in the energy co-ops, we could and should build if we want to resuscitate the, niche market, manufacturing (co-ops) sector and with that change end disadvantage!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 2 June 2020 12:56:30 PM
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