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Comment History for keith

The Forum > User Index > keith > Comment History

» 16/05/2011 9:40:25 AM The British talking about humane practises in Northern Island ... you have got to be kiddi.....
» 15/05/2011 2:43:47 PM Ammonite, The full quote included 'It's only the facile labor biased media that see and.....
» 15/05/2011 2:43:42 PM Squeers, Christ wasn't muslim, he was Jewish and as was his practise he would have tended.....
» 14/05/2011 9:54:46 PM squeers Here is your mistake on Jones et al. They are mostly daytime radio shockjocks an.....
» 14/05/2011 6:18:57 PM Ian I'd like some serious answers to a few questions. 'We have coped with big transforma.....
» 14/05/2011 5:49:33 PM Well well well a labor politician shamelessly blaming the public for not listening to the .....
» 12/05/2011 8:01:06 AM Herb, get your facts right. I am merely quoting from the article. I have not made any ass.....
» 11/05/2011 5:45:31 PM '$76 million to fly refugees from Malaysia to Australia' $76,000,000 divided by 4,000 = .....
» 11/05/2011 3:16:49 PM the second paragraph of this article had me choking. It is costing us, the taxpayer $19,0.....
» 10/05/2011 4:55:29 PM It seems to me Tess you are still absorbed of your hate of all things Bush and Howard and .....
» 4/05/2011 11:47:43 PM Mohammed Ali, Oh bother I on rereading discovered an omission, In the sentence 'And thi.....
» 4/05/2011 11:40:45 PM Hi Mohammed Ali, I'm a complete irreligious nutter and won't enter into any of the pointl.....
» 3/05/2011 5:44:01 PM Tristan Are you going to be as congratulatory of Swan's performance when the $50 Billion .....
» 3/05/2011 5:13:52 PM I agree Bazza. Death was the best option. Way to much trouble alive. A living focus for ev.....
» 22/04/2011 2:46:26 PM A question to all those climate alarmists. Define Climate. Any reasonable definition ma.....
» 19/04/2011 10:03:20 AM Oh and John Bennets, The Defence Force Association and it's spokesperson are not speaking.....
» 19/04/2011 9:54:55 AM John Bennetts, To be kind, you seem somewhat confused. I had no intention of adding anyt.....
» 18/04/2011 7:38:41 PM Jocelyn There is to be an enquiry into the current fiasco. Wonderful! It will show a fe.....
» 16/04/2011 7:21:50 PM It seems one of Julia's bosses, Paul Howes, stance on carbon pricing has more in common wi.....
» 13/04/2011 4:55:52 PM hi Chris I have to disagree with your assessment that both Tristan and I have 'our hearts.....
» 12/04/2011 8:12:49 AM Tristan, Lets see. How much in common have you with someone who lines up for a casual job.....
» 11/04/2011 5:15:04 PM Tristan, It is you and your ilk that have led the Labor Party to the position it finds it.....
» 7/04/2011 5:13:13 PM Singer is supportive of Israeli army and airforce personnal who shoot at and wound pregnan.....
» 7/04/2011 12:14:52 PM eyejaw no you're not you are simply one of a growing number of people who are analysising.....
» 6/04/2011 6:08:44 PM It's all totally academic. Judging from the Knifed Kevvy's performance on Q and A on Mond.....
» 2/04/2011 12:39:37 PM HI PaulL You seem to have a very narrow view of liberalism. My liberalism is open to all .....
» 31/03/2011 6:43:18 PM Twaddle, Tristran and the original labor founders would have told you so and definately to.....
» 31/03/2011 6:37:55 PM No Jewely It's the NSW labor politicians that let the situation develop while they were ......
» 31/03/2011 11:39:15 AM Kerry, You are making the same error as the Labor Party, such as the rump it is now. Now.....
» 31/03/2011 11:14:12 AM Hi Kate, Look I am not going to argue the ethic's of IVF, Stem-cell Research, Cloning, Va.....
» 31/03/2011 10:56:54 AM Hey Tess, Good to see you putting up an opinion. That takes guts. I believe you when you .....
» 31/03/2011 9:59:02 AM Flo, Joh left a great legacy for Queenslanders and that has far outlived any taint of cor.....
» 30/03/2011 3:01:13 PM John the next Federal Election is already decided and it has been for some time.. That it.....
» 30/03/2011 2:37:01 PM No. This author is just another labor love struck spinner. He totally overlooks Howards 1.....
» 29/03/2011 3:46:42 PM Argrib is just another of the sleezy NSW labor cabal that have knifed elected and unelecte.....
» 29/03/2011 3:35:50 PM Yet another Labor hack, defending the corpse of The Australian Labor Party. The blind fait.....
» 29/03/2011 3:25:22 PM Yet another Labor hack picking over the bones of a long dead party, hoping that will prefo.....
» 29/03/2011 2:23:24 PM Lexi, You need to get over you Howard Hating, as you are about to have plently of years t.....
» 29/03/2011 2:14:39 PM 'It's all over now ... ' Aka......
» 29/03/2011 2:11:34 PM Forrest it's all irrelevant now that Labor is finished. You might think Labor is Lazarus .....
» 28/03/2011 6:40:19 PM And so apparently do most of the NSW former Labor voters who didn't vote green but voted L.....
» 28/03/2011 6:38:19 PM I think the view that Australian man-made carbon dioxide emmisions are causing a significa.....
» 28/03/2011 6:18:36 PM More spin from a Labor Hack. Why don't these people learn that it is this type of labor c.....
» 28/03/2011 5:49:14 PM Here's the typical labor stooge/spinmiester in action once again. This is what people are.....
» 27/03/2011 8:45:15 PM Kenny Given both their historys ... a bloody long time......
» 27/03/2011 12:18:57 PM It's voters who reject leaders, and these days mostly labor leaders......
» 27/03/2011 12:14:18 PM Here's a question. Why didn't so many disillusioned Labor voters in NSW just exhaust the.....
» 26/03/2011 8:39:03 PM With the falling Branch membership and lack of patronage from business, NSW labor will com.....
» 26/03/2011 7:21:44 PM roflol.....
» 26/03/2011 7:05:49 PM lol.....
» 18/03/2011 8:00:55 PM Gary, It is impossible for the ALP to change anywhere. It is stuck with what it's got. N.....
» 16/03/2011 10:22:31 AM Stephen, Excellent article. I especially appreciated your explanation of the effects of t.....
» 16/03/2011 10:01:36 AM without claiming to be a prophet, it is likely the nuclear reactors in Japan will eventual.....
» 16/03/2011 9:44:44 AM vanna, I think Poriot's suggestion grand. It's the sort of thing I would have embraced .....
» 15/03/2011 5:50:13 PM Tell me Vanna how did you feel when your child was hurting and they ran to the nearest fem.....
» 15/03/2011 5:45:36 PM Sophie, I understand you as a left leaning youngster. That's fine and you are entitled to.....
» 15/03/2011 4:37:35 PM Raycom, all your dot points support Grahams hypothesis that 'At 30% primary vote in the.....
» 15/03/2011 3:34:33 PM Oh and for the record, I'm male and raised my children from an early age by myself. And .....
» 15/03/2011 3:19:03 PM The Suffragettes were around for more than 100 years. In Australia Louisa Lawson was the .....
» 11/03/2011 7:46:39 PM Way way to many variables. Take the latest cyclone season in Queensland. It was supposed .....
» 10/03/2011 3:51:33 PM The authors analogy is misleading. Simply a cricketers performance and form is analysed o.....
» 9/03/2011 2:12:21 PM Wakatak, Shouldn't there be an 'n' in your name?.....
» 7/03/2011 9:44:51 AM I think Mr Leigh is assuming the Australian market is made up of firms that are competitiv.....
» 1/03/2011 7:43:38 PM What utter arrogrance. Go back and support your arrogrant Labor mates. Obviously you've .....
» 1/03/2011 7:30:44 PM So Henry, You are predicting a bubble and I think they all eventually burst. Is that the .....
» 1/03/2011 7:15:38 PM saw Joe Hockey on the ALPBC tonight and no hard how the interviewer tried to turn the issu.....
» 1/03/2011 2:33:59 PM I went to a working class pub yesterday afternoon. Something I haven't done since my 20'.....
» 28/02/2011 6:54:27 PM clownfish, dare to be different! Join the Liberal party. You might be surprised at how we.....
» 28/02/2011 6:45:44 PM Truely David, At the end of the day yours are just more of the same ... weasel words. And .....
» 26/02/2011 8:49:09 PM 'A cat 5 cyclone going over a town will not only wreck many buildings, it is likely to wre.....
» 26/02/2011 8:38:06 PM David, It's over, you've lost. The Arab world is shedding the vestiges of Socialism and.....
» 24/02/2011 7:47:12 PM Hasbeen, Julia's position is already pre-ordained. If the numbers voting Liberal and Lab.....
» 24/02/2011 5:47:13 PM Perhaps Fotis would just like all comment opposed to his ideals doused as it was in the So.....
» 24/02/2011 10:58:43 AM No No No It's all too complex. Let's just set up an office outside our embassy in Jakat.....
» 24/02/2011 10:38:35 AM Vanna, You are right to say that it is the severe wind gusts that do the most damage duri.....
» 23/02/2011 7:22:08 PM vanna, let's get some facts straight. If wind gusts at Tully Mill were assessed to be 28.....
» 22/02/2011 6:02:38 PM aka, The eye of Yasi was 30 klms across. If a cyclone cat 5 that big crossed the Cassowar.....
» 18/02/2011 7:40:48 PM Mr Fraser Did you ask Mal Brough or Noel Pearson for their ideas and input on your curren.....
» 16/02/2011 4:40:36 PM David You really think Egypt wiil be alone if Israel decides to try to steal Sinai? Have.....
» 15/02/2011 11:39:18 AM Fester, the hydrologists, who use mathematical models and not science, made predictions w.....
» 15/02/2011 11:27:48 AM Aka, I'm sorry if your property is damaged, and no I don't live in The Cassowary coast. .....
» 14/02/2011 12:09:13 PM Andrew, It is grand to have such warning however the source of such warnings need to be m.....
» 14/02/2011 11:58:13 AM Fester Hydrologists are not scientists they are engineers. Grim, Damn, so few do!.....
» 12/02/2011 1:06:17 PM The point was their predictions changed hourly. What was the point of all those earlier pr.....
» 11/02/2011 11:00:52 AM It's a complete mystery to me how his collegues elected Latham, Rudd and Gillard. Their c.....
» 11/02/2011 10:55:06 AM Fester according to many reports Wivenhoe was full at 200% capacity and water was releas.....
» 10/02/2011 5:28:01 PM Curmudgeon, Sorry to contradict you but The Federal BOM Report into Cyclone Tracey simply.....
» 10/02/2011 12:58:46 PM Yasi, once the BOM have done their usual comprehensive review it will be found to be a Cat.....
» 10/02/2011 12:29:42 PM And now, true to form the latest great labor wonders, Gillard, Swan and Bligh are flicking.....
» 10/02/2011 12:02:29 PM under one god You forgot the tax they introduced on my Rum and Cokes, intended to try to .....
» 10/02/2011 6:48:19 AM I agree Jon. Yasi was just one of another cyclone to hit the Queensland coast. We've had .....
» 9/02/2011 9:37:15 AM Fester, Wivenhoe's effect. There is to be an official enquiry into it's effect or lack of.....
» 8/02/2011 5:18:25 PM cont I suspect rain in Qld has not only caused an ocean of water to flow to Lake Eyre and .....
» 8/02/2011 5:18:14 PM Bonmot data makes it appear your claim may support my theory of Yasi being less destructi.....
» 7/02/2011 4:19:06 PM I'm an amateur weather watcher. I predicted to friends, on the morning of the downpour, .....
» 7/02/2011 4:07:49 PM rpg, McReal and Mark Lawson, Yasi was defined as cat 5 cyclone. That is misleading. There.....
» 3/02/2011 10:16:23 AM Bruce, Look why don't you drop your pro labor bias and state clearly and openly it is lab.....
» 25/01/2011 7:43:28 AM Aliester one would hope you mean't that the amount of unspecified uncommon common sense .....
» 25/01/2011 7:26:29 AM Aliester Cowley of course you felt sickened by Scott Prasser's article published here on T.....
» 24/01/2011 11:18:43 AM I had a great giggle at this conclusion in your website Geoff. 'If, finally, you still th.....
» 24/01/2011 11:02:49 AM When Sophie attempts to link the Brisbane flooding to climate warming/change/disruption th.....
» 23/01/2011 8:20:23 PM Shal, Simple Shal ... you only have to have one eye, have it focused only on Labor and li.....
» 21/01/2011 12:42:29 PM Well said Peter Hume. But the poor thoughtless brainwashed fools will still tell you our.....
» 20/01/2011 2:39:42 PM Scott You have got to be joking......
» 18/01/2011 5:46:58 PM Good article Susan. But it didn't rain in Brisbane on Tuesday or Wednesday, on me anyway. .....
» 14/01/2011 4:32:46 PM It seems I'm in grand company as I suppose being insulted as a goole expert ranks higher t.....
» 14/01/2011 4:05:30 PM Victoria at present is being rained upon by a moonsoonal trough. Which is a quite common A.....
» 23/12/2010 11:01:17 AM don't they forget so quickly. The total control of the US Congress by the Democrats, durin.....
» 10/12/2010 9:05:27 PM hi chris the point that pericles and the other critics miss is: to who the loans were mad.....
» 10/12/2010 8:46:58 PM hey max in a democracy the majority do set the rules. So lets have a referundem......
» 2/12/2010 4:47:08 PM In a democracy Suzie, if that's what the majority want then so be it......
» 2/12/2010 4:33:13 PM briar Rose yeah we see evidence of christian domination everywhere in our laws. Murder la.....
» 2/12/2010 11:43:41 AM Hi Chris, Curtin was wartime PM. It led to early death. Chifley really was the most impre.....
» 30/11/2010 8:31:23 PM Hi Chris, My son's great-grandfather told me to be treated with acceptance and respect al.....
» 30/11/2010 10:10:08 AM No Chris, I think the end of the Greens is nigh. Once Brown is replaced by a woman they.....
» 29/11/2010 5:41:18 PM Jeez Riz, You forgot the gays! You forgot homosexual marriage! And what about the irrelig.....
» 27/11/2010 11:13:24 AM Riz My point is about the difference in civil marriages/unions to christian marriages. N.....
» 26/11/2010 8:14:59 PM hi riz , and therein lies the crux. Would you try to force your atheist views onto the ch.....
» 25/11/2010 3:12:45 PM AJ, Didn't you read all my comments? Having the same legal rights and recognition could.....
» 24/11/2010 8:19:39 AM Wouff Marriage is a covenant between a husband and wife as defined by tradition and indee.....
» 24/11/2010 8:11:15 AM David, It is the solid logical type of arguments you put forward, without personal abuse .....
» 24/11/2010 7:39:47 AM Hey Kipp, you are right ... Hittler was a fruitcake but he was also a socialist fruitcake.....
» 23/11/2010 3:30:24 PM James I doubt the majority would change a fundamental Australian value if another just as.....
» 22/11/2010 6:01:41 PM Ken, Your arguments contain quite a bit of twaddle. Here's one. The Nazi's in the beer .....
» 22/11/2010 12:43:05 PM OOPS Should have read Dear Prime Minister, I'm a sceptic I believe this article is a si.....
» 21/11/2010 8:10:42 PM Dear Prime Minister, I'm a sceptic I believe this article is a simple distraction and de.....
» 18/11/2010 2:28:20 PM Micfhael Rowan's arguments are flawed. He criticises the Liberals for endorsing governme.....
» 17/11/2010 5:34:16 PM Steven Meyer is a qualified physist, Banker, Insurance person and Water?Energy?communicati.....
» 15/11/2010 5:09:41 PM Egalitarianism isn't the same as equality. Good old labor party traditions of twisting de.....
» 15/11/2010 4:40:18 PM Why don't we just abandon any sort of immigration policy and only process refugees who arr.....
» 12/11/2010 8:21:43 PM In this case, while the High Court is correct in it's judgement. The Law is an ass as no a.....
» 11/11/2010 2:13:22 PM Mr 10, Is that you Kevin?.....
» 10/11/2010 1:21:00 PM I'm swinging from one point of view to the other. From being there to withdrawing. In my .....
» 9/11/2010 7:20:14 PM I don't think mant people here understand that the real power to effect the economy in the.....
» 9/11/2010 11:28:46 AM 'The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge,.....
» 8/11/2010 9:29:48 PM Tonight I was watching QandA. I was astonished with he simlicity of a questioner and then .....
» 8/11/2010 7:34:46 PM Graham Your poll and analysis is fine but have voting intentions changed from what was se.....
» 4/11/2010 1:58:48 PM The ABC intellectual? Hah they have little more intellectual ability than all those pseudo.....
» 12/10/2010 2:59:28 PM Why would anyone believe anything the liar Gillard would say?.....
» 28/09/2010 2:19:36 PM It's becoming more apparent the fool defacto labor members for Lynne and New England never.....
» 10/09/2010 10:03:13 PM h and 579 Are you blokes so one eyed that you cannot evaluate history accurately? Really.....
» 5/09/2010 6:07:29 PM Johnny Rotton, 'We've established that heterosexual couples are the primary cause of gay .....
» 5/09/2010 10:36:16 AM It's not over yet Geoff......
» 5/09/2010 10:27:54 AM Merv, Kevvy told us all what he was gunna do. He just didn't do it! Kevvy, Julia, Swanne.....
» 3/09/2010 9:18:32 PM I can see the Liberal slogan at the next election already. A vote for the Greens is a vot.....
» 3/09/2010 9:09:31 PM The ALP need to find a biographer for Kevvy. Is Blanche free ... yet?.....
» 3/09/2010 8:59:00 PM Geoff, mate what about me! Your summary didn't include me! I'm miffed ... not worthy of p.....
» 2/09/2010 4:52:46 PM The basic premise of this article is simply wrong. 'Clearly the message from many voters.....
» 1/09/2010 4:35:28 PM Tristan The ALP is about to tear itself to pieces. The only reason it hasn't done so yet .....
» 31/08/2010 2:30:34 PM CJ Some perspective please. Non-racists elected Ken Wyatt. Two things immediately come .....
» 31/08/2010 1:50:29 PM Hi Graham, I scrutineered in Bonner,(Bonner changed hands) at Gumdale school booth on Sat.....
» 31/08/2010 1:26:33 PM Hasbeen I don't hate anything or anyone. Some of my best friends come from the bush ... y.....
» 29/08/2010 8:55:39 PM Dear CJ and Poirot It is clear the Australian public aren't fooled by the media slant's o.....
» 29/08/2010 1:09:07 PM Allo Poirot, I agree with you Poirot. It is enlightening to glean others perspectives of .....
» 26/08/2010 11:19:07 AM I wonder if Nicholas agrees with such biased views being expressed as french views? The F.....
» 26/08/2010 11:03:27 AM Oh and in the coming months after Labor has disintergrated I can see the campaign slogans .....
» 26/08/2010 10:53:22 AM Here we go. The Labor disintergration has begun. But let's just put the record straight t.....
» 16/08/2010 10:40:09 AM Informal? Wow. I hope you are in a marginal Labor Electorate so we get a change from in.....
» 16/08/2010 10:18:15 AM Hi Sonofglorin, I think your comment might tend to lend credence to Kellie's statement. .....
» 15/08/2010 11:29:15 AM Hi Kellie, I found myself nodding in agreement with the following. 'When we speak of gen.....
» 11/08/2010 5:02:38 PM Oh and seemingly, but perhaps more deceptively, they are both open......
» 11/08/2010 5:00:53 PM Tristan, Is your photograph a true depiction? It has two eyes??.....
» 2/08/2010 7:51:42 PM Urgent to twitter, it's no longer mofo it's now reju or nuju.....
» 2/08/2010 7:50:18 PM Briar, Laughing stock? Wasn't that what Kevin became the instant the O'Lemon ad appeared?.....
» 31/07/2010 11:17:49 AM When this election is over and we have a new PM the following blokes will have to answer a.....
» 30/07/2010 12:19:02 PM now what was that you said about bias?.....
» 29/07/2010 6:00:22 PM Hey Trashcanman Perhaps I should have asked whose manner, disposition, feelings, and posi.....
» 29/07/2010 9:13:01 AM Aaron, No Gillard and Labor's obvious incompetence don't imply Abbott and the Coalition a.....
» 29/07/2010 8:53:40 AM David G. You know every time I see commentators or the media deride Abbott for wearing hi.....
» 28/07/2010 4:19:48 PM You are right Leigh. And that 5 - 7% will, at this election, simply choose competence! .....
» 28/07/2010 3:51:00 PM If Gillard had won the debate on Sunday night boy oh boy wouldn't the commentators and the.....
» 28/07/2010 11:03:54 AM Today, Wednesday, I think the election is quickly turning into a contest with a focus on c.....
» 22/07/2010 9:22:26 PM Jennifer, It's not often I agree with you. I share the general disquiet about the removal .....
» 22/07/2010 7:28:34 PM The Labor Party including Gillard and Rudd have used immigration in a disgraceful way over.....
» 15/07/2010 6:51:45 PM George Bush did the right thing in the beginning. After it was found Al Quiada and Bin La.....
» 15/07/2010 6:29:39 PM In Australia the Pla B is to tax our smaller Coal and Iron ore Miners on their China based.....
» 13/07/2010 8:26:02 PM Nauru , currently is the only country putting up it's hand for a regional processing centr.....
» 12/07/2010 10:14:09 AM Protagoras, The use of the term 'girl' when communicating with a woman is sexist, demeani.....
» 9/07/2010 1:08:48 PM Before the last election Rudd ran as a pretend Economic Conservative. As soon as he could .....
» 8/07/2010 10:38:04 AM You two should realise Tony Abbott and and Julie Bishop have consistantly said they will t.....
» 8/07/2010 10:25:04 AM The simple facts are firstly the voters in the recent NSW state bye-election turned in a 2.....
» 5/07/2010 7:04:33 PM wow I'm an adventurer and didn't know it! I sailed out onto the ocean with no experienc.....
» 3/07/2010 8:53:05 PM Oh dear plerdsus! Kill the illegals! Is this how far we've tumbled under a Labor Governmen.....
» 3/07/2010 7:22:55 PM I'm a man and don't share the author'[s femocentric view of Gillard. I see nothing older .....
» 1/07/2010 11:55:26 AM Cornflower, you are dead right about the replacement of the underperforming Rudd. He re.....
» 8/06/2010 8:16:35 PM Kevin Rudd along with the word disappointment are often heard today. Oh and the deferred .....
» 30/05/2010 6:28:34 PM How things change, To all you leftie leaning Rudd mates, wasn't big Mal the 'do nothing' .....
» 26/05/2010 5:44:08 PM Here we go again, Haigs line is Rudd's hopeless and his supporters who are to the fore ar.....
» 26/05/2010 5:22:00 PM How sad Jennifer Wilson, Your article can be discounted because it's spin overlooking a f.....
» 9/05/2010 2:14:11 PM Suzeonline What we lose in health costs we'll save on pension payments......
» 4/05/2010 5:35:28 PM Spindoc, Bazz and Hsbeen Obviously going by todays polls Kevie hasn't fooled the majority.....
» 3/05/2010 3:35:01 PM I'm the grandson of a man of Irish descent who went to jail for his activities when opposi.....
» 3/05/2010 3:09:00 PM The reality is pudgey, insipid and elitist Rudd as Labor PM is gutless and tricky on this .....
» 28/04/2010 2:46:49 PM Go Cassie, to the land of Obamacare and Obamahope. My son too is also off to the US to l.....
» 22/04/2010 1:23:37 PM vanna that is the history of cj morgan in a nutshell......
» 21/04/2010 12:58:06 PM Tremendos Grayzie, we're both on the same page of history and reading the same lines. You.....
» 20/04/2010 7:52:03 PM Grayzie, I wonder whether Marie Curie bothered much about her feminism ... I certainly do.....
» 20/04/2010 3:27:28 PM Hi vanna, look I don't agree with all you say but I respect your right to your opinion. .....
» 15/04/2010 2:11:12 PM If Kate Ellis had appeared at the beach on a Sunday doing safety with the nippers, in a ye.....
» 10/04/2010 1:42:22 PM king hazza unemployment will skyrocket ... who'd drive our taxis? unique we're mates! .....
» 8/04/2010 1:23:10 PM Damn now I've got to learn how to sail uphill......
» 1/04/2010 10:26:59 PM Susan I don't feel ignored, only let down. I liked the answer you gave to my question m.....
» 31/03/2010 4:29:16 PM 'So thats another notch on my score sheet,...' Gee and I thought we were having a discuss.....
» 31/03/2010 4:20:49 PM Susan, quite obviously you are refusing to answer my question! When you do you will ceas.....
» 29/03/2010 4:04:51 PM Until you honestly address the issues I've raised I'm not bothering with you any more. It'.....
» 28/03/2010 6:56:29 PM Yabby The major reason Americans are disappointed with Obama is that he isn't carrying on.....
» 28/03/2010 4:30:37 PM Yabby Here is the problem I have whenever I attempt to rationally discuss your statements.....
» 28/03/2010 3:47:38 PM Susan M. Have you taken lessons from Rudd? You didn't answer my question. I'll put it .....
» 26/03/2010 10:24:29 PM Susan here is the undoing of your credibilty. You say the Refugee Council believes Austra.....
» 26/03/2010 10:01:34 PM wow vthere are quite a few surprise acceptances by you yabby. It's great to see you admit .....
» 26/03/2010 1:29:46 PM Yabby I was wrong about shares but gold's done well ... but not as well as billiton shares.....
» 25/03/2010 12:03:53 PM Yes Obama is a total failure. His health care is fraught with impossibility and the US pr.....
» 24/03/2010 8:07:01 PM I agree with the writer. Great article, great perception, great presentation and thorough......
» 17/03/2010 6:21:00 PM Hohohohoho Seems George Bush didn't lose the last US Presidential Election after all. Wh.....
» 17/03/2010 6:03:43 PM Skeptic, Of course dictionaries won't help you understand Western Civilisation... for the.....
» 12/03/2010 12:07:01 PM The leader of the Liberal opposition is Tony Abbott. Is it significant you couldn't name.....
» 11/03/2010 12:04:49 PM Both our views are valid vanna......
» 9/03/2010 3:52:41 PM Just for the record, Indian students have been coming to Australia since the inception of .....
» 2/03/2010 11:20:21 AM David, It takes a special kind of nastiness to suggest death and disaster be visited upo.....
» 28/02/2010 5:23:04 PM The Rudd government is just a bad government......
» 25/02/2010 5:28:42 PM Well thank god I never put much store in the scribblings of Poe and Dickens. I never read .....
» 25/02/2010 10:26:17 AM Why thank you Severin. That was noble. And since it is normal for those who are remaining.....
» 24/02/2010 10:34:06 AM Lucy, You are dead right ... and I'd welcome them to take issue with my opinions. But .....
» 22/02/2010 6:52:41 PM David Jennings ... Report me you smug fool! The people who would judge would do so fair.....
» 22/02/2010 6:39:01 PM Ozzie these blokes are all very well educated. Sadly though their learning has been confin.....
» 21/02/2010 12:38:06 PM Tolerance, a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practi.....
» 20/02/2010 1:26:17 PM '... we tolerate you :)' If you think tolerance is abusing people, when you perceive them.....
» 19/02/2010 10:04:09 PM Well well you three have never debated my comments, you've all run back and forth to the n.....
» 19/02/2010 11:16:02 AM David Jennings, Wrong you are judging me according to your interpretation of what I said. .....
» 18/02/2010 3:19:08 PM CJ, I didn't see you decrying this woman as aprejudiced racist anywhere. Why not? She mir.....
» 18/02/2010 10:39:25 AM Cj 'I wonder how keith reconciles his prejudice against an individual Muslim with his cla.....
» 15/02/2010 5:58:20 PM David, Look I think you have a beaut future if you would drop the adherece to socialist d.....
» 15/02/2010 10:48:59 AM David Jennings, I have a wonderful western life! But you mean I should get some sad-sack.....
» 14/02/2010 2:58:45 PM Severin First you call me a bigot. I point out what a bigot actually is. You realise I d.....
» 14/02/2010 9:00:45 AM Lucy your only other post here calls on someone who has a different view to you to ‘suck.....
» 13/02/2010 10:54:36 AM CJ, Are you back from hell already? Devil reject you did she? Ever wonder why I don't bo.....
» 13/02/2010 12:30:52 AM David Jennings A ? indicates a question. Not a statement nor an expression of an opinion.....
» 12/02/2010 10:32:08 AM David Jennings It was Nazeem who introduced the topic of Islam into this discussion. I re.....
» 11/02/2010 5:12:05 PM I'm with you Raycom. Eminently sensible to ask for us to be able to see undiluted or tamp.....
» 11/02/2010 1:54:31 PM Hi Joe, No you didn't get up my nose ... I agree with you heartily but ... damn always a .....
» 10/02/2010 5:47:26 PM Has Rudd bought the 'intelligentsia' Well it's his form isn't it? He tried to buy popula.....
» 9/02/2010 5:44:21 PM Hi Valerie, Not all Australian women have had the right to own assets. While European wom.....
» 9/02/2010 12:51:11 PM Rudd and Wong cannot accept their spendthrift holiday is over. Australians, according to r.....
» 4/02/2010 3:47:44 PM Foxy, The next election won't be about values of the leaders. It will centre on: Asylum .....
» 2/02/2010 3:03:07 PM Soooo, Kevvy could morph from climate change alarmist to climate change skeptc. That woul.....
» 30/01/2010 11:07:53 AM This whole cheap gossiping about Tony Abbot merely re-inforces the stupidity of the righte.....
» 27/01/2010 6:42:20 PM Wow, Voting for a change of representation to a conservative member in a free and fair el.....
» 25/01/2010 10:24:13 AM Indigenous woman have the highest proportion of University graduates than any other group .....
» 23/01/2010 4:33:22 PM To quote Bob Dylan in Forever Young 'The winds of change are chill' Hah now how propheti.....
» 23/01/2010 4:29:11 PM There seems consensus climate change in now about politics. To that end a quick persual .....
» 21/01/2010 1:07:15 PM Hey Wybong, I've stopped doing all those nasty things and so have most of the people I in.....
» 19/01/2010 10:00:28 PM "... know well enough - that although I am a liberal, a socialist and a democrat, for.....
» 13/01/2010 6:51:08 PM More weasel words more picky irrelevant arguments. When are you blokes going to realise yo.....
» 12/01/2010 4:10:55 PM We should implement the same immigration policies and requirements in respect of immigrant.....
» 10/01/2010 1:53:45 PM Who inspired with the chant 'Yes We Can'. Who said they're for 'Change' without saying wha.....
» 10/01/2010 12:47:08 PM Hey boys, '... virulent criticism of Israel is now so pervasive on the internet...' the.....
» 5/01/2010 7:31:52 PM The next federal election will be fought on the Governments record and Abbott's promises. .....
» 5/01/2010 7:15:39 PM This article has been written by a bloke who blindly believes in global warming, the econo.....
» 4/01/2010 6:33:48 PM In some ways I think David makes an important point. Individuals will change the effects .....
» 4/01/2010 5:53:21 PM Don, I think you've said all that needs be said about the recent warming alarmism. I thi.....
» 1/01/2010 2:54:08 PM Not one of you warming alarmists comment on the deliberate fraud, suppression of alternati.....
» 22/12/2009 5:16:57 PM Garry in Liffey, Ho Hum, mikk, Ludwig, bushbasher and examinator. Of course none of you l.....
» 22/12/2009 4:54:29 PM Q& A Of course you are going to supply me with the (verifiable) supporting evidence for a.....
» 22/12/2009 12:07:35 PM And of course global warming is the cause of Washington DC today having the greatest Decem.....
» 22/12/2009 11:56:34 AM What colour is that pot David?.....
» 21/12/2009 11:58:08 PM Would someone like to explain why Washington DC is currently experiencing the heaviest Dec.....
» 19/12/2009 12:36:17 PM Damn it. Built two or three nuclear reactors in Western Sydney. Put the waste in open air .....
» 18/12/2009 3:21:46 PM Suter like all the climate nazis deals in slight of hand. 'But he (John Howard)then intr.....
» 17/12/2009 6:06:27 PM People are fed up with the uselessness of the labor spin merchants. Look at them Beattie, .....
» 17/12/2009 4:51:59 PM Lyndon, You naughty boy. Don't you know Rudd, his labor mates and the media have banned .....
» 16/12/2009 1:05:04 PM Hasbeen I started to run two years ago. I've hedged my bets though. I live on a yacht an.....
» 13/12/2009 7:09:40 PM Stezza wonderfully positive outlook. I admire you. You give balance to all the gloom and .....
» 12/12/2009 2:09:06 PM I'm sitting looking at the history of Australia. Up until 1901 there was litte control ove.....
» 9/12/2009 8:55:28 PM Joe, Beaut article mate. What you are highlighting is how indigenous culture has survived.....
» 9/12/2009 8:45:51 PM Gee Phillip let me share some wisdom. I once asked a 100 year old when she first felt old.....
» 9/12/2009 8:23:13 PM Hey Philip, I'm old and male. I worked hard all my life and I saved for my retirement. Now.....
» 8/12/2009 5:32:37 PM Leigh, Obama like Rudd is a one termer and both are lame ducks. The Senates in both count.....
» 8/12/2009 12:03:24 PM And there would be worldwide applause if the eminemtly representitive UN committee for Hum.....
» 8/12/2009 10:16:55 AM rstuart You are quite behind the times. The director of the East Anglia research unit has.....
» 8/12/2009 9:39:01 AM Geoff Davies is fudging. The contents of the hacked e-mails are only part of the daminatio.....
» 7/12/2009 6:03:50 PM rstuart Yes it would be interesting to see Andy1's answers to my questions. I think the.....
» 7/12/2009 9:02:35 AM rstuart I couldn't seem to locate the two references you cited. However I did start to c.....
» 5/12/2009 6:39:15 PM rstuart Your references to wikipedia are enlightening. Just goes to show climate changes......
» 5/12/2009 4:02:12 PM Andy 1. Haven't there been periods when there has been less ice cover than there is curre.....
» 3/12/2009 4:46:53 PM Rache, Our relations with China, India and Indonesia are at a very low ebb all because ke.....
» 3/12/2009 9:56:24 AM Tony Abbott's real victory over Kevvy hasn't sunk in yet. Here is a question I'd like som.....
» 2/12/2009 8:45:21 PM Ahh how delicious. Kevvy Swanee and Lindsay are bragging about how well they've managed th.....
» 2/12/2009 6:52:38 PM Seems no one believes you or they are just not interested Lindsay. I think with the lates.....
» 2/12/2009 1:58:27 PM Abbott's impressive. A fit, slim, healthy, Bacholar of Economics and Law with a Masters .....
» 30/11/2009 3:16:32 PM 'Although I am certain that the feelings of the electorates haven’t been taken into accoun.....
» 24/11/2009 11:18:41 AM Nazi = National Socialist. Socialist, socialist, socialist. Nothing right wing in that nam.....
» 23/11/2009 6:17:35 PM Hello Sikni, Well haven't you stirred up the propagandists. I think you've hit a nerve, a.....
» 17/11/2009 3:02:52 PM Yutusu ha 'Smearing them all as if they are one uniform blob can only hurt innocent peopl.....
» 16/11/2009 10:39:19 PM And now Nutsinyahoo is telling the world not to approve a free Palestinian state and is di.....
» 16/11/2009 5:30:32 PM Now this article is rubbish because ... the consensus among the posters responding to it h.....
» 16/11/2009 1:02:05 PM Conditions now are almost as identical to conditions prior to the economic chrisis. There.....
» 15/11/2009 2:12:57 PM '... in the next few weeks the Palestinian Authority is planning to call for Palestinian s.....
» 14/11/2009 5:55:13 PM '...nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particul.....
» 10/11/2009 4:49:53 PM I'm not intellectual enough to decide whether someone expressing an opinion is an intellec.....
» 6/11/2009 9:29:46 PM On line opinion and Graham Young as acting editor has done a wonderful job in handling thi.....
» 5/11/2009 11:39:58 AM Andrew No I don't think you should write stuff that is false but you should not assume yo.....
» 5/11/2009 10:56:59 AM At last another positive contribution, without any criticism and which sensibly addresses .....
» 4/11/2009 8:27:41 PM E Sykes I assume you'd despise anyone whose treatment of refugees is worst than Australia.....
» 2/11/2009 8:19:27 PM Andrew, I didn't say you said anything wrong! I said you had bias in your article and it .....
» 1/11/2009 6:47:26 PM Andrew, I read your article. Focusing on criticising past liberal government and current .....
» 30/10/2009 9:18:51 PM perhaps K.C. Boey thinks we should adopt the more humane policy of the Singaporians. What.....
» 30/10/2009 9:06:18 PM This issue is simply proving Rudd's consistant moral bankruptcy. Does anyone really expec.....
» 30/10/2009 8:51:00 PM Andrew Why do you try to rationalise Rudd's disgraceful performances in Indonesia. It i.....
» 29/10/2009 12:49:49 PM 'Obviously, we can't take them all but we will have to take our share. We can't lock them .....
» 26/10/2009 6:11:49 PM Now that Obama is not going to Copenhagen, because the Democrat controlled Senate cannot a.....
» 26/10/2009 1:58:45 PM Hang on CJ, you've now confused everything ... what do you want? Is it 1. 'I think we s.....
» 26/10/2009 1:33:15 PM Now CJ I am and have been very civil to you in our exchange of views. Why have you attack.....
» 26/10/2009 6:27:38 AM so CJ you want to replace our present immigration policy with one that only accepts refuge.....
» 25/10/2009 9:19:50 AM CJ 'Do unto others' could be totally undermined by any group of people who decide to do o.....
» 25/10/2009 9:05:48 AM so CJ what do you want him to do? Do you think we need secure borders or should we just l.....
» 24/10/2009 11:34:03 AM Every day I check but still no response Susan. Question too hard?.....
» 24/10/2009 11:27:09 AM No you are right CJ, the Australian Government is now disgracefuly consigning them to the .....
» 23/10/2009 8:37:52 PM And that is why you Israeli idiots are doomed. You believe in a book of prophesies written.....
» 23/10/2009 8:30:16 PM Sharene, I don't know why you bother. You blokes lost the propaganda war in the west in L.....
» 23/10/2009 9:19:38 AM Where is the chorus of condemnation for Kevvie and his decieptful fraudeluent 'Indonesian .....
» 22/10/2009 6:54:22 PM hello Susan, look you make the comment, 'While it is important that Australia maintains c.....
» 21/10/2009 4:05:02 PM Bren, you really shouldn't leave yourself open like you have. I'm having a good old chuck.....
» 21/10/2009 8:45:17 AM Bushbasher, you've done far too much pulling already Cheers :-).....
» 20/10/2009 6:03:26 PM Tristan 'Any minor difficulty with inflation later down the track is no reason to axe the.....
» 20/10/2009 11:59:18 AM Spindoc, That is an excellent idea and quite outside the square. How about if we add th.....
» 20/10/2009 11:41:07 AM Why all the name calling and derision? I think we are all agreed Australia like every ot.....
» 19/10/2009 4:56:23 PM So much living in the past, so much name calling, so much spite and so few suggestions as .....
» 18/10/2009 8:25:07 PM Andrew Thanks for your response. I accept you believe we have a right to determine who ge.....
» 17/10/2009 6:43:12 PM no fozz, it's shifted demographics......
» 17/10/2009 5:56:09 PM What a complete joke. The Nobel Prize Committee is appointed by the Socialist Norwegian G.....
» 16/10/2009 9:39:29 PM Hello Andrew Yes the more we seem to try to move on the more we are pulled back, by the p.....
» 16/10/2009 11:53:49 AM Has Rudd lied? Has he presented his request to the Indonesian President to stop the boat .....
» 15/10/2009 7:55:57 PM You are right RaeBee most of us have moved out of the sixties. Sancho clearly hasn't. I .....
» 14/10/2009 5:06:34 PM cont. You will need to do some research ... I hope it's not beyond you and you learn a lit.....
» 14/10/2009 5:06:18 PM Sancho Let me just establish right at the outset your unmitigated drug hazed verbage and .....
» 13/10/2009 6:24:27 PM yes Bushbasher key conclusions have changed. Temps are falling not rising. Hence the e.....
» 12/10/2009 7:49:23 PM The basic points of this issue are not addressed by Susan. First what constitutes adequat.....
» 12/10/2009 12:07:02 PM 'The profiling shows marginal Labor voters live in the middle income outer urban areas now.....
» 10/10/2009 7:50:45 PM Oh dear Sancho, Are you a hippy from way back, harking for the start of the Age of Aquar.....
» 8/10/2009 9:47:22 AM Hi Chris Thankyou for your explanation. It's reasonable. I've read many of your past art.....
» 7/10/2009 4:41:37 PM Hi Chris I have a sense of humour. Your article has given me a great ironic chuckle. I t.....
» 6/10/2009 5:57:29 PM John Sadly you your behaviour exhibits a lately growing intolerance that is starting to i.....
» 6/10/2009 5:38:25 PM poppyseed a nuclear armed Iran without intercontinental missiles would see a balance of p.....
» 6/10/2009 5:30:05 PM poppyseed Palestine......
» 5/10/2009 7:16:32 PM susssssh ... don't say aything about whales or boat people......
» 2/10/2009 9:39:29 PM feeling lonely David?.....
» 1/10/2009 8:16:45 PM Col Were you a member of the Hittler Youth?.....
» 1/10/2009 1:52:21 PM And the Israeli fascists propagandists throughout the land stealing and wall building and .....
» 1/10/2009 10:54:58 AM You are spot on the money Pete. The dopey Israelis will attack Iran and that will lead to.....
» 29/09/2009 8:12:38 PM Jon J Thamkyou. All my mates are circulating your list. It really does contain some great.....
» 23/09/2009 8:35:23 PM You two women have produced a very tnhoughtful piece which explains why the global recessi.....
» 23/09/2009 8:14:01 PM '...we are in a mess because the Yanks stuffed by regulation of their banking system.' C......
» 22/09/2009 9:00:20 PM Itastonishes me the media in Australia are too bloody stupid to pik up and discuss the ide.....
» 18/09/2009 9:28:46 PM hear hear socratease, I think these hardhearted fools cannot understand why the Palestini.....
» 17/09/2009 8:22:34 PM Irfan, Over the years you've posted here I've come to respect you as intelligent, well in.....
» 10/09/2009 7:52:43 PM Ahhh Bushbred, I prefer to think I'm an extrovert who has worked hard and earned my few b.....
» 8/09/2009 6:53:57 AM Bushbred there you go agin ... and for an alledged historian it is a woeful practice. How.....
» 6/09/2009 7:43:15 PM happy fathers day yabby. Today Yabby I enjoyed the company of my daughter while supervis.....
» 6/09/2009 7:07:48 PM Jason Thompson, Mate I don't know all your circumstances but I know and understand the gu.....
» 6/09/2009 4:26:41 PM Not one of you has looked at the current US president ... in your totally negative backwar.....
» 2/09/2009 2:48:52 PM Look out! The piece of string holding the sky up is breaking!.....
» 27/08/2009 8:12:53 PM China's chief food problem won't be fertiliser. It is currently twofold. The reducing area.....
» 26/08/2009 1:51:36 PM Avud Reader, Could you get David to address the landstealing and illegal building on the .....
» 17/08/2009 5:37:00 PM Yes we are all thrilled that you recognise the assistance you are giving the Palestinians......
» 17/08/2009 5:11:37 PM DRW, Yours is the most sensible post so far ... but I'd add greemies and environmentalist.....
» 17/08/2009 4:33:21 PM The figures Grahame produces are usually quite accurate. To my untrained eye the tables .....
» 16/08/2009 2:31:41 PM 'All that money, for nothing?'.....
» 15/08/2009 12:48:06 PM Had a huge laugh the other day when I saw Murdoch saying the future was internet news and .....
» 15/08/2009 12:33:16 PM Why don't you think about how a Palestinian being evicted from his home in the West Bank t.....
» 14/08/2009 9:17:23 PM plausible policy .. what a joke. All you fools voted for Kevvy's plausible policy and he's.....
» 13/08/2009 7:02:45 PM David you are a Zionist pretending to be fair and rational. What a joke. You actually beli.....
» 12/08/2009 4:27:29 PM David haven't you noticed nobody is listening to your propaganda anymore......
» 11/08/2009 11:01:36 PM Rhian, Yes, all myths have foundational aspects. Yes, it's good we also agree Gallipoli w.....
» 11/08/2009 8:01:43 PM It is grand all these writers recall the senselessness of war and the courage and sacrific.....
» 10/08/2009 8:09:02 PM 8. John needs to recall John Kerry and his rejection after he claimed Hollywood was the he.....
» 10/08/2009 8:08:51 PM I like John Pilger and mostly support his assessments and views. Some things call John's .....
» 7/08/2009 9:05:13 PM Well David, since you didn't deny it, are we correct in assuming you truely are a Zionist?.....
» 6/08/2009 4:46:38 PM I refer you to UN resolution 181 of 1947. David your statement is very revealing. '...e.....
» 6/08/2009 10:12:41 AM '...the West Bank - which it (Jordan)occupied between 1948-1967 until it was lost to Israe.....
» 5/08/2009 3:56:02 PM David, Are you trying to emulate Josef Gobbels? According to Wikipedia he was the origi.....
» 2/08/2009 5:20:47 PM Ahhh Sancho dear Sancho, 'defences of George W. Bush's mighty intellect. No joke. Keith r.....
» 31/07/2009 11:14:44 AM Bruce, Grizzling about Rudd is no good at all. The fools who voted for him were taken in.....
» 29/07/2009 2:25:02 PM Pete, Australia is the only exporter of high grade iron ore, China's ore are so low grad.....
» 29/07/2009 2:19:45 PM That wave might be breaking in Qld if an enquiry into donations to politicians takes place.....
» 27/07/2009 7:19:58 PM And Sancho, Good 'ole Obama is confirming Good ole George's intellect by continuing all G.....
» 27/07/2009 5:17:26 PM This is,in my opinion, a very thoughtful piece on Iran. President Ahmadinejad is not the.....
» 27/07/2009 4:21:33 PM Kenny that's the trouble with kevvy's rhetoric. It's trying to dumb down everybody. With s.....
» 27/07/2009 4:02:32 PM mik, they've sucked you in. Or are you another of those members of the Jewish Israeli Gob.....
» 27/07/2009 3:50:33 PM Muy bien, Diver Dan. ?Y Tu? Soy estudiante y primo leccion dos semana mas alla. Soy espa.....
» 26/07/2009 12:22:32 PM THe UN never mandated a Jewish state. Egypt and Jordan didn't sign peace treaties with a J.....
» 25/07/2009 10:50:32 PM g 1 d I'm 55 love txting, tlk with mates and kds on txt att. I also have a great grasp o.....
» 25/07/2009 12:55:19 PM hell pete seems your archaic needle is stuck in the same old rut on the disc oops record.....
» 25/07/2009 12:10:42 PM Pete, There are a couple of relevant facts which call into question your argument. A. Ch.....
» 24/07/2009 1:13:58 PM Who would Rudd talk to in China? Hu Jintao? No Hu would give Kevvy another lecture abou.....
» 24/07/2009 11:34:58 AM All you people who argue about the facts, the science, the data and all the other hype are.....
» 23/07/2009 6:47:19 PM David I agree, we're in a false recovery. And with tax return time the refunds are going .....
» 23/07/2009 6:38:02 PM cj It's you who drinks ... remember bb yeah yeah whatever.....
» 23/07/2009 5:16:29 PM Ken_L Mate if you were fair dinkim you'd have raised objections about Bushbashers arrogan.....
» 22/07/2009 5:28:36 PM Bushbasher, You're an arrogant s...head. Why did you abuse me? Simply because I challeng.....
» 22/07/2009 12:59:06 PM No Kipp, can you explain why athiests are so left wing and stupid?.....
» 21/07/2009 6:04:34 PM Bushbasher I reckon oggy would know better than you: Simply because you seem to have an .....
» 21/07/2009 5:31:47 PM Nicholas Australians connected with Asia since before Federation. Why do you think we hav.....
» 21/07/2009 2:50:46 PM Gary Brown is just another labor party propagandist. He thinks Rudd still has some face le.....
» 13/07/2009 5:36:49 PM Of course the benefits of training in math extend further than an ability to apply logic ….....
» 7/07/2009 3:18:11 PM What's positive about making promises you don't keep. There's a whole list starting with .....
» 1/06/2009 12:44:30 PM Hugo Rudd's plan is obvious ... attend to our personal hygiene and wash our dirty little h.....
» 14/05/2009 7:04:55 PM Valerie, Why have you adopted the term Climate Change? Isn't that in effect 'Damage Contr.....
» 14/05/2009 6:45:01 PM Hi George, talking of China's Governance and Economic development and it's future impact .....
» 2/05/2009 7:35:00 PM Jeez CJ I wondered how long it would take for the oponents of my proposal to sink to the .....
» 30/04/2009 8:21:43 PM Fractlle There you go again. This discussion isn't about equal rights it's about definin.....
» 29/04/2009 12:52:49 PM Fractlle, Once again you are introducing red herrings in order to ... whatever ... your p.....
» 28/04/2009 5:43:50 PM Fractlle, Obviously the act of marriage doesn't, doh. But stirring people up in order to .....
» 27/04/2009 5:14:41 PM Good one Fractelle ... lets only allow homosexual couples to reproduce. And Fractelle I ha.....
» 27/04/2009 5:05:29 PM Jeez Bushbasher you had me getting excited for a minute thre. I thought you were refering .....
» 24/04/2009 12:34:07 PM I guess it's just wrong to protest in America if it involves negatives about the socialist.....
» 24/04/2009 12:25:13 PM CJ Your last post only highlights the bankruptcy of your thoughts. Rather than 'spell it.....
» 23/04/2009 5:51:05 PM CJ How exactly is excluding the Christian value of procreation within a marriage broadeni.....
» 22/04/2009 4:28:29 PM Candide, I think you are over-estimating bravery, resourcefulness and family committment .....
» 22/04/2009 3:26:13 PM Boy oh boy Are you both barking up the wrong tree. As usual the politically correct are t.....
» 21/04/2009 6:36:58 PM CJ Why is wanting a Christian Church Sanctioned Union small minded? Why is supporting Ch.....
» 19/04/2009 6:09:34 PM Why thank you sparkyq. But I thought I was merely being practical and copying the actions .....
» 18/04/2009 4:18:56 PM Why don't we just return to teaching kids how to think rather than what to think. It'd b.....
» 18/04/2009 4:08:05 PM Damnit, let them marry. Let them call their unions, marriages. I'll be encouraging he ne.....
» 18/04/2009 3:55:27 PM Janet H Thompson, Hi Janet, you are a gem. You are totally correct and I might add probab.....
» 12/04/2009 5:14:50 PM 'After all, the current economic crisis was caused by inadequately regulated capital and f.....
» 6/04/2009 4:12:11 PM Graham and crew, Ten years eh? It seems like just yesterday. The diversity in contributio.....
» 30/03/2009 5:26:16 PM More and more desperate Weasel words defending the fascist Jewish state. Camo Your last .....
» 30/03/2009 2:19:50 PM Leigh A more appropriate list would be the Not Wanted Dead or Alive List. And I just lov.....
» 30/03/2009 2:06:04 PM In Hugo Rudd's and Sancho Swan's mishandling of the crisis 'Government spending' and 'wort.....
» 28/03/2009 6:25:20 PM Stuff the Fed Res and the bloody greedy and sly banks. Let them fail, it's what they deser.....
» 28/03/2009 6:25:15 PM Hi Joe, When people talk of 'economists' it is a generalisation. Get to the nitty gritty.....
» 26/03/2009 8:53:29 PM Trav and Miranda don't you realise the God of the Old Testament, and Christ as the Christi.....
» 26/03/2009 8:23:11 PM Hi Joe, Ibecame aware of the looming (still looming disaster three years ago after readin.....
» 26/03/2009 12:15:56 PM Terry with the greatest respect, the details of Obama's plan are on the table. I agree en.....
» 26/03/2009 11:48:59 AM Mr Young seems to have overlooked the two absolute fundamentals undepinning Western though.....
» 21/03/2009 5:27:22 PM Hey Sancho Where you gone? Have you realised intellect and intelligence have little to d.....
» 19/03/2009 7:52:45 PM Sancho I have only five words for you. Go figure. George Bush, Yale and Harvard Degrees......
» 18/03/2009 2:08:09 PM And just to show the idiots are still running the show. The FDIC, a US Federal Government.....
» 18/03/2009 1:56:34 PM '...advised it must be acknowledged by economists in the public service, the Reserve Bank .....
» 18/03/2009 1:35:04 PM The Greens have sold out on Traveston Dam. That old Beattie slogan of 'Just Vote One' is l.....
» 18/03/2009 1:18:48 PM I suspect these so-called 'poor' students are probably not capabale of achieving matricula.....
» 9/03/2009 7:29:57 PM They all have no friggin' idea. Alan Moran is on the right track but I think that's the .....
» 8/03/2009 6:35:28 PM Doesn't much matter what anyone thinks for Hugo Rudd and Kevin Chevaz are in total agreeme.....
» 1/03/2009 3:49:59 PM PaulL You shouldn't yell Paul that's called bullying. I have been thinking about your pr.....
» 28/02/2009 9:50:58 PM So many weasel words Paul. You've totally rewritten the result and history surrounding th.....
» 25/02/2009 9:58:22 AM PaulL Just because I have a different view from you doesn't mean you can behave the Israe.....
» 23/02/2009 2:51:20 PM Here is the article anouncing the truce between Israel and Hamas. It was from a report in .....
» 21/02/2009 8:11:58 PM PaulL Please explain! Last week, after the election, Israel and Hamas agreed to another .....
» 19/02/2009 6:57:35 PM Happy New Year PaulL A majority of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza voted again.....
» 19/02/2009 6:42:28 PM Well hello PaulL Here's Israel's problem: 'the average age of a Palestinian is 15.6yrs o.....
» 17/02/2009 6:13:35 PM 6. 'It is in this scene that we see Stone’s most important insight into Bush’s character. .....
» 17/02/2009 6:13:28 PM Oh good Nick, I suspected your article wasn't intended to be serious, ..hence my statemen.....
» 17/02/2009 1:03:09 PM Ahmed's assessment is correct. But let's be clear now. Yesterday Hamas and Israel agree.....
» 16/02/2009 11:37:02 AM Any of you care to name the only US President to hold the extremely prestigious Harvard Bu.....
» 13/02/2009 10:48:37 PM seems 'shutup' works for both sjf and punter57. Impressive very very impressive......
» 12/02/2009 2:37:39 PM And herein lies the crux of the difference of opinion over climate change. Phil Matimein:.....
» 11/02/2009 3:58:47 PM So you'd prefer Saddam's rule, Ozlandy?.....
» 11/02/2009 2:31:04 PM Not only are the elections a win for Maliki and the US they are also a win for the the Ara.....
» 10/02/2009 5:17:12 PM Obama will does Rham Emanuel tells him to do. A recycled madman in charge of an insane Is.....
» 10/02/2009 8:53:53 AM Jacinta Interest rate cuts are a load of crap. Every small business person knows their i.....
» 8/02/2009 10:56:57 AM Thermi I am on record as predicting this result before tghe surge and at the outset of th.....
» 7/02/2009 6:17:33 PM 'Theocracy only became a threat after the invasion created a power vacuum.' Eubbish. Theo.....
» 7/02/2009 5:49:19 PM Thermi Spot on again. The bloke's a weakling and one who lack's the basic integrity of Ca.....
» 7/02/2009 5:08:14 PM Rudd was elected on a lie. Me tooism. He was going to be just like John Howard. That was .....
» 5/02/2009 9:19:09 PM And of course Yabby you still can't back your opinions with logical evidence. You are stil.....
» 5/02/2009 12:47:58 PM Thermi Spot on. George Bush is the only US president in 63 years to have put the US in a .....
» 4/02/2009 11:16:10 AM Bugsy Why ... thank you. I do despise the much too common, today, spirit of conformity,.....
» 3/02/2009 9:05:57 AM Col Rouge, Good for you. But there was a sequel and it is perhaps more apt to Grahams mus.....
» 2/02/2009 7:31:05 PM You are right Graham. Physicists and mathematicians truely are a weird bunch. My son who.....
» 2/02/2009 7:08:25 PM Yes John, very very insightful. Well done. It's a pity our PM doesn't have the time to re.....
» 2/02/2009 6:19:44 PM Rudd should actually read Mises and von Hayek ... they actually do show an effective way t.....
» 2/02/2009 6:19:38 PM Why do we pay K Rudd to be PM when he spends his time writing a politically motivated, log.....
» 29/01/2009 5:21:18 PM Boaz-polly What a rant. Who or what has rattled yor cage? Was it my challenge to stopid b.....
» 27/01/2009 3:23:55 PM Israel has a more deceitful objective than Nev's exposition. Israel presents as a democr.....
» 24/01/2009 5:14:27 PM Ozlandy 'Sadly, the harder he pushes the more chance of assassination. That could *really.....
» 24/01/2009 5:08:21 PM Foxy Spot on. Look how they tore down George Bush ... and now only the weaklings with t.....
» 23/01/2009 12:21:08 PM Obama's a weakling. And that will become clearer by the day. The real contest will not .....
» 3/01/2009 1:36:35 PM nyk007 Isn't that what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been castigated for saying about Israel? .....
» 2/01/2009 6:35:31 PM justone person, I see your point. I was unclear, but I mean't a Iraq as a whole. I've ne.....
» 2/01/2009 9:36:36 AM Happy New Year Joe in the US, Joe I would move on but to be fair, shouldn't you perhaps a.....
» 1/01/2009 10:56:32 AM Mark my opinion is multi faceted and winning is not necessarily absolute at any one stage......
» 31/12/2008 2:43:08 PM Daisym Because I initially disagreed with the author was challenged, abused and ridiculed.....
» 30/12/2008 1:25:04 PM Back on the bottle yabby.....
» 30/12/2008 10:17:16 AM Yabby hasn't the intellect to present a reasoned position and besides he's usually drunk. .....
» 29/12/2008 7:15:16 AM Bushbasher: Opines he's the worst US president but doesn't say why. He think's we are the .....
» 29/12/2008 7:15:04 AM Now where have we got to? My opinion is that George will be seen by history as one of the.....
» 27/12/2008 5:52:49 PM Hey mongrel, don't address me again until you've apologised for your blatant slur,.....
» 27/12/2008 3:05:40 PM Yabby Your behaviour is that of a cowardly little grub. You have completely quoted me o.....
» 24/12/2008 6:35:30 PM 'Did you read about the women in Ethiopia, sick of popping out kids, who were denied famil.....
» 24/12/2008 12:23:10 PM What Phil Matinmen says. And look what sort of job a degree in Chinees language can get y.....
» 23/12/2008 8:39:03 PM Hey Paul, it is much much easier than that. Watch. Yabby, 'Ah of course Keith. Why sho.....
» 23/12/2008 12:26:55 PM hey Mil Nice to know you are still hooked into that drip feed that's keeping you in ideal.....
» 23/12/2008 10:31:21 AM Bushbasher, I indicated six facts supporting my assertion. You agree the fact he introdu.....
» 22/12/2008 5:19:08 PM Mr Denmore, Wrong neither Fannie nor Freddie had lending policies ... ever. They had buyi.....
» 22/12/2008 5:02:55 PM 'You have put in much astute effort in trying to persuade Keith, maybe Keith is a quantum .....
» 21/12/2008 2:50:03 PM Cont And not all US women agree with your position. While George opposes abortion and argu.....
» 21/12/2008 2:49:54 PM Yabby, There you go again. Firstly didn’t you read all of my post? You’ve made this sil.....
» 20/12/2008 2:32:23 PM Hey under one god, Why do you assume you'll have the last can of baked beans? Yabby, Yo.....
» 20/12/2008 2:24:37 PM Cont ... Oh dear oh dear, comprehension again Yabby has got you into another fix. That .....
» 20/12/2008 2:24:26 PM Yabby you made statements in relation to AIDS. 'Uganda was doing pretty well fighting aid.....
» 20/12/2008 1:04:21 PM Mr Denmore, No joke. It was the Democrats in Congress who strenghtened the Community Re-i.....
» 19/12/2008 11:10:43 AM ‘... there was a whole army of bureaucrats, claiming to want to help, most of them basical.....
» 19/12/2008 11:04:23 AM Yabby, Today is a first. I'm going to tell the world of something I own. I inherited fro.....
» 19/12/2008 10:28:18 AM Mr Denmore, You are quite wrong. It was government social engineering, Central Bank's med.....
» 19/12/2008 8:52:26 AM Ahhhh Yabby check your figures in relation to supplies of iron ore and coal. You'd clearly.....
» 19/12/2008 8:34:52 AM And you yabby are clearly afraid to face he truth of yourself......
» 18/12/2008 9:32:48 AM Ahhh now for todays comic relief. So accouding to your logic you think royalties might ca.....
» 18/12/2008 9:28:00 AM Do you find yourself thinking people set out to deliberately upset you and then find yours.....
» 17/12/2008 6:32:28 PM God you are hopeless. My point was that infrustructure doesn't produce wealth. I did not .....
» 17/12/2008 6:08:37 PM History wil record the Democrats in Congress started the economic implosion and it was not.....
» 17/12/2008 7:59:08 AM Dear Yabby, I stated an opinion. I did not expect other odd ball arguments to surface. W.....
» 17/12/2008 7:43:16 AM Yep a cop out followed up with the usual further personal abuse when your positions are qu.....
» 16/12/2008 3:31:15 PM Goodness me, You've missed the AIDS relief to Africa ... obviously in-sufficient. You've.....
» 16/12/2008 7:23:17 AM Yabby, 'Keith it would take alot more then 350 words, ...' A cop out. Write for on line.....
» 15/12/2008 5:51:19 PM Look Yabby Would you only comment on my postings and completely desist from personal att.....
» 14/12/2008 3:29:44 PM Here's another idea. Let's find a way of exporting electricity. Sure it's difficult but ho.....
» 14/12/2008 3:29:33 PM Again Yabby you've got it wrong. That non-Australian shirt would comprise a huge componen.....
» 12/12/2008 9:16:06 AM Yuyutsu, Now please, which group of extremists is selling stolen land to the extremist Jew.....
» 11/12/2008 3:14:18 PM Prickely Pears and ... pricks......
» 10/12/2008 4:17:01 PM Leon, I agree wholeheartedly with one or two minor techinical corrections. Neither Fannie.....
» 10/12/2008 3:47:00 PM That's what happens where you cut all the tall poppies you crazy b......! hahahaha.....
» 5/12/2008 9:07:37 AM Snip snip whoosh, snip snip whoosh Oh Hi yabby, that is you snipping Poppies and spillin.....
» 4/12/2008 9:36:15 AM Billie, You like every other commentator forgets we are still in the middle of a resource.....
» 4/12/2008 9:27:02 AM Bennie, I already have. Turn Right I forgive you. Yabby There you go again. 'Ah Keit.....
» 3/12/2008 9:44:23 AM Mil you already have been told the derivatives bubble originated with the abolishion of G.....
» 2/12/2008 7:54:06 PM Inflation goes out of control with lowering interest rates, increasing consumer spending, .....
» 1/12/2008 5:56:21 PM You're right we can't forceably move 500,000 Jews out of the stolen lands... there is an a.....
» 1/12/2008 2:43:03 PM But wait there's more ... assuming Person B has other assets like a hobby farm and a renta.....
» 1/12/2008 2:42:53 PM Yabby, Provincialism screams from the computer screen. It's astonishing, what with intern.....
» 1/12/2008 1:06:26 PM Anyone who thinks Obama is the head of America Inc. is sadly mistaken, Bernanke, Paulson,.....
» 29/11/2008 5:28:28 PM Yabby, Then sell. I always invest with an eye on three things: profit, the future and his.....
» 29/11/2008 4:17:28 PM What must be truely worrying to propagandists like Danny Lamm is that in forums like this .....
» 26/11/2008 1:28:18 PM Yabby, There you go againm. I wish your comprehension skills were not as poor as you inv.....
» 23/11/2008 7:36:53 PM As for Warren Buffet I guess 5 billion to own your own NY Bank would seem cheap as it woul.....
» 23/11/2008 7:36:27 PM Yabby, 'It is people like you, all stampeding in one direction or another, which cause f.....
» 22/11/2008 4:43:34 PM Turn right, I'm not going to go over ground we've already crossed, especially where you s.....
» 22/11/2008 4:43:18 PM Yabby, The cause for my worry is this. While you are investing on the basis of principles.....
» 21/11/2008 3:30:06 PM Good article. I propose any study of failed doctrines like Marx and Keynes be totally ign.....
» 21/11/2008 3:14:03 PM Tell me Foxy what are your expectations of the Obama Administration> List them so I ca.....
» 21/11/2008 11:44:22 AM Turn right You really don't believe reading and expanding one's knowledge hasn't any val.....
» 21/11/2008 11:25:39 AM Dear Bennie You've confused popularity with successful action and results. You're arguin.....
» 20/11/2008 1:10:58 PM Hi Bushbred, I'm judging Bush on his actions and outcomes not his beliefs. Personally I'm.....
» 20/11/2008 10:06:32 AM Bennie, Unlike you I do my own thinking and am quite original and usually pretty accurate.....
» 20/11/2008 9:51:08 AM Dear Yabby In a previous post it was simply, very simply, explained to you that I do not .....
» 19/11/2008 5:56:52 PM Dear Poly, your genocidal sentiment will lead to another final solution but not the one y.....
» 19/11/2008 9:41:28 AM Polycarp 'I was reading a Sufi thing the other day...' Good God, Poly I thought you only.....
» 18/11/2008 5:53:39 PM '...but I doubt any of you fools could even begin to understand the ideas or histories inv.....
» 18/11/2008 11:55:54 AM All the leftie dopes need to realise the answer is the Austrian school of economic theory......
» 17/11/2008 3:30:21 PM Benjam1n you are a cowardly racist. Spout you hate amongst you own types, don't share it.....
» 17/11/2008 3:05:44 PM Hi Bushbred, I admire George, yes. Here a few things he's done that I especially like. T.....
» 17/11/2008 2:25:38 PM And another of those elite media experts, who has patently failed to research the nuts and.....
» 17/11/2008 2:20:16 PM Pilger's right. He hasn't caught 'Obama fever' like the rest of the elite media. Of cours.....
» 14/11/2008 11:33:05 PM Bennie you've just exemplafied why the Democrats have been such a disgraceful disruption .....
» 13/11/2008 4:19:16 PM Bushbred, Yes I read the Murdoch humanities. They give me balance as I seem to read the l.....
» 12/11/2008 6:48:21 PM Reports suggest Obama is in difficulties already. He will delay closing the camp it Gitmo......
» 12/11/2008 6:27:58 PM rpg Just over half of NZ voters proved they aren't stupid ... dull and boring rugby nuts .....
» 12/11/2008 5:36:20 PM And therein lies the nastiness of the last 8 years. The inability of the democrats to acce.....
» 12/11/2008 3:22:58 PM Bushbred, looking to Obama is hopeless. The mans a hollow puppet. His Chief of staff, his.....
» 11/11/2008 5:33:39 AM Bennie Before you get carried away. Things won't look as bad as they did under Bush. No.....
» 8/11/2008 8:30:19 PM Yabby Just in case you hadn't heard on CNN. Obama gave his first news conference today. I.....
» 8/11/2008 8:14:00 PM Look Yabby, Your outlook for the future is much brighter than mine. I think were are int.....
» 7/11/2008 11:46:34 AM Yabby Obama only improved marginally on both Gore's and Kerry's efforts. And 'dumb' Georg.....
» 6/11/2008 9:46:19 AM Oh dear Yabby. Fall from your perch... haha from your sad sack tone I always sensed you w.....
» 5/11/2008 5:34:28 PM Well done President elect Obama. I was clearly on the losing side today. I have been in t.....
» 5/11/2008 8:29:30 AM Yabby Once again: 'Can you please quote where I have predicted the winner of the US elec.....
» 3/11/2008 7:49:25 PM You just don't get it. The US will do what suits the US. Obama if elected will learn the .....
» 3/11/2008 12:13:47 PM Not often we agree Mil-Observer but I found Powell's endorsement laughable for Powell stil.....
» 3/11/2008 12:01:35 PM N.L. Wilbur, was a journalist, turned critic, turned nasty and potty-mouthed... I see abs.....
» 3/11/2008 8:26:13 AM Yabby, I don't think you are at all wise. Can you please quote where I have predicted th.....
» 2/11/2008 2:27:30 PM Oh dear Yabby, You point to the extremes of the Republican just as easily as I could poin.....
» 1/11/2008 6:10:30 PM Well it seems from all the reports the god-like cloud riding Obama is already Pres elect. .....
» 31/10/2008 2:42:22 PM PhillipM, Where ever did you get the idea McCain is short of money? I only said he's been.....
» 31/10/2008 10:40:45 AM The author seems to have forgotten Obama and McCain were pretty well level in the polls up.....
» 21/10/2008 7:57:48 AM mil-observer And of course, as you assure us it was all the fault of the neo-cons or what.....
» 20/10/2008 5:12:51 PM Mil - Observer The Community Reinvestment Act forced banks to undertake lending activites .....
» 20/10/2008 4:52:33 PM Oliver, Your comment is precise and accurate. Now when you consider the first $250 billi.....
» 18/10/2008 4:43:46 PM Mil Observer what about addressing the Community Re investment act. Debt Free or 'Brothe.....
» 17/10/2008 11:55:36 PM mil-observer. We don't agree at all. I am seeking truth and you are seeking blame. I am s.....
» 16/10/2008 9:04:31 PM Yabby when they fall again why wouldn't you simply buy some more and average them......
» 16/10/2008 7:39:50 PM Mil-Observer, because I address all the truth I will not be drawn into one of your abusiv.....
» 16/10/2008 7:39:43 PM My concern is neither ideological nor financial. I decided to simply ask you all to see pa.....
» 16/10/2008 4:12:29 PM Yabby Once the current calamity fully hits the fall is likely to be closer to 55% and it'.....
» 15/10/2008 5:39:48 PM Guess What? He's wrong the estimate of damage from Fannie Mae's stupidities is $7 Trillion.....
» 15/10/2008 5:39:41 PM Bronwyn This is going to stun you and I guanrantee you'll jump in with an automatic denia.....
» 15/10/2008 5:08:54 PM Hi Mark Now that is a truely revealing response. It indicates you don't know ... and th.....
» 15/10/2008 12:40:43 PM '...The International Monetary Fund, predict the worst of the mortgage crisis is yet to co.....
» 14/10/2008 6:22:49 PM Mark a very interesting perspective. Thanks. Everybody owns some of the truth and it is ve.....
» 13/10/2008 9:01:04 PM Paul As I told you once before when you try to paint on me your stupid lies and racist l.....
» 11/10/2008 12:37:13 PM David Singer, I regret you will not recant your racist views or expunge your lies. You h.....
» 9/10/2008 5:11:33 PM Mr David Singer 'Please tell me specifically what matters in your posts I have not respon.....
» 9/10/2008 2:46:52 PM David Singer 'Please tell me specifically what matters in your posts I have not responded.....
» 9/10/2008 2:11:01 PM David Show me where I have suggested kicking half a million illegal settlers out of the .....
» 8/10/2008 8:19:43 PM David Singer 'I have given you my reasons why the 2002 Arab League Plan will end up in th.....
» 8/10/2008 2:51:59 PM Yesterdays 1% interest rate reaction is panic inspired and akin to throwing a stone into a.....
» 8/10/2008 2:51:47 PM 'Australian banks haven't bought armfuls of securities based on dodgy American mortgages, .....
» 8/10/2008 1:35:54 PM david Singer, 'Imagine the uproar if someone advocated moving 500000 Arabs out of the Wes.....
» 8/10/2008 12:49:30 PM David Singer The status of Jerusalem was actually dealt with in the UN Partition of Pales.....
» 7/10/2008 11:34:54 AM polycarp your logic is suspect. Why draw the line with the Romans? Why not go back to the.....
» 7/10/2008 11:16:30 AM David Singer, 'In claiming that my statement that getting rid of Israel has the support o.....
» 6/10/2008 9:05:39 PM Utter Crap Today oil is at US$94.00 a barrel. A month ago it was U$150.00 a barrel. Today.....
» 6/10/2008 10:07:46 AM Hi Logic, Nice to see you again. I must correct you on your pointing to 'my' faith. I ha.....
» 5/10/2008 3:18:01 PM Oh I will David and promise you, you will come see that I have.....
» 5/10/2008 3:08:46 PM David Singer You conveniently and deliberately ignore the illegal settlements and the ill.....
» 4/10/2008 9:18:34 PM David Singer do you realise your rants are merely attracting the worst type of racist a........
» 4/10/2008 9:10:43 PM David Singer, I'd love to see the methodology of your 'survey'. If it is that one that wa.....
» 4/10/2008 9:01:52 AM David Singer, Olmert, McCain and Obama share my view... and you need to check their posit.....
» 4/10/2008 8:41:46 AM No yabby. The US military-industrial complex, a propensity to manufacture tools, heavy ma.....
» 3/10/2008 9:49:51 AM David Singer Do you know what you desire is tantamount to a progrom to evict Palestinians.....
» 2/10/2008 7:40:10 PM David Singer No matter what the words what you are suggesting is tantamount to legitimisi.....
» 2/10/2008 6:55:06 PM Hi Bushbred, You are dead right the Rockefellers do steer the US economy and capitalism. .....
» 2/10/2008 2:59:25 PM David Singer, You are not offering much that is new. The borders of the new state would .....
» 1/10/2008 4:54:23 PM Eveyone should take a big breath, sit down and do the simple basics. 1. Read the Opinion .....
» 1/10/2008 4:20:53 PM David I don't find your position at all shocking. What I find amusing is that you don't p.....
» 1/10/2008 10:44:57 AM David You appear to have ignored the reality of the existance of a lasting peace between .....
» 30/09/2008 11:57:54 AM hi Grahame Thankyou for your judicious stance. I have challenged David, not for sharing .....
» 29/09/2008 8:46:10 PM David Singer This is a public forum and I am challeging you to reject and condemn Polycar.....
» 29/09/2008 10:31:26 AM Polycarp If I'd have said "The sooner the sense of '(Jewish) Idenity' is erased fro.....
» 28/09/2008 12:30:05 PM Good argument David Now apply the same principle to the illegal settlements... from the P.....
» 27/09/2008 7:08:48 PM Here's an alternative solution. Set up a fund for public subscription with the aim of com.....
» 27/09/2008 6:55:46 PM Passy I'd gladly pay Australian workers the same wages as Chinese workers. Can I adopt th.....
» 26/09/2008 6:46:02 PM The author is grasping at straws. He at last recognises the situation. The meltdown in A.....
» 26/09/2008 2:43:56 PM In the current crisis watch for McCain's proposal. It will resonate with the vast majorit.....
» 25/09/2008 3:59:04 PM The total housing loans in the US is currently $1.3 trillion. Bernanke's bailout (folly) i.....
» 23/09/2008 9:12:11 AM Pete, You are no more socialist than I am. In past years you've have been declared a li.....
» 23/09/2008 9:05:46 AM Joe I agree both parties share large licks of the blame for the current crisis ... and I .....
» 22/09/2008 8:59:35 PM Why is Friday crucial? It's the day Congress has set as approvong Bernanke's bailout. So.....
» 22/09/2008 8:02:40 PM James is certianly on the right track. But... an even bigger hurdle looms in the short ter.....
» 22/09/2008 7:19:37 PM Silly arguments Antonious. Using your argument what's the outcome if the VP candidate in .....
» 21/09/2008 12:11:38 PM Pete Both McCain and Obama agree with Bush's actions. Laughable really. Just shows you so.....
» 20/09/2008 6:29:01 PM Pete You misunderstand. I'd have voted and worked for George Bush. McCains ok but tends .....
» 20/09/2008 11:50:19 AM Thermy There is no fraud. There is just a general lack of understanding of what the US pr.....
» 19/09/2008 3:21:26 PM Joe Bill Clinton in 1998 relaxed the regulations regarding loans. That action resulted i.....
» 18/09/2008 5:42:37 PM Cont. Now here is Obama's problem. 'Obama had received nearly $10 million in contributio.....
» 18/09/2008 5:42:32 PM This article is superficial in the extreme. Here is the guts of the current campaign taki.....
» 17/09/2008 5:57:26 PM IF Rudd wasn't overseas at the moment I'd ask him why we are still paying $1.45 a litre an.....
» 17/09/2008 5:37:33 PM rache, Oh yes policy attacks but not hate attacks ... I don't suppose non liberal people .....
» 17/09/2008 3:48:13 PM Look at all this hate and he's only been Liberal leader one day. The Lib's must be onto a.....
» 17/09/2008 7:38:18 AM Is that ... like ... rudd and durr!.....
» 16/09/2008 6:38:21 PM Rudd's a mug......
» 15/09/2008 4:40:47 PM What a dopey bloody article. 'Australia exports its draconian immigration system' No it.....
» 15/09/2008 4:11:36 PM No Rainer ... but I know of one that used cigars for a purpose they were definitedly not i.....
» 14/09/2008 7:48:51 PM But seriously cuphandle what do you think of his opinions?.....
» 14/09/2008 11:33:25 AM Yes Kipp the Palins are being investigated over their abuse of a bloke who used his police.....
» 14/09/2008 11:26:22 AM What ever happened to free speech in your world Steel? So heap personal criticism, name c.....
» 13/09/2008 2:12:08 PM And apparently appeals more to the average Joe and Josephine Blow......
» 13/09/2008 2:10:43 PM DavidJS, Before you blindly accept the leftie media claims about Palin you should first ch.....
» 12/09/2008 2:33:05 PM Exterminator Your view of US politics is a biased left wistful wing view. It is simply wr.....
» 12/09/2008 2:02:44 PM And hasnt Sarah exhibited such magnificent dignity in the face of the nasty and bitchy lit.....
» 9/09/2008 8:15:59 PM Here's an anlysis of polls conducted on Sunday (US time). It's from the Washington Post........
» 9/09/2008 2:25:20 PM Foyle, Tell me exactly how the life choices of a candidate's teenagers are relevant to de.....
» 8/09/2008 1:07:40 PM Dickie, You heaped personal criticism on Palin. I put a little criticisn on you. You heap.....
» 8/09/2008 12:55:53 PM The latest polls from the weekend are starting to confirm McCains strategy. He's ahead by .....
» 8/09/2008 12:46:00 PM Rainier, Only about 50% of Americans vote. Very few of those come from the massive number.....
» 7/09/2008 4:46:25 PM Dickie, The term Mother Nurture is loaded with sexism. I've come to a conclusion, throu.....
» 7/09/2008 11:35:42 AM 'Heh, I'd like to ask Governer Palin if she still believes teaching abstinence is an effec.....
» 6/09/2008 11:20:29 PM Hi Rainier This election is about change. The issue isn't policy but about how the econom.....
» 6/09/2008 4:29:16 PM Kipp You just copped out. Of course I expect you to explain. I have difficulty in a bel.....
» 6/09/2008 12:51:56 AM Certainly not Hillary, Sarah, Cindy, Barbara, Laura nor Bristol but perhaps Michelle after.....
» 5/09/2008 6:20:49 PM Kipp 1. Why? 2. Why not?.....
» 5/09/2008 6:15:56 PM Senior Victorian, I have been watching US elections for the past 12 years or so. Fascinat.....
» 5/09/2008 6:01:20 PM Ahhh Sarah Palin is the reason the US will elect John McCain as president. To all you bit.....
» 5/09/2008 3:52:41 PM Demos you are sexist and what have here kids life choices to do with her life choices. Doh.....
» 1/09/2008 11:54:53 AM Sams Look I have an opinion that is somewhat different to yours. I can accept your right .....
» 30/08/2008 7:55:45 PM Sellick, Pericles, Bushbasher, and Bushbred ... I don't know. I've seen the magnificance.....
» 30/08/2008 6:04:57 PM The Israeli warmongers and their supporters are at it again. How can they justify an atta.....
» 25/08/2008 9:12:56 AM Fozz You astonish me with the ignorance contained in your wild assertions and assumptions.....
» 24/08/2008 6:57:55 PM Tut Tut Fozz your true colours are showing. My purpose in travelling the world is to broa.....
» 23/08/2008 8:43:46 PM Yeah Fozz I whinge about liars and their lies, just like all you lefty idiots did about Jo.....
» 22/08/2008 4:40:28 PM Oh and that idiot Roxon lied when they stuck up the price of my booze......
» 22/08/2008 4:38:52 PM Interest rates up, petrol price up ... even though barrels of oil are down by 20%, ... gro.....
» 11/08/2008 7:11:22 PM I never quoted anything and have no intention of doing so. You made two references to Tom .....
» 10/08/2008 5:53:42 PM Could you imagine the uproar in the western socialist dominated media if any western count.....
» 10/08/2008 4:19:30 PM Oh dear oh dear Pericles, '>>The attributes of courage, fearlessness and boldness n.....
» 10/08/2008 4:08:28 PM Dickie Your personal attacks on Arjay are a disgrace......
» 8/08/2008 11:04:49 AM Pericles, Thank you for the spelling correction. The stifling of our youngsters is occ.....
» 7/08/2008 4:24:00 PM VK, You've never been in a lineout, scrum, ruck or maul......
» 7/08/2008 4:05:06 PM Simon Bedak add yourself to my previous list and .... oh farmers still belong in the priva.....
» 7/08/2008 3:42:17 PM j5o6hn, Taswegian, Cazza, You all personally attack David Flint. You are the only three c.....
» 7/08/2008 3:04:59 PM Pelican speaks with a broadness and depth of understanding equal to the bill of his non-de.....
» 3/08/2008 5:43:20 PM I think the measure of Howard's success are the current warnings being espoused by P.M. K......
» 2/08/2008 8:30:12 PM Rugby Union, Rainier, is about the physical domination of your opponent, whether by muscle.....
» 1/08/2008 6:44:36 PM HAGWEASEL, Hezbollah no control a great deal more inLebanaon than they did prior to the I.....
» 26/07/2008 7:03:14 PM By WOFTSAB you mean: Willfully Opposing Fascist's Threats, Stupidity And Bombast. don't .....
» 26/07/2008 6:57:27 PM Hi Hagweasel. Still full of hate and invective! And still on yesterdays issues. You los.....
» 26/07/2008 3:57:12 PM Wobbles, No US president will allow a nuclear war. No US president will allow the launc.....
» 25/07/2008 6:11:58 PM PaulL Under the policies of the loony right wingers, like yourself, I seem to be able to .....
» 25/07/2008 2:56:29 PM P. The point is not what will happen to Iran: for their rulers don't seem to care. The .....
» 25/07/2008 2:35:32 PM PaulL Another attempt at a re-write of history. The two Israeli soldiers were taken not by.....
» 25/07/2008 2:35:14 PM Yoohooo boys, The game has changed! Bushbred is likely right to suggest the Iranians hav.....
» 24/07/2008 6:37:03 PM PaulL Get stuffed......
» 24/07/2008 10:57:06 AM But Israel had the opportunity to negotiate the freedom of these two occupiers. They chose.....
» 24/07/2008 10:48:11 AM Bren exposed his true colours by omitting much relevance. Israel prefered an unwarranted, .....
» 23/07/2008 8:07:15 PM David That was a pretty pathetic effort. I think you need to brush up on your methods. H.....
» 23/07/2008 7:58:04 PM Yuyutsu, Lets be clear here. I have no objection to Jews being Jewish. I do object to Jew.....
» 23/07/2008 12:55:36 PM 'However, most Jewish settlers bought their land in the occupied territories (in cash, fro.....
» 22/07/2008 6:32:59 PM Look at that corrupt Israeli PM Olmert. While there are honest Jewish Israelis it is tragi.....
» 22/07/2008 12:42:22 PM Yuyutsu, What's this unchanging? Israel's borders certainly are not unchanging......
» 22/07/2008 12:34:40 PM Examinator: Carbon emissions were about Global Warming not climate change. Why your change.....
» 22/07/2008 12:15:51 PM Shadyoasis. Why now Climate Change and not Global Warming? Surely CO@ emissions cannot pro.....
» 21/07/2008 6:16:13 PM Antonios If Howard had back flipped on fuel prices like Rudd has you'd be screaming liar .....
» 21/07/2008 4:01:21 PM Enviromentalists Metamorphisis: Clobal Warming is caused by CO2 Emissions .... Climate C.....
» 19/07/2008 3:47:07 PM Makes sense. The Catholic Church is moving backwards towards a desruptive and racist gre.....
» 19/07/2008 2:49:12 PM Like Reagan, George Bush's legacy won't become apparent nor broadly accepted for a few yea.....
» 18/07/2008 7:59:59 PM 'Israel’s ongoing colonisation of the West Bank has made a contiguous and independent Pale.....
» 18/07/2008 7:21:00 PM Hagweasel This is just so boring. First you qoute the Geneva Convention but rail against.....
» 13/07/2008 7:36:08 PM Look Hag Here it is in black and white ... again...and again ... sigh ... and from a sou.....
» 13/07/2008 7:32:14 PM PaulL Your comments about Hamas are bigotted and don't reflect the new reality of a negot.....
» 13/07/2008 12:58:07 PM Hagweasel, Why would I bother, you'd deny my argument regardless. You'd be too damned obd.....
» 12/07/2008 1:35:01 PM JayB Don't worry. It's going to happen anyway. The Israeli's will attack one neighbour to.....
» 12/07/2008 9:45:17 AM Here is a new word for you. With your piece of paper you'd probably not need to look it up.....
» 12/07/2008 9:33:10 AM Here we go again! Another scare from a scaremongering AGWer. How silly do these people th.....
» 11/07/2008 5:27:00 PM Oh dear me, Hagweasel! You really have sunk to new lows. "You are just like 'em, yo.....
» 11/07/2008 7:49:22 AM Anna well done. I do not agree with you but I like your youthful idealogy and respect you .....
» 10/07/2008 5:46:50 PM Look Hag Here it is in black and white ... again... sigh '...persons displaced during a.....
» 9/07/2008 9:05:56 AM Hag The answer is simple and one only need look to the working peace treaties between Egy.....
» 8/07/2008 4:16:20 PM Thank you Jamama. '... eventually the climate will run away from the human capacity to co.....
» 8/07/2008 12:22:26 PM 'It is not a question of how much more we can “safely” emit, but whether we can rapidly st.....
» 8/07/2008 8:37:48 AM Themistocles, great wisdom. Obama will be a unique president. An ineffective, populis.....
» 8/07/2008 8:14:27 AM '...persons displaced during armed conflict must be transferred back to their homes as soo.....
» 7/07/2008 6:13:44 PM Hey Hag It seems to me Hag that anyone who disagrees with your propaganda positions are c.....
» 6/07/2008 7:53:57 AM When all is said and done and AWG is either proven to be a fact or fiction the 'winning si.....
» 6/07/2008 7:28:15 AM Hey Hag What a load of codswallop. You don't research. You merely look for rubbish to .....
» 4/07/2008 3:48:05 PM Viking "'...But I'm glad you agree with me in my disgust at the Israelis too'. Hardl.....
» 3/07/2008 5:05:53 PM Jeez Hag You are clutching at straws. Of course conquest of land isn't outlawed but the .....
» 3/07/2008 3:09:02 PM Let me defend the diversity of OLO. I too have been an avid reader and sometimes contribut.....
» 2/07/2008 12:19:09 PM I thought you said you were leaving Clive... or have you realised from the comments above .....
» 2/07/2008 9:21:45 AM Yeah Yeah, of course OLO would be perfectly balanced if it only allowed articles represent.....
» 2/07/2008 9:13:30 AM 'Who has the more authentic holiday, the package tourist or the independent traveller?' T.....
» 2/07/2008 8:41:23 AM 'Bush, a strong supporter of Olmert and Israel, has generally been polite about the issue......
» 2/07/2008 8:22:55 AM Haganah Bet, You're so clever but you've tripped yourself up. 'You really must remember,.....
» 27/06/2008 12:11:07 PM Logic The report was not merely researched from Harvard. The fact is researchers from the.....
» 27/06/2008 7:58:42 AM Yvonne, Your courage is observable. Many mums and dads these days don't seem able to ex.....
» 26/06/2008 5:47:47 PM Thanks logic I've never thought Israel bad ... only some of it's illegal behaviours... an.....
» 26/06/2008 5:38:46 PM Hi Cireena, No need for any apology. I often have better things to do too ... especially .....
» 24/06/2008 8:14:01 PM I think that attitude is overly influencing in our laws and our society. I think it is no .....
» 24/06/2008 8:13:53 PM Continued... Women have challenged and changed many things, mostly for the better for all.....
» 22/06/2008 7:39:20 PM I disagree risk taking activities leading to deaths should be included in suicide statisti.....
» 22/06/2008 7:39:13 PM Hello Cireena, I read your article and was left looking askance. I have pondered your tho.....
» 22/06/2008 10:54:51 AM Logic, Are you trying to suggest I have anything other than a thoroughly decent view of t.....
» 21/06/2008 9:04:18 AM So in response to moves toward a negotiated peace ... haganah bet gives me a lecture on ho.....
» 20/06/2008 3:12:14 PM What does your silence indicate? Overwhelming joy? Yesterday, Hamas and Gaza. Today Leban.....
» 19/06/2008 3:24:02 PM Well well well, Isn't it great. Hamas and Israel have agreed to a truce, brokered by th.....
» 19/06/2008 1:36:05 PM Yep ... make an activity safe by introducing firearms ... makes sense. doh......
» 19/06/2008 8:25:11 AM Foxy You too are taken in! Why won't anyone of you apoligists confront the historical an.....
» 18/06/2008 4:38:20 PM Quite wrong Marilyn. International law states catagorically refugees must seek refuge an.....
» 18/06/2008 2:53:06 PM 'If you have any pretensions to being a progressive, or leftist, then you would know that .....
» 18/06/2008 8:56:17 AM So Marilyn '''"...'And that we don't make the same mistakes again.'" Seems we.....
» 17/06/2008 4:31:59 PM Bronwen Today's society in Australia is characterised by fearfulness but you are way off .....
» 17/06/2008 12:46:04 PM "...'And that we don't make the same mistakes again.'" Seems we don't need an e.....
» 17/06/2008 11:50:50 AM David Singer I'm non-violent and usually oppose violence- unlike those you support. I don'.....
» 16/06/2008 5:33:14 PM Look Right You like the author didn't address the land stealing. Until you do ... well yo.....
» 16/06/2008 10:44:53 AM So here we have another Israeli propagandist distorting the situation to suit his and Isra.....
» 13/06/2008 2:22:48 PM 'It can't do much on petrol prices.' 1. Why did Rudd and Swan run around this country giv.....
» 12/06/2008 3:26:39 PM Diver Dan 'Since your post was granted special dispensation by the editor (a privilege ob.....
» 11/06/2008 11:10:04 PM hahahahaha Diver Dan supports censorship. Talk about having a tunnel vision I reckon dive.....
» 11/06/2008 11:02:22 PM Look you blokes (and there ain't no shelias commenting or writing here ) are totally obliv.....
» 11/06/2008 1:42:35 PM Someone told me It's all happening at the zoo. I do believe it. I do believe it's true. .....
» 10/06/2008 8:59:12 PM Twaddle......
» 10/06/2008 8:51:18 PM Paul L Well well, I am choking. We absolutely agree on everything in Iraq. Just goes to .....
» 8/06/2008 1:13:20 PM Revealing. I'd say most if not all of Barry Cohens best friends are either Labor Party M.....
» 8/06/2008 1:00:45 PM Paul Your basic assumption is idiotic. Why would anyone sane want to hold Afghanistan?.....
» 7/06/2008 4:55:56 PM PaulL Your hatred for people who act in similar ways to the Israelis is stunning. Go ah.....
» 7/06/2008 4:46:32 PM Tell me Paul Why did the Soviets invade and leave Afghanistan? Thought they could control.....
» 6/06/2008 5:43:17 PM Marlene is right of course. It is only nutjob mid east destabilisers and liars who want .....
» 6/06/2008 1:22:26 PM Noble words and hopes. Sadly the US of today hasn't any politicians of Kennedy's ilk. All.....
» 4/06/2008 7:39:32 PM CJ You are much to kind to Boz Diva......
» 4/06/2008 5:22:05 PM socretease, Those who condemn Henson, will you call for the censorship of all forms of po.....
» 3/06/2008 9:48:46 AM Look out the nut jobs are here and threatening anyone who disagrees with them with retribu.....
» 2/06/2008 3:48:45 PM Hi Joe "....If you watch CNN and/or Fox you will have more misconceptions of what's .....
» 2/06/2008 1:21:42 PM 'When you invade a country and try and wipe it out you don’t get to whinge later when you .....
» 1/06/2008 3:58:44 PM david f So you don't like what you read so you bring out the old furphy of anti-semitism......
» 1/06/2008 8:51:42 AM Diver Dan, 'They are desperate and in need of compassion and that in the broader sense is.....
» 31/05/2008 2:27:12 PM Thank you BB, WA. Numbers mate, numbers are the signpost to the future and an indication.....
» 30/05/2008 5:35:05 PM Paul L Your problem is you don't know what makes a Liberal Democracy. Israel ecertainly d.....
» 30/05/2008 9:25:53 AM How about some consistancy from all you anti-art, anti paedophilia experts. You should jo.....
» 29/05/2008 6:30:33 PM Planet Realism, Bernie......
» 29/05/2008 10:39:02 AM Paul I don't think you want peace at all. I think you only want a peace that allows and.....
» 29/05/2008 10:31:41 AM Bob Carr might also have something to add in support. Well done!.....
» 29/05/2008 10:06:40 AM Patmalar Ambikapathy, Sir, "What is child abuse and child pornography? Legal defin.....
» 29/05/2008 8:19:22 AM Joe 'Few of us are sears in our own lifetime' I have no doubt most people in the US, if .....
» 28/05/2008 5:25:57 PM Am I missing something or are academics supposed to be immume from having to look at posit.....
» 27/05/2008 6:03:54 PM If you idiots haven't noticed Iraq is on a road to participatory democracy ... different t.....
» 27/05/2008 6:03:37 PM Oh dear oh dear, have you lot noticed how Israel is suddenly interested in making a peace.....
» 24/05/2008 4:50:52 PM Dear Comrade Mil You shouldn't talk about Philip like that. Kindest regards. ps In the.....
» 24/05/2008 11:50:32 AM I see the Yanks have forced the Israeli's to make peace with Syria. Listen carefully to th.....
» 23/05/2008 4:38:10 PM cont After settlement day I spent two days doing an inventory and stocking all those thing.....
» 23/05/2008 4:37:59 PM Phillip, It wasn't my intent to look for praise but only to answer your assumptions, ques.....
» 21/05/2008 12:57:59 PM Mercurius I might refer you to Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty Four' for a modern view of the r.....
» 21/05/2008 7:22:16 AM Bertie& Not familiar with either Petrarch nor Boccaccio. Chaucer was included. Thanks, .....
» 20/05/2008 8:22:44 PM Passy Democracy is still working and evolving... Socialism failed. As did your revolutio.....
» 20/05/2008 11:59:27 AM Congratulations Ellen. This has got to be thew best article ever published by OLO. It s.....
» 19/05/2008 11:34:45 PM Philip, 'Is this a solution you can share so that all state school kids across Australia .....
» 19/05/2008 12:43:11 PM It is great to see Australian and New Zealand players doing what they've done for years. P.....
» 19/05/2008 12:43:06 PM Jeez Irf, You brown sahibs finally catch up, you get so excited you think you're ahead. .....
» 19/05/2008 11:53:18 AM I'm not going to watch TV for the two weeks of the Chinese Shame Games. I'm not going to b.....
» 19/05/2008 8:27:07 AM Philip Mahnken, Firstly thank you for supporting and sharing part of my frustration. It i.....
» 18/05/2008 12:46:55 PM To Her nobody, Vel don, yu are very funy. Sory goto go, hav to vatsh ze fotbal now. This.....
» 17/05/2008 12:44:24 PM Romany What utter rubbish. Why did you initially only single out my comment to use as a.....
» 16/05/2008 11:46:08 PM Romany Let's have a little refresher here. You made as statement that did not take into .....
» 16/05/2008 10:23:37 AM Your latest explanation is far different to the following 'There is a world of differenc.....
» 15/05/2008 5:25:04 PM Israel's days are numbered. An overwhelming weight of numbers, Palestinian numbers, will s.....
» 15/05/2008 4:40:25 PM Romany On reflection Doolan ‘”British readers are at least as ignorant as their America.....
» 14/05/2008 5:20:49 PM your probable write rommany......
» 13/05/2008 10:53:39 PM Yvonne, Agreed! Knowing another language makes worlds larger. But failing to learn and un.....
» 13/05/2008 10:48:34 AM Hi Yvonne, 'Do you realize that in that great list of yours there are very few English sp.....
» 12/05/2008 9:44:36 PM Western Development of: Ethics: Plato, Nicomachean Ethics, Epictitus, Aquinas, Hobbes, M.....
» 12/05/2008 7:58:37 AM Once again you've shown an inability to rise above hate and conflict. Right from the outs.....
» 11/05/2008 3:40:41 PM Mil Observer You've only challenged my view that we should at least include if not emphas.....
» 10/05/2008 3:22:12 PM So Mil-Observer You entered the arena joining the chorus of the mob. You valiantly challe.....
» 8/05/2008 12:29:06 PM Without the intellect and communicative abilities of these Westerners we wouldn’t be commu.....
» 8/05/2008 12:28:49 PM Mil-observer. Ponder the operation of that mil (sic) and you’ll come to the conclusion i.....
» 8/05/2008 8:16:24 AM Only a pro - China protester or blind nationalist could call the Olympic torch relay a suc.....
» 7/05/2008 11:54:12 AM As regards Asian languages, few are based in or greatly influenced by either a theology or.....
» 7/05/2008 11:54:00 AM Here is another couple of perspectives. Learning another language increases the intellect.....
» 7/05/2008 10:47:34 AM Treaties do many things. They recognise status, responsibilities and obligations. They giv.....
» 5/05/2008 4:45:18 PM Megan and Sarah I found your analysis interesting. I haven't been able to access any of t.....
» 5/05/2008 4:21:22 PM Roxon Is an idealogical twit. If $500 mil is to be gained by increasing the tax doesn't .....
» 5/05/2008 4:06:42 PM Those of you who continually harp on about unsustainable economic activity and carry on ab.....
» 5/05/2008 3:50:37 PM Jane, I'd say the vast majority of Chinese National students in Australia are the obedien.....
» 2/05/2008 8:14:15 AM Natasha, You're discriminatory. How can a bloke access maternity leave? And I expect upro.....
» 2/05/2008 7:57:40 AM Yeah Yeah all youse just shut up. The govment and marilyn know what's best for youse all! .....
» 23/04/2008 3:32:28 PM choke choke, I'm choking on my sandwich. Bruce Haigh Listen mate. Have you a short or s.....
» 23/04/2008 2:42:28 PM Great article Michael. It asks many questions and not just in the energy area. I'd love t.....
» 22/04/2008 8:46:38 PM Jeez VK You really should read and check the dates of the links you supply. The latest l.....
» 22/04/2008 6:56:56 AM V Does the same apply in Africa, Cuba, Malaysia and Indonesia? China's water problem is .....
» 20/04/2008 4:01:39 PM The current astronomical rise in prices for oil and coal are a mere indicator that the car.....
» 19/04/2008 1:39:42 PM Why are those who support a republic using the same boring tired old arguments in another .....
» 19/04/2008 1:33:22 PM John Greenfield, While I agree with the thrust of your comments I baulk at your somewhat .....
» 15/04/2008 7:02:06 AM So Spy Why doesn't Israel do the same with Palestine? You know, like give back the occupi.....
» 14/04/2008 5:19:54 PM Paul And look at the actions of Israel in land stealing, occupations and invasions ' to s.....
» 9/04/2008 7:16:37 PM 'Israel and the Palestinian Authority are working together with great difficulty to establ.....
» 7/04/2008 4:26:42 PM But finally in Australia: Indigenous people are still undergoing intervention with the ad.....
» 7/04/2008 4:26:35 PM Did you use the term 'fawning' Bruce? I think it accurately describes most of your comment.....
» 18/03/2008 6:11:46 PM Well done Kym. Keith Kennelly.....
» 13/03/2008 11:51:01 AM I think mit might be too late for Israel and weight of numbers both within Israel and on i.....
» 13/03/2008 11:28:03 AM What a great piece of spin. The former Coalition government gave carers and others bonuse.....
» 2/03/2008 5:41:34 PM Melinda I love your articles. They are always refreshing and challenging. You are right .....
» 2/03/2008 5:21:54 PM Holy cow this is a discussion of the blinkered by the blinkered. I've been away sailing fo.....
» 17/02/2008 9:24:59 AM Spy Your arguments are circular 'Israel will not withdraw until it has a guarantee of se.....
» 16/02/2008 12:26:22 PM Spy How can mighty Israel demand the disarming of extremists when mighty Israel arms and .....
» 14/02/2008 5:21:44 PM Enkew, Your views are well expressed. While I don't necessarily agree with them it is gre.....
» 14/02/2008 4:40:16 PM Spy This is fairly typical. You: 'Israel will give land in return for security guarantee.....
» 13/02/2008 1:06:53 PM Col Rouge, You are simply a racist. To call you a bastard elevates you. Keith Kennelly.....
» 12/02/2008 6:01:22 PM A big fat yawn ... who cares?.....
» 12/02/2008 6:44:39 AM Loudmouth, God good if some of my statements are ridiculous some of yours vary from simpl.....
» 11/02/2008 7:02:39 PM Yes withdrawal has to come in response to a guarantee of security. Why ever would you imag.....
» 11/02/2008 7:01:58 PM Spy You jump all over the place. You point to Lebanon but ignore the Egypt and Jordan e.....
» 11/02/2008 6:19:04 PM Col Rouge, Your call for '... all Australians be treated equal.' is admirable. Education.....
» 10/02/2008 7:14:08 PM Passy It is wrong to return children to be abused ... especially since the evidence is ov.....
» 10/02/2008 6:23:56 PM Spy, The Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa and other militant groups all have a presence in E.....
» 10/02/2008 1:57:26 PM Danielle, 'The Palestinian people's future and decisions is theirs alone.' Then how come.....
» 9/02/2008 11:18:29 AM Spy You quite made my day with this; 'Well, sorry to wake you up Keith but Israel alread.....
» 8/02/2008 6:40:08 AM Danielle Sadly once again you cannot defend the actions of the Israelis so you sink to th.....
» 7/02/2008 8:05:47 PM Yeah centralise the education system to Canberra. Take it away from the states. All th.....
» 7/02/2008 7:25:25 PM Spy To answer your question. If I was an Israeli I'd dismantle the settlements and cease .....
» 5/02/2008 3:02:33 PM Lev And listen to the whines of 'cheat' when McCain wins......
» 5/02/2008 12:39:11 PM Leigh '...Israel, even though many of that country’s inhabitants are not Jews.' In this .....
» 5/02/2008 11:47:59 AM Peter, Your pro-Israeli anti-Palestinian hate rant is intellectually dishonest. It never o.....
» 5/02/2008 6:38:00 AM Pass You haven't responded to my post with any sort of logical argument. You have merely.....
» 3/02/2008 8:34:23 AM Passy The Devil is in the detail, which is sadly missing from you latest post. Hitler di.....
» 2/02/2008 5:27:59 PM Thank you Chris, Like Marx and others I think Socialism is merely a step along the road t.....
» 1/02/2008 8:08:49 PM Chris, I've always thought of socialism as a movememnt, essentially economic in nature, .....
» 31/01/2008 3:24:35 PM Chris With all due respect Great Britian and Sweden have never been socialist states. The.....
» 30/01/2008 7:49:09 AM Passy, We have much common ground here. Although I'm yet to be convinced of the workabili.....
» 30/01/2008 7:33:08 AM Chris C Oh I probably should have used 'communist/socialist' rather than simply 'socialis.....
» 29/01/2008 6:58:31 PM 'Now the dictator is dead. May he rot in hell.' Alongside the socialists Hitler, Stalin, .....
» 28/01/2008 7:44:43 PM Passy, 'In my view the solution to the question of aboriginal sovereignty, because it ma.....
» 28/01/2008 7:33:58 PM Here we go. The re-write of history begins. 'What Stalin set up was a form of capitalism .....
» 28/01/2008 10:28:09 AM Mercurius Have a happy sojourn. And I hope you find the places you go as generous, tolera.....
» 27/01/2008 1:07:31 PM Mercurius, quite the usual, curious. For disparrage of Leigh's outrage, Youse, hate of tal.....
» 27/01/2008 11:46:23 AM Dear Foxy I am an immigrant and experienced many of the things you've experienced. I got .....
» 26/01/2008 12:45:17 PM Hah, a larconic big fat, hah. I reckon this topic is about as important as having a discu.....
» 24/01/2008 7:16:31 PM Awwwh heck Bruce, couldn't you be a little more immaginative in your insult?.....
» 23/01/2008 7:36:55 PM Where was this article before the last Australian General election? Bruce Haigh have a r.....
» 23/01/2008 6:54:34 PM I'm confused. Does the author support people smuggling or it's prevention? And if he had .....
» 22/01/2008 8:19:20 PM oops A little further. The primaries are not simply about choosing the most popular cand.....
» 22/01/2008 8:12:32 PM Anyone read the transcript of the South Carolina Democratic 'debate'? Americans will be t.....
» 20/01/2008 4:34:11 PM Oh dear, 'Nationalism and foreign policy are changing in Australia. The Howard years were.....
» 18/01/2008 4:02:10 PM The kid's just a lair. Leave him alone. He's just getting square with his parents for na.....
» 17/01/2008 11:21:02 AM Redneck Your analysis is as dishonest as Rogers. Your British King did give two fingwer.....
» 16/01/2008 5:58:59 PM I'd have more faith in Roger's sincerity if he'd used more reasoned argument than mere sar.....
» 14/01/2008 6:37:05 PM Arjay When push comes to shove I'd back men and women who are prepared to lay down their .....
» 13/01/2008 7:24:45 PM Dear Foxy Once Australians were racist. Why don't you celebrate the change today rather.....
» 13/01/2008 5:10:54 PM Arjay You seem to think the economic rise of China and India are going to occur without c.....
» 10/01/2008 11:08:45 AM Cricket is Australias national sport. It is played by both sexes in every state and territ.....
» 3/01/2008 12:22:37 PM That play was written a few centuries ago and I wonder why, given our now greater knowledg.....
» 3/01/2008 12:22:30 PM hello izzo, Your experiences are based on functions in non-indigenous organisations and n.....
» 2/01/2008 12:37:09 PM Arjay, You are not racist only a bigot. :-) Is Boaz-David's attitude an example of the t.....
» 2/01/2008 8:24:44 AM Dear izzo, 'We now know that throwing money and land at the aboriginal people doesnt work.....
» 2/01/2008 7:58:34 AM Stickman Oh you are right of course. I should have used the word bigots. But pray tell m.....
» 1/01/2008 12:07:51 PM Happy New Year to all the racists. Very sad to see the season of goodwill hasn't stopped.....
» 24/12/2007 8:17:04 PM Merry Christmas Logic, You didn't answer my question... which was very direct. Instead .....
» 23/12/2007 4:43:45 PM Nice neat little discussion Lev and Logic but would either of you like to tell me how isol.....
» 23/12/2007 10:56:03 AM Talking about chucking "360's"... Why are petrol prices so high again this holid.....
» 23/12/2007 10:34:50 AM Ha...talking about chucking "360's"... Why are petrol prices so high again this .....
» 23/12/2007 10:29:05 AM Hey Phuong Duong, Why are petrol prices so high again this Christmas? How come Rudd and .....
» 21/12/2007 11:33:36 AM If criticising Israeli behaviour means I'm anti-semetic...well then I'm loudly anti-semeti.....
» 20/12/2007 5:54:24 PM This author is sadly unaware of Kevin's history in Diplomacy and Queensland. In Queensland.....
» 16/12/2007 4:25:59 PM Plerdsus, Regardless of whether climate change is man-made or natural, you missed another.....
» 16/12/2007 3:37:35 PM Thankyou Carrie, I'm not sure of the legalities of suicide. But I do know physician assist.....
» 16/12/2007 9:51:41 AM Good lord Mungos drawn out denigrations of John Howard earns praise but a little jibe at .....
» 16/12/2007 7:21:15 AM To all those who have an opposite view to me. Merry Christmas. I'm going sailing. Won't b.....
» 14/12/2007 11:28:33 AM Tommy What a lovely bullying attitude. If you think the majotity of Australians support V.....
» 13/12/2007 7:32:18 AM In my opinion, the political power of a minority -- the ultra left -- is the principal pus.....
» 13/12/2007 7:22:06 AM AJ I don't claim to be a professional commentator nor reporter. That's why I'm credible. .....
» 12/12/2007 6:29:05 PM The next time I see something written about a political situation by Mungo McCallum I'll a.....
» 12/12/2007 12:04:07 PM Turnrightthenleft. Maybe I wasn't all that clear. In the depths of the depression I felt .....
» 11/12/2007 8:04:35 PM billie 'Why is it too late to block the mill? Construction hasn't started.' Well billie .....
» 10/12/2007 7:29:49 PM In this country to solve the problem of literacy and numeracy, we have allowed to develop,.....
» 10/12/2007 2:51:48 PM It should be really worrying that the findings of a 'totally respected' UN committee are s.....
» 9/12/2007 9:06:43 PM Oops correction. Ron Paul is against Free Trade Agreements but supports free trade. He's.....
» 9/12/2007 7:53:32 PM Ron Paul, remember the name. He will be a US president hated world wide because he wants s.....
» 9/12/2007 7:17:03 PM Angelika, If as you say the requirements were so strident that one needed to be 'almost d.....
» 9/12/2007 7:02:31 PM Angelika, Here is a perspective you fail to take into account. This year I was seriously.....
» 6/12/2007 3:48:48 PM Although I voted Liberal I am looking forward to the display of 'Economic Conservatism' fr.....
» 4/12/2007 4:33:39 PM Forget the nuances. With China and Japan, Australia in the future needs to maintain worldw.....
» 2/12/2007 12:27:45 PM Frank Gol Please show me where I used abuse. Where is my denial anything without a good r.....
» 1/12/2007 3:36:02 PM Frank Gol Work Choices: Yes many genuine swinging voters. Hospitals: Confirmerd Labor vot.....
» 29/11/2007 6:56:07 PM CJ Yep, your response is exactly what I expected from one dimensional labor thinkers......
» 29/11/2007 6:44:13 PM As usual Graham gives as an accurate appraisal. The libs lost, basically for the reasons h.....
» 28/11/2007 7:45:32 PM Hi Country Gal, In my experience most employees in small business already vote labor. It'.....
» 28/11/2007 9:09:59 AM 'They know Rudd won't be much different, but are hoping that he will. It won't be long no.....
» 27/11/2007 6:52:41 PM Main Articles General Preview Comment Most of you simply have it wrong. Howard lost. Ru.....
» 27/11/2007 6:52:29 PM Rudd and his minions have failed to understand this fact also and it will see their undoin.....
» 23/11/2007 9:49:25 PM Xavier You forgot to mention that all people who want to work and share in the wealth of .....
» 21/11/2007 3:47:05 PM Nop What Ive said is that Loewenstein's article is softening us up not to be critical of.....
» 21/11/2007 10:33:22 AM 'So to sum up. You argue that Lowenstein would react rabidly if the roles were reversed an.....
» 20/11/2007 12:49:23 PM Paul show me where I say or imply Loewenstein supports a strike on Iran? You cannot. Once.....
» 19/11/2007 6:08:02 PM Seven I think the war has already been fought and won. I don't think Howard is leading on.....
» 19/11/2007 2:22:20 PM Candide, In the Senate a valid vote is to preference your favourite party and give every .....
» 18/11/2007 12:25:26 PM Last Thursday 15 November I was regalled by all media outlets Kevin Rudd was on track to b.....
» 17/11/2007 6:43:43 PM 'Why should the world allow a racist, religiously intolerant, belligerent nation which has.....
» 17/11/2007 5:46:54 PM PaulL Typically you haven't negated my reasoning with solid argument. As usual you have m.....
» 15/11/2007 1:17:42 PM 'The author hasn't commented on Israeli action in Iran, so ultimately unless he does, I su.....
» 14/11/2007 3:35:42 PM No turnrightthenleft I assumed nothing. I read wgat the author wrote. He is a very skillfu.....
» 14/11/2007 11:06:12 AM You like me and about 2 millon other Aussies, in running a small business, are no doubt ac.....
» 14/11/2007 11:05:59 AM Yes I did take offense. I fear no-one, am an original thinker and rarely intransiant. You'.....
» 14/11/2007 9:39:29 AM Hi Miriam Pleased you cleared that up. I agree the focus of both parties far too inhibite.....
» 12/11/2007 2:12:42 PM Turnrightonly, :-) Read the second sentence in the third paragraph and then show me where.....
» 12/11/2007 12:31:52 PM Loewenstein is beginning the softening up process. The article isn't about preparing us to.....
» 12/11/2007 12:17:36 PM Classic. Another example of the hope of Labor's minions that Labor will 'change it all' af.....
» 11/11/2007 2:41:46 PM 4. It is not so much it's policies but it's controlling figues. eg. 'Howard's gone and I'm.....
» 11/11/2007 2:41:11 PM Dear Q & A I do have a life outside of this forum and sometimes I just get busy living it.....
» 10/11/2007 5:02:47 PM Jose, there was a time I would have sided with the protectors of the 'American way of lif.....
» 9/11/2007 2:00:40 PM I can't see Christ Jesus running in my electorate......
» 8/11/2007 2:26:44 PM MLK 'Regardless of how much money schools are getting, I completely disagree with the imp.....
» 8/11/2007 1:58:16 PM Spritegal, 'Remember that Australia voted Howard in last time based on Tampa (fear - secu.....
» 6/11/2007 8:37:18 PM Garrett's gaffe is the defining moment of this campaign. It's the turning point. It was f.....
» 1/11/2007 2:02:36 PM A worthy commentary Reg. Rudd is showing signs of doing what all Labor Governments do bot.....
» 29/10/2007 6:09:51 PM Once again this author has overlooked the great advances and cordial relationships the How.....
» 28/10/2007 1:51:58 PM Sancho I think you've just proved my point. Btw...interest rates are about to rise...or.....
» 28/10/2007 5:51:47 AM The only thing consistant with Kevin if he becomes PM will be his rollovers at the behest .....
» 27/10/2007 1:44:45 PM 6.The way the polls are reported are continually slanted to present Rudd as on the ascende.....
» 27/10/2007 1:43:41 PM Anyone who thinks the media in this country at present are not overwhelmingly biased in fa.....
» 26/10/2007 7:22:45 AM Demos It is your attitude that is truely sad. Here's why. I regularly contribute to med.....
» 25/10/2007 7:36:22 PM The media in this country is doing the community a great disservice. It has reported uncri.....
» 22/10/2007 5:18:50 PM I understand Bushbred and accept the honest misunderstanding. I've stopped debating Daniel.....
» 21/10/2007 9:31:42 PM Bushbred I never called Locke a twit. Looks very much like Danielle's propaganda has led .....
» 21/10/2007 2:57:21 AM Bushbred, I refered to Namier as an elitist twit. Not Locke. This was in response to Da.....
» 20/10/2007 11:46:00 AM Lev A possible solution to the settlemets in a two state solution would be to simply give.....
» 19/10/2007 1:29:00 PM What was true in 1807 was changed with the NSW Married Womans Property act. Oh yes another.....
» 19/10/2007 10:18:42 AM John Macarthur, a soldier of fortune and rum dealer, the founder of the Australian wool in.....
» 19/10/2007 1:46:45 AM Rainier He'd enter into a gay union? With thought, your earlier points are spot on and .....
» 19/10/2007 1:38:44 AM Paul Pray tell me why my 'comparisons of Israel with other western democracies are shallo.....
» 18/10/2007 12:20:28 PM 'Tax cuts, for instance, are routinely embraced with abandon by both major parties regardl.....
» 17/10/2007 3:06:26 PM Danielle, I supported the Iraqi war. Er yes … so what is the relevance in a discussion on.....
» 16/10/2007 3:03:15 PM No I am not deliberately obfuscating the issue. But clearly your obvious skewed understand.....
» 16/10/2007 3:00:35 PM ‘Namier held very right-wing views, and has been called the most reactionary British histo.....
» 16/10/2007 10:32:53 AM Rainier, So where have the activists gone.? To Nambour? They certainly aren't in the new.....
» 16/10/2007 10:21:18 AM rstuart Gee good to see you've such a good memory but haven't you forgotten about ... wha.....
» 15/10/2007 1:19:31 PM Hi Rainier You might have to endure his retirement speech in Parliament before you hear .....
» 15/10/2007 12:50:00 PM Paul L Without research I can’t point to who has supported those who would do us harm. I .....
» 15/10/2007 12:25:43 PM Dannielle, Of course Liberal Democracies can and defend their freedoms but they don’t sub.....
» 14/10/2007 2:15:20 AM Paul, Nobody in the Liberal Democracies expects the same standards of Israel and it's nei.....
» 13/10/2007 1:38:22 PM Paul The reasoning behind the banning and your statement shows why Israel isn't a Liberal.....
» 13/10/2007 1:10:19 PM I'm now truely confused...I thought John Howard was God......
» 11/10/2007 1:20:51 PM Sorry Peter I did realise but failled to acknowledge, in my comment, your article address.....
» 11/10/2007 1:09:08 PM Bruce I smiled when you used that comparison. It was just such a whopper. There is abs.....
» 11/10/2007 12:58:36 PM Hi Peter, Yes it's a great dilemma, not easily solved. Pokies just churn through money an.....
» 11/10/2007 12:04:05 PM I envy you Lev, Dr Karmi isn't coming to Brisbane, and I can't m ake it south. Paul Isra.....
» 10/10/2007 7:11:21 PM Interesting you blokes assume me and my mates all sit around one computer. Haven't you hea.....
» 9/10/2007 8:23:31 PM Ro Pipes article is fundamentally flawed when he classes Israel as a Liberal Democracy. I.....
» 9/10/2007 7:49:59 PM Bruce What you did in South Africa was highly commendable. Hopwever there is at least t.....
» 9/10/2007 5:56:49 PM That’s rich. Stevenmeyer The author raised Israel in the article … twice. Is he obsessed?.....
» 9/10/2007 2:40:26 PM Cont... You on the other hand you raised and dismissed the 'leftie' solution of addressin.....
» 9/10/2007 8:12:31 AM Demos I have commonly attached the titles Supressor, Land Thief, and Military Adventurist.....
» 8/10/2007 6:47:07 PM Hear hear, ozibub, a UN Mandate is the source of the title to the lands. Let's return to.....
» 8/10/2007 4:29:37 PM There are few dangers to many of us from Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. The one advantage.....
» 8/10/2007 12:48:10 PM Why do you two bother? If others opinions are so opposite to yours that you cannot even co.....
» 7/10/2007 7:21:30 AM Danielle It's a pity the Palestinians can't ignore Israels unhealthy obsession with occu.....
» 7/10/2007 7:14:20 AM Stevenmeyer Israel isn’t an empire nor is it evil. It is a country that is behaving in an.....
» 6/10/2007 7:14:35 AM PaulL In response to Olmerts answer the audience would do as they did to the Iranian Pres.....
» 6/10/2007 7:12:03 AM Paul the question I sked was in relation to rockets from the territories. You cloud things.....
» 5/10/2007 6:31:03 PM Imagine if Bollinger invited the Israeli PM, Olmert and started a tirade with the followin.....
» 5/10/2007 6:27:45 PM ‘You haven't provided evidence for your claim of Israeli military adventurism.’ I did, bu.....
» 4/10/2007 3:40:51 PM Close Bob very close but you missed the major reason most sensible people today are becomi.....
» 4/10/2007 3:26:56 PM Paul, It’s the sort of thing that is often printed in the West’s respected liberal democr.....
» 4/10/2007 3:24:54 PM Paul Your Questions: NB All Answered. Are you MAD? Answered. ‘How do you do anything ‘co.....
» 4/10/2007 3:21:52 PM Rudd and Goss scrapped Hospital Boards in Qld 15 years ago and replaced them with a bureau.....
» 4/10/2007 3:02:02 PM 'Indeed. Robert Hill personally, as Defence Minister, directed Australian bombing raids an.....
» 3/10/2007 3:12:32 PM dane I continually harange Liberal party members and elected representatives with my view.....
» 3/10/2007 2:51:22 PM PaulL Let's just analyse this conversation. You've so far called me or suggestted I'm a.....
» 2/10/2007 9:11:56 AM Ahmedinejhad regards Western Liberal Democrats about the same as the Israel politicians re.....
» 2/10/2007 9:09:27 AM PaulL Your grizzles: ‘Israel is attacked daily by rockets supplied by the Iranian Revolu.....
» 1/10/2007 12:18:33 PM Fiona, Your advocacy of Labor Party policy comes undone. You compare what Labor says it w.....
» 30/09/2007 7:06:59 PM PaulL Where ever did you get the idea I think Iran isn't intent on nuclear weapons? Are y.....
» 30/09/2007 5:41:16 PM Stevebmeyer 'I think the danger of terrorists getting their hands on Iranian nukes...' S.....
» 29/09/2007 6:00:20 PM PaulL You point to a couple of dispicible acts by a few terrorists and attribute that be.....
» 28/09/2007 7:00:34 PM PaulL You ask what I'd do if extremists lobbed missiles into my home day after day. Sill.....
» 28/09/2007 12:10:36 PM PaulL You contradict yourself in your first few sentences. 'Israel is not expanding its .....
» 27/09/2007 4:11:08 PM 'A nuclear Iran's first effect will be on the region, risking triggering a dangerous race .....
» 27/09/2007 3:46:10 PM It's all very well to criticise Howard and Costello for their endeavours. This article onl.....
» 26/09/2007 12:50:02 PM I wonder a couple of little thoughts crossed my mind with the authors comparisson to Denma.....
» 17/09/2007 11:01:37 PM Ruawake, I haven't see anyone running around like chooks. But I have seen a bunch of la.....
» 17/09/2007 10:52:19 PM Logic, we are both right about Indonesian and Malaysian. But you can check it out. Rudd .....
» 17/09/2007 7:13:27 PM Ginx No need for postcards. Just send a comparison of the Wests news highlights from befo.....
» 17/09/2007 6:56:22 PM Hi Chin Jin, While I sympathise with your cause the great experience of the west is that .....
» 16/09/2007 6:09:57 PM Ruawke Have I missed the election? Did I sleep through it or have you merely dream't up t.....
» 16/09/2007 1:50:06 PM Communicat 'Some sections of Australian society are so focussed on Asia to the exclusion .....
» 15/09/2007 7:12:52 PM Rainier I'll never eat sausage again. Did anyone see that telephone poll on that current.....
» 15/09/2007 6:51:01 PM Logic Those of us truely with an eye to the future are wondering why Chinese is somehow m.....
» 13/09/2007 4:23:48 PM RobynH, Oh dearie me...I've upset a labor voter. Back up your claim of racism. Show me. .....
» 13/09/2007 2:51:18 PM Rudd and the author are saddly out of touch with Aussies. I'll ask one question. Ever bee.....
» 13/09/2007 2:11:52 PM The recent Labor Party inspired and Media led campaign to undermine Howard's leadership po.....
» 11/09/2007 3:55:52 PM jup I think you should really take a fair dinkum look at Graham's record when he ran the .....
» 2/09/2007 7:52:37 AM Peppy On your basis of reasoning it's probable he'd also get so drunk that he'd forget he.....
» 31/08/2007 6:21:28 PM An excellent analysis. I have a question and some doubts though. Which are the four Centra.....
» 30/08/2007 10:56:38 AM I mostly concur with the author. While Rudd is ahead by 9.5 points at the moment all that.....
» 29/08/2007 7:45:10 AM So what is Rudd's foreign policy? Is he going to go to the electorate without a policy? W.....
» 28/08/2007 1:46:17 PM I find the direction of this debate all too limiting. It is not about domestic politics or.....
» 25/08/2007 11:01:05 AM Plantageant That is not what happens. In my view, I will confine it to the Asian region: .....
» 24/08/2007 3:39:11 PM It will be more interesting to see what the Labor Party does to Rudd and to itself when th.....
» 24/08/2007 12:27:48 PM This article expresses an idea as silly as the idea of a democratic Cuba. Besides being .....
» 24/08/2007 12:07:22 PM Here's a question: How loud would Julia have screeched and how much media attention would.....
» 24/08/2007 11:25:56 AM Howard/Downer have continued the Liberal tradition of engagement with Asia. That is in Aus.....
» 24/08/2007 8:13:03 AM Dear Bruce, I find it incredible you so misread my post that it resulted in you suggesti.....
» 22/08/2007 7:03:24 PM Hey Bruce You forgot to mention Howard's, Downer's and Kelty's bullying of Indonesia. You.....
» 22/08/2007 6:38:34 PM Plantagenet has it mostly right. But I just wish everyone would take a look at Rudd's and .....
» 21/08/2007 6:30:29 AM Saintfletcher you reveal far to much about yourself and your double standards. I must as.....
» 20/08/2007 4:25:43 PM 'Come on see the strippers lapdance' The drunken Christian pervert sung To hell with any .....
» 19/08/2007 2:44:57 PM Ginx ... so sorry to see you have no sense of the ridiculous. I mean here we have another.....
» 19/08/2007 11:37:56 AM We now have in Canberra a child centre at Parliament House for parliamentarians. I reckon .....
» 18/08/2007 12:09:41 PM Is a working family a family with an five bedroom home in Sydney with a $Zero mortgage bat.....
» 2/08/2007 8:13:59 AM My experience as a parent was probably fairly limited. As a single parent for my teenage c.....
» 31/07/2007 4:00:16 PM 'But Israel's crimes do not, under any circumstances, justify hatred of the Jewish race........
» 30/07/2007 7:11:57 PM Graham's analysis is pretty right. Mark B is exactly right. Graham's analysis seeks to fin.....
» 17/07/2007 7:56:47 AM Stevenmeyer, There must have been a bloody lot of credit on that 10 month old prepaid SIM.....
» 12/07/2007 1:54:47 PM No...Gym Fish There was only one woman bomber and her motivation was clear cut. She was .....
» 12/07/2007 12:15:43 PM Gym Fish Not all the suicide bombers inside Israel were Islamic fundamentalists and at le.....
» 10/07/2007 9:29:35 AM A reasoned article that doesn't dwell on motives or criticism and which has forward lookin.....
» 10/07/2007 8:49:26 AM Rainier, How are you? A little dated? Your joke isn't new it is an adaption of one told a.....
» 9/07/2007 9:38:58 AM Danielle, Yes we share much common ground. The death penalty in most countries is an abu.....
» 7/07/2007 10:02:04 AM Danielle None of us can feel anything but sympathy for you for the personal horrors you h.....
» 6/07/2007 10:39:52 AM 4. 5. 6. .... '[Regarding Israel’s Law of Return, it grants citizenship to Jews, whatever .....
» 6/07/2007 8:46:16 AM Danielle, Outright lies: 1. 'I am ignoring your abuse and catcalls from the sidelines, a.....
» 5/07/2007 10:30:10 AM Danielle, Your related history of your forefathers shows they, if they were to be consist.....
» 4/07/2007 10:51:46 PM Hi Logic, 'Why is Israel always judged to a higher standard than others.' I liked your q.....
» 4/07/2007 10:24:42 PM Benjamin I am a liberal. I've never been leftist in my life. Obviously you're one of thos.....
» 4/07/2007 7:24:32 AM My only hearts desire is for peace in the middle east and that will only be secured with t.....
» 3/07/2007 2:10:11 PM Benjamin Let me quote you 'As for Saudi Arabia, basically every radical mosque built on .....
» 3/07/2007 9:49:09 AM Logic Have the Israeli's stopped that compulsory teaching that educates their Jewish kids.....
» 3/07/2007 9:34:44 AM Hi Chrissie I assume you may be Christian. As such you'd reject like Christ many of the t.....
» 2/07/2007 11:59:09 AM Hi Logic Nice to see you again. We've been over these things many times...and simply can'.....
» 2/07/2007 11:50:33 AM Benjamin The reason for the boycott was to protest the complicity of Israeli academics in.....
» 1/07/2007 3:34:40 PM Logic Danielle hasn't been fighting any propaganda she's been presenting the usual pro is.....
» 30/06/2007 7:20:36 AM The Arab nations have put forward a peace proposal. All it requires to guarantee Israel se.....
» 28/06/2007 8:48:05 AM Dannielle Of course your snide anti semitic slur is your only recourse. It simply shows.....
» 27/06/2007 7:00:51 AM The security fence doesn't follow the Green line.
» 27/06/2007 7:00:11 AM Danielle, Let me point out your contradictions and errors. While Israel has allowed the .....
» 25/06/2007 7:50:17 PM Danielle You originally put forward the idea that Israel in some way doesn't discriminate.....
» 24/06/2007 8:51:16 AM By the way... as much as you like to believe the opposite, I'm not anti-semitic. I believe.....
» 24/06/2007 8:50:55 AM Danielle Just a couple of points. You rightly claim 'Israel grants citizenship to Jews,.....
» 22/06/2007 1:14:33 PM Danielle It is really interesting that you see criticism of your views as criticism of yo.....
» 21/06/2007 12:03:06 PM The article raises one important question. Given the emphasis on Rudd's recognised very .....
» 21/06/2007 6:38:00 AM 'The arrogance of the Brits themselves was responsible for both the lead-up to and actual .....
» 10/06/2007 9:29:10 PM Dannielle Your personal abusive attack is reprehensible. While I decry the views express.....
» 8/06/2007 5:01:13 PM Oh please why do we have to suffer over and over this type of biased, opinionated, under-r.....
» 8/06/2007 12:11:22 PM Well said Irfan. I'm in full agreement. However I'd make one small point. I like many of.....
» 1/06/2007 7:06:28 PM Frank I think you overlook the fact the Union funders of the Labor Party actually control.....
» 1/06/2007 4:24:16 PM Jeez Outback Ever hear of Alf Langer, Kerry Beaustead, Tom Radonikious? (Sorry Tom). All.....
» 1/06/2007 4:05:48 PM Yutusu My comments applied equally to both sides. Now ask yourself why you didn't see th.....
» 1/06/2007 7:53:16 AM yutusu Yours is exactly the type of attitude that needs changing. You need to realise pea.....
» 31/05/2007 12:49:39 PM I reckon the clubs in the NRL don't have much in the way of selection prejudice. They do a.....
» 31/05/2007 12:30:59 PM Victor With rocks like you around on that footy paddock a few of those pollies are likely.....
» 8/05/2007 6:43:01 AM '...but only because our Christian reformation brought us back to the fundamentals of &quo.....
» 6/05/2007 8:31:30 PM A renaissance would be great so long as it is accompanied by a reformation......
» 6/05/2007 9:51:34 AM 'How many people on The Government front bench have formal qualifications in economics? H.....
» 5/05/2007 1:50:52 PM I think a lot of people don't realise this debate over how people decide to arrange their .....
» 3/05/2007 4:27:56 PM ruawake I'll admit I'm wrong when the CM print a retraction of the story they are still r.....
» 3/05/2007 1:15:25 PM Julia I've only three questions: I'd have more but they all revolve around the needs and .....
» 2/05/2007 4:01:25 PM We know where Joe Hockey stands. But where does Rudd stand? Lets have a quick look at .....
» 26/04/2007 8:17:01 PM Bushbred I think in terms of power the ability to control or direct events within it's im.....
» 26/04/2007 7:49:56 PM I want to see who Rudd is going to appoint to the positions of real power, the judge, jury.....
» 25/04/2007 2:11:55 PM Carsten Your assessment of the state if Iran and David are spot on. I think Iran will de.....
» 16/04/2007 4:01:44 PM I'm still waiting to see what Union proposals Rudd will foist upon us?.....
» 16/04/2007 3:57:11 PM Congratulations on a well written piece. A great attempt to teach a few misguided academic.....
» 13/04/2007 4:04:06 PM Ten years ago I was fearful for the future employment prospects of my young teenagers as w.....
» 13/04/2007 11:09:34 AM YngNLuvnIt, Yes I reralise 2/3 of the Christian Bibles are largely from the Hebrew bible.....
» 13/04/2007 10:58:03 AM Logic It may well be the case 'The Sermon' does reflect Jewish values. Even if I have un.....
» 12/04/2007 7:24:19 AM And surely you realise the Christian churches focus pretty well exclusively on the New Tes.....
» 11/04/2007 10:12:58 PM I was going to enter this debate but so many people have the fundamentals so wrong I won't.....
» 11/04/2007 8:36:29 PM You have real courage Shakira. I think the vast majority of us are on your side, and are l.....
» 10/04/2007 3:30:21 PM Logic The difference is the Israeli government officially sanctions and promotes the sale.....
» 9/04/2007 3:23:47 PM Logic It is illogical to blame the Palestinian refugees for the actions of other Arab cou.....
» 9/04/2007 8:58:02 AM No Logic I have always maintained the right of Jewish refugees to compensation. The Jewi.....
» 9/04/2007 8:30:54 AM Garpet1, Oesophageal cancer... cancer of the throat? Yes I have seen sufferers, mostly ma.....
» 8/04/2007 10:59:50 AM 'Israel says that the solution to the Palestinian refugee problem must be found in a Pales.....
» 7/04/2007 12:03:33 PM Logic I doubt anyone would accept a comparison between Arab countries and Nazi Germany. .....
» 7/04/2007 11:31:28 AM YVOMME Ha ha paddling my yacht off into the wide blue yonder. I can just see it. I'm not .....
» 5/04/2007 6:11:52 PM Steve Those maps are not of any final proposal from Camp David. There just wasn't one. Ar.....
» 5/04/2007 2:08:42 PM Choke you bastard, choke! It is a source of constant astonishment to me that people need .....
» 4/04/2007 9:15:55 PM Ah Merurius, We indeed are brothers. Though Buffy sits like a lifeless empty Yorrick's s.....
» 4/04/2007 1:17:12 PM Mercurius, Quite the opposite. I drink XXXX bitter from a can or stubbie, drink Australi.....
» 3/04/2007 8:35:54 PM Chainsmoker The point is it is not the masses that define our culture and it's direction .....
» 3/04/2007 5:13:41 PM Wasted opportunity? Hardly. Record unemployment, highest interest rates, highest governmen.....
» 2/04/2007 8:29:59 PM A 'piddling pee's puddle ripple' now thats' good. I'm still giggling. Shakespeare would h.....
» 2/04/2007 8:16:19 PM What utter crap. In three hundred years the plays and sonnets of Shakespeare will still b.....
» 1/04/2007 5:04:47 PM The positives in your article about multi-culturalism are great. I support them to the hil.....
» 31/03/2007 1:15:22 PM Yep that was the map I was hoping you'd reference. .....
» 29/03/2007 5:06:09 PM Bushbred Your history is quite accurate with regard to learning and scholastic endeavour.....
» 29/03/2007 4:59:32 PM David The question I asked was for a map of what Barak proposed to Arafat at Camp David. .....
» 28/03/2007 12:16:05 PM Daniel pipes offers only opinion and admits such himself in this article when he says in h.....
» 28/03/2007 11:36:57 AM Here is a map of the West Bank. If you are serious in you 97% claim you should be able to .....
» 27/03/2007 1:04:32 PM When NSW falls apart, we in Queensland will only follow suit. Having inept liars in the st.....
» 27/03/2007 12:50:50 PM John You write beautifully of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness. Sadly your contribu.....
» 27/03/2007 7:35:30 AM A university degree yet you think Taiwan was part of Japan. The Japanese thought that for .....
» 23/03/2007 2:40:19 PM Logic Take some history and geography lessons. Your lack of knowledge of basic facts unde.....
» 23/03/2007 2:37:40 PM David You really should inform people of you 'final solution' ideas before inviting them.....
» 21/03/2007 8:40:06 PM Logic Your accusations of my hate for Israel have no substance. I despise the Israeli ill.....
» 20/03/2007 4:48:27 PM Logic I will not defend myself from your charges of hate and anti-semitism. They are just.....
» 20/03/2007 9:36:18 AM Logic It appears nobody gives a damn. Why? I don't know but I guess it simply doesn't see.....
» 20/03/2007 9:24:37 AM David I don't bemoan the lack of discussion about borders. I think they should be set a.....
» 20/03/2007 9:09:37 AM Yutusu If the Israeli Government is against the illegal settlements why did it authorise .....
» 19/03/2007 5:23:50 PM I've never heard the Zionist Council of Victoria endorsing an opinion on limiting Israel's.....
» 19/03/2007 6:55:20 AM Steve Yes each side is responsible for the violence. But you demand an unconditional stop .....
» 17/03/2007 2:30:15 PM Just to correct an historical error. Those boat loads of women were in fact bought to Au.....
» 17/03/2007 2:05:43 PM Rudd is captive of the same 'power brokers' who selected Latham Beazley, Keating and Hawke.....
» 17/03/2007 1:31:38 PM All of you spout propaganda or argue against the interests of peace. You should all take a.....
» 15/03/2007 9:51:50 PM David You are persistig with your outright lies. Here is the full article from which you.....
» 15/03/2007 12:01:43 PM Tim Anderson is just so right and all the evidence supports his proposition. He certainly.....
» 15/03/2007 11:53:29 AM This article is timely and an expression of support for those critical of current directio.....
» 15/03/2007 9:53:16 AM Steve Can you show me precisely (References please) where Israel has ever shown they woul.....
» 15/03/2007 9:53:02 AM David ‘…The rebels in Hamas have been rebelling against any down turn in violence and st.....
» 13/03/2007 4:47:20 PM Shonga John Howard is God. And he will overcome all. Keith.....
» 13/03/2007 4:39:09 PM Well, well, what are you poor tragics who have over the last few months by your arguing in.....
» 13/03/2007 4:37:41 PM David Where do you intend for the rounded up young Palestinian men, their womenfolk and .....
» 12/03/2007 4:10:43 PM I have endorsed the unconditional existence of Israel…at ’67 borders. Do you support the.....
» 12/03/2007 4:10:30 PM Yuyutsu I responded to both you and sganot. The jibe about Young Kevvy was in response t.....
» 11/03/2007 2:30:57 PM Yuyutsu, Sganot I erred it's only 33%. Read the whole re.....
» 10/03/2007 11:31:00 PM Aqvarius Your point was to restrict Israeli trade and Palestinian aid in search of forcin.....
» 10/03/2007 7:34:33 PM Abbott's questioning has a broader target than mere beliefs. He has 'kicked' Rudd's heartl.....
» 10/03/2007 1:32:22 PM aqvarius, The Palestinians have suffered an illegal occupation for over 40 years of the 6.....
» 8/03/2007 9:35:48 PM Logic Peace would be created if you and those like you dropped your generalised racist re.....
» 7/03/2007 8:39:58 PM Hear hear Graham. For those of you who say reject the'67 borders ...please give us your .....
» 7/03/2007 8:22:24 PM miacat I was hoping for a much broader view of things so that some change might be bought.....
» 5/03/2007 4:46:49 PM Mickijo I agree with your assessment. I think you could take a little further step and dr.....
» 5/03/2007 12:29:48 PM miacat I'd welcome a discussion on my idea. It could be very constructive. Self-examinati.....
» 4/03/2007 3:18:26 PM mickijo Close...but comparisons to Latham make Yountg Kevvy Rudd look like a kindy pupil......
» 4/03/2007 8:54:53 AM Then tell us why the Labor Party dumped Burke and banned him from having contact with it's.....
» 3/03/2007 3:17:10 PM I might have missed the reports of the daily bombings in Baghdad. Am I not listening to th.....
» 3/03/2007 3:05:17 PM . No Ant, in Young Kevvy's case he apparently travelled all the way to WA to visit Burke......
» 3/03/2007 10:29:53 AM John Simpson Rudd has apologised for what? His error of judgement, his do anything say a.....
» 1/03/2007 8:40:08 PM At the very least Rudd's judgement has been called imto very serious doubt? If during one.....
» 1/03/2007 3:52:06 PM You blokes might be right but after today's allegations it might not be Rudd running as op.....
» 27/02/2007 4:53:21 PM 'His defence of Bush's Iraq policy and his attack on Barack Obama indicates that he has ir.....
» 27/02/2007 2:09:00 AM Gee Bruce I'm so sorry I have a different opinion to you. You are so obviously 'correct'. .....
» 26/02/2007 3:03:57 PM Here we see a commentator with a ringing support for Rudd even though he hasn't enunciated.....
» 26/02/2007 1:10:14 PM Time to scrap the CMC, the powerless labor lawyers organisation, and for a recall of Tony .....
» 24/02/2007 1:21:51 PM Aqvarius and sganot. With regard to that qoute. You both in your rush to criticise forgot.....
» 22/02/2007 10:14:04 AM David It is the Israeli Government that sells the Palestinian land to the settlers. It's .....
» 21/02/2007 11:13:10 AM David So why do Israeli Jews denounce the policy of other Israeli Jews? Don't the agree .....
» 17/02/2007 3:10:23 PM Already been suggested Bennie ... with a devastating absence of any comment anywhere. Lik.....
» 16/02/2007 3:53:11 PM Steve Your post typifies the problem. Your post makes it clear you think it is only the I.....
» 15/02/2007 8:57:07 AM David You've mentioned the possibility of only one prediction coming true yet claim the .....
» 15/02/2007 2:27:20 AM Wonderful steve. You are getting somewhere near what is needed. You recognise the Palesti.....
» 15/02/2007 2:11:24 AM David can you tell me any of the predictions of the Old Testament that have come to pass?.....
» 15/02/2007 2:08:21 AM 'Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. You only have to read reports in the New Scientis.....
» 14/02/2007 7:50:57 PM cont David Boaz can tell you exactly where the Arabs come from...I'd hazzard a guess init.....
» 13/02/2007 1:18:33 PM Magic Jess, Sadly you've arrived late in this discussion. It has been ongoing for some mo.....
» 13/02/2007 1:07:02 PM ......
» 12/02/2007 11:23:17 AM sganot Danny Lamm according to his biographical note is: 'Dr Danny Lamm has been Preside.....
» 12/02/2007 11:22:13 AM David 'being ruled by sentimentality rather than practicality and long term solutions.' B.....
» 10/02/2007 3:39:44 PM Artic Dog I came across this quote today. I'll share it with you. "I support compul.....
» 10/02/2007 3:29:04 PM MichaelK You overlook pertinant facts. It is the Israeli's who are seeking extra land jus.....
» 10/02/2007 1:39:25 PM cont Prior to ’48 there were approximately 30,000acres used by the Bedouin? Today they ex.....
» 10/02/2007 1:39:11 PM ramir Firstly, your logical argument re the illegal possession of nuclear arms would back.....
» 9/02/2007 2:57:50 PM Sganot Wonderful. You finally through all the verbage and justification eventually got my.....
» 9/02/2007 1:16:21 PM Hello Aka Having seen some of the stupidity that has been spouted in support of Hurley........
» 9/02/2007 1:09:25 PM So an avowed zionist wants peace. Bulldust. This is a rank piece of propaganda from an avo.....
» 7/02/2007 1:44:05 PM Mirko argues a strong case but he overlooks the cause of the problem. The initial police i.....
» 1/02/2007 3:28:02 PM And the Police Union now want the recommendations of the Deaths in Custody inquiry impleme.....
» 27/01/2007 1:32:25 PM a. Yep Lebanon would be great. Hopefully the Lebanese can rise above the imbalance create.....
» 27/01/2007 1:20:51 PM Hamlet Your example of the B and E seems to imply that Hurley was excused for the death o.....
» 26/01/2007 3:14:42 PM And at last Hurley has been charged.....
» 26/01/2007 12:19:41 PM Being Arab is neither religious nor political it's racial. In fact aqvarius there are qui.....
» 26/01/2007 1:19:55 AM If I was an Arab as sure as hell it wouldn't be Israel......
» 25/01/2007 7:21:26 PM Dear Mr A.J. Monkeynuts 111 Indeed you spotted my sarcasm. But you missed my witticism of.....
» 25/01/2007 10:42:42 AM People should not debase the expression of the English language and should reframe from by.....
» 25/01/2007 10:17:59 AM 'The culture of policing needs to change.' The Fitzgerald enquiry came to the same conclu.....
» 23/01/2007 12:49:21 PM Lindsay Getting on a soap box about peace in the Middle East and criticising US, British .....
» 23/01/2007 12:20:52 PM 'I just make that point to illustrate how 'lofty words' spoken by winners are never quite .....
» 23/01/2007 12:19:17 PM Hi THT You do raise interesting points. Some are worth a discussion. The Israeli prisoner.....
» 22/01/2007 4:06:05 PM The Labor Party propaganda machine is in full swing selling the electorate a georgeous and.....
» 16/01/2007 10:09:41 AM Hello Peachy No I had not seen Pilger's article. Now having watched it I felt the most ba.....
» 15/01/2007 12:32:50 PM Southern Ireland, North England and Scotland via New Zealand. But 'fair go' for a fair go.....
» 10/01/2007 9:51:37 AM So true Kang. Socialists are the biggest hypocrites......
» 7/01/2007 7:10:56 AM Horus The reason I don't so often mention the wrongs committed by Palestinians is that th.....
» 6/01/2007 2:55:42 PM Iain Hall, The number and quality of posters on this issue is higher than is usual. You a.....
» 5/01/2007 12:02:52 PM sganot I note from your list of oppressive actions you ommitted occupations. A freudian s.....
» 5/01/2007 11:29:56 AM ‘…nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular.....
» 5/01/2007 11:24:06 AM David I've never suggested there is a Jewish loddy anywhere nor have I criticised people.....
» 3/01/2007 4:33:14 PM Simple neocommie Pre '67 borders. I'd have thought that obvious. I've said it enough......
» 2/01/2007 8:39:22 PM How could Claire declare that the injuries were the result of a 'complicated fall' when ac.....
» 2/01/2007 5:51:37 PM Hamlet, here mate from the ass’s own mouth. In black and white. It would appear her words .....
» 2/01/2007 5:36:07 PM sganot, Nowhere have I seen by you acceptance of the basic Palestinian desires. They are .....
» 1/01/2007 1:31:47 PM Next couple of days Iain......
» 1/01/2007 1:30:40 PM sganot Your expressed views, just like Ted, show are not for peace in the Middle East. H.....
» 1/01/2007 1:20:17 PM The case reported in the Coroner's report where Hurley ran over the Indigenous woman on Pa.....
» 1/01/2007 1:20:13 PM Iain I think the point is not that the evidence won’t convict Hurley but that some bureauc.....
» 30/12/2006 10:40:58 AM Iain I appreciate the decency of your questions and the legitimacy of the arguments you p.....
» 30/12/2006 10:18:31 AM Rainier Where's your home and what are you doing for a living? Keith.....
» 30/12/2006 9:16:50 AM Iain and Hamlet Firstly tell me exactly what education has to do with the death of that m.....
» 29/12/2006 6:39:47 PM Ted I’ve explained once how democracy works. I’m not going to do it again. Why can’t you.....
» 29/12/2006 6:27:02 AM So Ted you think you've found a way to justify land stealing? Two wrongs never make a rig.....
» 28/12/2006 6:08:54 PM Col Damn I’ve borrowed my mate’s mother’s show horses. They’re Clydesdales and I’ve got a.....
» 28/12/2006 7:00:01 AM Logic 'Where is your evidence that Israel is selling stolen land?' You asked. Read this.....
» 28/12/2006 5:58:37 AM Who wants peace in the Mid East? To all you defenders of Israel please explain! Especial.....
» 27/12/2006 5:32:53 PM Anglo celtic. NZ by birth, spent all adult life in Brisbane. Parents: one Irish Catholic, .....
» 26/12/2006 5:20:20 PM Yes Logic we have graviated towards a common ubderstanding. I accept such has mean't a gre.....
» 26/12/2006 8:31:07 AM Sganot I think you missed Lincoln's attitude to oppression and freedom somewhere mate. H.....
» 26/12/2006 6:55:19 AM Sganot, You are full of it! First let's correct your obvious error. No-one decent is try.....
» 25/12/2006 3:23:04 PM So let's return to the borders as mandated under UN Res 181 and leave Jerusalem as an inte.....
» 24/12/2006 4:33:13 PM Rubbish on both points. You try to equate what I say about Israel as criticism of the Je.....
» 24/12/2006 4:29:11 PM Iain I'm mystified. Can you help. You say Hurley cannot face trial because there is insuf.....
» 23/12/2006 9:31:59 PM It is only you and stupid stomont who refer to Jews. Why is that? Why didn't you criticis.....
» 23/12/2006 3:30:17 PM Your inflamatory statements remain on the public record. I object to: '... like any san.....
» 23/12/2006 2:47:05 PM Iain The victims of some of Hurleys previous episodes gave evidence at the Coroner's enq.....
» 23/12/2006 9:34:19 AM There are a couple of things that will lead to a conviction for Hurley. One is the testing.....
» 22/12/2006 3:59:24 PM I won't argue with fools stomont. retract and apologise.....
» 22/12/2006 1:43:48 PM Stormont your ignorant personal attack and slur is an utter disgrace. A retraction and apo.....
» 20/12/2006 11:14:04 PM Ian Hall. You are right a person is assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court. The.....
» 20/12/2006 10:52:49 PM David East Jerusalem was mandated to the Palestinians by the UN in the 20th century. It's.....
» 20/12/2006 7:12:45 PM 'Finally, keith says that efforts over the last 60 years haven’t worked for peace. We cou.....
» 20/12/2006 1:30:49 PM The injuries suffered did not result from a fall. How were they sustained is the question......
» 19/12/2006 6:32:03 PM Apparently Logic, from their recent comments and findings Tony Blair and Jimmy Baker agree.....
» 19/12/2006 2:36:02 PM I'm going to waste a post. Ted This movement for peace by the US and Great Britain has i.....
» 19/12/2006 2:21:10 PM Ted 's pro Israeli propaganda piece is based on a wrong assumption: the terrorists are rep.....
» 15/12/2006 4:29:40 PM The Israeli government iis still selling occupied and stolen Palestinian land to it's sett.....
» 14/12/2006 4:42:17 PM Who is currently stealing land in thne mid east? Israel......
» 14/12/2006 8:55:29 AM You want the Palestinians to follow the example of the Israelis. Huh, and what? Occupy I.....
» 13/12/2006 6:36:08 AM Abraham Lincoln would have prefered his quote in context and that shows he disagrees with .....
» 13/12/2006 5:57:47 AM The sentiments are grand. However the article is skewed and ignores the realities. It st.....
» 9/12/2006 1:41:34 PM Gary Gambill ignores two of the prime winners and losers with his attempt at indepth justi.....
» 5/12/2006 7:16:39 AM Kevin Rudd has yet to prove himself. I am yet to see one commentary that looks at his nega.....
» 1/12/2006 8:19:50 AM bernie let's be fair, neither does the Labor mob...whoever is their leader......
» 30/11/2006 5:38:52 AM I find Gary's criticism of Howard biased and unconvincing. In light of his lack of critici.....
» 18/11/2006 2:59:40 PM David Boaz It is you who is tied to dogma. Tell me when is the next scheduled Palestinian.....
» 18/11/2006 2:57:14 PM Well said Anthony David Boaz Now David remind us all. Why was it you think Israel should.....
» 14/11/2006 2:20:06 PM Maximus Silly law. I wouldn't flirt with someone with no sense of humour. Oh and I'm ad.....
» 14/11/2006 1:52:04 PM Philip Mendes makes many assertions. 1. He asserts anti-zionism is a preserve of the left.....
» 14/11/2006 12:37:57 PM If you walk about naked in public you'll get arrested. And some would say that's just sill.....
» 14/11/2006 12:30:30 PM I have to disagree Jocelynne. While I think you are right Australia is changing it's views.....
» 14/11/2006 12:18:33 PM God help us, next the moral police will be wanting me to stop flirting......
» 31/10/2006 7:54:16 AM O Sung Wu Your final word seemed to be way off point again. Remember in a previous post .....
» 30/10/2006 1:58:12 PM 'When non-Muslim Australians approach Australian Muslim women who wear the headscarf on tr.....
» 30/10/2006 1:36:20 PM o sung wu Laddie, your condescending attitude only causes alienation among the great unwa.....
» 28/10/2006 8:33:23 PM O Sung Wu, You've nissed the point entirely. If you or I had caused the death of someone.....
» 28/10/2006 8:29:48 PM O Sung Wu It is so sad you couldn't accept the humour in my statement. You're right thou.....
» 28/10/2006 4:22:29 PM I reckon the Sheik has given an entirely new perspective to that outdated but once well us.....
» 25/10/2006 2:16:53 PM Hi Sung wu Mate I must say in my life I have often found trouble. From my experience when.....
» 24/10/2006 5:49:50 PM Sung wu That coroner after nearly two years laid responsibility for the man's death squar.....
» 24/10/2006 12:07:03 PM Quiggley So who determinded the number that was needed and what was the basis for their d.....
» 23/10/2006 3:19:22 PM Tell me Quiggley do you know why the police required such numbers in that remote town? It.....
» 23/10/2006 8:05:45 AM Quiggley, Your post simply re-inforces the point Victor Hart made. You are just 'Blaming .....
» 19/10/2006 4:27:02 PM 'The Bible has nothing to do with this. And neither does the Arab league. Posted by Neoco.....
» 19/10/2006 4:12:24 PM Kevin I'm in agreement with the positive and progressive views of the writer. It is a cre.....
» 19/10/2006 8:09:13 AM Kevin Rudd correctly says the religion of Christianity identifies with the poor, the margi.....
» 17/10/2006 7:57:48 AM Ted You are right those weapons are not outlawed. BUT Ted their use against civilains .....
» 17/10/2006 7:36:58 AM Ted, Recently you attributed a quote and certain beliefs to me. Logic said of Israelis ‘T.....
» 15/10/2006 8:49:42 PM Three points re the refugee issue 1) I think the world has a conscience and is becoming mu.....
» 15/10/2006 8:49:36 PM Hi Ted I’ve commented before how inappropriate are the insults that are thrown between pr.....
» 14/10/2006 8:08:01 PM Logic 'They are not training their children to kill and maim others and blow themselves u.....
» 14/10/2006 7:45:44 PM Logic Thank you for your respect. I quoted the Arab League peace proposal from 2002. It.....
» 12/10/2006 7:35:37 AM Ted Still waiting to hear your view on the return of the Palestinian's lands in the West.....
» 12/10/2006 7:33:05 AM Steve Maddon, Guam? Really? Did you know Guam has been an administered territory for over.....
» 10/10/2006 5:58:43 PM However I fundamentally agree the return of Palestinians to the lands given to Israel befo.....
» 10/10/2006 5:58:19 PM Hi Ted Well now we are getting somewhere other than considering war as a solution. Sadl.....
» 9/10/2006 5:51:41 PM Good Ted. Let's address those Arab threats first. Here is the text of the official tra.....
» 9/10/2006 8:27:11 AM Hourus For you to suggest as you have is merely a personal attack and typical of the fool.....
» 8/10/2006 4:04:01 PM Hourus 1)They won. They don't have to disarm. 2)When the israelis also disarm. doh! Hi .....
» 7/10/2006 11:39:50 PM Ted I'm not from any lunatic fringe. I supported our involvement in Vietnam, I supported .....
» 6/10/2006 12:03:36 PM 'The Russian Spandrel and Kornet missiles of Hezbollah...' Seems to indicate the source o.....
» 5/10/2006 3:47:27 PM 'It was only due to an extreme labour shortage in the booming post-war economy that attitu.....
» 28/09/2006 7:09:53 PM Snout Your comments are so true about our artists poets etc. So why don't we teach thos.....
» 28/09/2006 7:03:42 PM Tristan You've managed to turn a discussion on Australian values onto a discussiuon about.....
» 27/09/2006 1:28:12 PM Thankyou Ian...I'm rushing out to purchase my copy. And if it is as informative, readable .....
» 27/09/2006 12:47:00 PM Snout Wrong about the ANZACs forging our identy. It was not they who defined Australia. .....
» 26/09/2006 11:00:04 AM Agnes Tay No need for thanks, though it is appreciated. Your point was well made and und.....
» 24/09/2006 7:22:08 PM Bernie Tolerance of what?.....
» 24/09/2006 4:55:36 PM David It was evident from Ms Tay's article. She'll raise ones......
» 24/09/2006 4:49:32 PM Snout You are spot on about 'a fair go'. We see it as a fair go for everyone. It is a ver.....
» 23/09/2006 6:48:25 PM Bernie 'MC has become entwined with political overtones since the current government decid.....
» 23/09/2006 1:39:08 PM Tony Kevin I see you include me in a list of people with whom you disagree. However I thi.....
» 22/09/2006 12:42:42 PM 'Australia's cultural diversity policy promotes acceptance of, and respect for, our cultur.....
» 21/09/2006 4:46:56 PM Part II Our early poets, writers and publishers defined us as a nation over our formulativ.....
» 21/09/2006 4:45:54 PM Hi David, (Part I) I am pretty much in agreement with your overall sentiment, but I'd add .....
» 20/09/2006 7:27:35 PM 'Israel was not the only country that refused to accept Hamas. The Liberal democracies all.....
» 18/09/2006 10:31:50 PM Logic Israel is not a liberal democracy. It has the vestiges of democracy but it is not.....
» 18/09/2006 3:35:21 PM Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and still the mortatility rates are too high, too many kids sniff petrol,.....
» 18/09/2006 3:22:30 PM Geez Ghassan Great piece of writing as are your sentiments about Australian but I wonder .....
» 18/09/2006 3:05:58 PM I agree no-one won anything. Hezbollah still exists. Negotiations are taking place for the.....
» 14/09/2006 8:56:13 AM John You are correct Aboriginals had the right to vote prior to Federalism. Federalism en.....
» 13/09/2006 12:08:13 PM shorbe Thankyou for your info. I did not know about the Deists in the US. But for them to .....
» 13/09/2006 11:32:12 AM David I think they just objected to the way the trains disturbed their camels. Keith.....
» 12/09/2006 6:00:09 PM Interesting historical fact. The first recorded act of terrorism against Australians of Eu.....
» 12/09/2006 8:46:05 AM '...its legal, political institutions and language are Anglo-Celtic in origin and deeply i.....
» 11/09/2006 6:03:37 PM Irfan This is an excellent analysis. It explains a great deal. It is forward thinking and.....
» 11/09/2006 2:16:11 PM Graham 'Rats and mice'? Nahhhh just a bunch of mostly scaredy-cat conservatives. regar.....
» 7/09/2006 7:50:51 AM David Our democracy is based on the ideas of the Greeks not the Hebrews. The Hebrews we.....
» 6/09/2006 3:24:02 PM Yes David Christ did promote 'that most fundamental of values "Do for others as you .....
» 6/09/2006 2:55:29 PM With a leader who tries to become as small a target as is possible? With a Treasury spokes.....
» 6/09/2006 1:58:00 PM I think some values we have do not need to be re-assessed. They are values we as a nation .....
» 4/09/2006 2:35:06 PM Mercurius Goldstein, While his essay contrates on an examination of those literary works .....
» 1/09/2006 12:47:00 PM Svete Mdodan Bhilsult Ktieh Klnlneey.....
» 23/08/2006 5:20:03 PM Boaz David Did you read the election manifesto of Hamas? I have been unable to find it b.....
» 21/08/2006 4:57:17 PM Well well Yutusu You prove my point. You seem to think the dictatorships in Egypt and Jo.....
» 21/08/2006 4:33:50 PM Anth Whatever gave you or Israel the right to decide who the Palestinians should elect or.....
» 21/08/2006 12:41:15 PM The strenght of Hazou's article is that the same conclusion has been arrived at independan.....
» 20/08/2006 5:57:59 PM Yutusu I'm one of those who used to blindly support Isreal. Strewth's right things have .....
» 20/08/2006 5:26:22 PM Boaz David Your ideas of ethnic cleansing sicken me. Answer these or drop your incessant .....
» 19/08/2006 5:41:52 PM Horus I recently quoted the Anglican Archbishop of Jersuelem. His views would be criticis.....
» 19/08/2006 10:56:43 AM So yutusu You statement, 'Neither I nor Israel support "Zionist exclusivism, ethnic.....
» 19/08/2006 10:49:33 AM So Yutusu You support a return to the pre'67 borders? How about the implementation of UN .....
» 19/08/2006 10:41:53 AM "Its etiology is not some “injustices” committed by Hezbollah, but currents in Judais.....
» 17/08/2006 11:17:30 AM I'm with you Strewth. I'd even offer to find then a militarist multi-demoninational Chap.....
» 16/08/2006 6:45:30 PM Mark Was it everyday or everday or so? I think every day is the more likely. They claime.....
» 16/08/2006 5:14:29 PM Yutusu Do yourself a favour and actually read the Geneva Convention. If you did, you woul.....
» 16/08/2006 4:50:07 PM Sganot So there's a definate chance then? Keith.....
» 15/08/2006 4:34:09 PM Mark The Israeli spokesman wasn't just any spokesman. He was the IDF official spokesman a.....
» 15/08/2006 2:37:49 PM Great points Greig. What of those Audstralians in the IDF engaged in the illegal occupati.....
» 14/08/2006 2:28:14 PM Holy cow, You're an advocate for Nuclear attack. You're really not the full quid...are yo.....
» 13/08/2006 6:38:57 PM Inshallah 2bob sounds very much like a sore loser......
» 13/08/2006 12:57:56 PM Redneck I am arguing a case in a similar fashion to Strewth. However I'm also white, libe.....
» 12/08/2006 5:27:09 PM No Inahallah 2bob, You see the Israeli settlements in Palestine would constitute 'a state.....
» 12/08/2006 3:10:17 PM 'They only give you a moment to speak so they can think up the next thing THEY want to say.....
» 12/08/2006 10:41:08 AM Inshallah 2bob Your labour of love, hangs on hate. Keith.....
» 11/08/2006 2:33:09 PM So Inshallah 2bob The realisation has finally hit you. The settlers in the Palestinian st.....
» 10/08/2006 5:47:30 PM 2bob Jeez you are such a know all. From legal thesis like presentations and updates on wa.....
» 10/08/2006 5:38:42 PM Mark This was the source of the statement. The Officer clearly stated Hezbollah had not f.....
» 10/08/2006 1:33:03 PM What an utter piece of regurgitated propaganda spew. Absolutely nothing new. We have see.....
» 9/08/2006 6:53:28 PM Inshallah 2bob You're discredited. 'Israel will pound Lebanon until someone realises tha.....
» 9/08/2006 3:09:09 PM Inshallah 2bob mate why would we believe anythingg you say in defense of Israeli atrociti.....
» 9/08/2006 2:57:11 PM Lebanon thinks it can win? You are unhinged. They don't need to. Hezbollah are doing j.....
» 9/08/2006 2:13:20 PM 2bob I think intent is proved in the case of the war crime being committed in the West ba.....
» 8/08/2006 7:25:19 PM To those who seek peace 'The problem is the world sees whatever an Arab does is terrorism.....
» 8/08/2006 4:40:27 PM Strewth Delusional? Mate take a look at the IDF. It reported it had captured and pacifi.....
» 7/08/2006 12:47:16 PM Let's get a few facts straight here. Energee Israel isn't vulnerable. Why? It has nucle.....
» 7/08/2006 12:04:53 PM Boaz David Defeat Deport Disperse Absorb. Hasn't worked in South Lebanon...again.....
» 7/08/2006 12:01:58 PM 2 bob Why Lebanon has rejected the proposed UN resolution? You'd choke on the truth. Le.....
» 7/08/2006 11:37:22 AM Fleurette, The term Semitic refers to the languages or cultures of semitic peoples which .....
» 6/08/2006 3:56:27 PM Peter We were never enemies only debaters. Fierce ones ...truly. Arafat was simply a comm.....
» 6/08/2006 9:44:26 AM Peter, That was some freudian slip to equate Israelis with Jews.:-) Such a comment coul.....
» 5/08/2006 6:07:20 PM Dear ANT 'In relation to the Israel/Lebanon situation we could reasonably expect some mor.....
» 5/08/2006 1:55:43 PM 'The pro-Israel group firstly is far from being all Jewish and secondly for the most part .....
» 5/08/2006 1:43:41 PM Inshallah 2bob What's the latest on that enquiry into the murders in Qana? Keith ps you.....
» 3/08/2006 7:36:25 PM Logic You are a despicible bastard. not once have I denigrated the Jewish faith or Jews. .....
» 3/08/2006 4:30:23 PM To all the Israeli mouthpieces and I see most have arrived with one notable exception. Whe.....
» 3/08/2006 8:23:06 AM The 'loonie tune' changed again. Olmet today told us they have destroyed the Hezbollah in.....
» 2/08/2006 5:11:52 PM Marilyn Keep it up. You are bringing out all the Israeli propagandists. Watch them slink .....
» 2/08/2006 8:19:10 AM 'The current operation, is going fine,...' Yep I thought so, killing peacekeepers, women .....
» 2/08/2006 7:51:33 AM 'I am a progressive that believes that we MUST unfortunately fight to protect progressive,.....
» 1/08/2006 8:26:41 PM Israel's original intent, as broadcast through Western Media outlets was to destroy or gre.....
» 1/08/2006 8:03:00 PM Mireille I wish I had the ability to have written what you've written. I applaud your und.....
» 1/08/2006 8:49:35 AM 2bob You are also an Israeli propagandist. You keep repeating the lie. Won't work here th.....
» 31/07/2006 8:35:42 PM Israel Go home and stay home. Get out of Lebanon and the West Bank now......
» 31/07/2006 1:09:10 PM 2 bob you are a bigot......
» 30/07/2006 9:28:46 PM 2bob And please tell me how escallation the violence has led to an escallation in violenc.....
» 30/07/2006 6:03:27 PM BOB, The Israeli's have failled to do any great harm to Hezbollah. They have failled in t.....
» 28/07/2006 12:41:13 PM Oh please You'd be better off explaining why Israel commits the same war crimes as Hezbol.....
» 27/07/2006 2:48:15 PM Inshallah 2bob Again you selectively quote. You quote only those parts of Article 85 that.....
» 27/07/2006 12:09:23 PM Here's a question... Would Israel invade or build settlements in neighbouring countries i.....
» 27/07/2006 8:41:25 AM Article 51 Section 5 b re excessive. You were being deceptive quoting this subsection to l.....
» 26/07/2006 3:19:17 PM Philby2 Good to see some think broadly. Mate but you seem to have overlooked the fact Le.....
» 26/07/2006 2:43:55 PM Greg You are correct of course. This Governments action or inaction is lamentable. ] But.....
» 26/07/2006 2:23:38 PM 2bob You're selectively quoting Articles of the Geneva Convention in an attempt to legiti.....
» 25/07/2006 12:56:04 PM Ozken If you'd taken part of your neighbour's land, built fences around it, exploited him.....
» 25/07/2006 12:45:25 PM MonashLibertarian, You're out of touch if you think Israel voluntarily returned Sinai aft.....
» 25/07/2006 7:49:13 AM David Your 'final solution' expanded from Gaza to now include half of Lebonan. It's just .....
» 24/07/2006 6:39:59 PM 2bob You are supporting David-Boaz's disgraceful and developing 'final solution' for peop.....
» 24/07/2006 6:14:13 PM Once again 2bob you've spruikeed Israeli propaganda. Israel was forced out of it's 18 yea.....
» 24/07/2006 12:48:33 PM There you go again 2bob. And not very witty either. Mate if Hezbollah were to invade Isra.....
» 23/07/2006 5:03:49 PM David It seems your final solution is now extending to the people of South Lebanon. So t.....
» 23/07/2006 4:55:01 PM 2bob Firstly 2bob it is you who has stopped with the personal abuse...I've only ever trie.....
» 23/07/2006 10:33:05 AM 2bob, I happened to hear Boutrous Boutrous Ghali interview last night. He pointed out th.....
» 22/07/2006 9:02:40 PM 2bob Why do you spout the israeli propaganda re Shaba Faems? Mate face it; the Israeli's.....
» 22/07/2006 8:46:55 PM And not one of the Armchair type either. Jeez we agree again Irfan. Tonight I have e-ma.....
» 21/07/2006 1:20:11 PM 2bob I admire the fact you reference Palestinian and Arab sites. I hope you do explore th.....
» 21/07/2006 1:05:05 PM 2bob, 'Thank you for ... you will become a fully fledged halfwit:' So that will then en.....
» 20/07/2006 10:00:09 AM Carl So would some of the fathers of today!.....
» 20/07/2006 9:42:54 AM 2bob So what about Shaba Farms incursion by the Israelis? Does your assessment of the u.....
» 19/07/2006 5:41:53 PM 'Whereas Israel only responded to continued bombardment, exercising incredible restraint, .....
» 18/07/2006 5:09:04 PM Martin 'Does anyone seriously dispute that if Iran backed Hezbollah gave up their vicious.....
» 18/07/2006 4:13:12 PM David Jackmann I think you are very close to the mark. The occupation of the West Bank a.....
» 17/07/2006 5:38:55 PM This is an excellent article that states things as they are and offers clear choices and p.....
» 17/07/2006 5:07:53 PM Irfan Neither of us can be all that bad! At last we agree. :-) Keith.....
» 17/07/2006 1:28:44 PM The Israeli's have massively over-reacted and are using propaganda to justify their desire.....
» 8/07/2006 5:39:04 PM So David what is it? Is It This reasonable attitude? "No well informed Christian to.....
» 8/07/2006 10:08:28 AM David Is that the Old Testament you are forcing down others throats? Do I need to quote.....
» 7/07/2006 11:58:23 AM Logic No I'm not religious. 'The Israelis claim that if the Palestinians stop bombing th.....
» 6/07/2006 2:21:40 PM David All of the attitudes in your post display an unchristian attitude. They fly in the .....
» 5/07/2006 10:51:33 PM Logic You and David are on the wrong side of this debate. Slowly, very slowly the Palesti.....
» 4/07/2006 7:04:35 PM oops Sorry David was in to much of a hurry to twist the knife a little and made the follow.....
» 4/07/2006 11:47:50 AM David You are being very selective in your use of the Old Testament. In one case you say .....
» 3/07/2006 1:17:37 PM David Ahhh Genesis, the Old Testament. Wasn't it you who said 'No well informed Christia.....
» 3/07/2006 12:46:36 PM Yep Soccer united Australians for a few hours. Do a spot check, ask around. Who are the.....
» 1/07/2006 7:56:39 PM Interesting point Logic. I don't agree the Palestinians were not the 'Original Inhabitant.....
» 30/06/2006 6:28:31 PM David I am at a loss why you think Israel under threat? Is it because the Israelis dispo.....
» 28/06/2006 1:58:14 PM 'The senate and its committees are the only check on laws and policies proposed by the gov.....
» 27/06/2006 7:00:05 PM How do you propose to regulate the practise in China?.....
» 26/06/2006 3:36:19 PM Strewth I only said in reference to HRW and AI '...often their reports do contain very ba.....
» 25/06/2006 7:56:44 PM Strewth While I agree with you on the aggressive and unsupportable roles and provocative .....
» 22/06/2006 5:55:23 PM I am utterly hetrosexual. I've been married and have children. I have no problem with Homo.....
» 13/06/2006 6:29:54 PM The Sermon on the Mount is the more accurate dictate for Christianity and it's values......
» 13/06/2006 3:08:24 PM You should all put yourselves in this position. You experience the death of people close .....
» 12/06/2006 7:33:08 PM Johnj and Rainier, Just a question since both of you know more precisely than others rele.....
» 10/06/2006 9:08:34 PM Zorro I've met Rainier and if you think he has had a frontal lobotomy then I'd like to ha.....
» 10/06/2006 5:29:37 PM Johnj and spouse, The sentiments you express show many are on the right track. Realism ba.....
» 1/06/2006 5:49:55 PM Hi Ranier Nice to see you contributing again. I don’t think these blokes quite understan.....
» 25/05/2006 5:30:08 PM Oh dear, Rache, You've totally ignored the previous 1000 odd years. Terrorism has been un.....
» 25/05/2006 5:07:55 PM Wobbles It all started to go wrong after the end of the Caliphate which coincided with th.....
» 24/05/2006 2:08:26 PM Miriam 'Good on ya'. You have great courage. No doubt you are muslim. I think we all unde.....
» 7/05/2006 12:36:15 PM Dickens wrote no Classic. He came nowhere near writing anything that would be included in .....
» 20/04/2006 6:35:43 PM Let's just forget spending money on research and development. Let's save a heap of time an.....
» 20/04/2006 6:08:13 PM Guys Firstly it won't happen. Secondly your assertion 'Queensland's weak unicameral p.....
» 14/04/2006 8:32:03 AM Johnj It is quite obvious the challenges future generations of Australian kids will face......
» 13/04/2006 11:04:54 AM Jane I think your assessment is spot on but only for a proportion of our current parents......
» 11/04/2006 8:16:51 PM Nicholas Are you Mad? We want less not more......
» 6/04/2006 5:43:31 PM Hi Irfan Look I was critical of you when you expressed you opinion so in fairness I'll ex.....
» 6/04/2006 5:15:54 PM Irfan Perhaps you'd be able to draw a cartoon trivalising the human rights abuses in West.....
» 6/04/2006 4:54:15 PM [Deleted for flaming and poster suspended].....
» 6/04/2006 4:34:52 PM 'There is credible evidence to suggest that the upsurge in people smuggling from Indonesia.....
» 4/04/2006 2:13:12 PM As one, without any formal legal training, who has appeared before Magistrates and other J.....
» 4/04/2006 1:49:22 PM aspro your comment demeans Fraser......
» 16/03/2006 5:07:17 PM Hi Fellow Human Of course Israel is a political issue although I tend also to see it as a.....
» 10/03/2006 5:06:35 PM Irfan I am terribly busy at present. Your post strikes me as a reflective one. I have rea.....
» 10/03/2006 4:50:50 PM Excellent article Taya. But the worst of the violence is the malignant and obscene territ.....
» 10/03/2006 4:17:26 PM Tolerance by religeously inclined people usually means, to them, that I'm entitled to hear.....
» 9/03/2006 7:50:43 PM Fellow Human 'Muslims are not allowed to call for invasion of other nations (whether Musl.....
» 9/03/2006 10:01:02 AM The best bed was stuffed. Shakespeare wasn't......
» 7/03/2006 8:44:15 PM Salam I'll answer your question...Just how Aussie do we have to be? I'll use Peter Coste.....
» 5/03/2006 3:03:08 PM Similarly Costello's statement on Islamic practices. Costello said: 'The Australian Citi.....
» 5/03/2006 3:01:42 PM Greg Barnes has either been deliberately deceptive or has the comprehension skills of a me.....
» 5/03/2006 9:58:55 AM Hey Rancitas, I reckon there is good and bad in everyone. I haven't bothered with this th.....
» 2/03/2006 2:30:13 PM Rancitas You don't know the real Lawson. He is more in the vein of the Russian Nikolai L.....
» 2/03/2006 11:59:02 AM Irfan I, not Kevin, asked you to simply give your definition of Australian Multi-cultural.....
» 2/03/2006 11:45:17 AM To borrow from the borrowed chant of Kim Huynh. "Booyakasha Lyn Allison! Big Up Your.....
» 1/03/2006 1:51:58 PM "Keith-you commented on my post on the abuse of moslems in Australia and then said mo.....
» 1/03/2006 1:03:40 PM The smallmindedness and boarishness portrayed by many of the oneliners in this article can.....
» 1/03/2006 12:41:58 PM Leigh Have aquick perusal of the following article in the New York Times. 'Iraqi Sunni Bl.....
» 1/03/2006 7:10:48 AM Scout, It is not 'some relaxation exercises', that GZ Tan and Redneck need. Self-reflect.....
» 28/02/2006 4:59:55 PM I really missed something. My toys had no ethnicity. Doh......
» 27/02/2006 9:12:28 PM Benjamin Irfan has a reasonable explanation of his position on sharia law on the thread b.....
» 27/02/2006 9:03:31 PM David I fully support your attitude and comments in regartd to Redneck and Scout. I fou.....
» 27/02/2006 8:31:07 PM Irfan Circumcision isn't an amputation. If it was then I'd have cause to be bitterly angr.....
» 27/02/2006 8:29:54 PM Irfan Thanks for your response. I liked it. 'keith, sharia principles themselves state.....
» 26/02/2006 8:27:21 PM Irfan This is the only article I have seen on OLO that presents Islam in anything other t.....
» 26/02/2006 6:22:43 PM Scout, My error with your non-de-plume was genuine. I’m losing my sight. I apologise. Ad.....
» 26/02/2006 10:02:48 AM Scott, I reject your interpretation of my inquiries. You're suggesting the shouldn't be d.....
» 25/02/2006 2:34:59 PM Hi Scott and Aziliz You have described some despicible behaviours. However the problem .....
» 25/02/2006 1:52:01 PM David 'Henry Lawson's prose' Mate in my good natured way I have to say that is the great.....
» 24/02/2006 7:15:03 PM Mate When are you migrating to Australia? You'd add to the place, just as many other migr.....
» 24/02/2006 7:00:09 PM Irfan Have you read the latest from your fellow Muslim Bashir Goth? He's saying similar t.....
» 23/02/2006 7:38:05 PM With the crises in health and policing (Numbers)in Qld people will dump Beattie. People a.....
» 23/02/2006 7:13:35 PM Jimmyj Assuming you had a choice who would you have representing you? Sheik Hilaly, Geor.....
» 23/02/2006 6:59:19 PM A great way to grab a headline. It is sad people need to be so provocative to get their me.....
» 22/02/2006 7:59:46 PM Susan I'm still awaiting Irafan's definition of Multi-culturalism from about a month ago......
» 17/02/2006 2:06:28 PM Thankyou DFXK. I am digesting your much clearer explanation. Initial impression is it has .....
» 16/02/2006 7:47:56 PM Andrew Which way did you vote?.....
» 16/02/2006 12:18:45 PM Jinx You answered in your second last paragraph. I apologise. I became distracted by yo.....
» 15/02/2006 8:34:02 PM Justice Callinan I will not read David Myers book. You short synopsis told me it would me.....
» 15/02/2006 7:53:35 PM A true dodging and weaving of a politician. Answer the question!.....
» 15/02/2006 8:32:42 AM Jinyx I'll stick to my point. Themistocles said all that needed to be said about this art.....
» 15/02/2006 3:53:05 AM David My comprehension of Watt’s book, though I lack the expertise of academic’s, had me .....
» 14/02/2006 10:13:27 AM A very thoughtful and realistc article. It touches on the 'on the ground' present day real.....
» 14/02/2006 3:39:47 AM DFXK Aboriginal Spirituality merely a half way point... I know a few Muslims who think Ch.....
» 14/02/2006 3:01:26 AM Themistocles. You've done it again. Well said. Nothing needs to be added......
» 14/02/2006 2:45:59 AM Opinuated2 Sunisle’s question: ‘Has a Muslim country invaded, occupied and killed hundre.....
» 14/02/2006 2:22:56 AM David and Fellow-Human I am not going to lower the tone of this forum by responding to yo.....
» 12/02/2006 11:07:09 PM David Latimer My original question was directed, not to you, but to Fellow-Human, who ha.....
» 12/02/2006 10:46:33 PM I'm a simple sort of bloke and I can spot a truth or two. If this discussion and the para.....
» 12/02/2006 10:31:44 PM Boaz-David Who is Gadaffi? Yorta-Yorta I'm not familiar. But if it is as you say- then i.....
» 12/02/2006 9:15:41 PM Sunisle My views on the rights of the Palestinians to statehood and support of a return t.....
» 12/02/2006 8:44:39 PM Myriah If xenophobic means being critical of and condemning those who totally reject the .....
» 11/02/2006 9:52:40 PM If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds of distance run Then yours is al.....
» 11/02/2006 7:21:22 PM Boaz-David I sense you are in favour of and support reconciliation. I think there is a gr.....
» 11/02/2006 6:36:05 PM Boaz-David I think it admirable you provide the answer to your own question. What do Indi.....
» 11/02/2006 6:14:57 PM Sunisle The vast majority of the posters here decry the hypocritical nature of Syed's art.....
» 11/02/2006 8:28:54 AM David fine but are arab christians equal with arab muslims etc?.....
» 10/02/2006 7:10:27 PM Sunrise Are you awake or merely mumbling in the pre-dawn? Fact: 9/11 preceeded armed co.....
» 10/02/2006 6:02:45 PM Anthropologists, I mean't. Oops.....
» 10/02/2006 6:00:43 PM Rainier We're lucky you aren't a religious fanatic! Wouldn't OLO burn!.....
» 10/02/2006 5:28:40 PM Opprobrious Syed. I think than an appropriate nickname......
» 9/02/2006 9:54:07 PM Fellow-Human, I think you might read a little more widely before you espouse your view .....
» 9/02/2006 11:18:59 AM Saw a very very unny poster at one demo. A woman holding a sign which said 'Behead all wh.....
» 9/02/2006 10:39:38 AM Col Loved the stats you provided on the Abortion issue 66,000 odd perfectly legal and tra.....
» 8/02/2006 6:58:28 AM Many of the posts here look to answer the question posed by looking at the work and role o.....
» 7/02/2006 2:28:01 PM One radical cleric in Europe called for a Muslim Day of Anger. To which one wag replied........
» 6/02/2006 9:07:32 PM Leigh You are dead right. You have more in common with the settlers of a very close neigh.....
» 6/02/2006 9:01:08 PM Rainier Cut the crap. You are one! :-).....
» 6/02/2006 8:30:19 PM barry I think you've overstated the Hamas victory. And you are wrong. The election was de.....
» 6/02/2006 2:25:10 PM Irfan I have two questions of an historical nature, Around 900 years ago was the end of th.....
» 6/02/2006 2:08:20 PM Irfan Your article reflects honesty, decency and courage. The best solution is to cut th.....
» 5/02/2006 8:25:45 PM Andrew You made the following comment 'It is no secret that a large amount of the former.....
» 5/02/2006 8:09:53 PM I was going to comment with a testimonial against all the worst horrors and nightmares of .....
» 4/02/2006 7:58:14 PM Littleagreeablebuddy. Vote for me? Not likely. I decided quite sometime ago a political c.....
» 2/02/2006 5:06:18 PM Rainier I think jkenno's criticism fair and apt. I was simplistic but I don't think I mis.....
» 2/02/2006 1:44:26 PM Fellow - Human Thank you for your explanations. They raise more querries than they answer.....
» 2/02/2006 1:08:01 PM fidae mae Of course you are mostly correct...but you've overlooked our heritage from the .....
» 1/02/2006 8:30:11 PM Syed I am a great believer in a secular state. I also believe people have the right to pr.....
» 1/02/2006 7:12:37 PM Leigh ‘You are right, in my case at least: I am far for concerned about immigration than .....
» 1/02/2006 11:00:21 AM Yep You're right Syed. Here's an answer: Let's ban all public holidays. Whew no more pena.....
» 1/02/2006 9:34:12 AM Ev The omission of the reference in the original article was an oversight.
» 31/01/2006 7:06:00 PM Boaz-David I think your opinion on the issue of Jerusalem quite correct. For an answer I .....
» 31/01/2006 4:04:18 PM Leigh…maaaate, Perhaps you’d prefer the White Australia Policy? Then agitate for its retu.....
» 30/01/2006 7:46:34 PM Sage Democracy isn’t limited in its expression to the ‘Ballot Box’. Input by joining poli.....
» 30/01/2006 3:12:25 PM Ev Congratulations. You picked the point of my article exactly. '...the glaring exceptio.....
» 30/01/2006 11:56:21 AM Rainier You haven't answered the question you were asked; 'Quote Banjo: “Salam, Ifran an.....
» 29/01/2006 6:30:04 PM Tribal Proud to be Javanese is indeed a ratbag......
» 29/01/2006 5:22:18 PM Themistocles led the Athenians to a famous victory over Xerxes, the Persian, however he di.....
» 29/01/2006 5:06:25 PM fida mae One of the really significant things about Hamas and the election was that Hamas.....
» 29/01/2006 1:28:32 PM Rainier, A good starting point, even if lacking specifics. I tend to ramble. That’s my na.....
» 28/01/2006 10:34:03 AM Hear Hear. Philo.....
» 28/01/2006 10:19:15 AM Fredrich I thought unkindly you'd be more used to the media of tattooing than writing or .....
» 28/01/2006 12:56:29 AM 'Want do you want, a blow by blow textual analysis of the blantantly bloody obvious?' That.....
» 27/01/2006 7:10:09 PM DFXK The Palestinian result is a victory for Democracy. Hamas won an overwhelming victor.....
» 27/01/2006 5:30:05 PM Rainier You'd better point out to me exactly what was racist in Benjamin's post. I for th.....
» 27/01/2006 8:58:08 AM Rainier I'd dispute your claims of vilification and racism. While there are some who hold.....
» 26/01/2006 6:41:41 PM Rainier If I hadn't got his back up he wouldn't have debated me. I offered a sincere ap.....
» 26/01/2006 6:27:32 PM The West Papuans have every right to look to Australia for protection. There is no doubt t.....
» 26/01/2006 4:06:57 PM Then it's time to change the rules and let's all heed Dirk's advice. You know Davo asked .....
» 26/01/2006 12:27:02 PM Col Well said about Australia Day. I'm off to sit poolside with a beer. I'll be listening.....
» 26/01/2006 4:31:48 AM Rainier I think we'd both have a solid sense of fun. For the criticism we both receive, a.....
» 25/01/2006 5:33:46 PM Rainier You are a very intelligent person. You could use that intellect to show leadershi.....
» 25/01/2006 4:21:14 PM ‘…we have been presented with the entrenched positions, staked out and clung to with dogma.....
» 25/01/2006 12:02:51 PM Hi Salam You are starting to approach the right track. You need however to take a little .....
» 25/01/2006 11:11:27 AM jkenno Dirk hasn’t departed from any line? His position became indefensible. He cut and .....
» 24/01/2006 1:43:40 PM fide mae This is the second or third war of this century involving the US, that is if yo.....
» 24/01/2006 12:54:34 PM Part 2 of 4 I think as an Historian you would need to supply a reference to the original .....
» 24/01/2006 12:53:44 PM Part 1 of 4 Dirk I understood from day one your stature and renown although the unkind f.....
» 24/01/2006 11:15:34 AM jkenno and giris Look I think since you advance ideas and transferences that are very sim.....
» 24/01/2006 10:59:37 AM Rainier In diesem Forum werden Ideen geprüft. In den Universirty Seminaren werden die Ide.....
» 22/01/2006 5:17:02 PM Bos Your rebuke was deserved. I'll not blaspheme again. At times I am insensitive and a s.....
» 20/01/2006 4:42:44 AM Part 4 Bashir and Shehadie were husband and wife. Brice is Governor of Queensland and wou.....
» 20/01/2006 4:38:02 AM Part 3 of 4 Parts 1 and 2 were posted yesterday We don’t give a damn about the 9/11 atro.....
» 19/01/2006 4:02:29 PM Hedgehog You haven't been watching. It's not just John Howard. Most writers to this OLO m.....
» 19/01/2006 1:01:43 AM Part 2 of 4 ‘Moreover, the ethnic self-defense of the native born is natural and normal; .....
» 19/01/2006 1:00:45 AM Part 1 of 4. Parts 1 and 2 are posted today and parts 3 and 4 will be posted tomorrow D.....
» 18/01/2006 3:33:58 PM And I Tim predict you'll eventually realise two things if not this year then sometime afte.....
» 17/01/2006 10:05:01 PM Dirk My rather terse response was only 1400 words. Apparently I broke the forum rules b.....
» 17/01/2006 8:39:30 AM Abe I think your heart is in the right place but segmentation according to religon gets t.....
» 15/01/2006 8:35:47 PM Part 2. Now the real deal, the true blue, listen attentively, for what follows is fair di.....
» 15/01/2006 8:33:20 PM Dirk Part 1 pogrom n : organized persecution of an ethnic group Riot n : a disturban.....
» 15/01/2006 8:27:11 PM Are we deceived by Multi-culturalism? No we are deceived by the lack of adherence to a sp.....
» 14/01/2006 8:18:20 PM Irfan I'm also bound by a personal intregity. I express my views in as a straightforward .....
» 14/01/2006 8:01:45 PM Islam It claims all land is Allah's land......
» 14/01/2006 7:38:12 PM Pachelbel Hear Hear.....
» 14/01/2006 7:11:55 PM 'In another forum I have been described as: "A pretentious, pious, know nothing, psu.....
» 14/01/2006 7:07:40 PM Hamlet If you knew how common are the attitudes you've just expresed you'd take great he.....
» 13/01/2006 5:52:36 PM Dirk I have not responded to your article yet. I have been busy in my business. Nothing t.....
» 13/01/2006 4:40:48 PM Part 2 The Greeks realised a need of spiritually within their society. They largely influe.....
» 13/01/2006 5:54:02 AM Part 1. What utter rot. Your article started with an unsupported and biased criticism o.....
» 12/01/2006 7:23:56 PM Magnificient Bushbred.....
» 12/01/2006 1:34:58 PM I had serious concerns about the logic being applied in this article. I laughed out loud w.....
» 12/01/2006 12:46:56 PM Peter I found you post enlightening by both your recognition of Liberal Democracy as the .....
» 12/01/2006 11:44:06 AM Sebastian you've taken the narrowest possible view of the meaning of tolerance and are ins.....
» 11/01/2006 8:29:23 PM Dirk It was with great trepidation I read your article past your initial inaccuracy regar.....
» 11/01/2006 6:37:21 PM Irfan I've submitted two articles to OLO both over 800 words both fairly representative o.....
» 11/01/2006 11:38:50 AM Again Salam you haven't criticised the racial violence perpetrated across all Sydney. Did .....
» 11/01/2006 5:19:42 AM Numbat Thank you. I had come across that particular tenet of Islam on an Islamic website .....
» 11/01/2006 4:53:47 AM Irfan, No I don't write history books however if I did they'd be very similar to the alle.....
» 10/01/2006 3:10:51 PM Froggie The armchair defender of our freedoms won't answer those questions. He simply c.....
» 10/01/2006 3:03:48 PM Taimor While you now claim your article was exclusively dealing with racial profiling it .....
» 10/01/2006 8:05:52 AM Irfan, Your knowledge of Australian history need to be finetuned a little. The White Aust.....
» 9/01/2006 6:41:16 PM jpw2040 Who said this: ‘How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its vot.....
» 8/01/2006 5:44:17 PM Philo, You are quite correct. In Australia more has been taught of Christ and his teachi.....
» 8/01/2006 1:12:41 PM Hello hello what's all this Judeo Christian herritage all about. The only book I've ever r.....
» 8/01/2006 12:16:17 PM Ha At last some common sense. Kevin Donnelly is enunciating the thoughts of many. He do.....
» 8/01/2006 11:35:54 AM There have been 15 published articles on OLO on this topic. Fourteen blame Australia, Aust.....
» 8/01/2006 11:07:01 AM Syed if I'd written: after 9/11 came waves of terror, in revenge for the US-allied forces .....
» 5/01/2006 6:01:24 PM Blatant racisms and lies are contained in your propaganda. ‘The race riots in Sydney were.....
» 5/01/2006 5:56:21 PM How many have noticed the current fad to answer direct verbal questions with a Yes then fo.....
» 5/01/2006 3:58:41 PM Morris Iemma is about to get the arse because of his cowardice in not dealing with the, yo.....
» 5/01/2006 4:16:26 AM Sydney -Sergi 'First lets get our facts straight this recent event that sparked everythin.....
» 4/01/2006 9:21:21 PM "we need to foster an environment where individuals can flourish regardless of race o.....
» 4/01/2006 5:57:07 PM What world are you living in? Many of those blokes with balls today are sheilas. Traditi.....
» 4/01/2006 5:39:42 PM Five times a day is 1825 a year. Nahhhhhhhh paralysis would set in not to mention the bore.....
» 3/01/2006 9:38:16 AM David With regard to election material it is very unlikely you will be sued for anything .....
» 1/01/2006 6:16:17 PM Meredith I scanned quickly through the website of Save Australia. It doesn't seem to car.....
» 1/01/2006 2:20:55 PM Jenab Your coppycat post just goes to show that some of us are born to lead and others bo.....
» 31/12/2005 9:57:17 AM Jenab Your views are an utter disgrace. You are espousing intolerance and segregation. Th.....
» 29/12/2005 8:04:19 PM Not quite right Hijacked Church schools were in existance in NSW long before The Public S.....
» 29/12/2005 2:32:18 PM Hey Zefstar I'm still waiting for your response...but you know as well as I that the tene.....
» 28/12/2005 9:15:57 AM Irfan this is not the first time I have seen you cast generalised aspersions. Instead of c.....
» 28/12/2005 9:00:59 AM That's new...since when did two surf-lifesavers get stabbed? I was under the distinct impr.....
» 26/12/2005 8:34:12 AM Zefstar I think you missed my point. It would be very cowardly if you had done so on purp.....
» 26/12/2005 8:15:11 AM 'It is inherently stupid and infantile to despise someone because of a matter beyond their.....
» 26/12/2005 8:12:10 AM Irfan Please explain where the racism is exhibited in Belly's post. From what I read he.....
» 25/12/2005 5:23:56 PM Have a very merry Christmas, Zefstar, perhaps you'll have time over the Christmas break or.....
» 25/12/2005 5:11:49 PM Buggar it, Merry Christmas to everyone...regardless of how different we are......
» 24/12/2005 7:16:25 PM Left Lurching Laurie's Lamentable lecture lists loser's lies......
» 24/12/2005 8:40:33 AM Bleached Bones on a Sunlit Beach Sitting under a clear dark southern sky Looking at a cro.....
» 23/12/2005 10:23:55 AM Is that application for the Sex shop in David's local council area likely to be received w.....
» 23/12/2005 10:00:40 AM ps Your friend was lucky wearing a Wallaby jersey. For had she been wearing a Springbok je.....
» 23/12/2005 9:55:27 AM Your post is refreshing, and heartening but...always a bloody but... the Christian side of.....
» 23/12/2005 7:58:14 AM Zefstar, I noted with particular interest your claims that the violent Lebanse youth in S.....
» 22/12/2005 5:37:02 PM Well done Greg You've achieved you're aim. You've got us all talking about ourselves and .....
» 21/12/2005 9:54:04 PM Bleached Bones on a Sunlit Beach Sitting under a clear dark southern sky Looking at a cro.....
» 21/12/2005 9:47:37 PM There'd be an uproar if Aussies were arrested carrying cricket bats.....
» 21/12/2005 4:19:19 PM In my usual larconic way. I'd drawl with a wry smile... 'Then Churchill was a racist'... A.....
» 21/12/2005 12:33:41 PM The blame by the general community was being put on youths from the Lebanese Muslim commun.....
» 20/12/2005 8:38:18 PM Pedant Correctee.....
» 20/12/2005 5:11:34 PM Oliver Exactly the stuff we all need to understand. I hadn't considered Muhammed's trid.....
» 20/12/2005 8:53:13 AM Kactus. You confuse, like most westerners, Islamic practices with Ancient Arab Empire tra.....
» 19/12/2005 4:26:53 PM Yes Rancitus, I am aware Karl Marx was a committed egalitarian. But his stated desires fa.....
» 19/12/2005 1:47:55 PM 'Australians have seen themselves as a benign nation that is comfortable with diversity an.....
» 18/12/2005 2:04:38 PM By communications system I think you mean post office, telephone, the print media, radio a.....
» 18/12/2005 2:04:24 PM Rancitus Your assertions re free schooling, access to health care, access/development of .....
» 18/12/2005 11:36:55 AM No Glen I have two business and help my daughter in hers. I am working to pay my son's Un.....
» 17/12/2005 3:57:23 PM Hey Jane Yep you've got it right. Or 'right on'. In more ways than one. I too am proud of.....
» 15/12/2005 5:10:13 AM Now Duncan, Please explain how the fire bombing of churches in Sydney last night is John .....
» 13/12/2005 12:28:54 PM Salam Ninety - nine percent of what you've said I agree with. I understand the enormous .....
» 13/12/2005 12:08:11 PM Irfan Your response really is very disappointing. Of course the violence and display in.....
» 12/12/2005 6:07:32 AM Tieran For balance and fairness and to avoid accusations of bias, perhaps you'd like to p.....
» 11/12/2005 7:09:06 PM Irfan I see a misunderstanding of Arab and Muslim but no hate. I see bigotry and intoler.....
» 9/12/2005 5:37:35 PM Redneck Your comments, in a forum responding to my article which was one of those four an.....
» 9/12/2005 5:04:25 PM Irfan Many of those thugs were were Irish Catholics. They've successfully intergrated int.....
» 8/12/2005 3:48:03 PM Indeed Irfan Muslims in Australia do face difficult situations and choices. I accept onl.....
» 7/12/2005 10:05:26 PM On this thread there has been a little diversion into drug use. I have been following the .....
» 7/12/2005 7:58:31 AM Col Your remark about the history of drug use inspired me, for I to tend to look to histo.....
» 5/12/2005 8:43:37 PM Now that D_D_nabbit is how problems are commonly solved. Thinking outside the square. A .....
» 5/12/2005 2:09:55 PM The idea of legalising drugs appears sound. It would seem probable it would eliminate mo.....
» 2/12/2005 7:44:17 PM Redneck Explain the following Sadly 'Of persons executed in 2004(In the USA): -- 36 were.....

1642 comments in total: 1642 article comments, 0 general comments.

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