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The Forum > Article Comments > Why Labor lost in New South Wales > Comments

Why Labor lost in New South Wales : Comments

By Geoff Robinson, published 29/3/2011

Labor's credibility on the issues that it used to dominate, like health and education, has crashed, along with its vote.

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Yet another Labor hack picking over the bones of a long dead party, hoping that will preform a miracle resurection.

Mate, here's labors real problem and why it cannot come back.

It was originally formed to ensure a fair go for the far from formal educated working men and women and their families who made up it's membership ... and it's unions.

It now proclaims itself a party of social fairness. It no longer has membership from nor the support of working men and women and their families. Those people are now, in the main, the casual workers and underemployed people of Australia.

The current membership is mostly distant descendants of the original membership and they should have moved on with their growing formal education and affluence. They should have bequeathed the Labor party to those who have followed the unfortunate pathways of their ancestors. They don't have any right, contrary to what they believe, to decide what's best for those battlers.

The membership situation in the labor party and it's now mostly unrepresentative unions cannot now ever change.
Posted by keith, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 3:25:22 PM
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Credit where its due. Gerald Henderson's summary in the SMH today is much closer to the truth.

O'Farrell campaigned in Western Sydney and made sure the election was a referendum on the carbon tax. Roll on to the next federal election.
Posted by EQ, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 4:48:44 PM
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They should have lost two elections ago but it was only the Oppositions hopelessness as a credible alternative that got them over the line each time.

As well as a series of self-inflicted huge blunders, this time they had all the newspapers and shock-jocks fighting against them as well.

I expect that now we will quickly see a huge reduction in the number of speed cameras, a drastic shortening of the Hospital queues and the trains running on time.

Then again "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" may be the order of the day.
Posted by rache, Wednesday, 30 March 2011 1:05:28 AM
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