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Same sex, same rights : Comments

By Jonathan Wilkinson, published 22/6/2006

When there are no rational grounds for perpetuating inequality, you know it's time for the law to be re-written.

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Great piece your right there is no rational reason for the stance of the far right, but these people are not known for their rational thinking let alone compassion and tolerance for views other then their own.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 22 June 2006 9:20:43 AM
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Banning same-sex civil unions is as discriminatory as paying women 66% of the male wage which was enshrined in law until 1974. Both laws put the parties being discriminated against at severe economic disadvantage and are plain unfair.

If you want to ban same sex civil unions because a marriage is between a man and a woman for the purpose of producing little Australians then perhaps you ought to make divorce and adultery illegal for people with progeny.
Posted by billie, Thursday, 22 June 2006 9:36:14 AM
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The main ignorance being displayed in this article is the knowledge of our Creator. What next. Will a man or woman who think they love (lust) after their dog get equal rights? Thank God for a Government who shows some sense of morality. We need to feel sorry for people caught in this depravity not to sanction it.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 22 June 2006 11:09:45 AM
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“Fair minded Australians” believe that homosexual couples should have their twisted relationships protected by law, do they? There must be a very wide gap between what this character calls fair minded and what the majority of Australians call fair minded; unless, of course, he thinks that most Australians are not fair minded. He certainly thinks that the Governor-General and the Howard Government have got away with “abusing” their power. How fanciful!

“Now the hopes of fair-minded Australians turn to state governments to create laws which formalise the equal value and contribution of citizens in same-sex relationships.”

What nonsense! Most Australians have more important things to think about than the perversions of a few: the price of petrol, interest rates, childcare and IR laws, to name a few. Weirdos are very low on the 1-10 list of Australians.
“Time tells us it (the Victorian government) did the right thing as nobody questions those laws today.” Nobody is game to publicly question anything the left wing Victorian dictatorship does for fear of being prosecuted under its draconian anti-discrimination laws that protect all sort of nutters in that sad State.

“Legally recognised same-sex marriages are coming”, crows Wilkinson. So what’s he moaning about some might ask. He should also give some thought to just how long normal peoples’ patience will last as he and his kind push the boundaries of decency and common sense.

If same-sex, so called couples, “desire to be treated like everyone else”, they should start acting like everyone else
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 22 June 2006 11:14:59 AM
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I still find it hard to understand how any one can consider same sex relationships "twisted" - the quality of any relationship is measured by more than what people do with one anothers genitals - or other body parts for that matter;- I get the distinct sense those who have a dislike for homosexuals keep on focusing on the nature of the sex act when sex really forms a pretty small part of any relationship - important sure - but even if one spends a large part of ones days shagging ones brains out or the brains of another consenting adult - it still doesn't amount to much.

For some it is true the one mans meat is another mans poison but clearly there are those who see another mans meat as a tasty morsel indeed - and lets not leave out those females who lust after the female form - so what I say.

The laws will change in due course and very little will happen - the world will not end - people will not all of a sudden feel the urge to become gay - we will continue to breed.

The Episcopalians seem to think homosexuality is fine and dandy - they even think women are the equal of men - so God botherers seem some what divided on the issue as wel
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 22 June 2006 11:38:35 AM
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Christian religion doesn't have the monopoly on morality as their mouth pieces would like us to believe. Australian law has a secular foundation and using christian religion to argue against granting rights against those currently denied it is dangerous. What next, criminalise divorce? And what a simplistic and moronic argument about legal recognition of same-sex couples leading to marrying dogs.. because as we all know dogs currently have legal standing in our society and can sign a marriage certificate! And besides if you're worried about this potential (though false) sliperry slope about marrying dogs - Don't worry, we won't let you marry your dog.
Posted by Unbeliever, Thursday, 22 June 2006 12:09:47 PM
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