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Desperately seeking 'Mind Bombs' : Comments
By Michael Kile, published 9/2/2011What does the global warming crowd do when it loses public attention? Scream louder.
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Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 6:21:29 AM
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yes the big freeze
has really upset their 'model-bling' the models also didnt facter in the volcanoes doing their rapid they wouldnt want the newspapers to pickup on how the wind turbines couldnt handle the cold and stopped working...[all that govt subsidy/money wasted] there is also the issue of the increases of price versis the overly generous return..[usually double the price we pay for coal power]... facter in the fact the sun dont shine at night..and those getting the generous govt gifts of subsidised sell's..leeching off the off peak power system ..the rest of us mugs are paying for add in the new tax's and levies funny how the opisition dosnt add in that extra tax [smokers are bearing]..they quote the others ..but the silence about the smoking tax ..mate thats really revealing heaps.. its time we all got the same rate not those thieves stealing our offpeak off peak rates while collecting 44 cents ..for that power..made by the solar cells WE PAID for.. the greed of those in on this solar scam... has kicked industry into high gear but its the govt lucre/asubasidy..that helps make the scam work i hear yesterday ..just one solar scamer has stock in hand of 30 million...that is 300,000 solar panels...we payed for but what can we do the solar lobby took over the greens when big busness decided to go green...took over [subverted/perverted] the green movement..industry got its next stage of industry direction..figured out and payed for.. but its all a scam..built on a lie.. sold by fear..and accountants/economists wanting the cash now think how much more energy has been wasted..going green industry got a new lease on life..making more things..that cost us the earth..and dont work anyhow ps if you come across broken solar cells remember the big cost of their production is in silver [the price of silver has trippled]..and plenty is used in making these cash cows for those in the know]... note the price of silver can only go up its allready trippled just to get one percent on solar..! Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 8:05:37 AM
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Yes, screaming louder can have the effect of looking ridiculous or hysterical and any campaign like that loses momentum. As you suggest, extreme approaches are usually indicative of that fear.
However, if AGW is proven beyond a doubt the nature of the AGW advertising campaigns will pale into insignificance and the 'hysteria' will be judged as appropriate response. Marketing has been equally as strong from the anti-AGW groups in response to a strong leaning towards AGW in the media, education groups etc. I am against a CPRS or ETS if Australia is the only virgin in the brothel. If we introduce a domestic burden like an ETS it should be matched with tariffs on imports so that businesses and Australian consumers are not disadvantaged - but that is not going to happen in lieu of the free trade mindset. Australia does not have enough influence to be a leader on this issue and our emissions are insignificant by comparison. It is ludicrous to talk about an ETS when much of our coal is being exported to countries who do not aspire to an ETS or commitment to reduce carbon emissions. Paying more to emit does not mean less will be emitted. But that is heading off on another tangent. The way history will report AGW advertising campaigns and PR efforts will be governed by the outcome of doing nothing. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 9:00:06 AM
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screaming louder .. yes, like this yesterday and some of the follower hysterics lamenting that "denialists" are out in force .. oh woe is us .. woe! Yesterday's article was an attempted mindbomb .. OMG things are WORSE that Drastic, they are CATASTROPHIC As I read that article, it amazed me that the author is at this stage of fear and paranoia .. what next, after catastrophe? Holocaust, no that's burning isn't it and now AGW means rain, drought, cyclones, no weather at all .. everything, everything is caused by AGW .. aaaaargh! I wonder how you live with yourself after going off like that. What do you do next, how do you escalate even further? Or do you .. take action? I do worry about some of the hysterics self harming because the world is not getting the message, or worse harming others .. for their own good of course. Honestly if you stand above this and look at it, it just looks silly the way activists carry on, hysterical hardly describes it adequately. Posted by rpg, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 9:36:11 AM
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Of course it could be argued that rants like this are evidence of hysterical shouting by the denialist true believers that congregate around Quad-RANT Magazine, which with an occasional rare exception, publishes essay which are mostly vacuous, and which would be given a fail grade in any half-way rigorous philosophy 101 class at any serious university.
This is especially true of the essays it publishes which advocate a return to old-time Biblical religiosity as a "cure" for our individual and collective cultural malaise. Posted by Ho Hum, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 9:49:07 AM
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Whatever you might think of the evidence for human-induced global warming, and ignoring Ho Hum's contribution, there is little doubt that its effects have been wildly oversold by the global warming crowd - and over sold for too long.
However, the real break was the climategate stuff followed by Copenhagen where nothing happened. The debate cooled noticeably after that. People realised that their climate scientist idols had feet of clay. Another point over looked in the story is that the public is now use to being warned over catastrophes that don't occur. Y2K is one major example. Then there are the disease scars such as SARS and swine flu. Not only should we be much hotter, we should be unable to use our computers and dead. Posted by Curmudgeon, Wednesday, 9 February 2011 10:40:29 AM
Honestly, one would hope these guys could learn some basic statistics. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.