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The politics of hope : Comments

By Andrew Leigh, published 29/2/2008

Obama’s meteoric rise can be traced to two themes - hope and bipartisanship: can a little Obama magic rub off on Australia’s politicians?

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So Obama is like Kennedy, the man who sent troops to Vietnam, invaded Cuba and nearly triggered WW3? Kennedy only had good PR. The American administration has a 100-year history of external aggression and it won't stop with Obama. If Obama gives the USA a properly functioning public health system, ends the trade embargo against Cuba, and talks sensibly to aspirants such as Chavez who are improving literacy and diminishing poverty in the own countries, then he will be a great achiever- for an American president. Otherwise, who cares? the more that it changes, the more it remains the same.
Posted by HenryVIII, Friday, 29 February 2008 9:52:12 AM
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How cynical Henry, I heard Obama's maiden speech and have been following his career since that day and he is a breath of fresh air.

The man has fought his own parties political dogma to rise above the clinton kind of elistism and the Republican terrorist under the bed to a style that has given the American people some hope for the future.

As for Cuba like the Golan Heights no General in any army would give up such a base of operations that could act as a springboard to offer security to its people.
Posted by Yindin, Friday, 29 February 2008 10:13:01 AM
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How does Cuba offer security to the USA-a springboard to what? Invading Venuzela and Nicaragua? Should Oz take over PNG and west Irian for our security?If Obama lives up to what you claim is his maiden speech and actually changes the course of American history, and among other things allows countries such as Cuba and Nicaragua freedom to develop in their own way he will indeed be a great man. But. Sorry, I have been around a long time. I would be pleased to be wrong.
Posted by HenryVIII, Friday, 29 February 2008 3:45:42 PM
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My dear Henry, the author said,"Obama’s ability to use powerful rhetoric to inspire others has drawn comparisons with John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln." Obama is utterly inspiring and simply by being a serious candidate for the U.S. Presidency, he has already changed America. Think in terms of one of your aborigines being considered as the leading candidate to be your next Prime Minister and you will get the significance of a black man being President of the U.S.

I have no quarrel with your statement of America's history of aggression. I wish that it were not true but it is a part of our history. It is a stretch, however, to suggest that Kennedy started the Vietnam War. You are correct in stating that he sent troops to Vietnam but years before he took office, American military "advisors" were in Vietnam and Kennedy increased the the number. Did Kennedy invade Cuba? The answer here is no. He was guilty, however, in supporting and arming some Cuban exiles in the ill-fated "Bay of Pigs" invasion of the country. The plan for the exile invasion was in place when Kennedy took office. Upom receiving poor advice and a lack of his understanding of the Cuban people on the island, he followed through with the plan.

You mentioned that Kennedy almost started WW3. Perhaps that is true but it's entirely possible that his actions actually prevented WW3. You were referring to a period of the "cold war" and at the time, the Russians were starting to build a missile base in Cuba. We could not tolerate missiles a few miles from our shores so to do nothing was not an option. Available options would be to attempt to destroy the bases by bombing or to blockade Cuba. Kennedy chose the latter and the missile sites were disassembled.

You set up some difficult "targets" for Obama to achieve. Obama gives us hope that these things are obtainable. He is one who believes in cooperation and seeing both sides of problems. Simply stated, he is special.
Posted by Joe in the U.S., Friday, 29 February 2008 7:32:19 PM
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Joe in the US. Forgive my cynicism, it is due to seeing too many political boasters in too many countries for too long promising the earth and failing to deliver. Even Hitler had magnificent rhetoric.

Re VN, Cuba etc. The hero of Cuba was the Russian submarine commander who refused an order to fire on American warships, and also Kruschev, who realised he was dealing with a couple of damn fools in the most dangerous and heavily armed nation on earth and backed off, thus wrecking his political career in a nasty and dangerous place in which to wreck one's career. Kennedy introduced US troops to VN; he began the invasion, albeit USA advisers had been active since the Geneva settlement of 1954 in causing trouble and initiating sabotage in VN. He approved the failed invasion of Cuba. At the time of the Cuban missile crisis, the US had just placed nuclear missiles, the Jupiter missile, along the Russian boder with Turkey and was regularly flying nuclear-armed SAC B52s up to the USSR's borders before turning them round. You can't blame Kruschev; he was merely doing the same thing to the USA as the USA had been doing to the USSR for some time. I see no side as perfect, just merely human, but it is the USA that promises peace on earth and goodwill to all men and then disappoints, often violently.

Kennedy was not a political innocent. He came from a strongly political and politically experienced and powerful family. His assassination made him a hero. He had good PR.

I hope, sincerely, that whoever the USA electorate throws up as President he or she will be an improvement on the post-Carter years, and indeed an improvement on the pre-Carter years. But the pudding has turned sour too often for me to believe this one will stay fresh. Good luck, and I look forward to being proved wrong by future events.
Posted by HenryVIII, Saturday, 1 March 2008 12:15:28 PM
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There is enough for us to worry about in Australia with our politician's. Nobody but Americans should care who their President is. The relationship between our two countries will continue as it always has, and so it should.

Much of this 'aggression' people talk about has kept the world safe from lunatics who hate the West. Let's say we keep our nose out of their politics, and be thankful that America is our ally. No other country is worth anything to us when it comes to our defence.
Posted by Mr. Right, Saturday, 1 March 2008 3:38:33 PM
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