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Not in my name : Comments

By Shakira Hussein, published 11/4/2007

Taj Din al-Hilali seems determined to, once again, damage the moderate Muslim cause.

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Perhaps the Sheikh could do a double act with Pauline Hanson around all the comedy venues. I know Hanson detests Muslims but that doesn't matter - it'd be a sort of George and Gracie routine.

Seriously, people who take Muslims to task because of extremists making outrageous statements should remember that Muslims in Australia, like the world, are heterogeneous and have little in common except a shared religion. And even then they have different interpretations of their belief. I have worked with Fijian-Indian Muslims one of whom almost certainly voted Liberal. I know a young gay man from a Muslim background - he changed his name from Mahommed to Michael because the gay community in Sydney is as racist as everyone else. Australia has Muslims from Malaysian backgrounds and Lebanese backgrounds - not much in common there.

I do get sick of people who expect Muslims to rise up in unison to condemn the likes of Hilaly everytime he opens his mouth. He's not their responsibility - he himself makes the choice to be a bigot and nobody else should take the rap for it.
Posted by DavidJS, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 9:53:16 AM
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Shakira you just cannot win unfortunately as there are so FEW of you real moderates the rest seem to have the guts of a two bob watch. But having said that why does "TAQIYYA" keep coming to my mind. Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 10:35:48 AM
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How did you conclude that Pauline Hanson "detests' muslims? I am sure Pauline has never said any such thing. Like many others, Pauline is more likely to believe that the cultures of many muslims are not compatible to our society. There is ample evidence and history to support this view.

You say you get sick of those expecting all muslims to rise in unison to condemn Hilali. Let me assure you there is many who do not wish Hilali to be replaced. These people that say if Hilali goes and Sheik Faiz Mahommed and the fat, bearded Sheik in Melbourne go also, who else is going to disclose what muslims really believe and teach their congregations and children.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 12:06:18 PM
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You're right, Banjo. In fact, I over-generalised. Pauline Hanson is on the record for supporting "Christian Muslims [sic]." And I'd like to add that this country also needs more Jewish Muslims and Buddhist Muslims to balance things up.
Posted by DavidJS, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 1:18:24 PM
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Yes, Australians do seem to expect 'others' to rise up and condemn this-that-or-the-other that is seen as wrong.

I suspect that most Australians condemn the Germans of the 1930s for allowing the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. Yet how many Australians rose up and condemned Howard when he decided that invading Iraq would be nice? (Was this any more justificed than the Nazi Germany invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland at the start of WW2?)

Most of us are highly apathetic while expecting action from others.
Posted by Dave Clarke, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 3:35:11 PM
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This bloke is an idiot and should be kicked out off Australia just as i said before if The Australian Peoples Party won office it would be one of the first jobs done.

He is a threat not only to himself but also to those he represents.

The Australian Peoples Party

members and candidates wanted
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 4:10:38 PM
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