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The Forum > Article Comments > Climate politics in 2010: time Labor adopted a new approach? > Comments

Climate politics in 2010: time Labor adopted a new approach? : Comments

By Leigh Ewbank, published 2/2/2010

Labor must either adapt its climate policy to the political realities, or face a third rejection of its CPRS in an election year.

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“So what options are there for the Rudd Government?” Given Rudd’s massive ego and global leadership aspirations, and the fact that he intends to put up his stupid ETS for a third time, Rudd probably isn’t interested in options. It’s all or nothing with the ego-maniac.

All we can hope for is that non-Government Senators hold their nerve and slap Rudd down again. The man isn’t capable of changing his mind
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 10:40:19 AM
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What was suppose to be the world's greatest 'moral challenge' according to Mr Rudd is now being exposed as the world's biggest fraud. Maybe Mr Rudd was right after all. To see masses of gullible people taken in by the fraudsters whose prophecies were formed by corrupt data, lies and manipulation demonstrates how low our current Government will go in order to gain international status. If the general public knew how much has been wasted on this fraud the Government would be tossed out. Thankfully the other socialist leader Mr Turnbull has been found wanting and disposed of. Hopefully Mr Abbott will stop playing politics and go back to his gut instinct when he called man made climate change crap. Only the naive would deny Mr Abbots comments. I feel sorry for the scientist who tried to stick by their principals only to be sidelines and berated.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 12:47:18 PM
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"Even after several years of public debate"

Since when has their been any public debate when it comes to this federal governments policy.
Any time their is any debate, the name calling starts.
There is no such thing as "debate" with this government
Even the media is unwilling to take this government on.
Posted by Simpson, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 12:49:40 PM
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This is some form of Madness that seems to afflict the ALP from time to time , with a little bit of License it can be likened to the fabulous "Outcomes Based Education" scam that paralyzed Education in WA for nearly ten years , finally ending with PE Teachers trying to teach maths ? Too many Teachers left the public sector Edu. to Private or sold their skills to Industry .
Strange happenings were born from the conflict culminating in the Teachers union representing the Govt against the Teachers; can't believe that ? Tap PLATOWA into Google .
It was an ugly affair with threats , and like "Anthropogenic Global Warming" Divisive and Corrosive attitudes towards the "Skeptics & Deniers". The Victims were the Kids and their Parents , I don't know what happened to the Teachers .......probably moved East .

Get the way Penny Wong says "Denier or Skeptic" designed to make you feel "Dirty or Queer" would have to be one of the most ugly debating techniques in Politics ever ; the guts of the Psalm Grinders Basket .
Come to think about it , there was no debate just an artificial "Climate of Fear" tipping points etc to hype it up , terrible deceitful Politics designed to trip the people by deception ; the would be Emperors should be shamed then disappear , struggle off and die .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 2:09:56 PM
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I think the whole subject of anthromorphic climate change is looking more and more like the battleship Bismarck in its final hours, when the British battleship Rodney was standing off and firing broadsides of 16 inch armor-piercing shells into the Bismarck at point blank range.

Thank heavens for our constitution, and for the Senate. Thank heavens that in 60 years of proportional voting in Senate elections, the people have never given the Labor Party a majority there. Thank heavens for the constitutional provision that if a vote in the Senate is equal, the question passes in the negative.
Posted by plerdsus, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 2:27:49 PM
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plerdsus ; "Passes in the negative". That means it doesent pass yes ?
Posted by ShazBaz001, Tuesday, 2 February 2010 2:41:53 PM
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