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The journey to a low carbon future begins with us : Comments

By David Gershon, published 4/1/2010

Hope for a climate change solution in the wake of Copenhagen - if governments can’t deliver, people can.

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"According to conservative climate change science..."

Nothing conservative about manipulating figures and making stuff up:

I would describe that as a fairly radical approach to science, wouldn't you?
Posted by Jon J, Monday, 4 January 2010 8:13:04 AM
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<<if governments can’t deliver, people can.>>
Pity the worlds full of sheeple!
Posted by mikk, Monday, 4 January 2010 11:03:30 AM
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David, you lost me emotionally when I read “strategy to pull humankind back from the brink of a dire future” and “triggering a cascading set of irreversible tipping points.” Yuck!

I don’t know where you have been recently however, you seem to have missed all the facts that have emerged in the past couple of months.

The entire team of “hockey sticks” is gone, the MWP and the LIA have been restored, the missing tree ring proxies have been “found”, the original (unmodified) instrument readings from NZ and Canada have emerged, and the missing Russian station readings are now available.

The good news is, and sorry you missed it, is that we are no longer in the warmest period since records began, the oceans are not rising, there is no warming and there is no link between atmospheric carbon and temperatures. Isn’t that wonderful?

Look, we know you make money writing books about carbon and without the carbon boogeyman you’re stuffed. You will just have to write about something else.

If you can’t agree or wish to take the matter up with some higher authority, just contact the IPCC.

On Oct 14, 2009, at 10:17 AM, Kevin Trenberth wrote:
“Hi Tom
How come you do not agree with a statement that says we are no where close to knowing where energy is going or whether clouds are changing to make the planet brighter. We are not close to balancing the energy budget. The fact that we can not account for what is happening in the climate system makes any consideration of geoengineering quite hopeless as we will never be able to tell if it is successful or not! It is a travesty!”

Please try to keep up to date in future.
Posted by spindoc, Monday, 4 January 2010 12:40:30 PM
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David is a book salesman and a pseudo cult leader.

A carpetbagger preying on the concerns of the gullible.
Posted by odo, Monday, 4 January 2010 1:50:02 PM
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Nice article, but unfortunately we will need a 'carrot and stick' approach by governments if we are to have any hope at all of reducing greenhouse emissions to sustainable levels. Mikk excepted, the comments thus far in this thread - and indeed the increasingly shrill and stupidly triumphalist denialists on virtually every climate-related discussion at OLO - are clear evidence that some coercion is necessary.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 4 January 2010 2:42:26 PM
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While we can agree with the author that “…passing a law that commands us to adopt new behaviours, and then penalises us if we don’t, is not politically feasible” the likes of our current Prime Minister can still irrevocably ruin Australia’s industry and our standard of living, and get away with it. Feasibility doesn’t come into the thinking of self-serving maniacs like Rudd and others of his ilk, who are interested only in the short-term to launch their real ambitions. What ever the ruin they cause after they have gone is of no interest to them.

Rudd still has the chance of getting his ETS through parliament this year. He has the advantages of leading a party whose members do not have the right of a free vote against an opposition whose members do have a right to vote as they think fit. Tony Abbott, unlike Rudd, does not have the power to tell his minions how to vote. Two senators crossed the floor and voted for Rudd’s ETS, and there is every chance that Malcolm Turnbull (who has already said that he will cross the floor) will talk other Liberals around.

Abbott is leader by one vote only! We can’t assume that his small victory will be enough to knock out the bill again.

Gershon is correct in saying that “…there is no credible scenario by which they (new, low-carbon technologies) can be brought to scale in the ten-year window within which our scientists tell us we must make major carbon reductions.” But, nor is his dream of common man “…empower(ing) ourselves to voluntarily adopt new behaviours that help us, our community, our organisation and our planet (to) operate at a higher level of social value” have much credibility.

How many of us have heard of David Gershon his “three decades of empowerment research” before today? How many people have been touched by his work, and how many people does he really think would be amenable to his ideas in the future?

Posted by Leigh, Monday, 4 January 2010 4:08:09 PM
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