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Embracing China involves risks for Australia : Comments

By Peter Coates, published 5/5/2008

It seems that Kevin Rudd's Government has given China a broad degree of latitude outside normal diplomatic behaviour.

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The olympic organiser's have a lot to answer for. Behind closed doors they organised the flame relay, agreeing to conditions for China to use the olympic torch as a political statement. China's embassy in Australia
perhaps reacted to events in other parts of the world. Perhaps the olympics is now an anachronism.
Cheating, proffessionalism, drugs and politics in addition to nationalism has made holding them and participating too complex, leaving out the economics of it all.
The economics have made seeking the "games" a political nightmare
Keep them in Greece I believe is the way to go. We have television remember.
Posted by fluff4, Monday, 5 May 2008 10:57:03 AM
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The Australian Government allowed the Chinese Embassy and Chinese students to intimidate others on Australian soil. The Chinese thugs could have been stopped easily if the Government, particularly the plastic PM, had the guts to do it.

Just what would happen if foreigners instigated the same sort of ruckus in China?

Any students (i.e. non-Australians) should be dealt with harshly and deported if they choose to take political action while they are guests of this country. The fact that these particular pigs were not punished should make it clear to all of us what a lick-spittle Kevin Rudd really is when it comes to China. The weak little twerp should be tracking down, and expelling, the 1,000 or so Chinese spies we are told are in Australia, too. But he couldn’t even honour the guarantee that Chinese nationals would not be allowed anywhere near the torch bearers. It was up to AFP officers to shove them out of the way.

I am disgusted that the previous government painted us into a corner where just about every manufactured good we buy comes from China – at great cost of Australian workers. Now, the current Government looks as if it is really going to kow-tow to the most dangerous and unpleasant country/government on the planet
Posted by Mr. Right, Monday, 5 May 2008 10:57:40 AM
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The short occupation of Canberras Federal Triangle to me shows that the chinese already feel they own us as NEW SOUTH CHINA.
This I felt at the time of wondering what those 10,000 chinese protesters were doing there.
What are you doing there...this is OUR land!
They have over 1,000 spies here according to Chen Yonglin, God bless you might son of Australia for your words exposing all of this.
Kevin Rudd is following a line that is old and very communist.
It denies the Holy Bible and Christianity and goes for a dance with demon worshippping communist nations.
I say build our defences and distance ourselves from China.
You know...theres hardly a gun in the land following the great disarmament after Port Arthur.
We would be better if the USA took us over than alllow that situation to continue.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 5 May 2008 11:47:22 AM
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An interesting article, which helps answer a question many of us were asking at the time of the torch relay - where did this pro-Chinese government troop of Chinese suddenly materialise from, and how did they so effectively muzzle the protest? Most Chinese students and visitors I encounter - and I teach ESOL so I meet quite a few - are not particularly pro-Chinese govt. It highlights the insidious nature of that government. I would hope that something could be done to rid us of these Chinese agents. Also I would hope that the Olympic Committee be investigated as to their role in smoothing the path for China re these games. Kevin Gosper's remarks on the whole affair are particularly appalling.
Posted by Luigi, Monday, 5 May 2008 11:58:19 AM
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Someone needs to inform those Chinese students (the new Red Guards) that the Chinese Communist Party is not China. China has a 5000 year history of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism... an extremely rich cultural heritage... The CCP tried to completely wipe all traces of this grand heritage during the Cultural Revolution. China was kidnapped by European Communism a little over 50 years ago. The CCP has terrorized its population into bonding with its abuser... so many think that the CCP is China. The CCP is responsible for the death of more of its own citizens than the number who were killed in both WWI and WWII. The actions of the students in Canberra demonstrate how they have been used and abused to support a brutal dictatorship responsible for the oppression of many of their parents and/or grandparents... Many Chinese who hold different views from these students, such as human rights lawyers, journalists and environmentalists languish in gulags for daring to stand up for the truth. I hope these students wake up soon and realize that this brutal dictatorship is not their mother.
Posted by Gracie123, Monday, 5 May 2008 1:24:38 PM
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Communists commits genocide upon others, and mostly to date its own countrymen.

Chinese Communism seems to be torturing and killing some group of people every decade.

1949 - Chinese Communism came to power in China. During World War II, they hung around villages, recruited members & ate for free. The communist only fought 2 battles; the rest of the fights were left to the Kuomintang. As a result, the number of Kuomintang soldiers decreased. When World War II ended, the communist came out in droves & chased the Kuomintang away.

1950s - The persecution of Tibetans began.

1966 - Cultural Revolution. All the good traditions and believes of ancient China were destroyed and trampled upon.

1989 - Tiananmen Massacre. Students were shot and rolled over by tanks for protesting. The communist regime have still not been accountable for this massacre and today deny to its youth that it ever happened.

1999 - Persecution of Falun Gong. Soon after, the communists began to make money from harvesting organs of Falun Gong disciples who would not give up their faith in Truth compassion and Forbearance.

2008 – Attack Tibetan Monks and civilians and impose an international media black out so the world could not see another Tiananmen Square massacre.

I remembered the old "seem to be strong" communist Russia crumbled overnight, and it all began with the people losing faith in communism. That is exactly what is happening in China today.

Communist China is imploding.

1 more fact - 60 years of communism in China killed a minimum of 80 million Chinese people...and that's in China alone. The rest of the figures of unnatural deaths under communist rule (ex & current communist-controlled countries) can all be found in the "Black Book of Communism".

80 million, that's more than the total death rates of World War 1 & 2.

Read the 9 commentaries at
Nearly 37 million have quit the Ccp and all its affiliated organizations. Some say that China has changed but I don’t think so please read recent words from Ccp.

Chi Haotian, Chinese Military Analyst's Deadly Words
Posted by Jana Banana, Monday, 5 May 2008 1:36:18 PM
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