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The Forum > Article Comments > Eyeless in Gaza > Comments

Eyeless in Gaza : Comments

By Colin Andersen, published 5/7/2006

Reporting events in Palestine and Israel: the Australian print media is as reliable as the old Soviet PRAVDA.

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I agree Colin. In terms of internationsl stability the conflict in Israel is probably the most important. As both sides become increasingly radical the prospect of all out war in the middle east intensifies.

However, when this conflict is reported in the Australian media, stories rarely go beyond the number of casulties or the nature of operations. There is very little analysis of the situation or historical context given
Posted by Carl, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 10:21:16 AM
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Thank you Colin for voicing with clarity some information which gives a little balance to what we receive from the Australian media.

I have always been bemused by the double-speak which casts fighters from the other side as terrorists, describes suicide bombers as cowardly when the only thing they have to fight with is their lives in the absence of tanks, planes and helicopters, and describes the capture of a soldier as a kidnap!

A just settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute is central to the so-called war against terror.
Posted by Stan1, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 10:39:19 AM
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All that Andersen is doing here is displaying a personal pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel attitude. He claims that the media is not saying what he wants it to say merely as an opener for his views.
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 11:02:24 AM
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Well said!
You raise an important matter about media bias in your article. Apart from this particular conflict, and the trusim of "truth being a major casualty of war", is Australia's populist consumption of mainstream media.

I agree that the Internet is a good source of news, even though its reportage may sometimes not be as scrupulous as quality journalism. However,discerning audiences are smart enough to sense error or bias.

News coverage is expensive and time to get all the facts may be confined to organisations with large budgets. However,in relying to a large extent on these major radio, TV and print sources in this country, we are handing to a small number of propietors and commentators a power out of all proportion to their real worth.

Also, many stories reflect the attitudes or opinions of just ONE person who may be completely out of touch with the lifestyle and practices of many. This single writer or speaker can have vastly different opinions to thousands, yet his or her opinions can be accepted by many as the prevailing norm.
This is what gives unjustified power and influence to the mass media, and I suggest that it can be lessened by increased skepticism from readers and audiences.
A vast range of independent thought and voice is a valuable counter to Pravda.
Posted by Ponder, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 11:19:29 AM
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The Australian is spot on in its analysis of this conflict. One side wants peace, one side wants war. And you, Colin, are on the losing side and don't like it. Tough bikkies.
Posted by jeremy29, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 11:47:29 AM
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Hamas's ceasefire? Palestinian terrorists only launched "few isolated Qassams"?

Colin, nearly a *thousand* Qassams have been launched from the 100% unoccupied Gaza Strip at Israeli civilian targets in Sderot.

If you call that Palestinian restraint, uh...
Posted by elig, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 11:53:26 AM
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