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Family, friends and a sense of real unity : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/12/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues Christmas reminds us the things that unite us are greater and more important than those which divide.

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Timely piece Irfan;

I reckon it will dismissed out of hand by some of the fellow travellers here -

it may even go unnoticed if the popularity of the Greg Barnes articel is anything to go by - 60+ posts witihn 24 hours is pretty good going by any OLO standard.

The cultural coalescence you describe is more like the Australia I am familiar with - and the more often we look to or are reminded of the common ground we share and not dwell on the petty annoyances - like those who constant harp on about the great Ham Sandwich Conspircy in Hume - the greater chance we can move forward.

I trust every one has the kind if Christmas they long for.
Posted by sneekeepete, Friday, 23 December 2005 8:34:02 AM
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Great and timely article Irfan.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 23 December 2005 8:37:20 AM
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Irfan, you are a brave fellow. Embarking on the cultural outrage of wearing a Wallabies' jersey in NZ. That takes guts.

Thank you for your example of the mixing that sometimes comes naturally but so often is forgotten. The islands of conflict sit in a larger ocean of peace enjoyed by most.

sneekeepete thanks you your excellent posts throughout the various posts. Your contribution are ones which bring some great thought to these discussions. Much appreciated.

Fellow_Human, do muslims do Christmas tree's? If so is their a large "Harley" shapped package under yours? I hope so.

Have a great Christmas all wether you celebrate it as as a rememberance of the birth of Jesus or as a special family time.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 23 December 2005 9:14:58 AM
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Thank you Robert.

Merry Christmas.
Posted by sneekeepete, Friday, 23 December 2005 9:52:00 AM
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Your post is refreshing, and heartening but...always a bloody but... the Christian side of the story isn't acknowledged in your Koran. Christ isn't just a holy man in Christian eyes. He is the Son of God. And Christians are celebrating the feast of the birth of Christ, the Son of God. Not the feast of Christ the son of Mary.

It is also true the Muslims and Christians of Bethelem have lived together in harmony for centuries. And given the Bethelemites likely conversion was initially from Judeaism to Christianity and then to Islam it is likely initiated by lingering previously held practices and respect for the birthplace of Christ and time simply has carried on the tradition.

The same cannot be said of a great many other areas of the world where forced conversion and destruction of each others religious places and symbols is par for the course.

While it is nice to enunciate the things that do bring us together, for longer term relationships it is best to also acknowledge our differences. In the interests of honesty it is best to remove those rose coloured glasses, Irfan.
Posted by keith, Friday, 23 December 2005 9:55:27 AM
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ps Your friend was lucky wearing a Wallaby jersey. For had she been wearing a Springbok jersey, in Napier, would have seen you dodging abuse, rocks and other missiles. :-)
Posted by keith, Friday, 23 December 2005 10:00:40 AM
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