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Actions worthy of a Nobel laureate : Comments

By Brendon O'Connor, published 16/11/2009

Will Barack Obama make the mistake of being obsessed by supposed security threats, while neglecting action on global warming?

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What absolute rubbish. If Obama is not careful the US will waste the leadership given by George Bush and once again be attacked by terrorists. As for climate change in 5 years or so we will be wondering how once again we have been duped by people such as Al Gore who is making a killing out of this latest farce.
Posted by Sniggid, Monday, 16 November 2009 9:29:54 AM
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No argument Sniggid, but is someone ever going to tell me how it is that carbon dioxide has become a pollutant?
If there is some factor controlling climate change THAT CAN BE MANAGED BY US PUNY MEN & WOMEN we are wasting our time concentrating on carbon dioxide.
I don't care if Al McGartland and his American EPA Clean Air Act has decreed it is a pollutant. What they are doing is ensuring that Al Gore and all the "Green Chip Review" customers keep on making excessive profits at our expense.
Yes, I am a Climate Change Sceptic member.
Posted by phoenix94, Monday, 16 November 2009 10:50:30 AM
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"Of all of the pressing international issues on Obama’s plate, global warming, unless halted, is likely to have the biggest negative impact on the quality of life on our planet."

Evidence, please? How much 'negative impact' has the rise in global temperatures from 1970 to 1998 had, for instance? And what reason is there to believe that after eleven years of stability global temperatures will rise again -- and not, say, fall sharply?

"However, to present this debate as two-sided is nonsense."

I agree with you. One side is relying on evidence and logic, the other on ad hominem attacks and meaningless appeals to 'consensus', as if 'consensus' in science ever proved anything. But now even the 'consensus' is breaking up; what's left? Oh, yes...

"While most would agree the Iraq war was a grievous error, its consequences are likely to have much less impact than the failure to address climate change."

...spreading panic and despondency, let's not forget that.
Posted by Jon J, Monday, 16 November 2009 12:31:45 PM
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The globe isn't warming, fool, it's cooling.

All the models touted by the UN got it wrong. If the science was settled, there would be only *one* model, and it would have got it right.

The entire hoo-haa over global warming is the product of government funding of science. Having no other way to know whether they are serving the common good, and no measure of their own interests than government grants, they fall a natural prey to any political fashion.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken

This latest political fad just happens to aim at a new tax, surprise surprise, and government control of any and every aspect of human life that uses carbon, in other words, everything.

Obviously no "treaty" is going to be negotiated by the 20,000 people who are about to descend on Copenhagen. Either Rudd and Turnbull do not know what is in the drafts, or they are concealing it from the Australian people.

The current draft gives complete power over the Australian economy to a committee of unelected UN carbon regulators controlled by those claiming “climate compensation” from us.

This group will export our wealth (at $7 billion per year), our jobs and our industries until Australia’s emissions per capita are equal to those in places like India, China and Brazil. There will be no reduction in global emissions or pollution, and no climate benefits.

One can only wonder whether the author's neo-religious state-worship should be attributed to invincible ignorance or deliberate dishonesty.
Posted by Peter Hume, Monday, 16 November 2009 1:32:57 PM
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Obama doesn't have to do a damn thing.

He has got his nobel peace prize, and is not obliged to do anything else.

We hope he does, but as president of the USA, the needs of the USA are his top priority, not the world environmental movement.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 16 November 2009 2:25:07 PM
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Now this article is rubbish because ... the consensus among the posters responding to it here is that it is.

Gotta laugh at the warming idiots, their lack of logic and science and obvious irrational religious fever.
Posted by keith, Monday, 16 November 2009 5:30:32 PM
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